Rising from the Ash: The Tale...

By dolorfortis

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In a kingdom where magic and mystery intertwine, a young and spirited fairy named Maleficent. As a child, her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3
Special Chapter 4
Special Chapter 5
About Author

Chapter 17

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By dolorfortis

Maleficent's heart festered with anger and darkness in the wake of King Stefan's betrayal. Her once-beating heart, now consumed by vengeance, led her down a treacherous path. The news of the impending birth of Princess Aurora reached her ears, further fueling her malevolent desires.

As Maleficent wandered through the Enchanted Grove, her magic grew more potent and sinister with each passing day. She called upon the forces of nature, the spirits of the forest bending to her will. Her eyes, once bright and filled with wonder, now glowed with an eerie green light.

The creatures of the grove sensed the change in her, their loyalty unwavering despite her transformation.

"My mistress," a raven croaked, landing on a twisted branch, "what would you have of us tonight?"

Maleficent regarded the raven with a cold smile, her voice a sinister whisper that sent shivers down the creature's feathers.

"Tell me, my loyal messenger," she said, "what news have you brought from the kingdom tonight?"

The raven cawed softly, "Princess Aurora... She will be born soon, as foretold."

Maleficent knew that this was the perfect opportunity to unleash her wrath upon the kingdom that had wronged her. She concocted a plan, a curse so dark and powerful that it would forever change the course of Princess Aurora's life.

"The time has come, my faithful companions," Maleficent declared, addressing the lurking shadows. "We shall make our presence known to the kingdom."

With her newfound powers, Maleficent ventured into the kingdom under the cover of night. She infiltrated the palace, her dark magic cloaking her every step. It was there, in the shadowy corridors, that she cast her wicked spell upon the innocent infant.

In the secrecy of his chambers, King Stefan whispered his fears to the night, "Maleficent's curse... I pray it never reaches our daughter."

The curse she placed upon Aurora was a sinister one. On her sixteenth birthday, the princess would prick her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle and fall into a deep, unending slumber. Maleficent reveled in the malevolent nature of her curse, knowing that it would bring immeasurable sorrow to King Stefan and his kingdom.

As the incantations flowed from her lips, Maleficent's dark presence loomed, casting a chilling shadow over the palace.

"They shall all know the wrath of Maleficent," she murmured as she vanished into the night, leaving behind a kingdom steeped in fear and despair. She has now fully turned pure evil, and her quest for vengeance was far from over.

Maleficent returned to the Enchanted Grove, her heart entirely consumed by darkness. Her loyal companions, the creatures of the grove, cowered before her, aware that they served a mistress whose heart was now as black as night.

With her curse set in motion, Maleficent's malevolence would reach far and wide, leaving the kingdom in turmoil and despair.

Maleficent's transformation into a malevolent force continued unabated. The black mist that enveloped her grew denser, swirling around her like a cloak of shadows. It whispered wicked thoughts into her ears, urging her to embrace her newfound powers fully.

As the days turned into weeks, Maleficent's appearance became even more sinister. Her once-elegant wings now bore jagged edges, mirroring the darkness that had taken root in her soul. Her eyes glowed with an unnatural green fire, and her laughter echoed through the Enchanted Grove, sending shivers down the spines of any who heard it.

The creatures of the grove watched her with a mixture of fear and loyalty. They had pledged themselves to her, and there was no turning back now.

"My mistress," the raven croaked, "your power grows with each passing day."

Maleficent's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Yes, it does," she hissed, her voice a harsh rasp. "And soon, the kingdom will witness the full extent of my wrath."

As Maleficent's magic intensified, the Enchanted Grove began to change. The once-vibrant and colorful forest grew darker and more foreboding. The very air crackled with dark energy, and the creatures of the grove retreated to the shadows, fearing the malevolent force that had taken hold of their mistress.

In the heart of the Enchanted Grove, Maleficent's throne of twisted branches and thorns stood as a symbol of her newfound power. She would not rest until her curse had come to fruition, and the kingdom lay in ruins.

With each passing day, Maleficent's descent into darkness continued, and her plans for revenge grew more diabolical. She would stop at nothing to ensure that King Stefan and his kingdom paid for the betrayal that had transformed her into the villain she had become.

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