Eeveelution Squad Truth Or Da...

By MagmaPlayz09

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Ribbons: If you're reading this, help us by giving this book dares or ask anything, but nothing too crazy. ... More

Reveal your crush infront of everyone
A New Friend Appears
Sing a Song
Eating at Sheldy's (Shelby's)
Check out my other book
Speed Goes Beserker
Body Swap Pt 1
Body Swap Pt 2
Gimme a bit more time
ES meets ??? (Pt 1)
Sorry for taking long
ES meets another squad (Pt 2)
Flame's name
Flame & Ribbons
Smash or Pass (WHY)
Im back & Dare list
One Slight Voting Problem
Everyone Obeys Flame
Bonus Chapter 1
The Speedverse Pt 1
The Speedverse Pt2
Reason Why...
Sneak Peek
The Speedverse Finale(?)
ES Wedding
Nəw Ɓoøk C0v3r
ES & SSEC | and Silvia does something weird.
A New Challenger Approaches
What day is it today?
Sneak peek to the chapter
ES and the Ink Machine
A Blast From the Past
Mini Dares
The Nightguards
Aŋ 0łɗ Fr¡ənđ
Something Special
Battle In The Eeveelution Squad 2023
Flame's Backstory? (Chapter Ø)
Christmas with the Eeveelution Squad (Late)
Mini Dares and Asks
Flame the Jerk
Svlveon Day (Late) and ???
!!Important Announcement!!

Ask From The §qųªɗ

176 1 28
By MagmaPlayz09

It was a great and beautiful sunny morning with the ES squad. It has been a week since Lazuli and Speed had their wedding, and everything seems to be fine around the Eeveelution house. But something has been bothering the squad for quite some time now. And this question brought pain to the ES squad.

Pearl: Are you sure that Flame said that they're in here?

Speed: Yeah, he said that they're in the attic. The only thing is that there isn't anyone here.

Lazuli: Well, look around. Maybe they are here but just covered by boxes.

Speed: Good idea, everyone split up, I think you all would know what it is once you find them.

It appears that the entire ES Squad is in the attic for something, or should I say, someone.

Black: Have you all found anything yet?

Silvia: Nope, nothing.

Crystal: Uhh, guys? They're right here.

Speed: Where?

Crystal: They're right here, in the middle of the room.

Flare: Sis, I don't see anything there.

Crystal: But they're right there- wait, I forgot you guys can't break the fourth wall. *Sigh* Just tell me what you want me to say to them.

Speed: Um, ok then, ask them if they can hear us.

Crystal: Ok, well here goes nothing. Hello Veiwers? This is Crystal and the rest of the ES Squad, if you can hear me, can you give us a sign?

Once Crystal finished talking, a box started floating with a blue aura around it.

Pearl: D-Does that mean it worked?

Crystal: If it wasn't your psychic, then I think it did!!

Speed: GREAT!! Now ask it if it knows anything about Flame, like how and why is he here?

Crystal: Right, Veiwers, do you know anything about Flame, and if you do, can you tell us somehow?

Once again, after Crystal finished talking, a white board started rolling to them and a marker starter writing on it. Everyone had their eyes on what was happening, and once the marker was finished writing, the white board turned around to reveal that the Veiwers had absolutely no information on Flame.

Black: Well, that was a waste of time.


Speed: Calm down Pearl, you might give us away to Flame

Pearl: How can I not be mad?? This makes no sense!! How can a Flareon just appear out of nowhere, walk into our house, and we feel like we've known him like FOREVER!!

???: Do you really want an explanation?

Speed: Huh? Who's there?

Everyone starts charging up an attack when...

???: Chill out guys. It's just me.

The person who was talking comes out of the shadows, and it reveals Flame the Flareon.

Lazuli: Flame? Why are you up here- Wait, I'm getting off topic, can you just explain everything already?

Flame: You want an explanation, fine then... Do you all remember the times when you all participated in the outro for the story?

Leaf: When did we do something like that?

Flame: Exactly, I had to remove your memories of doing that using Amnesia.

Speed: Doesn't Amnesia only work on the person who uses it?

Flame: Yes, but it can be used in other ways as well. I had to remove your memories because when I did it the first time I did it, I saw a very interesting memory in all of your memory lanes. You all had the same question of who this Flame person is. I didn't want you to get suspicious of me, so I had to get rid of every memory of you breaking the 4th wall. The thing I didn't want you to get suspicious of is that all of you figure out that you all are fictional characters. Characters that I can use in my ask or dare book.

Speed: It's all coming back to me...


Pearl: How could you do this to us!?

Leaf: Even after all of the things we've been through, you lie behind our backs about something this serious.

Flame: I-I-I was going to tell you eventually.

Lazuli: And when is that? When? ANSWER ME!! When were you going to tell us?

Flame: I... I don't know anymore...

Speed: That settles it, I don't want you talking to any of us.

Flame: Guys, I'm really sorry-

Speed: SAVE IT FLAME!! Come on guys, let's go.

Everyone heads out of the attic, and Flame is just left there feeling sad, pathetic, and guilty. But there is someone else in there with him...

???: S0, yøu f¡nªllƴ t0ld thəm th3 ţrųth, hųh?

Flame: W-What? Who's there?

???: Y0u døn'ţ n3ed t0 ƙnøw ŵho 1 ªm. Ałļ ƴoų neəd t0 ƙnøw ¡s ţhªt 1'və bęeŋ k3ep¡ng ąn 3ye øn y0u ªlł, ąnɗ 1 th¡nƙ 1 knøw h0w 1 çaŋ həlp y0u r3gą¡n y0ur fr¡eŋdshïp wįth thəm.

Flame: How can you do that? I made them hate me, I don't think I could ever face them ever again.

???: 1 kŋøw ą wªy t0 gət th3m ţo f0rg¡və y0u. Ąlł ƴoų hªvə ţo ɗo ¡s jųst d0 oŋe l¡tţle ţh¡ng f0r m3.


???: Ąr3 y0u §ųrə???

Flame: I'll do anything to get our friendship back...

???: 1f y0u ¡nşisţ, ªll ƴou have ţo dø i5 just cøme h3rə ąŋd sţay §t!ll.

Flame looks hesitant after hearing that, but he complies and listens to ???.

???: G0ød... ŋ0w jųst hølɗ şt¡łl...

Flame: Before we do this, can you tell me what your name is?

???: If you must know...

??? suddenly Transforms into a blue Flareon just like Flame but a little bit darker and glitchier.

???: Mƴ ŋam3 ¡s ŋøw Fłªmə

Flame: WAIT WHAT!?

Fłªmə: 1t ¡s y0ųr ţ¡m3 Flame, ¡t ịs t¡m3 før ƴoų t0 ɓe R 3 P Ł Ą Ç 3 Ɗ!!!

Flame: Y-You can't do this!!

Fłªmə: 0h ɓuţ 1 ªm

Flame: They'll never believe you're me. They'll never forgive me anyway.

Fłªmə: Ł¡kə 1 sªiđ, *Clears throat* I have my ways.

Flame is in complete shock and is panicking. He doesn't know who he is, how he can sound exactly like him, and how he is doing all of this.

Flame: This can't be real...

Fłªmə: It very much is my fellow Flareon, now it's time for you to go *Snaps fingers*

When Fłªmə snapped his fingers, a portal opened up behind Flame and is pulling him in.

Flame: What!? Where am I going!?

Fłªmə: You are going to go to a place where you can't even see the light of day.


Flame grabs onto something before getting sucked in and is trying to pull himself away.

Fłªmə: It is, it very much is happening Flame, now its time for you to GO!!

Fłªmə runs up to Flame and pushes him into the portal.


Flames voice becomes distorted and glitchy as he flies through the portal while Fłªmə stands there, having a creepy smile on his face.

Fłªmə: Bye bye Flame, hope to see you never. *Maniacal laugh* Now let's see if these guys are as mad as Flame said they were.

Fłªmə exits the attic, and down at the bottom is Pearl.  Pearl is trying her best to ignore him but can't help but feel bad.

Pearl: Hey Flame? Is that you?

Fłªmə: Why, of course, if it isn't my friend Pearl the Espeon!!

Pearl: Um, are you feeling ok? Since you just got yelled at by the entire squad?

Fłªmə: I couldn't be better!! Hey, I also want to apologize for what happened a couple of minutes ago.

Pearl: I can't just forgive you like that!! What you did was seriously wrong, and it betrayed our trust!!

Fłªmə: Can you give me a second chance, I promise that I won't do it again. *Persuasive tone*

Pearl: I-I guess so, it's the least I can do, I'm gonna go now before someone spots us talking.

Fłªmə: Before you go, can you be so kind and have everyone meet everyone in the living room, I would also want to apologize to them as well.

Pearl: I guess I can do that, but I don't know if they'll forgive you-

Fłªmə: Thank you, farewell now!!

Pearl: Bye, I guess... *Mumbles* Why is he acting like that??

Pearl leaves, and Fłªmə is alone once again.

Fłªmə: That was too easy *Evil grin*


Speed looks to be walking to the living room while looking a little grumpy still.

Speed: I think Pearl said to be in here...

When Speed entered the room, everyone else was there looking like they were waiting for something.

Speed: Uhh, why are you guys here?

Black: Pearl told all of us to meet in here. Did she also tell you to do the same thing?

Speed: Yeah, but where is Pearl?

Pearl: I'm right here.

Pearl is standing behind Speed, which jumpscared him just like Black does.

Speed: OH MY ARCEUS!! You guys have to stop doing that. It scares the trubish out of me.

Pearl: Heh, sorry, but I guess it's time to reveal why you all are in here. It's because a certain someone wants to say something.

Crystal: Geez, fine, I'm sorry for stealing your books Lazuli.

Lazuli: Wait, you were the one who was stealing my books!?

Pearl: Silence!! That's better, anyway, someone else has something to say. And here they are.

(Ima use "Flame" for when he is disguised as Flame. And I'll use Fłªmə when you can notice that he is disguised as Flame, but something js wrong)

Pearl moves to reveal "Flame" and everyone pops their head up in surprise and anger.

"Flame": Howdy everyone!!

Black: What is this guy doing here??

Speed: I thought I told you not to talk to us ever again.

"Flame": You did, and I ignored it.

Speed: Why do you have to be so STUBORN!!

"Flame": Because that is what my personality is.

Speed: Just go out already.

"Flame": Or what? You're going to zap me? I can handle that.

Speed: That's it!! *Charges Thunderbolt* Get out NOW!!

Pearl: Everyone STOP NOW!! I gathered you all here to have Flame say sorry and you all forgive him.

Speed: You can forget us forgiving him. He betrayed our trust, our friendship.

Pearl: He had a good reason to do it. Come on Speed, just give him a second chance. Please Speed, do it for me, do it for the Squad.

Speed: Only if they agree. Do you all want to give him a second chance?

Lazuli: I guess so.

Black: Fine

Crystal: I'm good with it.

Silvia: So am I.

Flare: From one Flareon to another, I forgive you.

Leaf: I'm with Flare on this one.

Speed: *Sigh* I guess I am giving you a second chance. *Pulls "Flame" closer* But if you mess it up, you are OUT OF HERE!!

"Flame": Whatever you say then.

Speed: Good, now I'm out of here.

Lazuli: I guess I'll go too.

Crystal: Come on Silvia, let's go do something.

Silvia: Wait for me!!

Leaf: Let's go continue gardening Flare.

Flare: Okay!

Pearl: Alright then, I guess I should go to, bye Flame!

"Flame": Farewell!

"Flame" was alone again in the living room just standing there.

"Flame": Like taking candy from an egg. Now I guess I should do the thing, so Veiwers, comment some dares and asks and we'll do them.


Somewhere in ???~

Flame is in the middle of nowhere and is now just waking up.

Flame: H-Huh? Where in the Distortion World am I?

Flame looks around to see nothing but white.

Flame: What the heck happened- *Remembers what Fłªmə did* O-Oh... yeah, that. *Groan* Man, I was yelled at by my friends, got replaced by some weird person, now I'm in the middle of NOWHERE!!! *Echo* NOWHERE!!! *Quieter echo* Nowhere!! *Quieter echo* Nowhere! I'm done for, this is the end for me, And all I have to do is just watch some MewTube on my phone and read some Wattpad stories... wait, Wattpad... WATTPAD!! I can tell the Veiwers to help me out here-

Flame tries to edit his story and it seems that he no longer has access to his account.


Flame has fainted due to the amount of negative feelings going through him at the moment. I guess he'll have to see you all next time.

To be continued~

(Longest chapter by far by the way, 2133 words, that's really long for me)

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