SpongeBob SquarePants: Unders...

By Cole11223

496 0 22

Okay, now don't judge me for publishing two new stories on the same day. So, here's season two of the franchi... More

Episode 1: The Best Employee
Episode 2: Big Bad Bully
Episode 3: Karate Kidders
Episode 4: Oh Brother
Episode 5: Haunting Under the Sea
Episode 6: SpongeBob & the Ice Cream Factory
Episode 8: Babysittin'
Episode 9: Seeing Stars
Episode 10: Wish You a Spongy Christmas
Episode 11: Pranks for Nothing
Episode 12: Happy Spongiversary
Episode 13: Birthday Flake
Episode 14: The Flight Stuff
Episode 15: One Last Stand (Season Finale)

Episode 7: Comic Cons

19 0 0
By Cole11223

SpongeBob was in his house, asleep in his bed. His alarm clock then went off and SpongeBob was thrown out of bed. SpongeBob collides with his calendar and gets onto the floor.

Gary! It's here! It's finally here!


What's here!? Of just one of the best days of the year....Bikini Bottom Comic Con!


That's not even the best part. They have special guests every year, and this year it's Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy!

SpongeBob then zooms down and grabs his Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy poster and puts on his costume. Patrick then bursts into the house, also wearing his own costume. The two high five and take off to the convention. Later, the two arrive at the convention center. SpongeBob sniffs the air as they enter.

Don't you just love the smell of a good convention, Patrick?

Yeah, smells awesome.

SpongeBob then runs up to an employee who was at a desk. The two hood up their lanyards to show to the employee.

Alright, looks legit. Okay, see you both later for when Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy make their guest appearance.

SpongeBob then zip into the convention center and take off. The two first explore the convention where they look around "oohing" everything they find. The two stop at a booth with a jar full of rainbow-colored water balls.

What's this.

It's a game. Guess how many water balls are in the jar and win a pin.

Oh, lucky I'm an expert on scaling.

SpongeBob then morphed his body into the shape of a scale and had Patrick set the jar on top of him. He then weighed the hat to find it before collapsing to the ground.

Nine hundred.

The employee looks down at him, but pulls a set of pins from his pocket.


SpongeBob and Patrick then jump up and down and begin to cheer. Later that day, the two were exploring while eating hot dogs. While the two pass by, Patrick immediately stops him at one stand.

SpongeBob look!

All whole stand full of ACTION FIGURES!!!!

The two run up and begin searching through the collection. They then hear a voice cough, caching their attention. The two look to see none other than Bubble Bass eyeballing them.

Bubble Bass:
What in the name of Captain Tightwad's pants are you two barnacle brains doing? This is no way to treat sush priceless items.

What do you mean?

Bubble Bass:
Here, let me show you.

Bubble Bass then walks up to the action figures and put on a glove. He runs it across a Jumbo Shrimp action figure and sees dust on the glove. He then sprays it and wipes it off before paying for it and putting it in a resealable bag.

Bubble Bass:
See? Just like that.

Boring! That'll take forever.

Patrick then knocks Bubble Bass to the ground and grabs various action figures. He then pats for them and runs away with SpongeBob. Later, the two are going towards one stand. Patrick immediately sees something that catches his eye.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy ice pops! They finally made them.

Patrick then runs through a crowd of people, knocking them all down in the process. He then slams down a stack of money, which the employee takes and gives him an ice pop. SpongeBob then comes from behind him and also buys and ice pop.

Attention, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are now ready for their guest appearance.

Did you here that, Patrick? We better get going!

SpongeBob and Patrick run up to the stage to see Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. A fish walks onto the stage and taps his microphone.

Welcome all you hero lovers! I'm Bill Fishington, and this is the Comic Con.

Here they come!

Now without further ado, here are our heroes.

As the curtain reveals to phonies, everyone gasps. SpongeBob then angrily makes his way to the front of the crowd.

Hey, you two aren't Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy! You're fakes!

Fake Mermaid Man:
Well of course not, we're just the new ones.

New ones!? What happened to the old ones?

Unfortunately our heroes have passed away.

Fake Barnacle Boy:
Yep. So now your stuck with us.

No! We came for the real Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy! Now all we got is two phonies!

Yeah, and if this is what we got, we're out of here!

SpongeBob and Patrick then angrily storm away from the stage. The two walk along one hallway, disappointed at their discovery. Suddenly, a knocking was heard beside them.

Did you hear something?

The knocking grew louder, and SpongeBob turned to the supply closet next to them.

Patrick, I think it's in hear.

SpongeBob attempts to open the supply closet, but finds that it was locked. Patrick in one swift motion rips the door off it's hinges. The two look to find Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy tied up in the closet.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy?

Mermaid Man:
What? Is the pizza here?

Barnacle Boy:
Yeah, it's us. Now could you please untie us?

Of course.

SpongeBob and Patrick then untie the two superheroes from their restraints. As Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy leave the closet, SpongeBob and Patrick both looked confused.

What happened? Why were you two in that supply closet?

Barnacle Boy:
Two hooligans came and knocked us out, when we woke we, we were tied up and in that closet.

Two hooligans? You mean the two guys that you passed away and that they're the new you?

Mermaid Man:
Those fiends! Their just so.....so...........EVIL!!!!!!!!

Well we gotta stop 'em. How can we help?

Barnacle Boy:
You don't.


Barnacle Boy:
Just stay here, and let us handle this.

Mermaid Man:
To the convention.....AWAY!!!!!

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy then leave for the convention. Patrick simply turned to SpongeBob.

They'll never take those guys alone. What do we do?

Well, they said we can't, didn't say two more superheroes couldn't.

SpongeBob and Patrick then grin and slyly sneak away from the center. Meanwhile, the fakers were signing everyone's autographs. The fans seem halfhearted at the autographs.

Fake Mermaid Man:
Here you go, kid.

Thanks, I guess.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy then come in, angrily looking to the imposters.

Mermaid Man:
Stop fiends!

His appearance causes the whole crowd to gasp, and the imposters to seem worried.

Barnacle Boy:
You two are goin' down!

The two then begin running, though it turns out that they were moving slowly. The imposters take this chance and run for the door. Though as they did this, a boat bursts through the door and the Bubble Blower and the Super Star jump through.

Bubble Blower:
Not so fast, phonies!

Fake Mermaid Man/Fake Barnacle Boy:
The Bubble Blower and the Super Star!?

Bubble Blower:
That's right, now your little charade is over!

Super Star:
Let's get 'em!

The Bubble Blower takes out his blaster and fires a stream of bubbles. The two duck and the bubbles go over their heads.

Fake Mermaid Man:
Ha, missed us!

Bubble Blower:
Did I?

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy launch water balls that absorb the Bubble Blower's bubbles and grow massive. The water balls then hit the imposters in the back and send them flying. The imposters attempt to throw punches but are caught by the Super Star.

Super Star:
I don't think so.

The Super Star throws them where they collide with the floor.

Mermaid Man:
Let's finish this.

Mermaid Man/Barnacle Boy:
Dog paddle AWAY!!!!!!

The two then dog paddle I circled and create a raging whirlpool.

The whirlpool pool engulfs the imposters and carried them into the wall. Later, the police showed up with the imposters in handcuffs.

Police Fish:
You did great, their real names are Johnny and Murray, they go around tryin' to cheat others out of their money. You did good, Mermaid Man, Barnacle Boy, Bubble Blower and Super Star.

The police then take the imposters and leave to prison. The four superheroes then turn their attention to the cheering crowd.

Barnacle Boy:
You did good, Bubble Blower and Super Star.

Bubble Blower:

Barnacle Boy:
Yes. Now come on, all four of us have some autographs to sign.

The four heroes then turn and walk back into the convention center.

To be continued

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