Rising from the Ash: The Tale...

By dolorfortis

58 0 0

In a kingdom where magic and mystery intertwine, a young and spirited fairy named Maleficent. As a child, her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3
Special Chapter 4
Special Chapter 5
About Author

Chapter 16

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By dolorfortis

The grand ball had reached its zenith, the air thick with tension and intrigue. Maleficent and King Stefan continued to waltz in perfect harmony, their every move seemingly synchronized. But beneath the façade of an elegant dance, a storm brewed in Maleficent's heart.

As they danced, the grand chandeliers cast an ethereal glow upon the opulent ballroom, illuminating the glittering gowns and polished armor of the nobles in attendance. Maleficent couldn't help but steal glances at King Stefan's face, searching for any hint of deception.

King Stefan, for his part, maintained a regal composure, his attention focused solely on Maleficent. Yet, within his chest, a heavy secret weighed upon his heart—a secret that he had concealed from Maleficent for far too long.

The dance carried on, the orchestra's melodies a backdrop to the mounting tension between the two friends. Maleficent's doubts festered like a wound, her heart heavy with suspicion.

And then, as if by fate's cruel design, the moment of revelation arrived. A hushed conversation between two noblewomen drifted to Maleficent's ears, words that shattered her illusions.

"I hear the Queen is expecting her first child," one whispered, her voice filled with excitement.

"Yes, indeed," the other replied. "A princess to secure the kingdom's future. King Stefan must be overjoyed."

Maleficent's heart skipped a beat as the realization dawned upon her. King Stefan was engaged, and his child was soon to be born—a child who would secure the kingdom's future, a child who would forever change the dynamics of their relationship.

Her gaze locked with Stefan's, her eyes searching for the truth in his expression. King Stefan's demeanor remained unchanged, his smile as charming as ever, but the deceit lay in the depths of his eyes—a betrayal that cut deeper than any blade.

Maleficent felt a surge of anger and hurt well up within her, threatening to consume her like a raging fire. The years of their friendship, the bond they had shared since childhood, had been built on trust and camaraderie. But now, she realized that it had all been a façade, a charade to hide Stefan's true intentions.

The waltz came to an end, and Maleficent pulled away from King Stefan, her eyes ablaze with a mixture of rage and betrayal. The once-elegant ballroom now felt suffocating, as if the walls themselves bore witness to the unraveling of their friendship.

King Rothbart, who had been observing the events from a distance, seized the opportunity to escalate the chaos. He stepped forward, his voice cutting through the tension like a dagger.

"King Stefan," he sneered, "it seems the time has come for us to settle our differences."

King Stefan, realizing that his betrayal had been exposed, did not shy away from the confrontation. "So be it, Rothbart. We shall settle this once and for all."

With that, the two kings squared off, their swords drawn as they faced each other in a battle of wills and steel. The nobles in attendance gasped in shock, the grandeur of the ballroom now marred by the violence that had erupted within its walls.

Maleficent watched in silent fury as the two men clashed, their rivalry threatening to tear apart the kingdom they both sought to rule. Her heart ached with the weight of betrayal, and the knowledge that the friend she had once trusted had never truly existed.

In that moment, Maleficent made a fateful decision. She turned away from the unfolding chaos, her wings unfurling with a powerful grace. With a single leap, she soared above the chaos and through an open window, disappearing into the night.

As she flew away from the grand palace, Maleficent vowed to leave behind the pain of her past, the treachery of her former friend, and the kingdom that had betrayed her trust. She would forge her own destiny, one that would be defined by her power and her will alone.

But deep within her heart, the embers of anger and betrayal still burned, and Maleficent knew that her path would be marked by darkness—a darkness that would forever alter her destiny and lead her down a path she could never have imagined.

The grand ballroom lay in ruins, the echoes of the past haunting its opulent halls. Maleficent's departure marked the beginning of a new chapter—one where vengeance and retribution would become her guiding forces.

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