Reprogrammed (Hunter Angst)

By helloilikebutter

6.6K 374 752

The Collector is gone, Belos is dead. The Boiling Isles are reeling from the violent aftermath of the Emperor... More

The Wind in the Grass
The Rain and All It Brings
A Broken Frame, The Blood on My Hands
Thoroughly Misguided Good Intentions
The Ghosts of My Actions (Consequences)
The Scorn in Your Heart Becomes The Scorn in Mine
Limited Resources, Wasted on Me
Faking It Until It Kills Me
Colorful Little Pills in Little Orange Bottles
Puppet's Apathy
The Boundaries Between Reality and Imagination
Welcome, Abyss
When I was Done Dying
The Third Day
Sweaty bedsheets, A hospital gown, Needles
Ups and Downs
A New Pair Of Socks
Throne of Lies
The Devil on My Shoulder
Two sides of the same coin
Since the Beginning
Questioning the Reality Outside of My Bubble
Deja Vu
Kin of My Trauma
Hi, How Are You?
Core of My Rage
Peace in the Aftermath
As the Dust Settles

Longing To Live In Reality

166 13 15
By helloilikebutter

TW for severe derealization, anger issues, and hallucinations

"This is literally the third day that Hunter hasn't been at school this week. Where IS he?" Gus asked the group as they sat at lunch. He was met with shrugs from Amity and Willow.

"I hope he's doing okay, he hasn't been in gym all week. We're in our Grudgby unit and he's missing out!" Willow piped in.

"Something's wrong. Hunter's never been the most talkative ever, but he does like to talk, at least to us... He's been so quiet lately" Amity pointed out.

"I haven't wanted to mention anything, but Amity's right..." Willow agreed.

Gus nodded, scratching his chin in thought. "He spaces out all the time in class, and I see him nodding off too. Teachers are starting to get pissed at him."

"Maybe Luz knows something that we don't. He comes over to sleep at Mrs. Noceda's house pretty much every weekend, or at least that's what Luz told me when I saw her last," Amity added.

Willow shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "It's not good to pry, but..."

"He's our friend, and we should know what's going on so we can help him!" Gus finished the thought. The others nodded.

Meanwhile, the teenager in question sat in bed at Darius's, staring at a little orange medication bottle clutched in his hands. The owner of the house had left earlier in the morning to assist with a team of Construction Coven witches who were rebuilding a strip of houses down by the Titan's hip.

"How hard is it to take a silly little pill, Hunter? You've been staring at it for the last three hours. It's not going to kill you, for Titan's sake." Belos's stupid fucking head jeered at him.

"It feels like it's killing me."

A sigh from his Uncle made Hunter roll his eyes. "You were always one for the dramatics. Missing school, forcing your caretakers to worry, lying to your friends and your expensive therapist. You're really digging your own grave here."

Hunter bit his tongue instead of replying. He took his medication, packed his school bag, and forced himself out of the house to attend the last few hours of school. When Darius asked him how his classes were that night, Hunter lied and said that they were great.

In truth, he was so spaced out that he hardly remembered any of the things he'd done that day, other than take his medication and try to force himself to look normal. It was getting harder. The numbness and anger tangling itself between his neurons grew worse with every passing day.


Every therapy session started the same.

"How are you doing today, Hunter?" Mrs. Rose spoke in her soft, gentle tone. Hunter hated that tone.

"I'm doing fine, how are you?"

"I am well, thanks for asking. How has this week been for you?"

And then he'd lie, for almost the entire session. She would ask him how his medication was making him feel, if he was doing well in school, and a bunch of other nonspecific questions. Today was no different, until it was.

She was writing again, recording his answers. The last time she'd done this, Mrs. Rose had given him a bunch of diagnoses and sent his life into a spiral. Nervousness and irritation bubbled around inside of him.

"Hunter, I'm going to be very honest with you for a moment. I feel that it is very important that we maintain a truthful relationship with one another."

Hunter swallowed dryly, and he felt the blood drain from his face. Titan , he was too tired for this. Defenses raised, he nodded for her to continue.

Mrs. Rose was incredibly graceful when beginning her confrontation.  "For the last several weeks, you've seemed very closed off. Your answers have been short and curt, and your body language makes you appear... unavailable. You're very distant during our sessions."

This woman was seriously pissing him off. A tightness gathered at the back of his throat, and his face felt hot. He desperately longed for Flapjack's comfort.

"Flapjack is dead, dear boy.  Crushed to death by your own hand. I don't think it is very keen of you to wish for the comforts of an animal that you killed " Belos's rotting skull reminded him helpfully from his corner. Hunter's face flushed red. It was getting incredibly hard to keep his emotions in check.

"I'm sorry for being distant," Hunter stated through gritted teeth. It didn't sound like an apology, but he wasn't sorry for that fact either. The look that his therapist gave him in reply really made his emotions swell.

"I'm worried for you, Hunter, and I need you to be honest with me when I ask you this next question. Can you promise that you'll be completely honest with me?"

"I'm always honest with you, Mrs. Rose." He replied. Belos's skull gave him a sneering chuckle.

"I appreciate that. Please, tell me, are you planning to hurt yourself or anyone else?"

There it was. She didn't trust him, didn't believe him. She pitied him, viewed him as a pathetic, weak failure of a teenager. Everybody did, and he was fucking tired of it. The emotions that consumed every inch of his body made him feel alive for the first time in forever . With the strength of a soldier, he threw himself off the couch with shallow, heaving breaths. His hands shook.

"I'll do what I fucking want , with my own fucking body ." He spoke, voice quiet and shockingly even. Hunter was seething . Before she could stop him, he forced himself through the door, slammed it shut behind him, and marched into the lobby where Darius and Camila waited. Darius's eyes met his wild magenta irises for just a moment. Before either of them could say anything, he had already teleported down the stairs with a flash of neon.

This was the most energetic, aware, and powerful he'd felt in so long. It felt so wonderful to feel alive. Rage, raw, red, and fiery coursed through every vein. Soon, he was out of the building and teleporting around in flashes. It had also been too long since he'd really used his body, been able to fight with it and use his (Flapjack's) powers.

That was one thing he missed about the Emperor's Coven. Hunter was a fighter, a soldier since birth. Belos had done well to bring him up tough and hard. The medication was making him soft, nauseous, chronically exhausted. The therapy made him feel weak and pitiful, a creature to be lathered in sympathy.

He used to be the Golden Guard, a high ranking official. He was not meant to be pitied.


Darius and Camila found him an hour later, practicing training drills in a park not far from the Noceda house. Darius was fuming, Camila had tear tracks down her face. He felt terrible about it, but he also didn't. Instead, Hunter chose to clutch on that experience of feeling alive , like a real living person. Camila hugged him when they both found him, and Darius visibly relaxed.

Mrs. Rose had clearly filled them in on the events that had taken place inside her office. They talked to him in worried voices, asking him if he was alright, asking him if he was hurt, if he'd hurt himself. He couldn't care less about any of it. A small part of him chastised him for being selfish, but the teenager was frankly too fired up to focus on anything other than the buzzing in his very soul. It felt good to do something that was so... impulsive.

Camila was saying something to him, something about how she was so scared, how she was glad he was okay, how he needed to come with her and Darius. Her tone of voice sounded so upset, and it was beginning to get to him a little.

"Hunter, please Mijo, stop scratching at your arms. They're bleeding, you see?" Mrs. Noceda said. He looked down at his arms and noticed that they were , in fact, bleeding just a little bit. The pain of the scratches made itself known. Strange, what a weird, delayed reaction.

The all consuming anger that kept him forcefully in the present was starting to trickle away, leaving anxiety in its wake. Shame was dogging behind it, gnashing its ugly teeth.

He had fucked up big time .

Camila was hugging him, telling him that it was going to be okay. They worked together to lead him back to the house like a scared animal. His hands shook as he held Camila's. Darius would not look at him.

Both adults managed to coax him inside and convinced him to take his anxiety medication. Blood under his fingernails felt sticky and smelled coppery, but both sensations felt far away.

"Slipping back into the sanctity of your mind so soon, Golden Guard?" The skull, ever present, whispered to him by way of greeting. He chose not to reply, instead wrapping his arms tightly around a stuffed animal that found its way into his lap.

"Focus on that stuffed animal, Hunter. Try not to scratch your arms" Camila instructed, voice firm. She looked like she'd aged ten years in a day, her eyes filled with a sort of sadness he couldn't describe. He looked over and Darius was using a human phone to call somebody.

"We found him, he's safe, but his arms are very scratched up... Yes, we'll take turns keeping an eye on him... Okay, thank you. Sorry once again... Yes, we'll see you soon. Thank you, Mrs. Rose. Goodbye."

The conversation made Hunter want to scratch at his arms, pick at the skin around his fingers, and do anything to keep himself in the present. The Alprazolam was fast acting, and soon these urges were washed away like a sand castle next to the powerful ocean. Camila was sitting with him on her couch, using a wet rag to wipe the blood out from under his fingernails. Darius sat across from the teenager, emerald eyes distant and filled with worry.

"I'm sorry," He whispered. And then he started to cry.

uuuuuuuuuuuh sorry for the shorter chapter

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