๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“ โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ nathan s...

By hudsonstilinski24

10.1K 374 95

... 'the girl with the unbreakable ... More

act one... she will be loved
001| basketball blues
002| the places you have come to fear the most
003| are you true?
004| crash into you
005| all that you cant leave behind

006| every night is another story

569 39 12
By hudsonstilinski24

( season one, episode six )


"IT WAS perfect." Cassie beamed as she and Haley walked towards the school.

The James smiled at the girl amusingly as she talked about her date with Jake that previous Saturday night. "Oh yeah?"

Cassie nodded. "He was such a gentleman. And we're going on another one soon."

Haley matched the girls smile. "That's great, Cass. I'm really happy for you."

Cassie's smile grew. "Thanks, Hales."

Haley nodded up to the blond boy walking a little ways in front of them. "Look who it is."

"Hey, stranger."

Lucas looked back. A smirk grew on his face. "No stranger than you." He looked to Cassie. "Or you."

She fake a laugh towards him.

"Did you guys get my messages last night?" Lucas asked.

Haley sighed. "I was caught up with something last night."

That something, was Lenny Heart.

Cassie nodded along with the James girl. "Same. I was doing homework."

"Yours or Nathan's?"

Cassie faked a laugh at the Scott boy. "You're hilarious."

"All jokes aside, we're still cool right?" Cassie asked. Lucas hummed. "Of course, Cass. I just didn't want Nathan hurting you."

"Hey Lucas, you got a second?"

Peyton Sawyer strolled over to the group.

Cassie eyes lingered on Peyton for a second, pursing her lips before whipping her head back to Lucas. "I see your point."

She grabbed onto Haley before walking away from the two blondes. Haley chuckled. "What was that about?"

Cassie sighed. "Luke's hypocrisy. He's worried about Nathan hurting me, when he should be worried about himself. He's obviously into Peyton, and if she ends up using that to her advantage, Lucas will be crushed."

"You think Peyton's using him?" Haley asked. "No. But she could. And the poor guy would be blinded from it." Cassie shrugged.

"Hey, Cass!"

Nathan walked over to the two girls with a smile on his face. He looked towards the James' girl. "Haley."

Haley nodded. "Nathan."

She turned to her best friend. "Bye."

Cassie chuckled as the James' girl marched away.

"Are you coming to the game?" Nathan asked, a smile very present on his face.

Her face contorted. "I don't know, I don't feel like driving all that way to see the Pickerington Hicks."

Nathan raised up on his feet, a smirk growing. "You could drive all that was to see us beat the Pickerington Hicks."

Cassie giggled. "You sold me."



"CASS!" A voice exclaimed from up the hall. Cassie, who's head was in-beaded into her phone, looked up with furrowed eyebrows. A smile automatically grew on her face when she caught Jake's eye.

"Hey, Jake." She beamed as the two met in the middle of the hallway. "Hey." He smiled back. "Are you coming to the game tonight?"

Cassie nodded. "Yup."

"Really?" He asked. "I thought it was going to take some convincing."

She sighed. "It did already, from Nathan."

Jake chuckled, but his brow arched slightly. "Well, good. I'm gonna need a good luck charm."

He winked before walking away.

Cassie's smile grew.


"YOU NEED to kiss him!" Lucas and Haley exclaimed.

Cassie's eyes widened, looking around the hall to hear if anyone heard the two. "Can you two shut up?!"

"Cass, he's into you." Haley firmly stated.

Cassie awkwardly crossed her arms. "We don't know that."

"I don't just go up to girls and tell them their my good luck charm." Lucas narrowed his eyes.

Cassie's eyes matched his. "That's because you don't go up to girls."

"Guys." Haley huffed. "Cass. This is the perfect time to make a move."

Cassie sighed. "I'm gonna think about it."

Lucas' lips drew into a line. "Well think soon because were leaving now."

Cassie sighed before following Lucas outside of the school. The other basketball players were filing out too.

Cassie caught the sight of the brunette boy a little ways ahead of her. "Jake!" She called out. His head turned, moving his headphones off of his ears. A dopey grin made its way onto his face. "Hey, Cass. You heading to the shuttle?"

She nodded. "Yeah, but I wanted to see you first."

Jake's grin grew. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Cassie smiled. "I thought about what you said earlier. Your good luck charm?"

Jake nodded. Before he could get another word out, Cassie crashed her lips onto his. His eyebrows rose, but he chuckled as he kissed her back.

The other boys whistled and chortled as they watched the two. All except Nathan who watched with a shocked face. A face that didn't go unnoticed by Lucas.

Cassie broke the kiss, a bright smile on her face. "Bye!"

He chuckled as she ran away.


CASSIE RESTED her head on her fist, gazing at the Ravens who were warming up. The gold cheerleaders on Pickerington echoed off the walls, as a very excited Mouth put his microphone to his lips. "Good evening, ladies and gentleman, from the stinks of Pickerington. Where the Pirates always suck, and the livestock is nervous!"

Cassie and Haley chuckled at the boy.

With a grin, he stared at the two girls. "I'm Mouth McFadden, and sitting here with me at tonight's away game, are Tree Hill's very own Haley James and Cassidy Heart. Now girls, how do you see tonight's mashup?"

Haley's eyes narrowed, bringing the microphone closer to her mouth. "I'd rather not be associated with your lunacy, Mouth."

He cleared his throat before turning on his left to Cassie. "Cass, any thoughts?"

"Someone might pass out due to the Pickerington musk lingering in the air. But hopefully it's not one of us." Cassie sighed.

Mouth smiled as he brought his microphone back to his chin.

From across the court, a wondering Brooke Davis stared at the Heart and James girl. "What's the deal with her?" Brooke nodded directly at Cassie.

Peyton met her line of vision. "Cassie? She's just tutoring Nathan."

Brooke's eyebrows furrowed. "Right." She drew the word out. "And were supposed to just believe that those two are just hanging out with Lucas?"

Peyton scoffed. "I'm pretty sure Cassie's going out with Jake."

"Jagielski?!" Brooke's eyebrows rose. "I thought that guy had a girl-force-field around him from how much 'action' he got." She shrugged. "Or gay. I don't know."

Peyton shook her head in amusement at her best friend, who's eyes were still locked onto Cassie and Haley.

Nathan smiled at Cassie, giving her a small nod. She waved back.

"Did you see that?!" Brooke exclaimed. "Nathan just gave her the nod."

"What nod?" Peyton narrowed her eyes.

"The 'hey, let's hook up later' nod. You know what I think? I think Nathan likes she-Lenny, but she-Lenny likes Jake. And I think Ginger Spice, over there, likes Lucas. And I like Lucas so, there's a problem there. And I don't know who the hell you like anymore." Brooke ranted.

"So this is just turning into one big love..." Brooke trailed off in thought.

Peyton stared at her confusingly.

Brooke shook her head. "Rectangle plus one, I don't know what that is."


"SO AS usual--" Mouth spoke, gazing upon the scoreboard. "--Ravens have a big lead early in the second quarter."

As he said that, Nathan blocked a basket from the Pickerington team, fouling himself. Whitey rolled his eyes as the referee's whistle blew.

Mouth cringed. "Oh, and that's a foul by Nathan Scott."

Nathan stormed over to Lucas, puffing his chest out. "Hey, why don't you try putting your hands up on defense every once in a while?"

Lucas got into his face. "Why don't you try not getting beat?"

"Why don't I just beat your ass? Moron." Nathan scoffed.

Lucas just glared as the referee called the game back on.

The boys lined up, and one of the Pickerington boys shot his foul basket.

"You gonna talk, or you gonna play, daddy's boy?" Lucas asked.

Nathan pointed back at Cassie tauntingly. "Make sure she doesn't hear that. Don't want to loose her again, do you?"

"Sure, dude." Lucas scoffed.

"Well--" Nathan shrugged with a smirk. "--she already dropped you one time because of me, what makes you so sure she won't do it again?"

Lucas tensed up as he looked back at Cassie, the girl waving at Jake. The Pickerington boy made his second foul basket making the buzzer blare once again, the game going back to normal now.

Lucas stormed over to Peyton. "Hey, so I saw Nathan in the shower, no wonder why you dumped him."

Nathan huffed as he hurled the basketball towards Lucas. An enraged Lucas, glared back at Nathan as, what seemed like, the whole crowd stood up. Lucas tackled Nathan to the ground, sending Brooke down with them.

Cassie gasped as she grabbed onto Mouth's shoulder, shocked.

Jake pulled Lucas off of Nathan, as Tim pulled Nathan off the ground.

The referee pointed in-between the two Scott's.

"You two! You're out of here!"

"Are you throwing them both out of the game?!" Whitey exclaimed.

The referee sighed. "I got to coach. I've got punches thrown!"

"They're on the same team!"


HALEY AND Cassie left the gymnasium, an awkward silence filling the air. "Well that was an interesting way to end the game." Cassie huffed.

Haley slightly chuckled. Haley looked in front of her to see her boyfriend, eyeing her slightly. She giggled under her breath before turning to Cassie. "Hey, I'm gonna go head to the van if you want to say bye to Jake."

Cassie hummed before nodding in agreement. As Cassie walked away, Haley glided to Lenny. "Some game, huh?"

Lenny laughed. "Yup. And somehow, I still didn't get to play."

Haley laughed too. She reached for one of his hands, gliding her thumb across the back of his hand. "How do you think Whitey's gonna react?"

"I don't know." Lenny sighed. "But I'd hate to be Nathan and Lucas right now."

Haley propped up to give him a kiss on the lips. "Call me when you get back."

"I will." He smiled. As he walked away, Haley smiled fondly at his retreating form.

But as she turned around, her heart sank to her stomach.

Peyton Sawyer stood with wide eyes and a agape jaw. "Uh--" The blonde stuttered. "I'm sorry. I feel like I wasn't supposed to see that."

Haley matched her face. "You weren't."

A, practically floating, Cassidy Heart skipped back into the hallway. "Hello." She sighed dreamily.

Haley couldn't help a small, yet still scared shit-less, smile form on her face. "I take it Jake was in a good mood."

"Very." Cassie grinned. "Oh, hey Peyton."

"What are you guys still doing here?" Peyton asked, an awkward smile on her face. "We're thinking about transferring." Haley chuckled. "Why are you?" Cassie nodded.

"Brooke. She's been in there forever."

The door creaked open and a very intoxicated Brooke Davis, stumbled out. "Peyton!"

The brunette held her arms out for her blond best friend, Peyton opening hers to catch her. "Oh boy."

A man followed after Brooke, nodding at the three other girls. "Hi."

A beaming Brooke looked back to the man. "This is my best friend in the entire world, don't you think shes pretty?"

"What is this?" Peyton asked him. The man stuttered out. "She found some pills, on... the floor. She'll be fine, just let her sleep it off."

As the man walked off, Brooke tried to follow him. "Hey, ooh, call me!"

She tripped, falling directly into Haley and Cassie's arms.

Brooke wrapped her arms around the two girls shoulders, grinning at them both.


"WE SHOULD totally hang out more often." Brooke rambled to Haley and Cassie, who's arms were wrapped around her to guide her to her car. "What are your names?"



Brooke hummed to herself, tilting her head right onto Cassie's shoulder. "Yeah, I don't like those names. Let's call you guys..." The Davis girl trailed off, staring up at Cassie. "Brooke one!" She pointed to Haley. "And Brooke two!" She pointed to Cassie.

The two friends stared at her in amusement as Brooke trailed her eyes over to Peyton. "Hi, friend!"

The three helped put her in the back seat, where she toppled over. Cassie giggled at the girls slumped state. "Thanks." Peyton chuckled. "Sure, see you guys later." Haley smiled.

"Wheres your ride?" Peyton asked. Cassie pointed her thumb behind her. "We're gonna catch a shuttle."

Peyton's smile dropped. "The last one just left."

"Hales, I thought you said you caught it?" Cassie narrowed her eyes. "That's perfect!" Brooke exclaimed from the back, unknowingly saving Haley. "Brooke's! You can come with us!"

Peyton looked over the two confusingly. "She named us Brooke." Haley shrugged.

"Peyton. Please?" Brooke begged. "Peyton, please!"

Peyton sighed. "Just don't touch the stereo, or we'll have a problem." She walked over to the drivers side as Haley and Cassie eyed each other. Cassie shrugged before getting next to Brooke, Haley following as she got into the passengers side.

"Road trip!" Brooke beamed as she threw herself onto Cassie.


BROOKE SHOOK her pom-pom's into the other three girls faces. Cassie moved her head away from the girl, as she tickled her nose with the plastic. "Brooke!" Peyton exclaimed. "Come on."

Brooke smiled to herself before throwing them out the window. She giggled, pulling Cassie with her so the two were peaking their heads through the center console. "Don't you three like the same guys?"

Cassie narrowed her eyes. "What?"

The three looked at Cassie. "I'm just tutoring him."

Brooke threw herself back into her seat, but Cassie kept her spot on the center console.

Peyton narrowed her eyes at the road. "So you don't like him? Because he likes you."

"He gave her the nod!" Brooke exclaimed from the back seat, staring out the back window.

Cassie closed her eyes, a short laugh falling out of her mouth. "I'm not into Nathan. And there's no way he's into me."

"Just be careful." Peyton muttered.

Haley sat up. "What about you and Lucas?"

"What about us?" Peyton asked.

Haley chuckled. "Oh come on, tortured artist, meets tortured athlete."

"Tortured writer, meets tortured cheerleader." Cassie cut in, nodding along.

"--talk about your obvious attractions."

The three girls smiled to themselves, before a faint pinging rang in their ears, their faces dropping. Dizzily, Brooke shot up from her spot in the back seat. "I hear birds."

Peyton grew an enraged frown. "Unbelievable, Brooke! Did you not think to put any gas in the car?"

Brooke moved her head back into the center console, eyeing Cassie and Haley. "Answer the question, Brooke's."

The two glared, as the car spluttered and stirred before eventually, stopping at the side of the road.

Peyton groaned as she got onto her phone. "No signal. Who lives like this?"

Cassie and Haley got out of the car. "Pop the trunk, will ya?" Haley asked.

Brooke neared closer to Peyton. "Peyton, don't listen to them, it might be a trick."

Cassie sighed as she saw the empty red container. "Empty."

Haley pointed back. "I saw a gas station a couple miles back, if I'm not back in an hour, tell my mom I love her."

"I'm going too, Hales. But tell my parents and I guess, Lenny." Cassie shrugged.

Brooke smirked, looking at the Heart girl. "Don't you mean, Nathan?"

Peyton glared at her best friend. "I'm going too."

Brooke gasped. "What about me?"

The three eyed each other. Cassie sighed as she grabbed a hold of the roof. "Brooke, sit down."

Brooke sat and Cassie slid the roof over her head, and secured it. Peyton locked the door, and a disappointed Brooke stuck her face in the back window. "I could suffocate in here!"

"Then you better save your breath, and stop yapping." Cassie yelled back. Brooke pouted as the three girls began to walk away. "You did crack a window, right?" Haley asked.

Peyton just chuckled as the three ventured off.


HALEY WAS a little ways ahead, and Cassie and Peyton were walking at a calm speed. The Heart girl turned to her with a curious glint in her eye. "Why do you always tell me to be careful with Nathan?"

"Because he's Nathan. I know what he's like." Peyton shrugged. But Cassie narrowed her eyes. "I know what he's like too."

Peyton stared back at the girl. A small, yet warm, smile formed on her face. "When Nathan and I were together, drama was the entire relationship."

"Fork found in kitchen." Cassie sighed. Peyton laughed causing Cassie to laugh too.

Peyton shook her head. "He's really intimated by Lucas. I just don't want this whole thing to be some sort of mind game you get mixed in with."

Cassie nodded and the air was silent for a minute, the world being overtook by the sounds of quiet bugs and light breeze. Peyton looked up at Cassie once again. "Do you like him?"

"I'm kinda going out with Jake Jagielski." Cassie spoke, but a small smile found it's way onto her face. "But, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I care about Nathan. A lot. He trusts me."

"With what?"

Cassie sighed as she thought, gazing up into the night sky. "Anything. His dad, a lot."

Peyton groaned. "Ugh, Dan. Daddy sure knew how to raise them, huh?"

Cassie scoffed. "Yeah, the two he didn't raise."

"What do you mean?" Peyton asked. Cassie shook her head at the thought of the older Scott. "It doesn't matter if Dan was present with Nathan or not, he's never been a father to him. Or to Lucas."

"So, you and Lucas!" Haley exclaimed, turning around. She clapped her hands close to her face. "Were you eavesdropping Haley James?" Cassie narrowed her eyes. "You mean about your guy's heart to heart about the Scott brothers that took place two feet behind me, no." Haley shrugged.

The other two laughed.

Haley smiled an accomplished grin. "But seriously. Lucas?"

Peyton sighed, a smile still present on her face. "There's nothing to talk about. He's cool. I guess."

"If he asked you out, would you say yes?" Haley asked. Peyton shrugged. "It depends. What song is playing? What's my mood? Is he smiling or is he doing that dopey, brood thing he does."

Cassie threw her head back into a laugh. "Always the brood."

She turned to Peyton, mimicking her best friend's face. "Peyton, I--I wrote you this sonnet, and I found this quote from Edgar Allan Poe that reminds me of you."

Peyton and Haley laughed. "I'm sold now." Peyton giggled.

"CASSIE, HURRY up!" Haley groaned into the sky. Cassie, who was behind bush, huffed. "It has a mind of it's own!"

Peyton chuckled at the two's bickering. "So." Peyton nodded towards the bush. "Her and Nathan."

Haley furrowed her eyebrows. "She told you about Jake."

"Yeah. But she never gave me a solid answer. I asked her if she liked Nathan. I didn't hear a yes or a no." Peyton shrugged. "I'll bet you five bucks deep down that girl has something for Nathan Scott."

Haley chuckled. "You're on. But I think her answer was pretty signified. She really likes Jake."

"That's the killer about secret crushes." Peyton eyed Haley.

Haley sighed, slightly rolling her eyes. "What do you want to know?"

Peyton grew an excited grin. "How did it start?"

"We've always known we were into each other, but a couple months ago, I was at Cassie's. Him and I were up and something prompted us to take a walk. We kissed at the lake." Haley smiled.

"I'm guessing she doesn't know?" Peyton asked, nodding back at Cassie. Haley's eyes widened. "No and, please don't tell her. She can't know."

"Why?" Peyton asked. Haley sighed. "She just-- I don't even know if she would be mad. But I wouldn't take that chance with her. I love him. I really do. But she's my best friend and I can't loose her."

Peyton smiled and nodded. "I get that. But is it worth all the hiding? And the secrets towards Cass?"

"Every minute."

Cassie came out of the woods, a frown on her face. "What's wrong?" Haley asked.

"I'm hoping whatever I used was a regular leaf."


"THERE!" CASSIE excitedly pointed, staring at the bright gas station. "Hopefully they'll give us a ride back too."

"Eh, I'd take my chances walking then riding with any Pickerington Hick." Peyton grimaced. Cassie groaned as she reached the window, her forehead hitting the glass door.

"Are you kidding me?"

The other two girls groaned as well as they reached her. "Great." Haley huffed.

Peyton pursed her lips. "And no phone." She looked to Haley, nodding at her. "What are we gonna do?"

Haley sighed as her eyes trailed off. Her eyes caught something, and without looking away, she signaled over to her best friend. "Cass, do you remember that gas trick Keith taught us when we were in like the fifth grade?"

Cassie met her line of vision, and her head perked up. "I do."

The two brunettes took the lead, heading over to the truck a little ways away from the gas station. Haley peaked over into the bed of the truck, a smile growing on her face. "Yes!"

"Um, what exactly are you guys doing?" Peyton asked, her brows narrowed. Haley pulled the hose out of the back of the truck. "Hold this."

She handed the hose to Peyton, and pulled her portable pocket knife out. Peyton's eyes grew amused. "Or you'll stab me?"

"A girl can't be to safe." Haley smiled, cutting a slit into the hose. Cassie pried the gas cap open as Peyton starred at the two. "Does this really work?"

"We are about to find out." Haley sighed. She turned to Cassie. "Should you do the honors or should I?"

"By all means, Hales." Cassie took a step back. "You can do it."

Haley rolled her eyes before getting on the ground, placing the hose nozzle into her mouth, Cassie got a hold of the hose.

"Had a lot of practice?" Peyton asked. Haley smirked and Cassie giggled.

Peyton innocently shrugged. "At siphoning gas. What did you think I meant?"

"You want to do it?" Haley asked.

"Watch out for the golf ball." Peyton nodded.

Haley shrieked before placing the hose into the gas can, gas pouring out from the trunk.

"Are you kidding?! Dude, who knew you guys were like the fourth and fifth Charlie's Angel's?" Peyton laughed. The three girls laughed as the tank emptied into their gas can.


ONCE THE girls had gotten back to the car, Haley filled it up while the other girls were in their seats from earlier. Cassie was trying to get a signal when she felt something crash onto her legs.

Brooke sprawled out against her lap. Her head was against her thighs, as her butt stuck up into the air. Cassie chuckled. "Shh." She whispered to Peyton and Cassie, pointing down at Brooke.

Peyton let out a loud laugh at the girl as Haley silently giggled from the right ride of the car.


CASSIE STARED deeply out the window, so much so she could almost touch the stars with her eyes. "He cares about you."

Peyton looked through the rear view window at the girl. "Yeah."

Haley looked between the two warily. "Music, anyone?"

Peyton nodded, reaching behind her to grab a c.d. Her hand drifted off the steering wheel, Haley jumping up. "Peyton, watch out!"

The two both reached for the steering wheel, as Cassie wrapped her arms around Brooke's head.

"Sorry." Peyton sheepishly muttered.

Brooke shot up from her sleep. "Where the hell are we?"

"Miles from normal." Haley sighed, a deep chuckle in her voice. With furrowed eyebrows, Brooke looked to Cassie and then looked to Haley. "What are they doing here?"

"You invited them." Peyton giggled.

The three girls laughed at the confused Davis girl.

Peyton pushed on her radio, causing Brooke to fall back into her seat. "Ow!" She cried as she covered her ears, the other three continuing their laughter.


BROOKE TURNED to Cassie and pointed a finger at her. "Why was my head in your lap?" Her tone was still slurred, telling Cassie she was still not 100% there.

"You passed out onto me and I let you sleep there. You're welcome, by the way. You drool." Cassie informed the Davis.

Brooke narrowed her eyes. "Thank you."

Cassie giggled at the girl.

Peyton turned the song up on the radio more, Brooke took her blanket at wrapped it around her ears. Haley played air drums as Cassie screamed the words.

The three laughed as Brooke sulked in the back

"Nice. What's next?" Haley asked. "You guys pick." Peyton smiled.

"Alright." Haley shrugged, showing the c.d options off to Cassie.

Brooke scoffed. "This is tragic. You guys don't think you're going to be friends tomorrow, do you?"

The whole car grew quiet. Cassie inched herself away from the Davis. "You were a lot more tolerable high then you are sober."


ABOUT A mile away, Lucas and Nathan Scott walked side by side. The boys had a very interesting night, just out running three Pickerington Hicks who kidnapped them.

Lucas turned to Nathan with a huff. "So, Cassie. I don't know why, but she has a lot of faith in you. Don't take advantage of that."

For the first time Lucas Scott has ever seen, Nathan was sincere. "I'm not going to."

"I know you're not. 'Cause if you do, you're going to regret it." Lucas scolded him. Nathan nodded. "I know I would."

Nathan sighed. "I care about her man. I really do. She actually believes in me."

Lucas looked down and with a sharp nod, he actually believed him. "Okay."

"You didn't have to get in that car when those guys grabbed me. I mean especially after you warned me not to." Nathan spoke. Lucas shook his head. "Hey, whatever. You know the way I see it, I mean if they would've taken you out--" Lucas grew a smirk on his face. "--who else am I gonna fight with, right?"

Nathan shrugged. "The same person I have."

The two Scott brothers began walking again but before they could get far, the sound of a vehicle got their attention. Lucas sighed. "Car."

"You ready?"

Nathan nodded. "Yeah."

"Let's do it."

The two Scott's stood their ground, gazing at the car that came their way.

But it wasn't the Pickerington's.

"Is that...?" Cassie trailed as she looked out the window. Two figures stood in the middle of the road. Two figures that looked like Nathan and Lucas.

"Nathan with Lucas?" Cassie asked.

"Cassie, Haley, and Peyton?" Lucas asked.


AFTER THE two groups filled each other in on everything, the two boys hopped into Brooke's car. Six people in a five seat car.

Cassie huffed as she stared down at Nathan. "Don't understand why I can't sit with Haley or something."

"It's not safe." Nathan shrugged. She shook her head. He looked up at her with a smile. "Long way back to Tree Hill, Cass. I'd get comfy."

A amused smile formed on her face before leaning back into the boy.


'AS HAPPENS sometimes, a moment settled...'

Cassie and Haley walked through campus. Their eyes landed on Brooke and Peyton.

'...and hovered and remained...'

They looked hopefully that the girls would beckon them over.

'...for much more than a moment.'

But they hadn't. In fact, they didn't even see them.

The girls shoulder's sunk in defeat, Cassie linking her arms with Haley.

'And sound stopped, and movement stopped...'

Peyton looked back at the two girls, a frown forming on her face.

'...for much, much more than a moment.'

'And then the moment was gone.'


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