Always been you (BWWM)

נכתב על ידי isa_savne

1.8K 105 9

Allison loves everything about love she's was a hopeless romantic even though she never fell in love with a... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16 
Chapter 17
Everyone honecoming outfits
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

41 4 0
נכתב על ידי isa_savne

Allison hair and outfit

These past couple days in Paris has been incredible I learned so many different things, I've gotten to explore this amazing city and most importantly I'm talking to Nate again it's honestly been really fun to be here and I'm incredibly grateful

But it couldn't be a trip without a party and of course it's a party that's going to happen I'm forced to go but someone has to make sure Maggie and try goes to her room in one piece

' this is going to be so much fun' Maggie says as we are walking in the hallway I'm looking at the numbers for the hotel room. ' yeah drug kids.and crazy teenagers ' I look at Maggie. ' it's going to be so much fun' I said sarcastically

'Come on Allie it's our last night In France live a little' Trey says putting his hand around mags I laugh a little these two really popping jokes tonight huh?

'I would rather read' I said giving them the look they know I'm being serious we finally get there we entered in

'Oh my god Trey they are playing my song we have to dance now!' Maggie said in excitement more excitement then usual 'Now?' He asked she grabs his hand. ' yes Patterson NOW' she says dragging him to dance they are so right for each other

I went to sidelines, found some nonalcoholic drinks and just people watch of course it's not party without diamond being here looking like a bitch as usual as I stare around my eyes caught Nathan taking to some people being very social able but yet very hot hotter then ever

' hey Nate ' diamond said as she aid walking up to him. ' hey diamond what you want?'he asked holding a cup in his hand ' just wanted to talk to you you are the talk of the hour' she says her eyes said it all they are pretty but the prettiest girls have the evilest face

' yeah, have you seen Allison anywhere?'he asked her face expression changed ' why?' She asked ' because I'm looking for her what else?' ' no I mean why you want her?' She says getting jealous

' she's cool and she's well better then you'. He says sipping his drink and walked away diamond is mad now of course she doesn't get the appeal she's going to ruin someone life somehow someway

'I stepped out for a minute I danced a little kind of having a great time Maggie and Trey ate out of it Hey Allie' Brett said. ' hey Brett what's up?' I'd asked still kind of dancing
' nothing much you look beautiful tonight' he said I smiled.
' thanks you look good too' I said giving him a little punch on the shoulder friendly type thing

' so you came with anyone?'
'Um yeah Maggie basically force me to come and you know I'm friends with Trey' I said he try to brush it off

'Oh yeah those two yeah but um anyways'.

As we are talking I notice Nathan staring at me I stared at him too I see his beautiful brown eyes who knows you can get lost in them I want him.I want him bad to the point it hurts he can be all mine just mine I can his I have a lot dreams he's one of them

' so Allie you wanna dance?' Brett asked him I broke the eyes contact
' sorry I can't ' I said to Brett he's face changed. 'Oh okay'

After that hours went by and yet I still didn't get the chance to talk to Nathan everywhere everyone around him that's the one thing about popular people they always have attention but this can't be teen party without a party game and of course ur you guises correctly we're playing truth or dare

I sat down. Nathan sat next to me
'Hey' I said to him he smiles
'Hey I haven't seen you all night' he says looking at me. ' I know but we're talking now that's what matters' I said smiling diamond notices and begins the game

Everyone knows the rules we started the game went on and on Bret the whole game trying to get my attention but I wasn't paying attention to him until it was Nathan turn

'Okay Nathan truth or dare?' Brett asked. Nathan found that to be random ' truth'. He said trying to play safe 'Okay do you have a crush, and if you do are they in this room? He asked. ' um why does that matter?' Nate asked

'Dude answer the question it's not difficult' Brett says looking at me. 'It's none of anyone business but yeah I do have a rush and they are in this room'. Nathan said everyone is oooo

Wondering who it is diamond have a clue on who it is It's was almost her turn. ' okay Brett truth or dare'. He asked Brett with loads of confidence gets excited

' dare' he says. 'Okay then text the person you wanna go out with' Nathan said 'Ohhh' everyone said looking at Brett 'Alright bet since I'm not a puss like you' Brest gets out his phone I get a text from my phone

I knew it.. he likes me but baby I don't like him not at all I'm not interested in him. 'Okay diamond truth or dare' Brett asked

'I pick dare' diamond says getting excited
'Okay kiss Nathan '.

' hell no 'Nathan said. 'Why natty something wrong with me?' She asked looking at him she was ready

' I think that's not a good dare and plus I don't want to kiss you' Nathan says

'It's a dare I have to' diamond says
'If he said he doesn't want to kiss he doesn't want to fucking kiss you' I said sticking up for Nathan.
'No one asked you Richards' diamond said looking at me
' well you're messing with someone I care about so it's kind of my business' I said she wanna go? Because honey I'll go but harder don't start shit with me that I know you're not going to finish

' since you're so smart and tuff Allie truth or dare'. She asked me

' truth'. I said. Looking at her I'm willing to play her game
' okay then what's up with you and Nathan because everyone knows you two aren't some Besties' she says

'Excuse me?'

The room crackled with tension, Diamond's smug words hanging in the air like a toxic cloud. I shot her a scathing look, refusing to let her get under my skin. "You're not half as clever as you think, Diamond."

She narrowed her eyes, venom dripping from her voice. "Dodging the question, Allie? Too much of a damn coward to face it?"

I met her spite with steely resolve. "I'm not a coward, Diamond. I just have better things to do than entertain your mind games."

The atmosphere grew thicker, everyone in the room holding their breath. Nathan stepped forward, trying to play peacemaker. "Alright, let's all just take a step-"

But Diamond wouldn't back down. Her words sliced through the air. "We all see through your act, Allie. Still hung up on Nathan, pretending to be Little Miss Innocent."

My jaw clenched, a storm of emotion brewing in my eyes. "You know jack shit about me, Diamond. And you never will."

The room became a battlefield, charged with words and pent-up aggression. Maggie and Trey, ever the jesters, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. "Well, this party just got a whole lot more entertaining," Trey quipped, a smirk playing on his lips.

Nathan's gaze bore into me, a newfound intensity sparking in his eyes. There was something undeniably magnetic about seeing me so unapologetically fierce.

Then, Diamond went for the jugular, her voice dripping with disdain. "Always needing your little boyfriend to save you, aren't you? You're fucking pathetic, Allie."

Everything narrowed down to that single point. In an instant, I was at Diamond's side, my fist finding its mark. The room exploded into chaos as we clashed, a whirlwind of fury and long-simmering frustration.

Nathan tried to intervene again, but my determination was unbreakable. With one final, defiant glare at Diamond, I turned and walked away, leaving her in the aftermath of our collision.

The room fell into a heavy, charged silence, the weight of our confrontation settling over everyone. In the distance, Diamond's bitter laughter echoed, but I paid it no mind. I'd stood my ground, and that was all that damn well mattered.

Who would have known my last day in Paris was the craziest day what u care that bitch deserve it and had it coming.

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