Let me heal your heart with b...

By Letavik001

80 8 130

A mere misunderstanding ruined a ginger's life once, and one single death ruined his and everyone else's once... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

8 1 24
By Letavik001

Cameron and Joseph were really close friends since school. Cameron was your artistic bisexual icon, and Joseph was a guy with a locked heart but a huge world inside of it. I don't really know how they started talking, it just happened, and then there was only the two of them in this world who was left.

They were best friends, in fact. It almost felt as if they were dating, according to how much time they spend together. These kind of friends, who do everything a couple does, except they don't sleep with each other.

"You want popcorn?" Cameron asked and grinned.

"Of course, why are you even asking?" Joseph chuckled.

"Catch it, then!" All of a sudden, he backed off and threw a couple of coins into the air.

"You dunce!" the other one called, managing to catch only two. He had to get on his knees to pick up the rest.

"Sorry, sorry." Cameron held out his hand for Joseph to grab it. He did, got up and didn't let go. They just continued walking and talking until they reached the stand selling snacks.

"A part of me is thinking if you'll ever get a boyfriend, Josie," Cameron squeezed Joseph's hand and turned his gaze to him.

"Not when we're walking around like this!" Joseph just had to grin. "And I don't mind, even if it means I'll never get laid in my life." he added.

"Don't worry, someone would surely love to give these lips a kiss." and they started laughing. About, like, absolutely nothing. When you're in the right mood, someone can show you a finger and you're rolling on the floor.


"I'm gonna fall sleep for an eternity, I'm so tired!" Cameron yelled as they entered the dark bedroom.

"You're probably not suprised, but I'm really tired too." Joseph answered, trying to lock the old door with a rusty lock in the meanwhile.

"Aaah, this is heaven!" he dramatically fell on the bed and pretended to snore.

"Hey, I still have to fit there, too." the other one placed his hands on his hips, preparing to strangle the deeply laughing Cameron with a pillow.

"It's your problem your bed is as tiny as your-" he didn't even finish. I'm laughing as I'm writing this, honestly.

"Oh, shut up!" Joseph stuffed a pillow into his face, leaving just enough air to keep him alive.

"If you don't shut up, I'll single handedly drag you on the couch and you'll sleep there! Without a blanket!" he was laughing so much he forgot to breathe.

He picked up the pillow to reveal a guy's face with his tongue out and eyes closed, certainly holding in his breath.

"You really do want to sleep on the couch, don't you?" Joseph grabbed Cameron's legs, but instead of dragging him down, he just pushed them aside and collapsed right next to him.

Cameron giggled and got pulled a blanket, that was crumbled in the corner before, over himself and Joseph.

"Y'know, Josie, there's a girl..." he girlishly tuck his stray hairs behind his ear.

"Ooh, who's she?" Joseph grinned.

"She's from another school, same grade as us."

"Well, bring her over sometime!" he smiled a proud smile and Cameron couldn't help but chuckle softly and nod.

"Goodnight, Josie."



"So, I've learned a song... for Hannah." Cameron said slowly and grinned.

"A song? What song?"

"My love by Wings!"

"You learned my favourite love song to make a girl like you?" Joseph clapped sarcastically and started laughing.

"No, I'm serious, I think she likes me too!" he exclaimed and added "I'll play it to you, alright?"

"Right, right. Go ahead,"

And so Cameron started playing. In fact it stung a little, not just because it was dedicated to another girl, and it seemed much more serious than usual, but because how beautiful and from heart it was. His best friend fell in love and he'll probably die an old virgin.

"It's so beautiful," he said in the end. Joseph's lower lip was shaking and his eyes were almost closed. No, he wasn't even jealous that someone will take Cameron, he was just a little sad. It was his only friend, after all.

"Yeah, it is. Songs you like can't be bad, after all." Cameron threw his head back, smiled and placed his guitar down.

"I'm sure she'll like it." Joseph added and smiled proudly, too. The hint of saddness in his voice made the other look up to him.

"Oh, Josey, what's going on? Did I say something bad?" Cameron suddenly jumped up and rushed to Joseph sitting across from him.

"You didn't do anything wrong. It's my own fault." he tried to smile and brush it off, but made Cameron even more concerned.

"My, my..." he shook his head and his face twisted in a really sorry expression.

"It's just that you like someone and I'm so proud but so hesitant to let you go..." Joseph said quietly and closed his eyes.

"I promise I will never put you second. Not even if I get a girlfriend, which I probably won't. You're my best friend, and you can't even imagine how much I value that." he smiled a little and moved closer.

"You'll always be my friend, right...?" Joseph pretty much admitted everything in that sentence.

"Right. Now, wipe the tears off that beautiful face of yours and give me a hug." and that was enough. Enough to reassure him, at least.

Joseph's shaky arms tightly wrapped around Cameron's torso, while he went down on his knees and laid his head on the other's chest. He then got up and whispered something Joseph could not define.


"It's nice to meet you, Joseph." a black haired lady with a long, sharp nose and soft eyes reached out her hand for Joseph to shake.

"I'm pleased to meet you too, Hannah," he took it and sqeezed it while shaking.

"Well, now that you know each other, we can decide what we're going to do, huh?" Cameron clasped his hands together and smiled.

"Sure we can, what do you two wanna do?" Hannah gently grabbed Cameron's fingers and he squeezed her whole hand.

"What about we grab some prosecco and stay at my place?" Joseph suggested while he put his hands in his pockets.

"Why not, I'm down," the other boy blinked at Hannah.

"Sure, why not," she shrugged.

"Let's go have a walk to the store then!" he sighed and offered Joseph his hand, which he gladly took.

Three people who just turned 18 a few months ago, holding hands on their way to the store to buy bubbly wine, that must have looked hillarious!

"Why can't we have the french one, Joseeeey??" Cameron whined and shook Joseph's shoulder.

"Because it's more expensive than the italian one and I'm paying tonight," he answered calmly, already used to these scenes by now.

"Boys, don't make scenes here. They won't sell us nothing if you act like kids," Hannah was laughing so much she nearly dropped the chips they took with them, too.

"I've got my ID with me, it's okay," Joseph laughed and shook Cameron's shoulder to make him stop talking.

In the end, they got the italian prosecco. As they were sitting on the couch, in the dark, watching a crappy reality show on the telly, an idea as intrusive as a bullet struck Cameron's mind.

"Hey, I'm bored, wanna do something else?" he suggested.

"Fair, who wouldn't be bored while watching Four weddings?" Hannah threw her head back on the couch.

"My mum, she watched it all the time when I was a kid." Joseph chuckled.

"Let's play something or I dunno." she thought.

"Why not, but what?" Cameron shrugged.

"Truth or dare?"

"Nah, too old fashioned."

"A board game?"


"Ay, if you don't like anything I suggest, say something yourself, you smartass," Joseph finally protested.

"Why thank you for calling me intelligent, my dear," Cameron let out a deep laugh and placed a hand on his chest. Hannah, in the meanwhile, burst out in laughter. Nothing can compare to the chemistry of these two.

"You two should be a comic duo, you instantly make everything funny as fuck," she grinned and poked Cameron's shoulder with her finger.

"Well, anyways, what are we going to do?" Joseph for once opened his eyes to the dark sight of his friends.

"Have you got a ball somewhere in here?" she asked.

"I guess," he answered and got up to search for it somewhere.

Cameron said nothing, but moved his hand to Hannah's face to cup her cheek and give her a kiss. A satisfied smile appeared on her face as she kissed him back. Joseph finally found the little ball and got back up.

"Look what I found here, lovebirds," His eyes softened and he chuckled.

"Yay! It's Humbert!" Cameron threw his arms in the air and grinned widely.

"Who in the world is Humbert?" Hannah glanced at Cameron, and tilted her head.

"The ball," he answered lightly.

"Our child," Joseph raised a finger and added, to which Cameron just nodded.

"Ahaa, well, throw him! Humbert! Come to auntie!" Hannah reached out her hands, and Joseph threw the red ball at her.


They all became the most chaotic and stunning trio ever. They just had the perfect chemistry, the ideal dynamic. The perfect couple and two best friends. But it couldn't last all that long, could it?

Hannah started realising, that absolutely no one could ever become more important than Joseph to Cameron. She can't replace him, even if she tried. He loved her, he really, really loved her, but he never spoke to her the way he spoke to Joseph. It wasn't really a threat to their relationship, but it hurt.

Joseph was also hurt. It seemed like he could never get used to the fact that Cameron loves someone apart from him. He kind of wanted him all to himself, even though he always knew it couldn't possibly happen. Though he really liked Hannah too, she was an amazing match to Cameron, she was nice and intelligent, it still hurt him. Perhaps, he was in love, even...

"Y'know, love..." Hannah whispered to Cameron, who just woke up.

It was still pretty early in the morning, the couple was laying in the warm sheets, the air of a cold, rosey morning surrounding them. Joseph slept on the couch, in his peaceful dreamland.

"Yeah, hun?" Cameron looked up, then buried his face in the pillows.

"I needed to talk to you about something rather serious." her voice saddened, her eyes too.

"Spill the tea, sis," he didn't seem to care much, for now.

"It's about Joseph," Hannah said casually and turned to lie on her back.

"Josey? What's wrong with Josey?" Cameron's eyes widened and his voice tightened.

"First of all, the way you call him." she was sorry to even talk about it like that, but it seemed like there was no other way to clear up this situation.

"Oh, that..." danger. Cameron felt danger. He felt anxiety, something forced.

"And the way you look at him, the way you speak to him..." Hannah took a deep breath, then continued. "It just feels like you need him more than me, like you're..."

"Like I'm what?" Cameron's hands got all shaky, his eyes were burning and his heart was pounding for its life. He sat up. This is not going well. This is not going well at all.

"Like you're in love with him, Cam. And that you need him far more than me." she said firmy and loudly, taking her time to pronounce every word.

"I... you can't just take away our friendship like that!" he cried in disbelief and shook his head.

"This doesn't work! It's me or him, it just feels like I'm not important!"

"You can't make me choose! I can't, I can't! I love you, but I love Josey too, so much..." calm whispering turned into shouting.

"You've got to, or else I'll leave!"

"Do whatever you want! I just can't choose right now!"

Joseph woke up with a gasp. A voice, it yelled, a voice woke him up. A voice of a loved one, but make it worried.

"Good morning," he came into the room, that felt like hurricane.

Cameron jumped in his seat and closed his mouth. He turned to Joseph with tears in his eyes. Hannah did the same, but her expression was far more unpleasant. Not that she hated him, just, it was such a heated moment and all...

"I heard you guys arguing," he rubbed his eyes childishly.

"It's not that bad..." Cameron tried to explain.

"And I heard my name. Did I do something?" Joseph spoke in a worried and serious voice.

"Oh no, you did nothing," the other guy shook his head even more. Hannah was speechless. She was ashamed of herself, she was confused and hurt.

Cameron jumped up and ran to Joseph. He gently lead him outside of the room.

"It's alright. We'll work it out, there's no need to worry, Josey. Just stay here, I'll come later." and that was all. He closed the door and went back.

Joseph just stayed on the couch, scared, hearing every third word they were saying behind the bedroom door. And he couldn't take it anymore. He quickly got dressed and stormed out of the flat to go home. He was scared, because he realised what they were arguing about.

Soon after, Hannah was running out of the same door in fury, leaving a few curse words dedicated to Cameron and Joseph behind.


Joseph wanted both of his friends back. Of course he met up with Cameron, but he also didn't want to be an asshole and contacted Hannah.

He tried hard to convince her to contact Cameron again and to talk properly, as he finally understood the whole situation. She refused at first. They even became good friends after some time of talking alone.

One time, they were hanging out at his place, sitting on the couch, where they met for the first time, too. Joseph also secretly invited Cameron, just to finally make them talk. It wasn't really nice, but it was the only way. And Cameron had a spare key, so Joseph didn't have to worry about opening the door.

"Y'know, you're a great friend, after all." Hannah said and smiled. She eyed him up and down, while he was just sitting there, waiting for Cameron to storm into his flat, bringing a bag of joy with him.

"Am I?" Joseph chuckled.

"Hell yeah, you are." she moved her hand to his, and he blinked a few times. He was just a little confused. And oh, when will his other friend come home already?

And in that exact moment, Hannah kissed Joseph right on the lips. He was speechless. Why would she do that? He did nothing, just sat there in utter shock, eyes wide open.

Cameron stormed into the flat, bringing a bag of joy with him, but dropping it on the ground and letting it slip away into non-existance.

Joseph immediatelly gained his conciousness once again and gently pushed Hannah away.

"Hear me out, please," for some reason, he was pretty sure Cameron will hear him out, but he was wrong this time.

"I trusted you more than anyone, Josey! Is this a prank? Are you kidding me?" he ran closer.

"I swear I'll explain!" Joseph jumped up and tried to reach for Cameron, to which he flinched hurtfully.

"And you're here, kissing her of all people? You said you're gay, if you don't remember!"

"Please, dear, please..." he was slowly losing hope, slowly sinking to the ground.

"Never! If you're doing this to me, I don't need a friend like that!" Cameron was backing off further and further.

"You can't even imagine how much I trusted you, how much I loved you, how could you?" more and more distant.

"You can't even imagine how much I still love you, you dunce!" Joseph fell to his knees, almost begging, drowning in tears and his own guilt.

"Live a happy life without me!"

"How do you not realise that I can't live without you at all?"

"What you're saying is bollocks, Lavender."

He threw his spare key on the floor near Joseph and ran out, sobbing. Hannah followed soon after, not saying a word.

Joseph was alone, nothing could help him. He was empty, Cameron left a big, black hole, like a scar. The one he loved dearly and truly, was completely gone. He had no one to turn to and the only thing he could do, was to get out of that fucking town.


Dear Cameron,

I have to admit right away, it was all my fault. The fact that I was simply jealous, ruined our relationship, and completely shattered yours and Joseph's. I don't even want to imagine how both of you must have felt.

I kissed him first, I had no clue that he was gay, if I knew, I would never do that in the first place. He didn't kiss me back, we never had an affair or anything close to that.

I don't wish to pick up where we left of and resume our relationship, but I definitely want you to know, that Joseph had no part in this, that he's innocent and never tried to betray you.

I don't even know why I did what I did in the first place, so I'm really sorry.

Good luck with life, Cam.

Cameron didn't have to even worry from now on, he completely got rid of hate. But it was too late, since he already knew, that Joseph moved out and he had no chance of contacting him in any way. And that tore his scar into a fresh wound again and again.

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