PGR | Light Upon a Broken Wor...

By RexCelestial

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The age of humankind draws to a near extinction as the Punishing Virus rose continuously without pause, tensi... More

[Prologue] - Shine of a New Light
[Chapter 1] - The Commandant and the Raven
[Chapter 2] - First Deployment
[Chapter 3] - The Gray Ravens
[Chapter 4] - Agents of the Virus
[Chapter 5] - He Who Inherits the Shadows
[Chapter 6] - He Who Inherits the Light
[Chapter 7] - Grief of the Iron Maiden
[Chapter 8] - Filtering the Seedlings
[Chapter 10] - Forsaken and Forgotten
[Chapter 11] - Schemes Upon the Sands

[Chapter 9] - Exhibition of the Fittest

311 12 3
By RexCelestial

(POV - 3RD)

Following Kamui's sudden entry into their mission, the Gray Ravens plus Commandant moved on with their task which is the same as the former's; tracking down the Ascendant that came here to the museum estate belonging to a very late "Mr. Copperfield".

The group fought their way through the estate with Kamui still following them thus making the mission significantly easier thanks to his virtually superior strength as a Tank-type Construct although the Gray Ravens' vastly upgraded frames and weapons evened the odds.

"You still plan on following us?" Lee asked out of nowhere, eyeing Kamui who only replied back positively without a hitch.

"Of course I have to! Gotta clean up my own mess otherwise my captain is going to nag me for hours on again!" 

"With how much mess you're causing, I'd say it's no surprise..." The gunner remarked curtly, glancing around them at the fragments of what used to be the Corrupted.

"Man, I swear you're becoming more blunter by the minute. I think I'm starting to dislike you." Kamui retorted with a slight frown, one reciprocated by Lee.

"Go ahead and knock yourself out." He stated though he seems to say it more literally than figuratively which the Commandant noted.

"How about both of you knock it off because we're about to reach the next line of defence." Kiryu interrupted them just as more Corrupted emerged.

"Understood, my apologies Commandant." Lee affirmed, twirling his guns.

"Roger that!" Kamui seconded, hefting his greatsword.

Despite the numerous Corrupted that leapt at them, the Gray Ravens and the lone Strike Hawk Construct easily eradicated them, leaving quite a scene at the estate to which the latter noted something interesting in comparison to himself and the formers.

After smashing his greatsword down one last undead machine, he turned to the Gray Ravens with curiosity as he observed how much faster they eliminated the Corrupted than him.

"Hey, is it just me or are y'all somehow stronger than me?" Kamui inquired, staring at himself and his weapon if anything was amiss.

"We are technically stronger than you, most of our weapons and frames were attuned specifically for us and our capabilities." Lee answered albeit begrudgingly.

"And your Commandant did that for you? All of you?" The Strike Hawk asked again.

"Correct, even though he didn't need to but we are grateful nonetheless." Liv interjected.

"Hmm... okay!' Was all Kamui said before he ran off to said Commandant.

"Hey! Don't bother him-!" Lee began but the Tank-type Construct had already reached Kiryu who was in the middle of examining a dead Corrupted.

"Yo, Commandant!!" Kamui called out to Kiryu who then turned around with a raised brow behind his helmet.

"Yes? Is there something you need?" 

"Can I also get some 'upgrades' from you like you did to Lucia and co.?" Hands pressing together with a cheeky grin which surprised Kiryu from his peculiar request.

"While I'm not against it, what brought this question up?" The said Commandant inquired.

"Nothing much but seeing your squad easily beating up the Corrupted kinda made me a tad bit envious? So if it's not too much trouble, can I also get some upgrades?"

"Oh, and I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with Leader and the rest of the Strike Hawk!" Kamui added with a grin and thumbs up.

"Hm... I'm certain that Constructs under my jurisdiction are allowed to have their frames modified so you'll need to make a note of a temporary transfer-" Kiryu started.

"Commandant, with due respect, I don't think I can tolerate another second here with this guy." Lee spoke up from the side, eyeing Kamui disapprovingly.

"C'mon! Don't be such a cheapskate!" The said Construct refuted.

"It's not being a cheapskate, it's called conserving time and resources." Lee rebuked without hesitation, crossing his arm.

"Same thing!" Kamui retorted again which he devolved into bickering with the gunner.

Meanwhile, Kiryu already left the two Constructs to their arguments and went back to Lucia and Liv who were both looking somewhat bemused by the two's interactions with each other.

"Should... should we stop them, Commandant?" Liv asked.

"If things get out of hand then yes, for now? No." Kiryu replied back before he moved on with the two girls following him.

"...They don't seem to be stopping anytime soon..." Lucia noted as Lee and Kamui continued arguing yet they both followed nonetheless.

"I don't expect them to as well." Kiryu answered as they ascended a set of long stairs up to the next level with a statue in the middle of the floor.

"Hostiles inbound, get ready!" The Commandant then ordered, prompting them all to brandish their weapons as more Corrupted appeared.



"Hm... looks like the stage is set and the cast is all present." A voice spoke to themselves as the owner watched the group down below take on the Corrupted.

"Though that human is quite a specimen to be able to push back both Alpha and Masaki, but oh well, the die is cast nevertheless."

"This theatre is just beginning, but I truly do wonder how will the future chapters play out."

The voice questioned amusedly to themselves before disappearing from their perch.


Back to the fight, the Gray Ravens and Kamui have already ended the confrontation which allowed them to proceed forward to the next area of the estate which suddenly, their communication lines were infiltrated by a new voice.

"[I am the butler of this estate who is duty-bound to protect the inheritance of the estate owner; Mr. Copperfield.]"

"Oh? Well, good day to you, sir!" Kamui immediately replied back boisterously with a smile while the Gray Ravens especially Lee stared at him speechlessly.

"[I am contacting you all through a private channel so this will be brief and simple; leave now when you still can, this is my advice.]"

"I'm afraid we can't, Mr. Butler. We have a mission here to track down the Ascendant, speaking of which, do you know where the Ascendant is?" Kamui answered back.

"[I apologise, but I cannot help.]"

"Welp, beggars can't be choosers... but still, why would you contact us through a private channel?" Kamui then questioned.

"You aren't a Corrupted, right? Then I'm sure we can just talk this through, maybe even be friends while we're at it!" He added with smile but the line is already gone.

"Hello? You there? Heeey??" The Strike Hawk member then called out to no avail.

"How should I say this... Kamui is quite..." Liv began quietly, watching the Tank-type Construct attempt to call out to the butler again.

"Quite simplistic and optimistic... too much, I'd say." Lee remarked with a sigh.

"Um... I meant to say... overly friendly but that works as well..?" Liv murmured back.

"Aw shucks, I was hoping we'd get a helping hand at least..." Kamui said dejectedly.

"We'll have to go with the original route and pass through that door." Lucia stated, pointing at the direction of a huge doorway entrance.

"It's shut together tightly, if there isn't any power here then we'll need to try and pry it open." Lee added, looking at the gate.

Just before the group got close to the doorway, more Corrupted along with the estate defence systems appeared to obstruct their task, much to their growing chagrin since the enemies are more of a nuisance than a threat thanks to their upgrades.

However, they needn't worry since most of the Corrupted were already on the verge of breaking down due to their lack of use and movements, the constantly changing weather and temperature only caused their metallic shells to rust further.

Now all that's left is the giant gateway which barred their entry to the next point of the mission but unfortunately, the powers all gone which meant they either have to find another way around the solid heavy metal doors or pry it open by hand.

Guess it's time to test his might.

Kiryu retracted the blade from his Sparklence before holding up in front of him, allowing its wings to open up again and burst forth a bright ray of light which surprised Kamui but caused the Gray Ravens to back away slightly as they watched the Tiga Suit materialise onto the former.

"Woaah! This is so cool!! Is it an exoskeleton or armour? I'd never thought such thing would have existed!" Kamui exclaimed with awe, looking and poking around the suit.

"I must say, even though I've already witnessed this twice, it still doesn't make it any less impressive." Lee remarked with astonishment at the armour.

"Are you going to blow the door open, Commandant?" Lucia asked, stepping back.

"No, it would be for the best if this place does not get more ruined than it already is." Kiryu replied before stabbing the Sparklence Blade into the seam of the door.

"You want to preserve this place?" Liv asked, deducting Kiryu's thoughts almost instantly.

"Yes, it would be a pity... also that 'butler' would not be pleased if we intentionally destroyed his master's estate for our own agenda." He responded.

"Even if that's true... it's still our mission though..." Lucia reasoned unsurely.

"True, but there's nothing wrong with being less destructive, no?"

"You're right... I was insensitive, I apologise." Lucia responded meekly.

"It's fine, there's no need to be sorry either way." Kiryu waved off her concerns before he managed to push his fingers into the door seam.

"Commandant, I think we should help as well-" Lee began but the loud noise of metal screeching against its hinges interrupted him sharply.

Kiryu with his fingers still in the seam simply pulled as hard as he possibly could, his unique anatomy and heritage granting him inhumane strength which resulted in him almost effortlessly prying the gateway open by himself much to the Constructs' shock.

"Damn! I didn't know your Commandant is this strong!!" Kamui exclaimed again, whistling at Kiryu pulling the giant doorway open.

"As impressive as it is... I'm worried if Kiryu will pull a muscle while at it..." Liv said, concerned but a loud bang caused her to turn to see the doorway completely open.

"Let's go." The Commandant said whilst transforming back into his uniform and helmet.

"According to the navigation, we will reach the courtyard after passing through here, the garden is the core area and also the furthest location reached by the recon squads." Liv reported.

However, whatever words she wanted to say next were cut off by a distant but loud explosion, prompting the group to look around in vigilance before Lucia made a note upon the sound.

"There appear to be fights happening elsewhere in the estate."

"Kiryu, I've found friendly Construct signals originating from the courtyard!" Liv then stated which the Commandant's helmet received said information as well.

"The opponent they're fighting... has extremely high levels of Punishing Virus! It's a Corrupted several magnitudes stronger than Tifa..." She added warily.

"Must be the Ascendant we're tracking, no doubt about that." Lee remarked.

"From the battle with Tifa and thanks to Commandant's help, we have also improved and grown as well. Furthermore, we have an advantage in numbers." Lucia said resolutely.

"We will succeed." She declared.

"Lucia, my deadly summer child, please don't jinx it." Kiryu thought to himself, making sure to keep his thoughts down lest they leak out.

"You're still as feisty as the training times, Lucia!" Kamui complimented much to the ravenette's befuddlement as she frowned slightly, trying to recall anything.

"Training..? Sorry, I don't think I remember much from those days." She said apologetically.

"Eh? Were you that forgetful before..?" Kamui responded in return, also looking confused.

"...Gah, it actually feels terrible to be forgotten by people you know!" He whined whereas Lucia still stared at him in utter confusion.

The group then made their way into the courtyard of the estate, the area is multiple times larger than the areas they've traversed through which the corners and walls are all filled with red plantations which red leaves and petals wafted down the air.

"We've reached the courtyard, the Construct squad is just up those stairs!" Lucia stated.

"Damn, this place is massive!" Kamui exclaimed, looking at the red shrubs and trees around them as they ran to their designated location.

"They seem to have finished the battle but why aren't they heeding our calls even though all of the squad members are intact?" Liv questioned.


A loud gunshot shocked the Constructs as they turned to see Kiryu aiming his GUTS Hyper at the corner of the courtyard's second level upstairs, the bullet completely missed its intended target which was then lodged into the wall, cracking it.

"What's wrong, Commandant?" Lucia asked cautiously, holding up Lotus Berserker.

"I saw someone leave this place just as the noises stopped." Kiryu answered back, holstering his firearm as he stared warily at the place he shot.

"Was it one of the squad members?" Liv inquired.

"Probably not, by all accounts, the Construct squad should have responded back to our calls but we received nothing in return." Lee started deductively.

"Not only that... they haven't moved from their spots." He added eerily.

"Then could it be the Ascendant?" Lucia questioned.

"Most likely, I don't see how it could not be our target." Kiryu said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's catch that son of a gun!!" Kamui stated, ready to charge forward only for an irate Lee to yank him back.

"The enemy concentration is high near our point of destination, you running up there will just draw in all the enemies to our location." He explained.

"Aw, shucks..." The Strike Hawk member whined again.

"And splitting is out of the question since we can't cover each other if we're found..." Kiryu continued for the gunner Construct.

"Indeed but theoretically speaking, if the energy output is adaptively stabilised then it is possible to destroy enemies even with the EM Camo on." Lee said.

"The candidate will have to be swift and silent in combat for just a brief moment." He added before Kamui raised a hand.

"Me!! I volunteer as tribute!" He suggested only for Lee to shut him down.

"You out of all people will be the worst candidate to go, your weapon makes too much noise and the vibrations themselves will alert the enemies."

"Shucks again..." Kamui groaned.

"My weapons and Liv's both have high output of energy, so naturally we're unfit for this role except for the Commandant or Lucia." Lee explained again.

"Both of them can soundlessly destroy enemies with their weapons and techniques but since Kiryu cannot camouflage like us, Lucia will have to do it."

"Oh! Makes a whole lot of sense now that I think about it!" Kamui interjected.

"I'm ready whenever you want to begin." Lucia agreed without any hesitation as she readied her blade which Lee nodded in approval.

"Then we're counting on you, Lucia." He said.

"Please be careful!" Liv added.

"Go rip them a new one." Kiryu stated as the ravenette went invisible albeit a shimmering outline was the only indication of her presence.

Suffice to say, it was a breeze.


After the last of the Corrupted in the courtyard had been neutralised, the group quickly made their way up the long stairway to the next level but even though Lucia destroyed the enemies, the lack of any form of sound only made them stand on guard.

"It's... too quiet up the stairs." Liv observed, they should at least heard some talking between the Construct squadron but there is nothing but the wind in place.

"This feels... familiar, almost eerily so like what happened to the Suzaku squadron." Lee seconded, narrowing his eyes.

"Suzaku? Oh, those who got killed by the Ascendants... or so the logs say..." Kamui interjected.

"That Ascendant who we saw in the 'memories' is familiar with Construct body structures and knows how to destroy our parts and modules specifically and effectively, and can even modify Constructs into a unique type of Corrupted." Lee explained.

Thinking back, Kiryu remembered how in order for them to find out more about Tifa's sudden downfall into a Corrupted and nearly an Ascendant, they delved into the memories of the Suzaku squad members who were killed by her.

All members unfortunately perished whilst attempting to reach out to Tifa who was in the midst of falling into madness due to the death of her commandant, one which Kiryu noted appeared to be the target of her affection and heavily to the point Tifa began to delude herself.

The Ascendant they are tracking as of now, is the culprit behind the former Construct's transformation into a Corrupted, manipulating her by words and actions and deceiving the grief stricken Tifa into believing the Punishing Virus can bring back her dead commandant.

Her prolonged exposure to the virus only furthered her madness until she was just a former husk of herself, becoming the deranged Iron Maiden which the Gray Ravens are tasked to eliminate.

The rest is history.

"It is highly possible that the Ascendant can also modify Constructs into other forms, or even cause them to send false signals all the while maintaining their vital signs." Lee continued.

"So..." He trailed which Kamui repeated.


"We'd better be mentally prepared for... whatever could be coming." Lee answered as they grimaced, although Constructs are not human, their mangled bodies is still a grisly sight to see.

They took their last steps on the stairs and the Gray Ravens and Strike Hawk are soon greeted by the sight of downed Constructs, bullet holes riddling their frames as fluids leaked out.

"...We're here, no other enemies found but all the Constructs are here..." Lucia said before walking close to one.

"They're alive... and not corrupted." She added.

"Then why aren't they talking?" Kamui questioned.

"Everyone, keep your guard up." Kiryu ordered as his Constructs affirmed one by one.

"Roger that." Kamui said.

"Of course." Lucia seconded.

"Got it." Lee agreed.

"Understood." Liv stated.

"Their limbs and Inver-Devices are all destroyed but they still got their vital signs..."

 Lucia said as they got closer to the bodies only for Kiryu to stop them almost immediately as his helmet started warning him, the group turning to him question as he fiddled with it.

"What's wrong, Commandant?" Lucia asked.

"...Bombs, there are bombs installed inside them." Was all he said and enough of an indication for them all to step back in shock and disgust.

"That's so... messed up..." Kamui remarked with a frown, gazing at the smouldering piles and fragments of what used to be a Construct.

"Making matters worse, disarming them is out of the question since it's a motion bomb installed inside of them so our attempts will only be met with failure." Kiryu added.

"Unfortunately so, the only thing we can do is to give them distance... and take out these Corrupted that heard the explosion." Lee stated, taking out his guns.

On cue, several Ground Monitors and Shieldbearers appeared around them, prompting them all to begin dispatching the Corrupted once more, Lucia instantly blitzing forward and slicing apart the metallic shells while Liv provided support from behind.

Lee rapidly shot his Wolf Fangs onto the Corrupted, blue flames erupting everywhere as the brief but intense heat easily melted away the Shieldbeaerer's equipment, allowing Kamui to rush at it and slam his greatsword down and breaking the machine into bits and pieces.

Kiryu quickly leapt out of the firing range of a Ground Monitor before firing the GUTS Hyper rapidly like Lee and then closing in the distance, slashing down on the Corrupted with his blade.

Their teamwork was almost effortless and smooth which easily whittled down the number of enemies around them before finally, they were surrounded once again by countless fragments of what used to be Corrupted.

"Sit-rep?" Kiryu asked.

"Enemies eliminated." Lucia reported.

"My side is cleared." Lee added.

"Mine too!" Kamui seconded.

"No more hostiles around me." Liv answered.

"Good to hear, but we still have them to take care of..." The Commandant said, trailing off as he looked at the prone forms of the Constructs.

"...I'll take care of it." Lee abruptly said, taking aim with his firearms.

"Is there... really no way to save them..?" Liv asked, almost desperately as she immediately understood what Lee wants to do.

Sometimes, death is a mercy.

"Unless you want to trigger the bombs... then no, unfortunately..." Lee replied back, finger lying on the trigger before they turned away.


Two gunshots rang out and a subsequent explosions followed after as Lee then turned around, giving them a grim sigh as the deed was done which they then began following after the possible perpetrator behind all this mess.

Just through that doorway.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

The slow resonating and repetitive claps of one lone individual standing in the middle of the giant hall was all they heard, the claps themselves wasn't marking anything grandiose or nice but sounded more akin to mocking them, mocking their efforts.

"Greetings everyone, at long last, our fates have led us to finally meet." The Ascendant said with an unmoving and eerie smile on his face.

"... The smiling jester..." Kiryu suddenly thought back to the Nozzle's last words as he observed the individual in front of them.

The grey-haired figure was donned in a long cloak and over his undercoat which one side of the sleeves was ripped off, exposing the Ascendant's mechanical left arm underneath as his heterochromia eyes of yellow and red with black sclera gazed at them.

"You..." Kamui grounded out with a scowl as he glared at the Ascendant.

"So you ARE the Ascendant I've been chasing after!" He shouted.

"Correct." The said individual replied coolly without hesitation.

"I thought you were... a good person!" Kamui stated again.

"Did Kamui meet this Ascendant before even realising he was one..?" Kiryu thought as the Corrupted Construct only chuckled darkly.

"Ahaha... how regrettable it must be then... for you at least but still, I honestly do not dislike naïve people like you who thinks in black and white." He said.

"I'd daresay if it weren't for the Punishing Virus, we might have even been good friends..." 

"SHUT UP ALREADY!!" Kamui roared, kicking off dust as he leapt into the air, raising his greatsword and swinging it right at the Ascendant-

"My, my, how predictable and feisty..." The Corrupted cooed mockingly, dodging Kamui's attack with effortless ease.

"Is that really the extent of your skill?" He further mocked before dodging a bullet.

"Ah, yes. How could I have forgotten the special guests as well! The esteemed 'Gray Ravens' and their Commandant in the flesh!" The Ascendant announced.

"While I have no qualms or problem with dealing with all of you, I'll be there for you soon!" He shouted gleefully while dodging more of Kamui's attacks.

"Dammit, how did I not realise back then..." The said Strike Hawk member berated himself with disdain, keeping up the momentum with his weapon.

"Because you, in all sorts of forms, are a simpleton, my friend." The Ascendant said again, prompting Kamui to charge at him.

"Kamui! Get back here, now-!" Kiryu began but he quickly swung the Sparklence Blade upwards, deflecting a shot from the Ascendant's own firearm.

"Do stay out of this would you? This is between me and him." The Ascendant declared.

"You didn't just forget my name, didn't you?" Kamui then said with another glare as his target easily parries all of his attacks.

"Hahaha... now, now, before we continue on... where are your manners? All of you, we have guests and it would be quite rude not to entertain them." The Ascendant said.

Suddenly, multiple Corrupted burst out from the walls and ceiling while a single humanoid Construct emerged from the stairs above the hallway, dressed in a dark yet pristine suit accompanied by greyish pants and white boots, the individual wielded a rapier as he closed in on the Gray Ravens.

"That... is that..?" Liv began.

"That must be the butler, assuming that's what one would dress like." Lee answered, holding up his firearms as he readied himself.

"Commandant..." Lucia said, waiting for orders as she turned to Kiryu who glanced back at her.

"Can you take them on?" Was all he said.

"What are you... you want to help Kamui, isn't that right?" Lee trailed off before deducting Kiryu's thoughts who nodded in affirmation.

"That's an Ascendant, Commandant! It's far more powerful than a regular Corrupted and even with that armour on, I still think it's a huge risk!" Liv exclaimed.

"Unless one of us do something, Kamui will be overwhelmed soon, he isn't listening to reason and that will just make him an easier target." Kiryu reasoned.

"Logically, you can help us clear out the Corrupted around us... but knowing you for the past months made me realise you're not going to change your mind." Lee said exasperatedly.

"That's how I am... and I will not stand back and cower while of you fought." The Commandant stated quite firmly.

"However, I also haven't forgotten any of your promises, if it gets too dangerous, I will pull back and allow you all to take my place." He added.

"...If that's the case then we will take care of the enemies here but Commandant, if it gets too dangerous for you, please retreat immediately." Lucia said.

The last part sounded quite like a plea and one that Kiryu would not ignore.

"I know..." He softly said before leaping into the air with a bright light surrounding him as his squadron faced off against the butler and the Corrupted around them.


On the other side of the hall, Kamui and the Ascendant were both facing off each other in their own battlefield as the marble floor was completely marred with large cracks and chunks of rocks smashed apart along with nearby potted plants and pillars.

The Ascendant was still deflecting Kamui's greatsword with ease accumulated from decades of experience from fighting upon countless battles, at this point should the former continue on swinging his weapon at his target without landing a single hit, he will tire himself out first.

"Hahaha, is that all you can do?" The Ascendant laughed, 

"Shut the hell up! People like you who commit evils with a stupid smile on their faces are the worst! You're just another one among those masses!" Kamui shouted.

The Strike Hawk Construct swung his greatsword down again, smashing up marble debris as the Ascendant swiftly avoided the strike before firing his large revolver-like shotgun at Kamui who held up his weapon in an effort to shield himself from the bullets.

"Gurkh..!" He grunted as his greatsword shielded most of the pellets from his vital spots, but his exposed body parts were not so lucky.

Now, Kamui is effectively getting pinned down as the Ascendant did not seem to be relenting in the volley of bullets but the latter then sensed something flying down at him, hard.

The Ascendant immediately ceased firing before leaping away just as Kiryu, donning the Tiga Suit smashed down on where the former once stood, making a huge crack in the floor that brought up dust and more debris from the tremors of the impact.

"Oh my, oh my, isn't it quite rude of you to barge in on a gentlemen's fight?" The Ascendant taunted as Kiryu walked in front of Kamui protectively.

"Isn't it rude to not introduce yourself before making a mess of all this place?" Kiryu refuted immediately as the Ascendant hummed thoughtfully.

"Hmm... why I suppose you are correct in that statement; it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Commandant of the Gray Ravens, I am Roland." The Corrupted introduced himself.

"And it's a displeasure to meet you." Kiryu responded before blitzing towards Roland who smiled without any worry.

The Commandant instantly swung his Sparklence Blade down towards the Ascendant who quickly bounced backwards, allowing the sword to carve up the floor before Kiryu immediately pursued Roland, shooting his firearm at the latter who only laughed.

"Ahahaha! Quite feisty are you? Don't worry, I can spare a few minutes to play with you." Roland said mockingly before he swung his blade at Kiryu.

Roland's own weapon then separated into multiple segments, vastly extending its reach as he swung the now whip-like sword at Kiryu who instantly responded by leaping into the air, avoiding the wide deadly sweep as he took aim with the GUTS Hyper again.

Kiryu fired off his gun once again which Roland then lodged his weapon into the floor before ripping up several chunks of marble and debris that effectively blocked the shots for him.

However, the Ascendant was not done as he latched his blade into a lone rubble before swinging it around like a makeshift flail and towards the still airborne Commandant. 

Kiryu responded by swing back his sword, cleaving the flail in half before landing back onto the ground and sprinting towards Roland. The latter immediately creating more space between them as he hooked his weapon onto one of the pillars by the side and pulling himself away.

Unfortunately for the Ascendant, he had briefly forgotten about the other fighter on the field as Kamui suddenly appeared behind with his greatsword raised and prepared to slash at Roland.

The Ascendant immediately counteracted by taking aim with his shotgun before firing a hail of bullets at the Strike Hawk Construct, forcing Kamui to defend himself again lest he gets riddled with more bullets again.

Roland turned to focus on Kiryu again but only to be greeted by the sight of two metallic soles aimed right at his face, the speed and space caught the Ascendant off guard which was enough for the Commandant to smash his feet right into Roland's head.

The Ascendant clicked his tongue as he rubbed his face in slight pain as Kiryu's full-force kick flung him back several metres with the duo of Commandant and Kamui in pursuit.

"Hmm... fast and strong, that human is quite interesting especially with that toy of his... but that won't change the mission." Roland thought calculatedly.

He then gained a sinister smile before he took aim with his shotgun again, both Kiryu and Kamui raising their guard up only for the Commandant to realise that they weren't being aimed at.

Lucia, Liv and Lee who were still engaged with the estate's butler whose rapier now wreathed in a torrent of flame, their backs were turned and unaware as Roland's finger landed on the trigger.

"Damn-!!" Kiryu cursed, running towards the Gray Ravens as the Ascendant unexpectedly shot the ceiling but the bullets were enough to cause it to cave in.

Multiple large debris fell from the air and right onto the unsuspecting Constructs below, Kamui did not object to the Commandant's sudden departure but only redoubled his efforts on fighting Roland who was more than ready to intercept the irate Strike Hawk's attacks.

The sound of the bullets hitting the ceiling above was not lost to Lee who then glanced up to see the chunks of rubble falling down at them but before he could shout out a warning, Kiryu slammed his foot right into the debris and kicked it away.

"Many thanks." Lee curtly said, resuming his assault on the butler.

The Commandant landed between the Gray Ravens before he started slashing at the remaining rubbles, him having kicked away the biggest of the ones which left him getting rid of the strays.

"How's the situation?" Kiryu inquired, slashing away the last of the rubbles just as he and the Gray Ravens all avoided several spectral afterimages attacking them.

In an instant, the butler was littered with cuts and bullet holes in his frame, the Constructs having engaged him in Matrix Mode which was too fast for Kiryu's mind to register.

"We're almost finished with him, Lucia should be dealing the final blow..." Lee trailed off as the said Construct impaled Lotus Berserker through the butler's chest.

"" He ended as the former servant of Copperfield fell to the ground, succumbing to his wounds which caught Roland's attention just as he kicked away Kamui.

"Oh? Can't handle it anymore? Well, you did perform quite well for an old attack dog. The only good dogs are the ones that would die for their masters." He mocked.

Gripping his greatsword tightly, Kamui only panted as his attacks have barely landed onto the Ascendant while the latter's landed on him many times, the Gray Ravens made their way to him only for Roland to take aim at the exhausted Strike Hawk, daring them to come closer.

"Kamui!" Lucia called out with concern which the said Construct only waved off her worries.

"It... doesn't matter... I'm just..!"

"I believe it's time for you to take a rest, child." Roland said ominously before glancing at the Gray Ravens and Commandant.

"Now then... I suppose I should be fighting you all but this is much easier and less of a hassle." The Ascendant stated before firing multiple times at the ceiling again.

Roland's combined shots on the old building easily caused another collapse but he wasn't done as with a snap of his fingers, several Jitterbombs appeared from nowhere and ran towards the Gray Ravens who began shooting them and cutting down any close ones.

"Didn't think you'd be stupid enough to ignore me!" Kamui shouted, charging at Roland with his greatsword raised up high.

"Is that what you think? Did you not even realise my target wasn't those Constructs or the Gray Ravens but you from the start?" Roland answered back sinisterly.

"What..?!" Lucia exclaimed as the rest of them took in the revelation with surprise and shock which Roland then sliced and bombed all the remaining pillars in the hall.

With the lack of support, the ancient building began collapsing even faster as huge rubble and debris fell between the Gray Ravens and the Ascendant, blocking the team's movements and impairing their vision as Roland walked towards Kamui.

"Kamui! You-" Kiryu shouted, kicking away a Jitterbomb which subsequently exploded as they watched the said Construct's attempts to fight back.

"GO!" The Strike Hawk yelled back as Roland focused on him alone, leaving the Gray Ravens to avoid the downpour of debris and horde of Corrupted.

"We're not going to leave you!! What's going on over there?!!" Lee shouted, firing upon the remaining Jitterbombs as they dodged the falling stones.

"ARGH!!" Kamui's pained scream rang out through the air just as their comms began flashing again before Chrome's hologram appeared.

"[Kamui! I noticed your corruption level is rising rapidly! What's happening?!?!]" The leader of Strike Hawk demanded.

"Ascendant! He was being targeted!" Kiryu shouted back through the explosion and noises of rubbles smashing into the floor.

"[What?!!]" Chrome exclaimed.

"Leader..! I... cannot..!" Kamui painfully stuttered out.

"[Kamui!? Hold yourself together and get out of there with the Gray Ravens, NOW!]" Strike Hawk's leader ordered quickly.

"We'll find a suitable location to leave the ground and return to Babylonia for recuperation and Kamui's reparation but now, we need to go!" Kiryu commanded.

"Understood!" The Gray Ravens affirmed together as the last of the rubbles fell which allowed them to run towards Kamui.

Roland was noticeably gone from the area already but they can worry about him later because now, they have a bigger problem right now and it's only going to increase.


New chapter, nothing more, nothing less but I'll try and make the MC use the Tiga Suit more often since the whole fanfic is centred around it. Peace out.

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