Academic Seduction (profxgirl...

By FruitInkWords

1.1M 15.8K 16.3K

Ivy Williams had always aspired to complete her university journey without any interruptions or complications... More

Characters & Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (1)
Chapter Sixteen (2)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Three [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Seventeen

23.8K 447 602
By FruitInkWords


As the week reluctantly surrendered to the allure of Saturday night, it brought with it an air of anticipation that hung in the velvety tapestry of the sky. The moon, a luminescent pearl suspended amidst a sea of sable, cast its ethereal radiance upon the world below. In the symphony of the evening, the distant serenade of crickets served as the subtlest of overtures, their chirrups woven into the very fabric of the night.

Amidst this nocturnal enchantment, I found myself ensconced in a quiet corner outside my dormitory, a sentinel of patience. My heart danced to the rhythm of uncertainty, each beat echoing the cadence of suspense that clung to the night air. It was neither oppressively warm nor chillingly cold, a perfect equilibrium that mirrored the delicate balance of our unspoken expectations.

And there, in that dimly lit alcove of the world, I awaited the enigmatic arrival of Natalie. Her secrets, like shadows playing upon the moonlit landscape, concealed her intentions. When I dared to inquire about our cinematic destination, she replied with a coy silence that hung between us like an unsolved riddle. A tantalizing mystery, her silence, an enchantress's smile veiling the essence of her intent.

As I harbored a clandestine wish that the movie choice would not delve into the realm of horror, my inner thoughts meandered along the delicate precipice between thrill and trepidation. My affinity for horror was an open secret, but under the inky cloak of night, my courage wavered, and I yearned for the safety of daylight's embrace. The promise of the night held its secrets close, much like Natalie herself, and I braced for the unfolding drama of our evening, where the sensuality of the unknown intertwined with the intrigue of our shared adventure.

The tranquil cocoon of my contemplations was shattered by the intrusive cacophony of a car's impatient horn. My gaze, previously lost in the labyrinth of introspection, darted towards the source, and there she was – Natalie, the orchestrator of this enigmatic night, ensconced behind the wheel of her vehicle. Her lips curled into a sly, conspiratorial smirk, a harbinger of secrets and surprises that danced in her eyes.

Rising from my secluded reverie, I moved toward her car with measured steps, each one echoing with anticipation. With a graceful flourish, Natalie unlocked the door, an unspoken invitation to a clandestine rendezvous, and I complied, slipping into the plush sanctuary of the car's interior. The soft click of my seatbelt served as a tether to reality, a signal that we were venturing into the unknown.

"Hey, Nat," I greeted her, a smile painted upon my lips like a whispered promise.

Natalie's response was a melodic exchange of pleasantries, and with a subtle shift of gears, she breathed life into the car, setting it into a gentle purr of motion. The world beyond the windowpane blurred into a canvas of fleeting lights and silhouettes, a backdrop against which my thoughts unfurled like a fragile tapestry.

In that interlude of motion, I couldn't help but become entangled in the thorny tendrils of my emotions. Thoughts of Victoria, the enigmatic muse who held my heart captive, swept through my mind like a tempestuous wind. Was I a fool to surrender to her allure, to let my heart wander in the labyrinth of her enigma? The specter of Aurora loomed in the corners of my consciousness, a name that held the power to unmask secrets and shatter illusions. Why did Victoria call upon this mysterious phantom of her past?

Doubt, like a treacherous serpent, whispered in the shadows of my thoughts. Could it be that Victoria, with her past marked by a forced union at the tender age of eighteen, was now driven by a capricious urge to play with my emotions? The fear of becoming a pawn in her intricate game gnawed at my soul. Yet, a sliver of hope persisted, for I couldn't fully believe that she, with her own scars and sorrows, would tread so callously upon the tender ground of my heart. The unspoken question lingered, its answer cloaked in the night's sensuous intrigue – would tonight bring clarity or plunge us deeper into the web of mysteries that bound us together?

Natalie's voice, like a melodious whisper, swept through the air and disrupted the serenity of my inner musings. "Are you alright?" she inquired, her words laden with concern.

I shifted my gaze abruptly toward her, my eyes meeting hers in a fleeting moment of vulnerability. "Of course," I replied with a feigned assurance, offering a fragile smile, as if it were a porcelain mask concealing the tempest within. Yet, I knew she saw beyond the facade, her discerning eyes plumbing the depths of my turmoil.

"It's Victoria, isn't it?" Natalie sighed, her gaze momentarily drifting away, carrying with it the weight of an unspoken understanding.

I could only muster a feeble affirmation, my voice a mere murmur amidst the swirling tempest of emotions within. "I... Yeah," I admitted, my voice trembling like a leaf in the grasp of an impending storm. "Who is Aurora?"

Natalie, her lips adorned with a subtle hint of temptation, delicately nibbled on her bottom lip, a gesture that held a promise of secrets about to be unveiled. "The first person she has ever loved," she finally divulged, her words carrying the weight of revelation.

My heart plummeted like a stone into the abyss of my insecurities. Aurora, the harbinger of my heartache, was Victoria's inaugural love? How could I dare to vie for her affections against the backdrop of such a profound connection? The thought of being measured against the memory of the one who had first captured Victoria's heart, making her blush, and bask in happiness, was a daunting prospect.

In the realm of mortal beings, Aurora seemed nothing short of a deity incarnate, her tousled chestnut locks cascading like a silken waterfall, her alabaster skin radiating an ethereal glow, and her eyes, the shade of rich mahogany, holding within them the secrets of a thousand stories. She was, without a doubt, Victoria's peer in age, stature, and wealth.

And then, the harsh reality struck like a chilling breeze through a darkened forest. Who was I in comparison to her? A mere eighteen-year-old, a novice in the grand symphony of life, bereft of riches, and far from possessing the exquisite allure that Aurora exuded effortlessly. My worth, my presence, seemed minuscule in the shadow of her resplendence.

Amidst the embrace of the city's nocturnal glow, Natalie steered her car with the grace of a siren, guiding it to a spot beneath a lamppost in the cinema's parking lot. As the engine's purr faded into silence, she turned to face me, her eyes, like pools of midnight desire, capturing my gaze. "Ivy," she breathed my name, her voice a sultry whisper that danced upon the night air, "I know you're hurt, but understand this, Aurora may hold the title of Victoria's first love, yet I've never witnessed Victoria's eyes alight with the same fervor as they do for you."

A sigh, pregnant with longing and regret, escaped my lips as I unbuckled my seatbelt, feeling the weight of my emotions pulling me deeper into the abyss. Stepping out of the car, I found Natalie mirroring my movements, her presence a seductive promise of intrigue.

Natalie, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint, approached me with languid steps, a subtle smile curling her lips. "I have a plan," she purred, her words laced with the allure of forbidden secrets. "Tonight, we shall kindle the flames of jealousy within Victoria."

Furrowing my brow, I regarded Natalie with a quizzical tilt of my head. "Jealousy? Does Victoria even possess such emotions?"

A sly grin danced upon Natalie's lips, a serpent's knowledge gleaming in her eyes. "Oh, trust me," she whispered, her voice weaving a web of mystique, "Victoria happens to be the most jealous and possessive individual I know."

A hint of skepticism lingered in my thoughts as I voiced my doubt. "I've never seen her jealous." I confessed, a sense of curiosity beginning to stir within me.

Natalie, her voice dripping with tantalizing secrets, assured me with a twinkle in her eyes, "You will, tonight."

Perplexed yet intrigued, I allowed Natalie to envelop me in the allure of her plan, her arm draped casually over my shoulder as she led me toward the cinema's grand entrance. In the shadows of that dimly lit night, she whispered, "I'll reveal it all in due time."

Under the muted glow of the cinema marquee, Natalie and I made our way to the ticket booth, a clandestine rendezvous beneath the starlit canopy of the night. "Two tickets for 'Talk to me,' if you please," Natalie's voice, like the whispered promise of an illicit affair, drifted toward the attendant.

My head snapped toward her, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension flickering within my eyes. "A horror?" I queried, the anticipation of the unknown coursing through my veins.

Natalie, her gaze a smoldering ember in the obsidian sea of the night, met my gaze with a sultry confidence. "Indeed," she confirmed, her words a seductive invitation to a world where the boundaries between fear and desire blurred.

An involuntary gasp, a rush of panic, escaped my lips. "Oh, hell no," I exclaimed, my voice carrying the tremors of dread. "No horror films during the night."

Natalie, her laughter a playful melody in the sultry night air, rolled her eyes with a teasing glint. With an air of nonchalance, she deftly procured the tickets, her fingers brushing against mine, sending an electrifying shiver up my spine. "Don't be such a baby," she cooed, her touch lingering as she took my elbow, leading me in a sensuous dance toward the snack stand, where temptation lay in the form of drinks and popcorn, beckoning us like forbidden fruit.

We ventured into the heart of cinematic darkness, clutching our snacks like relics from an unknown world. The theater beckoned with an air of enigma, shrouded in the promise of spine-tingling thrills. Natalie and I gracefully found our way to our appointed seats, a sacred arena where shadows danced with the fervor of forgotten desires. As we settled, our eyes bore witness to the parade of souls, mere mortals drawn into this tapestry of suspense and fear.

"Where's Evelyn?" I whispered, my voice a delicate thread in the tapestry, my gaze unwavering, locked on the entrance where she was expected to appear.

Natalie, her lips a vessel for secrets, took a slow sip from her drink, her eyes never leaving the spectacle unfolding before us. "She's not coming," she divulged, her words a revelation that sent ripples of intrigue through the caverns of my mind.

My head swiveled toward her in astonishment, my eyebrows arching in a silent query. "What?" I inquired, my voice betraying a cocktail of emotions, a blend of confusion and curiosity.

Natalie's smirk, a glimpse of the devilish orchestrator within her, unfurled like a siren's song. She reclined languorously into the plush embrace of her seat, her demeanor the embodiment of cunning. "She was never meant to grace us with her presence," she confessed, her words drenched in a seductive amusement.

The puzzle pieces of this enigmatic charade began to fall into place, and my perplexity deepened. "Then why did you lead me to believe she would be here?" I asked, my mind a swirl of intricate patterns, each leading to the heart of Natalie's clandestine design.

Natalie's smirk persisted, a temptation that begged me to unravel her mysteries. With a slow, deliberate motion, she plucked a single piece of popcorn from its vessel and, with an alluring grace, deposited it into her mouth. "Ah," she purred, "all part of my plan."

A maelstrom of thoughts swirled within my mind, a storm of incredulity and fascination, as I shook my head in response to Natalie's cunning stratagem. Her enigmatic choices intrigued and confounded me in equal measure, like a masterful puppeteer orchestrating a beguiling performance. But before my voice could weave a web of questions and protests, the darkness of the cinema embraced us, and the screen burst into life, a gateway to a world of shadows and secrets.

With a resigned sigh, I surrendered to the plush sanctuary of my seat, a throne of anticipation for the impending cinematic tale. The flickering images danced before us, a prelude to the drama that awaited, as advertisements unfurled like specters from the abyss, their ephemeral stories luring us deeper into the labyrinth of anticipation.

Minutes ebbed away like whispers on the wind, and finally, the movie emerged from the depths of the screen. I sank into my chair, a willing captive of the impending suspense, my senses sharpened to the symphony of impending terror that coursed through the veins of the film.

With every nerve primed for the unknown, I embraced the darkness and welcomed the imminent jump scares, each one a tantalizing caress of fear that sent shivers racing down my spine. The cinema, a realm where reality blurred and dreams came to life, had become a theater of shadows, where we were mere spectators, entranced by the allure of the silver screen's secrets.

As the film unfurled its dark tapestry before us, I found myself ensnared in a web of suspense, losing more than half of my popcorn to the relentless march of terror. It wasn't my fault, for the horrors that unfolded on the screen would have stripped the courage from even the most intrepid soul. Trust me, if I ever find myself at a gathering, and that haunting melody begins its ominous refrain, I will not hesitate to flee. In that moment, I realized I would rather embrace the chill of the night than set foot in that accursed house.

Amidst this cinematic tempest, Natalie, a wily conspirator in our shared ordeal, displayed a glimmer of kindness. She extended a handful of her own popcorn to me, a silent offering of solace in the face of impending horrors. But her act of generosity was not without a hidden undercurrent of amusement, concealed behind a veil of quiet laughter, as though she were the orchestrator of a grand and enigmatic performance.

As the final credits of the movie rolled in, we rose from our seats, like actors taking their bows on the grand stage of the cinema. The dimly lit foyer beckoned, and we dutifully disposed of our cinematic relics into the bin, discarding the remnants of a night steeped in suspense and terror.

Natalie's voice, like a siren's melody, pierced the post-movie silence. Her fingers, graceful and nimble, plucked her phone from the depths of her purse, and she turned to me with a playful glint in her eyes, a conspirator reveling in her artful deception. "How was it?" she inquired, her voice a subtle purr of intrigue.

I responded with a shake of my head, a theatrical jest at my own expense, my laughter echoing like a haunting refrain. "I'll never forgive you for this," I declared, my words a playful promise of retribution.

Natalie, her gaze a captivating enigma, darted a sidelong glance at me, her lips curling into a provocative smirk. "After tonight," she teased, her voice dripping with sensuality, "you will."

Exhaling an exaggerated sigh of surrender, I raised my hands in mock defeat, the conspiratorial tension between us reaching its zenith. "Just tell me the plan," I relented, my curiosity piqued, as we ventured toward the shadows beyond the theater's exit.

Natalie, the puppeteer of our enigmatic scheme, guided me toward her awaiting car, the vehicle a vessel of mystery and allure. With each step, the night seemed to embrace us like a lover's secret rendezvous, and I surrendered to the unfolding drama, knowing that this night held more secrets than I could fathom.

As the car enveloped us within its cozy cocoon, the soft purr of the engine providing the backdrop to our clandestine discourse, Natalie turned her gaze toward me, her eyes harboring the weight of a shared secret. "You do remember, don't you," she whispered, her voice a sultry caress, "We're just pretending to be girlfriends, right?"

With a subtle inclination of my head, I acknowledged her words, my anticipation building like a crescendo in the symphony of the night, eager for the revelation that was about to unfold.

A mischievous smile, like the glint of moonlight on forbidden waters, danced upon Natalie's lips. "Tonight," she confided, her words laced with a tantalizing promise, "We're going to genuinely play the role of girlfriends in front of Victoria and Aurora."

The air within the car crackled with anticipation as I ventured to inquire further, my head tilted slightly in curiosity. "So, we'll kiss?" I ventured, my voice a delicate thread in the web of intrigue.

Natalie, her hands clasped together with an air of audacious determination, leaned in closer. Her smirk, a masterstroke of seductive intent, held the promise of uncharted territories. "Oh," she purred, her words dripping with temptation, "We're planning to take it up a notch. We'll be quite affectionate, flirt openly in front of both of them, and more."

With a nod of my head, I pondered the audacious plan, contemplating its audacity and potential consequences. "Do you really think it will work?" I asked, my voice a whisper of doubt amidst the veil of intrigue.

Natalie's laughter, like the chiming of forbidden bells, rang out, infusing the car's interior with an air of reckless confidence. "Ivy," she assured, her tone brimming with conviction, "Of course it will. We will create a performance that they will never forget."

With a flicker of anticipation in her eyes, Natalie ignited the engine, and the car purred to life, a mechanical beast ready to embark on a clandestine odyssey. She turned toward me one final time, her gaze a blend of determination and intrigue, her voice a velvety whisper in the night's embrace. "This plan," she affirmed, her words like a secret pact sealed with a lingering touch, "It will succeed."

"Are we just going to show up at her house?" I inquired, the uncertainty in my voice mirrored in the restless fluttering of my fingers.

Natalie's laughter, a melodic cascade that filled the car's interior with an air of inscrutable confidence, caressed the atmosphere. "Oh no," she responded, her tone laced with the allure of enigma, "I asked to join their dinner gathering. They're expecting me, but you," she leaned in conspiratorially, "shall be the unexpected twist in our tale."

With a shared understanding and a chuckle that reverberated through the depths of our shared secret, I leaned back into the embrace of the plush seat, surrendering to the enigmatic journey that lay ahead.

Natalie, a maestro of the road, guided the car expertly out of the parking lot, its tires whispering against the pavement as we embarked on the path that would lead us to Victoria's residence, where the unfolding drama of our clandestine ruse awaited.

As we hurtled through the obsidian night, the world outside becoming a canvas painted with the soft glow of distant stars, my fingers danced with nervous energy, their restless movements betraying the storm of thoughts that swirled within.

As the wheels of Natalie's car kissed the asphalt, I found myself entangled in a web of thoughts and emotions, each one a delicate thread in the tapestry of our daring plan. Hope, a fragile bud in the garden of my heart, unfurled hesitantly. The specter of failure, a shadowy figure lurking at the periphery of my mind, was a presence I dared not ignore.

Natalie, a mistress of intrigue, wore her confidence like a velvet cloak, a regal assurance that enveloped her in an aura of mystery. Her unwavering belief in our scheme was a beacon, casting light into the abyss of doubt that threatened to consume me.

Yet, amidst the hope and uncertainty, questions lingered like phantoms in the depths of my soul. If our audacious performance were to succeed, what emotions would it awaken in Victoria? Did the embers of her past love for Aurora still smolder beneath the surface, or had they been extinguished by the passage of time? And what of her feelings for me, a puzzle as enigmatic as the night itself? These were riddles whose answers remained veiled in mystery.

One truth, however, stood unwavering in the moonlight: I was prepared to embrace the role of Natalie's paramour with a virtuosity that would leave no room for doubt. In this clandestine dance of intrigue and desire, I would become a master of deception, my performance as her lover executed with a grace and conviction that would rival the most dramatic of stage productions.

As twilight descended upon us like a velvet shroud, our journey found its poetic pause in the driveway of Victoria's stately abode. The engine's hush whispered secrets, and it was then that Natalie, with an air of enigmatic intent, silenced it further. Her eyes, twin orbs of cerulean mystery, met mine, and a mischievous spark danced within them. "Let's do this," she beckoned, her voice a sultry serenade, "And make my sister jealous."

With a silent affirmation, we stepped from the cocooned confines of her automobile. Her figure, a sensuous silhouette against the moonlight sky, approached me with a graceful allure. She extended her hand, fingers like silken threads, and I yielded to the temptation, entwining our lives for that fleeting moment. My heart ached, yearning for the touch of another, one whose name dared not escape my lips.

We embarked on our odyssey towards the looming edifice, its architectural opulence a testament to the world's grandeur. As we dared to disturb the silence with our audacious summons, Natalie, with her preternatural perception, sensed the quiver in my soul. She, my guiding star, bestowed upon me an encouraging squeeze, an ethereal connection forged in that delicate grip. "You can do this," she murmured, her words a seductive caress, her smile a secret promise.

The door, an imposing guardian of secrets untold, parted its heavy curtains, revealing Aurora, a vision in crimson silk. Her form, a siren's allure, beckoned us into her inner sanctum, a world of desires yet to be explored. "Come on in," her words flowed like molten honey, sweet and tempting, as she extended her hospitality, the door's embrace widening to invite us further.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing Ivy," Natalie confessed, leading me further into the labyrinthine depths of Aurora's abode, a tangle of emotions hidden behind her eyes.

"Of course not," Aurora replied, her voice a sultry whisper, as she sealed the entrance to the outside world. "The more the merrier," she purred, her words carrying a tantalizing promise of mysteries yet to unfold in the intoxicating dance of their desires.

As Natalie and I ventured forth, our entwined fingers a fragile bridge between two worlds, a mounting unease nested within the depths of my being. The corridor to the heart of this enigmatic encounter grew longer, its shadows casting doubts like flickering apparitions upon my soul.

Aurora, our magnetic guide through this labyrinthine encounter, punctuated our arrival with a cryptic proclamation. "They're here," she announced, her voice echoing like a riddle in the hallowed chambers of her home, beckoning curiosity.

"They?" queried a voice, cloaked in bemusement and veiled uncertainty, a whisper of intrigue conspiring with silence.

As we stepped into the heart of the abode, the kitchen, my eyes fell upon Victoria, a muse amidst mundane surroundings. Her form, framed by the fridge's incandescent glow, became a tableau of longing and concealed emotions. Her gaze, an untamed tempest, found me first, probing my secrets, then shifted to Natalie, a tempestuous journey unto itself, before settling upon our intertwined hands—a trinity of destiny, desire, and deception.

Victoria's jaw clenched, a symphony of tension orchestrated by unspoken truths, yet she adorned her countenance with a mask of artifice, a porcelain smile concealing the turmoil beneath. "Welcome," she uttered, her voice a fragile veil, as she beckoned us further into the theater of her emotions.

"Hello sis," Natalie purred, her voice a sultry incantation, her smirk a challenge to the hidden depths of their sisterhood. "I hope you don't mind Ivy being here."

"Of course not," came the reply, a fragile surrender to the whims of fate, a truce in the battle of their hearts. The tight smile betrayed the cracks in the facade.

"Great," Natalie declared, her lips descending upon mine in a kiss that tasted of forbidden fruit, her words a sweet poison in the air. "Because I just can't seem to stay away from her."

Victoria's eyes narrowed, a storm of realization brewing in their depths, before she pivoted away, her hands busy with the culinary alchemy of this clandestine encounter. In the delicate choreography of this clandestine waltz, Natalie's grand design unfolded, a tapestry woven with threads of desire and intrigue.

And in that moment, it was clear—Natalie's plan unfolded with the precision of an artist, crafting a tableau of secrets and desires that danced upon the precipice of revelation.

Natalie and I found ourselves ensconced upon the velvety, cushioned kitchen stools, bathed in the warm glow of pendant lights overhead, while the tantalizing aromas of dinner preparations enveloped us in their aromatic embrace. Victoria's nimble fingers deftly danced through the labyrinth of an onion's layers, her skilled hands conjuring fragrant tears from its very heart.

My gaze lingered upon her, searching for an opportunity to offer assistance, a connection to bridge the gap between us. "Do you need any help?" I inquired, my voice carrying a whisper of longing.

Victoria's response, a single word, "No," hung in the air like an unresolved chord, leaving me yearning for more.

But then, in that moment, Natalie, a vision of elegance and allure, reached out and clasped my hand in hers. Her fingers, soft as the petals of a rose, brushed against my skin, igniting a subtle flame of desire within me. We exchanged a knowing glance, a secret connection born of shared intent.

"Let's go to the wine cellar," she suggested, her voice a sultry invitation, "and choose something to drink."

In silent agreement, I nodded, and as we retreated from the kitchen, the symphony of clinking utensils and the simmering sizzle of ingredients slowly faded into the distance. The air grew cooler as we descended the stairs, each step carrying us further into the heart of our clandestine rendezvous.

Once inside the dimly lit cellar, Natalie's eyes sparkled with a playful mischief, and she couldn't contain her excitement. With a quick, almost impish clap of her hands, she whispered, "This is working better than I expected."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips, a melody of shared delight, as I followed her deeper into the shadows, the anticipation of the night's possibilities hanging between us like a silken veil.

In the midst of this subterranean sanctuary of wine, I relinquished control to Natalie, letting her choose our elixir. Her fingers grazed the bottles, her choices guided by instinct and desire, as I watched, captivated by her sensuous presence in this enchanted chamber of secrets.

As Natalie gracefully selected her wine of choice, the cellar's shadows danced upon her like whispered secrets, and in that moment, I stood as an unwitting spectator to her ethereal beauty. She nodded, her blonde hair cascading like a waterfall of golden silk, and began her ascent to the world above, where intrigue and passion awaited.

Like a silent shadow, I trailed closely behind, the wooden stairs echoing with the faintest creaks beneath my anticipation-laden steps. Each ascent seemed to draw us closer to a climax, an inevitable culmination of emotions held in check for far too long.

Emerging from the enigmatic depths, we returned to the kitchen, its aura now altered, charged with an electrifying tension. Natalie, the orchestrator of this clandestine rendezvous, opened a cupboard, its contents a trove of crystal glassware, gleaming like diamonds waiting to be discovered.

With a slow, deliberate turn, she faced me, her eyes alight with an enigmatic fire that ignited a tempestuous storm within my soul. "Babe, do you fancy a glass of wine?" Her voice, a sultry caress, lingered in the air, wrapping around my senses like a silken ribbon of temptation.

A smile, laden with unspoken desire, curled upon my lips as I responded, "I do." I let my gaze linger on her, my head resting upon my hand, a tableau of adoration painted upon my features, a portrayal of a love that was, perhaps, more than met the eye.

Natalie, the coquette, shot me a mischievous smirk, a promise of secrets shared and passions ignited. Her fingers, nimble and graceful, caressed the neck of the wine bottle, and in one seamless motion, she poured an elixir that mirrored the reddest depths of our hidden desires.

First, she graced Victoria and Aurora with their glasses, her touch bestowing upon them a hint of mystery. And then, like a seductress weaving her spell, she handed me my glass, fingers brushing mine in a delicate, electric connection. Our gazes locked, the world around us fading into obscurity, as we returned to our plush seats, side by side, ready to savor the intoxicating brew of emotions and intrigue that awaited us.

With graceful precision, Aurora gently placed the seasoned chicken into the warm embrace of the oven, her movements imbued with a subtle ritualistic elegance. As she clasped her hands together, a moment of quiet reverence settled over the kitchen, an unspoken prayer to the culinary gods for a meal yet to come.

"Dinner," she intoned softly, her voice a melodic offering, "will be ready in about an hour."

Meanwhile, in the midst of this culinary alchemy, Natalie, the orchestrator of an intricate dance of emotions, rose from her kitchen throne. Her lithe form moved with the fluidity of a seductive waltz, a siren call beckoning me to follow her into uncharted waters.

As her arm enveloped my waist, her touch ignited a smoldering ember within me. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, laden with a desire so palpable it hummed in the air like a forbidden melody. Unbeknownst to Victoria, our clandestine liaison continued, concealed beneath the veneer of social propriety.

In the dimly lit living room, Aurora and Victoria, unwitting spectators to the unfolding drama, occupied the soft couch like regal figures on thrones of velvety splendor. They sat opposite us, their presence a counterpoint to the sensuous tension that swirled around our clandestine union.

Natalie, the mistress of intrigue, dared to trespass into the territory of secrets, her hand venturing boldly upon my leg. A subtle, intimate squeeze sent ripples of desire coursing through my veins. Her touch was an unspoken declaration, a challenge to the status quo, and it resonated with the power to topple empires.

Victoria, ever the vigilant observer, caught the clandestine exchange out of the corner of her eye. Her brows knitted together in a storm of conflicted emotions as she bore witness to a drama that transcended the ordinary boundaries of their lives. Her gaze, like that of a hawk, pierced through the facade, unraveling the intrigue that swirled around us, even as she struggled to conceal her own vulnerability.

In the intimate sanctuary of our clandestine rendezvous, Natalie, the conductor of our intricate charade, leaned in with a whisper as soft as the breath of a zephyr, her words a tantalizing melody only I could hear. "Smile," she urged, her voice a silken caress that sent shivers down my spine, "and pretend I said something sweet, then kiss me."

A conspiratorial smile, as beguiling as the moonlight on a forbidden affair, curled upon my lips, betraying nothing of the turbulent emotions that roiled beneath the surface. Slowly, deliberately, I turned my head towards her, drawn into her magnetic orbit. The air around us grew heavy with anticipation as I leaned in, our lips inching closer like two celestial bodies on a collision course.

The moment our mouths met, a confluence of sensations surged through me. Natalie's kiss, passionate and skilled, kindled a fire that danced with fervor. But in the depths of my consciousness, Victoria's memory lingered like a ghostly specter. Her lips, I recalled, were like the petals of a rare and delicate flower, a perfect fit that whispered promises of an all-consuming love.

As we pulled away, the echoes of our stolen embrace reverberating in the room, I dared to cast a subtle glance in Victoria's direction. In her eyes, a tempest of emotions raged. Anger, like a wild tempest, swirled within her gaze, and her jaw clenched with a tension born of betrayal. Her hands, once poised with regal grace, now gripped the couch as if it were her lifeline, a silent testament to the turmoil that churned beneath her composed facade. The tableau was set, a symphony of hidden desires and simmering jealousy, and we, the unwitting actors, continued to play our parts in this drama of forbidden love.

Aurora, her wine glass a vessel of shimmering ambrosia, took a delicate sip, her lips caressing the rim like a lover's kiss. As she reclined into the plush embrace of the opulent couch, a queen upon her throne, her inquiry hung in the air like a delicate wisp of intrigue, woven with threads of curiosity. "How long have you two been together?" Her voice, like a lilting sonnet, sought the untold chapters of our shared narrative.

Natalie, the mistress of enigma, graced Aurora with a radiant smile, her eyes alight with a beguiling charm. She allowed her gaze to flit momentarily to me, an unspoken communion that spoke volumes of our clandestine connection. "About three months now," she confessed, her voice a soft serenade to secrets shared.

Aurora, her wisdom a tapestry of experiences, acknowledged the transformation that had occurred within Natalie, her nod a silent seal of approval. "I'm glad to see you've changed," she affirmed, her words laden with unspoken truths.

In a move as calculated as a master chess player, Natalie enveloped me within the sanctuary of her embrace, her arm a protective shield that drew me closer, our warmth and proximity an unspoken testament to a love uncharted. Her lips curved into a playful smirk, a subtle promise of mysteries yet to unfold. "What can I say," she purred, her voice a melody of seduction, "Ivy stole my heart. Haven't you, babe?"

I, the unwitting protagonist in this intricate drama, allowed my gaze to lock with Natalie's, a shared moment of complicity. With a sweet smile that held the weight of the world's secrets, I responded with a soft hum, my voice an invitation to further exploration. As I leaned in, the air around us seemed to shimmer with anticipation, our kiss a stolen moment in a narrative fraught with desire and intrigue.

In the midst of our clandestine dance, a cacophonous symphony of shattering glass erupted, its sharp, dissonant notes piercing through the silken tapestry of our secrets. My head swiveled with the precision of a compass needle drawn by an unseen force, and there, in a tableau of chaos, I witnessed the aftermath of a broken glass.

Victoria, enigmatic and aloof, stood as the epicenter of this sudden tempest. Blood, like rubies of distress, trickled from her hand, a crimson testament to a disturbance in the delicate balance of our subterfuge. Her gaze, resolute and unyielding, locked onto us, and it seemed as though the world around her had dimmed, leaving only the trio of us suspended in a drama of our own making.

Aurora, ever the embodiment of compassion, gasped in shock, her fingers seizing the wounded hand as if to quell the torrent of secrets that threatened to spill forth. "You're bleeding!" Her exclamation hung in the air like an accusation, a stark contrast to the obliviousness that veiled Victoria's countenance.

A moment of revelation swept over Victoria as if the fog of her detachment had momentarily lifted. "Oh," she murmured, her voice a distant echo, "oh." But it was a realization that seemed to ebb as swiftly as it had surfaced, for her attention remained ensnared by the entwined hands of Natalie and me, a tableau of our shared connection that left her unfazed by the world's mundane concerns.

In this dissonant, fragile moment, Aurora, the voice of reason, broke the spell that had bound us all. With a firm, guiding touch, she seized Victoria's elbow, leading her away from the heart of our intrigue. "Let's go clean this up," she suggested, her words an invitation to retreat from the storm, a respite in the tumultuous sea of emotions that had engulfed us.

As the door clicked shut behind Aurora and Victoria, the room we occupied seemed to exhale a collective sigh, as if it too harbored the secrets of our clandestine tryst. I turned to Natalie, my brow furrowing with worry, my gaze a mirror reflecting the turbulent sea of my emotions. "I think we should stop," I confessed, my voice a fragile plea in the midst of our orchestrated chaos.

Natalie, the conductor of our intricate masquerade, met my gaze with an arched eyebrow, her eyes a fathomless pool of intrigue. "Why?" she inquired, her voice like a siren's call, luring me deeper into the labyrinth of our shared deception, "Our plan is working perfectly."

A heavy sigh escaped my lips, the weight of our charade bearing down upon me like an anchor. "I know," I murmured, my words a fragile admission, "But she just hurt herself."

Natalie, ever the strategist, brushed off my concerns with a casual wave of her hand, her nonchalance a veil that concealed a mastermind's calculations. "It's just a minor cut," she casually brushed off, her tone resolute, "There wasn't much blood to speak of."

I acquiesced with a mumbled agreement, but beneath the surface, a storm of conflicting emotions raged within me. Guilt, like a relentless tempest, churned within my soul. I couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse for orchestrating this elaborate game of jealousy that had led to Victoria's injury.

Yet, as I delved deeper into the labyrinth of my thoughts, I couldn't deny the undeniable truth. Victoria, a mystery wrapped in an enigma, was a jealous soul. It was a revelation that had unveiled a new facet of her character, a revelation that had caught me off guard. I realized how little I truly knew about her, and in that moment, the intrigue surrounding her only deepened.

I pondered my feelings, a tangled web of emotions I struggled to untangle. Did I love Victoria? The question lingered, an enigmatic riddle I had yet to solve. I had never truly loved someone before, my romantic experiences few and fleeting. University had been my sanctuary, a realm of academia where love had no place. And yet, against all odds, Victoria had waltzed into my life, insinuating herself into the chambers of my heart and mind with a graceful audacity that left me breathless and uncertain.

Victoria and Aurora reemerged into our clandestine realm, their presence an abrupt intrusion into our carefully constructed tableau of intrigue. My gaze, instinctively drawn to Victoria's hand, found it swathed in a pristine bandage, a stark reminder of the tumultuous sequence of events that had unfolded in her absence.

Aurora, the beacon of normalcy in this tempestuous sea of emotions, stepped forward with a serene grace, her words like a lighthouse guiding us through the murky waters. "I think dinner is ready," she announced, her voice a reassuring echo that dispelled the tension that had hung in the air.

As Aurora ventured toward the kitchen, Victoria, the tempestuous queen of our clandestine drama, turned her accusatory gaze upon Natalie, her finger a figurative sword pointed in defiance. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Her words were like thunderclaps in the charged atmosphere, her anger a tempest that threatened to consume us all.

Natalie, ever the enigmatic protagonist, met Victoria's ire with a calculated tilt of her head, her lips curved into a sly, provocative smirk. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she countered, her words like a velvet glove concealing the iron fist of her intentions.

Before Victoria could unleash her torrent of emotions upon Natalie, the timely return of Aurora served as a temporary reprieve. "Dinner is ready," she announced with a disarming smile, her presence a soothing balm to the frayed edges of our interactions.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Natalie rose from the plush couch, her fingers finding mine as she guided me toward the heart of the impending feast. In that fleeting moment, our intertwined hands spoke volumes, a testament to the uncharted territory of our desires and the intrigue that bound us in this intricate dance of passion and deception.

In the heart of the kitchen, we embarked on a culinary odyssey, our plates laden with treasures that beckoned from their porcelain vessels. The air was suffused with an intoxicating symphony of scents, each note a seductive promise of the feast to come. Freshly baked chicken, golden and aromatic, nestled alongside vibrant vegetables and a bed of fluffy rice – a symphony of flavors that stirred the senses and awakened cravings beyond imagination. It was a tableau of gastronomic delight, a masterpiece crafted by the hands of culinary artists.

As we proceeded to the dining table, our bounty in hand, the anticipation was palpable, a current that coursed through the very air we breathed. The fragrance of the food enveloped us like a warm embrace, invoking a sense of rapture that transcended the mundane. It was, in that moment, heaven on a plate, a sensual indulgence that promised to transport us to realms beyond the everyday.

Natalie and I, partners in intrigue and passion, once again took our seats side by side, a subtle affirmation of the connection that bound us. Across from us, Victoria and Aurora occupied their positions, their gazes like sentinels guarding their own secrets.

"The food smells delicious," I remarked, my words an ode to the culinary artistry that had brought this feast to life. Another deep inhale allowed me to savor the bouquet of flavors that danced in the air.

Aurora, the maestro of this gastronomic masterpiece, offered a gracious smile in response. "Thank you," she acknowledged, her voice a soothing melody in the symphony of our shared indulgence.

We embarked on our culinary journey in a comfortable silence, the flavors of the food melting on our tongues with each delectable bite. It was a sensory explosion, a revelation of myriad tastes that painted an intricate tapestry upon the palate. The experience was nothing short of divine, a communion with the very essence of indulgence.

Amid this feast for the senses, Natalie, the seductress of our clandestine world, leaned in with a whisper that sent shivers down my spine. "Victoria can't keep her eyes off of you," she breathed into my ear, her words a tantalizing caress that stirred a blush upon my cheeks.

I lowered my head, a coy smile gracing my lips, my thoughts a tumultuous sea of emotions and intrigue. The evening's drama had taken yet another twist, and in the midst of this sensory delight, the undercurrent of desire and curiosity pulsed beneath the surface, a force that threatened to reveal our secrets in the most intoxicating of ways.

Amidst the symphony of flavors and fragrances that enveloped our dining table, a subtle, clandestine ballet was unfolding, hidden beneath the veneer of polite conversation. Halfway through our shared feast, an unexpected sensation brushed against my leg, a touch as gentle as a whisper, as electrifying as a forbidden caress. At first, I assumed it was the handiwork of Natalie, my co-conspirator in this enigmatic charade, but to my revelation, it was Victoria's foot that had found its way into the tangled web of our intrigue.

My attire, a mini skirt that left my legs exposed, seemed to beckon her further into the depths of our unspoken desires. Victoria, her high heels cast aside, dared to explore the territory of my bare skin, her touch a revelation of warmth and softness that sent electric sparks coursing through my veins. It was a dance of temptation, a subtle seduction that unfurled beneath the veneer of our shared meal.

Her foot, an instrument of intrigue, drew sinuous circles upon my leg, a crescendo that raised the stakes with each passing moment. In the midst of this clandestine dalliance, I couldn't deny the surge of arousal that coursed through my very being. The forbidden desire, like a clandestine river, had found its way between my legs, a glistening secret that betrayed my innermost thoughts.

With audacious intent, Victoria's touch ventured higher and higher along my inner thigh, each caress a tantalizing brush with the edge of my restraint. I fought to maintain composure, to resist the urge to squirm beneath her electrifying exploration.

Then, with a voice that quivered and cheeks aflame, I stammered, "E-excuse me for a moment." Abruptly, I rose from my chair, my crimson face a testament to the fiery passions that had ignited within. The bathroom, a refuge of solitude, beckoned like a sanctuary, offering me a moment of respite to collect my thoughts and quell the tempestuous desires that raged beneath the surface.

In the intimate haven of the bathroom, I sought refuge from the maelstrom of emotions that had taken hold of me. The cold water, a lifeline in this moment of vulnerability, flowed over my trembling hands as I attempted to cleanse away the evidence of my flushed visage. The porcelain sink, an island of composure in a sea of turmoil, offered solace to my beleaguered senses.

With a resolute nod, I gathered my courage, determined to rejoin the fray outside. I turned from the sink, the droplets of water glistening on my skin like dew-kissed petals, and took measured steps towards the door. My hand, trembling only slightly, reached for the doorknob, ready to reenter the world where secrets danced like shadows.

To my astonishment, the door yielded to a forceful push that sent me reeling backward. A startled yelp escaped my lips as the door swung shut behind me, sealing me within this unexpected confrontation. Victoria, her presence a tempest in the confined space, had orchestrated this clandestine meeting.

In the dimly lit bathroom, her fingers, like vise grips, closed around my shoulders, a tangible reminder of her undeniable strength. With a deft swirl, she maneuvered us both, her determination unwavering, until my back met the unforgiving surface of the door. I was trapped, ensnared in the web of her intrigue.

"What are you doing with my sister?" she hissed, her voice a whisper laden with a tumultuous mix of emotions, her grip unyielding.

My own resolve crystallized in response, and I hissed back, the words dripping with defiance, "What the fuck do you care? You have Aurora."

For a fleeting instant, Victoria's eyes softened, a crack in the icy facade that concealed her true feelings. But like a chameleon, she reverted to her cold, unyielding gaze. "I don't care about her, nor do I love her," she confessed, her words an admission of her own tangled desires.

"Then why did you call her?" I queried softly, my gaze falling to the floor, a reflection of my own inner turmoil. The space between us, charged with tension and desire, hung heavy with the unspoken truths that bound us in this enigmatic dance of passion and intrigue.

The room crackled with an electric tension, each word a spark that ignited the charged air between us. "I don't know," Victoria snapped, her voice like a whip that lashed through the space, "I really don't."

She pivoted away from me, a solitary figure framed by shadows. Her retreating form seemed to symbolize the chasm that had opened between us, a rift born of unanswered questions and unspoken desires.

"Seems like you still love her," I retorted, my words laden with a mixture of exasperation and a tinge of wounded pride. I was poised on the precipice of retreat, ready to abandon this clandestine encounter and return to the world outside. "Now if you'll excuse me," I continued, my resolve firm, "I'd like to continue my dinner with Natalie."

In the blink of an eye, I found myself ensnared by the allure of the moment, my back arching against the unyielding door. Victoria's lithe form pressed intimately against mine, the subtle fragrance of her desire mingling with the air.

Her touch, both tender and maddening, traced the contours of my throat with her bandaged hand, a delicate sensation that sent shivers coursing through my being. It was as if she could decipher the secrets hidden within my racing pulse.

"Tell me," she breathed in a sultry tone, her voice like velvet against my ear, her other hand venturing lower, an exploration of sensuality beneath the delicate lace of my panties. A tantalizing dance began as her fingers sensuously caressed my most intimate folds.

"Does Natalie make you this wet?" Her inquiry was laden with an irresistible sensuality, every word a provocative whisper that threatened to unravel my self-control. I gasped, a soft moan escaping my lips as I leaned my head back, surrendering to the intoxicating desires she awakened within me.

"Answer me," she demanded, her grip on my neck tightening ever so slightly, a hint of dominance that both thrilled and unnerved me. My response came in the form of another moan, my voice trembling with a mixture of longing and trepidation.

"Does she make you feel this good?" Victoria murmured, her lips teasingly grazing my earlobe, her fingers maintaining their bewitching rhythm upon my throbbing core.

"N-no," I confessed, breathlessly succumbing to the undeniable truth of my desires. The enigmatic dance between us unfolded, a seductive tango of longing and temptation, where words gave way to the eloquent language of passion and vulnerability.

In the dimly lit room, shrouded in an aura of secrecy, her voice was a delicate whisper, laden with desire as she uttered those words, "I didn't think so." Her hand, once an intoxicating presence under my silken panties, retreated like a fading dream, leaving me gasping for the precious breath that had escaped my lungs. My heart, a wild stallion, galloped within my chest, its thunderous hooves resonating with a feverish pulse that echoed between my trembling thighs.

Her eyes, like twin pools of liquid sapphires, held mine in an unbreakable trance, as if daring me to forget this moment. A smoldering sensuality enveloped us, wrapping us in a cocoon of forbidden longing, like characters from the most tantalizing chapters of a dramatic novel.

"Remember that," she purred, her voice dripping with seduction, "the next time she fucks you." With an agonizing slowness that bordered on cruelty, she raised her fingers to her lips, never once averting her gaze from mine. Those fingers, now glistening with the essence of our shared sin, found refuge in her mouth. My senses surrendered to this hypnotic sight, and I swear, right then and there, I felt an electric release, a crescendo of pleasure that sent delicious shivers down my spine.

Victoria, our orchestrator of clandestine desires, swung open the door and glided past me, a phantom in the night. I inhaled deeply, attempting to steady my racing heart and the tangled web of emotions that danced within me. Only when I had summoned the courage did I emerge from the shadowy sanctuary of the bathroom, rejoining the world beyond.

Returning to the dining table where Natalie and Aurora sat, I wore a mask of composure, concealing the illicit rendezvous that had unfolded just moments ago. Deep within, the secrets of that intimate encounter and the unspoken connections between us simmered, casting a haunting and irresistible allure over our shared reality.

In the dimly lit ambiance of the dining room, Natalie's eyes danced with a mischievous glint as I settled into the chair beside her. In that moment, there was a tacit understanding between us, an unspoken connection forged through secrets and shared desires. Her lips curled into a sly, knowing smirk that sent ripples of anticipation through my veins. She leaned closer, her voice a velvet whisper, laced with the promise of clandestine adventures. "I told you our scheme would work," she breathed into my ear, a delicate caress of sound that set my pulse racing. I indulged her with a playful roll of my eyes, my senses tingling with a heady blend of exhilaration and intrigue as I continued to savor the delectable morsels on my plate.

When the last morsel had been savored and our shared meal had become a memory, we collected our plates, a ceremonial procession to the heart of the home, the kitchen. There, under the warm glow of pendant lights overhead, the remnants of our feast found their resting place in the sink, like offerings to some unseen deity of culinary delights.

As the clink of porcelain met stainless steel, I felt compelled to express my gratitude. My words, a melody of appreciation, danced into the air like ethereal notes. "Thank you," I murmured, my voice a sonnet of sincerity, "the meal was nothing short of exquisite."

Aurora and Victoria, standing beside me, shared warm smiles as they, too, surrendered their dishes to the kitchen's embrace, a silent acknowledgment of the culinary triumph that had transpired this evening.

With the passage of time making its inexorable mark, Natalie's watch bore witness to the lateness of the hour. Her announcement drew a subtle, anticipatory tension into the room. "I believe it's time for us to make our departure," she declared, casting a fleeting glance at her wrist.

Victoria, the gracious hostess with an enigmatic aura, nodded her understanding. "Allow me to escort you," she offered, her words laden with an unspoken promise of yet-untold secrets.

I turned to Aurora, a bittersweet pang of farewell tugging at my heartstrings. In the gentle cadence of whispered goodbyes, I bade her adieu.

And so, like characters in a captivating drama, Victoria, Natalie, and I embarked on our exit. As the front door creaked open, the world beyond beckoned, shrouded in the tantalizing mystery of the night, where secrets whispered like shadows and the promise of future rendezvous hung in the air, as palpable as the lingering fragrance of a cherished memory.

In the soft twilight's embrace, as I moved past Victoria, her fingers encircled my elbow with a possessive grace, arresting my steps. The world around us seemed to hush, surrendering to the intimate conspiracies woven in the fabric of this night. Her voice, a sultry murmur, brushed against my ear like silk against bare skin. "Remember what I told you," she whispered, a tantalizing promise lingering in the delicate tremor of her breath.

With a silent acknowledgment, I nodded, my mind awash with the secrets shared in shadows and the seductive allure of her words. The faintest tremor of anticipation coursed through me as she released her hold, a tether to a world of hidden desires.

"Goodnight, Darling," she purred, her words an intoxicating elixir that lingered in the air like the sweetest of sins, before finally letting me slip from her grasp.

I traversed the distance to Natalie's waiting car, its engine humming like a beast ready to pounce. The doors closed, sealing us in a cocoon of secrets and whispered confidences. As she ignited the ignition, the world outside receded into obscurity, and we were cocooned in the warmth of the car's interior.

"It worked!" Natalie declared, her voice filled with triumphant delight. Her laughter, like a cascade of forbidden mirth, echoed through the confined space, a testament to the success of our clandestine plan. "I told you it would," she continued, her eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror, a conspiratorial spark igniting between us.

In response, a soft chuckle escaped my lips, a gentle symphony of amusement that swirled within the confines of the car. "Thank you," I replied, my words laden with an unspoken gratitude for the shared adventure, for the thrill of playing with fire.

Natalie's laughter, like the promise of a secret liaison, reverberated once more. "No, thank you," she declared, her voice tinged with a delicious cruelty. "I loved watching her suffer." she confessed, the words a confession of the sensual satisfaction that had woven its way into our evening.

A mischievous spark danced in the depths of my eyes, a fleeting testament to the secrets that swirled beneath the surface of this night. As I shifted my gaze away from our fleeting moment, the world outside blurred into obscurity, a tapestry of motion and fleeting shadows. This night, I mused, had been nothing short of enchanting, a symphony of intrigue and seduction, the notes of which still resonated within my soul.

Victoria's reactions, etched into the tapestry of my memory, lingered like brushstrokes of vivid emotion. Her unexpected jealousy had been a revelation, a symphony of emotions I had never anticipated from her. It had unveiled a new facet of her, a vulnerability that cast a beguiling light upon our connection.

As the wheels of time carried me forward, I couldn't help but ponder what the coming week would bring. The unknown stretched before me, an uncharted landscape of secrets yet to be unearthed. With every fiber of my being, I felt the electric anticipation, the tantalizing thrill of what lay in store. Like a character in a gripping novel, I was ready, poised to embrace the enigmatic future, with all its hidden desires and unspoken truths.

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