Flashia In A New World

By AnatidaeProjects

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The Federal Republic of Flashia had been living their day like the other day, when suddenly they found themse... More

Information (Flashia)
Insignias & More Materiel (Flashia)
New, Chaotic Start
Where Are We?
To Connect North And South
To North We Go
A Glimpse and An Arrest
What'cha gonna do...
...when they come for you?
Trials and A Ticking Clock
Countdown (pt.1)
Countdown (pt.2)
To Terminate
To Strike Back
And To Push Forward (Flaska)
And to Push Forward (Ësterland)
Sidst Kamp
Laatste Slag
What Comes After
[NC] Some trivias
In the Midst of Tensions
Can't Lose Nothing
Must Earn Something
The Justified Cause
Never In Vain
Restoring Old Glory
To Bring Back What Was Once There
[NC] Advert & Other Bullshit
Victory & Lingering Conflict
Heating Atmosphere
Pact of the North
Shots Fired
[NC] art gallery
I Havet Och I Norden
Rather Warm North
Alert Level: Beta
Staging Ground
A Second Gevaka
totalen krieal tschapter
An Icy Hotbed
Frozen Frontline
Burning Snow
To Cleanse What Remains

Rejoice and Revolt

409 19 7
By AnatidaeProjects

"Today marks the day that the first refugee, a former slave to officially become a citizen of Flashia. Kristen Saar, a liberated slave from the border region to South Varika, aged 24, has gone through the full procedure and became a Flash citizen as of 27/8/2017. This could be a pivotal point for those who were forced to work under the iron fist of the 18th century invaders of Gevaka.

In other news, several of the Naeslagt spies, who were captured months ago as a result of Operation Concentration which saw more than 80 spies captured across the country, were released this morning. They were let go on request of the Naeslagt Royal Embassy in Barminde and will return safely to Naeslagtland as agreed upon by both parties." - FCNN


Flashia, 27/8/1702
In the what they call the 'Republic of Flashia' rather than the Federal Republic of Flashia for simplicity sakes, a group of shadowy figures lurks under the night. Known as 'slave hunters', they're bounty hunters with only one goal in mind: retrieving back slaves to their rightful owner.

How would they get the whereabouts of the specific slave they were going for? Well, it's actually a lot easier than one would've thought. In the past few years, in response to increasing number of slaves escaping without a trace, they found new ways to track down and get them back to their owners.

What would it be in this case? It turns out you could track one down by distinct magic signature applied onto them by a mage. Using the signature-tracking compass, they would find their way to a building with military presence.

Would a slave be there? Apparently yes as the compass gave out a periodic tick, indicating that they're close. They have a limited time to recapture the slave however, as it would wear off in a month.

The leader gave out a signal to move out, finding a way around the guarded entrance. They went to the sides with some kind of fences with net pattern on them. One slave hunter would approach the fence and reach for the net in an attempt to use it to get himself to the other side, but there is a catch...

"AI!" as he recoiled back with what seems like electricity flowing through his hand "What is this? An Electric Enhanced Magic Fence?"

"Shhh!" said the leader "Keep quiet, they will know we're here"

"Oh... sorry"

The leader then turns towards the mage.

"Hey can you open this up for us?"

The mage simply nodded, as she got to her job. She casted a fire spell, cutting the fence in a large rectangular pattern as the piece would fall out to their side. The hunters didn't waste any time going through the gap.

All that's left now is to find this slave they were tasked to find. The hunters carefully moved around the facilities, avoiding the guards before making it to a campsite. This is where the ticking only intensified as they got closer and closer.

They went through rows after rows before the hunters were sure this is it, and went to where the arrow is pointing, the compass would lead them to a camp and it's here that the team of slave hunters realized, they got the wrong row.

It's a small mistake though, and there wasn't anything to stop them from going around the tents before moving on to right outside the tent where the compass is pointing at. The hunters would enter the tent, finding a lone young girl inside.

She was recognized as the target for this ragtag team of slave hunters, and so they jumped in and tackled the frightened girl. They tied her hand and wrap a piece of cloth over her mouth so the targeted girl would be easier to handle without making as much noise.

"We are going to get a lot from this..."

"Indeed... Hey there, no point in resisting now, we got you where we want you to be"

The slave hunters were filled with glee as they caught their fish. With the girl gradually giving up on resisting, they began to exit the tent with the girl being held on both sides by 2 of the 3 men.

In a seemingly perfect world, they would make the journey back home and get their paycheck. But they aren't living in a perfect world, as the slap to reality upon going outside came in the form of several barrels of black guns pointing directly at them.

There were 8 armed men that turned out to be waiting for them this whole time, which confused the team of hunters a lot. There was seemingly no way that they have something else to watch over the area, and yet these 8 guys were clearly prepared for them.

Despite the Flashians not saying anything, the message is still clear. One of them would raise his hand before he got knocked down to the ground, the rest would follow suit. Only the mage tried to resist only to be in vain as they knocked her down before she could even start the spell.

They would be restrained by something that's completely unknown to them. It isn't rope nor any magic restraint, but it is still tight and effective in restricting hand movement. The Flashians would then finally breaks their silence:

"Få dem ud herfra"

No one among them understood what they had said, but one could've sworn it's a dialect of the Naeslagtlandic language. They were then forced up as they were escorted to where they will be held, and the rest is history.


In a hideout established within Flashia, is where unions of slave hunters group gather around and base their operations in. Its vitality lies in communication, which are often impossible without a place to centralize.

They may be here for the gold, but that doesn't mean cooperation with one another is off the table. With Flashia being a newly discovered country, working with others is the only option to easily go around the uncivilized republic.

This hideout has a lot of manacomms for what it's worth, enough to keep in contact with all of the hunters in Flashia. But for some reason, many of them started disappearing, with no response received from the ones they're trying to contact.

"Damn it! Another one!" yelled one of the operators "We lost contact with Gyula and his team"

The lead operator could only facepalm as hunters seem to only disappear every time they go for a trip to hunt down their respective targets. Were they successful in achieving their goal? Or were they doomed to fail? No one knows, and that's by far the most eerie part.

The lead would then get back to work, trying to work his way around this problem they're facing.

"Halt all operations for now and send a scout team to figure out what had happened"

"Yes sir" as the operator turns back to the manacomms. That left the leader sitting there, thinking about the sudden disappearance. He can't figure out what seems to be the problem, but he's still determined to get to the bottom of this.

As the operators on their manacomms and the lead overseeing this, they would hear a muffled sound of a door seemingly be broken. What ensued after is the chaotic exchanges of voices and periodic sharp sounds that they were unable to recognize.

They were utterly confused as to what's going on, being hesitant in going outside. Nevertheless answers need to be found for their stream of questions. One would reach for the door, twisting the doorknob and swing it outward. Boy what a mistake it was.

As soon as the door swings open, he was immediately grabbed by someone, dragging him to face the ground. After that, men in brown-green entered the room with lights directed at the operators inside.


Everyone inside stopped doing what they were doing and did just that, getting down on the ground. One by one, they would be restrained by these mysterious men who proclaims themselves to be 'Police' despite the their yellow sign on their armor and helmet clearly saying 'POLITI'

Confusion continues to flow through them, this time at a rate of a tsunami. They haven't figured this out yet, but they have found themselves to be the victims of the Politiets Specialgruppe (Police Special Group)


"...Another series of crackdown was carried out yesterday in Agevær, with the Føderalt Politi raided numerous locations and captured many of the so-called 'slave hunters'. This series of raids stems from prior reports of incidents involving such groups. From the attempted kidnapping at the refugee camp to attacking a person to get him out of the way, only to get shot.

From official reports, up to 6 locations were discovered, up to 103 hunters arrested and 25 killed as a result of the raids. According to one member of the Specialgruppe who participated in one of the raids, these slave hunters had used these locations as some sort of base of operation, and when they came for them, everyone seemed utterly confused.

As to what the Government would do, they haven't have a word for it, but it is speculated that they will be sentenced to life sentences due to numerous charges. Speaking of sentences, the trials of multiple nobles and soldiers have started this morning. What they are charged with varies, but has a common trait being 'Slavery' and at least a few crimes. Currently the trials are still ongoing and we'll keep a close eye on any updates" - Dagen Begivenheder 24/7


South-West Yelovsk, Varikan Empire
A military general, responsible for the garrison in the South-West of Yelovsk, is sitting in his office, reading various papers of reports from his troops. A knock was then heard on the door, which shifted his attention.

"You may come in"

The door then creaks open, revealing an officer with a sabre in sheathe on his left.

"Ah Kvetoslav Denisovich! Come and sit down here"

Kvetoslav nodded and came over after closing the door. He would then take a seat facing the general.

"I suppose you got something to report back?"

"Yes sir, it's about the slave hunters we hired to Flashia"

"Ah how have they been doing? Did they manage to do it?"

The officer only sat there silent, struggling to utter even a single word.

"...Don't tell me they failed"

"Well... they haven't fail yet, we just couldn't contact them somehow"

The general sighed as he then facepalmed himself.

"What a waste of gold..." he mumbled to himself before turning back to Kvetoslav "Very well then, I suppose that's it?" to which Kvetoslav simply nodded "Then you are dismissed"

Kvetoslav then leaves the office with the general alone. As he sat there thinking about something. Maybe about the slave hunter gone missing? Who knows? All we know for sure is there is a level of uncertainty in this room.

"Maybe a walk would help"


Hannen Joint Airbase, Esterria
As C-17s came and unload the troops and the vehicles they carried before leaving again, the Esterrian Wyvern Corps and the Luftforsvar pilots are sitting in the lounge where they had been relaxing in.

The pilots of 127th squadron are here as well, having moved back from Southern Terholt where they conducted strikes from during the 2nd Battle of Pannerden.

"...I killed like what? 4 wyverns from that run alone?" said Hjertsson, the squadron leader of the 127th.

"Heh I killed like 6 of them" said another member of his squadron "But all of them was on the ground"

"Then that wouldn't count would it?"

"Basically you're saying you shot down nothing?" said one of the Esterrian wyvern rider.

The room erupted in laughter, leaving said pilot alone, looking like that one disappointed football fan.

"Very funny..."

Alas, the conversation must move on.

"Anyways, what about you Esterrian guys? How did you do back there?"

"Oh nothing much" said Captain Noordink "We just rain down fireballs on those slavers like we were on a hunting season"

"Still, that's pretty cool if you ask me"

Noordink nodded in acknowledgement to his counterpart's word, before continuing.

"There is one interesting thing though... When I was above Pannerden, my buddy lose control of himself sometimes, throwing me around when he does"

"Shit, that might've been us leaving behind some hot hot gas"

Noordink turned to the pilot who said it, wide-eyed.

"That was you all along?"

"Yeah sorry bud" said Hjertsson "Forgot to tell you our jets screw up the air for a couple of minutes or so"

"It's all good anyways... at least I know to be careful when you guys are near"

As they talked and talked to keep them occupied with something, another member of the Luftforsvar entered the room.

"Ay Max I thought you were going to dig a grave with others?"

"I was until we hit black gold"

From his knowledge, golds can't be black, which meant the word that was uttered last confused Noordink.

"May I ask what a 'black gold' is?"

To which Hjertsson answered.

"It's what we call crude oil"

That only exacerbated his confusion, and Hjertsson seemed slightly annoyed by this.

"You seriously don't know what it is? Black liquid! You can set it on fire!"

"The useless fire-capable liquid?"

"Are you fu-"

"Now now" said Max to cut off the 127th leader "The useless fire-capable liquid as you call them can be refined into something else, and one of those something else happens to be the fuel our jets run on"

"Wait wait wait" said a surprised Noordink "You're saying that the flammable liquid that's supposedly only useful for show can be transformed into fuel?"

"Well, gasoline also made from crude oil could make a bottled weapon but yes"

Excitement ran through the Esterrians. Esterria is kind of notorious for having a lot of it in their land, with the Kingdoms Union Gestrae often sending much of it to the Commonwealth as a form of mockery, that they are as useless as this liquid.

But the notion of flammable liquid is only for show was immediately broken when their friends of Flashia revealed they are, in fact, extremely useful.

"This is very good news!" shouted Noordink "Who knew they were actually unknowingly supply us with fuel and ingredients for weapon!"

To be fair, Esterria also did not know this at the outset, but the Flash just let them have their time of their life, like humans first discovering fire.


In the street of South-West Yelovsk, part of the Varikan Empire, there is a general who went for a stroll. The people outside were hesitant to even get close to him, especially ethnic Reslanis that Varika reigns over.

"What a beautiful day to walk outside today"

Wherever he goes, bystanders would get out of the way as much as possible, fearing something bad could happen just by getting close.

'Avoiding me as usual... good'

The general kept on taking his step when an old man approached him, holding out a paper. This caught the general's eye, with the paper being the main attraction.

"What is that you're holding out here? Give me that!" as he immediately snatch the paper. The general then turn the paper around, revealing a writing on it.

"Yippee-ki-yay mother..."

And a gunshot suddenly rang out in the street. The general's vision turned black in an instant, and his body fell to its back with a thud, he was dead on the spot. The old man had done it.

Soldiers would immediately jump in and apprehend the old assassin, his face still as cold as ever as he was then dragged away, with the civilians gathering around the scene.

"Oh dear, he did it?"

"That old man's surely crazy enough to do that!"

"I can't believe it, he's actually dead..."


West Yelovsk Vassal Square
With the military general responsible for the garrisons in the South-East assassinated, the old man was immediately sentenced to death. No one had the right mind to see the execution unfold, but who said you can't force them to do so?

The Varikan Tsar Army would barge into houses and force its occupants to go and witness the whole thing, and all of them are Reslanis.

With a huge crowds of people now fully surrounding the execution platform, they could now continue with the process.

The old perpetuator had his hands tied around the pole, soldiers with their guns is at the ready. His face is somehow still kept straight, despite knowing what he had done and knowing what will happen to him.

This had the effect of disturbing the soldiers on site, how could someone like him keep a straight face despite the gravity of the situation? The flow of history must continue however, as an officer came by and shouted:


The soldiers put their muskets in front of them, then cocking the hammer of their guns.


The soldiers train their muskets on the old man. They would hold still in this stance as the officer then continued.

"Any last word?"

The old man stood silent, before breaking it himself.

"Слава Реслаїні"

That was his word before the word: "FIRE!" was shouted out. 5 guns erupted, and a small red mist followed. The assailant is now dead with only a lifeless body left behind. The crowd stood silent, some who didn't have the guts looked away.

The atmosphere was silent and gloomy, as the killer of the military general responsible for their oppression lays dead. The Army thought it was all over, they could go back to normal and maybe perhaps up the exploitation, that is until...

"Слава Реслані..." cried out one of them in the crowds.

"Слава Реслані" more would join in.

"СЛАВА РЕСЛАНІ!" and suddenly all of the crowds were on board. Hell broke loose after that as they started to storm the platform before the Tsar Army could react. The executioners were subsequently be trampled, as the course of history continues with a turbulence.


"Wait, I don't understand this just yet, what's happening right now?" said Kvetoslav as others acted urgently.

"The peasants here are revolting!" said his colleague as he too is stressed out from this situation.

"WHAT?!?" yelled Kvetoslav in utter confusion "But I don't understand, the last revolt we had was 300 years ago!"


"What do you mean never seen before?"

"We're talking about the regional capital here! They're fighting against us right here!"


Einskirka, Esterria
Gessel, the Prime Minister of Esterria spends his new day by sitting in his office reading a book, while the work is empty. Unlike every single day in his career, the paperwork was light, and that allowed him to spend more time off and get some relaxation in the process.

As he sits there, a page is turned, and a knock is heard.

"Who is there?" he asked the one behind the door.

"Sir, it's the Foreign Affairs Department" said the man behind it.

"Ah, right... is there any news regarding foreign nations?"

"Yes sir, it's about the Varikan Empire"

"Huh... so what about them?"

"There is a revolt in the region that borders us, Yelovsk"

As I said before, South-Eastern Yelovsk do borders Esterria that is 921 km long. Not the entire region but it's still Yelovsk nonetheless.

"Hmm, it has been a few centuries since they last revolted..." as Gessel turns to another page of his book "But it's probably just a town or two"

"No sir, we're talking about the regional capital"

The book's cover was closed upon the minister hearing that.

"I'm sorry, I might have mistaken what you just said... did I hear something about the capital city of Yelovsk revolting?"

"There's no mistake here sir, it's all true according to the report"

The Esterrian minister was shocked, even the last revolt was only widespread in small towns but this time, it covers the capital of Yelovsk itself. Gessel taps his finger on the cover as he thinks through the ordeal.

He then turns his eyes back to the door.

"Do whatever we can to support this revolt"

"Yes sir, what about Flashia?"

"No worries, I'm sure they already know"

In the Commonwealth of Esterria, it's a well established fact that Flashia could get and spread news from sources inhumanly fast. Their report of the 2nd Battle of Pannerden was not only extremely detailed, but also very fast to be released, as it only took them 3 hours before media started to publish it.

The one from the Foreign Affairs Department would leave and Gessel once again have time for himself.

'What a turbulent time it is...'


The mobs of angry Reslanis have taken over the square. The soldiers who were stationed here were overwhelmed. The Varikan Empire would send her troops, armed with guns and cannons, boarded on self-propelled carriages.

The forces consisting of drafted Reslanis, aptly named the 'Yelovsk Vassal Army' were hoped to crush this revolt once and for all. The troops marched on to the square where they would face an angry crowd.

"READY!" shouted the commander of this platoon. The first line would crouch down and the second would stand still with their weapons out

"AIM!" they took aim at the crowds.



No one shot despite his firm order.

"What's the matter with you all? I said FIRE!"

Again no one fired a single bullet. Then in a shocking course of action, one soldier from the first line, decided to put his barrel down on the ground, both hands on the barrel bands. Seeing this, the rest would follow suit, the first line putting both on the buttstock.

This had the effect of angering the commander and the crowd cheering on these soldiers. Before he had the chance to berate them however, one of them smacked the commander with his musket.

Such mutiny isn't exclusive to this contingent of troops however, as even ones on the self-propelled carriages disobeyed their commander and subsequently threw them under the bus.

The crowds flood their positions, and the conscripted Reslanis welcomed them with hands reaching out as they change sides during this revolt. The Vassal Army is no longer on the Tsar's side, and now Varika face a crisis never seen before since Havenklein.

Together they would march on to the military headquarters and governmental building, and from there, exact their revenge.



A sudden explosion erupted in the walls of the headquarters, as a cannonball hit the building. The Varikan troops had barricaded themselves inside, but despite the defensive measure they took, they were at risk of being overrun.

The Reslanis, both angry civilians and military mutineers had surrounded the building as a whole. Supply is running out, more men kept getting injured, the situation is getting even more dire as the day pass.

"Come on men! We can't lose this fight!"

Their will to defend this place is strong, but the Reslanis also hold steadfast in their cause. Both sides exchanged volleys of muskets, and were closing distance every time they stepped forward.


The wall would later get torn down, exposing much of the building to the outside. The Varikans had a lot of covers, but those covers are reducing in size, and it's all because of these cannons they got a hold of.

"Why would they turn against us like this? Don't they know any better?!"

"It's like they can't lose nothing!"

The Reslanis would conduct a charge on all sides of building, and the Varikans could only hopelessly watch as they began to be overrun. They stormed the building, shot the defenders, and beat them to hell.

Intense fighting would last to 2 minutes before it is all over, and 4 minutes later, the Varikan flag was thrown away, replacing it with a horizontal red-white flag from left to right.

The government building were no better. There weren't that many troops there, and when the people stormed them, the Varikan defenders had stood no chance as they got knocked over by the tides.

Papers, books, and portraits of the tsar were thrown out the balcony by the Reslanis filled with wrath. This event was symbolic to many. For the Varikans, it's losing control to one of their most important vassal, and to the Reslanis, they would have their wish of an independent Reslania back into their hands.

It should be noted that they have no centralized leadership, and they want to change that. The Reslanis would need someone to get behind to ensure their victory.


"This is the Voice of News of Esterria, on frequency 105 FM. Today we bring to you one of the first broadcast of the first Esterrian radio station, starting off with what is perhaps the biggest news in the continent of Gestrae since the outbreak of the Havenklein War.

Today, on the 25th day of the 8th month, a city-wide revolt broke out in Yelovsk just one day after the assassination of a prominent military general in the Varikan Empire. Reportedly, the Reslanian people were forced to watch the execution, and after it was carried out, they suddenly rose up and took over the square.

The Tsar Army had dispatched its troops to quell the uprising, but to no avail, as troops carried out a mutiny and switched sides. After all that, they turned towards the South-Eastern Military Headquarters and the governmental buildings where the defecting troops and civilians stormed and took them over, throwing any Varikan imperial books and the Tsar portraits out the window.

Reports started to also come in from the regional capital, saying that some Esterrian citizens had gone to Yelovsk to help out with the revolt. This had prompted a response from the Royal Family.

'To all citizens of the Commonwealth of Esterria, we urge you to not go to Yelovsk as the situation is getting turbulent by the hours, for the region is now extremely dangerous to go. We urge you to think through what you are going to do there and make the right decision.'

The Esterrian Senate has also called up an emergency meeting regarding the situation, we will keep you updated on the details"


The gavel knocks twice, the minister of Esterria shouted "ORDER!" silencing the remaining chatter in the room. The Senate had called up an emergency meeting in light of recent events, and after the room fell silent, they could proceed.

"Thank you for coming today, members of the Parliament, we shall begin our meeting"

Gessel then get his hand on the papers of high quality from Flashia, tapping the bottom against the stand to make sure they're in line with each other. He clears his throat and continued on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as some of you might have known by now, the South-East region of Yelovsk is undergoing a revolt right at the center of the capital. The revolt started as a result of the assassination of General Timoshkin Rasim Kirillovich and the execution of his killer, identity still unknown. So I will go straight to the point: Do we support this or not?"

Debates would erupt among the members of the Senate, discussing the idea of backing up the rebels in Varika. Gessel, who had given the time for them to do so, raised his voice again.

"Mr. Septmaat, can you tell us your opinion?"

Septmaat, who is at his left, stood up and began speaking.

"Thank you Prime Minister, now as for the question: Do we support this or not? To which I say yes to that! The Varikan Empire is part of the Kingdoms Union Gestrae, who had imposed sanctions on us. They also had supplied the Havenklein slavers during the war so supporting the one revolting is only a fair game"

And then a firm "OBJECTION!" rang out the room.

"Ms. Nyenink, tell us why you objects to this idea" said Gestrae, who seemingly immediately recognized that voice

Nyenink stood up, hands still on the table.

"I don't believe supporting the rebelling peasant would do any favor for us" she said "What if the revolt fails? Would our efforts be in vain? And would this lead to a war we can't possibly win?"

"I'm going to stop you right there Ms." said Septmaat "Leading to a war we can't possibly win? Really? If you rewind back to a week prior, we had signed the mutual defense treaty with Flashia, so we have even much more better chance to successfully win out"

"Flashia is only there to manipulate us! I know for a fact, a truth that you people wouldn't accept"

"Yes, I do admit Flashia does influence us in a way, however I would much more prefer this than completely getting subjugated with absolutely no freedom, plus they gave us their equipment"

"All of those equipment are nothing, they have no magic in it whatsoever so I doubt it's any better than what those Kingdoms Union have"

"At first I thought so too, but then the Havenklein Offensive happened, and the results were so shocking it took me a week to fully accept it. Say what you want but there's no doubt Flashia helped us win the war that should've ended 6 months ago"

"That's only because we had Luftforsvar fighting with our troops!"

"Let me clarify something first, the name Luftforsvar consists of 2 words, 'Luft' which is air and 'Forsvar' which means defense. Look at the first word, it clearly says that they're an air branch, not the entire military, plus they don't even have magic as well as us being fully in charge with ground warfare, which shows their superiority over our magic-filled equipment and our Kingdoms Union's counterpart"

The female member of the Senate was flabbergasted, she had no words to counter what Septmaat just uttered from his mouth.

"Wow" said Gessel "Such an amazing display of logic there... Ehem, thank you very much Mr. Septmaat and Ms. Nyenink, both of you can sit down now"

The opposing Senators would sit down, Nyenink in particular looking a bit down while Septmaat just kept calm.

"Anyways, we will proceed on the voting section, there are 3 options for each of you to choose: Aye if you support this idea, Nay if you don't, and Abstain if you don't want to vote for any of it"


The Variks are coming.

That's the message they received as the sun sets on this city. Many would prepare the defense of the revolting city, using whatever they can find to block the roads. Some Esterrians and Flashians have come to their aid too, pouring some kind of liquid into a bottle before stuffing cloth in it, leaving half of it dangling outside.

They did this for a lot of other bottles while they would also instruct the Reslanis, some of which are particularly curious on how to use them. The instructions for this kind of new weapon is surprisingly easy to understand, just set the cloth on fire and throw it at your intended target.

For now, the soldiers on their side with red cloth tied around their hands watch the things in front of their blockade, resting their muskets on the furniture used.

They anxiously wait there as new bottles are poured with something called 'gasoline'. One Flashian, as one could tell from the lack of mana would run up to the musketeer.

"Hey is everything alright here?" said the person.

"Yes, we're doing fine. How about you?" replied one of the armed Reslanis.

"Nothing much, just wanted to check on you and give you these bottles" as he gave out the 'gasoline'-filled bottle with the cloth sticking out at the top.

The musketeers would gladly receive the bottles from the hands of the Flashian. Suddenly, a voice rang out from out of nowhere.

"Edvard, hvordan går det?"

The voice scared the Reslanis for a bit, but the Flashian seemed fine. He would take out a black box, put it close to mouth.

"Ja, vi har det bra her. Hva med deg?"

To which the box answered back.

"Samme her, bare spør"

It was the same voice that initially caught them off-guard, now they know it came from that, which seemed to be an extremely portable communication device. The soldiers were amazed by this revelation, thinking about how useful it could be, but the focus isn't on the box now, it's defending the city.

"Remember, set the cloth on fire and throw the 'Gevakan Vodka' at the one you're aiming at"

The Reslanis would nod to the Flashian reminder on how to use them before he would run back to where he had come from. The red-cloth musketeers shift their focus back outside, still awaiting the inevitable arrival of the Varikan troops.


"This is Beam speaking, Waldo you there? Over"

"Yeah Waldo's here, what's up?"

"Have you got any visual down there? Over"

"At South-West Yelovsk? Yeah I do, over"

"Then what do you see there Waldo, over?"

"I see... several barricades near the outskirts, they're blocking off the entire city here, we also got soldiers with red tied around their arm with their muskets, possibly also with those cocktails"

"Wait, Waldo, how do you know they have those Molotov?"

"Pure guess based on some of Flash citizens going to Yelovsk"

"Ah right..."


"Hey Beam you heard of that rumor?"

"What rumor?"

"Like our special forces is down there with them? Arming and training the locals?"


"Pics or it didn't happen"

"Seriously Beam?"


"Man fuck you"

"Fuck you too"


"So uhh... that's all?"

"Yep, nothing else to report here, over"

"Right, thank you Waldo, Beam out"


For some reason, Parademarsch der NVA sounds quite fitting for Esterria despite its association with socialist countries. Yes I have listened it on repeat and it still hasn't changed the outlook. Oh yeah this one is slightly shorter than the recent chapters, just saying.

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