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By hisonlyluvr

108K 4.1K 740

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3.9K 130 28
By hisonlyluvr

17th june 2023, canada

ELLA WATCHED THE PRACTICE CLOSELY. She was beginning to understand this whole thing, during the week that there was no Grand Prix, Ella had opted to stay in Monaco with Max and Ella and continue to help out. On a lazy Thursday, Max and Ella watched old Grand Prixs from 2021, Max tried to explain the rules to Ella but often was shushed by his own daughter who loved watching the cars go around.

"Ella, Ella! Daddy didn't win!" She pouted, Ella explained to the young girl this was just a practice, and Max could still win this weekend. Millie crossed her arms and pouted. Ella thought she was adorable, but soon enough she was smiling again when she saw her father. "Dad! You said you'd win for me."

"How about this, I'll win for you on Sunday, princess?"

"Why couldn't you win for me today?" She asked, holding her fathers hand. "Because he wanted to give someone else a chance," Ella explained. Millie was satisfied with this answer, and hugged her Dad once more. Max had finished sixth for the second practice, he didn't seem too concerned or worried about such a fact. "I have to do an interview quickly, how about we go out for dinner?" He asked, Ella nodded and Millie cheered, she liked this idea evidently. Max blew a kiss at his daughter and hurried away. Ella and Millie began walking in the other direction to find a bathroom.

Ella looked back at Max once. But he looked back two times.

Ella couldn't see any signs or indication of where the toilets would be. She was trying not to panic, to stop Millie from panicking. "Sweetheart, do you know where the toilets are?"

"Nope," she said shortly. "Where's Daddy?" She asked, with a moaning tone. Ella assured Millie she would see her Dad very soon, he would be joining them for dinner. Millie begun skipping, dragging Ella along with her by the hand. "Hurry, I really need to pee Elsy!"

"Need some help?" A voice spoke from behind the two girls, Ella turned quickly. "Hi! Yes! Can you tell us where the bathrooms are?" Ella said politely, using her nice voice. "Lando!" Millie shouted, dropping Ella's hand quickly and rushing to hug him. "I'm gonna be optimistic and hope you are Max's new girlfriend and not some stranger stealing his kid?" Lando smiled.

"No! I'm Millie's Nanny," she explained, he narrowed his eyes. Lando looked down at Millie, who nodded and assured him Ella was telling the truth. "Lando Norris," he introduced, outstretching a hand for her to shake. "Ella Bonardi," she smiled, shaking his hand. Lando lead the girls to the bathrooms, and waited for them.

"You didn't have to wait," Ella said sincerely after thanking him for doing so. Lando shook his head; "Considering you couldn't find the bathrooms I doubt you can find Max in this crowd!" He gestured to the mob in front of them. He was right, but Ella didn't want to admit it.

"I think we were gonna meet Max at the car," she tried to explained before Millie started shouting to go find her father. Ella couldn't say no to her little face and so obliged. Millie took Landos hand and the pair of them started walking off. Ella hoped this wouldn't backfire on her as she followed the pair through the crowd, not taking her eyes off of Millie. The crowd got quieter and quieter, and Ella felt more comfortable back in the paddock. "Max!" Ella shouted, catching sight of her boss. The trio hurried towards Max who was surprised to see Lando.

"You're welcome Max! These lovely ladies got lost trying to find the bathroom," Lando laughed, Max asked Ella if everything was okay, and Ella assured him it was. "Thank you Lando, I appreciate you looking out for them."

"Okay princess, what do you fancy for dinner?" Max asked his daughter, "I don't know Daddy, what do you want?" Millie asked cutely, Max melted. "You know I'm really in the mood for some tomato soup."

"Daddy that's boring!" Millie pouted, Max laughed and backtracked. "Okay, okay. How about pizza?"

"Yes! That's what I was thinking!" Millie exclaimed, causing the three adults around her to laugh. "Dad, can Lando join us?" She pleaded, Max agreed immediately; if Lando wanted to. Lando accepted the offer and joined the Verstappens and their nanny.

They found a pizzeria nearby, Millie insisted on sitting next to Ella, across from her father, which left Lando and Ella to sit across from one another. "What pizza do you fancy, Mils?" Ella asked the young girl, Millie had decided on a classic pepperoni pizza. "I was thinking the same, would you like to share a big one with me?" Antonella offered, Millie agreed and asked her father for one large pepperoni pizza to share.

"Of course princess. Antonella are you sure you don't want your own?" Max asked, Ella insisted she wasn't too hungry and would rather share with Millie. "If you're sure. I think I might get a meat feast pizza, what about you Lando?"

"I'm thinking chicken and sweetcorn, definitely." He had decided a while ago, and so Max went up to the bar to order and pay. "Food will be out soon. So princess, how was your day?" Max asked his daughter, while Millie explained her favourite parts of the day Lando started a conversation with Ella.

"So Ella, pineapple on pizza, yes or no?" Lando asked, Ella laughed at the odd - although interesting - question. "Absolutely not! Fruit doesn't belong on pizza." Ella stated, Lando agreed wholeheartedly. "You know Max likes pineapple on pizza," Lando gestured towards his friends seated next to him.

"Really! Ahh I'm disappointed, my opinion has changed slightly," Ella joked, Max had overheard, and asked what the pair were talking about. "Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?" Lando repeated the question, Max nodded immediately and defended his opinion. "It's really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be!"

"I see you differently now," Ella laughed, Max rolled his eyes as Lando and Ella giggled together. They returned to their own conversation as Max continued chatting with his daughter about the movie she watched in the morning. "Millie, do you need the toilet before your food comes?" Ella asked, Millie shook her head, but her father told her she should go. "Come on Millie, I'll go with you." Ella smiled, taking Millie's hand and leading her to the bathroom.

"So, Ella." Max said, with a hint of attitude that Lando pretended he didn't notice. "Yeah she's nice, her and Millie seem to get on really well. How old is she exactly?"

"22 turning 23 in July. I can't help but wonder why you would want to know that Lando?" Max laughed, Lando winked at his friend, and Max couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. "First Nico and now you. Fucking hell."

"Can you blame us?" He laughed, Max didn't say anything, as the food started to arrive Max waited turned around and felt relieved when he saw Millie and Ella on their way back. "Ooo, looks good Mils doesn't it?"

"Elsy can you cut it into slices please?" Millie asked, Ella did as she was asked and the group enjoyed pizza and casual conversation.

19th june 2023, canada

TODAY WAS THE MONDAY AFTER THE GRAND PRIX. Max had won, again, and the three of them were spending a day exploring Canada. Ella had never been before. It had been Max's idea to stay an extra few days, since the next race was two weeks away. Ella had liked the idea, and so they were flying back tomorrow night.

"I think we have to go to a museum of some sorts," Max insisted, Millie didn't like the idea - museums were boring. "Let me have a little google, ok so in Montreal there is an art museum orrrr a barbie museum?" Ella researched, Millie gasped as soon as she heard. "Barbie!"

"I guess we are going to the Barbie museum then," Max sighed, he regretted suggesting a museum. The group enjoyed a day out, Max enjoyed the company more than the activity. But Millie really enjoyed seeing all the Barbies and drawings. "I think it's time for some lunch, where do you girls want to go?"

"What food do canadians eat?" Millie asked, truthfully Max didn't know the answer. "I'm not sure princess, why don't we go into this wee restaurant and see what we can get?" A young girl sat them down at a table, and gave them a menu. It was all pretty standard food, like Max had expected but didn't want to ruin his daughters 'holiday vibe.'

"Dad! This is all food we can get at home that's boring." Millie pouted, Antonella and Max laughed at the young girl. "Mils. Do you like chips?"

"Yes," Millie said suspiciously, Ella continued "do you like cheese?" Millie answered and nodded. "And do you like gravy?" Millie nodded enthusiastically once more. "Well do you think you would like all those ingredients together? Because poutine is a very tradition canadian dish, and is very tasty." Ella explained, Millie's eyes widened as she begged her Dad to let her have some for lunch, Max of course agreed, he and Ella also ordered the same.

After the food had arrived, Max and Ella watched closely as Millie took her first bite. They both sighed with relief as she smiled and insisted it was good. The trio enjoyed their meal and after went to get dessert, at Millie's request. "Okay are we getting milkshakes or ice cream?" Max asked, Millie insisted on Ice cream.

"I'll just have a chocolate milkshake please, Millie what flavour ice cream do you want?" Ella asked, Millie didn't have to look, she always got the same flavour. Mint chocolate chip.

"Okay can I please have one mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, one oreo milkshake and a chocolate milkshake with no whipped cream." Max ordered, Ella couldn't believe Max had remembered she didn't like whipped cream, she was just about to ask the server for no whipped cream but she didn't have to.

Max payed and thanked the staff, soon enough they were enjoying their cold deserts in the sunshine and enjoyed their time in Canada together.

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