The Universe Of Tomorrow

By gunshyboo

486 333 193

In this captivating narrative, our familiar universe has been reshaped into a singular, colossal realm known... More

the map
tales of Zachery Joseph Knight
Aurora Jones
the shadow stalkers
Thanatos the immortal
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world
White Lion's last story
The Truth Of My Curse
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt2
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt3
Zazriel the Unsatisfiable
Viking Legend: Bjorn Ironaxe
The Enhanced Odyssey: Unveiling Powers
Spectral Love
The Labyrinth of Forgotten Souls: A Descent into the Unknown
The Infinite Loop of Corporal David Harris
Chasing Shadows: The Quest for the Shifting Core
Roots of Ruin: The Last Sanctuary
Unveiling, Redemption, and Farewell: The Final Odyssey
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: Unveiling the Hidden
Scales of Love and Destiny
Scales of Love and Destiny pt.2
The Legacy of the Talisman pt.2
Unseen Ties: The Enigma of Lilith
Tangled Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
destruction of Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: My Brief Return
Whispers in the City of Mistakes
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles pt 2
Aetheria: Realms of the Beyond
Chronicles of the God of Wrath: Judgment Across Worlds
Azure Metamorphosis: The Curse of the Blue Elixir
Emissaries of the Ossuary: A Tale of Twilight Realms
Cycle of the Damned: The Rise of Aterna
The Ultimate Death Match Saga
Chronicles of the Aeternum Legion: The Saga of the Chronos Dreadnought
Whispers of the Deep: the Shifting tides between siblings
Whispers of the Deep: ironclad true nature
Whispers of the Deep: Realities Unraveled
The Walk Between Worlds
the walk between worlds pt.2
the walk between worlds pt.3
The Fixer's Gambit in the City of Tomorrow
Voyage to the Verdant Shadows
Echoes Of Past Minds

The Legacy of the Talisman

9 5 9
By gunshyboo

"I couldn't believe my eyes as I walked through the abandoned German bunker. The Putrid smell of decay burned my nose. My boots stepped over and through the bodies of German soldiers, all seemingly taken out on their own. Some receive bone shattering blows with half of their bodies carved through like a pumpkin on halloween. Strange symbols were etched on the walls, and the air felt heavy—something terrible had happened here, Something unnatural.

I decided to turn back and report this. As I did, I heard what I can describe sounds of something Animalistic Devouring the remains of flesh and bone. My hands were shaking as I aimed my lantern toward the corner of the room, revealing a shadowy figure with Reflective glowing red eyes. Before I could react, something hit my lantern, sending it flying out of my hands.

I was pinned to the ground by a presence I couldn't see. It laughed—a strangely feminine, playful laugh—and I smelled the metallic scent of copper. I could feel the thing take deep breaths from its nose as if it was smelling my very soul. Just when I thought it was over for me, a flash of artillery fire from outside momentarily lit up the room. I could see a humanoid face of a female with a sickening smile. It's attention turned to the sounds of Artillery rounds exploding on the ground.

Taking my chance, I reached for the talisman my grandmother had given me. It started glowing, and the creature recoiled with a guttural growl, disappearing into the darkness.

I grabbed my fallen lantern and ran as fast as I could, eager to leave this cursed place behind. I had to report what I'd seen, but I knew I'd be haunted forever by the demonic presence lurking in that forgotten bunker.

Panting, I burst out of the bunker and into the snowy woods, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't shake the feeling that the creature was following me. Each rustle in the trees, each shadow that moved, heightened my sense of dread.

Suddenly, the sound of engines roared through the quiet forest. A German convoy appeared from the darkness, and before I could dive for cover, they opened fire. Bullets zipped past me, and I took refuge behind a large tree. Wood splinters showered around me as they continued to shoot.

But then, the gunfire shifted direction, focusing on something behind me. A blood-curdling screech echoed through the forest, and I realized they were now firing at the creature from the bunker. It had followed me.

Seizing the opportunity, I leaned out from behind the tree and returned fire at the Germans, taking out a few before they knew what hit them. Chaos reigned as both sides were now fighting an enemy they had never expected to encounter.

During the chaos, I took the chance to break free, sprinting away from the convoy and hoping the creature and the Germans would be too preoccupied with each other to follow. My talisman still glowed faintly in my pocket, a reminder of the unexplained, the unimaginable.

Just as I thought I was making my getaway, I felt a searing pain in my right shoulder blade—a stray bullet had found its mark. The force of the impact threw me to the ground, my face landing in the cold, unforgiving snow.

I lay there for a moment, disoriented, gripping my wounded shoulder. The muffled sounds of gunfire and monstrous shrieks continued in the distance. Whether the Germans or the creature was winning, I couldn't tell.

Struggling to my feet, I knew I had to move. My unit was close, and with luck, I could get medical attention. I staggered through the snow, my vision blurry, the glowing talisman in my pocket feeling heavier than ever.

When I finally reached my unit, they rushed me to the medics, but I could see the disbelief in their eyes as I recounted my tale. Maybe they'd think I lost my mind, but that was the least of my concerns. For as long as I lived, the haunting memories of that night would remain, as vivid and as real as the fresh wound in my shoulder.

Sitting in the makeshift medical tent, I took pen to paper, trying to capture the unfathomable events I'd experienced. My wounded shoulder throbbed, but it was the glowing warmth from the talisman in my pocket that truly unsettled me. It had started to glow again, ever so faintly, which could only mean one thing: the creature was near.

If you're reading this, know that I may not have much time left. The Germans have unleashed something—something that doesn't belong in this world. And now it's out there, lurking in the shadows, possibly drawn to the very thing meant to protect me.

I felt a chill in the air, as if the tent's canvas walls had suddenly grown paper-thin. Every noise from the outside world made me jump, each rustle of the wind sounding like footsteps, each crunch of snow like the creature emerging from its hidden lair.

My heart pounded as I scribbled these final words; Whatever happens to me, this has to be known. Be vigilant and trust nothing that lurks in the shadows. And if you find this, tell my family I love them."

As I closed the worn pages of my great-great-grandfather's journal, I felt a mix of awe and sadness. He had died in the war, the official records said from blood loss due to his injuries, but now I wondered if there was more to his fate.

I looked around the attic, a maze of dust-covered boxes and forgotten memories. It was strange to think that my ancestor had once held this journal in his hands, perhaps even in his final moments. I went back to the box where I'd found the journal and rummaged through it some more.

There it was—his old military uniform, neatly folded but showing its age. Below it was the talisman he had written about, a small, intricately carved object with an ancient symbol.

I picked it up carefully, almost expecting it to glow like in the journal. It was cold to the touch but oddly comforting. I pulled out my phone and googled the symbol, which seemed to stand for protectionI heard my name being called from below, my younger sister's voice tinged with concern. "Come down, you've been up there too long! What if a monster gets you?"

I chuckled at her vivid imagination; she was only seven, after all. Carefully navigating my way down the attic ladder, I made sure to replace the box and its contents—except for the talisman, which I slipped into my pocket. There was something about it that I couldn't just leave behind.

As I reached the bottom, my sister hugged my leg tightly. "Don't scare me again, brother. Monsters are up there; I hear them all the time moving around."

I ruffled her hair and smiled, my eyes meeting hers. "Don't worry, you're safe as long as I'm here to protect you," I assured her.

Her eyes brightened, comforted by my words, but as I turned to leave the attic, my pocket seemed to grow warm. The talisman. A shiver ran down my spine, a sudden, unsettling thought crossing my mind: What if the monsters my sister heard weren't just figments of a child's imagination?

As we left the attic, closing the door behind us, I couldn't shake the feeling that the talisman in my pocket was more than just a family heirloom. And if the stories were true, we might just need its protection more than we ever imagined. against evil. A shiver ran down my spine.

Did the talisman really hold the power my great-great-grandfather had believed it to possess? Had it actually protected him, even if only for a short while?

As I stood in the attic, holding a relic that had crossed both time and dimensions, I couldn't shake the feeling that the story was far from over. And as I looked around the dimly lit space, I wondered what other secrets were hidden among these boxes, waiting to be discovered.

"Jason," my sister tugged at my shirt as we walked away from the attic, "promise you'll check for monsters tonight, okay?"

Hearing her say my name with such earnest concern, I glanced down at her and nodded. "I promise, kiddo."

After triple-checking my sister Emily's room for monsters—under the bed, in the closet, and even behind the curtains—I finally tucked her in. She looked up at me, her eyes still filled with a childish mix of fear and trust.

"It's all clear, Em. No monsters. Sleep tight," I assured her, leaning over to kiss her forehead.

I walked downstairs to find our babysitter, Sarah, engrossed in a book. Handing her some cash, I said, "I've paid you in advance for tonight. Emily's finally asleep, and she knows you're here if she needs anything."

Sarah nodded, "Don't worry, Jason, she'll be fine. Go have fun at your party."

Slipping on my jacket, I headed out to the local bar where my welcome-home party was taking place. Four long years in Afghanistan, and now I was back, surrounded by friends and family who had supported me both before and during my military service. The room was filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and the murmur of conversations, a stark contrast to the echoing silence and tense atmosphere I'd grown accustomed to overseas.

As people congratulated me and thanked me for my service, I felt both proud and uneasy. While everyone else was indulging, I held back, conscious of my responsibilities. I'd have to wake up early to make breakfast for Emily, who had been staying with our grandparents ever since our parents passed away in that dreadful car accident two years ago.

The past week had been a whirlwind of cleaning and organizing as I tried to turn our parents' house into a home again. Emily needed stability, and I intended to give it to her. Now that I was back, I planned to take care of her and finally relax, maybe even find a bit of normalcy in this new chapter of life. Or so I thought.

My pocket grew warm as the night wore on, the talisman almost like a reminder of the otherworldly events chronicled in my great-great-grandfather's journal. As much as I wanted to dismiss it as fantasy, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that it held some truth, some warning.

Finally, the party wound down, and I said my goodbyes, refusing offers of one last drink for the road. As I got into my car, I glanced at the time; it was later than I'd hoped.

Driving back, the empty roads seemed to stretch on forever, and the talisman's warmth seemed to intensify with each mile closer to home. When I finally pulled into the driveway, something felt off. The house was dark, too dark, as if it were holding its breath.

I arrived home to find the house enveloped in an unsettling silence, a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere of the bar. Sarah looked up from her book as I closed the door behind me.

"You're a bit late, but don't worry. Emily's been asleep the whole time you were gone," she said, standing up and gathering her belongings. "Give me a call if you need me to watch her again, or maybe if you need me," she added with a casual flirtatious smile before leaving.

The quiet of the house seemed to deepen once she was gone. I pulled the talisman out of my pocket and noticed it was glowing again. Curiosity getting the better of me, I grabbed my laptop and started searching for more information. This time, I stumbled upon a site focused on various forms of evil and the means of summoning or repelling them.

There, on the second page, was an image of the very talisman I held. The text read: "The talisman is protection from evil but can also cling to any superior life form, forcing the being to be drawn to the talisman, no matter what."

My heart raced at the implications. Was it possible that this object was not just a relic but a magnet for otherworldly beings?

Just then, I heard footsteps in the hallway, soft but getting closer. I felt a surge of adrenaline, my hand instinctively closing around the talisman. The footsteps grew louder, and my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest.

And then Emily appeared, sleepily rubbing her eyes. "I'm thirsty, Jason," she mumbled, oblivious to the tension that had filled the room.

Relieved, I exhaled deeply, the adrenaline leaving my body as quickly as it had arrived. "Sure, Em, let's get you some warm milk," I said, heading to the kitchen to heat up a glass for her.

As I stood by the microwave, watching the seconds tick down, I couldn't help but feel that the events of the night were far from ordinary. The talisman, still warm in my pocket, seemed to hum with an energy I couldn't explain. What had I brought into this house? And what had been unleashed years ago by my great-great-grandfather?

My gaze fell on Emily, who was slowly sipping her warm milk at the table, blissfully unaware of the dark cloud that seemed to be gathering around us. I knew I had to get to the bottom of this mystery, not just for my sake, but for her safety too.

After finishing the warm milk, Emily seemed ready to drift back to sleep. We made our way upstairs, the wood of the steps creaking softly under our feet. I tucked her into bed once more, pulling the covers up to her chin.

As I turned to leave, she spoke up, "Jason, can you read me a bedtime story?"

My lips curled into a warm smile, grateful for this simple, ordinary moment amid the complex, unsettling events. "Of course, Em," I said, walking over to the bookshelf and picking out one of her favorite storybooks. It was a tale of bravery and adventure, featuring a young knight who faces various challenges to save his kingdom.

I began to read, watching as Emily's eyes grew heavy. My voice softened with each turn of the page, navigating the story's twists and turns until I could hear her gentle, rhythmic breathing. She was asleep, safe and sound, at least for now.

I closed the book and placed it back on the shelf, taking a moment to look at my little sister, so innocent and unaware of the mysteries that seemed to be closing in around us. As much as I wanted to protect her from whatever was coming, I knew I had to confront it first.

The talisman was still in my pocket, its subtle warmth a constant reminder that I was now a part of something much larger and far more terrifying than any battlefield I'd faced overseas. What that "something" was, I couldn't yet say.

I turned off the light, letting the darkness envelop the room as I stepped into the hallway. Closing her door softly behind me, I found myself wondering whether the tales my great-great-grandfather had penned were cautionary stories, prophecies, or perhaps both.

The house was quiet, but it was a silence tinged with anticipation. As I walked down the hall, every creak of the floorboards sounded like a whisper, warning me that the world I knew was about to change.

As I headed to my own room, the talisman seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Was it a guardian or a beacon? Either way, it had tied my fate to something otherworldly, something that defied understanding.

I laid down in my bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating the cryptic words and images I'd discovered online. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden realization: the talisman had stopped glowing.

Was it a sign? A brief respite? Or the calm before a storm?

With these questions swirling in my mind, I finally closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would offer some escape, however temporary, from the uncertainties that clouded my thoughts.

But even as I drifted into sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was coming, drawn to the talisman, to me, and perhaps, to Emily as well. And when it arrived, our lives would never be the same again.

I woke up to the morning light streaming through the gaps in my curtains, shaking off the remnants of a restless night. I went through my usual routine, starting with a quick workout—push-ups, sit-ups, and a bit of stretching to wake me up. Satisfied, I headed to the shower.

As the hot water cascaded over me, washing away the sleep and last night's unsettling feelings, I heard the bathroom door open and close. Assuming it was Emily, I started speaking while rinsing my hair, "I know I'm running behind, but I pro..."

My words trailed off when I saw the silhouette through the curtain. Feminine, yes, but accompanied by a cluster of horns and the eerie glow of red eyes. My heart skipped a beat.

Adrenaline surging, I yanked the curtain back, fists clenched and ready to fight. But there was no one there.

"Was I hallucinating?" I thought, my mind racing. But before I could sigh in relief, my hand, moving to turn off the shower, touched something soft instead of the expected metal handle. I froze.

Turning my head slowly, I came face-to-face with a female demon. Her skin was a soft pink, eyes a striking punk shade, and short black hair framed her face. Six horns protruded from her head in a chaotic pattern. Her cherry-red lips curved into an unnerving smile. My hand, I realized, was placed awkwardly on her chest. Her body was free of clothes yet the human features were missing. Her breast had no nipples, and her down under was smooth as if she was a barbie doll.

I yanked my hand back and tried to dart out of the shower, but my feet slipped on a fallen bottle of soap. Losing my balance, I tumbled to the floor, cursing my luck and the absurdity of the situation.

The demon chuckled, her laughter echoing in the confined space. "You're just as clumsy as your great-great-grandfather, aren't you?" she said, her voice tinged with a mocking sweetness.

As I scrambled to my feet, my thoughts raced. What did she want? Was she the creature bound to the talisman? And most importantly, how could I protect Emily from whatever was unfolding before me?

As these thoughts swirled in my mind, I looked up to find the demon had vanished, leaving me alone in the bathroom, questioning my sanity and the reality I thought I knew. But one thing was abundantly clear: the world I lived in was far more complex and dangerous than I had ever imagined, and it seemed like my family—both past and present—was inextricably entangled in it.

Breathless, I charged out of the bathroom, clutching a towel around my waist as I made for my bedroom. I had to check on Emily. But what awaited me was something entirely unexpected: the demon, sprawled out on my bed, her featureless form proudly exhibited.

Fueled by a mixture of fear and confusion, I tackled her, pinning her down on the bed. "What do you want from me, demon?" I nearly shouted.

Her reaction was far from what I'd anticipated. Instead of snarling or fighting back, she seemed taken aback. Her already rosy complexion turned a darker shade of pink, which made me acutely aware that my body was closely pressed against hers.

She hesitated before speaking, her eyes darting nervously across my face before finally meeting my gaze. "Could you, um, adjust yourself? You're making me a bit uncomfortable," she stammered.

My brow furrowed. "Uncomfortable? I'm the one who found a demon in his home!"

"Yes, well, you're also the one with the, uh, hot body all over me, and it's a bit distracting," she mumbled, her face now a flaming shade of red.

Confused but intrigued, I cautiously shifted my weight off her without letting her go entirely. "Now, start talking. What's your connection to my great-great-grandfather, and why are you here?"

Her eyes met mine, still tinged with that awkward blush. "Your ancestor summoned me with that talisman you have. I'm bound to your family line. Think of me as a reluctant guardian."

"A guardian?" I asked incredulously, still trying to wrap my head around her odd behavior. "Guardians don't show up uninvited in showers."

She gave a small, uncomfortable laugh. "Fair point. But you—and that talisman—are in more danger than you realize."

My grip relaxed slightly as I processed her words. "What kind of danger?"

Her eyes took on a solemn look. "There are forces—human and not—who want what you have. The talisman. Time is running out, and you need to be prepared. at least that's my guess, why else would you take such a Sacred talisman from your Ancestor's grave. "

Just then, a soft cry from Emily's room pulled me back to reality. "Hold that thought," I said, quickly standing and rushing toward Emily's room, but not before shooting the demon one last wary glance.

She nodded, her eyes still awkwardly avoiding direct contact with mine. As I headed to check on my sister, I couldn't help but wonder what I'd gotten myself into. Returning to civilian life was looking more complicated by the second, and something told me this demon—awkward as she was—would be a big part of it.

I rushed into Emily's room, expecting the worst but relieved to find her simply getting out of bed, wet sheets around her. She had wet the bed, a very normal childhood issue.

"Come on, Em," I said, leading her to the bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up."

I waited on the toilet seat, still wrapped in my towel, while Emily took her shower. My mind was racing, struggling to reconcile the nightmarish and surreal encounter with the demon—my so-called guardian—with this mundane moment of sibling caregiving.

Finally, the shower water stopped, and Emily came out in fresh pajamas. "All clean," she announced.

"Good job," I said, ruffling her hair. "Go watch some cartoons in the living room. I'll be there in a bit."

She nodded, grinning, and scampered off. I returned to my bedroom, half-expecting to see the demon lounging on my bed or perhaps hiding in my closet. But she was gone. I even checked the bathroom, half-hoping and half-dreading to find her there. Still nothing.

I quickly dressed and went to the living room, where Emily was already engrossed in a morning cartoon. I settled onto the couch beside her, but my mind was elsewhere, considering the strange turn my life had taken.

The talisman, still on my bedside table, seemed to hum with energy, almost as if reminding me that despite this peaceful scene, something far more complex and dangerous was afoot. And somewhere, my awkward, blush-prone demon guardian was lurking, bound to reappear when least expected.

Just what had my great-great-grandfather gotten our family into? And how was I going to balance this newfound supernatural responsibility with taking care of Emily and readjusting to civilian life? The questions loomed large, but for now, sitting beside my sister, I felt a glimmer of normalcy—a precious moment of peace amid the brewing storm.

Just as Emily and I were digging into our scrambled eggs and toast, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Turning, I was stunned to see the demon, now clothed in my t-shirt and sweatpants, nonchalantly walking into the kitchen.

"So, my clothes were ripped, and I figured I'd just wear yours. Oh, you must be the newest generation of this family," she said, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

I opened my mouth, searching for an appropriate response, but it was Emily who spoke first. "You look great! Jason, your girlfriend is so pretty!"

I glanced at Emily, then at the demon, whose cheeks were radiating a vibrant shade of pink. Deciding to roll with it, I nodded, "Well, I wasn't planning on having a girlfriend so soon, but she appeared out of nowhere, and here we are."

Emily hopped down from her chair and approached the demon, her eyes widening as she looked her up and down. "You're pretty colorful," she declared.

Suddenly, Emily gasped and reached for something. The demon let out a surprised yelp; Emily had grabbed hold of her tail. My little sister's eyes went wide with excitement.

"She has a tail! Jason, is your girlfriend a unicorn?" Emily almost shouted, her grip still firmly on the demon's tail.

The demon looked at me with a mix of surprise, embarrassment, and a touch of amusement. "Well, this is a first," she said, her tail twitching slightly in Emily's grasp.

Just like that, the surreal had merged with the mundane. My demon guardian—or girlfriend, as Emily saw it—was now sitting at our kitchen table, sharing breakfast with us, tail and all.

This family legacy, whatever it was, just got even more complicated.

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