Transport Into Detective Cona...

By Classya8

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Kaiya Matsuki finds herself in the Detective Conan world! Join her as she journeys through the world. More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Shopping With Yukiko
Chapter 3: Grocery Store Mystery
Chapter 4: Ding Dong Dash
Chapter 5: DJ and Eddie P
Chapter 6: Teitan High School
Chapter 7: Haido Central Hospital
Chapter 8: The Awakening
Valentine's Day OVA! ❤️(filler episode)
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Packages
Chapter 10: Raiha Pass
Chapter 11: Celebration for Eisuke
Chapter 12: Subaru Okiya vs Shinichi Kudo: Deduction Match!
Chapter 13: Murderer, Shinichi Kudo!
Chapter 14: The Disappearing Fish on Ikkaku Rock
Chapter 15: Teito Bank
Chapter 16: The Department Store
Chapter 17: PB&J and Holmes' Revelation
Chapter 18: Akemi's Apartment
Chapter 18: Deduction Showdown At the Hotel
Chapter 19: The Crow's Talons
Chapter 20: The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret
Shuichi Akai's Birthday!
Chapter 21: The Mystery Train
Chapter 22: Bourbon Figures It Out!
Chapter 23: Enter Shukichi Haneda!
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Pursuit
Chapter 25: The Kyoto School Trip
Christmas OVA!
Chapter 26: The New Year's Heist
Chapter 27: Entangled in Spider
Chapter 27: The Tumultuous Science Fair
Chapter 28: Yusaku Kudo's TV Show Case
Chapter 29: The FBI Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: The Shoji Player Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: PSB vs Kaito Kid! Part I
Chapter 31: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part II
Chapter 33: The Dango Adventure
OC Fanart ❤️
Chapter 34: Hatoyama Farm
Chapter 35: Sports Day
Chapter 36: Breakdancing and a Unexpected Visit
Chapter 37: The Notebook Promise
Chapter 38: Flying By The Crow's Nest - Part 1

Chapter 32: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part III

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By Classya8

Kaiya POV

"Eh? We're not allowed to be here?!" Ran, Sonoko, Azuza and I pouted.

"Sorry, about that, but Kaito Kid could easily disguise as you guys." Nakamori explained. "You'll have to watch us catch Kaito Kid through the security cameras." he apologized.

"Wait a moment please, he won't disguise as Kaiya, I'm sure of it." Saguru piped up. "It won't be a problem if she comes right?"

"Well if you say so, then..." Nakamori hesistated but allowed me to watch.

"Saguru... thank you" I smiled.

"You seem more excited about this than me though." he sighed.

"It's not like that...Kaito Kid is cool... but part of what makes this exciting... is also watching you solve these mysteries." I grinned.

"Ahem." Conan cleared his throat.

"Don't worry, I enjoy watching you solve mysteries too Conan-kun!" I reassured him.


I turned around as Amuro and Kazami arrived. "Eh? You guys are here as well?" I blinked. What is the PSB doing here?

"Mori-sensei asked me be his assistant and help the Kid-Killer (Conan) catch Kaito Kid..." Amuro gave a fake smile. Kazami also explained to Jirokichi that he was inspecting the place since the Queen would visit in a few days.

"Is that really true?" I crossed my arms doubtfully. Ran looked at Amuro confused as well.

"Please just roll with it." Amuro whispered.

Afterwards, Ran and the others left while Jirokichi pinched everyone to make sure that they weren't Kaito Kid in disguise.

"Ouch..." Saguru and I rubbed our cheeks in pain. Jirokichi didn't have to pinch that hard -_-


A policeman suddenly came towards us, holding up a phone with a message from Kaito Kid. "At midnight tonight, when you are all escaping reality in your daydreams, I shall sharply cut off the "Queen's Bang" Enjoy the show..."

"Kid's gonna put us to sleep! Prepare enough masks for everyone!" Nakamori ordered.

"Yes sir." the policeman replied.

"I'll help as well!" I offered.

"I shall stay behind and look over the schematics of the building." Saguru told me.


"So, are you really gonna put us all to sleep?" I asked the policeman.

"What do you mean?" he pretended to be confused.

"You can stop faking it now, Kaito." I deadpanned.

"You got me." he threw his hands in the air. "All I will say is to prepare enough masks."

"Alright, but this time it's too risky to disguise as me since Saguru is here." I explained.

"Pshh I was right there and he didn't even notice me." he laughed as we entered the storage room where the masks were. "Well tada! I shall see you later tonight at midnight." Kaito saluted and disappeared, leaving only the policeman gear behind. How does he even do that??!!!

Jeez now I have to carry all these masks back to the main room alone *sigh* And there's not even enough for everyone.


"If Kid attempts open the case with the jewelry, the ceiling above will come down." Jirokichi explained.

Conan, Amuro, Kazami, and Saguru looked deep in thought, looking for flaws in the defense system.

"Eh?! Azuza-san, I thought were watching the monitor with Ran and Sonoko." Conan turned around as Azuza came.

"Well you see, I'm a fan of Kaito Kid too!" Azuza explained.

Suddenly a white mist floated into the room, causing everyone to cough.

"Damn it I can't see anything!" Nakamori grumbled.

"Cover your mouth with a handkerchief!" Amuro told us, since there weren't enough masks for everyone.

Once the mist cleared I gasped when I saw a Kaito Kid card on the case. It read, "I've successfully retrieved the Queen's Bang!"


"Perhaps he just a put a card so that he could pretend to steal it!" Jirokichi shouted.

"Another one of Kaito Kid's tricks! Cut the power to the case." Nakamori ordered his policeman and started heading to the case.

"Wait please!" Amuro stopped Nakamori. "You might be Kaito Kid in disguise."

"You could easily approach the case and switch out the tiara and hide it in your pocket." Kazami explained.

"Then let's have Conan-kun check the case." I suggested.

"There's no way Kid could disguise as him." Saguru agreed.

Conan grabbed a chair and opened the case. "It's gone!" he exclaimed.

The tiara was missing??? How?!

"Search every corner of the building!" Nakamori ordered.


Conan POV

Jirokichi and Nakamori both wore masks, so it would unlikely for Kaito Kid to be disguised as them... but he has disguised as people with masks before so that is inconclusive.... I need to first investigate the people who didn't wear masks when the gas entered the room - Amuro, Azuza, Kazami, Saguru, and Kaiya.

"Hey, Amuro-niichan," I tugged at his sleeve. "What was the new item at Poirot Cafe?"

"Why are you asking that now?" Amuro responded. "But to answer your question, it's called cabonara. You should ask Azuza-san too."

Following his advice, I went to Azuza. "Azuza-neechan... what is Poirot's new menu?" I asked.

"The boss gave it a weird name... it was called charcoal grilled something." Azuza replied. "Is there something wrong with it...?"

"No its nothing, I just want to try it someday!" I said childishly in response. "By the way, how were you able to take time off today?" I asked.

"The cafe is closed for repairs to the AC." Azuza replied.

Hmm... its still possible for Kaito Kid to have overheard the AC stuff but their responses still check out.

I then ran to Kazami. "Ehm hi Kazami-san right?"

"Shh" he whispered. "Don't call me by my real name."

"S-Sorry I just heard Amuro-san on the phone with you... anyways you're off duty today right? What were you doing at that time?" I asked.

"Conan-kun, people like the PSB cannot talk about themselves openly like that." Amuro told me.

"O-Oh yes right." I nodded.

"Anyways, how did the heist's scene look like?" Amuro whispered to Kazami.

"There wasn't anything that caught my eye." Kazami replied.

Afterwards walked over to Kaiya who was speaking with Saguru. They were both inspecting the case, wondering how the tiara disappeared.

"Say, Kaiya-neechan" I motioned for her to speak in private. "Do you remember what happened when we went to the restaurant for dinner?"

"Eh? You didn't know, Conan-kun? There was some credit card fraud and the thief pushed Saguru in the ocean so I had to go rescue him." she replied. "But I thought you were there too?"

"O-Oh well just making sure." I replied.

I then went to Saguru and asked him what happened in line while we were waiting for the museum.

"Well... Sonoko-san pulled out a deck of cards and then asked Amuro-san performed a magic trick before Kaito Kid came and performed his own trick." he replied.

Kaito Kid could have seen Sonoko take out the cards... but the response was detailed enough....

I went to Kazami. "Inspector Nakamori sent you the pictures of the room right? Could I take a look at them please?" I asked.

"Huh why do I -" Kazami began.

"Now now, I have them on my phone too." Amuro lent me his phone.

"Oh, may I have a look as well?" Saguru asked. I nodded and showed him the picture.

I looked at the picture. Just as I thought... that's how it took place...


Kaiya POV

"How did Kaito Kid even manage to open this case?" I frowned, looking around the scene. My eyes are beginning to feel itchy probably because of the gas earlier.

"Don't touch your eyes... there's some white paint on your hands." Saguru warned before I was about to rub my eyes.

"Oh there really is paint on my hands!" I realized.

"I must have touched paint somewhere as well." Amuro said, glancing at his hands.

"I also have some stuck on mine!" Azuza added.

"So do I..." Kazami noted.

"Can you show me the places where you guys had paint on your hands?" Conan asked.

"S-Sure." I replied, showing Conan. Everyone had paint on their fingertips and a little on the back of the hands... except for Kazami who also had it on his palm....

Conan and Saguru both a smirk on their faces... does that mean they figured it out?


"There's no report of Kaito Kid?" Nakamori exclaimed when his policeman reported back.

"Yes sir, we checked everywhere." the policemen reported.

"There are over 200 policemen checking the building, but no one saw anyonen leaving." Jirokichi said.

"He must still be in the musuem then." Saguru deduced.

Amuro and Kazami suddenly got a phone call from their supervisor, telling the PSB not to intervene, so they decided to leave soon.

Ran and Sonoko soon joined us, and they were in amazement as to how the tiara disappeared.


"If it's about Kaito Kid..." Saguru began.

"We know where he is." Conan finished.

"As expected of you guys!" Nakamori exclaimed.

"It's this way!" Conan motioned.

We ran to the room where Azuza was taking a picture of Kaito Kid's message on the case and Kazami was advising her not too. Kazami was about to approach the case when Conan stopped him.

"Stop right there, Kaito Kid." Saguru ordered. "Just a warning... if you open the case right now the ceiling will collapse."

"The inspector turned on the power again." Conan explained.

"The trick uses a double lift... you made it look like the lid was open, but in reality the real case was hidden underneath it." Saguru explained.

Amuro suddenly appeared in the room. "That's right, you made the AC emit white paint to hide the edges of the new case so that it looked perfectly normal." he said to Kaito Kid. "That's how we ended up getting paint on our hands."

Amuro showed me the picture on his phone.

"No way... the difference between the cases is barely noticeable!" I looked at the picture of the room before and after.

"There was nothing in that case Conan opened it because there was nothing in that fake case." Amuro explained. "Am I right?"

"How did you know?" Kazami removed his mask, revealing Kaito Kid.

"Oh I got it!" I gasped. "The bench in the photo!"

"Before the act, the middle leg of the bench was thicker than the others." Conan began. "But afterwards it looked the same so I realized there was a box shaped thing used for the trick."

"How did you know I was disguised as the PSB officer Kazami?" Kaito asked.

"Due to the paint on the hands!" Saguru explained. "You were the only one with paint on your palms most likely because you moved the fake case on top of the real case during the act."

"Amuro-san and Azuza-san knew Poirot's menu, so they were real." Conan added. "Carbonara is also called 'charcoaled grilled craftsman pasta'." Kaiya-neechan and Saguru-niichan's responses bout the events at the museum and restaurant were also accurate as well, so they were real."

"Moreover the place Kazami went to on his day off was an idol festival! Fans often call those places scenes." Amuro explained.

"I guess if I had responded 'The scene was a great success.' I would have passed, right?" Kaito sighed.

"The PSB officer has been rescued from the restroom!" Nakamori barged into the room. "You no longer have a place to run!" policemen surrounded Kaito.

"Well... how about there?" Kaito attached a cord to the ceiling, preparing his escape. "As forewarned... I shall take away the 'Queen's Bang'!" he tilted his hat as farewell. "I thought a PSB officer here would make it more troublesome, but it seems like it wasn't the case." he laughed while leaving.

"Wait up!" Conan attempted to run towards Kaito.

Amuro looked deep in thought before disappearing. I wonder where he went... anyways that's a matter to worry about for later....


Amuro POV

"Now I shall return home." Kaito Kid prepared to take flight from the roof.

"Finally we meet again, Kaito Kid." I handcuffed him before he could escape.

"Eh?" he exclaimed in shock. "But you were downstairs just now!"


Kaiya POV

"Saguru, let's take the stairs!" I pointed, and we dashed to the rooftop.


Amuro POV

"It was a simple disguise worn by Kazami, the PSB officer you previously disguised as. We did this trick after he was rescued from the restroom." I explained. "He couldn't freely mimic voices like you could, but I managed to transmit my voice through a speaker in his hat. Compared your trick... that seems like child's play does it not?"

"I see, so the man downstairs, that guy was an otaku idol huh?" Kaito Kid deadpanned.

"Well the same way I found out that he was an idol was the same way I found out about Yoko Okino when I was investigating Mori..." I mumbled. "Anyways.... I feel like we've met before." I told Kaito. "I won't forget even if it's a girl's face." I reminesced back to the murder mystery train.

Kaito Kid wore a surprised expression... but something feels off... it definitely wasn't the same expression I saw on the train. Could it be that my deductions were off and Kaito Kid really wasn't disguised as Shiho Miyano and that it was someone else? It is possible he helped that person escape but who was disguised as Shiho then?

"Well... you forget that I am Kaito Kid!" he disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving me handcuffed to the rail. "There's nothing wrong with a kid playing around with child's play... is that a problem?" he quipped, about to fly away.

"Kaito Kid!" Kaiya ran through the smoke onto the roof followed by Saguru. "Amuro-san?" She stopped in surprise.

"Farewell" Kaito Kid grinned, and Kaiya gasped as the tiara appeared on her head.

"We were so close!" Saguru grumbled.

"Kaito.... Kid..." she looked at the tiara in surprise.

That shocked expression when Kaiya ran through the smoke... it looked so similar to the expression I saw on the train. I don't want to believe it...but could she really have been the one disguised as Shiho? According to her, she didn't board the mystery train because she had a cold, but that could've just been an excuse...


"Amuro-san... how did you get up here so quickly?" she asked, while attempting to unlock the handcuffs.

"Oh well... somehow...." I replied with a fake smile.

"Never mind about that, how do I get you out these handcuffs without a key?" she worried.

"I'll downstairs to ask Inspector Nakamori for a spare one." Saguru offered.

"There's no need, I'll teach you how to lock pick it." I told Kaiya. "If you wouldn't mind lending me one of your hair pins..."

"Oh sure..." she pulled a hair pin out and began to pick at the lock following my directions.

She wore a triumphant expression when it finally clicked open.

"You're a fast learner." I praised.

"Well I had an amazing teacher!" she beamed.


Kaiya POV

"Well, that was quite the heist, wasn't it?" I asked Saguru yawning slightly. It was almost 3 am afterall.

"It was quite eventful." he agreed. "Would you like a ride home?" he offered. "It is quite dark afterall."

"U-Umm would it really be alright?" I hesistated.

"Of course its alright!" Sonoko interjected. "A young lady shouldn't walk home by herself afterall."

"S-Sonoko!" I blushed.

Ran pulled Sonoko away sheepishly. "We'd best be going now, but hopefully we meet again in a another heist." Saguru nodded in response.


"Thank you again for the ride." I told Saguru as we arrived in front of the Kudo residence.

"It's really no problem, Baya had a car prepared for us outside anyways." Saguru told me. "Before that... I believe this is yours..." he held out a new book.

"This is... the murder mystery book at the bookstore that I wanted!" I exclaimed. "B-But didn't you want to read it as well?" 

"Well its yours to read now." he replied, slightly turning away in embarassment.

"I will definitely enjoy reading it then." I smiled.


(the next day)

I glanced at the phone as I recieved a call from an unfamiliar number. "Hello?" I answered.

"Surprised I know your number?" Kaito asked.

"Not really Kaito..." I sighed. "But it is a surprise to recieve a phone call from you."

"A blonde man back at the heist earlier was asking me if he has seen me before. Does it have anything to do with the murder mystery train that I saved you from?" Kaito asked.

"What? Amuro-san did?" I exclaimed. Does that mean he knows about the murder mystery train? Did he really come to the heist to investigate Kaito Kid? "Oi Kaito be careful you know... no one can know the truth about what happened."

"Alright..." Kaito agreed. "Of course I will."

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