The Guardian Of The Multivers...

By MrNobodythe100

354 31 33

In the gripping second season of "The Guardian Of The Multiverse," the aftermath of the Infinity War has left... More

Into A New Playground
Certain enigmas are best allowed to linger in the shadows
Essential Violence for Progress Part 1
Essential Violence for Progress Part 2
The Reset
A Reason
The Calm Before The Storm
What awaits Me
Half a Century War Part 1
Half a Century War Part 2
Half A Century War Part 3
Half A century War Part 4
Half A Century War Part 5: The End Of The World
The Forgotten Exclamation Mark
Rot in Hell...
The Labyrinth
A Gamble For Memories
From The Heavens I was Sent

A Hero's Burden

116 4 2
By MrNobodythe100

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)


(To our new readers, I highly recommend starting with the first season of "The Guardian Of The Multiverse" to fully grasp the unfolding narrative. I understand that sometimes descriptions go unnoticed, but trust me, it's a journey worth embarking on. You can find it in my profile, so be sure to check it out before delving into this second season.

And to our dedicated readers who've been on this adventure from the beginning, welcome back! It's great to see you again. I've been juggling a busy schedule with university and game design, but I'm excited to be back in the storytelling groove. Rest assured, I'm committed to delivering an engaging and enjoyable story for all of you.

So, whether you're new to the multiverse or a returning traveler, I hope you find this second season as thrilling and captivating as the first. Thank you for your support, and let's dive into this next chapter together!)


No Pov

In the ethereal realm known as the Nexus of Knowledge and Imagination, a realm where the boundless expanse of fictional tales and the vastness of the internet intertwine, the vast repository of human creativity finds its abode. It is akin to a celestial cloud, encapsulating the collective consciousness of all narratives, websites, and digital creations. To enter this realm is to transcend the confines of one's own narrative, breaching the boundaries of individual verses and delving into the realm of the Omniverse and its intricate cosmology.

The Omniverse, a multidimensional construct within the Nexus, represents the totality of fictional worlds. Within its 4th-dimensional cube, it encompasses a myriad of multiverses, alternate storylines, fan fiction, and every conceivable facet of each specific verse. It is a comprehensive tapestry that weaves together an incalculable number of websites, original stories, and a vast wealth of information. A single glance into the Omniverse reveals a staggering compendium of narratives, traversing an infinite spectrum of imagination.

However, for those rare few who transcend the boundaries of their own cosmology, a remarkable phenomenon awaits—the discovery of "The Bridge." This concept materializes as a pristine expanse of a white void, an ocean-like conduit through which the infinite stories and information of the real world flow. This enigmatic realm eludes the characters transported across various verses, as they navigate their journeys through direct lines of connection rather than witnessing the expansive realm of "The Bridge." Such knowledge has recently been bestowed upon the character Karito, a singular individual who has ventured into the farthest reaches of fiction's realms.

Karito, a paradoxical enigma existing beyond the boundaries of fictional constructs, has traversed landscapes where even the mightiest of characters are susceptible to obliteration with the mere press of a delete key. Yet, he has persevered against insurmountable odds, his resilience defying the very laws that govern fictional realities. His presence has been an indomitable force, purging corrupted narratives tainted by monstrous entities that feed upon the negative emotions of humanity, traversing the realms of fiction to sow chaos. Amidst the atrocities thrust upon Karito, a peculiar semblance of providence has time and again illuminated his path, enabling him to triumph over the most implausible challenges. He is known by many names—Karito, Adriel, Spider-Man, and The Guardian of the Multiverse—but to those who bear witness to his narrative, he is revered as The Guardian of Fiction.

Within the expansive confines of the Nexus, an advanced realm likened to a type 40 civilization on the Kardashev scale, nestled a chamber belonging to our protagonist, Karito. Crafted solely by the power of his imagination, this room epitomized opulence and fulfillment, courtesy of the limitless capabilities afforded by the Nexus itself. His sanctuary possessed every conceivable amenity and more. A king-sized bed, adorned with delicately patterned sheets and pillows that enticed the senses, beckoning one to surrender to their cloud-like embrace. A nightstand adorned with an assortment of gadgets and tomes procured from the Infinite Library within the Nexus. An immaculate gaming console paired with a cutting-edge television, offering the pinnacle of visual immersion. And a plush sofa, inviting him to relax and indulge in moments of leisure. Not to mention the marvels contained within his private bathroom, where technology surpassed conventional comprehension.

Karito stirred from his slumber, his form shifting upon the sumptuous bed as his eyes fluttered open. Yet, a weariness seemed to shadow his countenance, a weariness born of the tumultuous trials he had endured. His steadfast companions, privy to his inner struggles, recognized the weight that burdened his soul. Still, Karito adeptly deflected any inquiries, channeling his focus towards his duty as the guardian of fiction, shouldering the ongoing war against the Darks. As he roused himself from introspection, a common ritual of men caught in the trance of self-reflection, he rose and proceeded toward his private bathroom.

Seated upon the porcelain throne, resembling a figure in need of respite, Karito commanded a holographic interface to peruse various manga titles, immersing himself in the realms of fantasy. With such knowledge at his disposal, he prepared to face the unforeseen corruption that threatened the stories he cherished, ready to safeguard their integrity with his intimate understanding of their narratives. After a few contemplative minutes, he completed his task, flushing away the remnants of his thoughts, and disrobing before stepping into the invigorating cascade of the shower. As the warm water enveloped his fatigued form, his gaze turned downward, a sigh escaping his lips. Visions of a harrowing past flickered within his mind, akin to the torment of PTSD haunting a battle-weary soldier. The memories, unrelenting reminders of the hellish ordeals he had endured, showcased the horrors of lost innocence, departed loved ones, the annihilation of his assigned dimension, and the torment of experimentation, cannibalism, death, and resurrection. These haunting recollections persistently clawed at his consciousness. Yet, Karito understood that living with these scars was an inevitable part of existence, a somber acknowledgment that growth stemmed from perseverance and the resolve to overcome adversity.

Having spent a few more minutes cleansing both body and mind, Karito concluded his shower, turning off the cascading water before wrapping a towel around his waist. With measured steps, he advanced toward the bathroom sink, proceeding to meticulously brush his teeth. As he surveyed his reflection in the mirror, he encountered a somber visage adorned with countless scars. Gazing into his own weary eyes, he pondered when the weight of exhaustion would dissipate, yearning to alleviate the concerns of his remaining loved ones. With a sigh that carried the weight of countless contemplations, he reminded himself to take life one day at a time, fostering hope that each passing moment would bring him closer to a brighter future.

(Art made by boricualy. They're activate on socials like Instagram. Their second account on Instagram is boricualydoodle. Check them out! Their art is absolutely amazing! They accept commissions!)

Upon completing his meticulous grooming routine, Karito emerged from his bathroom, emitting a subtle sigh of contentment. With a mere thought, the Nexus responded to his desires, conjuring clothing that perfectly matched his taste. Opting for a casual ensemble comprising long sleeves, jeans, and sports shoes, he left his quarters and ventured into the vast expanse of the Nexus—a realm of infinite knowledge and wisdom.

As he leisurely strolled through the ethereal corridors, his mind was flooded with a tender slideshow of memories, recalling the moment he first encountered Chrona, the enigmatic librarian of the Nexus. Chrona, a reticent yet brilliant woman, had dwelled within the Nexus for countless eons, a consequence of its mysterious temporal existence. Despite its abundance of knowledge, the Nexus held secrets within its enigmatic confines.

Their initial meeting had been perplexing, as Chrona sensed a resemblance between Karito and someone she had once held in high regard. However, their friendship had gradually blossomed, and her kindhearted nature had endeared her to him. Karito fondly remembered introducing Peter to Chrona, a decision that had led to a deep bond between the two. Though he suspected romantic feelings might be brewing, Peter's duties as the Second Guardian Of Fiction occupied much of his attention.

Since the Nexus had become their permanent abode, Chrona's profound loneliness had dissipated, and she, along with Peter, had embarked on an inspiring journey of growth and innovation. Their suits now boasted astonishing technological advancements, granting Peter the ability to perform incredible feats, akin to his alternate comic version of 616. Living amidst a repository of boundless knowledge and imaginative technology, their intellectual acumen seemed to soar to new heights, rivaling that of even the most advanced civilizations.

Karito had explored the concept of civilizations classified by types, ranging from 1 to 3, but he remained open to unconventional ideas, acknowledging the limitless possibilities of the internet's creative imagination. The Nexus had piqued his curiosity about a hypothetical "Type 40 civilization," an entity so grand that its attributes defied comprehension. While the Nexus itself seemed to embody the concept of "The Box" beyond the boundaries of the known universe, it held an elusive and unfathomable nature.

Attempts to define or describe "The Box" proved futile, for it encompassed all perceivable and inconceivable aspects, transcending the confines of reality and logic. The Omniverse, with its infinite variations, found its place within this metaphysical construct, hinting at a vast realm of existence and nonexistence intertwined in enigmatic harmony. The Box served as the ultimate threshold between reality and unreality, housing paradoxes and impossibilities beyond the grasp of human understanding.

Within the realm of fiction, no matter how awe-inspiring or potent entities might be, they remained confined within the embrace of the Box. Countless variations of these entities existed within its mysterious domain, perpetually entwined in an eternal dance of possibility. The very fabric of fiction, with its intricacies and splendor, amounted to but a minuscule fragment within the boundless expanse of the Box.

After an extensive exploration of the Nexus, Karito, and Peter decided to christen it as "The Box" within their burgeoning cosmology. However, they inadvertently discovered the existence of two more enigmatic layers, Eternirealm and Transcendrealm, beyond the Nexus. Though Chrona had attempted to elucidate these layers, their true nature eluded her comprehension, prompting the trio to set the topic aside for future research.

A sigh escaped Karito once again as he found himself delving into the roles of scientist and mathematician due to his insatiable pursuit of understanding. Yet, his desire for a satisfying meal remained, for he and Peter still had the crucial task of combating the hordes of weak Darks that threatened various Omniverses.

As he stepped into the kitchen, the mellifluous sound of Chrona's ethereal humming greeted him, wrapping the atmosphere in an aura of serenity. Her voice, akin to that of a celestial being, possessed a rare enchantment that could tame even the wildest of souls, lulling them into a state of tranquil repose. Karito found himself captivated by the gentle melody as if he had stumbled upon a secret symphony hidden within the confines of the Nexus.

In the presence of her melodic reverie, he settled into a seat, captivated by the way Chrona's aura seemed to resonate with the very essence of harmony. Like an ancient muse invoking the wonders of the cosmos, she had an otherworldly grace that infused the kitchen with a sense of timeless elegance.

Moments after he had seated himself, the keen senses of Chrona detected his presence. With a warm smile gracing her lips, she turned her gaze toward him, her eyes sparkling with a knowing twinkle. Her innate connection with the Nexus seemed to grant her an almost mystical awareness, enabling her to anticipate the arrival of those who sought solace within the realms of her domain.

(Chrona) "Hey, Karito. How did you sleep?"

(Karito) "Like I chugged an entire bottle of Nightquil."

(Chrona) Giggles "I can imagine, the two of you have taken advantage of the fact that in this layer of existence, sleep is not an obligation."

(Karito) Smirks "Well, we don't have to eat, sleep, or anything that would keep a human... well, functioning normally."

(Chrona) "You know, since you and Peter moved in, I've finally touched a single piece of food in like forever."

(Karito) Laughs "Well, it's a friend's job to get you out of your comfort zone." Chuckles

(Chrona) Nods playfully "Mhm! Now I know everything about food!"

(Karito) "That's because you can literally install the knowledge into your head in this place. Peter and I already have done so quite a few times already."

(Chrona) "I don't think you told me how it was for you two the first time you tried it."

(Karito) "Well, Peter vomited. As for me, I had an intense migraine but that's about it. I guess it was because of Kara, literally putting my head in a blender to make me have amnesia."

(Chrona) Looks concerned "Oh... By the way... Have you been able to find her?"

(Karito) Sighs "Nope, she continues to be a yandere. Toxic as fuck if you tell me."

(Chrona) Nods sympathetically "Well, she has gone insane after the whole war of the Darks and Guardians."

(Karito) "I'm still gonna kill her for putting me through hell."

(Chrona) Understands "I can't blame you, honestly."

(Karito) "By the way, where's Peter?"

(Chrona) "He should be on his way here. Unlike you, he continued doing research on different things. I sometimes wished he would take a bit of time to relax a little."

(Karito) "The only reason I even relaxed is because of your abilities."

(Chrona) Playfully sticks her tongue out "You're such a workaholic and Peter's going down the same road."

(Karito) "Quick question. What has he been doing so much in the laboratory?"

(Chrona) "He's literally researching about everything beyond the universe. Heck, it's reached a point where he's physically held an omniverse from a verse."

(Karito) "Well, we are in the Nexus, we live in a higher dimension than an Omniverse. Though, which one was he holding?"

(Chrona) "This time it was the Fairy Tail verse. Last time it was League Of Legends."

(Karito) "Well, we are predicting an invasion from the Darks in the Arcane TV series. Dark's couldn't get to it because of how viral it went in the real world but the fame is calming down and now they can invade it."

(Chrona) "It usually takes time for them if a series is very well received, but if it's received normally they can make an opening. It's easier when the reception is smaller though."

(Karito) "Trust me, I know."

(Chrona) "By the way, do you want pancakes again?"

(Karito) "You are the best, of course, my cooking is better. But there's just something with your cooking, I don't know."

(Chrona) Chuckles "Show off, you think you're the only one who has an ability that can make the food taste divine?"

(Karito) "Nope, this is you we are talking about."

(Chrona) "Yup! Hehe! Well, I'm going to make it because you hate it when I just imagine it."

(Karito) "It ruins the essence of cooking!"

(Chrona) "I know, I know~." Walks towards the stove and starts making breakfast

Following their engrossing conversation, Karito's gaze shifted to the holographic display before him, an intricate web of information spanning across myriad omniverses. While Chrona prepared breakfast, he delved into the currents of recent news and events, navigating the endless streams of knowledge that flowed through the Nexus.

Amidst this engrossing exploration, a stirring presence made its long-awaited entry. Peter, donning a distinguished lab coat, materialized into the space with an air of intrigue surrounding him. In his hands, he held an enigmatic object of extraordinary dimensions.

(Peter) "Did I make you guys wait again?"

(Chrona) Smiling "Nope, I just started cooking."

(Karito) Teasingly "Yeah, we were just talking about how you always keep us waiting."

(Peter) Playfully "Hey, I can't help it if I get lost in the Nexus's endless wonders."

(Karito) "What do you have in your hand this time?"

(Peter) "Oh, this little thing? This is an Archverse."

(Karito) "Did you enter the wiki again?"

(Peter) "I'm a curious soul, okay? Pluss, when you have so much time on your hands... I just can't help myself but scroll around the weird mumbo-jumbo one can find in the Nexus, or just observe every verse in existence and laugh at their dumb moments."

(Karito) "Oh trust me, there's a lot of things to do here. Have you researched Cardinality already?"

(Peter) "Still in the science area, I'm very good in quantum physics."

(Karito) "Of course you are."

(Peter) Defensively "Why do you say it like that?! You make it sound like it's lame! It's not!"

(Karito) "I'm just messing with you." Chuckles

(Peter) "I still remember how you nerd out about holding the "continuum" when you were engrossed in finding the highest cardinal you could understand!"

(Karito) "Man, we have our passions, your holding and looking around on what's an Archverse because you're bored! Pluss, thanks to the Nexus making an "ℵ" (aleph) was fricking badass."

(Peter) "Knowledge and Imagination in a literal sense..." Sigh

(Chrona) "I hope you guys know that it's quite funny seeing you two argue."

(Karito) "It certainly beats being alone, doesn't it."

(Chrona) "By light years."

(Peter) Sits down on the floating chair in front of the dinner table "I swear... if you gave me another damn mathematical form of cardinals I'm gonna flip."

(Karito) Smirks "That's too bad..."

(Peter) "You didn't?!"

(Karito) "I DID BITCH! AHAHA!" Slaps a piece of paper with a question written on it "Figure this out."

(Peter) Groans "Why do you enjoy torturing me like this?"

(Karito) "Because it's hilarious!" Chuckles

With a serene and gentle smile, Chrona observed her two friends engaged in their friendly yet spirited debate, their intellectual pursuits adding a layer of complexity even to seemingly trivial topics. As the Nexus's enigmatic librarian, she had witnessed countless profound exchanges, but the genuine camaraderie between Karito and Peter always intrigued her the most.

Having completed her culinary endeavor, she presented each of them with a generous portion of eight perfectly cooked pancakes. Her thoughtful gesture reflected not only her culinary skills but also her deep affection for her newfound companions. Taking just two for herself, she relished the simple pleasure of partaking in this shared meal.

Savoring the taste of her creation, Chrona's gaze drifted back to Karito and Peter, who continued to engage in their intellectual sparring. Despite the seemingly ordinary nature of their discussion, she found herself enthralled by the dynamics of their friendship. Having endured eons of solitude within the Nexus, she cherished every moment of their company, even in the midst of the most seemingly trivial interactions.

For someone who had once been trapped in the endless corridors of isolation, observing her friends' animated exchange was a poignant reminder of the joy that companionship brought. Their camaraderie seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and space, resonating with a resonance that filled the Nexus with a sense of warmth and vitality.

Amidst the harmonious banter and laughter, Chrona found solace in the realization that her lonely days were finally over, replaced by the delightful symphony of friendship that now graced her existence. As she quietly indulged in her pancakes, she silently expressed her gratitude to the cosmic forces that had brought them together within the boundless expanse of the Nexus, forever intertwining their fates in a tapestry of awe-inspiring wonder.

(Karito) Swallows a pancake "Alright, Peter, times up! Test time!"

(Peter) Sighs "Maybe it's because I'm a nerd but I'm getting used to it and I'm fine with it..."

(Karito) "Spoken like a true masochist." Snickers

(Peter) "Don't start!"

(Karito) "First question: Prove that |kZ| = |Z|. Come on, you got that 5-head on you." Smirks

(Peter) Sarcastic laugh "Really funny, Karito. I wonder how much you'll laugh if you get a mission in the visual novel game called "YOU and ME and Her: A Love Story". Wait... Didn't you see the game already?"

(Karito) "I played it here when I was bored... And let me tell you... That's anything BUT a love story..."

(Peter) "Oh, I know." Laughs "Anyways, let me give you your first answer. For the first question, we just need to find a secret handshake between kZ and Z. GG's! And about the function f(n) = kn for all n ∈ Z? It's a bijection, right?

(Karito) "It would've been funnier if you didn't figure it out so quickly. You just had to be smart, huh?"

(Peter) "Bitch, don't get me started on smartness here. You're the one making discoveries left and right like it was some Uncharted game."

(Karito) "True. What can I say? My intelligence is already at 823 and my IQ used to be 123."

(Peter) "Then we figured out that if you don't have magic the intelligence just makes you smarter. That's just the case if you don't use magic, so now you have an IQ of 946."

(Karito) "Fucking big brain, am I right?"

(Peter) "Yeah, but I had an IQ of 250 and I'm on Prestige 9 now. And my level is 47."

(Karito) "What way did you balance your stats?"

(Peter) "Well, this is what I got." Displays a holographic screen

Player: Peter Benjamin Parker

Level: 47

EXP: 320,000/470,000

HP: 555,000/555,000

Prestige: 9

Hero: Spider-Man MCU

STR: 560

END: 514

INT: 574

DEX: 590

VIT: 555

(Karito) Nods "Not, bad. You're doing pretty well."

(Peter) "Says the one who's close to being a God."

(Karito) "I was longer in the game, and pluss, you're improving a lot faster than I did before anyways."

(Peter) "That's because you started alone, I had your help."

(Karito) "That's right, convenient ain't it?"

(Chrona) "For such high IQs, you don't act like it." Giggles

(Karito) "Where's the fun in talking like an intellectual? That's boring."

(Peter) "Yeah, being more casual is easier and more fun."

(Chrona) "At least you think so, that's good." Smiles

(Karito) "Anyways, we deviated on the topic again, Peter! You always do this!"

(Peter) "Tch... Guilty."

(Karito) "Now, for question number two: Prove that |(0, 1)| = |(0, ∞)| = |(a, ∞)|."

(Peter) "Well, Georg Cantor. This is the answer. Let's use some wizardry and conjure up functions f(x) = 1/x for (0, 1) and g(x) = x + a for (0, ∞). Ta-da! One-to-one correspondences. You've activated my trap card!"

(Karito) "Bakugan was better for me, even though Yu-Gi-Oh was cool too. Anyways, next up: Show that |(0,1)| = |(a,b)|. Time to vomit some pixie dust on this one."

(Peter) "Was that a meme reference?"

(Karito) "Taste the rainbow mother fucker!"

(Peter) "It was, oh God. Not a JoJo reference like usual."

(Karito) "I'll think about it now."

(Peter) "Lord have mercy on me... Anyways... f(x) = a + (b - a)x for (0, 1). It'll transform any number from (0, 1) into (a, b)..."

(Karito) "Okay, William Sidis. Don't overload that brain of yours now, we don't wanna have another case of the strokes. Rest In Piece."

(Peter) Bruh face

(Karito) "Don't look at me like that! Now, riddle me some countability questions. Give me reasons why these sets are countable!"

(Peter) "Alright. Here's the answer, (a) The set {x ∈ R: x^2 = 1} is like a toxic relationship - just two elements: 1 and -1. See what I did there?"

(Karito) "...I'm gonna pretend that did not understand the joke..."

(Peter) "HA! Anyways, (b) The set of prime numbers is like a never-ending bad decision from Warners Bros messing up their live-action superhero movies. They go on forever: 2, 3, 5, 7, and so on. Countably infinite bad choices!"

(Karito) "At least you didn't trash Kathleen Kennedy or J.J. Abrams this time."

(Peter) "I cried when I saw those sequels."

(Karito) "Out of joy?"

(Peter) "Out of misery."

(Karito) "Noted. Continue."

(Peter) " So, (c) The set of all odd integers and positive multiples of 3 is like a group of actual good directors, just like how The Mandalorian happened. They're both countably infinite, so their union is too."

(Karito) "I feel like you have hidden pent-up rage since you saw those movies."

(Peter) "(d) The set of rational numbers with numerators between -3 and 5 is like a short and sweet tsundere! We've got {-3/1, -2/1, -1/1, 0/1, 1/1, 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, 5/1}. Countable and efficient!

(Karito) "I feel like that perception is a bit twisted... Was that a Toradora reference-?"

(Peter) "Let me have this, please! Anyways, (e) The set of years since 1970 that the Vancouver Canucks have won the Stanley Cup is like winner-winner chicken dinner! It's finite and totally countable, just like the fan service in High School DXD."

(Karito) "Well, when the women in an anime are built like that... Y'know...."

(Peter) "Don't."

(Karito) "That's not what you said when you were in Five Nights In Anime."

(Peter) "Oh! My! God! You have it all wrong! I didn't do anything!"

(Karito) "Bullshit, I refuse to believe that. You completed the whole thing not like that other variant of you that was left halfway into the story after a dream sequence!"

(Peter) "Hey, that author is most likely busy, y'know?"

(Karito) "That's a lot of authors on websites that involve fanfiction."

(Peter) "True though..."

As the Guardians Karito and Peter engaged in their seemingly endless banter, their discussion meandering through the realms of the most peculiar themes imaginable, Chrona, ever vigilant, remained attuned to the pulsating crimson glow emanating from the Nexus. With a sense of urgency, Chrona interjected, diverting their attention from the fascinating discourse.

Within the enigmatic confines of the Nexus, Karito and Peter had established a room designed to monitor and receive reports regarding any incongruities or distortions that might manifest across the vast expanse of fiction. The room functioned as an alert mechanism, its crimson alarm blaring with unmistakable intensity whenever the realm detected an aberration. Unbeknownst to the two Guardians engrossed in their fervent exchange, the alarm had sounded, a telltale sign of an anomaly demanding an immediate investigation.

Had Karito and Peter not been immersed in the captivating depths of their conversation, they might have detected the disturbance that beckoned their attention. But as it stood, the Nexus, as vigilant as ever, awaited their swift response to the enigma that had arisen within the tapestry of fiction.

(Chrona) "Guys, we got a tear in reality in a verse."

(Karito) Looks around "Oh shit, I didn't even notice the alarms."

(Peter) "Our system makes us smarter, how do we still do dumb things?"

(Chrona) "We're only human after all."

(Karito) "Was that a reference to-?"

(Chrona) "Yup, Rag'n'Bone Man. See you in the Observation room!" Teleports

(Peter) "And there she goes... Welp, see you in a second." Teleports as well

(Karito) "Who needs to walk when this place can teleport you anywhere with a thought?" Teleports

Having harnessed the extraordinary teleportation capabilities bestowed upon him by the Nexus, Karito found himself instantaneously transported to the hallowed Observatory Room. The seamless transition from one location to another exemplified the remarkable privileges granted to those who called the Nexus their abode.

Upon arriving, he was greeted by the sight of Chrona and Peter engrossed in contemplation, their attention riveted to a luminous screen displaying an irksome irregularity in the fabric of that specific Omniverse. A tear, in reality, itself had manifested, demanding their immediate scrutiny and understanding.

(Karito) "Okay, which verse is this? It doesn't look like Overwatch."

(Peter) "You're very off, it's actually what we predicted."

(Karito) "League? Ugh, alright. Are they targeting the show?"

(Peter) "I'm not sure, they seem to be attacking a specific part of the lore."

(Karito) "The lore? What the fuck?"

(Peter) "Despite them occupying most of the Omniverse they still haven't gone there."

(Karito) "Why though?"

(Peter) "I don't know, laziness?"

(Karito) "Doubt it."

(Chrona) "Do you two want me to drop you in there?"

(Karito) "Yup, you ready Toxin?"

(Toxin) Envelops Karito "About damn time, I was getting bored reading so many books."

(Peter) Taps his chest and his Iron Spider-Man suit envelops him as well.

As if animated by an otherworldly force, the symbiote Toxin flowed effortlessly around its host, imbuing Karito with a torrent of raw electric power. The suit's manifestation was a mesmerizing display of primal energy, evoking an aura of elemental might. Beside him, Peter's suit gleamed with the sophistication of advanced technology, radiating an ethereal glow that mirrored the brilliance of the stars themselves.

Cloaked in their formidable suits, they stood as embodiments of power and prowess, prepared to venture into the uncharted realms of the Omniverse. Their mission, to cleanse these sacred realms of the lurking shadows, required no less than the full extent of their combined abilities.

The Nexus, a boundless repository of knowledge and imagination, now granted them access to the multifaceted world of League of Legends. Their purpose was clear—to confront the malevolent forces known as Darks and thwart their insidious schemes.

Though these adversaries may be mere small fry in the grand tapestry of existence, they posed a potential threat to the very fabric of the Omniverse. As guardians of this interconnected reality, Karito and Peter embraced their responsibility with unwavering determination, resolute in their commitment to preserve the sanctity of all that lay within the Nexus's embrace.

(Spider-Boy) "Okay, Chrona, lower our dimensionality in order, from Innaplicable super-dimensionality, then from ∞D, super-dimensionality, and lastly 3D."

(Spider-Man) "Are you still going to mess around with the Archverse that you were checking?"

(Spider-Boy) "Maybe, that is if we don't have anything else to do in this verse that requires cleansing."

(Spider-Man) "Alright, then. You know the drill, don't get caught by the characters in the lore, try not the change the narrative too much, and kill every single anomaly that's in that current storyline."

(Toxin) "I'm pretty sure he remembers, you say it every time we leave for an expedition."

(Spider-Man) "Doesn't hurt to remind, y'know."

(Spider-Boy) "And if we have to intervene?"

(Spider-Man) "Well, we are allowed to change the story up to a certain point."

(Spider-Boy) "Alright, I'll just pull what you did when you fixed those other dimensions."

(Spider-Man) "Good luck with that."

(Chrona) "Alright, guys, I'm sending you in."

(Spider-Man/Spider-Boy) "Let's kick some ass!/ We're ready!"

(Chrona) "Very well, initiating Dimension Lowering in 3..."

Spider-Man and Spider-Boy assume a defensive stance, their backs pressed against each other, mentally preparing for the interdimensional journey ahead.

(Chrona) "2..."

They witness the fabric of space and time visibly shift around them, altering the very nature of their surroundings.

(Chrona) "1..."

In a dazzling display of light, the two arachnid heroes are transformed into luminous beams, charged with the energy of transdimensional travel.

(Chrona) "Entering the League of Legend's verse... Best of luck, valiant Spider-Men!"

In the realm of inapplicable super-dimensionality, Spider-Man and Spider-Boy found themselves surrounded by an incomprehensible array of dimensions beyond mortal comprehension. The myriad of realities intertwined, forming a kaleidoscope of cosmic wonders.

As the two arachnid heroes braced themselves, Chrona's skilled guidance began the process of lowering their dimensionality. They felt the very essence of their beings shift, transcending the inapplicable super-dimensionality and descending to the realm of ∞D super-dimensionality. Here, they traversed planes of existence beyond the grasp of conventional human understanding.

Through the expertise of Chrona's cosmic manipulation, Spider-Man, and Spider-Boy were further directed towards a critical juncture—the threshold of 3D dimensionality. The complexities of infinite dimensions began to simplify, and their forms gradually adapted to the comprehensible three-dimensional world.

In a burst of radiant light, the two Spider-Men arrived in the captivating world of League of Legends. With newfound stability and renewed determination, they stood prepared to face the small army of Darks that was slowly invading a village located in what seemed to be the desert.

(Spider-Boy) Looks around "Chrona, where are we right now?"

(Chrona) On coms "You're currently in the southern deserts of Shurima."

(Spider-Man) "Shit, no wonder it felt familiar."

(Spider-Boy) "Is there an important character here?"

(Spider-Man) "Yeah, there's a champion. You know what to do, don't let the Darks consume her story."

(Spider-Boy) "Roger."

In a seamless display of their advanced technology and acrobatic prowess, the two Spider-Men assumed agile postures, their bodies radiating a luminous aura as they readied for a high-velocity take-off. Employing their state-of-the-art, web-based boots, they surged forward with electrifying speed, traversing the desert terrain with a kinetic grace that stirred the very sands beneath them. This cutting-edge marvel allowed them to transcend mere web-swinging, achieving true flight as they harnessed the very essence of motion.

As they approached their destination, their keen senses perceived the alarming scene unfolding below. Alien entities, bearing the unmistakable marks of the Covenant Empire, had descended upon a peaceful village, their formidable technology wreaking havoc with ruthless efficiency. The Spider-Men's intellects swiftly recognized the invading force, drawing from the knowledge of Halo, a renowned virtual world among gamers. The Covenant, an amalgamation of diverse species, was infamous for its theocratic dominion and conquests, making the threat they posed clear.

Unperturbed by the gravity of the situation, Spider-Boy exhaled a composed sigh, as if facing such a challenge was an everyday affair for him. He channeled energy into a potent beam, materializing from his palm, poised to unleash a controlled blast of forceful proportions. Beside him, Spider-Man's symbiotic powers manifested in a shimmering Bio-Electric sword, a lethal extension of his formidable combat abilities.

(Spider-Man) "Keep the Dark soldier's from corrupting more characters."

(Spider-Boy) "Alright." Breaks the sound barrier

With unparalleled agility, Spider-Boy unleashed a concentrated energy blast with blinding speed, striking the Covenant brute squarely in the face. The alien's feeble forcefield offered no resistance, as the young hero's energy effortlessly penetrated and dissipated it. Gracefully breaking his descent with a deft roll, he landed with precision, delivering a hammering kick upon a Covenant hunter. The tremendous force of the impact sent the alien careening face-first into the ground, culminating in a spectacular explosion. Undeterred, Spider-Boy propelled himself skyward once more, executing a rocket-fueled knee strike that left a small grunt obliterated in its wake, imploding upon contact. The hero's mastery of the battlefield was evident as he deftly commandeered the grunt's plasma gun, expertly mowing down each Covenant that crossed his path, erasing them from the virtual realm of League of Legends.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man demonstrated a seamless fusion of lightning-like speed and masterful technique. The enemies who dared to confront him scarcely had a chance to comprehend their fate as they were swiftly sliced in two by his lightning-fast movements. The Covenant, in their futile attempt to corner the arachnid hero, found themselves outmatched by his magnetic prowess. With a mere clench of his fist, Spider-Man expertly manipulated their own armor to crush them, effortlessly neutralizing the dark alien forces. Spotting a plasma sword discarded on the ground, he eagerly seized the opportunity, igniting it to life with a resonant hum of energy. Swinging it with practiced finesse, a knowing smirk played across his face as more Covenant soldiers approached him. Utilizing his formidable hacking skills, he modified the energy sword, imbuing it with new functionality. Emerging from his covert position, he brandished the sword with a flourish, its blade slicing through the air with deadly accuracy, severing the Covenant forces that stood before him. The alien bodies separated and fell to the ground like lifeless puppets in the hands of a master puppeteer. A moment of unexpected clumsiness followed as Spider-Man observed the path of the energy slash he had unleashed, cleaving through the very clouds above. Adroitly pretending innocence at the sight of the cascading disaster, he continued to carve a path of heroic might through the Covenant ranks, his every move a symphony of calculated prowess.

(Spider-Man) Taps the side of his mask "Hey, Peter. Have you seen the protagonist of this lore?"

(Spider-Boy) On coms "No, do you remember where she was in the lore?"

(Spider-Man) "If I'm not wrong she should be at a pen somewhere."

(Spider-Boy) Coms "Well, because of the Darks, she might be somewhere else."

(Spider-Man) "Well, if she still follows the lore despite all this, she should still be there."

(Spider-Boy) Coms "Most likely hiding."

(Spider-Man) "Look around for her, she's to be protected at all costs."

(Spider-Boy) "Roger, Roger." Disconnect's

Spider-Man pressed forward with relentless determination, swiftly dispatching more of the formidable Dark soldiers with his combination of energy and electric swords. His keen spider-sense guided him, leading him towards the presence he sought - a young protagonist, a mere ten years of age, who held a pivotal role in this unfolding tale.

As he carved a path through the Covenant forces, he displayed effortless finesse in reflecting incoming fire back at the enemy, their own energy shots turned against them. In the midst of this chaos, a piercing scream reached his ears, drawing his attention to a perilous situation unfolding nearby. Covenant soldiers closed in on a young girl, her black hair flowing, and it became evident that she was the very protagonist he sought to protect.

Reacting with incredible speed, Spider-Man's foot impacted the ground, causing it to cave in as he transformed into a brilliant blue spark of lightning. In the pivotal moment when the Covenant Elite was about to unleash its deadly plasma gun upon the terrified girl, her desperate prayers for a guardian were answered. Spider-Man appeared before her, clad in his formidable symbiotic suit adorned with advanced future technology.

With astonishing skill, he seized the deadly plasma bullet between his fingertips, using his hacking prowess to safely handle the searing, tens-of-thousand-degree Celsius energy. Analyzing the molecular properties of the plasma, he swiftly disarmed the Covenant Elite, incapacitating him with a calculated release of the contained energy. Employing his magnetic abilities, he propelled the elite high into the air, transforming the plasma into a lethal grenade that eventually led to his explosive demise.

Turning back to face the girl, fear etched on her face, Spider-Man's symbiote parted, revealing the visage of a human beneath the formidable exterior. His human touch and the display of vulnerability seemed to assuage the girl's fears ever so slightly, as she beheld the enigmatic hero before her, ready to shield her from the encroaching darkness.

(Spider-Man) "Hey, Hey... It's fine. I'm a human." Slowly and gently approaches her

(???) "W-Who are you?" Slight fear

(Spider-Man) "Me? I'm Spider-Man, a Guardian."

(???) "A... Guardian?"

(Spider-Man) "Mhm, my job is to protect and save worlds from people like these guys who aren't supposed to be here."

(???) Seems to relax a bit more "Y-You're a hero?" Her eyes sparkler

(Spider-Man) "Yup!" Smiles "What's your name, little one?"

(Kaisa) "O-Oh... My name is Kaisa, Mr. Spider-Man."

(Spider-Man) "Nice to meet you, Kaisa." Chuckles

Amidst his reassuring conversation with the young protagonist, Spider-Man's heightened senses alerted him to an imminent threat. A rocket was hurtling toward them, poised to bring destruction. In a swift and calculated move, the hero scooped the child into his arms, displaying effortless grace as he countered the rocket's trajectory with a precisely executed kick.

Employing his remarkable hacking abilities, Spider-Man manipulated the very molecular structure of the missile upon contact, redirecting its path away from them. The girl, initially frightened by the rocket's approach, found solace and comfort within the secure embrace of the hero. In his presence, she felt as though an angelic guardian watched over her, offering protection amidst the chaos.

With unwavering determination, Spider-Man's attention shifted to the Dark soldiers responsible for the attack. Utilizing the potent power of his venom blast, he unleashed a torrent of electrifying energy upon his attackers. In an electrifying display, the assailants were swiftly and wholly disintegrated, their sinister intentions rendered futile in the face of the formidable hero.

(Spider-Man) "Okay, Kaisa, don't get scared of what my suit is about to do. It's just securing you in a protective embrace, okay?"

(Kaisa) "U-Um... okay."

With utmost care, Spider-Man's symbiote suit cocooned the frightened child, Kaisa, binding her securely to his body. The seamless fusion between them offered both physical protection and a profound sense of unity. Now safeguarded within a makeshift baby sling, Kaisa was shielded from harm, ensconced within the hero's formidable symbiotic embrace. With her safely held close, Spider-Man continued his relentless assault on the Dark Covenant, expunging them from his path with deadly precision.

Meanwhile, Spider-Boy's proficiency in combat was evident as he deftly avoided a covenant tank's projectile, barely flinching at the near miss. With a calculated flick of his wrist, he adapted his web fluid to unleash a potent soundwave that obliterated the tank, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The youthful arachnid, seemingly undeterred, turned his attention to a massive covenant ship, intent on neutralizing its threat.

Inside the ship's hangar, Spider-Boy exhibited his unyielding resolve, defeating every covenant assailant in a relentless display of skill and efficiency. As he reached the pilot's room, he encountered an elite holding a mysterious button, and an ominous portal began to materialize before them. Simultaneously, his heightened senses alerted him to a grim event unfolding in the village below, where a malevolent black void was consuming everything in its path.

Seizing the opportunity to escape the encroaching darkness, Spider-Boy's efforts were thwarted as the ship accelerated to full speed, propelling him into the Omniverse of Halo. In the tumultuous turn of events, Spider-Man found himself consumed by the very same void that engulfed the village, alongside the young protagonist, Kaisa, whose protection he so fervently vowed to ensure.




Spider-Man Pov

I found myself unexpectedly engulfed by a rift in the fabric of spacetime, ejected from the very narrative I had been immersed in. The culprit behind this enigmatic event remains elusive, but one thing is certain: the situation is fraught with peril. Kaisa, existing as a three-dimensional character, is now tenuously suspended in the layers of the multiverse where I find myself. Employing my hacking prowess, I'm maintaining her stability against the disorienting dimension we're trapped in. However, any altercation I engage in would demand a delicate balance, as my focus on preserving her existence must not waver; otherwise, she risks being torn apart, reminiscent of the way Spider-People behave when they stray from their home dimensions, as seen in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

In this realm, an elevated plane of existence unsuitable for Kaisa, my task is to swiftly locate her rightful dimension and facilitate her seamless reentry. This would ensure the continuity of her narrative within the League of Legends lore.

Furthermore, I've discerned the presence of an infinite array of cosmic orbs or bubbles, each encapsulating a distinct universe. To elucidate, one can conceive of a multiverse accommodating universes of varying dimensionalities, much like bubbles suspended within a volume of water. If these universes are of finite proportions, they can coexist within a larger space, akin to bubbles in a larger environment. Given the multiverse's negative curvature, it even accommodates an infinite multitude of infinitely vast universes with the same dimensionality. This complex structure can be described using a Poincaré hyperball model, with each infinite universe represented as a hyperball tangentially bounded by an outer unit hyperball.

If my fortunes remain reasonably intact, I shouldn't require an excessive amount of time to locate Kaisa's designated bubble. Admittedly, the process is somewhat unconventional, given the multiverse's stratification into type 1, 2, 3, and 4 configurations, all stacked in tiers. I'm hopeful that I won't need to delve into a type 3 or 4 multiverse to locate Kaisa's sphere. Navigating such realms entails traversing an infinite succession of Higher Dimensions. These dimensions transcend each other infinitely, rendering comparison futile. The infinite Higher Dimensions persist in an unceasing cascade, stacking in perpetuity, forming the crux of the Type III multiverse.

As for the intricacies of a type 4 multiverse, it's a conversation I'd rather avoid altogether.

(Kaisa) "Mr. Spider-Man... I feel weird..."

(Spider-Man) "I know, don't worry. I'll get you out of here." Thoughts "This didn't happen when Kraven Imprisoned those other Spider-People, including Aunt May, in the Dark Dimension. They were stable. He definitely did something from keeping them from being deleted, just like how I'm keeping Kaisa's existence together, but this layer is messing with her mind."

(Kaisa) "Where... are we?"

(Spider-Man) "This place? This is a multiverse."

(Kaisa) "...A multi... verse?"

(Spider-Man) "That's right, you're just ten. You won't get it."

(Kaisa) Pouts

(Spider-Man) Spider-senses "Kaisa, more enemies are incoming. I won't be able to avoid a fight, so hold on."

(Kaisa) "O-Okay..." Toxin readjusts her

(Dark ???) "Air slash!"

My spider-sense kicked in, warning me of the impending danger. Swiftly, I managed to dodge the incoming strike. My stinger protruded from my forearm as I thrust it into my attacker's chest, causing them to gasp in pain. As I took in their features, I recognized them as Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles. Fortunately, it wasn't his prime version; otherwise, this encounter would have been far more challenging.

My heightened senses once again alerted me to new threats. Utilizing my hyper-sense, I effortlessly evaded an incoming missile. Dark War Machine and Dark Rudeus Greyrat were on the offensive. Rudeus, a magician, unleashed a series of water bullets, but I easily neutralized the range attacks, rendering them harmless splashes against my armor. Observing their strategy, War Machine moved aggressively, while Rudeus provided support. Employing my magnetism, I levitated War Machine in mid-air and then seized his leg with incredible force. With a powerful throw, I sent him hurtling towards Rudeus, who caught his comrade. However, their oversight was my advantage. I had grasped a severely corrupted hyperball, essentially a universe, and hurled it at them like a baseball. The collision triggered a massive explosion in their vicinity, and the ensuing shockwave was so potent that I had to brace myself to withstand it. As the aftermath settled, I rubbed the back of my neck, silently reminding myself never to treat a deceased universe as a lethal projectile again.

(Dark ???) "Exploding Flame Blade of Darkness!"

(Spider-Man) "Oh fuck."

A formidable attack composed of flames and darkness hurtled toward me. Acting quickly, I conjured a protective barrier around myself. The flames enveloped me, resulting in an explosion reminiscent of a volcano's eruption. After the attack subsided, my heightened senses alerted me to another imminent strike. Swiftly sidestepping, I managed to avoid a punch that exceeded the speed of sound. Seizing the moment, I delivered a rapid counter, striking my assailant's ribs and forcing him backward. Upon closer examination, I identified my opponent as none other than Natsu Dragneel. The unexpectedness of facing him in battle was surprising.

Natsu, the pink-haired dragon slayer, propelled himself toward me, aiming to deliver a blazing punch. Swiftly ducking, I utilized my wall-crawling ability to affix my hand to his stomach. A quick tug resulted in the tearing of his skin, evoking a pained grunt from the dragon slayer. Responding swiftly, he unleashed a point-blank fire dragon's roar, an attack I couldn't evade. The impact sent me crashing into an orb, causing it to tumble from its suspended position. Acting swiftly, I snatched the orb, preventing the loss of a universe teeming with life, in contrast to another lifeless universe. However, before I could return the hyperball to its rightful place, Natsu launched a relentless assault, compelling me to deploy my protective barrier. Strangely, his actions appeared more like a diversion.

My senses alerted me once more, prompting me to pivot rapidly. A new threat emerged: Dark Invincible, wielding a hyperball, stood alongside Venom, the same entity that ignited conflict in the Lycori Recoil anime. To further complicate matters, Venom bore the moniker "The God Of Light." This Venom, infused with the Enigma force, shattered my barrier, allowing Dark Invincible to slam the hyperball against my face. Fortunately, my suit, fused with Narralith, fiction's strongest material alongside Darkastine, shielded me from the impact. The resultant explosion, akin to a universe's Big Bang, propelled me incalculable distances until I collided with a dimensional barrier.

In spite of my injuries, my primary concern was Kaisa's safety. Miraculously, she remained unscathed, with Toxin ensuring her stability within this layer of the multiverse. His symbiotic connection endowed him with the same powers as mine, which was a saving grace. While confronting Invincible and Natsu was within my capabilities, challenging a Venom infused with the Enigma force proved unwise for now. My sights were set on achieving that level of power in the future. For the time being, my priority was returning Kaisa to her own world, safeguarding her from the Dark's intentions to disrupt my focus.

(Kaisa) "Mr. Spider-Man, what was that?! It was so scary!" Shaking out of fear

(Spider-Man) Gently pets her head "Hey, shhh, it's fine. You're fine. It's nothing to worry about." His mask lifts as he spits out blood

(Kaisa) "You're bleeding!"

(Spider-Man) "I'm fine little one." His facial wounds heal "See?"

(Kaisa) "How did you do that?"

(Spider-Man) "I wish I could tell you but we don't have time. I need to get you back home."

(Kaisa) Tears flow from her eyes "Please... Mr. Spider-Man... Don't leave me... I'm scared..."

(Spider-Man) "Don't worry... I'll do my best..." Thoughts "Knowing what I'm supposed to do makes me seem like a monster, abandoning her in the void..."

My spider-senses alerted me to impending danger. Swiftly, Toxin enveloped Kaisa in a protective hold against my chest as I executed a 360-degree horizontal jump while airborne. This maneuver evaded Invincible's attempt to tackle me. Capitalizing on my momentum, I delivered a hammer kick to his head, forcefully driving him down onto the dimensional floor. The impact cracked the surface upon contact. As another threat materialized, I pivoted and countered Natsu's Fire Dragon King's Destruction Fist with a backhanded strike. 

The clash of our attacks caused spatial distortions, resulting in our forearms bending unnaturally and triggering disruptions in both matter and energy flows. This interaction propelled us backward, skipping across the dimensional floor. Both of us swiftly regained our footing, adopting defensive stances. With synchronized movements, our steps reverberated through the floor, and in a flash, we met face-to-face. Natsu initiated a punch, aimed towards Kaisa, shielded by Toxin on my chest. Reacting swiftly, I executed a spinning backfist that connected with Natsu's jaw, generating a shockwave upon impact. Despite the force of the blow, Natsu demonstrated resilience. Utilizing flames and darkness, he struck the floor, inducing an explosion. Fortunately, my barrier shielded me from harm.

I wasted no time, swiftly advancing towards Natsu and seizing his face in my grip. Employing my hacking abilities, I incapacitated him by locking his Mana, rendering him powerless under my grasp. Employing sheer strength, I drove his face into the ground. Assuming the threat neutralized, I rose to my feet. However, a sudden scream reached my ears, and I turned to see Invincible hurtling towards me at incredible speed. Evidently, he harbored displeasure over the demise of his comrade, suggesting a possible connection between their reactions and his agitation.

(Dark Invincible) "You killed my friend!!!"

(Spider-Man) "I know."

(Dark Invincible) "You fuck!!"

Anticipating Invincible's imminent charge, which I wasn't entirely convinced would penetrate my suit given its protective capabilities and my cautious approach to safeguarding Kaisa, I strategically combined my stinger with Kaine's touch. This fusion induced the stinger to elevate to dangerous temperatures. Assured that the stinger's newfound potency could breach Invincible's seemingly impenetrable skin, I elevated it horizontally and allowed Invincible's unchecked momentum to serve as the impetus. In an eruption of uncontrolled fury, the Viltrumite plowed face-first into my stinger, evidently expecting his superior durability to withstand the impact. However, the outcome was his undoing, as the stinger proved its mettle by cleaving him in two, effectively bisecting his body and causing it to separate across the floor.

While these means of dispatching the Darks may potentially be distressing for Kaisa, I cannot evade the truth that she will encounter a challenging ordeal once returned to her native universe. As much as I may wish to spare her such tribulations, the intricate tapestry of the League of Legends lore dictates otherwise. Her growth into the individual she is destined to become necessitates the trials that await her on her home turf.

(Spider-Man) "Chrona, I need the coordinates for Kaisa's universe. I do not want to fight the Venom that is dangerously closing by."

(Chrona) Coms "Roger that, Karito. Sending location."

(Kaisa) "Mr. Spider-Man?"

(Spider-Man) "Yes?"

(Kaisa) "Am I going to be hunted down by these enemies you're facing?"

(Spider-Man) "No, I'm not going to allow it. I'm gonna protect you, I promise."

(Kaisa) "...Okay..."

(Dark Venom) "You know, you shouldn't lie to children, Guardian."

(Spider-Man) "!!!"

Venom called forth a cosmic Warhammer, which he violently swung against my side. The resultant impact sent me hurtling through a series of dimensional barriers scattered across the Multiversal stratum. My body tumbled along the ground, but a swift employment of lateral repulsion coupled with the use of my rocket boots allowed me to regain my footing. I promptly initiated a quest to locate Kaisa's universe, aiming to circumvent a confrontation with an Enigma Force wielder like Venom. As predicted, Venom swiftly closed the gap between us, leaving me with no option but to engage in evasive maneuvers.

As anticipated, he swiftly identified my intentions and unleashed a cosmic blast aimed directly at me. I responded by generating a protective barrier, although the force of the impact still managed to propel me through the air. Thankfully, the barrier mitigated the severity of the impact, enabling me to promptly resume my course toward Kaisa's world. 

The proximity to my goal was palpable, driving me to utilize every ounce of my speed to seize the hyperball—a feat I accomplished in mere fractions of a second. However, Venom's relentless pursuit persisted, and with his Warhammer in hand, he forcefully drove me into the ground. My barrier effectively absorbed the blow, sparing me from substantial harm. Yet, Venom seemed to relish my predicament, repeatedly battering my protective shield, a sadistic grin painting his features. He reveled in this power play, prolonging my torment by deliberately refraining from annihilating my barrier outright.

True to my internal speculation, he finally disintegrated the barrier, securing a firm grip on my face and lifting me aloft. With his Warhammer in tow, he slashed through the protective cocoon encasing Kaisa. Seizing her, he clasped her in the air, the young girl's anguished cries reverberating in the air, a heartbreaking plea for assistance.

No Pov

(Kaisa) "Spider-Man! Help me!" Crying

(Dark Venom) "HAHAHA! We meet again, guardian! I see that you've gotten severely stronger! How exciting! Maybe you need a little bit more motivation. What will happen if I take this protagonist's life? She's no older than 10. Will you let another child die? Spider-Man!!!"

Venom extended his hand toward Kaisa's abdomen, channeling energy into a cosmic blast intended to puncture through her stomach. However, an unexpected memory surged through Karito's mind—a recollection of Vulture exploiting innocent children in a past encounter. The haunting echoes of those lives lost lingered, and the grief-stricken families were forever scarred by their children's untimely deaths. Fueled by a resolute determination to prevent history from repeating itself, Karito's instincts ignited. With a primal roar, a fusion of two potent skills surged forth simultaneously.

(Spider-Man) "NOOO!!!"

Berserk Mode activated

Limit Breaker times 100x activated

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 80

EXP: 325,500/800,000

HP: 825,000/825,000

Prestige: Monarch

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 870 X 100 = 87,000

END: 855 X 100 = 85,000

INT: 855 X 100 = 85,500

DEX: 896 X 100 = 89,600

VIT: 855 X 100 = 89, 500

Spider-Man vanished from view, and time itself seemed to slow down around him. This phenomenon didn't go unnoticed by Venom, who could perceive such intricacies thanks to the Enigma force coursing through him. Empowered by this cosmic boost, the hero achieved a staggering velocity of 129,696,000 mph, an astonishing speed over a million times faster than light. The punch he aimed at Venom struck the mark, squarely impacting the villain's jaw. The resulting shockwave seemed to rend the very fabric of reality, warping local spacetime geometry and setting off a cascade of energy and matter that rippled across the multiverse. This single blow sent Venom hurtling an astonishing 13,499,814,400 light-years into distant space.

The exertion was evident on Spider-Man's face as he gritted his teeth, his forearm throbbing from the sheer force he had unleashed. Yet, aided by the symbiotic presence of Toxin, the swelling quickly subsided. Recognizing a fleeting opportunity, he harnessed a surge of power through his limit breaker, an augmentation that amplified his capabilities a hundredfold. In a swift motion, he seized the hyperball housing Kaisa's universe, employing his hacking ability to teleport her within. Initiating the teleportation sequence spared Kaisa from annihilation in the higher plane, where her existence was at stake.

As the process began, a fresh assault erupted. Another symbiote, the dreaded Absolute Carnage, emerged to join the melee. Accompanying this fearsome foe was none other than Kratos, the renowned God of War, wielding his iconic blades of chaos. Kratos's fiery weapon ensnared Spider-Man within its burning embrace, exerting a formidable hold. Despite the dire straits, the hero's resolve remained steadfast, although he understood that contending with Kratos's immense strength wouldn't be feasible for long.

(Spider-Man) Clenching his teeth "Kaisa! Remember, always continue forward! Never lose hope for as long as you continue moving forward! Life will try to push you down over and over again. Despair will be close, but don't let it win! You're strong, Kaisa, and you will do wonders in your life! NOW, GO!"

Tears streamed down her cheeks, the weight of fear enveloping her every fiber as she hung on to every word the man who had rescued her was saying. However, even as the moment approached for her to be transported back to her own dimension, she held on to one final request to share with the heroic figure before her.

(Kaisa) "Don't you dare die, Spider-Man!!!" Disappears

(Dark Kratos) "Such insignificant promise. You're about to die at our hands, Guardian."

(Dark Absolute Carnage) "HAHAH! She really thinks you can but US?! Give me that hyperball! Let me show her how fragile their existence is!"

(Spider-Man) Smirks "Sorry guys, but I gotta live."

(Dark Kratos) "And how will you intend to do so?"

(Spider-Man) "Like this!" Grabs a dark-infested hyperball and smashes it to the floor

(Dark Absolute Carnage) "...This is gonna hu-"

As Spider-Man forcefully smashed the hyperball, which contained a universe under the dark's control, onto the dimensional floor, it fragmented into countless pieces, unleashing a result akin to a Big Bang, radiating in all directions. The resulting explosion enveloped all three combatants in a blinding cascade of light, carrying within it galaxies and cosmic phenomena. Amidst this cataclysmic burst, the arachnid hero was hurtled into an unknown dimension, his awareness momentarily lost in the surge of energy.

As he once again transitioned from multidimensionality to the familiar three-dimensional existence, he found himself crashing into a burning structure. Exhaustion settled heavily upon him, his body's limits reached after exerting his limit breaker skill. Lying on the floor, he could scarcely muster movement, his eyelids drooping as fatigue gripped him. Uncontrollable glitches surged through his form, transforming him into a child, a consequence of his system's intricacies. It appeared that his entry into this universe, with its quest to eradicate the Darks, had a price—he was now woven into the narrative, assuming a child's form to seamlessly integrate with this world's protagonists.

Observing Toxin's swift alteration, taking on the appearance of normal attire from this realm, the symbiote matched its appearance. Being within the League of Legends Omniverse, this transformation maintained coherence. As the final step, Karito succumbed to the grip of exhaustion, his body and mind finally yielding to the demanding toll.

A few minutes later...

The scene depicted a grim tableau of devastation. The streets were strewn with lifeless bodies and engulfed in flames, resembling a scene torn straight from the midst of war. Atop a bridge, a towering man traversed the desolation with two young girls in his company—one with blue hair and the other adorned in pink. Their pace was deliberate, mirroring the grimness of the environment around them. This man, having borne witness to the horrors of the ongoing conflict, had undergone a transformation. 

The brutal reality of the war had shifted his perspective. He had come to the realization that the methods employed were wrong, that a foundation built on conflict and violence was inherently flawed. The City of Zaun, once his cause, now seemed to be a misguided venture. The heavy cost in human lives had solidified his resolve: he would never permit another such war to engulf their lives.

Walking along the length of the Piltover bridge, he noticed an anomaly—a disturbance near a warehouse, where an impact had left its mark. Driven by a mysterious compulsion, he veered towards the wreckage, a pull that defied explanation. It was as if destiny had beckoned him to this very spot. 

Stepping into the scene, his gaze settled upon a young boy amidst the debris. This prompted him to gently set the blue-haired girl down and approach the boy with caution. His heart ached at the sight of the child; wars were no place for innocent souls like these. Relief washed over him as he detected the boy's shallow but discernible breaths, an affirmation that life yet lingered within him. Scooping the boy into his arms with a protective embrace, he decided to bring him along, a decision guided by the innate responsibility to safeguard those unable to protect themselves.

The two girls cast curious glances toward the slumbering boy, the pink-haired one gauging him to be a bit younger than herself but older than her blue-haired sister. With a sleeping child in his arms, the man retraced his steps, descending into the subterranean city that sheltered them all. Thus, the trio found themselves with a new member, united by a shared fate. Vi and Powder, unbeknownst to them, had gained a new comrade in the form of Karito—the Guardian of Fiction, an appellation he bore inconspicuously.

To Be Continued...

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51 0 6
In the magical world of "Ifrit's Blessing," a young mage,named Hanbin, discovers an incredible power that could change the fate of the entire humanit...
79.7K 946 21
Logan, a Guardian, a God-slayer, a hero of the Red War, and the avenger of Cayde-6's Murderers He left the Tower and ventured outside of the Solar...