By Balkeesatu

35.4K 2.7K 471

Noor and Asad A heartwarming love story of love and devotion. ✨'Will you marry me Noor Jameel?' ~~... More

[15] ✨
New Book alert!!!


595 50 11
By Balkeesatu


Her secretary opened the door for her and she entered. Her convey left the house and head to where she wants to go; praying on the way that the Almighty be with her.

She couldn't sleep early yesterday but anxiety made her wake up. If Zuwaira was alive, how did the prison said she die?

She know there's resemblance with that girl and Zuwaira but how did Zuwaira had a daughter? Her four month old son died, and she don't know if anything happen between Zuwaira and her second brother.

She rubbed her temple, still not able to get this puzzle in her life!

Her convey arrived and she was in a trance, thinking of a better way to deal with her life.

She need to protect her family at any cost. But how?

After some minutes, her secretary entered and sat down next to her, she just hope her boss is alright.

"Ma'am we arrived minutes ago." She mumbled and Malika set her eyes on her.

She heaved a long sigh that was revealed and nod in understanding.

She came out and the orphanage staffs were outside, welcoming Malika. Princess Malika Ameen Hamood, Ameen Hamood's wife, the mother of the Ameen Brothers.

She fold her hands and greet the head, politely.

After she was guided to the conference hall, her secretary give the head a bag, the head open it and gasp follow back as she witnessed a bag full of money.

"As we already know the Hamood's sent money every month," Malika's secretary begin. "But you can see Malika decide to visit, this month." The head nod.

A signal was made all the people left, leaving Malika, her secretary and the head.  

Malika told the head everything and conclude with; "please help, i need to see for myself, if she really worked here, if not then that girl is lying, i have to see for myself if her mother die here and left her."

The head nod, understanding everything, because years ago she knew about the case, but at that time she was not working at the orphanage.

"I starts working here eight years ago, and all the people i met here died or retired." She starts off earning a sigh of defeat from Malika. "But i can check the records, may be i can find something!" She reassured them and Malika smiled.

The head returned her glasses and smile heading to the store room, where the records of many years were kept.

"If that girl is lying then my suspicion is right, i just hope everything goes well." Malika said worriedly while her secretary nod.

This is the first time her boss become this anxious, she wish after this, her boss will be just fine.


The head walked to the store and opened after she arrived. She entered, turned on the light and made her way to the 90s.

Her action was interrupted by someone who dragged her by her right hand, her other hand was grabbed and she flinch by the sudden pain on her poor old body.

"Please let go of me!" She yelled in pain.

Two figures of people came out from both sides. They looked at themselves and at the head they were holding.

"Let go of her." One of them said. The other said the same thing and they starts bickering.

After the head was tired and scared of their bickering she yelled.

"Both of you stop, what did you wants from me?" She reasoned with them, after all, her life matters to her, what she doesn't know is how these two intruders entered the orphanage and came to the store.

Both the intruders glared at each other. One of them who wore a black hoodie removed a p-cap, and start to removed glasses, after removing the last piece that hide the face, which is the mask, Zeenat came into view.

The head as well the other intruder gasp by the sight of her, but as dervish as she's she wave her hand and say 'hy'.

"And you?" The head turned to the other person who starts to raised the burka up. It revealed a certain familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" Zeenat asked Samaira confusingly.

"What you're here for." Samaira answered audaciously, to which Zeenat smirk, villainously.

"Let move to the case since we're now opened to each other, i know you approached me for something against Malika, while i did the same. We had one enemy who's Malika. Our road is the same." Samaira shrugged and Zeenat chuckled.

"Yes.." Zeenat trailed off. "But remember you follow behind Zeenat." She warned and looked at confused the Head.

She knew everyone in the Hamood family, including Samaira who just had collaboration with Zeenat, what she don't know is why Zeenat is after her only sister in-law.

"Let see what we can do to the head!" Zeenat uttered and bring out a file from her big bag.

"Here hold this." She give the file to the head who collect it. Zeenat walked to the shelf of some old files and removed one.

She took it and turned to them, she transferred all the files from the new one to the old one, while both Samaira and the head glanced at her.

She bring a pack of sand and placed the file on the floor, putting the sand on the new papers.

"Take this to Malika." She speak, after all her procedures for the file which somehow looked as if it has been kept for long, and the smell of the old file gave the new papers some old smell.

"Why should i." The head said strictly. Why will she take part in their dirty game, she can't betray Malika!

Zeenat looked at Samaira and they both laughed.

"Oh did i not tell you." Zeenat closed her mouth, she sighed, a smirk on her. "You have to, because you don't have any choice!" She shrugged and raised an eyebrow now her face serious.

She took out her phone and show some videos to the head, the head flinch as she saw the video; some goons at her grandchildren school, some at her sons workplace and some in front of her daughter's house.

"What did you wants from me?" She said her eyes getting misty.

"It simple, you take this file to Malika. And your family will be safe, but if you don't, i won't mind getting my hand dirty." Zeenat wickedly said while Samaira couldn't believe how dangerous Zeenat is.

The woman came prepared while on the other hand she just came to begged the head.

"I salute you!" She praised Zeenat earning a cocky smirk from her.

The head starts going to the door, walking as though something cracked in her stomach.

What had her work got her into?

"Don't forget to tell her it was hard finding the file from years ago!" Samaira yelled and they clapped their hands, victoriously.

After she show the file to Malika, she was surprised to see Zuwaira worked at the orphanage while she was raising her three years old daughter.

What she understands was why the prison said Zuwaira died! This means Zuwaira give birth to Samaira at the prison and died four years later; after working for one years at the orphanage.

The file hold all the information about Samaira's life, including Kaka her adoptee.

"What on earth is happening here!" She mumbled and call her husband. She told him everything and Ameen call the prison.

He don't find anything because the new commissioner had nothing old there.

Malika was thinking on her way home. What can she do with this complicated matter?

Has Samaira know anything about her mother or is she lying to them?!

On top of that, who's Samaira's father?!

"Ahhh!" She mumbled, lips shaking due to the splitting headache that came to her....


At California, Noor and Asad spent their day roaming in the city of California by foot, from street to street, shops to shops, market to market, they end their day by hanging up with Elvira and her friends.

The next day, they got ready and went to some villages and enjoy their day. Any person who see them will know they're really happy, together!

Asad become the perfect husband to Noor, from taking care of her, setting his cool behavior aside and playing together with her, her silly antics which he now learned.

From California, they arrived at Saudi Arabia to perform their Umrah, they pray for their life, family, and friends.

They  pray in front of the Ka'abah, their arms interlaced, for their happy married life. And thank the Almighty for helping them with Noor's surgery.

From Saudi, they went to Dubai, Istanbul, Paris, Maldives, Iceland, Korea, china, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Switzerland, Spain, Netherland And Lastly New York City. (Don't mind me😅😅)

The had the perfect honeymoon which made them grow like never before, their bond was so strong.

The honeymoon was now over. Their last day from New York to Nigeria!

To their home and peace!

Little did they know what they'll come encounter with at Home!

How was the Chapters?

Love you all❤️❤️

Balkeesatu ✍️

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