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By ChanelPradaGirl

41.5K 1.5K 615

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1.2K 55 4
By ChanelPradaGirl


"Get out!!" Adrien yells at his father when he enters his room. "Go coddle your foreign golden child since that's all you're good at!"

"Adrien, I'm here to talk. I don't want to yell," Gabriel calmly says, closing the door.

"Then leave!" Adrien yells.

"Watch your tone. I'm still your father," Gabriel retorts.

"You don't act like it! Ever since Celine got here, you've been favoring her, making me feel like the disappointment of a son that you've thought of me since mom died!" Adrien shouts with tears in his eyes.

Gabriel sighs. "I understand how you feel-"

"NO YOU DON'T!" Adrien screams at him. "Now get out of my room and go coddle that foreigner-!"


Adrien flinched at his father's cold glare.

"Don't you ever call Celine that again. Whether you like it or not, she is still your half-sister. Now sit down and let me speak,"

Adrien rolls his eyes and sits down on the edge of his bed, crossing his arms.

Gabriel sighs, taking off his glasses and tucking them into his pocket. He sits down next to his son.

"I understand how you feel. I've... been a very neglectful father since your mother left us, and now all of a sudden Celine's shown up and I've been treating her like a golden egg, you don't think it's fair, and that's why you hate her." Gabriel told Adrien.

"I don't. Because why does she get special treatment, huh? Why does SHE get anything she wants, why does SHE get a birthday party but you couldn't do that for me?" Adrien looked up at his father with hurt and anger.

"I... didn't want to make the same mistakes with her as I've done with you," Gabriel replies.

"That's not an excuse!" Adrien shouts.

"I never said it was, and I won't deny that I've been showing Celine favouritism over you. From now on, I will try my best to love you both equally," Gabriel places his hand on Adrien's shoulder.

The Agreste boy frowns and shakes his head. "No. That's not enough," He shrugs Gabriel's hand off, standing up and glaring at him. "I want you to send her BACK to Venezuela."

"Now that's unfair, Adrien," Gabriel says.

"Oh, it is? I bet if it was her telling you to send me to a boarding school in England, you'd do it in a heartbeat!" Adrien spat out.

"I wouldn't. You are my son, Adrien, I'd never send you to boarding school," Gabriel defends himself.

Adrien clenches his hands into fists and he looks down. "Did you even love mom...?"

Gabriel's eyes widened at this question. "Of course I did, Adrien. With all my heart,"

Adrien scoffs, looking up at the fashion designer with teary eyes. "No, you didn't. You may have loved her, but you loved Celine's mom more, didn't you?"

Gabriel froze, staying quiet.

"Celine's older than me, which means you had an affair with her mom... didn't you?" Adrien called him out.

Once again, he was silent.

Adrien lets out a forced laugh, tears running down his cheeks. "I knew it, of course you cheated. You couldn't help it, could you? Did mom know about your mistress?" He bitterly asked.

"...She did. I told her, but she still wanted me," Gabriel reveals.

"But you didn't want her. You wanted your mistress. Why, dad? Why?" Adrien questioned sorrowfully.

"Because I loved her... I loved Alejandra," A lone tear slid down Gabriel's face.

All was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was Adrien's sniffling.

"Get out." The Agreste boy demands. "I don't wanna be a model for your dumb brand anymore. Celine could be the new face for it since you adore her so much. But if you ask me, Lila's way more better than her."

'Lila... that girl...' Gabriel thought. That reminds him, he needed to speak to Celine about that sketchy Italian.

He left Adrien's room without a word, heading to Celine's bedroom.


Celine laid in Nathaniel's lap as he stroked her hair while her legs rested in Marc's lap. Small tears were in her eyes as she sniffled.

"He's the worst brother ever. I wish I had a different brother than him," She said in a venomous tone.

"He's such an a**hole, I can't believe he exposed us," Marc scowls.

"It's a good thing only our friends were here," Nathaniel says. "Hopefully they don't treat us differently,"

Celine wipes the tears from her eyes and sits up. "It doesn't matter. As long as we have each other," She grabs both her boyfriends' hands, giving them a small smile. "I don't care about anyone else's opinion,"

Marc and Nathaniel kissed her cheeks affectionately.

There was a knock on the door just then, and the boys separated from their girlfriend. Celine allows the knocker to come in and Gabriel enters.

Feeling awkward, Marc and Nathaniel got up, kissing Celine's cheeks again and telling her they'd see her tomorrow before leaving, hesitantly passing Gabriel, who stared at them blankly.

After they left, Gabriel closed the door and sat on the edge of Celine's bed while she looked at him. "I noticed that your friend... Lila, didn't come to your party,"

Celine's heart jumped at the mention of her blackmailer.

"Why is that?" Gabriel asks his daughter.

"Well, um... sh-she was busy so-"

"Busy?" Gabriel rose an eyebrow at Celine, interrupting her. "Busy enough that she missed her friend's birthday party? The same girl who got her a modeling job? Seems a little suspicious to me,"

"Oh, well..." Celine played with her fingers, mentally scrambling to come up with an excuse for Lila.

"It's surprising that Marc and Nathaniel didn't invite her, considering how you claim that she's your friend," Gabriel continued.

Celine bit her lip anxiously, bumping her leg up and down.

Gabriel glances at her, seeing her behaviour, then continues talking. "In fact, I've noticed in several magazine covers that Lila is the only one on them even though they're dual photoshoots between you and her. That's even more bizarre. I hope she's not using you or manipulating you to have her do solo photoshoots,"

Celine began to bite her nails, squeezing her eyes shut. Should she tell him? But what would Lila do? She'd tell everyone her secret!

"Adrien told me he doesn't want to be a model anymore and that you should be the new face of my brand. However, he said Lila was better than you. She does have impeccable talent. Maybe I will have her alongside you as the main model of my brand. After all, she seems like a honest, sincere girl,"

That was the final straw.

In that moment, Celine couldn't give a damn if Lila told the whole world about her secret. She was tired of being a crybaby, tired of being afraid, tired of keeping her relationship under wraps. There was no way she was gonna have that lying snake be a primary model of her father's fashion brand.

"NO!" Celine stood up. "No, you can't!" She told her dad.

Gabriel rose an eyebrow. "And why not?"

"Because she's a liar! She's not honest or sincere, she's fake! She pretends to be sweet and caring, but in reality, she's a manipulative b*tch! She's been bullying me and blackmailing me about my relationship with Marc and Nate just so she could model with me to get famous!" Celine breathed heavily after her confession.

Gabriel was seething. He knew that Lila girl was suspicious, but he didn't suspect she was blackmailing his daughter and using her for fame.

He huffed through his nose and stood up, bringing Celine in for a hug. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? I would've handled it,"

"I didn't want anyone to know about my relationship because I was afraid they'd judge me and my boyfriends. But now, I don't care anymore, dad. I can't take it! I don't want her modeling with me!" Celine frowns sadly, her arms wrapped around her father's waist.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to tell Lila..." Gabriel began telling Celine what to do.


The next day, Celine arrived at school via bike transportation and hugged her boyfriends, who were waiting for her.

"You ready?" Nathaniel asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah,"

"Alright, let's go in," Marc grabbed her hand while Nathaniel held her other one.

The throuple then made their way into the building, ignoring the strange looks being shot their way. They went upstairs and stood outside Miss Bustier's classroom with hesitance.

Celine breathes off, taking her hand out of Marc's and opening the door before entering with her boyfriends.

The chattering inside the room stopped and everyone stared at them.

"Good morning," Celine greeted quietly.

Everyone continued to stare at them until Marinette smiled.

"Good morning, you three!" She said.

"Your birthday party was awesome, Celine," Nino praised.

As they received more praises, the throuple beamed with happiness. It seems that their friends accepted them.

Just then Chris stood up. "Wait, Celine's birthday was yesterday and I wasn't invited? How dare you idiots not invite me?!" He glares at everyone.

"Cause no one wanted you there," Alya retorts.

Chris's face grew red with embarrassment while the students laughed.

Celine sat down with her boyfriends and turned around to Lila, who was glaring at her. She smirked, then did something that shocked the Rossi girl and Chris.

She kissed both Marc and Nathaniel directly on their lips, making them blush as she did it in front of all their friends.

"WHAT THE H*LL?!" Chris screams furiously, slamming his hand on his desk and storming over to the throuple. "I didn't see what I think I just saw, right?!"

"That's right, Chris, Marc and Nathaniel are my boyfriends," Celine grabs the boys' hands. "And I love them very much," She looks at her boyfriends affectionately.

"That's utterly disgusting! How can you stoop so low to date these gay losers at the same time when you could've had ME?" Chris gestures to himself.

"Being in a throuple is not disgusting Chris, it's love," Rose leans on her girlfriend Juleka's shoulder, looking up at her lovingly, causing the Couffaine girl to smile.

"And we're bisexual, dumba**, not gay," Marc snapped at Chris.

"Celine never wanted you to begin with Chris. You just never seemed to take a hint. She'll NEVER want a spoiled, pretentious brat like you," Nathaniel smirks at his classmate.

"That's not true, you brainwashed her!" Chris accused.

Celine groans and rolls her eyes. "Could you be any more desperate?"

Her question stunned Chris. "W-What?"

"You heard me. I'm with Marc and Nate on my own free will because I love them. They're everything I could ever want while you're the complete opposite of them, Chris. Just go away and date someone who'll worship you, like Sabrina,"

The gingerhead flinched in surprise when Celine called her out, and she shot her a nasty glare.

Chris was butthurt that Celine did not want him, nor would ever date him. That hurt quickly switched up into anger and arrogance, and he scoffed.

"Whatever, Gomez, you're nothing to me. I could get any girl I want, you're just a crybaby that briefly enticed me." He sneered before returning to his desk.

Marc and Nathaniel glared at him while Celine didn't seem bothered.

"Yeah, I enticed you for seven months, I wouldn't call that brief," She retaliates.

Everyone chuckled while Chris frowned and turned red, mortified.

Adrien entered the classroom just then and swallowed when several students glared at him, including Marinette. He sat down next to Nino and waved at him, but the Lahiffe boy just shook his head and turned away.

This hurt the blonde's feelings but he tried not to let it get to him.

Miss Bustier came into the class a few seconds later and began the lesson with History.

Word Count: 2,006


(ChanelPradaGirl: Celine's outfit.)

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