I Reincarnated as Louis XVI t...

By KageNishi

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A man playing a history game falls asleep and wakes up in the Palace of Versailles. To his shock, the man was... More

Prologue: Welcome to France
The Man, Louis XVI
Box of Versailles
Let's Dance at the Ball
Red Rain Incident
Bourbon Reforms
I Will Conquer, with the People
Dawn of a New Era
Attitude Survey Results
In the Swaying Carriage
The Start of Reforms
Bath Arc
17 Years Old
Whereabouts of Foreign Currency
Be a Sword, Be a Shield
Academy of Sciences
Doctor Sanson
Enriching Meals
Operation Stork
Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity
1st International French Fashion Fair
If I Shouted Too Much Love in the Middle of Versailles, They Got Mad at Me
Swedish Noblemen
His Majesty's Holiday
Made in Taiwan
Operation Leviathan
Bourbon Doctrine
How About Spices?
Last Kingdom
Fire on the Other Shore
Looming Threat
Economic Index
Anti-Britain Grand Alliance
Opening Moves for Dominance

New World Disturbance

595 15 5
By KageNishi


"Boston Incident"

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Good morning, everyone.

Today is January 3, 1774...

I'm currently in the midst of enjoying the Japanese-style kotatsu during the peaceful New Year's period. While I have a Spanish-made kotatsu known for its Western design, it feels more like warming my feet under a long-legged table with a brazier-like device beneath. I strongly yearn for the Japanese kotatsu, where you can lay back, covered up to your chest with a blanket.

Nevertheless, recently, it has become warm not only with the fireplace or kotatsu but also in bed. Well, it's even become hot at times. I occasionally spend passionate nights with Antoinette, and somehow, it seems I can have confidence in myself.

Well, putting that aside, this was the year when the Revolutionary War was about to begin in the Americas. A full-scale colonial war will likely break out between this year and the next. It's almost like a predestined event.

Some argue that the Revolutionary War began in 1775 with the siege of Boston, but considering that surface-level diplomatic tensions between the colonial government and the British government had already arisen around 1774, and independence-minded militia organizations, starting with the Boston Tea Party, had already been formed, you could interpret that the war had already begun beneath the surface.

So, I believe the Revolutionary War started in 1774. In this year, there were no battles near Boston yet, but skirmishes and sabotage against the British government had already begun, making it a state of conflict by 1774.

If I were to say this with a serious face to a historian, they might point out that the timing might be off by about a year, but in any case, it's a fact that the relationship between the Americas and Britain was deteriorating.

When I was a child, I was taught that the Kamakura Shogunate was established in 1192 when Minamoto no Yoritomo became the Shogun. However, before I was reincarnated, there should have been a reconsideration in textbooks, where it was thought that the shogunate was established in 1185 when Yoritomo won the Battle of Dan-no-ura and seized control of Japan's military power. In other words, interpretations can sometimes change the outcome.

"Your Majesty, here is the first report on the overseas situation received by the Department of Land Administration."

"Oh, thank you. Leave it on that desk there."

"As you wish."

Since deskwork has become a daily routine, fresh overseas information is also regularly delivered. The number of intelligence agents deployed overseas by the Department of Land Administration has increased significantly. In particular, there are several hundred intelligence agents providing information from various locations in the Republic of Krakow, the Kingdom of Prussia, and the British American colonies. The farther away the information is, the longer it takes.

Since Morse code had not yet been invented, information was basically exchanged by encrypted letters. Particularly in the direction of the Americas, crossing the Atlantic by ship is often required, which consumes a considerable amount of time and cost.

Every time we gather the initial information, money is spent on paying local residents (bribes), cooperation fees for local government officials (bribes), and hush money for crew members disguised as private companies (bribes), and various expenses are incurred. Each piece of information costs ten thousand livres. Nevertheless, this kind of information is indispensable.

"Now then... let's confirm the news from foreign countries."

Among the first reports in the news, there was one that caught my attention immediately. It said that a major incident occurred in Boston on December 16 of the previous year. When compared to historical facts, it must have been the "Boston Tea Party incident." It was an incident in which some people, disgruntled with colonial policies, dressed up as Native Americans and dumped a large quantity of tea, a cargo belonging to the British East India Company that was anchored in Boston's harbor, into the sea.

For those who may have had world history classes, you might recall it. But the reason it happened was during a period when tensions were escalating between the colonial government and the people due to additional taxation imposed by Britain to rebuild its economy after the Seven Years' War. I thought it must have been the Boston Tea Party incident, and as I read the report, there were some unbelievable details mentioned.

"On December 16, a large-scale riot occurred in Boston, where local citizens, demanding the repeal of the tea tax, were protesting. This protest escalated into a brawl with the British garrison, resulting in 17 protesting citizens being shot dead by the troops. Enraged, a large number of local citizens armed themselves and attacked government facilities. Six trading ships owned by the British East India Company, which were anchored in Boston Harbor, were destroyed, and 33 people, including off-duty soldiers and crew members, died. The riot shows no signs of subsiding."

...Was the Boston Tea Party really this violent and bloody? If my memory serves me right, it was about throwing tea into the sea, and it shouldn't have turned into major bloodshed. This isn't the Tea Party; it's evolved into a Boston Riot. It might be more serious than the rebellion in Saint-Domingue. If things go awry, Britain might face the Revolutionary War earlier than expected.

"This... if the riot doesn't subside, the militia may incite a war of independence... Well, well... the course of history is diverging significantly."

I may not be in the position to say this, given that I've significantly transformed France's economic system and all, but the fact that the American Revolutionary War might have started sooner means that it will have a great impact on Europe. Countries that had bitter experiences with Britain in previous wars, like France, Spain, and the Netherlands, joined the war to support the Americans.

France also went to war with the expectation of receiving territory, engaged in naval battles and won against Britain... but in the end, they only captured nearly worthless frontier territories and incurred huge costs in foreign aid to America and others, which led to France's financial deterioration. Moreover, the soldiers who went to America as volunteers became enamored with revolutionary ideas and returned home, eventually fueling the French Revolution.

'In the end, it was like a punishment for France, where they barely made any profit, accumulated debts, and ultimately, the revolution happened.'

France would like to avoid the risk of the situation escalating into a war. After all, they had very little to gain from the Revolutionary War, and a war would only increase their debts. It's better to maintain a moderate public opinion domestically, while discreetly focusing on information gathering and the like.

"Should a war break out... France might have to declare neutrality and watch the situation for the time being."

Well, in the first place, it's a rebellion happening within British territory, and this is purely a British issue that has nothing to do with France. That's how it should be seen. However, a few hours later, subsequent reports revealed that our country was not entirely unrelated to the situation.



"Semi-Final Thing"


This is my first post since my novel passed the second round of the 8th Net Novel Award.


The work at Grand Trianon was progressing well. I could write with a pen smoothly like this. Of course, I'm not just signing random things. Unfortunately, inventions like ballpoint pens haven't been created yet, so I'm using a quill pen. When I feel the ink is running thin, I have to add more before continuing to write. If I brought the ballpoint pen I usually use from the 100 yen shop to this time period, it would probably be traded at an incredibly high price.

"But still, working from the third day of the New Year... Even when I was just an ordinary employee, I had the New Year's holiday off. Well, I guess if you become someone in charge, long vacations aren't easy to come by..."

It's the beginning of the new year, but I'm working. I need to sign some items related to the supplementary budget for the new fiscal year. However, it's not as painful as compared to my usual working hours. It's only about three hours.

Even though it's New Year, in Europe, it's not like Japan where everyone takes the entire New Year's holiday off! It's quite the opposite; after celebrating Christmas, it's like, "Happy New Year! Now, let's go to work!" People who have to work from the day after New Year's Day are far more common. Nevertheless, the early days of the New Year have fewer people, so the workload isn't that heavy, fortunately.

I started working at 9 in the morning, so I was planning to have lunch with Antoinette in the afternoon. We were going to have a warm consommé soup with Antoinette's special highland vegetables and prosciutto sandwich. Surprisingly, I can get full with such a light snack. Chewing on the crunchy texture of the vegetables in the sandwich... It's a sandwich made by my wife; jealous, aren't you? Hmm, it looks delicious. Before I knew it, it was already 11:50.

"Oh, it's almost noon... Well then, I should finish work for now and have lunch—"

"Your Majesty! I apologize for interrupting during your work!"

Dang, it seems I won't be able to have lunch. Hauser came rushing in. From his demeanor, something serious must have happened. I can tell myself when Hauser's face looks hurried; it's a bad situation. It seems like he's clutching some papers, but what on earth could have happened?

"What's wrong, Hauser? Did something happen?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The Earl of Mansfield, the British Ambassador, urgently requests an audience with Your Majesty..."

"The Ambassador? ...Did he mention anything about the incident in Boston?"

"No, but it doesn't seem unrelated. He's not acting as a diplomat, he's specifically requesting an audience with Your Majesty, so it seems like something significant has occurred... What should we do?"

"Well... for now, if it's of high urgency, we should meet with him... Have the Earl of Mansfield be shown into the reception room."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The British Ambassador requesting an audience... Could it be that something troublesome has occurred early in the new year? I don't like that! I can't help but feel that my bad premonitions are usually accurate, which is quite troublesome.

Rather, if the Ambassador is so determined to meet, could it be that he's coming to say something like, "One of the culprits behind the Boston incident was a Frenchman"? Or perhaps, he'll ask our country not to interfere in their internal affairs for some time? Considering the internal situation in Britain, he might just want to avoid getting involved in colonial disputes. Well, I won't know the situation until I actually meet with the Earl of Mansfield.

I'm prepared for this conversation to become quite severe. It's important to keep a calm mind. The education system with too much freedom is a problem, though!

As I entered the reception room, I found the Earl of Mansfield was seated and immediately rose to apologize to me.

"Your Majesty Louis XVI, I apologize for requesting an urgent meeting so early in the new year..."

"No, it's alright. If the British Ambassador wishes to request an audience, I am always available. Please, have a seat."

"Haha, Your Majesty, I appreciate your understanding..."

First, let's start with greetings. Although I need to find out what happened right away, it's clear from the Earl of Mansfield's demeanor that it's not good news. It's the kind of expression that's hard to describe but makes it difficult to bring up bad news to superiors...

To give an analogy, it's like when you were fooling around in class, and you accidentally hit and shattered a vase with a ball, or when you stayed up all night and entered incorrect data into Excel, only to realize three minutes before a meeting that your presentation materials were messed up... That kind of thing.

"Without further ado, I will get to the point... In our colony of Boston, a large-scale riot has occurred, or rather, it's not an exaggeration to call it a war. Many British soldiers have been killed, and our country is currently addressing this situation."

"...I've heard about that as well. It seems quite critical."

"You are well-informed... that's correct. Regrettably, we are also dealing with this situation, but the problem is that the rebels have an unexpectedly abundant supply of weapons..."

"Abundant supply of weapons...? What do you mean?"

"Exactly as it sounds. Guns that are not even deployed in our country, let alone in the colonies, are being used by the rebels..."

"...Could it be that you requested this urgent meeting because weapons manufactured in our country are the ones being used?"

"Yes... I assure you, Your Majesty, I'm not lying. However, among the guns taken as evidence by the initial response units against the rebels, we have found Charleville muskets, which are in use by the French military. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that they were of the Model 1773."

"Model 1773...? That's from last year! Are you sure about this information?"


The rioters are using the latest French-made weapons to kill and injure British soldiers. Hearing this, all the calmness I had a moment ago completely vanished. I even thought that it was too much to handle, and I wished he would say it's a lie. However, considering that the Earl, who holds the position of Britain's chief ambassador, is saying this, it also implies that he suspects France might be aiding the rioters.

Of course, I don't remember approving such actions, and within our country's Department of Land Administration, we've focused solely on gathering information in the American colonies. We have not encouraged armed uprisings. The country's armories are under strict military control, and we have enforced stringent measures against any illicit weapons trafficking. Yet, state-of-the-art weapons have somehow leaked, and because of these weapons, the situation has escalated from the Boston Tea Party to a full-blown Boston Riot. This is very troubling.

The Earl of Mansfield doesn't seem to be lying, and for now, we need to thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the weapons. The rebellion in Saint-Domingue was still in a French colony, but this time, it occurred in British territory. In the worst case, it could lead to a deterioration of diplomatic relations and even war with Britain. In any case, I should establish a line of communication with the Earl of Mansfield now. If a war were to break out, all our efforts would go in vain. I should convey a willingness to both countries to do everything possible to preserve relations with Britain.

"Earl of Mansfield... as the French government and, above all, as the King, I solemnly swear that we do not, under any circumstances, export weapons made in our country to your territories. We would appreciate it if you could present the French-made muskets that you have confiscated there. Currently, French muskets have specifications that differ in terms of manufacturing techniques and component placement in each region. If, by any chance, the weapons in question were made in our country, we would be able to determine which region they originated from. We do not desire war with Britain, and I hereby promise to provide information if needed, Earl of Mansfield."

"Your Majesty, I am grateful for your consideration. We also do not desire war with France, and we will keep you informed of any information we come across."

"Thank you."

The Earl of Mansfield and I shook hands, and we pledged to cooperate in jointly investigating if weapons manufactured in our country had been smuggled. Of course, we needed to find the fools who had engaged in such illicit arms trafficking.

Once we decided on this course of action, we also had to inform the diplomats in Britain. Fortunately, we had reliable members from the Department of Land Administration there. I should seek his... her... no, their cooperation.





After the Earl of Mansfield returned, I immediately ordered Hauser to gather information thoroughly and notified him to hold a ministerial meeting by 19:00 at the latest, and here we all are now. Several of us are on our way to inspect the sewage system in Paris, and in the suburban town of Chartres, Controller-General of Finances Necker is in the midst of discussing a concrete process for restructuring the local finances. An emergency ministerial meeting was held hastily, as if calling everyone back, and this kind of meeting had not been used since the rebellion in Saint-Domingue. On January 3, 1774, at 19:30, the meeting began after Necker arrived.

"Now, let's begin this emergency ministerial meeting... The reason I've urgently summoned all of you is due to the military tension that has arisen with the British. Please listen carefully..."

With assistance from Hauser and others, we presented the information brought by the current British ambassador, the Earl of Mansfield, and everyone looked shocked at its content. A riot had erupted in the British colony of Boston, and among the weapons seized from the rioters, there were a considerable number of French-made Charleville muskets, including the latest Model 1773. This caused a temporary uproar in the meeting room.

Particularly, Marshal Claude-Louis, who oversees the military, could be seen visibly paling. In retrospect, he is the head of the military. If the latest guns, officially adopted by the military and accounting for less than two percent of the total, were used by the rioters, it would undoubtedly become a matter of responsibility, regardless of whether Claude-Louis was implicated as the culprit or if the weapons leaked from the manufacturing workshop. We will proceed on the basis of these facts.

"...That sums up the situation. Muskets produced in our country, which are believed to have been used by the rioters in the Boston Riot, have surfaced. As the King, I have not exported muskets to that region, except for self-defense weapons for the Land Administration officials. In other words... it is suspected that there was smuggling within the military, or the guns leaked from the manufacturing workshop."

"Then... Your Majesty, what kind of measures do you intend to take?"

"I have a certain plan. As I have already informed Hauser, the Kingdom's Department of Internal Public Security and the Office of Internal Special Investigations, two years ago, will jointly conduct an investigation. We have also decided to accept British investigators and share information between the two nations."


A joint investigation between two countries. In modern times, it is commonplace when tracking international criminal organizations, but in this era, it is not something that happens often, especially when the other party is Britain, a virtual enemy of our country. There may be concerns that information could leak. Of course, measures will be taken to ensure security before accepting investigators.

Normally, our own investigators would be sufficient, but to prevent the British from making excuses for not conducting the investigation, it is crucial to accept them.

"Let's accept British investigators and conduct a joint investigation. Of course, we will share the information we obtain during the investigation to work towards a resolution," is what I will say to appeal to them, and it should help to at least restrain anti-French sentiments in Britain.

However, there is still opposition among the ministers regarding the joint investigation between the two countries. There are concerns about the defense implications of sharing defense-related information. Particularly, Marshal Claude-Louis is openly expressing his opposition.

"I-is that true, Your Majesty!? The export of weapons is currently prohibited in our country! However, if we accept British investigators and they come to know the internal affairs of our military, it could become an extremely concerning situation from a defense perspective. As the Army, we oppose this."

"Marshal Claude, I'm well aware of your opinion. From a defense standpoint, it is indeed a risky endeavor. However, if the Boston Riot escalates into a civil war, Britain will not simply stand by. Especially if France is presumed to be involved, we may find ourselves in a situation where we have to go to war with the British, which possesses the largest naval force in Europe."

"That's... certainly true, but..."

"It's not just the military aspect we should be concerned about. It will also impact our economy... If we are cut off from the movements on the Atlantic side, it will disrupt our communications and trade with colonies like Saint-Domingue. If that happens, we'll not only face isolation militarily but economic downturn as well."

Indeed, not only from a military perspective, but if Britain retaliates on the economic front, France's trade, which currently relies mainly on agricultural exports, would turn into a deficit. While there is a transition from agriculture to industry underway, France still predominantly relies on an agricultural export-based trade economy. If that were to be disrupted, the current prosperity could quickly turn into an economic recession.

"Of course, even Britain would want to avoid any moves that provoke France, and we've decided to have individuals accompanying the investigators as observers. Moreover... the reason we are gathered here for this meeting is because the riot that occurred in the New World could lead to a war."

"A war...!?"

"Yes, if the British colonies in the New World initiate a revolution, what will happen? If Britain interprets that guns produced in our country were passed to the riot—no, the rebel forces, they might impose economic sanctions on us or apply diplomatic pressure. In the event of war, we'll have to allocate a portion of our forces to coastal defense against Prussia and Russia. I want everyone to recognize that this is a critical situation for our national security."

What I fear the most is a situation where the American colonial government initiates an independence war against Britain while suspicions of French involvement linger. The British would not be able to sit idly by if the colonies were to stage a massive and uncontrollable rebellion.

...Britain, a nation that built an empire said to rival a quarter of the world at its peak, has entered the first imperial era, emphasizing commercialism and currently holds North America and Caribbean nations in its grasp. After the Revolutionary War, they expanded into India and Southeast Asian countries, moving into the second imperial era to gain even greater profits. In the game, when this event pops up, if you are playing as one of the Indian countries, you'll spend your days living in fear of the sound of British marching boots.

"Imagine the anger of Britain directed at France... After all the successful reforms we've achieved so far, if they crumble to dust due to war, and if the domestic economy grinds to a halt, it won't be just a step back for the nation, but a worsening situation... It will be too late then. That's why, even if we temporarily expose our vulnerabilities, showing a cooperative attitude to Britain is crucial... Do you understand, Marshal Claude...?"

"Yes... Please forgive my hasty opinion, Your Majesty."

"No, it's fine. This is a cabinet meeting. I, as the King, permit expressing opinions and making statements. I won't take any punitive action against Marshal Claude."


War often starts over trivial matters. Armed conflicts lead to the use of force in the field, and eventually, when they cannot be suppressed in the field alone, they escalate into local wars and then into wars between nations, which is the kind of war that has been waged until the modern era. In the game, when starting such wars, soldiers were quantified as units, seen as statistical numbers, but now, I am in a position where I can command the entire French military. With a single command from me, I can determine the fate of the soldiers.

Everyone understands that. We all know the risks involved. However, even in these dark discussions, there is one topic that offers hope. We have mobilized a highly renowned French spy who is currently in Britain. That person should serve as a reliable intermediary with Britain. I revealed this in the meeting as well.

"But due to this incident, there is one thing... a French spy currently in Britain will serve as a reliable intermediary with Britain. I am in the process of contacting that person. Among the French, they are well-informed about Britain and can act as an intermediary between the local government agencies. If this works out, it will be quite possible to avoid a war with Britain."

"Your Majesty... Who is this person you're talking about?"

"...Chevalier d'Éon. I'm sure you all know about them. They are not only famous in France but also renowned as a spy in Britain."

Chevalier d'Éon, who led a life with an unknown gender, was renowned not only in France but also in Britain as a spy. Though they are believed to have served France, d'Éon has not returned to France to this day. The documents on espionage activities regularly sent by d'Éon are of great use to the Department of Land Administration. I have personally sent a message to d'Éon, who is currently active as a woman, to instruct her to establish contact with British government officials.

However, I still can't let my guard down. It seems that d'Éon has not yet recognized me. In historical accounts, it is mentioned that preparations for returning to France were made upon the death of Louis XV, but even to this day, there is information suggesting that d'Éon wishes to remain in Britain. Perhaps d'Éon suspects that the reforms are led by the ministers, and they may doubt whether I am just a figurehead king.

Even so, local employees of the Department of Land Administration have regular contact with them. Since these employees were transferred from the Secret du Roi, d'Éon might be willing to listen to them. If we can also establish a stronger relationship as an intermediary with the British government, it will pave the way for resolving the incident. By the end of the meeting, the ministers will unite and begin their efforts toward resolving their respective issues.




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January 17, 1774

It has been two weeks since it was revealed that French-made weapons were extensively used in the turmoil in the New World. This is a major incident at the beginning of the New Year. Lord Auguste is busy every day dealing with the aftermath of the event, but... still, the resolution of the incident has not been reached. Twice a day, at 9 in the morning and 7 in the evening, Lord Auguste reads the reports received from the Intelligence Bureau of the Department of Land Administration.

The task of receiving the reports and giving instructions on what to do next is not only carried out by Lord Auguste but also by prominent members of the reformist faction. Especially the information he handles is highly confidential. I also make sure not to leak such information in my own way.

The time is 10 in the evening...

I welcomed Lord Auguste, who had returned from the Department of Land Administration, in the room, but he seemed more tired than usual. I brewed a warm cup of tea and offered it to him, but it seemed like he was drinking at a slower pace today.

"I'm sorry, Antoinette... with all these continuous meetings lately... and leaving the parties and receptions to you, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience..."

"No need to apologize! In fact, why not show some appreciation to the members of the service staff, the Princesse de Lamballe, and Madame Louise Marie? Thanks to them, we've been able to smoothly carry out the events, so I'm sure everyone would appreciate your gratitude."

"That's a good idea... then, if I can make it to tomorrow's party, I'll make sure to thank each and every one of them."

"Yes, but please don't push yourself too hard. Overexertion is harmful to your health..."

"Thank you..."

Lord Auguste has no need to apologize! If anyone should apologize, it's the people who are adding to his workload! It's lamentable that there are people breaking the promises that are supposed to be forbidden, smuggling weapons to other countries. I'm sure that Lord Auguste is deeply saddened by the bloodshed caused by them in particular.

In response to the arrival of several British government investigators in Versailles today, the Kingdom's Department of Internal Public Security and the Office of Internal Special Investigations under their jurisdiction have announced full cooperation between the two countries in the investigation. In France, it has been claimed in recent years that weapons other than muskets for the self-defense of colonial garrisons and embassy staff have not been exported overseas, so we suspect that smuggling may have occurred either at the manufacturing source or within the military.

Accepting investigators from another country is unprecedented, but Lord Auguste will give post-facto approval in order to expedite the resolution. We will begin the investigation after accepting the investigators sent by the British government. There are several reasons for this decision, one being to maintain the current diplomatic relations with Britain and demonstrate that the top echelons of the government were not involved. Another reason is the concern that those involved in this weapons smuggling may be involved in smuggling to other countries as well.

"Perhaps... if my hunch is correct, there may have been instances of French-made weapons being smuggled to other countries before this incident... If that's the case, the investigation might extend to other countries."

"Then... are you saying that those involved in weapons smuggling have been operating for several years?"

"Most likely, yes. I just received a report that in the recent Polish-Russian war, the Republic of Krakow, which gained independence, used some French-made weapons. We are currently investigating the Republic of Krakow's embassy and military personnel in France..."

"...so, it's not just a problem between France and Britain, then."

"That's right... they say that the more you beat the dust, the more it comes out, but I never expected it to come out to this extent... I'm sure there's more to uncover..."

It has been reported that there were French-made guns mixed in with the weapons used by the Republic of Krakow's military, which declared its independence two years ago. If this is true, it implies that weapon smuggling to other countries has been taking place for at least two years. Lord Auguste suspects that with two years of smuggling, the smuggling organization may have grown significantly.

Currently, it's only with Britain, but Lord Auguste mentioned that if weapons smuggling was happening with other countries as well, they might consider a joint investigation, disregarding the interests of various European countries. If smuggling was occurring in multiple countries, there might be future joint investigations. Furthermore, if there are issues or mistakes in the current manufacturing process, this crisis could serve as an opportunity to identify improvements.

"This crisis is also an opportunity. If there were mistakes in the deployment of weapons and equipment within the country, we can use this opportunity to review the problems and ensure they don't happen again. In other words, it helps us create measures and lessons to prevent repeating the same mistakes."

"In other words... you see this crisis as an opportunity?"

"That's right. Someone once said that in any situation... a chance for redemption will come. Everything is an opportunity. So, we'll prepare and act methodically toward an early resolution."

Lord Auguste's positive thinking is truly remarkable. If I were in his position, I might be overwhelmed by the pressure. However, in recent times, when problems arise, he says, "This is a chance!" and thoroughly investigates the issues and identifies areas for improvement. Even in small group discussions, he raises issues and improvements related to domestic and business matters.

He seems to have a vision of the future and is progressing rapidly. He particularly focuses on building relationships with foreign countries, and in the current situation, he mentions the possibility of enhanced cooperation and expanded relationships with foreign countries due to this event.

To understand his true intentions, I asked, "You mentioned that you believe you can build relationships with various countries through this event... How do you plan to build these relationships?"

"First, the establishment of a joint investigation agency that operates across borders for criminal organizations involved in cross-border activities. This event has made me keenly aware... it might not be possible during wartime, but at least during peacetime, we can exchange information internationally. In cases like this where weapons are being smuggled, we can conduct investigations internationally, and that's how we can work together to apprehend the culprits."

"I see... so, it's not just about ending the investigation once it's done..."

"That's right, Antoinette. Unfortunately, crime is something that will never disappear in the future. If crime doesn't disappear, we need to establish a system for sharing information about criminals. I believe that if we can encourage efforts such as offering rewards for capturing criminals or taking action to apprehend them collectively, it can be beneficial in the future."

Eliminating crime entirely may be impossible, but reducing it is achievable. Lord Auguste is showing enthusiasm for the establishment of an international joint investigation agency. I also support the establishment of such an agency. In cases like this, relying solely on one country, like France, may have limitations. Additionally, if evidence is found in other countries, it can serve as proof that criminal organizations are operating in multiple countries. Cooperation with other countries to reduce crime is a welcome prospect.

Furthermore, Lord Auguste mentioned, "Through this event, I hope that it can be an opportunity to establish strong diplomatic relations with Britain, not through military means, but by competing with economic strength. For that purpose, we need to promote industrialization within the country..."

He emphasizes that Europe should be led not by military strength but by economic power, and he doesn't seem to have any intention of instigating weapon smuggling or turmoil against other countries. I have never heard any whispers about His Majesty plotting against other nations. I'm sure Lord Auguste will shine once again in this situation. I will support him. No matter how difficult the situation... I hope that he will continue to move forward.




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January 22, 1774

London, Britain

One of the world's leading colonial powers with territories in the New World, the Caribbean, and the Indian subcontinent. In Britain, there was a growing trend of using force to suppress the riots by the colonists in the New World. In fact, six trading ships of the British East India Company have been sunk by rioters, and the colonial government is even refusing to hand over the ringleaders of the riots. Furthermore, suspicious fires have occurred around the fortresses where the British troops are stationed, and a tense situation is continuing to escalate. In the pubs of London, rumors abound that laborers from the countryside are speculating whether the colonial government will raise the flag of rebellion against the kingdom, all while holding whiskey and beer in their hands.

"It must be tough for those heading to the New World... This might turn into a war."

"If it becomes a war, can the colonial government win?"

"...Seems unlikely, right? After all, in the wars fought in the past few decades, the kingdom has won every time. The colonial government, without proper training, can't win in a direct confrontation... unless the entire colonial population rises up."

"That's true... Is it even worth betting on?"

"You can bet, but the odds will be incredible. I bet you the odds would be huge, because it already looks like the ratio is 1,1 to 35 in favor of the kingdom against the colonists at George's place."

"That much!? So if the colonial government wins, it's a major upset!?"

"Yeah, but it seems like hardly anyone is betting on the colonial government."

In the pub, there is a popular betting game about who would win if there was a war between the colonial government in the New World and the King's army. With the British penchant for betting on anything, even in this pub, there is a high ratio favoring the Kingdom's victory.

"But, you know, what would happen if the colonial government wins?"

"If they win, there might be a rebellion spreading to other colonies... That would be really bad for the country."

"If that happens, it won't be about betting anymore..."

"Well, I'm taking a gamble this time. I've put up half of my fortune in favor of the colonial government winning!"

"Really!? You're quite a risk-taker!"

"Doesn't matter. Even if I'm a fool, if I win, I can live in luxury like a noble. They say courage is important for a man, right?"

"Hahaha! If you win, you'll become a legend!"


They enjoyed their meal and drinks while discussing the future of the kingdom. Amidst the lively voices, on the second floor of the pub, a prominent French spy was making contact with British intelligence.

"Still, are you sure about meeting here? It could have been in a quieter place..."

"No, I was instructed to conduct the transaction in a crowded place precisely because of the current situation. Please understand and cooperate."

"Alright, thank you, Miss d'Éon."

Chevalier d'Éon was a "female" intelligence agent serving as a liaison for the British government. With a gender-neutral voice, it might be a bit confusing whether d'Éon is male or female. D'Éon had presented as a man in their younger days but had been behaving as a woman since becoming a spy. Therefore... one would only know their true gender by getting close to them.

The British intelligence agent on the other side was a person tasked with negotiations on behalf of the Prime Minister, the Earl of Guilford. While he seemed experienced in negotiations, he was a bit taken aback because d'Éon had specified a private room on the second floor of the pub as the location for the information exchange. At 46 years old, d'Éon still had some charming qualities. d'Éon took documents from their bag and got straight to the point.

"Let's get to the main topic then... The documents I'm presenting to your country are as you can see. I've been instructed to hand over everything by His Majesty Louis XVI. Here is all the information we currently have from France."

"Very well, let me take a look..."

"Yes, please. It's detailed, so please read it carefully."

"W-what is this... Have you already identified the manufacturing regions for the guns!?"

"Yes, it's highly likely that the regions in eastern France are where the guns used in the Boston Riot were manufactured. This is because the type used in the incident is primarily deployed in the eastern regions."

The British intelligence agent was surprised. d'Éon's presented documents contained information about the manufacturing regions of the firearms used in the Boston Riot. Even when the country of origin is known, pinpointing the manufacturing region can be difficult, especially in the absence of modern forensic laboratories. However, France had succeeded in narrowing down the identification of the manufacturing regions. One of the contributing factors was the secret modification of the firearms production process in various regions.

All Model 1773 guns confiscated in the Boston Riot had distinct characteristics of being manufactured in eastern France. First, Model 1773 had three main types: "SE," "N," and "P."

The "SE" type was a model produced in Saint-Étienne, located in the southeastern part of France. Saint-Étienne had a long history of firearm production, and the current state-owned factory responsible for developing new guns was located in this city. The SE type was characterized by a longer stock for stable shooting and enhanced accuracy. It was a modification of the reinforced Model 1771, designed to facilitate easier cleaning after shooting.

The SE type was primarily intended for skilled soldiers capable of long-range sniping, and its modification and processing costs were relatively high. Consequently, it was deployed in limited numbers, mainly centered around the army academy in Paris, with just 400 units being produced. In other words, it was a gun for elite soldiers.

The "N" type, on the other hand, was a model intended for regular soldiers. It had the highest production volume, with 7.600 units manufactured in just the year 1773. This model prioritized simplicity of construction, stability, and bullet grouping during shooting. It was the least expensive to produce and was designed for battles in medium-range combat. The N type was produced in both the southern and western regions of France, and the initial engraving on each gun's serial number denoted the manufacturing region.

Finally, the "P" type used in the Boston Riot was deployed and manufactured for regions bordering the hypothetical enemy, Prussia. All P type guns were produced in workshops in the eastern regions. The P type was designed for emergency situations, with a shortened stock for easier handling during combat.

It was lightweight, specifically intended for urban and indoor combat in the event of an invasion by Prussia into the eastern urban areas. Additionally, the newly manufactured bayonets had a shape resembling a survival knife, rather than the traditional spear-like bayonets of that era. These combat knives were developed in the Brittany region under the king's orders, and orders were placed in the eastern regions for their deployment. This model was designed for close-quarters combat and had a design that could still be effective in modern times, known as the "CQB knife."

There were 1.500 P-type guns produced, with 200 of them being used by the guards of the Palace of Versailles and Swiss mercenary units for security. Excluding these, according to the data in the report, if accurate, 1.300 rifles would be deployed in the eastern regions. In other words, these rifles, specifically intended for use against Prussia, had serial numbers and model numbers engraved on the firearms themselves to thoroughly manage their weapons.

"Just as Model 1772 began to be produced, His Majesty ordered that differences be made regionally for newly ordered guns in the kingdom's military. This was mainly to distinguish military-controlled firearms."

"So... you've managed to determine that they were manufactured in the eastern regions..."

"Yes, despite the removal of engravings, only the French emblem had been scratched out. The manufacturing numbers still remained. Unfortunately, the military manages the ledger for manufacturing numbers, so we are investigating whether any guns have been lost."

Even though the engravings had been removed, if there were guns missing from the eastern region's military arsenal or if, conversely, there were two guns with the same engraved serial numbers that contradicted the ledger, it would imply either an inside job within the military or someone within the workshops or factories involved in arms smuggling. Given that so much has been revealed just from the information provided by the British side about the guns, the investigation would proceed cautiously based on the information received from d'Éon.


They discreetly manufactured combat knives, a modern weapon, by order of the king. During this era, bayonets were like pointed sticks on the end of guns, more suited for thrusting and stabbing the opponent. However, considering the technological capabilities of this era, I believed it was entirely feasible to manufacture combat knives and deploy them. They thought that a knife, which could be swung to cause injuries, would be more effective than a bayonet primarily designed for thrusting.

Since they haven't yet experienced large-scale warfare, the deployment of these knives has not progressed significantly.





This is my first post since I surpassed 10 million views.

★ ★ ★

Same day, 19:00

Paris, France

Amidst the flickering candlelight in the streets, the city of Paris was bustling with activity. While news had reported that French firearms were used in the riots that occurred in the New World, most citizens remained optimistic, believing that such issues would be resolved politically. Indeed, it was reported that the King had taken maximum precautions to the British, and joint investigations were underway. The Parisians, believing that the situation would settle within a month at most, ventured out into the streets to gather at taverns to alleviate the stress of the winter.

Among those in the tavern was a member of the Department of Land Administration, Jeanne, who had returned as a spy. She had spent many passionate nights with Anthony and eventually conceived a child, but unfortunately, the child was born prematurely and passed away shortly after birth. It was a miscarriage.

Jeanne had needed about a year to recover physically and mentally from the shock of losing her unborn child, but with Anthony's support, her mission did not feel burdensome. In fact, immersing herself in the mission helped her to suppress the pain of her child's death. It was with this determination that Jeanne carried out her mission.

'I have to change my mind... Anthony is waiting for me...'

Jeanne's mission was of utmost importance and had the potential to influence French politics. Several Department of Land Administration personnel were on surveillance duty. She had a rendezvous with a person at the renowned Tour d'Estelle, a high-end restaurant even in Paris. This person held crucial information about the French-made firearms used in the Boston Riot.

Perhaps because of the upscale restaurant meeting, Jeanne waited dressed in a pale green dress. Among the female Department of Land Administration employees, she exuded beauty that few could rival. While she had previously worked as a spy in a brothel, negotiating with clients over fine dining was far more challenging than serving as a sexual partner.

Why was it more challenging? In a brothel, she could easily drug a client while they were engrossed in such activities or exploit their weaknesses as a femme fatale. However, in a restaurant like this, there were ordinary customers present, and she had to carefully select and extract information from conversations and documents. Most importantly, they had arranged for a private room, where negotiations would take place. Within the Department of Land Administration, only personnel capable of reading a person's expressions and actions to some extent could handle such negotiations.

'The appointed time has come... It's about time to enter the restaurant... Oh, it seems like they've arrived now.'

It was 19:05. Five minutes had passed since the scheduled meeting time. She took out her pocket watch to check the time. They were slightly delayed, but still within an acceptable margin. If they were to be 30 minutes or an hour late, it would be considered a sign of trouble preventing them from reaching this location.

'Well, the time is still fine... At least other personnel are keeping an eye on this area... Ah, it looks like they've just arrived.'

One of the Department of Land Administration surveillance officers, who had been watching the surroundings of the restaurant, signaled to Jeanne that the target had arrived. She looked toward the entrance of the restaurant, where a Slavic-looking soldier from the Republic of Krakow had just arrived. The restaurant did not prohibit entry in military attire; on the contrary, as long as they could present their military identification, they were welcome to enter. As soon as the soldier entered the restaurant, he approached Jeanne and asked in a hushed tone.

"Excuse me, but... are you from the Department of Land Administration?"

"Yes... Monsieur Tadeusz Kościuszko, correct?"

"Yes, I apologize for being a little late."

"No problem at all, I just arrived myself. Come, I've arranged a room here..."

"I appreciate your assistance..."

Tadeusz Kościuszko was a former Polish military officer and is currently a professional soldier dispatched by the Republic of Krakow. He held the rank of major at the young age of 28 and was considered an elite officer who had risen through the ranks. However, Kościuszko couldn't wholeheartedly celebrate his promotion to major. This was because he had achieved the rank of major by smuggling weapons from France through the Ottoman Empire to his homeland, Poland.

Despite doing it for the sake of his homeland, he was distressed by the fact that he was engaging in actions that went against the French government, which was supporting him. He had always had a strong sense of justice and a talent for rallying people around him to achieve military success. However, he had never been happy about how he had climbed the military ranks through such illicit means. Furthermore, the fact that Cardinal Rohan had been invited to the Republic of Krakow and had openly expressed support at a Christian church facility made his skin crawl.

During this period of inner turmoil, he caught the attention of the Kingdom's Department of Internal Public Security and the Office of Internal Special Investigations as a soldier who had risen through the ranks at a young age without clear achievements or explanations. That was Kościuszko. Despite his young age, he had risen to the rank of field officer, and there were some puzzling questions as to how he had risen to the rank of major.

Rumors had circulated even within the French military about his significant role within the Republic of Krakow's army, and preparations had been made to ensure that if he cooperated by providing information, his past crimes in France would be forgiven, and there would be no harm to the Republic of Krakow's interests. In essence, if he testified that Cardinal Rohan had been involved, the judicial arrangement would be based on extraordinary measures that would overlook Kościuszko's criminal activities in France and avoid any harm to the Republic of Krakow.

"There are many things we need to discuss... but at the very least, if you provide us with information, His Majesty is willing to let bygones be bygones regarding your involvement and that of the Republic of Krakow in several cases of domestic arms smuggling. Of course, if you refuse this deal, France will proceed to prosecute you and several key figures from your country according to our domestic laws."

"...So, in other words, if I refuse, it's over for me."

"That's correct. I, too, would like to avoid complications with the Republic of Krakow. We might still be able to negotiate politically later, but right now, France is on the brink of a potential war with Britain. You've heard about the riots that occurred in the New World, haven't you?"

"Yes, the riots in the British colonies where dozens were killed..."

"The firearms used in that incident were French-made muskets. The rioters had removed the engravings and markings, but it's clear that the weapons were of the latest military grade, produced in a location that accounts for only about twenty percent of our total production... Do you have any leads?"

There was no way he didn't have any leads. For Kościuszko, the lead was Cardinal Rohan's independent weapon procurement route. With those weapons, his homeland, Poland, had splintered, and a significant number had been smuggled to the Republic of Krakow. Kościuszko's involvement was primarily in the ordering and negotiation process, as he was not involved in the specifics of weapon smuggling.

Now, all he had to do was make a statement that would serve as evidence. Yes, that would resolve the matter. Kościuszko's actions as a soldier who had become disillusioned with the regime of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which had become a Russian puppet state, and had become a soldier for the Republic of Krakow, would determine the fate of the country.

If it means everything will be revealed rather than being quietly swept under the rug, then he'll spill the beans. He has no problem with the plea deal. Since the Department of Land Administration, an organization that conducts national population statistics, is closely associated with the King, lying about this could only harm me in the end. Kościuszko took a deep breath and began to recount everything to Jeanne in detail.

"I originally did this for the sake of Poland. At first, I was operating under the support of King Louis XV through official channels... However, due to the Red Rain Incident, the support was halted, and by the end of December, I couldn't import any weapons through official means... So, I used an underground route that existed within France to transport weapons..."

"An underground route..."

"Yes, I acted as an intermediary, purchasing the weapons through certain individuals and sending them to my homeland... I don't know the exact details of how the weapons were produced or how they reached the country..."

"No, this is still valuable information. Monsieur Kościuszko, who did you purchase the weapons from?"

"The weapons... I believe you may be familiar with the person. They are a prominent figure in eastern France known as a religious leader."

"A religious leader!?"

"Yes... Unfortunately, that person wields considerable authority and power. Moreover, he has a large following of devout believers... It's probably more challenging than dealing with military personnel or politicians."

"...Will you elaborate on that?"

"Yes... It's going to be a long story, but I'll tell it in full."

Jeanne was shocked to discover that an unexpected individual was behind it all. At the same time, realizing that this issue had religious implications, she realized how deeply entrenched the darkness was. She decided to seek guidance from her superiors as a result.

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