Map to you~|Yusei love story|

By Gothgirl1994

344 7 5

Serena is Yusei's friend since they were kids, but what will happen when their lives challenge their friendsh... More



48 1 0
By Gothgirl1994

After talking with them for a little bit more the boys left and Serena was left alone in the hospital room, even though she wanted to just give up the things her friends said always came back to her and back lashed her. She wanted nothing more than to forget everything that always happened to her, it seemed that fate always wanted her to be in misery one way or another. She hated it and just wanted it all to stop, from dating a guy in the satellite to almost killing her self to this she was done with giving hope a chance. She reached for the cord only for a nurse to stop her, she tried to reason with the nurse but only was strapped down into the bed due to the fact that she wanted to kill herself.

She stayed like that crying for days until her arm and leg was healed enough that she was let go. She didn't let the others know that she was alright, she walked around until she saw one of their bikes. She hid in an ally way and held on to her heart as she hid herself, she didn't want to see them at that moment. She needed time to herself, when she saw that they had passed her she rushed to the building they were in and saw that they had fixed her runner. She got her helmet and she rushed out of there with her runner, she went back to the satellite and she went to the one place she knew that she'd be able to think things over.

The old hide out, she parked her runner by a wall before she sat in a corner and start to cry her eyes out, she didn't know what to do about what she went through. She wanted nothing more than to just forget everything ever happened, but she knew she couldn't. She had to find her brother, she had to apologize to her friends for being a burden to them...but she didn't even know where to go first or how to even start it all.

So she stayed there for hours until she heard three familiar voices.

"She has to be here some-where, the GPS said that she is somewhere around here."

"I wonder if she's hiding because of what you said Jack."

"Oh shut it! When it comes to her you know we all have to be honest!"

"Will the two of you stop fighting for a day? We need to find her, she could still be hurt for all we know."

Her body froze when she heard their voices and chose to run again. She got on to her bike and rushed out of her hiding spot scaring all three of them as she did. She saw from behind her that they were all racing after her, she cursed under her breath and tried to shake them off. She had shaken off Jack and Crow very easily Yusei was stubborn though, he kept trying to get close to her.

"Why won't you just quit?" She said softly to herself before she thought of how to shake him.

She went on to one of the many bridges and she was cut off by Jack and Crow. She saw that Yusei had cut her off from behind, she looked down refusing to even look at them.

"Serena why are you running from us?" Crow asked confused

"I need time alone." She said sadly

"To do what? To be a quitter?" Jack asked seriously

"Jack!" Yusei and crow said together

Serena held on to her bike tighter. "No! Because since almost being close to death I don't know why I was spared! I'm nothing more than a useless girl around here without my brother around! Of course you wouldn't know anything about it Mr. Big-shot, always thinking about yourself and being so damn conceded! " Serena said coldly towards the end. "Do you have any idea how it feels to be so close to death that gripping for anything seems useless?! I bet you haven't! I have no reason to live for since Kalin disappeared! He was the only person who really understood me and he's gone!"

As she spoke she started to cry until she couldn't speak anymore and she just took her helmet off to cry into her hands. Crow and Yusei both looked to her sadly.

The guys were all quiet as they heard their friend cry, none of them knew what to do, Serena never once ever showed her emotions. Was she finally breaking after so long? The only one of the three who really cared about the brunette female was Yusei who had gotten off of his runner and went over to her. He pulled her off of her runner before he hugged her tightly, her eyes widen as she saw what he did.

But her eyes immediately closed as she held on to him tightly as she cried. He rubbed her back and calmed her down as he looked down to her sadly. When she did calm herself down a few minutes later she still held on to him and she opened her eyes slightly.

"I'm sorry." She said softly

"There's nothing you should be sorry about, We all know you've never once shown emotion since the day your brother was placed in jail. I was actually worried you'd always be emotionless Serena." Yusei said looking down to her sincerely

"Yes...I have a lot to be sorry about Yusei. The first thing is..." She said before she pushed him away. "For doing this."

She went back on to her bike and she placed her helmet on quickly before going around Yusei's bike and hid within the satelite. The guys all seperated to find her, but they had no luck as they saw the morning sun rising. Crow and Jack gave up and went back to the shop as Yusei continued to look for her. He knew she was somewhere in satellite just he had to think like her.

As he drove around he remembered her favorite place as a child and quickly went there. He sighed in relief when he saw her duel runner parked close by it. He placed his beside hers and he went by foot to find her. As he walked he saw foot steps within the sand so he followed them to see that they led to a small rocky ledge where he saw her sitting. He quietly went next to her and placed his hand over her shoulder.

"Serena, what's up with you?" He asked concerned

"Yusei, since the day that you defeated Kalin as a dark signer I haven't found him. It's like he just disappeared into thin air, he was the only one who knows me well enough to really comfort me." She said sadly

"So you're saying that the time that he was in jail and I took care of you for him means nothing to you? That all of the time that I kept you safe while being in the satelite means nothing?" He asked seriously

She sighed and closed her eyes as she held her legs closer to her. "As much as I know you care for me as a friend Yusei, I faked being fine while being with you and the others in that place. I wasn't ever okay, I wasn't ever fine. I just...I didn't want to worry you or the other guys. I knew you were annoyed about Jack betraying your friendship so I didn't run off elsewhere...Out of all the guys you were the one I was closest too since you stuck by my brothers' side when no one else did. Sure he was a tad bit crazy, but that's just how he is. He was doing it all to keep people safe, he didn't want any harm to come to me."

He went in front of her and he placed his other hand over her other shoulder. "Serena, I know you miss your brother, but theres nothing either one of us can do to about your brother. If he's still out there somewhere he trusts me to take care of you so that's what I'm going to do."

She looked up into his eyes and she sighed a little bit. "Alright...I guess you are right. If he wanted me back in his life he wouldn't be hiding on me."

"Exactly, so what do you say...will you stay with us?"

She smiled a little bit at him genuinely. "Of course Yusei."

She then hugged him tightly and the two of them walked off of the beach to their runners before going back to the shop. When they got back to the shop Yusei was crowded by Leo, Luna and Akiza so Serena left as she saw the glare she got from Akiza. She went to find Jack to speak with him only to see that he was on a couch drinking a cup of coffee.

"Well aren't you a quiter." Serena said sitting on the arm of the couch

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked looking to her

"I'm talking about Crow and you quiting to look for me, you really don't care for me do you?" She asked curiously

"I am no quiter Serena, we checked all of the satilet for you." Jack said narrowing his eyes to her

She chuckled a bit. "No you didn't, if you did you'd seen my runner by the beach." She said with her hands together as she leaned forward

He stood up as he finished he cup of coffee. "Like any of us would have known you'd be there."

"Yusei knew, Yusei actually convinced me to come back." She said with a shrug

"So he convinced you to not to be a quieter then, good we don't need bad Karma here."

"I was never a quiter to begin with! You don't even know me half as good as Yusei does! You only see what you want to and hear what you wish. I am just starting to get my emotions back after hiding them for so long!" Serena yelled as she stood up

"Did you want to test that Serena?"

"Not with you, knowing you, you'd let your ego get the best of you. I don't duel egotistic males." She said with her arms crossed

"Scared that you'll lose?"

"Psh, not a chance I'm just worried you'll embarrass yourself." She said before she left

Once she left Yusei came into the room, he saw that Jack looked more than a bit irate and looked to him confused. "What's wrong Jack?"

"Serena taunted me and I fell right for it....again." He said rubbing between his eyes

Yusei shook his head. "Where did she go?"

"Her room most likely." Jack said with his arms crossed

"Thanks, I need to talk to her about something."

"It wouldn't happen to be about what we were talking about when she was in the hospital?"

"That's exactly what, I just hope she doesn't yell at me for it." Yusei said before he went to Serena's room.

He saw the door was open and her things weren't in it, but a note was.

thank you for the talk but there are some things you just can't take for granted. My words being part of that, I'm going to find my brother. You stay here and protect the city as well as be with that red-haired girl. I see how she looks at you, you don't need to worry about me anymore. I can fend for myself

After reading the note he rushed down the steps past Jack and Crow to see that Serena's runner wasn't in its place. He hit the wall and frowned.

Why Serena? Can't you tell that I care more about you than I do about her?

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