Underestimated (MHA x Male Re...

By Some_Emo_Guy

85.8K 2.5K 1.9K

A MHA x Reader story. You were born with a very unique quirk. A quirk with a lot of mystery. What it lacked i... More

The Beginning
Entrance Exam
First Day
Combat Training
Class Rep
USJ: Part 1
USJ: Part 2
Sports Festival: Obstacle Race
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 1
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 2
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 3
Sports Festival: Finale
Hero Names
Nighteye's Tests
Suiting Up
Personal Growth
Exam Prepping
Final Exam
Wild Wild Pussycats
Camp Training
Good Company
Not a chapter. Suggestions?
The Lion's Den
A FUBAR Situation
Apologies & Dormitories
Ultimate Moves
A Long Wait

Bleeding Out

2.3K 83 38
By Some_Emo_Guy

Third Person POV:

Nighteye sat in his office, late at night. A small desk lamp cast a slight glow over the reports in front of him. They were regarding Y/N's illegal involvement against the villains from before. Nighteye had of course long since filled them out. Now, he was left with one question, not on paper, but in his mind. His hand moved to the smart phone on his desk. He called someone who he hadn't spoken with in awhile.

"Hm? Who is this?" a gruff, male voice spoke.

"It's me, Gran Torino. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Nighteye replied.

"What do you think you're doing calling in the middle of the night?! I'm not a young man anymore! I need my rest!" Gran Torino ranted, irritated.

"My apologies for the inconvenient timing. It may be surprising, but there's something I was hoping you could help me with." Nighteye said.

"Ugh. Does this have to do with One For All? I can't be bothered to have this conversation, this late." Gran Torino complained, about to hang-up.

"It doesn't have to do with that. You see, I have this first-year interning at my agency..." Nighteye began.

"Oh, I'm interning, too. The kid actually mentioned that his friend was doing his internship at Nighteye agency. I take it things aren't going well?" Gran Torino asked, assuming. Nighteye quietly exhaled, trying to choose his words.

"He was here for only a couple of hours before he got himself into trouble. Before he got me into trouble. I made the unfortunate mistake of not looking into his future the moment he walked in my door." Nighteye ranted.

"There's nothing wrong with being hopeful. Seems like you two were hoping for different things. He wanted a hero experience and you wanted someone you could control. But these kids aren't like us. They're brash and overly eager. Don't try to just shield him from everything. And don't just give up on him. Instead, maybe show him some of the other aspects of hero work." Gran Torino suggested, yawning. "I'm too tired to continue with this. I'm going back to sleep." Gran Torino said, hanging up. Nighteye remained seated in the exact same position. His thoughts continued, despite the conversation ending.

"I would've liked to tell you exactly what intrigued me about this student..." Nighteye said, thinking aloud.


I awoke from my restless sleep and mournfully stood from my cot. The sun was shining through the skinny window of the room. My bags were on the floor and already packed. I had already done so, expecting that I would be sent home. All that was missing from my belongings, was my guns. They had been temporarily confiscated, as evidence. "Shouldn't be much longer before I get thrown out of here..." I said. I begrudgingly changed into some casual clothes. In a simple t-shirt and shorts, I stepped out from my temporary quarters. I walked to Sir Nighteye's office, ready for the worst.

"Have a seat, L/N." Nighteye said. He was busy writing something. As I sat across from him, he set his pen down. "We spoke a lot about your quirk yesterday. Much was said about the laws regarding vigilantism, as well... However, we neglected to go over one other very important detail. What kind of hero do you seek to become?" Nighteye asked. My head had sunk low when he mentioned vigilantism. But now I didn't know what to think.

"I wasn't expecting that. Uh... You know, I think at my core, I really just want to help people. My...My quirk is unusual, it can put people off, but there's a lot of ways I can use it to help people." I stated, honestly. For a moment, Nighteye was quiet. His expression was something I hadn't yet seen on him. It looked like respect.

"L/N, you made a mistake yesterday." Nighteye began.

'Here it comes...' I thought.

"But it would be a mistake if I punished you by for one bad decision." Nighteye said, shocking me. My eyes widened and my entire expression fidgeted, in disbelief. "You are a teenager, as well as a hero-in-training. You have no idea what this kind of work fully entails, nor how the world works. Even though it was your mistake, I miscalculated. I didn't plan for it. There for, I'm just as accountable. So, if you can do as I say, you will continue to be welcome here. I still believe in your potential." Nighteye explained, logically. I was completely dumbfounded.

"So, you're not sending me home...?" I asked, shocked.

"I never intended to. Punishment was always in mind, but what kind of hero would I be if I didn't see the good in someone?" Nighteye replied.

"I-uh... Thank you, Sir. I still want to learn from you. I want to use what little time is left in my internship to learn what I can." I said, happily. The relief washing over me was immense. I wasn't going to end up behind all my friends and classmates. Afterwards, it started to feel like a real internship. I suited up, ate a quick breakfast, and then I went on patrol with Sir. He explained that a hero shouldn't seek for something exciting to happen. The important thing was to enjoy the peaceful moments but also remain vigilant. We patrolled until lunch, ate from a street vendor, and then we returned to the agency. From there, Sir Nighteye explained reports to me. They had to be done, not just after patrols, but just about anything you do related to hero work. "So, there is a lot more to hero work than just saving people or fighting villains." I said, conflicted. This new information was interesting, but the idea of filing reports all the time was very boring.

"Admittedly, this is a more mundane part of being a hero, but necessary nonetheless. Besides, like I said before, you want the quiet mundane days. They mean that nothing is going wrong." Nighteye reassured.

"Yeah, I can understand that." I agreed, nodding my head. It went on like this for hours. Just taking in new knowledge. Including some lessons in basic medical aid. Eventually, it was night. I had made it through the day without doing something foolish. That's when it happened. The calm and quiet of the day had left with the sun. Apparently, the creatures known as Nomu were running rampant, in the city. I watched news footage on a TV at the agency. "The Nomu thing, again? Those aren't like the one at USJ, though." I said, thinking aloud.

"What do you mean?" Bubble Girl asked.

"Whatever Nomu are, there was one at the villain attack of UA, too. But that one was bigger than these on TV. It had solid black skin, too." I clarified.

"The one at USJ was stated to be made to battle All Might. It's possible these Nomu vary in abilities and power. The darker ones may be more elite. But that doesn't matter now, we need to head there and help against them." Nighteye stated. With that, he and the others started to mobilize.

"So, am I sitting this one out, or...?" I asked, hesitantly.

"I don't see why you can't come along. To assist with evacuation and medical aid, of course. You'll just have to stay in proximity to one of us." Nighteye replied. As he said those words, I received a message on my phone. We all ran out of the agency building and climbed into some sort of van outside. It was full of all kinds of emergency service equipment. Bubble Girl got behind the wheel and we all started making our way to wherever we were headed. I checked my phone to see Izuku had shared his current location with me. At first, I was confused, but then it hit me.

"Uh, Sir! I think my friend might be in trouble!" I called out, concerned. Nighteye grabbed my arm and pulled my phone screen closer to his face. He seemed to be checking the message for himself.

Third Person POV:

Unknown to Y/N, the moment Nighteye had gripped your arm, he looked into your future. Y/N just hadn't seen him do so.

The future he saw was hard fought and violent...but also awe-inspiring. Nighteye closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them. "L/N, it's up to you." he suddenly said.

"Huh?" Y/N asked, confused.

"We will let you out near your friend's location. It will be up to you to aid him." Nighteye added.

"I thought I was supposed to stick with one of you?" Y/N said, surprised.

"The situation has changed. You have my permission to fight, for the sake of defense." Nighteye decided. After a short time, we stopped and he slid the van door open. Y/N checked the location on his phone and climbed out.

"You know, I still haven't got my guns back." Y/N reminded. Nighteye reached behind him and grabbed something. It was Y/N's pistols. There were in a police evidence bag. He handed them off to Y/N, who racked a round into the chamber of each.

"The investigation concluded, so here. For the record, you can do much more than pull a trigger. I'll be seeing you soon, L/N." Nighteye said, shutting the van door. Y/N made his way to Izuku's location.

"He's in an alleyway? This can't be good..." Y/N said, running. When he reached the scene, it wasn't pretty. Iida was actually there, too. He and the hero, Native had been stabbed and were laying on the ground. Meanwhile, Izuku and some masked villain with a sword were jumping around at great speed. Y/N took aim with my pistols and fired. His shot scraped the villain's right forearm and kept going. As the villain's arm bled, he along with Izuku, turned to see Y/N. "Damn, Izuku, where did you learn the new moves?" he asked, impressed.

"Y/N!" Iida said, on the ground.

"Y/N, watch out!" Izuku screamed. The villain had established Y/N as the primary threat. He was headed towards Y/N now. Y/N just barely dodged his sword slash, in time! It was so strong and so close that he had cut clean through one of Y/N's pistols, mid-dodge! Now one of them was reduced to just the handle. Y/N looked to the damage in shock.

"Aw, man. That's not right..." Y/N said, dodging again. Izuku came in like a missile and threw a punch at the villain. He dodged and stared to swing, as Izuku was open. Y/N fired at the villain and distracted him. He changed the direction of his sword slash, cutting the bullet in half before it hit him. It went like this for a few seconds as Izuku and Y/N kept working together. "You want to tell me who this guy is?!" Y/N shouted, combat rolling. Izuku launched another punch at the villain.

"Damn kids! I'm the Hero Killer, Stain! You think I won't kill you, too!" Stain shouted, angrily. Y/N's eyes widened as he realized just how screwed they were. As Y/N tried to dodge again, he misjudged. A horrible pain caught his attention like nothing ever before. Y/N had made a mistake, and Stain had managed to stab him.

"Y/N!" Both Izuku and Iida screamed.

'Dammit! Dammit...!" Y/N thought, stumbling to the ground. Y/N's hands clutched around his gut, where he was stabbed. The pain was enough to make Y/N keel over. It felt like, if his body were a machine and he had just had a very important part removed. Stain came in for a killing blow, but Izuku knocked him away, in the knick of time.

"You guys need to move to a more open area! Get somewhere the Pros can see you!" Izuku demanded, still fighting. Y/N tried to stand back up, but all of a sudden...

"What the hell?! My body won't move!" Y/N shouted.

"Neither will ours. We haven't been able to, since he cut us..." Iida explained, frustrated. Despite Izuku's speed, Y/N got a glimpse of his expression. He was thinking, probably deducing what Stain's quirk was.

'It's clearly paralysis, activated by cutting. But surely there's more to it. There must be some kind of other requirement or limit to the quirk...' Y/N thought, pained. The hero killer tried to slash Izuku with a knife using his free hand, but he slid through his legs. Stain moved to counter by swiping his katana behind him, but Izuku jumped high in the air. Just then, Stain licked his knife and Izuku ceased moving, too!

'What? I can't move! That must be it...blood! He had grazed me without me realizing it...' Izuku thought, realizing. He hit the ground hard. To everyone's shock, Stain didn't rush toward him, for a killing blow. Instead, he calmly walked toward the others.

'The green one's different then these other fakers. He was willing to stay and fight, so they could escape. He's worth living...' Stain thought. He reached the hero, Native, and prepared a killing blow.

"No! Get away from him, you twisted bastard!" Y/N screamed, from the ground. Stain's turned to face him, his eyes filled with hate.

"You're the one who's twisted! What kind of hero dual-wields two guns?! Especially a kid, like you! What are you, some sort of school shooter?!" Stain shouted back, angrily.

"No man, this is Japan. That's an American thing." Y/N stated, sarcastically. Stain screamed in frustration before leaping into the air. As he came downward, he raised his sword above his head. Y/N had seconds to react. 'Shit! Think of Nighteye's teachings! Look for a new angle!' Y/N thought, desperately. With no time to spare, Y/N suddenly rolled on the ground, out of Stain's reach. His aerial attack failed and the blade of his sword slammed into the ground, where Y/N's neck had been. The impact caused the blade to break.

'He dodged?!' Iida thought, confused.

'How did he start moving again?!' Izuku wondered. But there was no time for that. "Y/N! His quirk is activated by ingesting someone's blood!" Izuku yelled, from the ground. Y/N coughed up some blood, but remained standing.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. What do you even call that quirk? Blood Suck, maybe? Or maybe just Regular Suck?" Y/N said, sarcastically. Stain didn't respond. He was standing only a few feet away, but he looked to be lost in thought.

'How is he moving...? That shouldn't be possible... Even if his blood type is the least resistant to Blood Curdle, he should still be downed way longer than he was... He must be countering it, somehow. With some ability of his own.' Stain thought. He gripped his sword handle tightly. With the blade broken, he sheathed the sword. He had a spare anyways, though. So he just drew that one. Stain rushed forward and slashed at Y/N. A massive gash was cut across his chest.

"Y/N!" Izuku and Iida screamed. But Y/N merely smirked. Then he grabbed Stain's arm with one hand and his neck with the other. Y/N's shock gloves went to work and zapped the hell out of Stain. The Hero Killer screamed in pain before managing to kick Y/N off of him. It hadn't been a good kick, but Y/N was so staggered from his injuries that he could easily be knocked over. Stain stepped back a bit, feeling something strange. But he ignored it and attacked again. He swung wildly at Y/N, who did his best to dodge what might instantly kill him. Stain landed several more cuts in places like Y/N's arms, chest and legs.

"You're really pissing me off..." Y/N said, catching Stain's sword with his shock gloves. He swung and punched Stain in the face. As he was knocked back a bit, Stain licked his sword. Y/N stumbled for a moment but kept himself from falling. Stain was beginning to look and feel genuinely afraid.

"What the hell is this...? You know how my quirk works, but you don't care. And no matter how much I cut you, nothing works... What are you...?" Stain asked, completely dumbfounded. Y/N was leaking blood all over the place and still coughing it up, yet he kept standing.

"You could say I'm using an infinite life cheat code. I can refill my blood at will. This not only prevents me from bleeding out, but it also negates your quirk. This is because my quirk works through some sort of time reversal. Me refilling my blood, basically takes me back to before you activated your quirk." I explained, confidently.

"And you didn't think to do the same for us?!" Iida yelled. Y/N turned to look at him, with an annoyed expression.

"I was a little busy trying not to get my head taken off by Voldemort, over here." Y/N remarked, pointing to Stain. Iida could suddenly stand, as Y/N had used his quirk, when he looked at him. Coincidentally, Izuku was able to stand as well.

"Why'd you call him Voldemort?" Iida asked, clutching his wound.

"I felt it when I punched him. The Hero Killer doesn't have a nose." Y/N pointed out. He suddenly noticed that Izuku was standing, too. "Hey, we're all up, now!" Y/N said, coughing some blood.

"I figured it out! Some blood types are more resistant to his quirk than others!" Izuku said. Stain got tired of the talk and went to attack Y/N. But Iida grabbed him and ran him out of reach. Then he and Izuku both took off like rockets. Izuku bounced between the walls of the alley, while Iida ran straight toward Stain. Stain swung his sword and Iida, but he slid on the ground, going for his legs. Stain jumped up in time to avoid the leg sweep, but was met with an attack from Izuku. Iida swung a kick while Izuku punched, each landing their blows on the Hero Killer!

The Hero Killer fell to the ground, unconscious and finally defeated.

"Yes! Came in with the clutch!" Y/N said, panting heavily. He leaned against a wall of the alleyway.

"Y/N!" Izuku said, walking up. Seeing as Y/N was more injured, Izuku supported him. Meanwhile, Iida and Native supported each other. The four walked out of the alley, where they were quickly spotted by Pro Heroes.

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