happiness begins [joe jonas]

By jonasloml

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In which the girl who believes she has no reason for happiness, meets the guy who gives her a reason to smile... More



803 32 12
By jonasloml

Twenty minutes later, the two of them were dancing around the kitchen, music blasting as they threw whatever liquids they felt were needed in a mimosa. Ingredients were scattered everywhere. Emmie was even sure that Joe had been sneaking shots of random alcohol here and there.

"You're doing it all wrong." Joe let out a laugh, placing a hand in Emmie's shoulder.

He watched as she poured a mix of different juices into her glass of champagne.

"Says you." Emmie shot back with a sarcastic grin. "Yours has barely any flavour."

"And yours has barely any alcohol in it." Joe argues. He reaches for the bottle of champagne, leaning over as he quickly pours more of the drink into her glass. Emmie gasps in shock, wrapping her own hand around the bottle to stop him from making a mess.

"There we go." Joe smiles smugly.

"Joe!" Emmie whined, pouting at him. "You ruined my drink."

Joe shook his head.

"It's not a mimosa without alcohol." He affirmed, smirking at the girl stood beside him. "Here, try it."

He grabbed Emmie's glass, stepping towards her. He held the glass up to her lips, titling her chin up slightly so she could drink it properly. Emmie instantly screwed her face up, disgusted by the taste. She pushed the glass away, almost choking whilst Joe ended up in a fit of giggles.

"That's not a mimosa." She coughed out. "That's pure alcohol."

"Shh." Joe hushes her, pressing his finger to her lips. He takes a rather large gulp of his own drink, finishing off his glass.

Emmie reached for her drink, which Joe had now ruined. She pushed back her hair, deciding to take a few mouthfuls. The burning sensation hit her throat seconds later, causing her to glare Joe.

"What did you put in this?"

Joe chuckled once more.

"I may have added a few shots of tequila, when you weren't looking." He admitted, the pitch of his voice raising slightly.

Emmie's eyes widen, placing her glass back down onto the counter. She watches as Joe snickers to himself.

"If you wanted to get me drunk, you should've just said so." Emmie teased.

Joe leans forward, their faces level and only a few inches apart.

"Wanna get drunk?" He whispered, winking at her.

"I have work in the morning." She whispered back.

"One drink." Joe pleaded, looking her up and down.

"You, Joe Jonas, are a bad influence." Emmie shook her head as she began to fill their glasses up once more.

The music continued to play in the background, the song changing every few minutes until Joe was satisfied. This particular song was slightly slower than the previous one, causing him to smirk to himself, before looking over at the blonde.

"Dance with me?" He grinned.

Emmie raised her eyebrows, shaking her head. She knew he had been drinking so he was probably already tipsy. Since meeting him, she had come to realise that Joe had always been an outgoing person. He was always down for a good time. She would guess that's why they got on so well.

"Didn't you learn from last time?" She laughed. "I don't dance."

"C'mon." He pouted, reaching for her hand.

Emmie huffed, but smiled all the same. She let Joe lead her to the open space in the kitchen as the song continued to play. He spun her around, with a laugh, watching her face light up. Joe placed both hands gently on her waist. Emmie felt awkward for a second, not knowing what to do. But Joe quickly made her feel comfortable. She wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up at him to find his brown eyes staring back at her. A soft smile on his face as he did so.

She let herself relax, leaning into his chest as they swayed back and forth, ever so slightly. Emmie felt at peace. Everything was calm, and she felt as if she could stay in that moment forever. Just the two of them, dancing in the middle of the floor, the taste of champagne on their lips.

As the song began to fade out, Emmie glanced back up at Joe once more, feeling the warmth of their bodies being so close together. She felt herself smile as his eyes locked onto hers.

In that moment, everything stood still. His gaze never left hers. Joe scanned her face, taking in every little detail. The faint freckles that appeared under the summer sun. The way her eyes lit up every time something would excite her. The way the corners of her lips would curl up anytime something made her smile. The blush that painted her cheeks when she would get embarrassed. The way she would tuck the loose strands of hair behind her ear, every time they fell into her face.

He was in awe.

Joe's eyes flickered from hers, down to her lips. And he knew Emmie had noticed. They continued to stare at each other, both of them not sure whether to make the next move. Emmie was almost certain she saw Joe inch closer. And he did. He began to lean in ever so slightly.

But then, he hesitated. Bringing them both back to their senses.

Emmie cleared her throat, pulling away from their magical daze they had been caught in. Joe stood there awkwardly, running a hand through his messy curls. Emmie quickly turned away, confused and stunned by what could've just happened. She wandered back to the kitchen island, grasping her drink she had poured minutes before.


Around an hour later the two of them had more than a few drinks. Emmie was tipsy and Joe a lot more than that. Emmie knew had had work that next morning so she refused to drink too much. But yet she couldn't help but spend more and more time with Joe.

They had spent the past hour, full of laughter, as more drinks were consumed. Emmie lay on the couch, her head in Joe's lap as each of them were beginning to grow tired. Emmie had zoned out, staring off into the distance, Joe running his fingers through her hair.

"I spoke to Nick." Emmie mumbled, breaking the silence. Joe sat up slightly, readjusting his posture as he looked down as the blonde girl rested in his lap.

"You did?"

Emmie nods.

"Well, what did he say?" Joe ask, suddenly curious.

"Not much." Emmie says, truthfully. "He said we make each other happy."

Joe hums in response.

"Come to think of it." Emmie continues. "Everyone has been saying that recently."

"They have." Joe agrees. "But it's true."

Emmie watches as he smiles at her.

"You, Emmie- whatever your last name is. You make me happy." Joe nods at her, his smile now even wider.

She giggled at his words.

"It's Campbell." She told him. "And, if we're being all logical. It's also Emilia ."

Joe raises an eyebrow.

"Emilia, huh?" He smirks.

Emmie quickly covers her face with her hands.

"It sounds horrible when you say it out loud." She groans.

Joe peels her hands away, looking at her face. He shook his head at her embarrassment, not understanding why she hated it.

"It's quite cute." He grins.

"I hate it." She disagrees.

"Emilia Campbell." Joe repeats, with a playful smirk on his face. Emmie quickly sits up, glaring at him.

"Okay, Joseph." She shoots him a look, their faces inches apart. Emmie quickly, unwraps herself from his grip, trailing over to the kitchen once more.

"Hey, no. Come back." Joe whines, as the warmth from her body disappears.

When Emmie sticks her tongue out at him in response, Joe flops back down onto the couch, stretching his body out in a big exhausted heap. He lie there staring at the ceiling, alone with his thoughts as he blocked out any background noise.

He thought back an hour ago, when the pair of them, were in their own little world. He felt so comfortable around her. Like nothing else in that moment mattered. He had been so happy recently, since meeting her. Everything had been better with Emmie around.

He hadn't realised how long he had been lying there for until she reappeared beside him. He looked up at her, from his awkward position he had chosen to lie in. Only for her to give him that same adorable smile that always plastered her face. The one that secretly made his heart melt.

This girl would be the death of him.

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