Locked Out Of Love (The Owl H...

By LiliTheUwU

2.5K 94 385

While cleaning out the attic, Amity and her siblings discover a set of journals from their parents school day... More

AB; Book 1: Part 1
AB; Book 1: Part 2
AB; Book 1: Part 3
AB; Book 1: Part 4
AB; Book 2: Part 1
AB; Book 2: Part 2
♡ The Sign ♡
AB; Book 2: Part 3
AB; Book 2: Part 4
♡ Bully ♡
AB; Book 3: Part 1
AB; Book 3: Part 2
AB; Book 3: Part 3
AB; Book 3: Part 4
♪ ♡ Poison ♡ ♪
AB; Book 4: Part 1
AB; Book 4: Part 2
AB; Book 4: Part 3
AB; Book 4: Part 4

♡ Quality Time♡

139 4 19
By LiliTheUwU

~a little more than a week later~

Despite Amity's protests, Luz and the twins had come up with a schedule to manage her free time. Of course "manage" meaning dedicating it to Ed and Em.

Naturally, Amity was less than thrilled to find out they did this. But when Luz gave her the puppy eyes, how could she possibly say no?

But now, it's Monday. Willow looks around the school for the littlest Blight. Just when she's about to give up her search, she hears whimpers coming from the janitor's closet near her locker. Hesitantly, she opens the door. On the inside she finds Amity, frantically reading a textbook. Willow gasps. "Amity?! What are you doing?!"

"Panic studying!" Amity says quickly, not looking up from her book. "I have a test next period that I haven't studied for because the twins won't let me."

Willow looks over the Blight, noting her terrible appearance. Her hair unkept, her clothes wrinkled, and heavy bags under her eyes. She sighs. "Girl, you look like you need a nap."

"Actually, some coffee or an energy drink might be better." Amity says, rummaging through her bag until she pulls out an aluminum can, labeled 'Blue Cow'. She quickly pulls the tab and quickly downs the drink. "Amity! That stuff's not good for you!"

"It's better for me than Beast Energy drinks." Amity argues. "Besides, I'll need an energy boost if I want to be able to take this test."

Willow sighs. "Come on! You look like you need some water. Or professional help. Whichever I can get you to first."

Before Willow could say anything, the bell screams for class to start. Amity whines nervously. "I'm gonna fail..."

Willow sighs. "Here. Let me walk you to class." She grabs the Blight by the arm and pulls her up. Amity looks at her confused. "Huh? But-"

"If you think I'm letting you go there on your own in this condition, you're out of your mind." Willow interrupts. "Besides, you look extremely tired. I don't trust you to not fall asleep on your way to class."

Amity sighs, letting the plant witch pull her to her class. "Thanks Willow." She mumbles. Willow smiles as they stop in front of Amity's classroom. "No problem, Blighty. Now go in there and take your test."

Amity nods, giving Willow a tight hug before she goes into her classroom.

~At Lunch~

Willow heads to the Flyer Derby's lunch table, only to find Amity there staring off into space. She takes her seat, waving her hand in front of the Blight's face. "Is she okay?" She asks, turning toward her teammates. Hunter shrugs. "Dunno. She just came up and sat down. Hasn't said a word."

"I'm kinda worried about her." Viney says. "For as long as she's been staring, her eyes are probably super dry."

Willow looks around the table. "Where's Luz? Don't they usually eat together?" She asks. Skara rolls her eyes, gesturing to another table where Luz sits with the Twins, the three laughing. Willow growls softly in anger, "Im gonna go get her." She stands up and starts marching over. She grabs Luz by her round Human ear and starts dragging her back. "owowowowOW! Ear! Ear! Ear!" Luz whines until Willow brings her back to the Entrails table and lets her go. But when they got back, Amity was gone. "Hey, where'd Amity go?" She asks.

Skara shrugs. "You left and then Gus tried to tell her a joke to cheer her up but she started crying and ran off." She says. Gus whines. "I'm sorry! I was trying to make her smile!"

"Wait, what's happening?" Luz asks, rubbing her ear which had now turned bright red. Willow sighs. "Amity's been out of it all day. I was hoping YOU could tell me why." She crosses her arms. Luz raises her arms in surrender. "Don't look at me. I haven't talked to her since last night."

"I thought you said you text her good morning every day?" Hunter says. Luz blinks for a moment, before groaning. "Ah! THAT'S what I was forgetting!"

Willow grumbles, drawing a spell circle in the air. Nothing happens for a moment, then a large bundle of vines pops out of the ground and spits out the Twins.

"Gah! Willow! How many times do we have to tell you to stop doing that?!"

"As many as it takes to get me off, now listen. Your sister is missing in the school. And I'm thinking it's probably your guys' fault." Willow crosses her arms, looking down at the twins. "What?! What could we have done?!"

"Isolated her from her friends?"

"Taken all of her free time away from her?"

"Be yourselves???"

The twins stay seated on the floor, both with crossed arms. "We didn't do anything. She probably just wanted to get an early start to her next class. You know how she is." Emira says. Luz nods quickly. "That's right! I'll meet her after class and see if she's okay."

The bell screams, signaling the end of lunch. Willow sighs. "Fine. But she'd better be completely fine when I see her. All smiles, got it?"

The three nod quickly, everyone heading off to their respective classes.

~At The End Of The Day~

Willow slams her locker door shut and walks towards Luz's, where the Human and the Blight Twins seem to be conversing nervously. "Hey guys? Any luck finding Amity?" She asks, causing the other three to freeze.

Edric gulps, "Before we answer, promise you won't kill us."

And that told Willow everything she needed to know.

"I figured as much." She says, pulling out her scroll. "Which is why I called in reinforcements." She starts typing. Within seconds, Hunter and Gus appear at Willow's side, with Skara coming in hot from the other side of the hall.

"Anyone, any luck?" She asks. The others shake their heads.




Willow sighs. "Alright. Looks like we're doing this the old-fashioned wa-" she looks around the group. "Wait, where's Viney?"

Then, her scroll rings. After checking and seeing Viney's picture, she decides to answer and put it on speaker. "Heyo. How's your search going?" She asks into the phone. "Okay, so I've got good news and bad news. Which one you want first?" Viney's voice says. The others crowd around the scroll. Willow thinks for a moment. "Give me the good news."

"Uh... the GOOD news is that I technically found her...." Viney says. The others gasp. "That's great! Where is she?" Willow asks.

"Yeah, that's the bad news..."


The others all push themselves into the Healing Homeroom, seeing Amity laying unconscious on a cot. Luz immediately rushes to Amity's side. Everyone looks at Viney. "What the hell happened?!" Edric asks. Viney shrugs. "I don't know the specifics. The teacher just said she was freaking out and had to be given a sedative to calm down."


"You sedated our sister?" Emira asks, flabbergasted. Viney shakes her head. "I didn't do anything. The teacher did."

"She didn't say anything about why Amity had a breakdown?" Willow asks. Viney shakes her head again. "Nope. But apparently she missed all of her afternoon classes."

Emira snorts. "There goes her perfect attendance."

"Actually," Viney starts, "her teachers knew she was here. So she's not marked absent for any classes. They just dropped her class work off here and left. So she just has to turn it all in by the end of the week and she's golden."

A soft groan comes from the cot. Everyone watches as Amity slowly stirs awake, her eyes fluttering open. She looks around at everyone. "Wow. Glad to see everyone made it to the party in my-" she looks around the room, realizing she wasn't at home. "-where are we?"

"Healing homeroom." Gus says. "Yeah. The teacher said you were freaking out. What happened?" Hunter asks. Amity looks confused for a moment , then the answer came to her. "Oh yeah... I failed my test..."

The others look shocked. "What?!"

Amity nods. "Yup. I didn't finish in time."

"Well, that doesn't mean you failed." Skara says.

"I wrote down my name, the date, the answers to the first three questions, and then I fell asleep. Didn't wake up until the bell rang." Amity says.

Everyone looks shocked, a few concerned. "Wait... what teacher was it?" Willow asks. "Hermonculus." Amity answers. Willow gasps. "Girl..."

"Huh?" Luz asks. "I don't get it."

"Really. I thought you would, since you're in every track." Willow says before shaking her head. "Hermonculus is as strict as they come. He'll give you detention for the littlest things!"

"Yeah. That guy is the reason Jerbo takes those anti-anxiety meds." Viney chimes in. "I thought he took those because of his dad." Hunter says. Viney shrugs. "Close enough."

Willow ignores their exchange. "So wait... why did you fall asleep? Haven't you been sleeping?"

Amity hesitantly nods her head. "Yeah. I've just been having a hard time sleeping at night."

This confused the Plant Witch. Normally, Amity was very strategic about her time. But then-

"Luz. Give me the book." She says sternly. Luz looks a little nervous. "What book...?"

"The book you've been using to schedule Amity around. I know you have, because I tried to schedule a study sesh with her and you told me she couldn't. So give me the damn book."

Luz decides to stick to her guns. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Willow's eye starts twitching. "Luz Mariana Noceda I swear to all that humans find holy if that book is not in my hands in the next THREE SECONDS-"

"Okay okay!" Luz reaches into her bag, pulling out a purple leather-bound notebook. Willow opens the book to the marked page, gasping. "Well here's the problem!" She says, reaching her other hand out. "Hunter, I need a pencil."

Hunter reaches into his bag and gives her a pencil. Willow gives a dirty glare to Luz in the twins. "You know, if you guys are so insistent on scheduling time with Amity, the twins should NOT get to book her until midnight 7 days a week." She starts erasing. "She is a big girl capable of managing her time on her own. But since we're treating her like a child now, I will be in charge of the book."

"Wha-? But-"

"Go ahead, try to argue. But someone has to put Amity's needs first. And clearly, you three aren't capable of that." Willow says, scribbling a few things down where she had previously erased. "So here's how it's going to go. The twins are going to get Amity twice a week. Mondays and Tuesdays after school until 7. That gives her time for studying, exercise, food, shower, and bedtime. Luz, you get her on Fridays and Sundays."

"Wait, why?" Luz asks. Willow glances up at her. "Those are her favorite days of the week."

Everyone looks at Amity, who nods silently.

"The rest of the week is Amity's." Willow continues. "Luz is the only person who can schedule Amity past 7pm, since she gets her on weekends. The rest of us have to go through Amity if we want to hang out with her." She finishes. Edric butts in. "Hey! This isn't fair!"

"Maybe not for you." Willow argues. "I think this arrangement protects Amity's wants, needs, and- most importantly- her autonomy."

The twins can't really argue against that. At least, not without looking like total jerks.

"Wait, the twins have to share their days with her while I get two?" Luz asks. Willow nods. "They shouldn't complain. It's more time than they would've gotten otherwise. But maybe if they ask her nicely, she'll spend the occasional Saturday with them." She says. "Of course, the choice is yours, Amity. But until further notice, I will be your secretary."

Amity nods. "Thanks Willow." She says with a smile. The teacher steps into the room. "Alright, everyone. I need to talk to Ms. Blight privately." She says. The others look worried. "Is she okay?" Emira asks. The teacher nods quickly. "Of course. I just need a moment to discuss a few things."

The twins try to argue, but Viney pushes them out of the room. "Chill out you two. She's fine. She can live without you assholes breathing down her neck for two minutes." She ushers everyone else out as well, shutting the door.

Amity comes out a few minutes later, giggling and stumbling and tripping over her feet. She tries to walk over to the group but trips, but Luz catches her before she hits the ground.

"Luzzzyyyyyyyyyyy! Haiiiiii~"

Luz raises a brow at Amity, "Babe? Are you okay? You seem a little loopy..."

Amity shakes her head. "Nah I'm just really high on all this tasty ENERGY right now." She slowly stands on her feet. The twins just stare at her. "So... what did you guys talk about...?" Edric asks. Amity shrugs, trying to make her way over to her siblings. "I dunno. She just gave me some star gummies and said they'd make me feel better."

"How many did she give you?" Hunter asks.

"A LOT!"

Amity trips again. This time Viney catches her. Amity giggles softly. "Vi, I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but you're really pretty."

A light blush creeps into Viney's face, but she chooses not to address it. "Okay, I'm just gonna hand her off to you..." she gives Amity to Edric, who holds his younger sister up. Amity gasps. "Eddy!" She smiles. Edric's eyes go wide. "Wow. She hasn't called him that in ages." Emira says.

"Emmy!" Amity says, reaching for Emira. Hunter snickers. "Eddy and Emmy?"

Willow punches him in the shoulder. "Shut up. It's cute."

Amity giggles. "You guys know what we should do?" She asks the twins. "We should have a nap party at home."

Emira sighs. "Mittens-"

"No no." Edric says. "This could be good. Imagine it. We get all the pillows in the house and make an igloo out of them. Like when we were kids."

"Yay! Pillow fort!"

Emira looks shocked. "But Ed-"

"Look, you can be a busted bitter bitch all you want. But right now, our little sister is actually ASKING to hang out with us. I'm gonna savor this." Edric says. "I mean, they do say not to look a gift snorse in the mouth." Hunter adds. "Exactly!" Edric replies.

Amity clings to her brother like a koala, crawling around to his back and wrapping her arms around him. Edric holds her up piggyback style, sighing softly. "Man, I haven't done this in a long time."

"It's almost like she's a little kid again." Emira says. Willow nods. "It's almost refreshing. She always seems so tense."

"Awww..." Luz coos, holding Amity's hand. "She's so cute!"

"You wanna come hang out with us, Luz?" Edric asks. Luz gasps, "Um, I'm not sure that's a good idea." She says while sneaking a glance at Em, who looks very upset by her brother's question. Edric shakes his head. "Nonsense. Mittens always has more fun when you're around." He says.

Luz stammers a bit. "Look, I don't think-" she starts, but then she sees the look her lover gives her. "Pleeeeeeeeeease...?" Amity asks, giving Luz kitten eyes. Luz whimpers for a moment, before sighing. "Alright."

"Yaaaaay." Amity says.

Luz chuckles. "Alright. So nap party at Blight Manor?"

"Sounds like a plan." Edric says. "Can we order food too?" Amity asks. "Hell yeah!"

"Is everyone else coming too?" Emira asks while crossing her arms. Willow rolls her eyes. "Can't. Flyer Derby practice."

"Yeah. Also, I'm asshole intolerant and I think my allergies are acting up." Viney says, crossing her arms as well. Em and Viney stand their, sharing dirty looks with one another. Edric chuckles. "Ladies and gentlemen, behold: the only person in the entire Boiling Isles who isn't afraid to tell Emira when she's being a bitch."

Amity giggles. "Hehehehe~ you said a bad word~" she says in a teasing tone. Ed snickers. "Please, you say them all the time."

"Can we go? I'm tired." Emira asks. Edric nods. "Yup. Whenever you ladies are ready."

"I've still gotta text Eda and ask if I can come over." Luz says.

"Well, the rest of us have to get to Flyer Derby." Skara says. "Big game this weekend."

"Well, have fun." Edric says. "Thanks. And have fun at your Nap Party." Hunter says.

The group splits off, with Willow and the team walking towards the locker rooms, while Luz and the Blights head toward the exit.

Luz and Em end up walking a bit ahead of Edric, who insists on carrying Amity the whole way.

"You good?" Luz asks the oldest Blight. Emira turns to look at her. "Huh?"

Luz shrugs. "You just seem a little out of it. Wanted to make sure you're alright." She says. Emira stays silent for a moment, then sighs. "I'm fine. Just a little frustrated... I mean, Ed and I have been begging Amity to hang out with us. And the one time she wants to, she's drugged just wants to eat junk and sleep. Which, if she made the effort then she'd know we do that on Saturdays."

Emira turns back to look at her brother. "I feel like Ed shouldn't be so content with this. I'd rather Amity hang out with us when she's not on whatever that teacher gave her." She says. Luz nods, before an idea pops into her head. Emira notices the Latina's expression, watching as an imaginary lightbulb flashes on. "What is it?" The older girl asks. Luz gives her a devilish grin.

"I think I have an idea that can help you out..."

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