United States of Remnant [USA...

By ZeSovietMan

34.8K 736 661

It's 2030 and World War 3 had finished a year before, the United States had thrived when the 47th President o... More

Raider Team
Tundra Team (Basics)
Fox Team (Basic)
Chapter 1: Time For Some Recon
Chapter 2: When Things Change
Chapter 3: Pave Hawk Down
Chapter 4: Exposal
Chapter 5: President's Out
Chapter 6: Menagerie Ranger's
Chapter 7: Negotiation Delay
Chapter 8: Kilo Pickup
Chapter 9: Across Remnant
Chapter 10: Operation Fallen City
USMC: Kilo Company (WIP)
Chapter 11: Checkpoint Vale
Chapter 12: We Work Loud Or In Silence
Chapter 13: Those We've Lost
Raider Team (Version 3)
Task Force 159
Chapter 14: Keep It Under Secrecy
Chapter 15: Now We're Pissed!
Chapter 16: Anchors Aweigh
Battleship Battle Group 1 Units
Bases/Facilities & Stations
Chapter 17: Long Live Mantle!


2.1K 39 54
By ZeSovietMan

Date: 6/26/2030

Time: 07:00 Hours

Location: Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington State

Currently Assigned Task: None

Unit Designation: Raider Team, A Co, 1st Btn, 1st SFG (A), 1st Special Forces Command

Status: Combat Ready

1st POV

Well hello, I guess. My name is Floyd Salem, but my team call me Sal, and I guess I'm the main character of this story?

Me and the rest of my team just got back from China and Operation Collapsing Economy, which is self-explanatory.

I should probably explain World War 3, yeah? Well, to start off, it began about a month after Ukraine won the war against Russia. Yeah surprise, surprise, well after about a month, China launched their invasion of Taiwan to which the U.S responded by backing up Taiwan. Soon North Korea joined in because well, it's North Korea.

Soon other alliances joined in such as the weakened Russia, who may I note still joined in just to stick it to the West for God knows why? And other anti-West/US countries joined in like Iran and Syria and God who knows what else. My teams main focus was Operation Guardian Shield which was the operation to protect Taiwan.

The start of Operation Guardian Shield started after the Invasion of Taiwan with all forces on Okinawa responding combating them back, I was still in the regular Army before joining up with my current teaming around 2 or so years later due to lowered standards and different qualities they were looking for.

And to be fair? I did join the Army at an extremely young age due to some Ahem, connections.

We were able to stop the invasion but according to China, due to our involvement, we're now at war with them... I think? I'm not really into politics so I think that's what they said and happened to which World War 3 sparked it's beginning.

Anyways, time to take a small flashback, yeah?




Date: 6/10/30

Time: 06:00 Hours

Location: Beijing, China

Currently Assigned Task: Eliminate Enemy Sector Major (COMPLETED) Secure An Opening Into Beijing (ONGOING)

Unit Designation: Raider Team, A Co, 1st Btn, 1st SFG (A), 1st Special Forces Command

Status: Combat Ready

In Beijing Floyd and his team were in a fire fight, how intense? Well, an explosion happened as group of 11 men and a woman were surrounded as gun fire was seen everywhere with explosions as they ducked in a building, some firing back, others helping each other, while one was on a radio.

Melissa: -Charlie-Whiskey-Foxtrot009844537! I repeat, requesting immediate air support at Grid 29Charlie-Whiskey-Foxtrot009844537! Requesting heavy ordnance! How copy?!


A Company of  Chinese troops surrounded a building meanwhile a Tank Platoon was seen far down the street approaching.

Command: Solid copy 1-8, CAS enroute to your AO now.

Melissa: Copy! Captain! We got incoming fire!

David: Roger!

Captain David Patterson then looked to his subordinates seeing the medic John Dubois tending to the youngest man on the team if not the entire Special Forces Alpha Company.


Ray: Where the fuck is Fox Team?! They were supposed to be here for support!


David: Fox is with the others! They're trying to find a way out of Tianjin! They're fighting off some Chink SF!

Clay, the assistant TL then spotted the column through the firefight. 

Clay: Incoming enemy armor!

David: Corbin get that AT4 up now!

Tommy: Roger!

Tommy then grabbed the anti-tank launcher on his back aiming it at the Type 99A2, hoping to either take out the tank itself or at least disable something lethal on it.

Tommy: Back blast clear?!

Ace: Clear!

Tommy: Rocket out!

The team then watched Tommy fire off a rocket to which it hit the Type 99A2's barrel, blowing a hole into it, essentially disabling the main gun as the commander popped out his hatch firing a QJC-88 heavy machine gun as more Chinese troops charged forward only to get gunned down.

James: Enemy MG nest is being set up! Northwest side!

David: Frag out!

The Captain then pulled out a M67 grenade as he threw it in a random direction due to them being surrounded as it bounced off a random, already destroyed tank and into another MG nest, watching it explode.


Floyd then got struck down in the chest, the youngest man in the Company, who was already being tended to by the medic, John, earlier.

Floyd: Gah! Sonva bitch! Again?!

Floyd quickly got up with the help of John.

John: I got you!

David: Salem! You alright?!

Floyd: I'm fine!

Warhammer-1: This is Warhammer-1 to Raider-1 we're inbound now, we are armed with AGM-158's here comes the strike.

David: Copy! Send it! Everybody hit the deck!

Soon Boeing F-15EX Eagle II's were seen overhead dropping AGM-158 ordnance and firing its M61A1 Vulcan as they it exploded and smashed into armor.

Everywhere else F-22's and F-35's were shooting down FC-31's and other enemy aircraft, protecting the friendly landing forces and other friendly aircraft. Meanwhile above the AO of Raider Team a single F-22A was seen pulling a Cobra maneuver as a Chinese FC-31 flew past him before the pilot pushed the F-22A to full throttle as it fired a AIM-9M-9 Sidewinder with the FC-31 trying to avoid the Sidewinder, popping flares to no prevail as the Sidewinder connected with the Chinese jet starting to plummet down to the ground.

Raider Team looked out of the building they were in seeing the fire around as dead bodies and destroyed tanks lined the streets.

David: Raider-1 to Warhammer-1, good effect on target, thanks for the assist.

Warhammer-1: Copy that Raider, Warhammer-1 to Big Brother, I am RTB at this time.

Big Brother Command: Roger that Warhammer.

Raider Team then exited the building slowly, in formation, seeing if anyone else is alive.

Floyd: Got one a live over here.

The soldier then raised his arm with his pistol in hand, aiming at Floyd who was still turned around.

David: Drop the fucker!

Floyd then quickly turned around seeing the soldier aiming at him, as Salem fired off a shot into the mans head as his arm fell to the ground, loosening its grip on the pistol, dropping it.

Floyd: Damn!

Some other men of the group looked to Floyd who kicked the body once more.

Molly: Fuckers won't give up.

James: Damn Straight.

David however grabbed his radio.

David: Raider-1 to Big Brother Command, how copy?

Big Brother Command: Big Brother copies.

David: We are Oscar Mike to Sector Delta-Quebec-Hotel.

Big Brother Command: Copy that Raider-1, Charlie Mike. Report back any situational change, and remember you're on those minute windows so get those sitreps sent in, over.

David: Wilco Big Brother, Raider-1 copies all, out.

Ace: Day... how long has it been now since we started fighting?

Ray: No clue.

David: Enough chatter, let's move out.




Flashback end

Present Day

David: Sal.

Me: Yeah Cap?

David: Go and bring Perez to the armory, something's up with his M17.

Me: Got it, c'mon Perry.

James: Yeah, I know.

Me and Perez or Perry as we like to call him walked through the base before arriving to the armory.

Me: You know what's wrong with it?

James: Pullin' the trigger and the trigger won't move. So, trigger malfunction/freeze.

I sighed wondering why the trigger ain't pulling.

Me: Did you find anything wrong with the trigger itself?

James: Nope.

Me: Bah! Alright, well head insi-

Soon Emergency Alert Systems and Wireless Emergency Alerts/Commercial Mobile Alert System alarms started to go around all phones and electronics in Lewis-McChord.

James: Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding!

Me: Get it moving Perez! Get to the bunker!

All around the base ran soldiers and marines frantically, running towards their nearest bunker.

Soon giant shadows were being casted over the United States.

Meanwhile on the International Space Station floated different nationality's, American, Russian, Italian, French, Spanish, Canadian and more watched as the entire United States were being consumed by massive Mega tsunami waves.

Soon the ISS was filled with question and fear as all of the US was being consumed by waves. 

American Astronaut: What is going on down there!?

Everyone saw Alaska, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and mainland United States being consumed by the megatsunami.

British Astronaut: What is going on with the space station!?

The ISS started to glow in a bright white color as heavy accents were heard in English.

Spanish Astronaut: Somebody contact Earth!

Soon bright lights were beaming outside as an astronaut floated to the light.

Canadian Astronaut: The satellites are glowing too!

American Astronaut: NOOOO!!!!

Everyone watched the waves crashed down onto all 51 states.

But instead of seeing the land underneath all of the water, nothing was there, like it was just a part of the ocean, just a mix of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

Russian Astronaut: What is going on down there!? The US is gone!

The ISS then shined even brighter.

French Astronaut: And I believe we're next!

Italy: Holy shiiiitttt!!!

Soon a Belgium Astronaut looked to a map of Earth as the map morphed into something different.

Belgian Astronaut: Qu'est-ce que c'est!? (What is this!?)




Remnant, United States of 4me|r!c@... Remnant...

3rd POV

Floyd then slammed his body against the bunker door with everyone else inside as it pushed open.

The second the door opened everyone got a whiff of fresh air, but it was different fresh air.

Soldier 1: Freedom!

Pilot 2: We're not dead!

Lieutenant 2: How...

Floyd: What in the name of Christ...

Molly: The air... it feels... clearer? Like no pollution and shit...

John: I don't like this. How are we not underwater?

All units report to your senior Commanding Officers, I repeat, report to your Battalion Commanding Officer. A Company of the 1st Battalion, 1st Special Forces, report to HQ immediately, I repeat, all of Alpha Company of the 1st Battalion, report to Headquarters immediately. Debrief is happening in 0300 Hours.

David: Oh, wonderful. Let's move it, Raiders!

All Special Forces teams and such then ran across the base making head way to command.


Time: 10:00 Hours

Location: Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington State

Currently Assigned Task: None

Unit Designation: A Co, 1st Btn, 1st SFG (A), 1st Special Forces Command

Status: Combat Ready

Currently ODA 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, and 1115 were now gathered in HQ trying to figure out what the hell is going on as ODB 1110 and ODA 1116 were currently and immediately deploying to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico to help with damage control and to take control of the current situations happening off shore.

Those 5 teams were codenamed based on the environment they succeeded in the most or what they succeeded in as the deep voiced officer entered the room, with everyone seeing a decorated officer who's never yet retired or had been discharged.

But right now in the briefing room, most rules were out the window allowing the operators to talk about the current situation. 

HQ Officer: Good morning everyone. I'm sure you all are curious on our current situation.

Tundra 2-1: Damn right we are. 

HQ Officer: Well, thanks to our comms, intel and fact that we have satellites in space still... And the fact that most maps have been changed I am able to officially declare with confirmation from D.C that the United States has been transported... to a whole new world.

Soon the room was filled with confusion as question flew around.

HQ Officer: Calm down! Calm it down!

Soon the chatter died down as David raised his hand.

HQ Officer: Yes Patterson?

David: Can you give us a rundown or something?

HQ Officer: Alright so-


Time: 11:00

5 SFOD-A teams were now in the command center, Fox, Tundra, Viper, Phantom and of course, Raider alongside some pilots from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.

HQ Officer: Ok, we have some new orders coming straight from D.C.

Soon a map of Remnant was shown, this time with the US being cut in half in the map with Hawaii and Alaska in different areas.

HQ Officer: From our intel there are two types of civilization settlements. Small villages and major cities, your teams are going to be dispatched to different parts of the world to survey and report back.

HQ Officer: If you find any high-ranking personnel from a sort of government, report back to command.

Tundra 1-1: ROE?

HQ Officer: We don't know if they have guns so engage if attacked, physically or at range. Do not, I repeat, do not kill. We don't need some international incident.

Tundra 1-1 nodded as the officer kept giving the Rules of Engagement.

HQ Officer: You are to avoid any and all detection, if you're sure your team has been compromised we'll have a V-280 on standby to extract you all out. If anyone is captured destruction protocol is to be followed. Finally if you have confirmation of hostile forces, report back to command.

The Officer then changed subjects from ROE to actual locations.

HQ Officer: Raider Team is being deployed into this forest-like area so get your gear ready. Fox team is being deployed into a desert while Tundra is heading into, well, a tundra. Phantom Team, you're going into a mix of desert and forest so pack your correct gear, that goes for you too Viper. Naval Command has also been contacted and the Makin Island Expeditionary Strike Group will also be moving in on a separate mission.

The officer then talked about transport.

HQ Officer: Now, all of you are going in through a LALO jump from a C-130E, two F-35A's will be tasked to escort you too as we get some MQ-9 Reapers set to take off. Currently with our given scenarios, you'll be deployed with standard issue as we need to take inventory to see if anything went missing.

The officer then got up.

HQ Officer: We will be running unsecured comms due to most communications being damaged thanks to the shift, not to mention the undersea cables.

The Officer then finished the briefing.

HQ Officer: This operation will begin at 2200 Hours, Good luck gentlemen and come back safe.


Raider Team and the other teams were now walking into the Lockheed C-130E Hercules, all dressed in their needed uniforms and gear.

Emmanuel: We got a designated drop spot, or just anywhere in the forest.

David: Surveillance spotted a forest clearing, try and land there. Got it?

Raiders: Yup-yup.

David: Good let's get this done!

Meanwhile on the radios.

Chalk 5-8: This is Chalk 5-8 to McChord Tower, requesting takeoff from Runway 2, C-130E Hercules moving West with information Alpha.

McChord Control Tower: Copy that Chalk, standby.

McChord Control Tower: Chalk 5-8 this is McChord Tower. 2200 Zulu. Wind 90 at 15, visibility 10 statute miles, sky scattered at 3,000 feet, temperature 25, dew point 20. Altimeter 30. Expect visual approach. Notice to airmen, two F-35A activity vicinity of the airfield. Advise on initial contact you have information Alpha, ready to taxi. Departure Frequency 124.1, squawk 0321.

The pilot then confirmed.

Chalk 5-8: Cleared for takeoff from Runway 02, C-130E. Departure frequency will be 124.1, squawk 0321.

McChord Control Tower: Copy, you are cleared for takeoff on Runway 2. Wind currently 90. Maintain runway heading until reaching 1,500 feet then proceed on course. Good luck, Godspeed and have a good flight Chalk.

Chalk 5-8: Copy and thank you tower, Chalk 5-8 out.

Most of the students sat there, heads spinning as the others slightly understood.

Cinder: Interesting...

Emerald: I have no idea what they just said...

The C-130E started to roll forward with the two F-35A's circling the air as everyone inside got fully seated and strapped in.

In the very back of the C-130 sat Tundra Team in their uniforms.

Tundra 1-6: How cold y'all think it's going to be?

Tundra 1-5: No clue.

Meanwhile Fox 1-1 was talking with David.

Fox 1-1: Hey Patterson?

David: Yeah Charles?

Charles: We tasked to link up?

David: A-firm, command wants our teams to link up at that mountain, then we make head way to that small island off the coast.

Charles: Roger, you get that Foxes?

Foxes: Roger/Got it/A-firm.

The plane got stable in the air with the F-35A's moving to one side and after a minute, Phantom and Viper Teams got up from their seats.

Phantom 1-5: Let's get this done.

Soon the cargo door opened up as a red light in the plane went green.

Phantom 1-1: Alright Phantoms! This is our drop!

The door then fully opened as Phantom Team jumped out one by one. After the last man jumped, the light turned back to red as the whole C-130 turned with its escorts. Meanwhile sat Viper Team who was dressed in the same uniform as Phantom Team.

Viper 2-1: And there goes Phantom...

Viper 1-1: We are going next Vipers, get all set?

Vipers: Yes sir!

Viper 1-1: Good!

After a few minutes the light went green once more.

Viper 1-1: Let's bite the enemy Vipers!

Viper 1-1 then did a practical cannonball out the plane as the rest of Viper team followed up.

Chalk 5-8: This is Chalk 5-8 to command, Phantom and Viper teams deployed, rerouting to deploy Raider and Fox Team, over.

JBLM Command: Copy 5-8, report back once Raider Team is deployed.

Chalk 5-8: Copy that command.

Back in the bay.

David and Raider Team in their Woodland uniforms looked to their Captain.

David: Alright Raiders, we're next!

Raider Team then got up, putting their NODS in their bags.

Melissa: You ready brother?

Emmanuel: Always sis.

After another minute the C-130E and the two F-35'S arrived over Sanus.

Meanwhile in Beacon Academy.

RWBY were now in their dorms relaxing, preparing to sleep.

Ruby: Yaaaang! Stop with the puns!

Yang: Well, I say my puns-

Soon everyone's scroll started to give off static noises.

Weiss: What's with our scrolls?

Everyone grabbed their scrolls as voices came out of it.

Chalk 5-8: This is Chalk 5-8 to Raider Team-

Weiss: What is this!? Who's Chalk 5-8 or even Raider Team!?

Blake: I don't know, but this doesn't sound good...

Chalk 5-8: We're approaching the drop zone now, prepare to jump.

Ruby: Wait... jump!?

David: Roger that 5-8!

Blake: What is going-

Shadowcat 1: Shadowcat-1 to Chalk 5-8! Incoming structure! Climb! Climb! Climb!

F-35A's then pulled up to avoid the CCT tower with the C-130E almost doing a whole vertical with Fox and Tundra Team strapped into their seats, now why did they not prepare for the buildings, for one they were closer to the cliff thanks to the Emerald Forest being at the bottom of a cliff while the academy and the CCT were a far distance from the edge of the cliff.

Fox 1-1: The fuck is going on Chalk?!

Chalk 5-8: Nothing! We're good!


The sounds of a C-130 and F-35's flying over Beacon shocked them.

Chalk 5-8: This is Chalk 5-8 to command, Raider Team deployed, rerouting to deploy Fox Team, over.

Baseplate Command: Roger 5-8, we are trying to fix any damage done to Washington State currently.

Chalk 5-8: Roger, out.

Soon RWBY's scrolls were override once more, from the radio waves.

Ruby: What is going on!? And what is Washington!?

David: This is Raider 1-1 broadcasting to friendly channels, how copy?

Raiders: We read you sir.

David: Roger, regroup at my location.

Soon a blip appeared on their scrolls with a map.

David: Check your wristpad, my location is set there. And equip your NODS, Raider 1-1, out.

Weiss: We need to get the headmaster!

RWBY quickly got out of bed bumping into JNPR as they both got out their doors.

Ruby: Jaune!

Jaune: Did you guys hear that too!? From our scrolls!?

Weiss: Precisely! We need to get to the headmaster!

Nora: Then let's gooooo!!!


Raider Team was now regrouped and armed as they walked through the forest with a snap of a tree branch or rustling of leaves after every few seconds.

Floyd: So, did you guys' spot anything when we dropped?

Clay: Yeah, when we jumped, I saw some sort of building on the cliff.

Tommy: Wonderful! Now we gotta scale a cliff!

Ray: It shouldn't be too big... I think?

Tommy: You think!?

*Rustle* *Rustle* *Rustle*

David: Stuff it 1-5...!

Soon M7's were raised to the bush.

Out jumped a Beowolf trying to bite Ray but was quickly shot down as it disintegrated.

Ray: Fuckin' hell... wolves that turn into ash when you kill it?

Ace: Yeah, this is fucking weird.

John: You're telling me...

The team continued to go forward as they tried to get back to the cliff.

David grabbed his radio trying to call in for some Little Birds to carry them up.

David: This is Raider 1-1 to command.

Baseplate Command: This is Baseplate Command, give me a sitrep 1-1.

David: We have touched down and have spotted civilization descending. However we cannot reach it.

Baseplate Command: What's the holdup 1-1?

David: We have reached a cliff, no way up it.

Baseplate Command: Roger 1-1, clear a landing and we'll task a Blackhawk for assistance, aerial refueling will be needed though so expect a delay.

David: Roger that command, out.

David looked back to his team.

David: Alright, we need to circle back. Blackhawk needs a landing.

James: You're kidding right?

David: Negative, let's wrap back around.

Some sighing was heard as everyone turned around.

Clay: Rog, let's move.

Ace: We tried to go in a little quieter with a drop but we're using helicopters either way... 

As the team walked back to the clearing, Floyd decided to ask something.

Floyd: Where's our twelfth member? All SOF teams have 12 members, don't they?

The older members of Raider Team, Ray and David's faces darkened a little.

David: They do... our twelfth member is currently in a coma. We're denying for a person to take the twelfth spot. Hopefully he'll wake up. But even then, I'm sure he will medically discharged.

Floyd: O-oh... sorry for asking...

Ray: You're good kid, you didn't know.

Floyd then decided to ask one more question.

Floyd: What's his name?

Ray: We called him Power; his name though was Mike Powell; he was actually the fourth generation to go and have the name Mike.

Floyd and other members of Raider's who didn't know him were interested.

Emmanuel: Who was the first?

Ray: Mike Powell the first was a World War 2 veteran, he was in the 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalion going from the start of World War 2 to the end, hell, he was even in D-Day. But he died in... 2008.

(A/N) If you know where this is from, I give you my respect comrade.

Melissa: Damn...

James: Tough man, that's for sure. But how did he enter his coma?

David: He was the first Chief Warrant Officer of our team. My right-hand-man, buddy would always stick with me and always follow orders, though... when we were sent into Operation Freedom's Sentinel to fight back the terrorists... that's where he entered his coma. We were trying to cross the street to another building, we were then spotted and well...

David started to slowly get emotional remembering the events as Ray tried to help him.

David: Power was hit with an RPG, he survived but entered a coma, not to mention when we were moving him out of the street, his helmet took some hits from debris and a sniper shot. Those guys wanted Power dead, I don't know why, but they did.


Raider Team was now in a Blackhawk as they flew towards the cliff.

Raven 4-1: We're arriving at the LZ!

David: Got it!

Soon the Blackhawk hovered over the ground as Raiders jumped off with them taking off.

David: Alright! Let's get moving men!

Now let's focus on two teams who will be in unique situations compared to the other three.

Meanwhile in Vacuo

Fox team was now in an abandoned town preparing to settle in for the night.

Charles: When Johnny comes marching home again

Fox 1-2: Hurrah! Hurrah!

Fox 1-3: We'll give him a hearty welcome then

Fox 1-4: Hurrah! Hurrah!

Fox 1-5: Oh, the men will cheer and the boys will shout

Fox 1-6: The ladies they will all turn out

Fox 1-7: And we'll all feel gay when

Fox Team: Johnny comes marching home!

Meanwhile a few feet away walked Team NDGO of Shade Academy who were out on a nightly stroll near Shade and wanted to visit the abandoned town near Vacuo.

Nebula: We're here!

Gwen: Finally!

Fox 2-2: Hurrah! Hurrah!

Dew: Is that-

Octavia: People...!?

Charles: In eighteen hundred and sixty-three-

Fox 1-2: Old Abe, he ended slavery-

Nebula: Wait? Slavery...?

The four girls walked towards the singing to find 12 men dressed in dessert outfits singing some tunes. Nebula then pulled out her scroll starting to record incase anything happens.

Fox 1-3: And we'll all drink stone wine

Fox 1-4: When Johnny comes marching home

Fox 1-5: And we'll all drink stone wine

Fox 1-6: When Johnny comes marching home!

Soon Charles started to clap.

Charles: Haha! Alright boys, lights out. We got more scouting tomorrow morning.

Fox Team: Yup-yup.

Fox 1-3: So, you have any idea where we are anyways Captain?

Charles: Well, a few mikes out from here seemed to be some sort of civilization. So, that's up first.

Nebula: What is going on here...

Fox 1-2: So, we reporting to command back after?

Charles: Correct.

Soon Fox 1-3 then cut in.

Fox 1-3: When do we report back to the mainland?

NDGO: Mainland?

As Fox Team kept conversing, NDGO was in serious question.

Charles: In about a week, two Chinooks are coming to pick up all SOF Teams.

Fox 1-4: Good, I ain't staying in a dessert for months.

Fox 2-1: What about-

Fox 1-4: DO NOT! Even remind me of Afghanistan!

Fox 2-1: Alright, alright.

Gwen: What's Afghanistan?

Octavia: No idea.

Charles: Alright, Langston, Brooklyn.

Langston/Brooklyn: Yes sir?

Charles: Pull security, we'll take turns on watch tonight. I ain't getting killed in my sleep.

Langston: Got it Captain, let's go Private.

Brooklyn: Alright Sergeant.

The two then got up, switching their NODs back on.

Nebula then stopped recording as NDGO ran back to Shade as quick as they can.

Dew: We need to warn the headmaster!

Meanwhile with Tundra Team

Tundra 1-1 then threw up some hands signs as the team of 12 split up across the wall, Team 1 which was Tundra 1-1 and the odd numbers of Tundra, while Team 2 was led by Tundra 1-2 and the rest of the team.

Tundra 1-1: This is Tundra 1-1 to Tundra 1-2, how copy?

Tundra 1-2: I read you 1-1.

Tundra 1 then tilted his head to the wall as Tundra 1-9 grabbed a grappling hook with a rope as he latched it on one of the railings.

Tundra 1-9: Set sir.

Tundra 1-1: Got it.

1-1 then grabbed his radio one more time.

Tundra 1-1:  All Tundra's descend now.

Soon everyone took turns grabbing onto the rope, going down.

Once down each member pulled security till the last man was off.

Tundra 1-1: This is Tundra Actual to command; we have made it into a city. We're scouting now, over.

HQ Officer: Roger that actual, report back if compromised or anything serious is found.

Tundra 1-1: Roger, out.

What none of them noticed was 4 women watching them.

???: Alright, split up. Make sure these men don't try anything.

???'s: Right!

The four of them then split into teams of two like Tundra as Tundra 1-1 decided to order his men to the roofs of the buildings.

Tundra 1-1: Tundra-1 to all Tundra's, move to the roofs. We're moving to find an extract point for a scenario.

Tundra 1-2: Team 2 copies moving up 1 mike to a roof.

Tundra 1-1: Team 1 will follow, commence movements, out.


The two Tundra teams were now camped on top of two buildings across from each other, getting ready to sleep.

Tundra 1-5: Hey Cap?

Tundra 1-1: Yeah, Oswin?

Oswin: How the hell are we returnin' to base?

Tundra 1-1: Chinooks or Blackhawks are picking us up, V-280's are on standby for CAS or MEDEVAC, don't worry Oswin.

Oswin smiled and nodded.

Oswin: Good, I ain't climbing and walking back out of these walls, Alawani.

Alawani: Yeah, I know.

Meanwhile the Medical Sergeant, Terry 'Doc' Jaycee spoke with the Captain next.

Terry: Tristian?

Tristan: Don't break SOP Doc, but yeah?

Terry: Do we need to pull security tonight?

Tristan: Negative, we're on roofs and from the looks of it, there's no way up here.

Terry: Got it.

Tristan: But just in case, I'll pull security.

Terry: Just yourself?

Tristan: Don't worry Doc, I can handle it.

Terry: Sir, I do suggest we change shifts?

Tristan: Doc, let it go.

Terry looked to Tristan and sighed.

Terry: Yes sir...

And that's the end of the prologue! This story is of course going to have the most O.C's since there is 5 teams and they all going to have names! Luckily I'm going to create you all some Bios! Just the personal details not the weapons or other information since those will be exactly like Raider Team. Anyways, always remember!


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