Bad Batch x Reader

By Baby_Elvis

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oneshots, imagines and preferences! I don't own any of there characters. full credit to the owners/creators. More

Bad Batch x reader (split endings)
Bad Batch x reader (Tech ending)
Bad Batch x reader (Wrecker ending)
Bad Batch x reader (Echo ending)

Bad Batch x reader (Crosshair ending)

211 5 0
By Baby_Elvis

A/N- Happy Halloween!!!!

3rd P.O.V.

"Not it!!!" Wrecker shouts and leaves the room quickly. Echo shakes his head and follows Tech out of the ship. Crosshair and Hunter both make eye contact before Hunters turns to leave.

"Wait what! You can't leave them here with me." Crosshair argues. Hunter turns back to his brother, arms folded.

"Yes, I can Cross. You're the one that shot Techs test tubes. Both of us know that there are 100 other things you could have used for your target practice instead of our little brothers test tubes." Hunter says then smirks. "Besides you have nothing better to do."

"I need to clean my rifle." The tall clone protests.

"Cross, no you don't. You already cleaned it today and I'm pretty sure if you scrubbed down your rifle one more time, you're going to scrub a hole into it." Hunter pauses. "And I think (Y/N) likes you better at the moment." They turn their heads to see baby (Y/N) staring up at Crosshair, wide eyed and smiling. Hunter turns and walks away with a chuckle. Crosshair rolls his eyes but doesn't protest hunter again. He looks back at (Y/N) in his arms who is now babbling.

"Guess I'm stick with you." Baby giggling fills the cockpit. Crosshair gently shifts his grip (A/N-Kinda like Rafiki lifted Simba in lion king but facing crosshair, if that makes any sense at all lol) and sets them back down on the chair. "You stay here while I go get some baby stuff... even though we don't really have any and this planet only has animals on it. *sigh* And now I'm talking to a baby. *scoff* Like you would be able to understand me when you're like this." Crosshair stands quickly and walks away, leaving (Y/N) alone in the cockpit. He had always had a crush on his teammate Even though he wouldn't admit it to anyone. Ever since they saved him and his brothers from a Nexu back on Cholganna, they formed a bond with each other. (Y/N) liked Crosshair too, they were just to scared to say anything. Hunter knew about the twos feelings and did everything in his power to pair them together, hoping to spark the flame.

In Techs room/lab

"Please tell me you've got some sort of antidote for this. I don't wanna be stuck babysitting any longer." Tech turned from his work.

"Well I am not creating an antidote because it will only last a few more hours," Tech pauses and looks around Crosshair. "Where is (Y/N)?"

"I left them in the cockpit." Tech shakes his head and stands.

"Crosshair, you clearly do not know how to take care of a baby. I do not understand why Hunter thought it was a good idea to assign this task. Did you even think to do any research..." Crosshair cut his brother off.

"What are you talking about? Cut to the chase." Crosshair asked unamused.

"You can not leave a baby alone. Especially not in a not-baby-proofed ship such as this." Crosshairs eyes widen in realization. Both clones quickly rush to the cockpit to find it completely empty, no baby (Y/N) in sight. Panicking the begin to search the cockpit for any signs of their tiny team mate but nothing was found.

"Check the whole ship! (Y/N) couldn't have gotten far. But don't let the others find out, I'll never be able to hear the end of it." Crosshair says. Tech nods and goes to check the other parts of the ship. "Oh (Y/N), where could you be?" Crosshair mutters sadly as he too goes to search.

Small Timeskip

"Have you found them?"

"No." Crosshair was at his wits end. After 2 hours of searching there still was no trace of (Y/N).

"Maybe we should ask the others for help Crosshair. (Y/N) could be anywhere and it is starting to get dark. This planet gets very cold and dangerous after dark. For all we know they could be out there in trouble." Tech says. The sharpshooter pauses to consider his options. Tech was right but he doesn't want to admit his mistake.

"Let's make a couple rounds outside the ship. If we don't find them then we will get the others. But if we do find them, we will forget this ever happened. Got it?" Tech nods in response and the follows Crosshair out of the ship. The two brothers search in thick and anxious silence. Suddenly a cry was heard from some near by bushes. Crosshair whips his head around to see baby (Y/N) crawling towards him, tears running down their face. With a sigh of relief, he jogs to them and picks them. Hugging (Y/N), Crosshair whispers "Oh thank the maker. I thought I lost you (Y/N). Shhhhhh, sshhhhhhh. I've got you now. Everything's going to be ok." Tech smiles as he watches his brother sway with the baby in his arms till they stop crying. This was a rare but welcome sight. Cross smiles and turns to Tech. "Thanks Tech," Tech nods and smiles back. "If you tell anyone about this, you're going to get it." Crosshairs expression changes back to his signature glare. With that, both clones and the baby go back into the ship. Little (Y/N) yawns and rubs their eyes. This causes Crosshair to chuckle.

"Bedtime little one." The tall clone walks into his room, lies down on his bed and rests (Y/N) on his chest. He kisses the top of their head and whispers "Goodnight (Y/N)"


(Y/N) P.O.V.

Warmth. I nuzzle closer to the warmth. I had the strangest dream. Peeking one eye open, I look around at my surroundings... this isn't my room. It's Crosshairs?! My eyes widen in surprise. What? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is drinking from my water bottle... oh tech must have used it for one of his experiments by mistake. I was broken out of my thoughts by the sound of someone mumbling. I turn to the source and see Crosshair. I seem to be on his chest. His eyes open and we lock gazes. We sit like this in a comfortable silence. Slowly our heads draw closer together, an unspoken attraction pulling us closer. I feel his breath on my face. Saying nothing, Cross closes the gap. His hands move to cradle my head and my back. Mine rest on his chest. Cutting the kiss short he pulls away and smirks.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this, but I took care of a small loud baby yesterbays and I need a couple more hours of sleep before I have to deal with my brothers." I furrow my brow, causing the tall clone to chuckle again. " I'll explain that later. Just rest." With that, Crosshair kisses my forehead, wraps his arms around me and settles back into sleep. I smile and snuggle closer. I whisper

"I love you." As I drift off into a deep sleep.


(1166 words)


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