Underestimated (MHA x Male Re...

By Some_Emo_Guy

82.6K 2.5K 1.8K

A MHA x Reader story. You were born with a very unique quirk. A quirk with a lot of mystery. What it lacked i... More

The Beginning
Entrance Exam
First Day
Combat Training
Class Rep
USJ: Part 1
USJ: Part 2
Sports Festival: Obstacle Race
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 1
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 2
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 3
Sports Festival: Finale
Hero Names
Nighteye's Tests
Bleeding Out
Personal Growth
Exam Prepping
Final Exam
Wild Wild Pussycats
Camp Training
Good Company
Not a chapter. Suggestions?
The Lion's Den
A FUBAR Situation
Apologies & Dormitories
Ultimate Moves
A Long Wait

Suiting Up

2K 68 67
By Some_Emo_Guy

"With that out of the way, shall we move on?" Nighteye asked, respectfully. I was still quite stunned at the intelligence he had displayed in analyzing my quirk. Even telling me things I didn't know.

"I-um... Yes. Yeah! What's next?" I asked, regaining my composure.

"This is a Hero Agency. Your current outfit will not do. You have some costume or suit for Hero work, don't you?" Nighteye asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said. I eagerly held up my suitcase containing such things. Nighteye looked at me seriously.

"Then suit up. And do it quickly." Nighteye ordered. I couldn't help but fidget.

"Where should I...?" I said, looking around.

"Bubble Girl!" Nighteye suddenly yelled. His sidekick had come through the door immediately, like magic. "I figured you would be listening at the door. We will discuss that later. Please show L/N to where he will be staying for his time here. Bubble Girl led me to a minimalist room with a cot, a window and a bathroom. I threw my stuff down and started changing into my Hero costume. Then I stepped out from my quarters.

(Your costume basically looks like this, only with aviator sunglasses and your shock gloves)

"Alright. I am SO ready!" I shouted, eagerly. Every time I wore my costume, I couldn't help but feel badass. I made my way back to Nighteye's office and knocked before opening the door. "Okay Sir, I'm all suited up." I said. Nighteye looked my costume up and down before standing up from his desk.

"So, this is your costume. I must say it's rather loud." Nighteye commented.

"Loud? If I were wearing yellow and orange spandex, I could see your point. But an all black outfit? I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, Sir." I stated, calmly. Nighteye stopped in front of me and looked me in the eye.

"Why don't you tell me about your inspiration behind this outfit?" Nighteye asked.

"My costume was one of my hardest decisions. I wanted something that's iconic without being loud. I wanted something that's intimidating without looking criminal. And it had to be black in color, for the most part. This is where the Support Course landed. And after the Entrance Exam, I added my holsters and shock gloves to it." I explained. Nighteye placed a hand to his chin.

"And the sunglasses? Are they more about fashion or function?" Nighteye asked, curiously.

"A bit of both, really. I got me some aviators after an American friend of mine told me to watch this movie called, 'Top Gun'. The characters flew jets, wore aviators and were just all-around badasses. My hero name is also inspired by that movie." I elaborated.

"And your Hero name is?" Nighteye asked.

"Maverick." I simply said.

"I must say, in my opinion, you resemble some kind of yakuza more than a Hero. However, your outfit is justified and also your own choice. So, I will not belittle it." Nighteye said, walking past me. Together, we walked out of his office.

'Everyone's always saying I look more like a yakuza. Maybe I should change my hair... I'm sure as hell not gonna change my costume.' I thought. My thoughts were interrupted as Bubble Girl called out.

"Sir! We have a situation nearby! A small group of bank robbers is making their way toward us!" Bubble Girl said.

"In a vehicle?" Nighteye asked.

"No, the police scanner says they wrecked their getaway car and are approaching this area on foot. Officers can't get close because of their quirks. They're requesting help from nearby Heroes." Bubble Girl explained.

"Finally, something exciting!" I said.

"Let's move to intercept them. You should remain here, L/N. This is for the Pro's." Nighteye ordered. With that, Sir, Centipede and Bubble Girl left the building. I facepalmed and made a face of great annoyance.

"How did I not see that coming? It's like the biggest cliche..." I ranted. I sat down in Bubble Girl's chair and wrestled with my thoughts. 'Don't go after them. Don't do it. Sir said to stay here. Do as he says...' I thought, desperately. A good four minutes went by. I calmly stood up from the chair and stretched my limbs. Then I bolted out the front door. I looked around, trying to deduce which direction they went in. I heard a battle down the street a ways. Then I noticed a nearby taxi that was at a red light.

I ran forward and dove into the backseat from an open window. "Take me that way!" I said, pointing. Instead of driving, the guy in the front seat just screamed and fled from the car. I looked around and realized I had dove into the wrong vehicle. The taxi I had seen was one car back. "Maybe I should just run..." I said, nervously. I climbed out of the car and took off running. "Dammit. I need to consider making some form of transportation for myself. Maybe I can build me a motorcycle? I sure as hell can't attempt rocket boots again..." I said, panting.


Izuku and I were at a playground just outside our apartment building. We were still in Junior High. I was wearing prototype rocket boots I had spent forever working on. I held in my hands the controls, which were connected to the boots by wires. Izuku stood near me with a fire extinguisher. "I still don't think this is a good idea, L/N." Izuku said.

"I told you, dude. You can just call me Y/N. And just trust me." I said, confidently. Izuku still looked unsure but remained there nonetheless. "Okay, engaging flight test in 3...2...1..." I said, activating the rockets. One immediately detached from the boot and flew into a trashcan, setting it on fire. The other remained attached to its boot, but I couldn't control it. I propelled me across the playground, and up a slide, before getting me tangled in the chains of a swing set. Izuku ran over in a panic and sprayed me with the fire extinguisher. I wasn't even on fire...

End of flashback:

"God, the explanation I had to give my parents..." I recalled, cringing. After running full speed for a short while, I reached the battle site. It was five villains against the three from Nighteye's Agency. Actually, Centipede was unconscious from whatever happened before I arrived. Just then, one of the villains threw Bubble Girl and was about to hit her. I ran forward and slid on the ground. The villain looked down to see that I was beneath him, pointing my pistol up at him.

"Y/N!" Bubble Girl shouted, in surprise.

"Cockshot!" I said, pulling the trigger. The villain had tried to grab my gun, but I had been faster. I fired a shot into his balls and several shots into his gut. He fell to the ground screaming in pain, and I stood up.

"I gave you an order!" Nighteye screamed, irritated.

"Yeah, but given that it's a stupid order, I've elected to ignore it." I replied, grinning. I drew my other pistol and engaged the other villains, as well. One of them grabbed me in a chokehold
from behind and started breathing fire onto my head.

"No!" Bubble Girl screamed. Unharmed by the flames, I aimed my pistol downward and shot my attacker's foot. When he released his grip on me, I turned around and kneed him. Then I controlled his head to slam him into a car window.

"Bastard burned my costume!" I said, angrily. Me and the others continued to fight the villains while talking.

"How did you survive that?!" Bubble Girl asked. As she did, she emitted bubbles into a villain's eyes, blinding him. I dodged a punch from my opponent and then fired at the guy she had blinded.

"I'm fire-resistant! Comes in handy against fire-types!" I replied, taking a hit. The punch had stunned me and caused me to drop one of my pistols. I angrily pistol-whipped my opponent before exchanging blows with him. Then I felt repeated bouts of great pain, in my back, as I heard a gun being fired. A villain was shooting me with my own pistol.

"What the hell?! Why aren't you dead!" he yelled. In a fit of rage, I rushed him, taking more shots, and tackled him. With a mere thought, I used my quirk to refill his bladder and bowels. It caused him to piss and shit himself. "Oh, no..." he said, horrified. I stood up from the ground, disgusted.

"That's for shooting me, you fucking asshole." I said, groaning in pain. Looking around, the villains were all defeated. I stooped over with my hands on my knees. Everything that had just happened was a little overwhelming. In my peripheral vision, I could see Nighteye had walked over.

"I told to stay at the agency." Nighteye began.

"Yeah well, considering it was two against five when I got here, that might not been the best idea." I pointed out.

"Do I look to be in the mood for your sarcasm? And regardless, this isn't about that. You disobeyed an order from your superior. And violated multiple laws in the process. You are not supposed to be here! You cannot fight villains! You are NOT licensed!" Nighteye said, coldly. His expression was terrifying.

"I was just trying to..." I began.

"It doesn't matter!" Nighteye yelled. I clenched my fists as my head sunk low, in shame. Nighteye pushed his glasses up. "I knew I should've used my quirk on you. If I had looked into your future the moment you entered my office, I could've seen this before it ever happened... Bubble Girl, take him back to the agency, and see that he doesn't leave his quarters. I will remain here to handle Centipede and the rest." Nighteye said, turning around. Police sirens could be heard approaching. Bubble Girl placed a hand on my shoulder and led me away.

"Let's go, kid." she said, quietly. We returned to the Nighteye Agency where I stayed in my quarters. As time went by, I thought about just how badly I had screwed up. Not only had I fought villains but I had been injured in the process. And the blame would be entirely on Sir Nighteye. Eventually, day turned to night and I sat in bed, still thinking the day over. I got out my laptop and video called Izuku. I felt that talking with a good friend may help. It took a moment for him to answer, and he looked exhausted.

"Hey, Y/N. What's up? Is your internship going well?" Izuku asked, yawning.

"How about you?" I asked.

"It's been amazing! Gran Torino helped me see a whole new way to use my quirk!" Izuku said.

"A whole new way? Like how?" I asked, curiously.

"Obviously, my body can't handle 100% of my power. But I've been practicing distributing a small amount of my power through my entire body." Izuku explained.

"Seriously? So, with it distributed throughout your body, how much can you handle? Like 25%?" I asked. Izuku briefly looked away and scratched his head.

"Actually the best I can do is 5%..." he said, shamefully.

"Why do you sound so sad? That's awesome! You don't have to worry about constantly hurting yourself now!" I said. My words seemed to reignite the fire in Izuku and he smiled once again.

"Yeah, I'm excited about how far I can go! Oh wait, you never said how your internship was going." Izuku reminded me. As I was about to speak, others began to join the call. Jiro, Uraraka, and Kirishima all joined.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Jiro asked.

"How's everyone doing?" Kirishima asked.

"Are we all talking about our internships?" Uraraka asked.

"I started this call in a group chat by mistake, didn't I? Great..." I said, rubbing my eyes. I was not in the greatest place, emotionally.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Jiro asked, immediately noticing.

"Yeah, you look down." Kirishima added.

"I-uh. I messed up, guys..." I began. Everyone's faces turned serious, as they listened. "There were villains. The Pros at this agency got called to stop them... I wasn't supposed to go, but I did, anyway... And I got Nighteye in trouble with the Hero Association..." I told them, regretfully.

"Did you get hurt?" Jiro asked, concerned.

"I got shot with my own gun... Thankfully, it was in my back and chest, so it's painful, but not dangerous. But still humiliating..." I complained.

"Dang. What are you gonna do, man?" Kirishima said.

"I expect that come tomorrow morning, I might be sent home..." I said, regretfully.

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