Under The Maple Tree

By Noor0708

216 19 0

Gloria Browne and Edmund Frost, two different souls, two different lives. What happens when they cross paths... More

Character Aesthetics
1] Him
2] The painting
3] Realisation
4] A Memory
5] Lost
6] First meeting
7] Spring Festival
8] The Visitor
10] Jealousy

9] Marriage of Convenience

9 0 0
By Noor0708

In the far corner of the land, inside an enormous mansion, a black haired young lord sat in his bedroom study. Trying to focus on his paperwork under a dimly lit lamp yet, his mind leading him to the earlier conversation again and again.

"I was informed that you received a letter from Lady Charlotte yesterday." Lady Helga spoke while cutting her stake gracefully on the dinner table.

Edmund, who was sitting across her, looked up from his plate. "Yes!" He said and reached forward to get the glass of water. "She requested me to be her escort to the festival in town." He added.

"And?" She looked up eagerly.

Edmund took a sip from his glass and spoke. "I wrote to her that I have a rather busy schedule for the entire week and I will not be able to fulfill her wish."

"That is very inconsiderate of you, Edmund!" She put down her silverware and straightened up, giving him her full attention.

"She is going to become the lady of the house mother. She should know that state affairs are more crucial than her frivol trip to some festival." He said with a glint of annoyance in his voice and stopped the maid with a gesture when she came forward to serve the dessert.

"Edmund dear." She cooed. "I know you do not like such adventures. But as a fiancé you should respect her wishes, even if it is just a marriage of convenience." She said softly. "State affairs can be delayed for a day or two, and who knows you might enjoy her company."

"But, mother?" He tried to contradict.

"Will you at least respect your mother's wish?"

"What do you want me to do?" he asked leaning back on his chair ready to listen attentively.

"I want you to take her to the festival. Spend time with her, talk to her, make her feel happy. I know you will certainly enjoy it." She smiled taking a spoonful of caramel custard.

"I understand." He sighed.

Snatching back his mind from the memory, Edmund leaned back in his study chair while rubbing his temple.

A marriage of convenience, that's what it was. He never thought of falling in love nor was intrigued by any lady's affection, despite the fact that there were many who wished to capture his attention. He knew from the very age of 15, that someday he shall be sold to a noble lady for a business arrangement in the guise of marriage. Was he sad about it? May be not. Did he like her? Not in the least.

He tossed and turned that night with the emotional dilemma. And soon got captured into the sweetness of unconsciousness known as sleep.


12 years ago, Marques Frost's Mansion...

A twelve year old, young lord was starting to get along with a little boy named Tom.
Tom, a skinny lad with brunette hair was Edmund's nanny's son. Their common liking to sweets and desserts led to an adorable friendship. They played every day in the garden, shared laughs and sometimes fought.

But the news of Edmund mixing freely with the commoner's child, did not go unnoticed by the maids and soon reached the ears of Marques Frost.


Young Edmund stood cowering in front of his father, too afraid to even look up at him. While Marques Elias Frost, sat on his study chair facing him.

"Stand straight and look at me, boy!" Lord Elias said in a commanding tone. The little boy shivered and did what was told.

"Did you befriend the nanny's son?" Lord Elias asked.

Edmund looked down immediately fiddling with his fingers.

"Look at me and answer!" He raised his voice.

"y...yess..fa..father." Edmund gathered the courage to answer.

"Say it loud and clear." He commanded again.

"Yes Father." Edmund replied.

"Why?" Lord Elias asked leaning forward and placing both of his hands on the study desk. His eyes piercing through Edmund's tiny form.

"I..I like to p..play with him father. He...he.." Edmund stuttered

"Silence!" Lord Elias said loudly. He got up from his seat and walked towards his son.

"How many times must I tell you to only befriend young lords and ladies of noble blood and those whose status is similar to ours." He added.

"Is it so difficult for you to act like a Marques' son?"

At this point, the little boy was on the verge of tears while staring at his feet. His hand moved to wipe a trail of water off his chubby cheek. Next instance, Lord Elias called out to the butler and ordered him to dismiss the nanny from her job.

Edmund looked up with pleading eyes. "No father. Please..... I promise I will never play with him. Please don't throw nanny out."

"If I see you getting along with these pests again, you shall be punished thoroughly." He spat bitterly and left.

The little boy cried and begged, but nobody paid attention to him.

Eventually, the nanny got kicked out of the marques' mansion and was later replaced by a new lady who possesed noble blood, called Mrs. Gibbs.

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