Take A Chance On Me [boyxboy]

By SkeneKidz

1.4M 57.2K 22.5K

Everyone at school knows the name Tate Giardino. Why? He makes it known. He wants all eyes on him, all the ti... More

Take A Chance On Me [boyxboy]
Take A Chance On Me {2}
Take A Chance On Me {3}
Take A Chance On Me {4}
Take A Chance On Me {5}
Take A Chance On Me {6}
Take A Chance On Me {7}
Take A Chance On Me {8}
Take A Chance On Me {9}
Take A Chance On Me {10}
Take A Chance On Me {11}
Take A Chance On Me {12}
Take A Chance On Me {13}
Take A Chance On Me {14}
Take A Chance On Me {15}
Take A Chance On Me {17}
Take A Chance On Me {18}
Take A Chance On Me {19}
Take A Chance On Me {20}
Take A Chance On Me {21}
Take A Chance On Me {22}
Take A Chance On Me {23}
Take A Chance On Me {24}
Take A Chance On Me {25}
Take A Chance On Me {26} END

Take A Chance On Me {16}

49.8K 2.1K 971
By SkeneKidz

Grimacing, I shut the door behind me and rubbed my ear. My mother had been particularly loud this morning as I got ready for school, since she saw Craig waiting for me to get out of the shower. I got an earful because I should have let him shower first. Sigh.

I adjusted my backpack as I got on the waiting bus, Craig shoving past me and sitting with his friends. I sat down near the front, shutting my eyes and leaning my head against the window. Lately I’ve just felt so tired of my life. Maybe that’s because I found something better that I realize subconsciously how terrible I’m living. I was used to it, until Callum came around. Then I got a taste of what I could be having, and suddenly I can’t stand being anywhere but with him anymore. And I don’t know what to do about it.

The screech of the bus’ brakes yanked me from my thoughts, and I got off the bus and went into the school. I immediately perked up a little bit, knowing I’ll see Callum at some point today. I stopped at my locker and opened it, groaning when a piece of paper fell out. I bent down and picked it up, scanning it expecting some awful insult.

I was surprised to see a school ad for driver’s ed. I had already taken classes for it, thanks to my parents. Well, sort of. One day they had this evil glint in their eyes when they saw some horrible traffic collision on the news, and the next day I was signed up for driving classes. I purposely chose not to look into that one too much.

Now all I need is my license, since I have my permit. It was just about time to take the test, too! I crumpled the paper in my hand, a smile on my face. I haven’t really been studying for it, though…I know! I’ll get someone who can drive to help me practice! I got my books and smirked, knowing exactly who to recruit for this job.


“No.” I gaped at Callum during lunch, dropping my apple onto the tray.

“What do you mean no?! You didn’t even let me finish!” He gave me a stern look, like I should know why he was saying no so easily. I pouted, looking down.

“B-but, I really just wanna get my license and I’m kinda rusty on my parallel parking, and there’s no one else to help me.” I glanced up at him from under my lashes and saw him struggling, like he was trying desperately not to give in to my pathetic face.

I instantly increased the pout to maximum force, adding a small sniffle to sweeten the deal.

“Alright! Fine, I’ll help you. But only with parallel parking, and I’m driving! Not you. You’ll learn from me, okay?” I grinned, leaning over and wrapping my arms around his shoulders in a quick embrace.

“I knew you’d give in! Haha.” I let go, watching the blush spread with satisfaction. Fortunately Natalie and Callum were at odds with each other as of late, meaning she chose to sit elsewhere. This also meant I had Callum all to myself for all of lunch! My day just improved exponentially.

I scooted a little closer to Callum, who peered at me from the corner of his eye. I smiled, just watching him sit there all tense and awkward at my close proximity. He’s so cute. And so freaking big. It’s hilarious to see him hunched like a shy kitten when he’s embarrassed. For some reason shyness is ten times more attractive on him and his largeness. It just fits.

And there is no way he is driving, I thought with an evil smirk.


Later that day, when school had ended I was so excited my heart was gonna be arrested for abuse, it was beating through my chest so hard. In a car, alone, with Callum, driving around who knows where.

I just kept smiling at Callum as we walked o his car, and he gave me wary looks. Every so often he’d look back and cover his bum, making sure I wasn’t about to grab it. Damn, he’s learning.

When we got to his little black Honda, I hopped into the passenger seat and buckled up, leaning on my elbow and staring at him when he got in and started the engine.

“Tate, is there a reason you keep burning holes in my face?” He said irritably, looking fidgety.

“Well, you’re gorgeous for one.” I replied casually, studying his features again. Nice, soft looking brown hair and those deep mysterious grey eyes. They’re so stormy looking, like a whole story lies behind them that only he knows about. His lips are so perfectly shaped, just asking to be kissed into oblivion. He had a few freckles across his high cheekbones, which I thought was adorable.

I stared for a moment before realizing we were both quite close to each other’s faces and I jerked back, making him do so too. I didn’t even have to look again to know he was red faced. I bit my lip, trying not to jump him this very moment. I wanted to kiss him so badly just then, and I would have had I not realized what I was doing soon enough.

He cleared his throat, pulling out of the parking lot.

“I have to pick my sisters up from school and drop them off, but then we can go, okay?” I sighed in relief, glad he ignored what just happened.

“Sure, but where are we going anyways? To practice, I mean.”

“There’s this abandoned lot near the local Wal-Mart with some old cars too, we can go there.”

“Ooooh, abandoned lot. Planning to have your way with me, hm?” I nudged him, and he rolled his eyes.

“Exactly, Tate. It’s not like we discussed this or anything.” I snickered, hearing the sarcasm in his voice. I must be rubbing off.

When we got to his sisters’ school, he stopped at the front and there were three girls waiting at the front with a bunch of kids. I knew they were his sisters when they all waved at him and came running over.

Who I assumed was the oldest by her appearance looked about fourteen, which made me realize it was a middle/elementary joint school. She was pretty tall, and slender, with short blonde hair and grey eyes like Callum. The youngest looking one was adorable, with long blonde hair down to her waist and freckles on her cheeks and nose, blue eyes bright. I smiled when I saw her.

The middle girl I recognized from when I saw Callum at the gas station, who was extremely hyper and practically hopped to the car. She had her also blond hair tied into a high ponytail and pom poms were peeking out of her ‘Let’s Cheer!’ bag. She had blue eyes like her younger sister.

They all clambered into the car, firing off questions about me so fast there was no possible way to decipher what the heck they were saying.

“Whoa whoa! Slow down! Geez…” He shook his head, eyes wide. They all shut up, looking about to burst with the effort it took to be quiet, but they obviously listened to their brother.

“His name is Tate, we’re just friends-“ I snorted, but he ignored me and continued on. “-and no, he isn’t young enough for any of you. He doesn’t even play for your team, so don’t ask.” The two oldest sighed in disappointment while the youngest giggled.

“Tate, these are my sisters Cara, Alex and Elaina, from oldest to youngest.” I grinned at them and they all giggled. Alex smiled at me with a pink face while Cara looked like she wanted to lick me. Elaina, the youngest was just looking happy to be alive.

After quick introductions Callum drove to his house, which I examined curiously. It had two stories, with white paint and dark blue shutters, like you see in the movies. All quaint like. I stared at it for a moment while his sisters got out of the car. A hand rested on my neck lightly and I froze, seeing Cara behind me from the corner of my eye.

“If you don’t like Callum, well…I’m always here.” I widened my eyes, and Callum blushed furiously and shooed Cara out of the car, ignoring her yelling “I’m fourteen! That’s legal right?! How old are-“ He shut the door aggressively and sped off, a highly embarrassed look on his face.

“S-sorry about her, she’s going through that thing, you know.” I raised an eyebrow, deciding to have a little fun with this.

“What thing?” I asked innocently, staring blatantly at his face. He paled, gulping.

“Not funny.” I shook my head, shrugging.

“I don’t know what you mean. Do girls go through something different than guys…?” I trailed off, looking out at the road in false wonder. I heard him choke, and struggled not to blow my cover and laugh.

“Tate! You can’t be serious! Tell me someone explained this to you.” He looked panicked, and my teeth hurt from gritting them to keep from laughing.

“I’m serious, I have no idea. No sisters, hateful mother, get the picture?” He gaped.

“Oh no. No way, I am not talking to you about this; it was bad enough the first time around.” I pouted like earlier, batting my eye lids.

“But who will teach me then? I’ll never know!” I wailed, pretending to be in despair.

“Alright! Ugh. Well, when…er, a girl…” I shook with silent laughter, looking away with tears in my eyes.

“She um…bleeds. And uh…that’s it!” He looked proud of himself, while I gasped in horror.

“What!? Bleeds?! What in god’s name are you trying to say? Where do they bleed?” He looked more horrified than I did at the question.

“No! I’m not telling you that!” I gave him my look and I could tell he was biting the inside of his cheek.


“Uh-huh?” I urged, watching him squirm.

“Out of their shame shames!” I blinked, and seconds later I burst out laughing the hardest I ever laughed, my stomach cramping and eyes watering.

“O-oh my gosh! Callum, y-you-what did you just call it?!” His hand gripped the steering wheel as he realized I was messing with him.

“I hate you so, very much right now.” His face was pink and so was mine, but for different reasons. I wiped my eyes, and looked up to see the car stopped in an abandoned dirt lot like Callum had described. There were old cars around us and dirt everywhere, only one road to get back to where we came.

“So this is it?” I asked, and he nodded, clearing his throat as he got over me humiliating him.

“Yeah.  But you’re only gonna watch, remember?”

“I know I know. Hey, look there’s an expensive looking bracelet right here on the ground!” I exclaimed, opening my door and pointing to nothing on the ground. He leaned over, trying to see.

“No, no, you can’t see it from there. You’ll have to get out and come look.” He unlocked the door and came around to my side. I smirked, hopping over into the driver’s seat and putting the seat belt on and locking my door.

“Hey!” He shouted, getting in the passenger’s seat just to yell at me.

“Get out of that seat! I told you how this was gonna go! Tate, if you crash my car so help me-“ I rolled my eyes.

“I am not gonna crash it! Sheesh. I’ve driven before; I just need help parallel parking.” I said. He frowned, shutting the door and tightening the seat belt around him, looking scared.

“A-alright, fine, whatever. Just-don’t kill me. Or you. Or my car.” I snorted, grinning. Starting the engine, I put it into gear and drove over to where two cars were a good distance from each other, perfect for what I needed to practice. I pulled forward, then back, and tried to squeeze in but ended up making us both jerk forward when I pressed the braked too suddenly.

“Tate!” He snapped, his hands catching themselves on the dash.

“Oh hush, see this is why I need practice fool!” He gave me a look, telling me to get on with it already. I tried again and again but I wasn’t getting it right.

“Ugh! I give up.” I went to go backwards but forgot to put it into reverse, and was about to slam into the car parked ahead.

“No, don’t-!” I felt Callum lurch forward to grab the wheel and, for whatever reason, I turned my head right. Turned it just far enough so that as soon as Callum moved forward my head was just at the right angle.

And our lips touched.

It wasn’t light, but it wasn’t a slamming of lips either. They just pressed together, in the right way, at the exact, perfect moment for there to be an accidental kiss.

I froze, not sure what to do, and he froze too. I sort of shifted, trying to move away but he shifted too and we only succeeded in deepening the kiss, if that’s what it can even be called. I gave up and grabbed his face, shutting my eyes and focusing on nothing but how his lips felt.

They were soft, yet rough, and molded perfectly with mine. It felt like he started to respond, a soft sigh coming from him as he relaxed into it. Then, seconds later he yanked himself back, his hand touching his mouth and the fear clear in his eyes. He was also shaking slightly, and not paying any more attention to me.

“Callum?” He didn’t respond, he just looked off into space, as if remembering something terrible. Something that pulled him away every time I was about to reach him.

And from the looks of it…it’s not good. At all.

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