The New Student At The Academ...

By HunniBee45

263 20 0

What if a laid back guy all of a sudden found himself in a completely different universe? What if clothes rul... More

Honnoji Academy
Tennis Match
A Fight Worth Watching
Its My Fault
Sanageyama's Will
Fight Club
A Journey
A Battle Against An Idiot
Ryuko and (Y/N) vs The Elites

A Very Interesting Morning

20 2 0
By HunniBee45

Pov Change
"Thought Comminication"

[Okay! Before we get into this chapter, I just want to show you how (Y/N)'s powers work! I assure you, this guy has more power than I make it seems like he has.]

[1/100 or 1%: No healing factor, low senses, strong physically.
2/100 or 2%: Slow healing factor, mid senses, stronger physically.
3%-100%: Higher the percentage, higher magical ability, higherthr strength and higher senses and better healing factor.]

[Without his glove... well, you'll just have to figure it out.]

[Keep in mind, the madder he gets, the higher chance he has to break the seal on his power. Also, keep in mind, he WANTS his power to be sealed so he has some sort of a challenge. Also his glove keeps his true power sealed.]

Narrators Pov

(Y/N) was sleeping peacefully in a chair in Omita's house, an alarm made him start to stir awake.

(Y/N): "Omita-Kun! Turn off your alarm... I'm tryna... sleep..."

Omita was actually washing (Y/N)'s uniform.

Omita: "It's not me, it's coming from outside."

(Y/N) stood up and looked out the window.

(Y/N): "And what is today?"

Omita: "It's Tuesday... that means..."

(Y/N)/Omita: "It's No-Late Day!"

The both of them jumped into a crowd of students. (Y/N) just had on his boxers but Omita was fully dressed due to him not sleeping at night.

(Y/N): "Damnit! We'll never make it in time!"

They saw Ryuko and Mako sitting on her case on top of all the students.

(Y/N): "Ryuko-Chan!"

Ryuko looked their direction and waved.

Ryuko: "Hurry!"

They made their way through the sea of students and held onto the sides on the case. Ira made his way on a balcony. He busted through the houses.

Ira: "I can see that you are confused, Ryuko Matoi!"

(Y/N): "She's not the only one! I thought this was only for No-Stars!"

Ira: "But you are a No-Star, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "But Omita isn't!"

Ira: "True, so get up here, Omita."

Omita: "(Y/N), I'm sorry my dear brother, but I must go."

He looked away with a sad look, he covered his sly smile with his hand. Omita got on the balcony and let out a sigh of relief.

Omita: "(Y/N)-Kun~! I'll see you at the Academy!"

(Y/N) let out a sigh.

Ryuko: "You're that jerk from the Four Devas-"

Ira: "One of the Honnouji Academy's Student Council Devas! Disciplinary Bureau Chairman, Ira Gamagoori! Allow me to explain."

Everyone stopped and looked at Ira, Omita stood beside him doing the same pose Ira was doing.

Ira: "No-Late Day is a school event that comes once a semester in which the Disciplinary Bureau whiles unsuspecting No-Star slackers into shape!"

(Y/N): "Cmon man! I don't even got my Kamui-"

Ira: "When the siren goes off in the slums at 4am, the No-Stars must evade the traps that we at the Disciplinary Bureau built with our technological prowess and make it to school by the time the first period bell rings at 8:30Am! Should they arrive late, they are expelled on the spot and- what the hell?!"

He looked at Ryuko and (Y/N)'s outfit with surprise.

Ira: "What manner of slacker outfits are those?!"

Ryuko covered her outfit, but (Y/N) just rolled his eyes.

Ryuko: "My Kamui's in the laundry! It'll be dropped off soon!"

(Y/N): "Mine is too, courtesy of my brother."

Omita: "Yes, yes! It's all thanks to me- wait your being rude, aren't you?"

Ira: "Heh. Spare me your excuses. Leaving for school in a slovenly outfit like that is a mortal insult to not only the academy, but also Lady Satsuki herself!"

Mako: "Is it though?"

Before anybody even knew it Mako was directly beside Ira.

(Y/N): "What the hell?"

Mako: "Ryuko was asleep until just now!"

Omita: "Same for (Y/N)!"

Mako: "It's perfectly normal for a sleeping person to wear pajamas! No one can laugh at that!"

Omita: "Yes! It's normal for a manly man such as (Y/N) to wear boxers to sleep! It shows off his hard work!"

Omita started to air draw on his stomach a description of abs. Everyone turned their heads to (Y/N) causing him to blush.

Mako: "Do you sleep in your uniform, Ira?"

Omita: "It's unhealthy to sleep in dirty clothes, Ira! I'll have to come by one day and wash that sweaty, smelly uniform~!"

Ira: "No, I sleep in the nude."

Mako: "You'll catch a cold if you sleep in the buff."

(Y/N) looked at Ryuko. Mako and Ira's conversation still going on in the background with Omita jumping in at times, he started to look pretty jealous as time went on.

(Y/N): "How long do you think they're going to keep this up?"

Ryuko looked directly at (Y/N), earning
an even redder blush than earlier. Ryuko was blushing slightly too.

Ryuko: "Well it's not long until 4am so, not that long."

(Y/N): "Hey, Ryuko, can I ask-"

Ira: "Matoi, Saito! I couldn't care less what you happen to be wearing right now! But do you think you can reach the school without your Kamui?"

Ira pushed a button and a giant deadly course came from behind the slums.

Ira: "Behold the Disciplinary Bureau's mighty barrier!"

Mako: "Shocker! Look, Ryuko! (Y/N)! It's like the whole city's been turned into an amusement park! I've never seen anything like this before! And there's only three hours to go until out first class, Ryuko! (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Pfft! This will be a breeze-"

Akuma: "Not uh~! I'm taking you back down to 1/100! So basically 1%!"

Akuma was flying beside (Y/N), but his legs were crossed and he was flying upside down.

(Y/N): "Cmon man! Thats less than what I had as a newborn!"

Akuma: "Too bad! And you don't even have your Kamui!"

Ryuko just smirked.

Ryuko: "It's okay, (Y/N). The people at this school sure love to hear themselves talk. All right. Challenge accepted."

Ryuko pulled out her scissor blade and pointed it to where Ira was standing.

Ryuko: "I'm gonna bust through every last one of the traps you bozos made!"

Ira: "As you wish! Students, commence commute! Forward march!

All of the No-Star students started to make their way through the course.

Ryuko: "Mako, (Y/N)! Don't get separated!"

(Y/N): "Don't worry! Im holding mako!"

Ryuko turned and saw Mako on (Y/N)'s back. She nodded. Then, the stairs started to turn into a slide.

(Y/N): "What kind of bullshit is this?!"

Everyone started to slide except (Y/N), Ryuko and Mako, because (Y/N) was holding Ryuko's hand and she had her sword jammed into the slide.

Ryuko: "A trap right off the bat, huh? Up you go!"

Ryuko threw (Y/N) and Mako up. (Y/N) landed on a button.

(Y/N): "Mako, don't let go okay! Let me and Ryuko do all the running."

Mako: "Kay!"

Ira: "Congratulations on passing the first checkpoint! I neglected to mention that use of the No-Star commuter cable cars is prohibited! Obey the rules and stick to the prescribed route. And now, gentlemen, until we meet again at school!"

He rode away... in a FUCKING CABLE CAR!

(Y/N): "Huh? Only gentlemen? But I'm the only man here..."

Mako: "There's another 999 of these to go! That's way more than usual!"

Ryuko: "He's screwing with us. Come on (Y/N) and Mako!"

A girl suddenly bumped into mako, she had her arm in a cast and it was held up with a sling.

(Y/N): "That was so fake... she obviously did it on purpose..."

???: "Ow, that hurts so much!"

Mako: "Your our classmate, Oogure Maiko!"

Ryuko: "Are you okay? Your arm looks injured!"

Maiko: "Why, it's Mankanshoku. And you're Matoi and Saito, the transfer students!"

Mako got off of (Y/N)'s back.

Maiko: "Yes, I hurt my arm in that trap just now."

(Y/N): "And it's already in a cast-"

Maiko: "But I'll live!"

(Y/N): "Fucking idiots always interrupting me..."

Maiko: "I can't give up over something like this!"

Ryuko: "Hey, don't overdo it!"

She got up slowly, Ryuko and Mako looked at (Y/N).

Mako: "(Y/N)-Kun! Carry her!"

(Y/N) opened his mouth to protest, but before he knew it she was already getting in his back.

(Y/N): "Just hold on tight. Okay?"

Maiko nodded and rested her head on his shoulder, she looked happy and she was blushing.

Mako: "Ryuko! (Y/N)! Look!"

Mako was pointing at a checkpoint.

Mako: "Isn't that the second checkpoint up ahead? How the heck are we meant to get up there?!"

She was right, the next course was a loopy one. The only thing that you could hold onto were the spikes that were protruding out of the sides.

Ryuko: "Damn it. If i had Senketsu, that hill would be nothing."

Little did she know, Senketsu and Koketsu were on their way.

Akuma: "Eh? His uniform is just like Ryuko's now that I look at it."

Omita: "He does have a major crush on her too."

Akuma: "Hoh? You don't say."

They were holding onto the spikes until Maiko started to slip when she noticed Mako's dad bringing Ryuko's uniform.

(Y/N): "Ai! Maiko you have to hold on! Put your legs around my waist, okay?!"

(Y/N) gripped the spike with one hand and adjusted the way Maiko was holding on. He put his hand on her bottom and lifted her up more, he gripped her thigh and let out a sigh when she finally held on tighter, he thought what he was doing was normal, but Maiko thought otherwise.

Mako's Dad: "Woah what a gentleman!"

Mako's dad and her brother saw the whole thing so it made their nose bleed causing Mako's dad to swerve off the rode.

Senketsu: "Keep your eyes on the road!"

The group was now dodging logs, Maiko again was slipping off of (Y/N) so he held her up by placing his hands firmly under her thighs.

(Y/N): "I'm starting to wish I joined the elites! Y'know what, when I get back I'm becoming a three-star!"

Then they ran over a big pot of something, it was just a singular wooden board that they crossed.

Maiko: "Ouch!"

Maiko held her arm, making (Y/N) come to a halt. He put his face close to hers. He was starting to get angry, but he didn't want to show it.

(Y/N): "You alright, Maiko?"

Maiko: "Y-yeah... the pain..."

When she was fine he kept running. Then, a giant metal ball came down the next course.

(Y/N): "Your joking..."

They all turned around and ran the other way. But somehow they got on top of the ball in the midst of it all. After all that, Mako found some cheese on the ground.

Mako: "Ooh! Cheese!"

She started to pick it up.

Mako: "Cheese, cheese, cheese!"

In the end she found herself under a poorly made trap. Ryuko pushed her out of the way and got pied in the face.

Mako: "That looks delicious, Ryuko."

Next was pillars above water with crocodiles in it.

(Y/N): "Alright Maiko, put your arms- well arm around my neck."

She did as told and put her good arm around his neck. They jumped from pillar to pillar carefully.

Maiko: "Ow!"

Maiko leaned back on (Y/N) causing him to stumble back and almost land in the water.
Next was a rope above spikes. (Y/N) set Maiko down and crossed the rope. Then it was her turn.

Maiko noticed Mako's brother on a bike with Senketsu so she let go of the rope early and grabbed Ryuko's pants causing her striped panties to show. Mako's brother saw this and swerved causing him to crash the bike.

Senketsu: "Keep your eyes on the road, confound it!"

Next, was guts turn to deliver the Kamui.

Akuma: "Jeez where are they? Ira didn't need to make this course this huge..."

Omita: "Anything to make the transfer students miss class."

(Y/N) was now breathing heavily while the girls talked. He was laying on a pillar-like thing with his eyes closed.

Ryuko: "Hey! A school bus is coming."

(Y/N) got up quickly and looked at the bus.

Ryuko: "Its a minefield!"

Maiko: "Its an armored vehicle though, so don't worry. The One-Stars get some cool stuff, huh?"

Mako: "It's passing the checkpoint! No way! They have it so easy! I wanna ride that! I wanna ride! I-"

Akuma: "There you are (Y/N)! Here's your Kamui."

Akuma was flying but his legs were crossed. (Y/N) took the uniform and quickly put it on.

(Y/N): "Finally!"

The three girls looked at Akuma. Akuma then averted his eyes to Maiko. He frowned and flew away. (Y/N) was the only one to notice his frown so he knew to watch out for Maiko.

Then, Maiko ran in front of the bus and was laying in front of it clutching her arm.

Maiko: "Oh the pain!"

The guy driving the bus came off with an angry look.

One-Star: "You damned No-Star! Get off the road! Move it-"

Ryuko hit the One-Star in the face with her case then she spit on him.

Ryuko: "Right, then! All aboard!"

They all got on the bus one by one. They beat up all the No-Stars on the bus, Maiko got in the driver's seat.

Ryuko: "Hang on, Maiko, do you have a license?"

(Y/N) sat in a seat next to Ryuko.

(Y/N): "So you know how to drive a bus...?"

Maiko: "Honnou Town is the private property of the Kiryuuin family. If she has Lady Satsuki's permission, even a student can drive! I don't want to lose either! I want to show them that even we No-Stars have our pride!"

(Y/N): "Enough talking..."

Ryuko: "Maiko, you can be pretty bad-ass, you know that?"

(Y/N): "In more ways than one it seems..."

Ryuko looked at (Y/N) and frowned.

Ryuko: "Do you have a problem with Maiko? She's done nothing but be nice to us!"

(Y/N): "Well in my defense she's done nothing but held us back and almost make me die!"

Gunshots started to hit the the bus.

Ryuko: "What the hell is going on?!"

(Y/N) just stayed in his seat, he looked like he had not a care in the world.

(Y/N): "Have you've never been shot at before?"

Ryuko just rolled her eyes.

Ryuko: "Wow, you gotta hand it to these armored buses!"

Maiko: "Time for us to strike back!"

Ryuko: "How?"

Maiko: "With this!"

She pushed a button sending Mako to the top of the bus with a gun, it started to shoot everywhere.

(Y/N): "Mako! I'm coming up!"

He kicked the doors to the bus open, he started to climb to the top of the bus, pulling himself up.

(Y/N): "Alright!"

He made a gun appear from a crack in space. This was the help of his Shatter Wall power, it was copied from another person in a different universe. He started to shoot, but it didn't shoot as fast or had much power behind it.

(Y/N): "Damn 1% power..."

He kept shooting at all the people that were shooting at them. Mako kept doing what she was doing also.

Mako: "Ryuko, this is way fun!"

Ryuko: "It's not safe up there! Come down!"

Mako: "Feels so good..."

(Y/N) ran out of bullets so he tried to make more.

Akuma: "Keep doing that and you won't be able to transform."

(Y/N) started to get angry... more angry than ever. He jumped into the bus and sat in his seat. A lady shot an rpg.

Maiko: "RPG!"

Ryuko: "Retract turret!"

Mako was still shooting when she came down so bullets started to fly everywhere. One hit (Y/N) in his arm earning a groan from him. Then, the roof of the bus came off and flew away.

Mako: "Gosh, the view's so much clearer now!"

(Y/N): "Akuma, give me 2/100 I can't heal with just 1..."

Akuma: "Almost forgot about healing factors... but why do you need to heal?"

(Y/N): "I got shot."

Akuma didn't say another word, he just gave him the 2%.

Maiko: "Just a little further and we'll be in the Two-Star district!"

When (Y/N) finished healing he covered his head and sat up to get a better look at things.

(Y/N): "Shit! RPGs from both sides!"

Ryuko put her foot on the gas.

Ryuko: "Step on it!"

They started to go faster, Mako started to fly in the air but she held on to something. When the RPGs hit the ground the bus went flying. The girls started screaming, but (Y/N) just held the seat tighter.

(Y/N): "This universe is so stupid..."

The bus crashed into the schools walls and everyone went flying.

Ryuko: "Ouch... Wake up everybody!"

Everyone stood up and saw the school in the distance.

Ryuko: "We did it, you guys! We made it! It's the school!"

(Y/N): "Finally..."

Maiko: "As long as we can reach our classroom in the next fifteen minutes, we'll be on time!"

Ryuko: "Awesome! That'll be a piece of cake!"

(Y/N): "Huh... I guess we did make it..."

Mako: "A piece of cake!"

Ryuko smiled at Maiko.

Ryuko: "We couldn't have done it without you, Maiko! See (Y/N), you were wary of her for no reason!"

(Y/N): "I guess... and I'm sorry, Maiko..." "I guess I was worried for nothing..."

Maiko: "H-huh?! Oh it's okay! You did all the hard work. Still, I'm happy you think so!"

Mako came in and brought them all into a hug. (Y/N) was getting pretty crushed.

Mako: "Yay, we're all friends!"

Guts came in with Ryuko's Kamui.

Mako: "Look, Ryuko! Guts has brought you your uniform! Hey, Guts!"

Guts: "Guts!"

Ryuko: "Why is guts bringing it? Geez, what was your dad thinking?"

Maiko: "Oh, the pain!"

She started falling to the ground, but she pulled Ryuko's pants and made her underwear show. Guts nose started to bleed and he began sliding on the blood.

Senketsu: "We're sliding! We're sliding!"

Guts passed by Ryuko and kept on sliding.

Ryuko: "Where are you going, Guts?"

Guts all of a sudden got kicked in the face, landing in (Y/N)'s arm.

(Y/N): "Maiko? What the hell?!"

Ryuko: "What?"

Maiko was standing there, holding Ryuko's uniform.

Ryuko: "Maiko, what are you doing?"

Maiko started to chuckle, the arm that used to be in a cast was fully functional and fine.

Maiko: "You let your guard down, Ryuko. Or should I say... Ryuko Matoi?"

(Y/N): "Put the uniform in Ryuko's hands... I would really hate to fight you Maiko..."

Maiko: "Blah blah... you've been wary of me from the start! I've been waiting for this moment for ages! N-now me and (Y/N) can match! We can be such a powerful couple!"

(Y/N): "What the hell are you talking about?!"

Maiko: "The way you were touching me... being oh so gentle! You obviously like me!"

(Y/N): "WHAT?!"

Ryuko looked between the both of them, her eyes narrowed and she frowned.

Mako: "Maiko-Chan!"

Maiko: "This injured No-Star classmate was but a fake identity! My true identity... is Maiko Oogure, Head of Trap Development at the Disciplinary Bureau!"

Ryuko: "Trap development, huh?"

Maiko: "That's right!"

(Y/N): "I knew something was up with you..."

Maiko: "A shadowy figure who remains undercover among the common students, spying on their behavior and developing traps! That is the Head of Trap Development!"

(Y/N): "You sure do love to talk, don't you?"

(Y/N) reached for the uniform, but before he knew it, she put it on.

Ryuko: "Get real! As if a deceitful bitch like you could transform so easily!"

Maiko: "I did it!"

They uniform looked bad on her... like really bad.

(Y/N): "My eyes! Senketsu what the hell?!"

Ryuko: "Oh come on! I had so much trouble mastering the Life Fiber Synchronization, but she just pulled it off! How can she do this, Senketsu?"

Senketsu: "Forgive me, Ryuko. This woman has no shame."

Koketsu: "(Y/N) should be more like her..."

(Y/N): "Oi!"

Maiko: "Kya-hohoho! If it means power- if it means standing on top of the world- I'll gladly get as naked as the day I was born! Oh, it's flooding into me!"

(Y/N): "Ew..."

Maiko: "The strength! The power! The strepower! Now, let's try out this strepower, shall we?"

She started walking up to Mako.

Maiko: "It's only natural to start with the weakest one here!"

She threw her fist at Mako, but Omita appeared and blocked it.

Omita: "Ew... cowardly behavior."

Maiko: "How the hell did you get here so quick?!"

She tried to throw another punch, but something was holding her back.

Omita: "Eh?"

Maiko: "W-what's going on? Why won't my body move?!"

Ryuko: "What the hell?"

Maiko: "It's as if my body's turned to stone!"

Ryuko: "Senketsu... is that you?"

Ryuko planted her sword into the ground and cracked her knuckles.

Maiko: "Wh-what do you think you're doing? S-stop! Let's not be hasty!"

Then, (Y/N) started cracking his knuckles.

(Y/N): "I almost died because of you... I'm gonna enjoy this..."

Maiko: "I'm so sorry i tricked you!"

Ryuko: "What's up? Aren't you going to try out that "strepower" of yours?"

Maiko: "Please! I'll give back the Kamui!"

She started jumping up and down.

Maiko: "Grr! What's wrong with this stupid outfit?! So uppity! So impertinent! It's the outfit! It's all this stupid outfits fault!"

(Y/N) just stepped back and started laughing.

(Y/N): "Pffft! This is enough payback! I didn't even need to do anything!"

Maiko: "This stupid! Broken outfit!"

Ryuko: "It's freshly cleaned. I bet they just used too much starch. Right?!"

Ryuko uppercutted her. (Y/N) picked up guts and started to heal him, it was a slow process, but at least he was getting healed. Ryuko took the uniform off of Maiko and Senketsu spit out her blood.

Senketsu: "How dare she make me drink that grimy blood of hers! Ptooey! I'm sorry I was late, Ryuko!"

Ryuko: "Well, you remained faithful to me, so all is forgiven."

Mako let out a yell and shoved her watch into Ryuko's face.

Mako: "Look, Ryuko! There's only five minutes to go until the start of first period! We have to hurry! I don't wanna be late and get expelled!"

The three of them started running to the school, but it turned out to be made out of wood and paper.

Mako: "Ow! I hit my head on the air..."

Omita: "That's not air... that's a prop..."

The prop fell down.

Ryuko: "What the hell is going on?"

Maiko was laughing.

Maiko: "Moron! This is my ultimate weapon! I set it up just in case something like this happened! A fake school! And now..."

Maiko held up a remote with a big red button on it. The platform they were on began to roll. Maiko just kept laughing.

Maiko: "It's all over for you!"

(Y/N) punched her in the face off of the platform.

(Y/N): "Shut up! You're so annoying!"

She fell off the platform, but she had a parachute so she was fine. The platform started to come apart all around. Mako was holding onto a stick so Omita grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him.

Omita: "Trouble just seems to find you three all the time..."

(Y/N): "No kidding."

Senketsu: "Ryuko, put me on!"

Ryuko: "Right! I forgot!"

Ryuko put on the uniform and transformed, then (Y/N) transformed.

Ryuko: "Life Fiber Synchronization! Kamui Senketsu!"

This time, (Y/N) decided to stop being embarrassed about Koketsu, so he began his synchronization...

(Y/N): "Life Fiber Synchronization! Kamui Koketsu!"

His pants changed into a pair of tight boxers, then his nipples (lol) got covered with something that resembled black tape. The top (eyes) got a bit longer, his shoes changed into black and red boots. Ryuko was blushing, but she looked away quickly.

Omita: "What a revealing outfit."

(Y/N): "Gotta have no shame for shit like this!"

The whole platform fell apart and then it fell into the water, they were now really far from the school.

Senketsu: "You'll never make it in time, even wearing me. You'll be late."

Mako: "O! M! G! This station's for the nonstop rope expresso-way to school! It's for the super rich! We No-Stars couldn't hope to ride it in a million years!"

Omita: "Well! I'm a Three-Star, so let's get on and get you guys to school!"

Everyone got in the cable car, the guy that operated it got scared when Ryuko threatened him so he did it full speed.

Mako: "Yay! I always wanted to ride this! Always!"

Ryuko: "How many minutes are left?"

Mako: "Just one! In one minute, we'll be late! And expelled! No way! One minute?!"

Ryuko: "I'm gonna get us to homeroom on time if it's the last thing I do!"

(Y/N): "Look at that idiot Maiko..."

Nobody seemed to notice her except (Y/N), she was still floating in the sky with her parachute.

Mako: "30 seconds!"

Ryuko: "There's no time, get out of the station!"

Ryuko cut the cable, the station went flying forward towards the school.

Mikisugi: "Let's see, next up is... Matoi. Ryuko Matio?"

They came crashing into the school sending the student flying. They came out of the station and sat in their seats. Omita left the class.

Mikisugi: "Uh... Ryuko Matoi?"

Ryuko raised her hand, Mako was sleeping on Guts who was also sleeping.

Ryuko: "Present."

Mikisugi: "(Y/N) Saito?"

(Y/N) just groaned and put his head down.

4367 words

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