Ninjago- "An ending is really...


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Hi guys! This is my first time actually writing a book and publishing it! So this story takes place after cry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Part 1
Chapter 25-PART 2
Book Update 2!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Hiya guys!(sorry just a book update)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29-PART ONE
Chapter 29- PART 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Part 2
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 40- PART 1

683 29 92

Harumi's POV

I sat at the foot of my bed, my hands on my head, staring at the floor glumly. My sudden outburst made me heave small yet uncontrollably loud gasps, and I tried my best to quiet them down before someone noticed my state.

I gripped my scalp, my hair being tugged down hard mercilessly by me. My hands shook, my breaths now reduced to short hitches of breath.

My eyes felt unbearably warm and I gripped my scalp harder, burying myself in between my knees, trying to drown the panic upscaling my train of thought.


Come on Harumi—you're better than this—why would you break down in the middle of the only people who've shown you mercy?

Why would you snap on the freaking Green Ninja about him giving so many chances when he's given
YOU more than you realise?

My grip on my scalp loosened, and my eyes widened.

Lloyd did give me so many chances...

So why was I stopping him give others the chance that I never deserved?

...What is wrong with me?

An uncontrollable sob spluttered out of my throat, resulting in my hair being pulled even harder.

At that very moment, I felt all alone, once again—and my willpower crumbled.

Kira hasn't even made as much as mistakes as I have—and I told Lloyd that she doesn't deserve forgiveness when it was me who deserves to rot in Krytatrium.

"Harumi?", a voice made me jump from my seat, and I stood up to my feet in a jerk, facing the dresser in panic.

I heaved a deep breath, swallowing,"What do you want, Kane?"

The sounds of his footsteps entering my door paused, the floorboards slightly creaked.

I shut my eyes in annoyance, wiping my eyes hastily as Kane shuffled nervously in the doorway.

His eyes met mine in the reflection of the mirror, his face looking unusual without the prominent glare or scowl—he looked—

Apologetic? Sympathetic?

I narrowed my slightly red-tinged eyes, crossing my arms.

Kane didn't waver from his look, and instead, pursed his lips in contemplation, his bright blue eyes gleaming.

" I just noticed you ran away,"he said," at the banquet during breakfast—"

"Oh so what?", I snapped at him,"I can't come to my room now?" I whipped around, now directly facing his surprisingly nervous figure that almost made me falter. Almost.

He blinked,"uh—no no, that's not what I—" He groaned in frustration and mild annoyance as he rolled his eyes.

"Are—Are you okay?", he said sheepishly, making me blink in confusion.

"I'm doing perfect", I gritted my teeth in retaliation,"Thank you for asking." I smiled humourlessly. My hands curled into fists and I turned away from him, once again facing the dresser.

"Look Harumi...", his tone sounded unsure,"I-I just wanted to say that—I'm sorry."


I turned towards him again, my eyebrows raised,"Come again?"

He narrowed his eyes, but sighed,"I owe you an apology—for...acting like a jerk and hurting you." He stepped forward carefully, inside the room, towards me.

I straightened, crossing my arms, waiting for him to speak.

By the time he reached a tad closer to me, I raised a hand, motioning him to stop. He stopped, hovering over nervously, staring at the floor.

"Why are you suddenly apologising now, Kane?", I asked, shaking my head,"Do you realise—"

"How much I injured you?", he interjected, looking back at me,"Yeah and—I really feel bad about that—considering you have your own hurt to deal with."

I furrowed my brows, my hair shifting to the side,"What do mean?"

He took a deep breath, his auburn hair looking slightly disheveled, and I noticed he had bags under his eyes.

" Lloyd isn't...the only one who's willing to give you a chance", was what I heard from his very quiet tone, and I could barely hear him from the silence.

"Uh yeah, I know", I said, slightly unsure of what I just heard," His other friends are starting to trust me—even Zane, which is—"

"No Harumi", He interrupted, finally meeting my gaze,"That's not what I meant."

"Then what are you saying Kane?", I snapped, feeling my patience slip, and I crossed my arms,"What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that", his face was twisted, as if he knew he was gonna regret something," I have feelings for you."


My crossed arms felt spongey, and my sudden annoyance at Kane evaporated.

My eyes widened, and I uncrossed my arms, backing a bit to press myself against the dresser. He followed.

"Kane I—", my voice seemed to fail me, and I could only stare at his eyes helplessly,"I-I can't."

His face shifted into something more confused than dazed,"Why?"

I shook my head, and I tripped backwards a bit, making the objects on the dresser fall with a deafening crash. My lungs felt heavy again.

"I-I have to go", I said, making a run for it, leaving Kane alone in the room.

I wiped my burning eyes with my sleeve, my chest prickled and I coughed for air.

We'll see you when we get down—I promise!, My mom's voice echoed

Do you have a name?

I bit my lip as my eyes pricked sharply.

Well, aren't you the quiet one?

"No", I gasped quietly, pinching my temple hard,"I'm not."

Maybe it's true—but, my feelings for you were real.

Then why didn't you come for me?!

I did!

I stumbled towards the deck, the sun's warmth hitting me straight in the face.

All you have inside of you, is hate, anger— and fear, Lloyd had said, gripping my wrists as he tied the vines around them.

I expected courage from you Harumi.

Not reservation.

I stumbled to a corner, wishing it would help escape my thoughts.

Not fear, The Overlord's voice rumbled in mock disappointment.

I held the side of my head, my despair seeping in my train of thought

So direct your anger AT me, not everyone else! I know you don't want innocent people hurt.

You're gonna pay Harumi—I swear! I will make you pay! , Lloyd snarled, staring at me in rage and...


I sobbed, my hands pressing against my face, begging to stop the tears.

He hated me—everyone did.

I wiped my tears away, a newfound anger suddenly filling me inside.

I turned toward another corner, and I saw—

"Lloyd?", I said, my throat hoarse.

There he was smiling with—with Kira, and the two of them looked more like friends than enemies having a nice chat.

My palms curled into fists.

Don't let your anger get to you Rumi, I thought,Just stay cool.

Lloyd turned and his eyes widened, and the way he looked at me made me want to cry all over again. I didn't deserve this—I didn't deserve the green ninja's concern and unwavering care for me. I didn't.

"Harumi oh my goodness!", he surged towards me, grabbing my shoulders," I—"

He paused, looking back at Kira, who surprisingly smiled and nodded, heading away to give us some privacy.

Lloyd turned his attention back to me, his eyes will with panic and concern.

"Did-", I cleared my throat,"Did I interrupt something?"

"No!", he said," She was just going over the plan with me that's all—"

"What plan?", I asked, looking down.

"I'l explain later", he waved off the question,"But right now, you're more important, to me."

I snorted humourlessly,"Yeah, because I'm always the one causing problems in your life." I said, shrugging my shoulders and turning away from him.

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him again," No—Harumi...don't do that."

"Don't do what?", my voice sounded heavy.

He groaned,"Trying to hide your emotions and feelings—just talk to me."

I took one look at his pleading green eyes, and said,"No."

And trudged away. He spluttered and I heard him growl something about him not being a proper leader and then suddenly, I was tugged backwards by the waist.

Lloyd's arm was tightly clasped around my waist, so tight that I couldn't even move. I was pressed right to his chest.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered in my ear, and I jumped, feeling the close proximity of his lips near my ear. Focus Harumi.

"I ran behind you to look for you", he said, using his other hand to turn me towards him, his other arm still tightly locked around my waist so I wouldn't get away. Cheater.

"And then I saw Kira", he continued,"And I—"

"Forgot all about me and ran to see the most gorgeous woman you've seen?", I asked, my tone deadpanned.

"What??", he exclaimed so loud that I had to clamp his mouth with my hand firmly.

I glared at him, and he glared at me,"Stop yelling!!", I whispered harshly.

He grunted, pushing my palm away from my mouth gently, but his glare almost made me want to cower. Almost.

"I—", he said, but groaned in frustration,"Ugh—she's not the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen , Harumi oh god." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh really?", I crossed my arms in the middle of his arm cage."Then who?"

" You obviously", he rolled his eyes but I gaped a little,"Now can we please get back on track before you ask me why it's you?"

I looked away, biting my lip.

"Look—", he sighed,"Harumi, I'm sorry—I didn't forget you I just...had a rush of adrenaline and ran towards Kira so that..I could change her mind—and I did." I whipped my head and he looked back at me, smiling good-naturally.

"You-", I stammered,"She—she's one of the good guys now?" I asked, my eyebrow raised in surprise.


He nodded, his smirk suddenly in place,"She and I talked a few things out—and she said that the Bounty's tablet is located in Room 59, in the hallway of your room—just outside the far corner apparently."

"This all seems a bit too..oh I don't know...easy?", I said, furrowing my brows as I watched him play with the ends of my hair like a kitten,"What's the catch?"

He paused, grinning sheepishly,"Well, that room has the most defences with a hidden laser trap and a bunch of other traps on other golden treasuries in the room, a security code to the tablet, and the device has a super-secure firewall, so that no nindroids can access its primary and confidential information."

"I knew it!", I said, bumping my fist,"I told you that's why PIXAL and Zane couldn't scan for the Bounty's interference!"

Lloyd smiled at me, but suddenly frowned.

I frowned, tilting my head,"What?"

He stared at me straight in the eyes, studying them earnestly,"You're still upset."

I felt my bottom lip quiver, so I bit it down hard,"What makes you think that?"

His eyes darted to my clenched fists, and his eyes widened. Uh oh.

He grabbed my hands, but I pulled them towards me,"Lloyd I-

"Harumi, show me", his voice was full of worry," I saw that—You're bleeding."

He managed to pry my hands to open, and, from the looks of it, my nails were pressed so hard to my palms that it caused them to bleed an angry red.

He huffed out a breath, looking at me,"Did you do this?"

His green eyes darted to my own, and I looked away, avoiding the heavy feeling in my lungs again. I instead stared at the hem of his grey t-shirt, feeling my eyes prickle once again.

Suddenly I was hauled forward by his arms, and he hugged me tightly, pressing his face onto my shoulder.

"Sometimes", his voice slightly muffled,"You just really need a hug, Princess."

My throat felt dry and I pressed myself tightly into his embrace, shaking my head.

"I don't deserve anything Lloyd", I shook my head and I pressed against his chest, trying hard not to sob,"I don't deserve anything."

He pulled away when I said that, and his jaw was pulled tight, and he stared at me with hard eyes,"Don't say that, Harumi."

I shook my head, and surprising both of us, I pulled him forward, hugging him close. He stiffened in surprise, but hugged back as soon as he recovered.

"Hey", he whispered, rubbing my back gently," What's going on your head Rumi? Something's clearly going around your head."

I breathed a sigh.

"As much as I want to", I whispered back," We don't have the time Lloyd—we have a mission." I pulled away too soon for my liking, but I squared my shoulders, mustering a smile.

Lloyd stared at me, his eyes studying mine for any doubt, until shifting into a smile,"Alright, let's do this."

He held out his palm, a smirk on his face,"Truce?" And to my surprise, he winked at me.

I narrowed my eyes and he stifled a smile, and I smacked his hand away, until grabbing it and pulling him to walk beside me.

"Please do not use my words against me Lloyd", I said,"It's getting on my nerves."

He smiled innocently back at me, interlocking our fingers together, until trudging forward,"No promises."

A/N--Andddd hello fellow readers! You mightve noticed that this is only Part 1 of Chapter 40--well, since this chapter had amost 3k words,I didn't want to make it too long for yall. Also, how did you all like this chapter? Also, Buckle up for part 2! Because some secrets are yet to be revealed for the next chapter! Also, hope this wasn't rushed or anything, i tried really hard to make it interesting!! Also,, I WOULD LOVE YALL COMMENTING BCZ I JUST LOVE U GUYSS!!! Seeya soon! Expecting to publish part 2 veryyyy soon! 0o0.

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