From fantasy to reality a Pol...

Door vicopinto92

86.1K 993 69

Colin Bridgerton is part of one of the most important families of London aristocracy, that night at the Feath... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 25

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Door vicopinto92

Since the kidnapping that Pen and Eloise had gone through, Colin believed that he would never have to go through a situation as worrying as that, that he had already filled the ceiling, because life was only going to be flowers and simple paths, that any Difficulty with his wife was going to be like child's play, but it was the moment Pen collapsed in his arms that he knew the worst part had not come.

-Pen! -He shouted, but she didn't respond.

He adjusted his position to be able to lift her, when he lifted her felt a great weight in his arms, much more significant than what had thought since the last time he lifted her, but not because she had considerably increased her weight, because she was passed out, she weighed twice as much. He managed to shout to Mr. Cornelius that he will call the doctor immediately. He went up the stairs with her, his heart beating in the mouth, when he got to the room left her on the bed, his lungs couldn't find the air to breathe, "focus" he told himself.

He looked at Pen, she was breathing but she was not regaining consciousness, so Colin began to undress her, "it must be the corset" he thought, luckily Pen was not wearing it, but he saw blood on her crotch, it wasn't much, but it was enough so that Colin will think the worst.

A woman entered the room, Colin didn't even turn to look at her, because he was so worried that decorum and being friendly were the least important. That young woman gave Colin a cloth with alcohol, he put it on Penelope's face, but his wife did not react.

-Pen? -he told him softly.

He patted her rosy cheeks, trying to wake up his beautiful wife.

"Go and ask Cornelius if he've called the doctor yet," he said.

The young woman nodded and left the room.

-Colin? -Penelope said, stopping the tapping with her hands, she still had her eyes closed.

-Pen wake up, are you okay? -Told him

"Colin, let me sleep," Penelope growled.

-Pen, you're bleeding.

His wife's eyes widened, she got up quickly to look at the blood stain, it was nothing more than what she had seen when had her period, but she was supposed to be pregnant, so bleeding was not expected.

- Did I hit myself with something? - Pen tried to find logic in the situation, it couldn't be that the doctor had made a mistake, because she had felt movement in the lower area of ​​her abdomen. Had she lost her baby?

-No, when you collapsed you fell directly into my arms and I didn't let you fall -Colin caressed her face, more to calm him down than her.

-Colin, what if I lost it? -Pen started to sob.

-The doctor is on his way, I hope it is normal, I have never asked my mother about her pregnancies, but I suppose they all come with their mishaps. "There are even women who die giving birth" he thought.

The thought of living without his Penelope filled his mind with terrible images, tears began to come out, it had never occurred to him that having children with the love of his life could lead him to lose her, after all he had seven siblings. But seeing her there so fragile made him doubt, did he really want so many children? Because if she was going to risk her life every time. Better they would just have the one she already carried inside her body.

For her part, when Pen saw Colin crying, she thought she had already lost her baby. What would happen if she couldn't give Colin children? It is assumed that the only destiny for a woman is to provide children for her husband and if she couldn't. Would Colin still love her?

"Good night," the doctor interrupted the couple's thoughts as he entered the room.

The third Bridgerton nodded, getting out of bed so the doctor could check on his wife.

Colin watched the doctor work, he saw how he made a small incision in the vein in the flexure of the elbow, the liquid was quite fluid, for what Colin had seen before, but refrained from giving any opinion, after all he did not want to worry more to his wife.

"Mr. Bridgerton please come with me," the doctor told him after finishing.

Colin nodded, winking at Penelope, trying to reassure his wife, who had an expression of fear drawn perfectly on her face. He followed the doctor into the hallway.

-What's wrong doctor, did she lose the baby?

-No, Mr. Bridgerton, but your wife is quite delicate, she has a high-risk pregnancy

Colin looked at the doctor as if he had two heads.

-What is happening, Mr. Bridgerton, is that your wife's body is not compatible with the baby, so the body is fighting to get it out of her- the doctor saw that the third Bridgerton did not understand him- pretend that a stranger enters your house, You don't know what his intentions are, so you throw him out of your home to protect your family. That is what your wife's body is doing, in her eagerness to defend herself from the baby, she is driving out the intruder.

-what should we do?

-She must be as calm as possible, I am talking not only about being in bed but also emotionally, nothing that disturbs her, no sudden movements, nor sexual relations. Basically nothing to alter your mood.

-for how long?

"Whatever is left of the pregnancy," the doctor responded.

-Why does this happen? I don't remember my mom going through something like that.

-It doesn't always happen to all women, but it is normal, it means that your wife's body functions comfortably.

-any special diet?

-None, she is a little anemic but nothing to worry about. She can eat whatever she wants.

-Thank you very much doctor.

-If she continue bleeding, don't hesitate to call for me.

Colin accompanied the doctor to the exit, after Cornelius paid him for his services that man left.

The third Bridgerton felt calmer knowing that despite the circumstances that situation was expected, it was in his power to keep his wife calm and in bed for the next five months. What worried him a little was not making love to her for that time. But it was a sacrifice he was willing to pay.

Upon entering his room, he found Penelope covered in tears.

-Hey, why are you crying? -He approached her, caressing her face.

-I lost it right? "I lost him," she said, sobbing.

-shhh shhh shhh -Colin said, stroking Pen's reddish hair- no, everything is fine, you're still pregnant.

Penelope looked at Colin with tears filling her eyes.

-really? -she told him.


Colin helped her sit up, he took off his boots, then he climbed onto the bed, sat against the headboard, put a pillow on his chest, picked up Pen and laid her against him, caressing her abdomen gently.

-Everything is fine, don't worry; the doctor said it was normal. You just have to stay in bed for a few weeks.

-really? -she asked again.


The third Bridgerton continued caressing his wife, he thanked the pillow separating them, because he felt his member getting hard, for the excellent view had of Pen's breasts, it was the first time he noticed that they had grown, since his wife's bust was quite generous, which he loved.

But he had to calm down, he wasn't going to put his family at risk just because he couldn't control himself. So he looked at the ceiling and started singing a song, until he felt his wife was asleep. Colin placed tender kisses on her head, giving thanks that this turbulent day had ended.

These five months were going to be too long. thought to himself.

Benedict was visiting Genevieve, and she told him that Duke Williams had left. The second Bridgerton thanked her for the information but was there to calm the desire that grew in him, ever since he met the silver woman.

This time the dressmaker's heat only helped him until the second after releasing himself. But then he felt empty, he smiled at the woman who had been his, making no promises, this time when said goodbye to her, knew it was the last time he saw her, at least on those terms.

I'm going to find the silver woman no matter whatHe said to himself, I can't fool myself anymore, I want that woman to be my wife.

The following day, he woke up early, had breakfast, and asked for his horse to be ready. He arrived at Colin and Penelope's house.

There was quite silence, they told him that his host was in the dining room, it seemed pretty strange not seeing Penelope by his side, he became even more worried because his brother was eating without enthusiasm, something terrible was definitely happening.

-What happened Colin? Where is Penelope? Did you fought? -he said worried.

The second Bridgerton saw how his younger brother was still looking at the food, but had stopped eating, tears grazed his cheeks. Colin covered his eyes with one hand, letting out all his worries under the gaze of his older brother.

Benedict got up from the table, went to his brother, covered his back with his arms, patting it, so that he could vent.

After a couple of minutes Colin stopped sobbing.

-Thank you

-about what? Benedict asked him.

-don't make fun of me

The second Bridgerton smiled

-because I still don't know what happened, if it's something stupid, I assured I'll make fun of it.

Colin's face grimaced.

-You would think that after you marry the woman you love, everything else would fall into place and be simple.

-What has you like this, life is too hard? Please. Life is like that, what you want is not always going to happen, at least you have the woman of your dreams by your side. Look at me, I don't even know the name of my wife, that's why I'm here today, I have to finish the drawing, I need Penelope.

-she is having breakfast upstairs.

-above? Why isn't he with you?

Benedict saw another tear fall down his younger brother's cheek.

-Due so much stress she has been through, adding to what happened yesterday with the Duke, she almost lost the baby, the doctor ordered her to stay in bed for the rest of the wait, I have already sent letters to our families to organize a daily visit, to being able to keep her entertained, but without telling her things that could upset her.

Benedict understood Colin's concern, he patted him on the head as if he were a puppy, said goodbye, started to climb the stairs, before entering he imagined that Pen was going to look pretty bad. But looking at her, he couldn't tell that she was sick.

"Hello sister-in-law, I'm here to bother you," Benedict said crookedly.

-Benedict! Hello, whatever I can help you with, but if you need me to get up, it's better that you tell Colin, because the doctor forbade me from making any effort.

-Yes, Colin warned me, for what I need, you can stay right where you are.

The next moment he unrolled the parchment where he had the portrait of the silver woman, showed it to his sister-in-law, he took something out of his bag to support it.

-Is Colin apprehensive? He told me that the doctor assured him that this is normal.

-It is usual for him to be scared, it is the first child of both, so everything is new. That's how my mother was at first, worried about everything, but after Colin was born she let us be, even eating mud if we felt like it. You just have to follow the doctor's instructions and you will see that everything will be fine.

Pen nodded, feeling more calm, but she couldn't stop the tears from coming. Benedict took her right hand.

-The family will be here, for whatever they need.

-Thank you Benedict -Pen smiled, adjusted her pillow -well let me see the drawing

The second Bridgerton was passed to her, Pen looked at the drawing, the memories were beginning to look blurry, so she closed her eyes to concentrate, after all, it was Benedict's only hope.

That woman's face appeared in his memories, she looked at the drawing again.

-she has three moles above her lip -she gave the portrait to his brother-in-law -One here - pointed to him with her index finger -Another here and the other here, making a triangle, his gaze is a little more sleepy, his eyes are not as large, more almond-shaped.

Pen watched as Benedict moved the pencil quickly from side to side, after a couple of minutes he showed it to his sister-in-law. She took it in her hands, Benedict was a good draftsman, but he was still not very neat, so the drawing almost resembled the mysterious woman, of course she was not going to tell him that, because she had seen how passionate her brother-in-law was. with his art. She remembered the drawing that Benedict had made of her, Colin had it quite wrinkled, but she could detail that several details were missing from it, being more curious that they had been seeing each other for years, so she decided to tell him.

-It is almost identical.

-are you sure?


Benedict looked at the drawing of the mysterious woman. If she looked like that, of course she was worth looking for. He didn't know where to start, but he knew an expert in finding people.

"Thank you very much Pen," he kissed his sister-in-law on the forehead excitedly.

-to you for distracting me.

-sister-in-law -Benedict bowed to her.

The second Bridgerton went down the stairs two at a time, somehow he felt closer to that woman.

-Colin? -he asked Cornelius

-in the office, second floor -Cornelious pointed to the stairs.

Benedict turned his eyes, went up the stairs three at a time, opened a door, but the office was empty, there was a notebook with a leather cover, there were also some sheets making corrections, Benedict read a little, it seemed to be Colin's travels

Maybe Penelope is correcting his blogs, will my brother want to publish? He thought to himself, he suddenly felt pride for his younger brother.

He was leaving when he saw another door, entered it and saw Colin very concentrated with papers, he understood that the other office must be Penelope's.

What a good idea, if she wants, my future wife will have her own office.stated.

"I never thought I would live long enough to see you play Anthony's role" Benedict mocked.

-Now I have a family to take care of, not to mention my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law, who if she remains single will be my responsibility.

-watching over the Featheringtons -Benedict paused as he paced around the office - it suits you. You've always had a soft spot for that family, you did it on the second try.

-You know that my engagement to Lady Crane was a total waste of time.

-The truth is I shouldn't make fun of you, because I come to ask you a favor.

Colin stopped looking at his papers, looked up at his brother.

-what do you want?

-How did you find Pen in Scotland?

-I have a log -Colin got up, looking for it among his travel logs -give me a moment, I think Pen has it, it's her favorite book -he winked at him and left the office.

A few minutes later he returned, -Pen is not going to lend it to you, she says that you read it in our room with her, make your notes and return it to her today.

-For God's sake Colin, control your wife, I only need it for a few days.

-It's her favorite book -Colin smiled, raising his arms in surrender.

Benedict knew it was a losing fight.

-okay -he left the two offices, entered the room

Penelope pointed out a sofa on the terrace. Benedict followed his sister-in-law's instructions where the notebook with the green leather cover was and began to read.

-out loud please.

Benedict sighed, he could swear he heard Colin's laughter through the walls.

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