My Wife, My Remedy

By hertahira

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FULANI LOVE STORY [ONGOING] Join Aliyu and Maryam as they tried to build the trust in their marriage that wa... More

Epilogue πŸ’•


424 46 0
By hertahira


Song: First Man🎧
Artist: Camila Cabello🎤

Author's POV💕

"What are you doing here?" Aliyu asked looking at Maryam who was staring at the used contents on the bed

"What are you doing?" She asked as she walked over picking up an empty container which he quickly snatched away from her

"What's wrong with you?" She asked annoyed by the way he just behaved

"I'm sorry for that" he said as she hissed in annoyance

"Aliyu, why are you taking all this pills, shouldn't it be a medicine at a time, what do you need this injections for and why do you have so many of them?" She asked all at once as he shook his head

"It calms me" he said

"You look weak and dizzy, how on earth does this calm you" she said again more like a scold

"It's all your fault, if you just didn't ignore me the way you did I won't need all this but you ignored me and distance yourself away from me, I needed you but you just left me all by myself, I have to beg you everytime but you keep shutting me out and all of your behaviors keep affecting and worsening my health, that why I have to take all this, all this controls it cause I'm just a coward who can't control myself, do you understand" Aliyu said almost like a yell as he stayed silent at the end of it panting to catch his breath while Maryam just stared at him in disbelief

"So the reason you're taking all this and behaving the way you are is basically because of me?" She said more like a question raising a brow at her as he shook his head knowing she's already angry and he didn't want that

"I'm sorry" he said as he blinked weakly at her

"Every single thing happening to you is all cause of the decisions you made and here you are blaming it on me, are you out of your mind?" She said in anger

"You know I was actually worried about you and that's why I'm here and what did I get in return, being blamed for it" she said angrily as Aliyu got up to meet her but she pushed him away making him stumble a bit but he held himself to avoid falling as he tried going to her again

"Maryam, I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I'm sorry please don't be upset" he said trying to hold her hand as she pushed him again making him fall to the bed as he forced himself to sit upright holding his chest

"Don't you ever try to touch me ever..." Maryam said almost like a yell as Aliyu cuts her off

"Maryam please call my dad" he said as she remained silent giving him a confused look

"Please call my dad tell him to come quickly" he said again holding his chest as he started coughing making her rush towards him

"Are you okay?" She asked contemplating whether to touch him or not

"Please call my dad, tell him I need his help, ask him to come immediately" Aliyu said again as he started coughing out blood making Maryam eye widened

"Aliyu" she said worriedly as she touched him

"Aliyu are you okay?" She asked tapping him as she saw his eyes closing

"Maryam please call my dad" Aliyu said in a weak tone as he finally fell unconscious with blood pouring out the side of his mouth making Maryam fill up in fear

"Aliyu, Aliyu, Aliyu" she said tapping him to wake up but no response making her run out of the room.

She ran looking for her father and explained Aliyu's condition to him making the elderly man call Aliyu's father immediately.

After that her father ran to the room meeting the unconscious man lying on the bed with the blood coming out of his mouth

"Inna illahi was inna illahi raji'un" he let out as he quickly checked if Aliyu's still breathing which thankfully he was.

He called a few men into the room and together they all helped carrying Aliyu to the hospital.


The men were still not back and now Maryam was in Rukkaya's room sitting on the floor crying while Rukkaya and her aunts tried their best to calm her but failed

Right now she convinced that she's the reason for Aliyu's condition, she was never really convinced enough before that she was the cause of his behavior but now after what she has just done today and hearing all the words that came out of Aliyu's mouth she feels so guilty.

She's still unable to tell anyone what happened in the room despite being asked so many times.

Maryam was still being consoled by her sister and aunts when the coming of Aliyu's mother caught their attention.

Hajiya Nafisa came into the room with Iman and Aiza trailing behind her and from the look on their faces it's clear they're not in anyway happy and are here to accuse her as well.

"What did you do to my son?" Hajiya Nafisa said as Maryam remained silent trying her best to stop crying but failed

"Maryam what did you do to Aliyu?" She said again as Rukkaya spoke up

"Maryam's not responsible for Aliyu's condition, he was overdosing and..." Rukkaya said as hajiya Nafisa cuts her off

"Shut your mouth, I believe you're not the one I'm speaking to so be quiet" she said as Rukkaya shook her head before nodding

"Maryam!" Hajiya Nafisa called again

"What did you do to my son?" She said again

"Ummah I'm sorry" Maryam said as she bursted out crying making the woman shake her head pathetically

"Maryam, Aliyu is currently in a critical condition at the hospital, please tell us what happened you can't leave us in the dark like this" Iman said as Maryam just kept on crying making one of their aunts speak up

"Please calm down, we're aware of your concern, but Maryam isn't responsible please let's wait for the men to be back, they'll tell us what the doctor said" the woman said

"Why should we wait for the men to come back, we're aware Maryam was with him when all this happened and I'm sure she knows what happened to him" Hajiya Nafisa let out again

"Hajiya, Aliyu was overdosing his pills and injections that's what affected him, Maryam has nothing to do with it" Rukkaya said again as the woman glared at her

"I said you should be quiet, Maryam has a hand in this I'm very sure, we all know she doesn't like Aliyu so how can something bad happen to him with her present and you're telling me she has no hand in it" Hajiya Nafisa said angrily as Maryam shook her head, of course she was responsible but how could she just say it especially to this lady that looked like she was just 8fts away from landing her a slap

"Maryam" the woman said almost like a yell

"Mummy calm down" Aiza said as her mother glared at her

"I'll give you a slap if you don't shut your mouth this instant" she said to her daughter as she looked back at Maryam who was still crying

"What did you do to my son?, You better tell me this instant otherwise you won't like what I'll do you" hajiya Nafisa said more like a threat

"Haba Hajiya calm down, you can see she's also in pain, it's her husband we're talking about fah, please be calm, it's not easy on her as well" one of the women in Maryam's side said as hajiya Nafisa eyed her

"Calm what?, I'm sure you all are also aware that this girl once slapped her husband that made him pass out and I'm sure before that they've been many other incidents there's no way she'll tell me she has no hand in this and I'll believe" Hajiya Nafisa said

"Torh nikam, let's wait when his recovery and then we'll ask him" one of the women said again

"Because of what, so he'll cover up for this stupid girl again, keh" Hajiya Nafisa said looking at Maryam

"Ko ki gaya min abun da kika yi ma Dan na ko na maganin ki dakai na (either you tell me what you did to my son or I'll deal with you)" she said again as Maryam shook her head crying

"I'm sorry, I just confronted him about his medication and pushed him a bit that's when all this happened" Maryam said crying

"La ilaha illah lah" hajiya Nafisa said

"You pushed my son" she said again looking at Maryam

"Kun jin ko (you've all heard right)" she said again

"Duk abun da ya faru da Dan na torh a Kai ki ya ke Kuma zan maganin ki sosai (anything that happens to my son will all be you're fault and I'm going to deal with you as well)" hajiya Nafisa said

"Haba, why will you be talking like that, I'm sure she didn't mean to push him, In Sha Allah he'll be fine so we can resolve all this" one of the aunts said

"Didn't mean to push him, was she out of her mind when she did it or did she forget his a heart patient, this girl with her arrogant behavior, I'm sure if she continues to be with my son then she'll kill him in no time wicked woman" hajiya Nafisa said

"Mummy mu tafi, I think dad has come back" Iman said as she came back from the door

"Better come down and let everyone know that you tried to kill your husband so the day he divorces you, you won't come back and play victim" Hajiya Nafisa said as she eyed Maryam and the rest of the women before leaving with Iman trailing behind her

"Maryam sorry about my mum, she's just very upset and worried about Aliyu's condition, come down and make your statement please so we can end any argument and misunderstanding before it escalates" Aiza said

"We'll bring her down now, thank you" Rukkaya said as Aiza nodded looking at Maryam one last time before leaving the room

"Kiyi hakuri (don't be upset), everything will be fine In Sha Allah" One of her aunt said to her as she just kept crying, no word of comfort could comfort her at least not at this point

The women tried calming her when Salim came into the room

"Maryam dad is calling you and his not happy, no one is" he said with an upset look on his face before leaving the room not waiting for a response from the ladies

"It's okay, everything will be fine just go down and apologize" one of the aunt said to her as she tried her best to stop crying

"Ke mah kiyi hakuri (you self calm down), you should have been more nicer to him" another one of the aunts said as the women glared at her

"Don't speak to her like that, can't you see she's in pain" another aunt said in defense

"Tayi hakuri (she should be calm), let her go down and accept whatever punishments they give her" the previous aunt said again as Maryam wiped off her tears getting ready to go answer them cause she tired of hearing herself being defended when she sure she had a fault in whatever happened

"Rukkaya go with her please and stay with her" another aunt said as she nodded before leaving the room with Maryam.

The two trailed the stairs arriving downstairs and going to the living room.

"Assalamualaikum" Rukkaya said as they came forth

"Walaikum Salam" they responded to her before looking at Maryam with both an angry and disappointed look.


Hey guys!

Just vote!, Don't even think too much about it, tap the star!

Hope y'all loved the chapter cause I did!

How will the discussion between the family and Maryam go?

Leave me your comments!

Share pls, recommending to others as well, talk to someone about it and make them wanna come check out my book.

It's worth it!

Don't forget to add "Our Husband" to your library, it's in my profile.

Love y'all

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