The Apocalypse: The journey n...

By withlovesujitha

818 144 43

Wake up series - book Three Accepting her fate to survive. Another death, another world, another return and... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four


35 7 0
By withlovesujitha

"Don't you dare to talk to like that?" The girl's fluffy tail swayed side as warning me.

I ignoring her passed her. She hissed as holding my elbows.

"Hey, what's the fucking wrong with you?" I yell at her as yanging my hands from her. She won't let me go even if want to ignore her.

"You dare again?" She scoffed not believing me.

No wonder why she have hard time to belive my words because, the Lilly they know pass the way without sound, it's rare to people notice her presence.

And here me! Asking for attention from everywhere that possible.

We are in cafeteria. Me and angel. She practically clinching on me. I pushed her away from me, reasoning I have to take food. She sulked as she walk behind me, all I want is break that jaws of her. But, I need to maintain good relationship with her. Because, I atleast have to finish this story in its way.

And there is random bully on her way to make scene. It's happen, in every stories. Then angel have to stand up for me putting herself also in trouble and Eden coincidencly walk in then stand for both of us. It's the story flow.

But, I being a bitch. Blantly said fuck off, before that bully girl about to show her leg on my way. Now she is flaming though her nostrils.

"You!" She stopped her words midway, not trusting her own ears and eyes.

"Lilly" angel voiced behind me with concern.

"Damn, get fucking away from me or you won't be able see next sunset" I warned her showing my middle finger.

Her jaws dropped watching me crossing her. Angel hesitaing to walk behind me but, still walked with me.

"You became brave in a day" she whispered.

"I feel fucking good now" I inhaled breath. 90 out of 100 people here are hybrids. And all the hybrids daring to bully humens. What the hell it is?. How I'm going to live her any longer?.

This Lilly no different anyway. The nerd getting bullies.

"Damn you fucking Lilly!" I heared a scream from behind us, while I reach food court.

It's that fluffy tailed girl. I could not even guess which hybrid she is. She walked fast to reach me, angel widen her  eyes still, she came front of me to protect my petite figure.

I hate tall people from the beginning. Even in my past life and now too.

I pushed angel in side and came front to face that girl with straight eye. She lift her left hand to slap me, I widen eyes watching her sharp nails coming out from her fingers. That scared me, because I thought I could stop her hand but, that sharp claws made me freeze.

I closed my eyes and turned my face side to be ready for take hit.

Even though it's few seconds, the hit never hit me. I only heard her animalic growls.

"You should watch what you're doing Nari!" Eden's voice egoed. He could not growl or anything like that. But, still his voice made that girl named Nari back away.

"You humen worms" she cursed as she pushed him might she can. He didn't move a inch.

"Eden" I whispered under breath. The commotion of cafeteria hide it.

I was worried, seeing him all well and healthy made me tear up.

"Lilly!" He noticed me tearing. "It's okey, I'm here" he held my shoulder leaning my eye level.

"I'm scared" I sniffed trying to stop my cries. It make me look like loser. I w
Scared at my last minute as a mermaid. I worried about leaving him back in island all alone. I never trust angel or Roel but, I somehow glad leaved him with namjoon and his brothers.

I hope him doing well in island. Find a perfect girl or boy to be love with and spend his life with.

"Don't be sacred Lilly. I'm here isn't me?" He asked with Lilly smile on his lips and worries in his eyes. "I will protect you from whoever trying to harm you"

"I'm sorry." My words were tangled between my sobs.

"You don't have to be sorry. It's Nari who have to be sorry" he wibed my tears as pouting. "I were awe about a second ago, watching your Brave. But, here you're crying all over your face"

He never know why I'm crying so, he never can understand me. But, seeing him make me happy. Also, I sacred. I can't leave him again. I want to be with him as his sister again.

"Hi there, cheon sa" Eden turned his attention to angel.

"Hello to you too oppa." She said while blushing.

"Eden. No!. I mean Haneul. What you're doing here?" I stopped crying. The sudden urge to kick him out of Angel's view.

"Mm?" He rised his one brow as looking around.

I realised we are in cafeteria. What he here for?. It's obvious in lunchtime, everyone want to eat.

"Haha. Finally you lost it Lilly?. What our menu today?" He ruffled my head as singing last sentence. Angel followed him with smile as pulling me with her.

The sudden urge to break her head on wall. But, I need to calm down.

It's their story. Let's change the story. Nothing here is dangerous anyway. I yanged my hand from her, and walked along with her.

"I will make sure you stay away from my brother"

I thought.

Eden grapped three plates and gave them one to me and other to angel.

The line for food is short so, we got our food and went to table.

I sat opposite of Eden pulling angel by my side. She naturally sit beside me. Eden simply smiled and take first bite of hum.

"You were brave back there. I'm sad because, I could not take video of that version of you. Dad and mom gonna happy to hear it" Eden begin to talk.

I became curious about Harry as Lee dae chul. I controlling myself from asking, what if they caught wrong idea or anything. Still, I asked.

"How they are doing?"

"Fine, they want to know how you're doing. You should meet them or give a call soon" Eden.

"I will" I smiled myself. I should meet him. Because, I heard he died in elekdonia. I want to see my own eyes, that he doing well.

"Hi. Hello. What's up??" The cheering voice came loud as Hoseok put his whole hand on Eden's shoulder. Followed him, others also came and joined us with food plates.

I failed to notice this gang. Or they came while I distracted about thinking my lost family.

"I hope we have enough space for everyone" Jungkook sat beside as pushing me side, which is angel occupied.

"What the fuck jungkook?" I yelled at him little louder but, not enough to get attention from others. I'm annoyed to he interrupt my family time.

"Just making space for everyone!" He widen his eyes as sticking his tongue out making funny face.

"This table don't have space, just go away" I looked at namjoon. Who staring at me. Sudden conscious about my surrounding. I felt embarassed, I looked down.

I'm doing it again. They are not close with me anymore. Each of their versions are from different worlds. So, they don't remember me like I do. So, I need to maintain decent space between us and watch my behaviour. Or that make them suspicious of me.

"Hey what's with you? You're different from what we saw all these days" Hoseok said while Jimin and taehyung scaring the kids away from next table beside us.

"It's ...." I don't even know what to say. The real Lilly is scardy cat.

"Someone knocked her head?" Jimin asked jokingly.

"How you know?" Angel asked jimin suprised.

"Wow.. so, someone actually hit her head strong" Jimin laughed..

"Yes, I saw Nari knocked Lilly out by Soccer Ball yesterday" jungkook confirmed it.

"When?" Eden asked him with furious.

"In our gym hour. Lilly were doing laps she isn't even in Nari's range" jungkook told reminding he is my classmate.

"Ohh.. cool down dude she is alright now"  Hoseok patted his shoulders.

"Actually she is not. Lilly didn't wake about half of day. I thought she died but, thankfully she woke up around evening. When almost every kids went their home safe and securly. But, I were worried and prayed for her." angel poured oil in Eden's fire.

"Is that how Lilly ended up in infirmary. Is real Lilly already died?"

I doubt it.

"She is done for good" Eden laughed trying to act cool. But, we can say he is terrifically furious.

"Lee Haneul" Namjoon called his name to get him back normal. "Don't be. I hate it too but, People always like that"

"I hate it too Joon. How can people simply bully because, they weak, not their own kind?. We should inform it to principal" seokjin told indicating namjoon not to interfere.

"You guys never understand." Eden let out frustrated sigh.

"Everything is alright. I'm alright calm down ed.. Haneul" I need to work out with my words from now on. I patted Eden's hands taking about to curling silver chopsticks.

"Everything is alright. But, I can't accept that you're alright" jungkook interfered me.

"What about me?" I asked him glaring at him.

"You about to grap Nari's hair and fight her. And see, you're even dared to sit with us. Not just me but, us." jungkook told indicating our closed proximity.

"I'm came first and you came to annoy me" I don't know why but, these guys annoying me.

Even though it's lie, If I say I hate their presence. It's just not the correct timing.

I were highly conscious about namjoon, who sitting with jimin on other table. Seokjin, hoseok, and Jungkook are only sitting in our table. Other four occupied or forced to other people give that table. I feel like someone watching me, that's true anyway. Because, whole cafeteria looking at us as whispering gossips.

But, my attention caught by Eden and angel. Angel looking at Eden with full of worry. While Eden distracted from his anger and reasoning himself that all hybrids are not same.

My Little bitchy my mind getting furious about it. And want to flip table up side down.

Okey I have blenty of time. I can change these fools mind and divert it. Angel meant to be with Roel. I will make sure of it.

I decided myself as shaking my hand between angel and Eden. Others wasn't care about these two and just let them be.

My glaring gaze enough to make them realise that, I'm not happy about it.

They cleared their Thorats in sync.

Eden about to make a excuse or anything but, interfered by a scream.

We all looked at the side where the scream came from.

There a boy kissing a girl's thorat as she screaming on floor. It shocked every one of us.

"Hey, son of bitch" few people went to separate them and beat that guy.

"Our school going all down to hell.  Strong bulling weak and guy raping a girl in middle of day, front of crowd" yoongi scoffed.

We shake our head thinking other will take care of it. But, my mind not sitting with it. I confirmed this uneasy feeling that make me belive this incident connected with my fate, when another loud scream egoed in cafeteria.

Few more students were tangled on floor by another one. More coming from outside as covered by blood. The animalic growls and Sharp claws, terrifying. 

I stand up immediately with horror.

"RUN" Namjoon yelled and pulled Jungkook and taehyung in both of his plams, while indicating other to follow him. Eden pulled me and Angel with him.

I could not even process what happening but, one thing is sure. I never read something like this in that pdf, and this is out of story which I need to fix. This is why I'm here.

We run but, the people followed us. Who is want to attack us and not in their mind. I looked back at them, their pupils turned grey, their claws were extended, they are not feeling any pain while chasing us. I noticed, one lost his hands, another lost her leg while one's intestine fell and tangled her legs.

Absolute horror. I begin to run for my life. Damn it, I can't die here, this soon.

"Eden run fast, they are coming" I yelled while undoing my palms from them grapping him run faster than him. Those seven were hybrids, they run way faster than us. Behind us, they people are mostly hybrids they are close to us. I put my whole breath on my leg, and run as much I could. "Damn it, why these zombies are in this fucking romantic story?"

I rumpled while running faster. I were never athletic person in my real life. But, being a Lilly for while made me one. Mostly as a lady of red dragon clan. So, I could run faster, but this damn body couldn't keep it up with me.

My breath getting heavy, while my legs are trembling while I run. My body asking for rest in this damn situation.

"Please" I yelled at myself as reaching the very door which is the seven holding for us.

"Cheon sa, Haneul, Lilly come fast" seokjin yelled at us.

Eden take over from here. He pulled angel and me with him. I were tired and almost fell on ground. Thanks to Eden, we somehow reached inside a some kind of club room. I don't which one is, but look like one.

I panted and fell on my knees.

"What it is?" Eden terrified about what he witnessed outside. Angel soon break her tears, along with jungkook. They both leaned together and cried. Yoongi tried to calm them down saying positive words, like it may be a prank or something. But, we all know it wasn't.

I searched for everyone, I counted. Seokjin one, yoongi two, jungkook three, jimin four, Hoseok five, taehyung six, Eden seven. My count missed or someone missing.

With worry and fear, my eyes searched for him in whole class. Along with us, there is few more students. With hope, I searched them thinking he would be with them, trying to comfort them or asking something. But, I could not find him.

"Namjoon, where is namjoon?" My breath comes between my words while my eyes still searching for him. Still hoping, I missed to spot him.

"Yeah where is he?" Eden asked seokjin.

"He went to find Beom seok" seokjin answered with worry.

"What?" I widen my eyes with shock. "Why you let him go?" I yelled like crazy.

I could not blame seokjin why he let namjoon go because, Roel is namjoon's blood brother.

"Huh?" Seokjin shocked, Eden too. Everyone is.

I didn't bother to tell where I'm going. I opened door.

"Lilly" Eden and seokjin yelled at me unison.

"Namjoon" I yelled while, I closed the door at their face.

I say blood around me, everyone dying or died ones killing others. Few things looked at me, they soon made their way toward me. Eden and seokjin opened the door yelling my name. But, they shocked to see the crowd running toward me. I run opposite way, the two shocked to do anything at last, angel took courage and closed the door while I running for life, not mine. But, namjoon's.

Such a stupid decision.

I would have judged this, if anyone did it. But, now I'm doing it.

I don't regret it. But, I regret caughted by a zombie. Regret could not push that thing, and let it bite me. Regret I not stronger to protect myself, regreted when I gave up and let myself die.

I thought I could finally live. I thought it's not dangerous here so, I could live longer. But, I never thought I will thus die soon.

I regret giving up this one. I'm not sure that I will born again in another world. I failed here.

I failed.

And I lost my last bit consciousness with full of regrets.

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