
By MrsReigns19

72.1K 2.5K 413

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I don't Know Why
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
It's Up

Chapter 16

2K 103 26
By MrsReigns19

September 10, 2012
Los Angeles California

"Babe, th-"

"Yeah I got it." Chris called out from the living room. I finished washing the last of the dishes and wiped down the counters.

I heard the door open and yelling from the living room.

"Aye, what up fam?" I heard Chris say. They greeted him back. "Are you going to let us in or make us stay out here all night." I heard a female voice. Summer.

I cringed and shook my head. Why did she come?

"Well no one invited you, but you're here." Chris said. I washed my hands and dried them on a paper towel. I threw it in the trash and turned off all the kitchen lights, making my way into the living room.

"What up Uce?" I asked referring to Jon, Josh, and Joe.

"Nothing much, Congrats grad. I heard you were a viladicorian." Josh said giving me a high five. I laughed and slapped his hand.

"It's valedictorian dumb ass." Joe said pushing him slightly. He turned to me and smiled.

"Congratulations though."

"Thanks Anoa'I."

"What degree did you get again?" Josh asked.

"Associate's degree. She just needs another two years to get her bachelors." Chris chimed in for me. I smiled as he sat on the couch and pulled me on his lap.

"Are we going to start the movie or what?" Summer asked. "Relax Summer, we just got here." Joe said. She rolled her eyes and got comfortable.

Josh slapped her leg and shrugged. "Aye, no pouty faces. We're here to congratulate Ciara. Pizza will be here in fifteen minutes, Joe brought beer, Ci are you allowed to drink?"

"Of course, Im 22. I just don't prefer to drink." I responded.

"Then so be it. Summer quit whining." Josh finished. We all agreed.

"Whatever." She replied.

"Hey, if you don't want to be here, go to a club or something, meet some guys, I mean, you are 28 and single, ready to mingle." I said. Summer sat up straight, ready to curse me out when Joe stood up.

"Summer get you ass outside now." He sighed.

"Who the hell are you talking to?"

"Your the one who responded right?" He said back. Chris snickered. I slapped his arm making him be quiet. I didn't mean to cause any trouble though. She always takes what I say offensively

Soon Joe and Summer took their conversation outside.

"Well, so much for a party starter." Jon commented.

Flashback Over

Ciara POV

I knocked on the door to room 205 for the last time. The door opened and Roman stood infront of me. A worried look was plastered on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows as he stepped to the side to let me in.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. He closed the door behind him and turned to face me.

"Where's Avery?"

"She's with Dean." I replied. Roman looked a horrible mess. His beautiful black hair was out and about, all messy. He was shirt less, only in basketball shorts and socks. He looked sad, and angry all in one as he paced around and mumbled to himself.

"Are you okay?" I asked again. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "No. Im not. I don't even-, I cant even-"

"Calm down, your freaking me out." I said, taking a seat on the couch. Roman walked over and crouched down in front of me. He put his forarms on my thighs and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm just as confused as you are Ciara. But you have to tell me exactly what happened on one of those nights." Roman asked. He looked desperate for answers, but so was I and he wasn't making any sence

"What nights Joe? Your leaving things out and I don't even understand what your saying." I replied. Roman huffed.

"I was talking to Chris earlier. He said Summer told him to remember those nights that we used to come over and chill at your guy's house in order to get all the answers we need Roman started.

"Well okay, so, we just used to hang out." I repeated.

"One of those nights, had a purpose though, we were celebrating you geeting your associates degree, remember?" Roman asked. I nodded and rubbed my arm.

"It was also the night before you had to debut with Dean and Seth on the main roster." I finished. Roman ran his hands through his hair.


I shook my head. "I don't get it Joe."

"Im trying to figure it out myself. That night was a great night I get it, but then Chris got called in because the hospital was short on doctors, he had to leave. Josh left because he was tired. It was just you, me, Summer, and Jon. I was tired and wanted to go home, and from there is all I mostly remember." Roman finished

"I told you to go lay down in the guest room, because you were too buzzed to go back home and then I went back out and saw that Jon left, then I tried bonding with Summer." I added in. Roman sat fully down and leaned his back against the coffie table, taking all of this in.

"Joe, please tell me why you want to know all of this. It's starting to scare me for some reason." I complained.

"Because if what Im thinking about is true," Roman started. His blue eyes gazed into mines confused and sad. "Avery is my daughter.

September 10, 2012
Los Angeles California

"Well Chris and Josh are gone now, it kind of put a huge damper on the whole celebrating mood." I said putting my plate down. I grabbed my cup of soda and took a sip and set it down again.

"Ayye, we can still have fun." Jon said. I shrugged. "I think we all overstayed our welcome, besides, isn't survivor series tomorrow?" Summer asked.

"My cousin here is debuting." Jon said squeezing Roman's shoulder. Roman laughed.

"It's, It's not a biig deeeal." He said his words were slurred. We laughed at him. I shook my head.

"I think it's time for you to put the drink down." Summer said taking the beer bottle from his hand. "One more." He whined. She shook her head.

"I think he's too buzzed to go home, just take him to the guest room." I said. Jon nodded and stood up and helped Roman up.

"Im going to be laughing when you wake up with a huge hangover."Jon said. Roman slapped his head as they disappeared off while going up the stairs.

Insidious was playing, it wasnt as scary as it seems so no one was really paying attention to it.

"So, how are you?" I asked. Summer shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

I looked back at the tv. We stayed in silence for a while.

"Actually, can you please get me a soda." Summer asked. I raised my eyebrows but shrugged and went to get it.

I grabbed a Sprite from the fridge and headed back. I handed it to Summer and she actually smiled as she took it. Change of heart I guess.

Jon came down and shook his head. "I know now never to let Joe drink. He's crazy." I laughed.

"He's alright." I said taking a sip of my soda

End of Flashback

"Cut the bullshit Joe. Are you crazy?!" I exclaimed standing up. Roman stood up along with me.

"I know how it sounds stupid but something tells me she's mine. Everytime she sees me, she gets this spark in her eyes-"

"Don't flatter yourself. She's friendly. She gets that with everyone. Nikki, Dean, the other divas." I cut him off. He shook his head.

"You know what I mean." He mumbled. I inhaled sharply.

"Joseph, I don't understand you. That whole night was a huge blur. You went to sleep and soon I felt sleepy, I remember Summer telling me that Chris was back from work and wanted me upstairs for a second. I couldn't walk the stairs, so she directed me to the room." I finished off. Roman flopped on the couch angry.

"Can't you see? I don't know if you were drunk when Summer let you into the room or tired or sleepy, whatever you were, the room she led you too was where I was staying." Roman said. I balled my fists.

"If you knew I was the one in the room then why didn't you get out?" I asked.

"Because Summer said it was my girlfriend at the time Brandi, she came wanting to see me. It was dark anyways so I couldnt see if it actually was. Excuse me for believing my sister."

We sat in slience. I felt like crying all over again. "This is all messed up. If this is true, that means I actually did cheat on Chris and lied about it." I whispered feeling so horrible.

Roman shook his head and stood back up.

"Stop crying, you have to learn to grow a backbone. This shit that Summer is doing is getting old. We're going to see Summer right now. I don't hit women, so I hope you know how to kick ass. And I'm giving you permission."

"Joe, what the hell are you banging on my door for?" Summer asked opening the door. Roman pushed past her inside the hotel room and I trailed behind slowly.

"Who's Avery's dad?" Roman straight up asked. Summer smirked and crossed her arms. I'm just seconds away from slapping it clean off her face.

"Shouldn't Avery's mommy answer that question?" She asked. I didn't pay her anymind. I realized that I felt weird after I brought her back a drink that night. Her and Roman continued talking but I continued thinking. Oh my-

"Summer you are the most sick person ever. What the fuck did you put in my drink?!" I yelled. I finally understand. I've been living a lie all this time.

Summer clapped and chuckled sarcastically. "It took you long. Since you suffered enough, I guess I can give you details. Two Ambien pills did the trick."

I launched at her but Roman pulled me back.

"See, when Summer sees an opportunity she takes it. You aren't the girl for Chris." Summer finished.

"I don't even know who you are. You aren't my sister, no sister of mine is this heartless." Roman said. She flipped her hair and smiled.

"Well thanks for the compliment." She said. I opened my mouth to say something but objected.

I walked out the room and went down the hallway. Roman called after me but I just kept on walking. He finally caught up to me and cut me off.

"Ciara I'm sorry about everything. I didn't know."

"Stay the fuck away from me. I am so sick and tired of all of this." I replied throwing my hands up and letting them drop, hitting my thighs.

"I'm just done." I finally said. I always taught myself to never let my barrier break no matter the situation, but I think im at the point where I just need to break.

"Im so sick and tired of pretending that everything is okay, When nothing is ever right. The going always get tough, but for me it just gets tougher and tougher."

Roman sighed. "Don't talk like that, we will get through this." He said reaching for me hand. I pulled back and looked at him in disbelief.

"We? There is no we! There was never a 'we'. It's my daughter, Me. Avery and Ciara. " I spat. Roman stood there hurt by my word.

"Baby you don't mean that. Your just mad. Just calm down." Roman started. He stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand.

"I just feel like I'm in some nightmare that I can't wake up from." I said.

"I'm not asking for your approval. Avery is my baby girl and Im going to be there for the both of you. I'm sorry that things ended up the way that they did, but if I could go back and change the past, I wouldn't change a damn thing." Roman said pulling me into a hug.

"Like I said we can get through this. Dont ever give up on your self just because things aren't going the way that you want them to. This is new to me too, so just bear with me alright?" Roman asked. I nodded. He kissed my forhead and sighed.

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