Images | Sadie Sink X Female...

By sim3690

96.8K 2K 694

Sadie Sink x Female Y/n Fluff-Angst Sad and Happy Sadie Sink Max Mayfield More

June 12
Photo pt.2
Photo pt.3
Don't leave
I miss you
Film star
Christmas present
Christmas present pt.2
Too close to be just a friend
It will be okay
My fault
Bartender friend
You remember it
Didn't know
Second chance
Second chance pt.2
✨Max Mayfield✨
You Promised
I tried
Best friend
I am scared Max
Midnight skateboarding
This is not right
You can't leave!
Last promise
I hate myself for it
A/N 2
A/N 3

Spell of Venice

1K 36 15
By sim3690

Hello. At first i want to say that this story is NOT mine. My friend wrote it and when i read it i immediately knew that it's amazing and more people should read this masterpiece. She didn't want to publish it so i offered her my account. After lot of convincing she finally agreed (you'll thank me later). I didn't change anything. Every word is written by her. So i hope that you'll enjoy it

And yes i know it's perfect. My friend really has a talent. But I'm writing too rn so i hope you'll enjoy it too and won't stop reading mine because I'm bad :) anyway enjoy

You are tired—tired of all the flying, all the walking, tired of everything. But don't get yourself mixed up, you love every second of it
Your entire life is based on traveling.

You don't have a permanent home—well, you do, but you don't want to go there due to your parents' deaths. Every time you enter, you're flooded with memories from the night they died

You travel with a group all around Europe. You're planning to travel the world, and you still will. Currently, you're exploring Europe. After this, you'll head to Africa.

You're now in Prague, waiting for a bus to take you to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. You've already visited Croatia, France, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic, and now you're heading to Slovakia as said before.

You're the only one in the group from Europe. Although you were born in Germany,
your English is excellent. The group originally had 5 people, but one left due to health
reasons, and you still keep in touch

As mentioned earlier, you're the only European;
everyone else is from North America

The group consists of Jacob, a 21-year-old with black hair and dark brown eyes, born in
Canada. He likes to tease you about being a year older

There's Ella with brown hair and
hazel eyes; she's 19 and from Florida

Then there's Liam, a 22-year-old brown-haired guy
from New York with green-ish eyes

Lastly, there's you, born in Berlin, with blond hair and blue eyes. You're 20 years old

"I think we should ask someone. What if we missed it?" Liam suggests

Liam is shy in public, but he transforms when comfortable, showing a different personality. He's also the caretaker of the group, always checking if something is forgotten and worrying about everything. You actually appreciate this trait. He's concerned if someone forgets something, though he'd likely deny it if you mentioned it to him.

"You can go. I'm comfortable here," Elle says

She's the fun one in the group along with
Jacob—both the adventurous members. Elle often drinks with Jacob, taking advantage of
Europe's legal drinking age

While she's speaking, you decide to approach the girls she's referring to, as no one else is willing

"Hi, do you speak English?" you confidently ask

You're confident in public, but private
situations make you feel more like a shy puppy

The girls appear to be 16-20 years old, both
sitting on a bench. One has brown hair, and the other has black hair

"Yes, how can I help you?" the brown-haired girl answers politely

"Well, my friends and I are traveling to Bratislava. Could you help us identify the bus and let us know when it's here?" You're certain they'll decline but to your surprise, "Yes, of course. Unfortunately, we're not on the same bus, but my gir- friend is. I'm sure she
can tell you when the bus arrives." The black-haired girl responds

You thank her with a smirk, return to your spot, and move your backpack before sitting down

"What did they say?" Liam is the first to ask. As Jacob and Elle stop debating whether
pineapple belongs on pizza, you tell Liam, "The girl's girlfriend is on the same bus, so she'll
inform us when it arrives."

"That's great. By the way, does pineapple belong on pizza?" Elle inquires

You've never tried pineapple on pizza, but your intuition says no. It might taste good, but it feels out of place—sweetness on pizza. You can't decide, so you just make a non-committal sound and sit on the floor, observing the passing cars and lost in thought

"Hey, the bus is here." You turn to the voice and see a petite woman. You express gratitude
for her help and gather your baggage and backpack

After ensuring everyone has their belongings, you approach the bus. The driver checks your ticket, scans the QR code, and lets you in. You find your seat, stow your backpack under your legs, and retrieve your AirPods. As you look around the bus, it's tidy, and there aren't too many passengers, which is a relief

You're at the back with your friends—Liam and Jacob chat, and Elle scrolls Instagram. You lean your head against the headrest and start your playlist. After five songs, you fall asleep

A loud bang wakes you up from your nap, Jacob clapping in front of your face

"What?" you whisper-yell

"We're here, you sleeping shit," Jacob smirks

You slap his hand and show him the middle
finger. You pause your music, grab your backpack, retrieve your baggage, and join the
others. Elle is talking to a taxi driver, and Liam stands behind her. Jacob nudges you toward

After the driver opens the trunk, you load your baggage, but Elle's backpack doesn't fit. She'll have to hold onto it during the ride. You sit in the front, while the North Americans
take the back

As you all settle in, you take the front seat, while Jacob, Elle, and Liam occupy the back. The
taxi driver starts the engine, and the journey begins

The cityscape outside the window gradually shows the new surroundings of Bratislava. Elle
keeps chatting with the taxi driver, getting some insights into the city. Liam occasionally
chimes in with questions about the local culture, and you find yourself intrigued by their

As the taxi rolls to a stop, you all pile out, grateful for a safe and smooth journey. The driver pops the trunk, and you retrieve your belongings. The excitement of exploring a new place fills the air. The taxi driver bids you farewell with a warm smile, and you all stand on the curb, taking in the first impressions of Bratislava

The city's architecture and atmosphere are distinct from what you've experienced before.
The blend of historical charm and modern energy creates an intriguing ambiance

Jacob jokes about the unfamiliar street signs, and Elle takes out her phone to snap a picture of the surroundings. Liam comments on how different it feels from the previous destinations you've visited

"We should find our accommodations first," Liam suggests, checking his phone for directions

With the address in hand, you all start walking down the sidewalk, eager to settle in and begin exploring

After a short walk, you reach a quaint guesthouse. The owner greets you warmly and shows you to your rooms. You and your friends get settled in your respective rooms, and soon
enough, you reconvene in the common area

"So, what's the plan for today?" Elle asks, flopping onto a couch

"We could start by exploring the Old Town," Liam suggests

"It's usually a good way to get a
feel for the city and its history." Everyone agrees, and you set off for the Old Town, armed with a map and a sense of curiosity

Narrow streets wind through charming squares, and centuries-old buildings tell
stories of the past. As you stroll, you pass by small shops, cafes, and landmarks

At one point, you find yourselves in front of a statue with a plaque explaining its significance.
Liam reads it aloud, and you all laugh at his attempts to pronounce the foreign words

The day unfolds with exploration, laughter, and shared moments. You visit a local market, try
traditional Slovak dishes, and take plenty of photos to capture the memories. The group dynamics shift throughout the day—Jacob's jokes keep the mood light, Elle's energy is
infectious, and Liam's thoughtful observations add depth to your experiences

As the sun starts to set, you find yourselves near the Danube River, overlooking the city's
illuminated skyline. The sight is breathtaking, and you take a moment to reflect on the
journey that brought you here

"It's been an amazing day," you say, feeling a sense of contentment

"Definitely," Liam agrees. "And this is just the beginning."

As you stand together, gazing at the city that holds countless stories and adventures, you're
reminded once again of the beauty of travel—of embracing the unknown and discovering
new horizons. With your friends by your side, you're ready to continue this journey, one step
at a time

And so, under the night sky of Bratislava, your group's journey unfolds, filled with laughter,
exploration, and the promise of more unforgettable moments to come

Back at the guesthouse, you, Elle, Liam, and Jacob sit together in a cozy corner, reflecting
on the journey so far. The camaraderie within your group has deepened, and the bonds
formed in Bratislava are destined to last a lifetime

As you gaze out of the window, the lights of the city twinkle in the distance. The night is still
young, and the promise of more adventures beckons. With hearts full of gratitude and a spirit eager for exploration, you settle in for the night, ready to embrace whatever the next day in Bratislava holds

Elle shares a funny anecdote from the day, causing everyone to erupt into laughter. "Can
you believe we've only been here for a short time? Feels like we've experienced a lifetime of
moments," she exclaims, her eyes sparkling with excitement

Liam leans back in his chair, his thoughtful gaze fixed on the ceiling. "It's amazing how a
place can leave such a lasting impression on us. Every corner we explore, every person we
meet—it all contributes to a tapestry of memories."

Jacob, ever the joker of the group, interjects with a grin, "And let's not forget about the
unforgettable dance moves we witnessed tonight. I think I've discovered my true calling as a dancer!"

The room erupts in laughter once again, the shared laughter serving as a testament to the
special bond you share. These moments of joy, the deep conversations, and the simple joys
of travel have brought your group closer than ever before

As the night deepens, you find yourselves reminiscing about the adventures you've shared in different corners of the world. From the bustling streets of Prague to the tranquil beauty of Bratislava, each destination has left an indelible mark on your collective memory

The gentle hum of the city outside becomes a soothing background melody as your
conversation shifts to plans for the future. You discuss the places you're yet to explore, the
experiences you're eager to embrace, and the dreams you hope to fulfill. In each other's
company, the world seems full of possibilities

With the night winding down, you bid each other goodnight, knowing that the adventures of
tomorrow await. You retreat to your respective rooms, the excitement of the day gradually
giving way to the embrace of sleep

And so, under the twinkling stars of Bratislava's sky, your journey as a group continues—filled with laughter, discovery, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship

The next morning greets you with a soft light filtering through the curtains. You wake up to
the gentle sounds of the city awakening outside your window. As you stretch and yawn, a
sense of anticipation fills the air—a new day in Bratislava, a new chapter in your adventure

After a hearty breakfast at the guesthouse, you, Elle, Liam, and Jacob gather in the common
area, ready to embrace the day's explorations

Today's itinerary includes a blend of historical
sites, local markets, and a touch of spontaneity—the essence of any memorable journey

As you step outside into the crisp morning air, the city feels familiar yet full of possibilities. Your group navigates the cobblestone streets with ease, moving seamlessly from one destination to the next. The laughter and banter that accompany your steps serve as a reminder of the special connection you share

The first stop of the day is a majestic cathedral that stands as a testament to Bratislava's rich
history. As you enter, the hushed reverence of the place envelops you. Stained glass
windows filter sunlight into a kaleidoscope of colors, and the intricate details of the
architecture tell stories of generations past

Elle, always one to embrace spontaneity, suggests a detour to a local artisan market. The
vibrant stalls are a treasure trove of handcrafted goods, from intricate ceramics to beautifully
woven textiles. You all get lost in the maze of creativity, picking up unique souvenirs that
capture the essence of Bratislava

Later, you find yourselves at a cozy café, enjoying a leisurely lunch that consists of local
delicacies. Over plates of pierogi and savory pastries, conversations flow freely. Each
member of the group brings a unique perspective to the table, creating a tapestry of stories and insights that enrich the experience

In the afternoon, you venture to a lesser-known neighborhood, guided by the recommendations of locals you've met along the way. Narrow alleyways and hidden courtyards lead you to charming boutiques, cozy bookshops, and vibrant street art that adorn the walls

As the day progresses, you find yourselves on the banks of the Danube once again, this
time aboard a river cruise that offers a different perspective of the city. The gentle sway of
the boat and the breeze in your hair create a serene atmosphere as you glide past iconic

Back on solid ground, the group heads to a traditional Slovak restaurant for dinner. The cozy ambiance and the scent of hearty dishes fill the air. Between bites, you share reflections on the day's experiences, from the cathedral's solemn beauty to the lively energy of the artisan market

The evening winds down with a visit to a local jazz club, where the music fills the room with
soulful melodies. You and your friends sway to the rhythm, savoring the moment and letting
the music transport you to a different place and time

As the night comes to a close, you walk back to the guesthouse together, a sense of contentment and fulfillment in your hearts. The bond you share, once strangers united by a common desire to explore, has blossomed into a friendship that's as vibrant as the places
you've visited

In your room, you settle into bed, reflecting on the day's adventures—the laughter, the
discoveries, and the shared memories. As you close your eyes, you're filled with gratitude for
the experiences you've had and the friendships that have grown stronger with each passing

And so, under the starry Bratislava sky, you drift into sleep, eager to see what tomorrow's
adventure will bring—knowing that with your friends by your side, every moment is a
treasure waiting to be uncovered

The next morning, sunlight spills through the curtains of your room, gently coaxing you
awake. The excitement for another day of exploration stirs within you, and you rise with a
renewed sense of anticipation. The city of Bratislava waits outside, ready to reveal its hidden treasures

As you make your way to the common area, you find Elle, Liam, and Jacob already gathered, their faces illuminated by smiles. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and a spread of breakfast delights welcome you, courtesy of the guesthouse's warm hospitality

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Jacob teases, playfully nudging you. "Ready for another day of adventure?"

"Absolutely," you reply with a grin, feeling a sense of unity within your group

Over breakfast, plans for the day unfold. Liam suggests a visit to a local art gallery, praising
its unique collection of contemporary and traditional artworks. Elle is keen on exploring the city's parks, hoping to capture the essence of Bratislava through its green spaces. Jacob,
with his boundless energy, proposes trying out a guided walking tour, promising a fun-filled
journey through the city's history

With a mix of excitement and curiosity, you all agree to each other's suggestions, eager to
make the most of your time in Bratislava. As you step out into the city once again, you're met
with the familiar buzz of life, and you're reminded that each moment holds the potential for discovery

The art gallery proves to be a treasure trove of creativity, with each brushstroke and sculpture offering a glimpse into the artists' worlds. You share observations and interpretations, each piece sparking conversations that broaden your perspectives. Amidst the vibrant colors and intricate designs, you find connections to your own journey, recognizing the universal language of human expression

Later, you find yourselves in one of Bratislava's serene parks, where nature and tranquility
provide a welcome contrast to the urban landscape. You settle on a grassy spot and engage in a leisurely conversation, reflecting on the sights and experiences that have left an imprint on your journey

"I think the best part of traveling is how it opens our eyes to the diversity of the world," Liam
muses, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon

"Each place, each culture—it's like a piece of a
puzzle that contributes to our understanding of the whole." Elle, lying back on the grass, nods in agreement

"And the people we meet along the way,
they become threads woven into our stories. It's like building a tapestry of memories that's
uniquely ours." Jacob adds his signature humor to the conversation, quipping, "Well, I'm just glad we haven't gotten lost yet. Though, I have to admit, getting lost with you guys would probably lead to some epic adventures!"

Laughter fills the air, a testament to the bond you've forged. The sun casts a warm glow over
your group as if blessing your moments of togetherness. Time seems to stretch, allowing you to fully embrace the joy of being present in this foreign city with friends who've become

As the day comes to a close, you find yourselves on the rooftop of a local café, watching the
sun dip below the horizon. The hues of orange and pink paint the sky, creating a breathtaking backdrop for your reflections

"This trip has been more than I could have ever imagined," you share, your voice soft yet
filled with emotion

"Agreed," Liam responds, his tone reflective. "And it's not just about the places we've seen,
but the moments we've shared together."

Elle, leaning against the railing, gazes at the city below. "How do you guys feel about Italy?"
she asks, her voice carrying a mix of excitement and contemplation

The question hangs in the air for a moment, as each of you takes a mental journey to Italy.
The mere thought of the country, with its romantic allure and rich history, evokes a sense of wanderlust that has become the cornerstone of your adventures

Jacob, ever the enthusiast, breaks the silence. "If we were to go to Italy, It has to be Venice
That's like stepping into a fairy tale! The canals, the architecture, the art... It's a dream come
true for any traveler. I can already taste the gelato and hear the serenades on the gondolas."

Liam, the thoughtful one of the group, nods thoughtfully. "Venice is a beautiful place. The
whole city feels like an open-air museum. I'd love to explore the hidden gems, the quiet
corners, and the stories that lie beneath the surface of those ancient streets."

You, your heart already set on the idea, chime in. "I've always wanted to see Italy, Venice
has always had a special place in my heart. It's like living in a Disney masterpiece. The
canals, the masks, the festivals – it's a place where every day feels like a celebration of life."

Elle's eyes sparkle with excitement as she absorbs your responses. "It's settled then, Venice
it is! From the grandeur of St. Mark's Basilica to the artistic wonders of the Biennale, we're going to have an incredible time, trust me." Elle tries to replicate an Italian accent, but does
really badly "And of course, we can't miss indulging in some authentic Italian pizza and

The group's decision is met with a shared laugh over Elle's try. Just like your adventures in
Bratislava and the other places you've explored together, Venice promises to be another
chapter in your collective story. With Venice on the horizon, the world becomes an even
more captivating place, and your shared love for travel strengthens the bonds of friendship
that have grown with each new destination

With the promise of Venice's canals and hidden corners, you raise your glasses to the future
and to the adventures that await. Under the Bratislava sky, your group's journey continues,
filled with laughter, exploration, and the promise of more unforgettable moments to come, each one solidifying the unique camaraderie that binds you together

This morning, you were surprised as you found yourself being the first one to wake up.
Consequently, you decided to make a few crepes for breakfast. Since you all share a love for
sweet food, cooking breakfast, or any kind of food, was an easy task for you

After preparing crepes with cream and strawberries, you grabbed a glass of water and returned to your backpack. Placing the glass on the nearest table, you began rummaging through your backpack

Eventually, you located your little orange, see-through pill bottle, giving it a slight
shake to retrieve a single pill onto your hand. You then screwed the bottle shut and placed it
back in your backpack before taking your daily pills

As you turned around, you noticed Elle yawning as she made her way through the doors

"Good morning, Elle. How was your sleep?"

"Just great!" Elle sarcastically yelled out from the whole guest house

You and Elle heard a loud thump in Jacob's room and then a groan. You looked at each other and burst into a laughing session

"What's with all the noise?" Liam, with his raspy morning voice, came down while rubbing his
right eye with his hand

"Jacob fell down from his bed," Elle answered through a fit of laughter

As soon as Liam heard Elle, he joined in the laughter. After a few seconds, you could hear a few thumps through the laughing.
Amid the laughter, Jacob's voice chimed in with mock indignation

"Haha, very funny guys, I
fell off the bed because this little one couldn't keep it to herself and had to yell."

The shared laughter was a testament to the camaraderie that had formed among you. Even
the simple mishap of Jacob falling off the bed became a source of morning amusement

After the laughter subsided, you all gathered around the table, where your homemade
crepes awaited. The scent of freshly cooked crepes filled the air, and you drizzled them with
cream and placed a generous helping of strawberries on each plate

Breakfast was a sweet and delicious affair, with everyone savoring the flavors of your
culinary creation. Between bites, you discussed the plans for the day

Following breakfast, you decided to visit Bratislava Castle, a prominent historical site
perched on a hill overlooking the city. The walk up to the castle was invigorating, with panoramic views of the city and the Danube River unfolding before you

Elle, always curious about local history, eagerly absorbed the castle's historical significance,
while Jacob and Liam were captivated by the architecture and the strategic importance of
the castle throughout the centuries

Inside the castle, you explored the various exhibitions, delving into Bratislava's past, from
medieval times to the present. The rich tapestry of the city's history came to life through the
artifacts and interactive displays

After your visit to the castle, you decided to take a leisurely stroll along the banks of the Danube. The river's tranquil beauty provided a peaceful contrast to the morning's laughter and the castle's imposing presence

You passed by a riverside café and couldn't resist the allure of a mid-morning coffee. Sitting
at an outdoor table, you enjoyed the warm sun on your skin and the gentle breeze that swept
off the water. Conversation flowed freely, with each of you sharing your favorite moments
from the trip so far

As the day continued, you found yourselves in the heart of Bratislava's Old Town, a charming
area filled with cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and lively cafes. The city's vibrant
atmosphere enveloped you as you explored narrow alleyways and stumbled upon hidden

Lunch was a delightful affair at a local bistro, where you savored traditional Slovak dishes.
Perogies and rich desserts filled your plates, and you raised your glasses to toast to the adventures that had brought you to this beautiful city

In the afternoon, you visited a local art gallery, where you immersed yourselves in the world
of Slovak artists. The diverse range of artwork provided fresh perspectives and inspired
lively discussions among your group

As the sun began to set, you found yourselves in a charming square surrounded by historic
buildings. You decided to dine in the fresh air at a restaurant with outdoor seating. The evening air was filled with the aroma of delicious Slovak cuisine, and you shared stories and laughter beneath the twinkling lights of the city

After dinner, you embarked on a night tour of Bratislava, led by a local guide. The city's
illuminated landmarks took on a magical quality, and the guide regaled you with tales of
Bratislava's history and folklore

As you walked through the beautifully lit streets, you couldn't help but marvel at how this city
had woven itself into your hearts over the past few days. The bonds of friendship among you
had deepened, and the memories you were creating together were cherished

Back at the guesthouse, you settled into the cozy common area once again. However, this
time it had to be cut short due to the flight tomorrow to Venice, Italy

"Wakey Wakey, sleeping shit," none other than Jacob says

Of course, you have to be awoken by Jacob. As you stand up, you stretch and walk towards your baggage. You pick out a quick-flying outfit and head to the bathroom. You do your skin-care and hair routine and brush your teeth

After that, you walk towards your bed and unplug your charger, throwing it
near the backpack. You pick up all the stuff from your room and put it in your backpack,
excluding your AirPods and charger, which you put in your pockets. You walk towards your
usual hangout spot and wait for the others to finish. Jacob is already there, so you initiate a
small talk with him while the others finish their routines

After 20 minutes, everybody finally gets their stuff together, and Elle calls a taxi. The taxi
drive is silent, as everybody is still half-asleep

You, on the other hand, are listening to music
and singing to yourself so no one can hear, not even Elle, who is next to you. The taxi driver
slows down next to the airport, and you pay him and give him a tip

Now comes the worst nightmare: the airport. So you and your group begin the airport
protocol and get checked in

After finally showing your tickets, you only now notice that you're in first class. Elle has a rich family, but you never thought she would book first class

As soon as you're all settled, your first question is, "Why did you book us first class?"

"Let's just appreciate this flight," Elle answers with a smirk on her face. She has something
up her sleeve, but you don't know what

"Now let's enjoy our first-class journey and go eat something," as she leads you towards the first-class lounge

The first-class lounge is neat. You, Elle, and Liam walk towards an open spot for four people

You sit down while Elle and Liam go after Jacob for food. You don't like eating before a flight.
When you eat something before flying, your stomach does weird things, and you have the
urge to throw up. You always have to push it down

After what feels like 2 hours, your plane finally boards, and as a first-class passenger, you
get to board first. You step into the plane, and the flight attendant shows you where the first
class is

You have a 2-seat first-class shared with Elle in the middle, while Jacob is on your
left, and Liam is on the right of Elle. You put your backpack under the seat and look around
in amazement. This is your first time flying first class, so everything is new. While you are looking around in awe, Elle stares at you with an urge to laugh so hard, but she manages to
contain herself and puts her head on the headrest

You look closely around you. In front of you is a screen with a menu, and under it is a small
table for storage. You have a lot of legroom, and on your seat, there are several buttons,
most of which you don't know the purpose of. On the left side of your seat, there's a wireless
charger and a small privacy 'door.' You place your phone on the wireless charger and relax
in the seat

After everybody boards, the airplane is moved toward the runway for takeoff. Once it begins
to ascend, you grip the left side of your seat. You always feel scared when the airplane takes
off or lands, even though you don't know why. So, when the airplane reaches its cruising
altitude, you relax once again and try to get some sleep

You once again wake up today, but this time it's because of Elle. She hands you a small paper booklet. As you open it and glance through the pages, you discover various food options. You look at Elle with a puzzled expression, then back at the paper, and once more at Elle. She notices your confusion and kindly explains that you're entitled to a meal in first class. You feel a bit foolish for forgetting that fact

You peruse the menu, which presents some unusual choices. Ultimately, you decide to
request a plate of fruits and a bottle of water

After a brief moment, a flight attendant arrives
and places a full plate of fruits and a water bottle in front of you. You express your gratitude and take a glance at Elle's plate, where she's enjoying scrambled eggs

After finishing your meal, another flight attendant collects your empty plates and asks if you'd like anything else to drink. You decline the offer, as does Elle. Glancing at the small tv, you
realize there are still three hours and thirty minutes left in the flight. You decide to browse the movie selection, scrolling for a while before settling on 'Fast & Furious' for your first-time
viewing. You start with the first movie in the series, 'The Fast and the Furious.'

After 'The Fast and the Furious' finishes, you move on to the second movie, '2 Fast 2
Furious.' You enjoy both movies, but you realize you only have 20 minutes left, and watching
the third movie would be a waste of time. So, you decide to strike up a conversation with

The conversation turns out to be quite interesting. You discuss what you would do as
actresses and what genre you would pursue as singers. Both of you share a love for musical
instruments. You enjoy playing the guitar and drums, and you also know how to play the
clarinet and piano. Drumming is something you particularly enjoy; it's always a lot of fun.
After the conversation, you begin to prepare for the airplane to land

Once again, you find yourself gripping the sides of your seat. When the airplane lands, it taxis to its parking place

Since Elle booked first-class tickets for all of you, you are among the first to go out and head to the airport terminal

You wait for your baggage, and after collecting all your belongings, you call a taxi. It's 1:30
pm, so it's midday, and you're feeling quite hungry, even though you had a meal on the
airplane. Elle, Jacob, and Liam take seats in the back of the taxi while you sit in the front

Elle provides the taxi driver with an address that you assume is your hotel, and you assume correctly. You are completely amazed by the hotel's exterior; it's beautiful. You're not the only
one who is impressed—Liam and Jacob can't keep their eyes off the exterior either

Meanwhile, Elle simply admires your group's amazed expressions

Your room is amazing. You have a beautiful view, a king-sized bed, and a huge bathroom
with a bathtub and a shower. You head to your luggage and stow your belongings in the

Even though you're only in Venice for a few days, you plan to repack later. You take a quick, cold shower to wake up from your sleep and get dressed. A text from Elle arrives, instructing you to meet in the lobby in ten minutes. You swiftly finish dressing and tidy up your room a bit

Ten minutes pass quickly. You grab yourAirPods, wallet, keys, and phone, stuffing them into your pockets. Then you take your hotel card and place it in your wallet

You ride the elevator alone, assuming everyone is already in the lobby. To your surprise, no
one has arrived yet, so you wait patiently

An idea strikes you when you spot a piano in the lobby. You head over and start playing a glamorous melody

As everyone eventually gathers in the lobby, you all set off to explore the city

After some wandering, you find a restaurant and decide to go inside since you're all hungry.
You order a pizza along with Liam, while Elle opts for a salad, and Jacob goes for spaghetti

You don't eat much, only having a single slice of pizza. You've always had difficulties with eating, struggling with body image issues among other things

"The pizza is so good!" Liam exclaims with a mouthful of pizza, and you agree, "Yeah, it's

After the enjoyable meal at the restaurant, you all decide to continue exploring Venice. The
winding streets and charming canals beckon, and you can't wait to immerse yourself in the
city's unique atmosphere

Elle suggests taking a gondola ride through the picturesque canals of Venice, an idea that
everyone enthusiastically agrees with. You hail a nearby gondolier, and soon, you're gliding
through the narrow waterways of the city. The gondolier shares stories about the history and
culture of Venice, making the ride both informative and romantic

As the sun begins to set, you find yourselves in St. Mark's Square, a bustling hub of activity.
The stunning architecture and vibrant atmosphere leave you in awe. Street performers
entertain the crowds, and you can't resist taking a few photos to capture the moment

Jacob suggests visiting a gelato shop he had heard about, famous for its authentic Italian
gelato. It's an idea that everyone enthusiastically supports, and you soon find yourselves savoring the rich and creamy flavors of gelato while strolling along the canals

The night in Venice is enchanting. The city lights reflect off the water, casting a magical glow.
You decide to take a leisurely walk along the canals, enjoying the tranquil ambiance and the
sound of lapping water

Eventually, you return to your luxurious hotel. It's been a long and eventful day, and you're all
feeling tired yet content. As you settle into your comfortable bed with thoughts of the day's  adventures, you can't help but feel grateful for the incredible experience you've had in
Venice so far

With the promise of more adventures ahead, you drift off to sleep, eager to explore this
beautiful city and the beautiful people further in the days to come

On another sun-kissed day in Venice, you and your friends, Liam, Jacob, and Elle, decide to
immerse yourselves in the magic of the city's downtown once again. The labyrinthine streets
and the winding canals hold endless surprises, and today, you're eager to explore even

As you wander, the sound of laughter and the aroma of Italian cuisine fill the air. Then, just
like the day before, you hear it—the enchanting melody of a piano. It beckons to you like an
old friend, guiding you to the same quaint square where a free-to-play piano stands

Without hesitation, you make your way to the piano, your friends watching with amusement.
The keys feel familiar under your fingertips as you begin to play a tune that mirrors the city's
timeless charm. Your friends gather around, and soon, a small crowd forms, drawn by your

Just as you're deeply immersed in the melody, a soft voice joins in from your right. A blond-haired girl, her eyes twinkling with curiosity, has taken a seat beside you. Her fingers gracefully dance across the piano keys, harmonizing effortlessly with your tune

You can't help but smile as the duet unfolds, two strangers brought together by the universal
language of music. The piece you create together is nothing short of magical, like a serenade to Venice itself

When you finally reach the harmonious conclusion, the square erupts in applause. You and the blond-haired girl share a knowing glance and exchange smiles filled with appreciation for the impromptu duet

Turning to her, "That was Incredible!" you exclaim, after that you extend your hand in
greeting and you introduce yourself

She shakes your hand with a friendly grin. "I'm Rose. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Your friends join the conversation, and you all discover that Rose hails from the USA and is
on an adventure with her friends. She shares stories of her travels so far and expresses her
fascination with the city's unique charm

Intrigued, you offer to show her some of Venice's hidden gems, places you've come to love during your stay. Rose eagerly agrees, and together, you embark on an exploration of the
city's lesser-known treasures.

You wander through the historic Jewish Ghetto, sample delicious Cicchetti at a local bacaro,
and find yourselves at a quiet canal, watching the gondolas glide gracefully by

As the day transitions into the evening, you all decide to dine at a charming canal-side restaurant, where you savor authentic Venetian cuisine while sharing stories and laughter

Suddenly, you hear the iPhone call sound. You check your phone, but it isn't yours. After a
while, you see that it's Rose's. She picks up her phone and walks away to give her some

In her absence, you and your friends start discussing your dream careers. Despite
your efforts to respect her privacy, you can't help but overhear snippets of her
conversation—mentions of the name 'Sadie' and phrases like 'I'm out with some friends.'
After a minute and a half, Rose returns

"Well, I've got to go. Maybe we could continue our walks tomorrow?" Rose hopefully asks,
and she's met with an enthusiastic chorus of "Yes!" from your group

Rose was a sweet girl,
and you could tell that even after spending just a few hours with her

"Give us your number so we can maybe call you tomorrow?" you suggest, eager to keep the
connection alive

Rose smiles warmly and quickly exchanges contact information with you and your friends.
As she shares her number, you can't help but notice a genuine sense of excitement in her

"I'd love that," she says, adding, "Venice is such a beautiful place, and it's even better with
friends. Text me tomorrow so we can meet up and do this again!"

With a feeling of newfound friendship, you bid Rose farewell for the moment, promising to
meet up the next day. As she walks away, you can't help but feel a sense of happiness and
curiosity about the adventures that await in this enchanting city

With Rose's contact information safely stored in your phone, you and your friends continue
your exploration of Venice

The city's winding canals, charming streets, and captivating architecture invite you to immerse yourself in its unique beauty. The Night is filled with laughter, shared stories, and countless snapshots of memorable moments

As the sun sets over Venice, casting a warm and golden hue across the picturesque landscape, you can't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter with Rose. Little did
you know that this encounter would lead to a deeper connection and a memorable chapter in
your life. With the promise of more adventures ahead, you head back to your hotel, eagerly
anticipating the next day's rendezvous with your new friend

The next day rolls around, and you quickly spring out of bed to the sound of your phone
alarm blaring. You groggily hit the snooze button a couple of times before finally convincing yourself to get up

After a refreshing shower, you dry your hair and grab your phone. Opening iMessage, you message the group to see if they're up for breakfast. Within five minutes, everyone responds with an enthusiastic yes

You then reach out to Rose, asking if she'd like to join for breakfast outside, and she replies affirmatively, even suggesting bringing a friend along

You get dressed and head to the main lobby. It feels like you've been waiting for ages, but
eventually, Liam, Jacob, and Elle arrive. You coordinate with Rose to determine a meeting
spot, and once decided, the group sets off to explore the city

Upon reaching the designated spot, you scan the area but don't see Rose. You patiently wait, and after a few minutes, she arrives, accompanied by her friend. The newcomer is a petite girl with short reddish hair and striking blue eyes. She sports a white oversized t-shirt and loose-fitting jeans. You introduce yourself and learn that her name is Sadie

With introductions complete, the group proceeds to the breakfast place. You find yourself seated next to Sadie, with Rose on your left. As the rest of the group engages in lively
conversation, you and Sadie strike up a small, intimate chat, getting to know each other

After breakfast, the group, now including Sadie and Rose, strolls through the enchanting
streets of Venice. You can't help but notice that more and more people are stealing glances
at your group. It's becoming increasingly uncomfortable, and you begin to wonder why
you've become the center of attention

Feeling a bit uneasy about all the attention, you decide to find a quiet alleyway to escape the
curious gazes. You guide the group towards an inviting, narrow alley, and everyone gladly
follows suit. The atmosphere becomes cozier as you walk through the charming, hidden
passages of the city

The remainder of the day unfolds rather uneventfully. You explore the picturesque streets, visit local shops, and take in the city's unique charm. Yet, the question still lingers in your mind: Why were so many people staring at your group earlier? It's a mystery you can't quite
solve, but for now, you're content to enjoy the beauty and wonder of Venice with your
newfound friends

As the day in Venice progresses, your group, now including Rose and Sadie, immerses itself
in the city's captivating culture. You wander through quaint, labyrinthine streets and cross
picturesque bridges over the winding canals. Venice's charm has a way of making you forget
about the earlier attention you received

Rose and Sadie prove to be delightful additions to your group. Rose's enthusiasm for
exploring Venice matches your own, and Sadie's quirky sense of humor keeps everyone

The day unfolds with laughter, shared stories, and the joy of discovering hidden gems in
Venice. You visit charming cafés, indulge in gelato from a local gelateria, and even take a
serene gondola ride through the serene canals

As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the city, you all gather on a quiet canal bridge. The tranquil waters reflect the magnificent architecture of
Venice, creating a breathtaking sight. In this moment, you feel a deep connection with your
friends, old and new

"You know," Rose says, her voice filled with appreciation, "I'm so glad we met today. Venice is even more magical with all of you."

Sadie chimes in, saying, "Yeah, it's so beautiful with all of you guys, but unfortunately, we
have to go." As she finishes her sentence, she glances at Rose, and she understands

Rose nods at Sadie, then turns to your group. "It was really nice meeting all of you, but we
have some plans to catch up on."

You exchange pleasant goodbyes, promising to stay in touch, and watch as Rose and Sadie
walk away, disappearing into the vibrant streets of Venice

As you continue your exploration of the city with your friends, a sense of mystery lingers in
the air. You can't help but wonder about the chance encounter with Rose and Sadie and why
they seemed to attract so much attention from the locals. Venice holds more secrets than
you initially thought, and you're eager to uncover them in the days to come

The days roll on, and you and your friends continue your adventure through Venice. Each
canal you cross, every historic building you explore, and every gelato you savor brings you
closer together. The city's enchanting beauty casts a spell on all of you, creating
unforgettable memories

One evening, as the sun paints the sky with hues of orange and pink, you decide to take a
gondola ride through the narrow canals. The gondolier guides your group with expertise,
sharing stories of Venice's rich history as you glide past centuries-old palaces and quaint
bridges. The experience is nothing short of magical, and you can't help but feel a deep
sense of appreciation for this unique city

As the gondola ride comes to an end, you find yourselves in St. Mark's Square, surrounded
by the grandeur of St. Mark's Basilica and the Campanile. Street performers entertain the
crowd, and the aroma of freshly baked pastries wafts from nearby cafes

Liam suggests, "How about we grab a table at one of those cafes and enjoy some coffee
and pastries?"

Everyone agrees, and you settle at a charming café, sipping espresso and indulging in delectable Venetian treats. The ambiance is perfect, and laughter fills the air as you share
stories and jokes with your friends

While you're enjoying your coffee, you notice a poster on the café's bulletin board. It's an
advertisement for Armani Beauty's show that is happening the next day. The featured model
is none other than Sadie, the girl you met yesterday, the poster mentions she's an actress

Excitement fills you, and you decide to see what the show is about with your friends. Little
did you know that your paths would cross with Rose and Sadie once again, and this time, it
would lead to new adventures and discoveries in the heart of Venice

The anticipation of the upcoming Armani Beauty show adds an extra layer of excitement to your group's adventure in Venice. You and your friends eagerly make plans to attend the
event the next day, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sadie's modeling talents on display

The following evening, you all dress up in your finest attire and head to the venue where the
Armani Beauty show is set to take place. The venue is a lavish, open-air space transformed
into a glamorous runway. Dazzling lights illuminate the runway, and a sense of sophistication hangs in the air

As you find your seats among the enthusiastic crowd, you can't help but feel a sense of pride
for Sadie. Her journey from being the girl you met at a breakfast restaurant to a featured
model in a prestigious show is nothing short of inspiring

The show begins, and the audience is treated to a breathtaking display of fashion and beauty. The models strut down the runway, showcasing Armani's latest creations

After the show, you see Sadie take a few pictures, and you and your friends gather near the backstage area, hoping to catch a moment with Sadie

As the models exit the runway, you
spot her among the crowd, radiant and stunning in her white dress and white blazer

Approaching her, you greet her with enthusiasm. "Sadie, you look amazing!"

Sadie smiles warmly at your group, appreciating the support. "Thank you so much! it's
wonderful to see familiar faces here."

As you chat with Sadie, you learn more about her life as an actress and model. She mentions that her work often takes her to different places, allowing her to explore the world while pursuing her dreams. Her experiences are captivating, and it's clear that she has a
passion for both her crafts

Elle, always brimming with curiosity, asks, "So, what's next for you, Sadie?"

Sadie's eyes sparkle with excitement. "Well, I'm headed back to New York to attend
something. After that, who knows? Life in the entertainment industry is full of surprises."

The conversation continues, and you can't help but feel that this encounter with Sadie and
Rose has added a new layer of wonder to your Venice adventure

As the night unfolds, you and your friends decide to explore more of Venice together, knowing that this enchanting city has even more surprises in store for you

Through the night you continue to explore Venice with your friends, there's an underlying
sense of wonder and excitement that courses through you. You can't deny that this chance
encounter with Sadie has left a deep impression on your heart. Her beauty, both inside and
out, shines brightly in your thoughts, and her vibrant spirit seems to breathe new life into the
city around you

As you stroll through Venice's picturesque streets, the glistening canals reflecting the city's
lights, you find yourself stealing glances at Sadie whenever you can. You notice the way her laughter lights up the night, the grace in her every step, and the genuine warmth in her

The more you learn about Sadie, her dreams, and her adventurous spirit, the more you find
yourself drawn to her. It's as if the magic of Venice has worked its way into your heart,
weaving a spell of attraction you can't ignore

Elle nudges you playfully, breaking you out of your reverie. "You seem pretty taken with
Sadie, don't you?"

You blush slightly, realizing that your feelings for Sadie are more than just admiration. "Yeah,
she's incredible. I can't believe how lucky we are to have met her."

Liam and Jacob exchange knowing glances, and Jacob teases, "Looks like someone's got a
little crush."

You laugh nervously, not wanting to admit it outright but knowing that your feelings for Sadie are becoming undeniable

Venice, with its romantic charm and enchanting encounters, seems to have opened a new chapter in your heart, one that revolves around a certain red-headed girl named Sadie

As the night goes on, you can't help but hope for more moments with Sadie, eager to discover where this newfound connection might lead in the heart of this beautiful, timeless city

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