Optimus's story

By Knightshadowbarnes

163 11 0

What happens when two different people meet and fall in love? More

Chapter One;
Chapter three;
Chapter four;
Chapter Five;
Chapter Six;

Chapter Two;

23 2 0
By Knightshadowbarnes

Angela now;

She opened the door to her quarters and walked out into the hallway of the base. She was familiar with every inch of the base, having lived there for as long as she could remember. She had been a stray from the streets before she encountered the Decepticons and was found by Ratchet. Now, at twenty years old, she was getting dressed for the day, wearing a NEST hoodie and some cargo pants. She grabbed her coffee and left her quarters, ready to start the day. Angela walked past Ironhide and he honked at her and she didn't flinch.

"Morning, 'Hide," Angela said patting his hood as she walked by him and Ratchet lit his lights. "She is used to that by now, my dear, Ironhide," Ratchet said to his spark-mate Ironhide. "She was terrified of all of us well she wasn't scared of Optimus, she was probably checking him out when she first met us," Ironhide said.
Ratchet chuckled and said, "Yes, I remember the first time she saw Optimus. She was standing there, eyes wide and jaw dropped. She was certainly awestruck by him." Ironhide nodded in agreement. "But now she's fearless. She's not scared of us anymore, and I think she's gotten used to our quirks."

Ratchet smiled.

"Yeah, she has grown up to be a very beautiful and strong woman, I'm very proud of her," Ratchet said as he turned to his spark-mate; Ironhide. "Yeah, we have yet to figure out who she is and where her family is," Ironhide said.

Ratchet nodded and looked back at Ironhide.

"Well, if she's anything like us, she's going to be able to handle whatever comes her way." He said with a small smile of pride.

Angela saw Optimus working out and Optimus stopped for a moment and took his shirt off Angela saw how shredded Optimus was. Optimus wiped his forehead and his hair was now to his mid back he had it in a braid and he looked hot with long hair.

"Angela, are you alright?" Optimus said. "Yeah, just fine," Angela said blushing. "You like what you see?" Optimus asked. "You look hot," Angela said.

Optimus chuckled.

"For Primus' sake! Just fragging kiss already!" Bumblebee said.

Shane and Tessa laughed at Bumblebee's reaction. Optimus and Angela blushed and they looked away embarrassed by Bumblebee's outburst. Cade elbowed Bumblebee.

Cade said, "Come on Bee, give them some space." He then turned to Optimus and Angela and said, "Don't mind him, just do whatever feels right."

Angela and Optimus were close and Angela's chest pressed against Optimus's chest and she blushed.

"We do not have to kiss if you don't want to." Optimus said.

Angela kissed Optimus and Optimus held her waist and Optimus pinned her against the wall and Angela giggled.
Angela and Optimus pulled away and she smiled shyly.

"Come on, let's go to the mess hall and get something to eat." Angela said.

Optimus was eating and some soldiers saw Optimus's hair.

"Ya gonna cut your hair?" Epps said. "Why?" Optimus asked. "Because you have crazy thick hair and it kinda ends up everywhere." Epps said. Optimus sighed. "I've been busy, guess I never got the time to trim it." Optimus said. "Maybe I can, I used cut hair for the younger children at the orphanage and I read a book about how to cut hair." Angela said.

"Well, if you don't mind me trying, I'd be willing to cut your hair." Angela said. "I'm sure you'd do a better job than I could." Optimus said with a chuckle.

Epps nodded in agreement. Abgela and Optimus headed to Angela's quarters. Angela grabbed her scissors and comb and sat Optimus down in the chair. She got to work trimming his hair, and when she was done, she handed him the mirror.

"What do you think?" Angela asked.

Optimus ran his hand through his freshly cut hair and smiled.

"Looks great!" he said.

Angela kissed his cheek.

"I did leave your hair longer than past your neck because I wanted you to have some length in your hair." Angela said.

Optimus kissed her and she giggled. She swirled her tongue around his. He grabbed her waist tightly and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. His hands moved up her body and tangled in her hair as he pulled away, a satisfied smirk on his face.

"I'm glad you did," he said, looking into her eyes. "It looks good on me."

Angela was gathering her gear for a mission and Optimus was too. They arrived to fight Decepticons, and Angela was dealing with a guy who was partners with the cons he was shooting at Angela and she was hit in the leg by a bullet and she held her leg.

"Prime, I'm down!" Angela said.

Optimus immediately came to her aid, shrugging off the Decepticons' attacks and shielding her with his body. He quickly applied the necessary medical treatment to her wound, and she was able to stand up and continue the mission.

"You're a lifesaver, Prime," she said, with a relieved smile.

Angela had the bullet removed and she didn't flinch.

"Most people scream at that part." Lennox said. "But I'm not like other people I just take like a tough person." Angela said.

Angela had her thigh wrapped up in gauze and she was able walk as the bullet didn't hit anything major and it didn't go through. Ratchet finished with the aftercare of the wound, and he smiled at Angela.

"That should do it." Ratchet said.

Angela looked at the wound and then back at Ratchet.

"Thanks." She said, letting out a sigh of relief.

She had managed to stay calm through the whole process, even when Ratchet was removing the bullet.

"I guess I am tougher than most people." She said, with a slight smile on her face.

Angela was in the shower racks and Optimus was too aAngel was comfortable with being naked around as they had seen each other naked before...on accident but they laughed it off and that's how their friendship began it started with the awkward moment of seeing each other naked now they are undressed and showering in different showering stalls. They talked and laughed as they washed up, reminiscing about that odd moment that had brought them together. They had become close friends since then, and as they finished up their showers, they were grateful for the accidental moment that had led them to where they were now.

"Remember when we were awkward about seeing each other naked and we just started laughing?" Angela said. "Yes, I remember and it brought us together and now here we are." Optimus said.

Angela felt a warmth in her chest that she hadn't felt in a long time. She felt a tingling of excitement as she looked into Optimus's eyes. She could feel his desire for her, and it made her feel powerful and desired. She leaned in and kissed him deeply, her hands exploring his body.

"Does this mean that we are together?" Angela asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

Optimus smiled and nodded, pulling her closer and pressing his lips against hers. Angela felt a thrill run through her as she responded to his kiss, and a wave of relief when Optimus ran his hand up and down her thigh.

"Yes," he said. "We are together."

Angela smiled and kissed him again, feeling relieved and excited all at once. They both knew they had just taken a major step in their relationship.

A year later;
It had been a year since Angela and Optimus began dating. Angela was in the sparing gym and she was very well-built, and she had a very attractive body and some guys were wolf-whistling at her and she rolled her eyes, they were rookies. Angela was in charge of training them and Optimus watched. A cocky guy tried to take her down, and she did the black widow move sand she was stronger than she looked. Another guy pinned her down and she kicked him off and he smirked.

"Oh, I'm going to love making you mine." He said. Angela scoffed. "In your dreams rookie," Angela said.

He took her down again and she growled at him and as soon as he groped her breast she bit his hand and he pulled his hand away.

"You bitch!" He yelled. Optimus stepped in. "Don't touch my girlfriend inappropriately again." Optimus said sternly.

The guy tackled Angela and she kicked him off and he then punched her in the face.

"You hit like a bitch." Angela said.

Optimus tackled the guy down.

"Stand down now, that is an order!" Optimus ordered.

That kinda turned Angela on. Optimus's aggression was sexy. Angela couldn't help but be attracted to the intensity of the situation. She looked at Optimus and felt her heart fluttering. Optimus had protected her, and she felt a surge of warmth and admiration for him. She wanted to thank him, but the words seemed to get stuck in her throat. She could see the anger in his eyes, and it made her feel safe, knowing that he would do anything to protect her. Angela pulled Optimus into a heated kiss.

"That was sexy, baby." Angela said. "Angela, we can't do it here, let's go to your room for privacy." Optimus said.

Angela giggled and she kissed him with her tongue. Once they were in her quarters Optimus pinned her against the door and he roughly and passionately kissed Angela with his tongue and then her neck. Angela tilted her head back as Optimus made out with her neck, biting, licking, and kissing her neck and jugular leaving hickies and bites on her neck and clavicle. Angela pulled Optimus closer to her neck. Optimus then moved his hands from her waist to her back, and then to her butt and thighs. He lifted her up and moved her to the bed, and they both fell onto it. He continued to kiss her passionately, and she was lost in the moment. Angela was in bliss as Optimus caressed her body, running his hands all over her body and exploring her curves. His touch was gentle, yet passionate. Angela was in bliss as Optimus caressed her body, running his hands all over her body and exploring her curves. His touch was gentle, and rough, yet passionate. Optimus slid his knee in between her legs and Angela moaned. Optimus pinned her arms down above her head and she gasped. Optimus ripped her flannel shirt open a few buttons flying off and then he saw that Angela wore a strapless bra he unclasped it and then dropped it on the floor and he ran his hand over her boobs while his other hand held her arms above her head. Angela found his dominance and aggression hot. She moaned as he touched her, his strong hands working their way down her body. His lips were on her neck, her jaw, her collarbone. Every touch sent a wave of pleasure through her body, and she felt herself melting in his embrace. His hands moved lower, exploring her curves and she felt her body heat rising. He continued to dominate her, and Angela found herself surrendering to his power. Angela was turned on by his sudden aggression and she moaned loudly as Optimus bit her neck. "Ah!" Angela moaned in pain and pleasure from the bite. Optimus then licked and kissed the bite mark and Angela shivered in pleasure as he did so. He then grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand. With his other hand, he grabbed her chin and brought her lips to his, kissing her deeply and passionately. Angela responded eagerly, her heart pounding as she felt the thrill of the moment. Saliva fell out of the corner of her mouth while they made out. Optimus then pulled his lips away and swirled his tongue around Angela's and then kissed her again. Angela moaned in the rough and passionate kiss. Optimus explored her mouth with his tongue. And then he pulled away a thin string of mixed saliva connecting them. Angela was breathing hard from the hot kiss.

Optimus smiled and said, "That was amazing!" as he wiped the saliva from his lips.

Angela blushed and lowered her eyes, feeling embarrassed but also aroused by the passionate kiss. She then looked up into his eyes and smiled. Optimus then kissed and licked her boobs and his tongue swirled around her already hard erect nipples. Angela moaned and Optimus was rough with her nipples which caused Angela to moan more. Angela's body shivered with pleasure as Optimus kissed down her stomach. His hands moved around her curves, exploring her body with passion. His mouth traveled back up to her neck, sending her into a fit of bliss. Angela's body was aching with pleasure as Optimus kissed her everywhere. He moved back up to her breasts, teasing them with his tongue as his hands moved over her body. Angela's moans grew louder as the pleasure increased. Optimus pulled away and kissed her again. Angela sat up and kissed him again and Optimus grabbed her ass and squeezed it.

"Mnh!" Angela gasped, and Optimus smirked.

Angela pulled away and lightly smacked his chest laughing.

"What your butt is plump." Optimus said as he lightly smacked her butt as a joke.

Angela playfully hit him again and said, "Oh, you think you're so funny, do you?"

She grinned and leaned in for another kiss, this time pushing him onto his back and straddling him.

She leaned in close and whispered, "Let's see if you can be funny now."

Optimus held her waist as she straddled him he trailed his hand over her boobs. Angela pinned his arms down above his head and Optimus blushed as she did that.

"You're sexy like this, baby," Optimus said.

Angela undid his flannel and she did the same thing Optimus had done to her. Optimus bit his lower lip and he gasped and threw his head back as Angela dragged her tongue over his nipples. She smiled and moved her hands up to his neck, pulling him closer as she leaned down to kiss him. Optimus wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss as they became lost in the moment. He moaned and ran his hands up and down her back as the passion intensified. Optimus's phone rang and he dug it from his front pocket and he answered.

"Hello?" Optimus said. "You'll get what you deserve, Prime." The unknown person said. "Who the hell is this?" Optimus demanded. "Heh heh heh, you'll know soon enough lover boy." The voice said and then hung up.

Optimus was bewildered. He had no idea who the caller was or what they meant by their cryptic message. He had a feeling that he would soon find out, and it wouldn't be pleasant. He shuddered at the thought and put his phone away, resolving to keep his guard up.

"Optimus?" Angela asked.

Optimus immediately got up.

"Optimus." Angela tried again. "Angela, don't, not now." Optimus said. "What's going on, Optimus you were fine til you got a call." Angela said.

Optimus sighed.

"I can't tell-" Optimus was cut off. "Bullshit, Optimus you can't do this to yourself, shoving down your emotions, and shutting people you love out, don't you fucking dare do that to me!" Angela said. "Angela, the a person who called me is after me, happy?!" Optimus yelled.

Angela was taken aback by Optimus' outburst and was rendered speechless. She had never seen him like this before. She stood there in silence, looking at Optimus with a mix of shock, confusion, and sadness in her eyes.
Optimus sighed and held her close.

"I'm sorry, it's just I don't want you to be part of whatever is happening with this person because they'll kill you if you try to protect me." Optimus said.

Angela looked up at him.

"Don't do this alone please." Angela said. "Angela, baby, what choice do I have?" Optimus said. "You always have a choice!" Angela yelled tears in her eyes. "Angela-" "This person should not threaten you!" Angela yelled. "Angela, Enough! I'm just as scared as you are!" Optimus yelled. "Don't do this alone please." Angela said. "Angela, baby, what choice do I have?" Optimus said. "You always have a choice!" Angela yelled tears in her eyes. "Angela-" "This person should not threaten you!" Angela yelled. "Angela, Enough! I'm just as scared as you are!" Optimus yelled. "You think I don't know that?! You're the first guy that didn't fucking abandon me, but I guess I was wrong!" Angela yelled as she walked away.

Optimus realized that he screwed up.

"Fuck!" Optimus cursed loudly at himself.

He didn't know how to apologize to Angela. He knew he had to find a way to make it up to her. He decided to go find her and explain why he reacted the way he did. He was determined to make it right and show her that he did care about her. He was determined to make amends and prove that he won't abandon her.

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