Creepy Things To Do

By Featherblossom

15K 589 324

Some funny lists I've made up about how to be a creep to the people around you. If you read this, I guarantee... More

Chapter 1 :3
Chapter 2!
Chapter 3 :)
Chapter 4 :o
Chapter 5 xD
Chapter 7 :D
Chapter 8 c:
Chapter 9 cx

Chapter 6 (:

1K 47 13
By Featherblossom

A/N: Chapter six, super late as usual, but hey, we all need to get on with our everyday, occasionally creepy, lives :3 This one's dedicated to Looey16, for her suggestions. Thanks!! :D The next chapter will be up by the weekend, because finally, my exams are over!!! (major spazz attack) Anyways, onto the list...


86.) Wink at everyone who catches your eye.

87.) In a room full of silence, stare at someone, make sure they notice and when they look back at you, smile like something is just slightly amusing you. Maybe add a little under the breath chuckle, but be sure not to tell them what made you laugh. Shake your head and carry on.

88.) Raise your hands up to the sky and say "Praise The Lord!" (make sure people can hear you) When people give you weird looks, simply reply, "You know, sometimes ya just gotta praise Him, eh?"

89.) Knock on somebody's door, drool and say "Hi person! I know where you live you know where I live?"

90.) Adapt a high-pitched giggle and run up to people at school or wherever, squealing, "Friends!" See how they react to it.

91.) Where a strange tribal mask and run up and down the road, chanting a weird poem in another language that's virtually unknown.

92.) Give everyone you see a photo of yourself. If they ask you what on earth your doing, just saw that you want everyone to remember you when you're the most rich and famous in the entire world.

93.) Pretend to be a gangster, wearing a hoody or a tracksuit. Go around with a group of your friends, all dressed similarly, and see if you manage to scare any old people by bursting into rap.

94.) Scream really loud every time anyone says anything to you. If somebody tells you to stop, collapse on the floor, complaining that your ears are bleeding because their voice is too loud.

95.) Get a really smelly flower, like a fly-trap plant or something, and go around sticking it in people's faces. When the smell becomes apparent, yell that they just ruined the odour of your plant with their BO. Burst into tears and run away, to look for your next target.

96.) Dress in all one colour or just a random dress scheme and run around the place, squealing that the apocalypse is here and everyone must dress in your weird fashion sense or they will die.

97.) Talking to yourself, walk up to somebody, grin manically and wave right in their face. Say in a really weird voice, "Can you see me? Can you?" Whatever they reply, just frown, mutter "weirdo" under your breath and walk away.

98.) Spray pepper spray at people who come within a 5 metre radius of you. Yell at them, "No stepping within the invisible box of personal space!!!!"

99.) Go up to someone and begin to sing a song about heartbreak in a really bad voice, following them around the place until they tell you to leave for the 10th time. Run away screaming stalker when they do.

100.) Set up a sleeping bag in the elevator of your local multi-storey shop and sit in it, pretending to be asleep. Every time somebody gets into the lift and presses a button, scream at them, saying that they're ruining your beauty sleep and that you're going to set the police on them if they don't leave.


A/N: And there you go; even more creepy things for you to do in your spare time! There's actually 100 now! Wooohoo!!!! xD Have fun reading, voting, commenting and all that stuff :) I've finally edited every chapter in this book and dealt with the odd spelling mistake, so comment if you can see improvements :D

Have a creepy day,


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