From fantasy to reality a Pol...

Por vicopinto92

83.5K 935 69

Colin Bridgerton is part of one of the most important families of London aristocracy, that night at the Feath... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 32

1.1K 16 0
Por vicopinto92

Penelope felt like her head was throbbing, everything hurt, and she could barely feel her left arm.

-Colin? -she called him again.

When she could open her eyes she glimpsed the silhouette of her husband who was carrying something, her eyes were glassy, ​​ saw that Colin was moving his mouth but she did not listen to what he was telling her. She tried to get comfortable with her body because her position was too uncomfortable, but her husband shook her head.

"Don't move," she can hear him.

She obeyed how long was I asleep? she asked herself.

A young man she didn't recognize appeared in front of her face.

-Lady Featherington please follow the movement of my finger.

She obeyed

-very good, now tried to move your right leg -she obeyed - now the left -she did it- well, I raised both arms.

They weighed Penelope without mentioning the pain, but she was able to obey, then the doctor asked her to push her hands. Then he started to check her private parts. She felt very uncomfortable, she looked at Colin who looked at her with a smile.

-Everything is very well Lady Featherington, I'm going to leave you alone for a moment, your family is impatient.

That man smiled at her and left the room.

-Colin, why did that man keep calling me Lady Featherington?

He rolled his eyes.

-You should thank Eloise for telling everyone about your mother's arrangement with your cousin.



-Oh no. And how long have I been asleep?

-We slept simultaneously, only I woke up this morning.

-Why were you asleep, did you donate blood to me?

-It turns out we are not as compatible as I thought, according to what your mother told me. All the Featheringtons except your sister Phillipa, Simon and the Prince of Prussia are running through your veins right now.

Penelope felt dizzy, that meant her aunt and cousin had also helped her.

-Then why were you asleep?

Colin smiled.

-a nervous breakdown, it turns out we can't live without you.



Colin approached and handed her, Thomas who was sleeping peacefully.

-oh, my God! -said Pen- Colin we are parents!

He nodded with a big smile.

-Next time my body will know what to do, and it will be easier.

-Pen, I don't want more kids.

They both heard the doors opening, interrupting their conversation, and the whole family entered after them. Pen tried to get comfortable but the pain reminded her that her body was numb.

"What a scare you gave us, Penelope," Portia said.

"Luckily everyone was able to help," said Violet.

Penelope saw her mother, Prudence, Felicity, her aunt, and the duke all wearing the same bandage on the back of their elbow. She was so moved that tears rolled down her eyes, then she saw her son. She couldn't be happier.

"Everything is fine now," Daphne added. "As soon as you're better, we'll go to Audrey Hall so you can rest."

"But the season is about to start," Violet said.

"The only one in society is Eloise and I'm sure she would prefer to be in Audrey Hall," Benedict told his mother.

Penelope looked everywhere, but she didn't see Eloise.

-Where is Eloise?

"She's hiding in house number 5," said Kate, "Eloise was perturbed about you, I guess she didn't want to have bad news."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen her since Lady Whistledown's last pamphlet," Hyacinth added.

-What pamphlet?

Anthony passed it to Penelope, she read it, was surprised by what her friend had written, and she must have been very scared, she thought.

"Oh," he said out loud.

"All of us here know that those words are just slander, because we have seen how your husband adores you," said her aunt.

Thomas started to cry

-Ladies and gentlemen, I know you are very excited to see Lady Featherington awake, but she is not quite well yet, so you should go out. The old doctor said.

Only the mothers, Colin and Thomas, were left.

"The baby is hungry," said Portia.

-Can I feed him?

"Of course, you didn't receive any medicine, just blood," the old doctor smiled, then left the room.

Pen was a little embarrassed with her mother-in-law and mother present, but she pulled one breast out of her robe.

-Penelope, your nipple is not protruding, if you put it like that it will hurt you.


-eh -Violet coughed- Colin, you must suck the nipple until it comes out, we will leave you alone, if they need us we will be downstairs.

The third Bridgerton blushed when he saw his mother-in-law and mother leaving them alone.

-How is it supposed? -Colin managed to say.

- I don't know.

Colin saw Pen's breast naked, and she held the other one out in the air, it had been so long since he last cuddled them that his mouth was watering, but what he was supposed to do, was so his son could eat. finally his mother's breast milk and not that of a stranger.

He approached the nipple, put it to his lips and began to suck, he heard Pen moan.

-Do not do that.

-then don't lick it, just suck.

-Woman, you better not talk.

Colin returned to the nipple, if the idea was to make the milk come out, he thought to himself. With one hand he gently squeezed the breast, and began to suck, he no longer felt excited, mainly because his son did not stop crying. It had a strange taste but the milk was still not visible, he blew the nipple.

-Colin no.

"I'm sorry, it's custom," he smiled shamelessly.

He continued sucking, and the flavor became more intense, until the milk finally flowed freely.

-Ready, are you comfortable there?


Colin lifted his son out of bed, placed a pillow on Pen's left side, and laid the baby there because he was the perfect height. Pen pinched her nipple and put it in the baby's mouth, but he cried.

Pen looked at Colin.

-we call them?

-wait, try

Colin grabbed the breast gently, made the baby's lips touch the nipple, he began to search like a reflex until they found each other. Thomas was drinking milk.

-we did it! -Pen was happy.

-now the other

Colin got up and walked to the other side of the bed, now he knew what to do so it took less time.

It was strange for Pen to see her favorite men sucking her nipples, but nothing had made her happier.

-I had a bizarre dream.

-What did you dream of.

- that you told Cressida Cowper to be Lady Whistledown.

-oh how strange.

-Yes, you married her and sent Thomas to an orphanage.

-What terrible things you say -Colin feigned innocence.

She hit him on the head, teasing him.

-I could hear you, it's just that I felt so tired that I couldn't open my eyes, but Lady Whistledown caused a current to pass through my entire body that woke me up.

-How was your experience? Do You remember everything?

-After I saw twins - she smiled - I got very sleepy, then I just opened my eyes and went back to sleep, I heard the doctors talking about needing more blood. I think they only knew the theory of doing the transfusion, I'm almost sure that a lot of Simon's blood was wasted.


-Well, don't take my word as accurate, I was in a traffic jam when it happened, but I think something was wasted.

- I saw the blood on the clothes that the maids took out and then I only remember this morning.

-How is it that you don't want more children?

Colin gritted his teeth and scratched his head, he saw Thomas falling asleep still drinking milk. But his son couldn't help him.

"Pen," he paused, "I have never experienced anything more frightening in my life, not even when the duke took you away."

-not even?

-When he took you I could do something, but I'm not a doctor, I was useless.

-Do you mean that you will never touch me again?

Colin looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

-We can do it and avoid having them, there are many ways.

Pen shook her head.

-I refuse, I want to meet Ágatha. It's not fair that you knew her and I didn't.

-It was a dream Pen.

-Are you telling me that the Thomas you saw in the dream is not this Thomas?

Colin got closer to see his son, it was challenging to tell, in his dreams the child was older and now the baby could look like anyone.

-Colin -Pen caressed his cheek - it was difficult, but look at him, he is the perfect mix of the two of us. Do you really want him to be an only child? That he is so spoiled that he is the worst baron. He must learn to share, to be humble, and not abandon others, that is the task of a brother. I'm not telling you that we will do it again right now, but in a year.

-You have so much desire to go through so much pain again.

Pen looked at her son, seeing him felt so powerful, it was such a great love that comparing it to what she feels for her husband was nonsense.

-It's ours, I want two more and if you don't give them to me, I'll go with someone else who will.

-You dare to say that to my face.

-Yes, sir, I will marry Cressida Cowper because I am now a baron.

The couple laughed while Pen tried to tickle her husband, but he avoided her, warning her that it could wake Thomas.


Penelope felt much better after a restful sleep, so she wanted to get out of bed. The doctor told her she would take things calmly, but she already wanted to leave her room. She was even thinking about remodeling the entire space; she had spent so much time there that it was no longer her favorite place.

-Are you sure it doesn't bother you?

-Of course not, it's also your house, I only have one request.


-Keep the mirror, and put one on the ceiling that is well secured, that we can cover with a curtain when we have visitors or that Thomas is bigger.

-Colin! -Penelope laughed at the comment.

He gave her a tender kiss on the neck.

Colin had spent the first night with his wife after the scare of his life, meaning he had rested, but his son Thomas had woken him up occasionally. first to be cleaned, then to be pampered. Pen was sleeping so soundly that she didn't even wake up when Colin placed her son on her breast to eat.

So Lord Featherington was very tired, he wanted to sleep for a while in the morning but they had brought him the Baron's paperwork and he couldn't leave it for later.

-I'll send for Mr. Cooper to show you designs, I'll leave you with Thomas, or would you prefer that I take him to his nanny.

-No, leave it with me.


He was already leaving the room.



-Can you bring Eloise?

-the little traitor?

Penelope smiled.

-Don't tell her like that, maybe she was petrified.

-Me too and I didn't run out to air family secrets.

She frowned.

-I have been in that place and know why she acted that way. Sometimes the power of Whistledown makes you not think things through.

Colin rolled his eyes.

-Okay, when I complete the paperwork I will go to house number 5 for a while, I have to ask Anthony for some advice.

-about what?


-but weren't you already managing our three properties?

-Yes, but now I must do it with the Featherington estates as a baron.

-You're right, well come before you leave.

"Always, I'll call your maid to keep you company" he kissed her.

They were going to bring him a few administration notebooks, but they had brought him a mountain of debts, the Featherington estates were almost on the verge of bankruptcy. Several of the servants had not been paid their salaries. The property in Bath had not been rented for three years.

The main thing was to pay all the debts, he could do it without any problem, but he wanted to discuss with Anthony if there was a better way to do it, since half of his money would be gone. He also wanted to see about the future, if he had more children with Penelope he tried to leave them something, not that they had to beg his older brother for some money.

Colin entered the room, the maid was sitting on the terrace while Pen and Thomas were deep in bed. He smiled when he saw the tender image.

-If Pen wakes up before I return, tell her it isn't going to take me long.

-Yes my Lord.

Colin nodded, he was still not used to being the head of House Featherington, but he had to get used to the idea.


-Yes my lord.

-Get everything ready, you must leave as soon as possible.

-My lord, are you seriously going to fire me?

-fired? -Colin remembered what he said without thinking- no Cornelius, you are my right-hand man, I want you to go to Bath, there is a Featherington property that is being wasted, you must take charge of remodeling it, if necessary and rent it as soon as possible, with all pleasure We would go, but I think Pen -cough- Lady Featherington, how strange to say that to him, thought to him, it is not yet wise for her to travel.

-I understand my lord, I will prepare my luggage as soon as possible and travel tonight.

-In my office there is all the documentation you need.

His right hand bowed and left, Colin got into the carriage.

When he arrived at house number 5, there was no commotion, looked for Anthony in the office, before entering he heard noises coming from it. The third Bridgerton put his ear to the door.

"Oh Anthony," Kate moaned.

Colin's eyes widened and he quickly retreated, he began to do the math in his head, his nephew was almost five months old, which meant he had to wait that long with Pen.

Is not that much he thought to himself.

Now he had to move on to plan B, look for Eloise to ask her to come to his house, he went to the library, the classrooms but he didn't see anyone.

-mother? -Colin called.

-Good afternoon, my lord, your mother and younger brothers went out for ice cream.

-including Eloise?

-No, Miss Eloise is in her room.

-thank you.

-No need, my lord.

Colin climbed the stairs until he was in front of his sister's door, still remembering the words she had shouted at him. Although he did not like how he was treated by her, it was more critical for Eloise to talk to his wife, so that would hear firsthand how things were, he knocked on the door.

-Eloise? I'm Colin.

Hush, there's no way she's mad at me he asked himself. It would be the high

-El, Penelope needs you, please open it to me, I'm not angry.

Silence, Colin didn't want to play with his sister, they were already too old for that, so he returned to one of the servants.

-Are you sure Eloise is in her room?

-Yes, a tray of food has been left for her, day, afternoon and night. She hasn't gone out but she is eating well.

Colin frowned.

Do you have the keys?

-No, but I'll ask the housekeeper, my lord, wait a minute.

Colin returned to the bedroom door. He played louder

-Eloise opened it for me.

The servant arrived and opened the door, Colin just walked in, and there was only Olivia, the woman who had helped his wife and Eloise escape from the duke.

-where is my sister?

She started to cry.

-My lord, she told me that the duke was looking for her and asked me to pretend to be her, she said she would not even marry him, even if she's dead.

-what? So you've been pretending to be her this whole time.

-Only during the day, at night I go to my room.

"He told us that he had entrusted Olivia with something that kept her busy all day," the servant added.

-El saw your faces, do you know where she is?

They both shook their heads.

"Lord Featherington, please Don't fire me," she was stumbling over her words, "I really thought the duke, because of what happened the other time."

-Don't worry, my sister can be a headache.

With that he left the room, and now he really needed Anthony.

He went to the office and opened the door, only to remember what his brother had done minutes before, so he closed it out of reflex, but he managed to see his brother working, he opened it again.

-Are you checking if the door works? -the viscount mocked.

-How have you not noticed that Eloise ran away.

Anthony looked at him pale.


Penelope had woken up by Thomas crying, when she opened her eyes a servant was breastfeeding her son, which made her feel like a terrible mother.

"Hello," she smiled, "would you be so kind as to give me my son?"

The servant got up and put him in her arms.

-Now you can continue with your tasks.

-My lady, I am Thomas's nanny, I have no more tasks.

-oh. How do you manage to give him milk?

"My daughter is eight months old," the woman smiled at her.

-Could You remind me your name?

-I am Clarice my lady.

-Clarice, you can meet your daughter, I will need you at night more than anything.

-oh. Yes my lady whatever you order.

Clarice left the room.

Thomas began to cry incessantly, Pen tried to relieve him of gas, to breastfeed him, to lull him, but nothing was working, she lifted up his cloth diaper. He was dirty. She remembered that the clean diapers were in the baby's room.

She had not gotten up unless Colin or Cornelius would help her, but she heard that they had both left, so she gained strength, under one foot of the bed, then the other, the weight of her body was still carried by the bed, by which began to slowly put the weight on his legs until she was standing.

-Okay, come on Thomas.

Penelope bent down, picked up her son, took each step cautiously, she wasn't going to allow herself to faint or anything like that, she breathed deeply. Her body didn't help much either, as it was mostly numb.

Thomas's room was about six meters from the main room, when she finally entered was moved by how beautiful it was. Colin had attended to every single request that Pen had asked of him.

Penelope put his son on the changing table, she took off all his clothes since everything was dirty, but when looked at where the clean clothes were, had to take several steps, tried to stretch, there was no point, she needed help. She rang the doorbell.

After a few minutes a maid arrived.

-Yes my lady?

-Could you give me some clean clothes please.

The girl took one out, but Pen shook her head, she made her take out several until she found one she liked. Penelope was going to put the clothes on her after cleaning the baby.

-Excuse me, my lady has to clean it well, so that it doesn't get burned by the poop.

-Oh, what do I clean it with?


The girl took a cloth from under the changing table, wiping the baby everywhere. When she finished, she showed her the dirt on it. Pen felt terrible again.

-Thank you very much Marcela.

-Don't worry, my lady, would you like me to accompany you to the room?

-No, that would be all.

The girl bowed to her and left. Pen picked up Thomas and sat in an armchair in the room, her son had stopped crying. Even though she needed help, Pen felt like a winner watching him sleep.

-Lady Featherington? -a servent called her.


-Mr. Cooper is waiting for you in the living room to discuss remodeling.

-You can tell him to go up to the room, I also need a servant to accompany us.

-Yes my lady.

Pen got up, put Thomas in his crib, then headed to the bedroom.


Colin and Anthony were looking for any sign in Eloise's room indicating where she had gone.

The viscount had already written to Daphne and Francesca, but it would be several days before they heard anything.

Violet heard the commotion coming from her second daughter's room.

-What are you two doing?

The brothers looked at her in panic, then they looked at each other, none of them wanted to tell her the news. But Colin was faster.

-Mother, Anthony has to tell you something, but you better sit down.

-you are scaring me.

The viscount punched Colin on the shoulder. While Violet sat on Eloise's bed.

-what's going on? -she finally ask.

-mother -Anthony coughed- Eloise. We believe since the day they published Lady Whistledown's pamphlet. She. She ran away, we don't know where.

Violet put her hand on her heart, trying to control her breathing, which had increased so much that she was almost hyperventilating.

-Maybe Eloise is with one of her sisters.

"We sent a letter to each one, we won't have a response until next week," Anthony stated.

-Are you sure she's not here? Maybe he went to see Penelope.

-Olivia confessed everything, she left and convinced her to impersonate her. "With the excuse that Duke Williams returned for her," Colin added.

-That sounds like something Eloise would do - Violet agreed - but you are not going to find anything here, we must bring Penelope, she is the only one who knows her perfectly, she will know where she hides what we need to know.

-Mother, we still can't move her, everything is very recent, even if it's only fifteen minutes in the carriage, the pounding could hurt her. -Colin pursed his lips.

-Even if it's just ask her if she knows of any place where she would hide her correspondence, or if she was writing to someone. Oh, my God! -Violet exclaimed.

-what? -the two brothers asked in unison.

-What if she went with the political extremists?

Violet's heart raced.

"I know where to look, let's go," Colin said.

Both brothers left the room, when they turned down the hallway they saw Benedict walking towards them, Anthony grabbed him by the jacket and forced him to follow them.

-what's going on? -Benedict asked confused.

"Your sister could be on political extremes right now," Anthony responded.

-Eloise wasn't in her room, after what happened with Whistledown?

Colin shook his head so that Benedict would understand him, but unfortunately Anthony saw the grimaces. He put the third Bridgerton against the wall.

-Are you going to tell me now what you know? You are talked about Whistledown twice now as if it were part of this family.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Colin responded.

Anthony looked at Benedict and then at Colin,

-You think I don't know when you both lie to me, spit it out, now!

The viscount stopped squeezing him by the jacket, now he grabbed him by the neck.

"You say it now or later I'll go to Penelope and tell her what's happening here, you know very well that she adores Eloise, she won't mind those fifteen minutes in the carriage there and another fifteen minutes back," he said.

Colin had turned red, not intending to say anything, but Benedict couldn't take it anymore.

-Eloise is Lady Whistledown, well Pen is the original, Eloise only took the lead while Penelope went on her honeymoon and everything -Anthony's gaze froze him


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