I Reincarnated as Louis XVI t...

By KageNishi

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A man playing a history game falls asleep and wakes up in the Palace of Versailles. To his shock, the man was... More

Prologue: Welcome to France
The Man, Louis XVI
Box of Versailles
Let's Dance at the Ball
Red Rain Incident
Bourbon Reforms
I Will Conquer, with the People
Dawn of a New Era
Attitude Survey Results
In the Swaying Carriage
The Start of Reforms
Bath Arc
17 Years Old
Whereabouts of Foreign Currency
Be a Sword, Be a Shield
Academy of Sciences
Doctor Sanson
Enriching Meals
Operation Stork
New World Disturbance
Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity
1st International French Fashion Fair
If I Shouted Too Much Love in the Middle of Versailles, They Got Mad at Me
Swedish Noblemen
His Majesty's Holiday
Made in Taiwan
Operation Leviathan
Bourbon Doctrine
How About Spices?
Last Kingdom
Fire on the Other Shore
Looming Threat
Economic Index
Anti-Britain Grand Alliance
Opening Moves for Dominance


650 21 3
By KageNishi


"Who!? Who Put in the Alternate History Mod!?"

☆ ☆ ☆

August 25, 1772

"Oi oi oi, Poland is definitely done for..."

Louis XVI, who has been dynamically altering the course of history he has been walking in real-time, is in a state where European history has been severely rewritten in the blink of an eye, with a 90 percent probability that it is definitely my fault. The remaining 10 percent is the current state of confusion, whether it is okay to celebrate the significant changes that have occurred due to the development that might have occurred in historical reality or to be perplexed. In any case, it is certain that I am in a situation where I am pulling my hair out. Just when I was enjoying the morning time with Antoinette in a good atmosphere, a single express mail that intruded into the peaceful time will put an end to it.

"Oh my, Lord Auguste, why do you look so serious?"

"Listen, Antoinette... Poland has split."

"Eh? Split... do you mean the country has been divided?"

"Yes, Poland's southern region declared independence... as the Republic of Krakow."

Let me clarify first, the Bar Confederation, which had been stationed in the southern part of Poland, declared independence from the Polish Republic. To confirm it once again, the Bar Confederation declared independence from the Polish Republic. They have established the government of the Republic of Krakow, with Michał Jerzy Poniatowski, the brother of the current King of Poland, as the interim head. The situation in the Polish region, which had been relatively stable in historical reality, began to smell fishy a few weeks ago, and on August 19, the first announcement of the independence of the Republic of Krakow was broadcast to the whole of Europe. It was completely unexpected.

"I've heard rumors recently that the Bar Confederation in the south has been holding off the Russians' fierce attacks... but no, declaring independence is quite unexpected."

"If they've declared independence, I suppose we should be concerned about their relations with neighboring countries... and the Republic of Krakow is in close proximity to Austria... I'm sure Mother and Brother are already taking action."

"That's right... from a geographical perspective, Austria is probably three days ahead of Versailles in terms of information transmission. Anyway, we need information... let's wait until we get more information."

Yes, unlike Saint-Domingue, it's probably not a problem that directly affects our country, so I thought we would be fine. But that was just wishful thinking. As we waited, the first voices of distress from the various officials who were busy dealing with the situation came into the room. The first to come for consultation was Marshal Claude Louis.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for disturbing your leisure time. May I discuss the matter of the Republic of Krakow with you?"

"It seems urgent, so go ahead, I don't mind."

"Then, with regard to our country's military officers who have been sent as part of the officer exchange program to Poland, they have announced that they are now members of the Republic of Krakow. And it's not just one or two of them, it's all of them..."

"...All of them belong to the Republic of Krakow?"

"Yes, as you can see here, they have provided certificates signed by each officer. There is a difference of opinion in the army about how to handle their situation..."

Marshal Claude-Louis was in a state of bewilderment as he spoke.

The military officers sent for officer training from Poland had all come forward with solemn expressions, saying, "From today, our affiliation is not with Poland but with the Republic of Krakow! Here are signed certificates for all of us." So, they came to discuss what to do with them, and the officers did. It's understandable that if one or two military personnel wished to belong to the Republic of Krakow, they could have processed it on paper with a simple "Oh, I see." But if every Polish officer in France decided to join the Republic of Krakow, it would certainly be a problem. The Marshal asked what was happening with the embassy staff.

"As for the officers' affiliation, I believe the Polish embassy isn't yet fully aware of the situation. Have you contacted the Polish embassy?"

"W-well, you see... When I inquired earlier, the Polish embassy also declared that they belong to the Republic of Krakow... So, they are requesting that we treat them as soldiers of the Republic of Krakow..."

"...Really? So, they've concluded that Poland has no future and have pledged loyalty to the Republic of Krakow which they see as a nation with a high probability of survival?"

"N-no, Your Majesty, these documents are from the Krakow embassy... Not the Polish embassy..."

Firstly, they made inquiries with the Polish embassy, but it seems that even the embassy is planning to become the embassy of the Republic of Krakow. Furthermore, with remarkable efficiency, all the embassy staff had already signed the documents. Those were what they handed to the Marshal.

"We, the Republic of Krakow, declare to the nations of Europe that we are an independent state with Krakow as its capital and that we are permanently neutral. To address the unprecedented national crisis caused by the catastrophic dysfunction of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth government, we declared independence from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on August 19 and established the government of Krakow with Michał Jerzy Poniatowski as its head on the same day. Additionally, concerning the Polish embassies in various European countries, including France, we request that they be treated as embassies belonging to the Republic of Krakow upon signing this document."

Okay, let's summarize it in three points.

- The Bar Confederation declared independence because the Polish government was incompetent.

- The capital is Krakow, and they declare independence as a permanently neutral nation.

- Embassies that have declared allegiance should treat the Republic of Krakow as an independent nation.

Well, that's way shorter.

Isn't this happening too suddenly? It's like those fast-food chains that open too many branches and then start closing them. Could it be that the Polish soldiers and diplomats in France were given instructions to act as the government of the Republic of Krakow in a situation like this? Given their efficiency, that possibility is quite likely. We need to change today's schedule.

"This is more troublesome than I expected. Antoinette, I'm sorry... I'll have to cancel today's plans and hold an emergency meeting at the Department of Land Administration..."

"There's no room for social gatherings in times like this... I understand. I'll take care of the cancellations for the social gathering."

"I'm really sorry! We'll make it up for sure!"

Antoinette assured me that it was alright, but I apologized. Today, I was originally planning to host a tea party, a gathering for the citizens of Paris to interact with various people. It was meant to be an occasion to enjoy tea together and also serve as a tasting event for soba tea, which has been undergoing varietal improvements... Soba tea! Finally, I was looking forward to the day when I could drink it!

For what it's worth, France is one of the leading producers of buckwheat in Europe. Of course, unlike in Japan where it's primarily used for noodles and soba, it's also used as an ingredient in sweets and such. It was a shocking fact I learned after my reincarnation. There's even talk that it's used as the main ingredient for waffle batter, but I thought that if there's buckwheat flour available, we might as well try making "soba," the Japanese noodles. However, the problem is that soba broth (soba tsuyu) is not available. Without soba broth, it can't be called soba! (Although I can make soba noodles.)

Since buckwheat grows naturally in France, I thought I'd at least like to try making tea from it. I really like its simple taste. As a former Japanese, some things can't be compromised. Buckwheat is rich in rutin and vitamin B, so it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, it can grow in poor soil, making it a valuable emergency food. However... the issue is that the amount of buckwheat that can be harvested is limited in comparison to the available land.

If we can introduce it as a tea, perhaps it could become a substitute for black tea in France. It wouldn't be a staple, but having a nutritious beverage like this during times of poor harvests would be beneficial for health. Only those selected by lottery out of more than 64.000 applicants out of a pool of 1.300 were allowed to come. I feel really sorry for the people who have come, but with the birth of the Republic of Krakow, we have to prioritize this situation. When I think about them, I feel guilty.

No, even I, assuming that the conflict with Russia would drag on but eventually the Bar Confederation would be subdued and Poland would be partitioned as history suggests. I never expected they would declare independence from Poland like this. Even considering the lessons from Saint-Domingue, the Department of Land Administration should have been sending dozens of personnel to Poland regularly... but we didn't hear about this coming out of nowhere.

Foreign intelligence agencies must be panicking as well. An emergency ministerial-level meeting is hastily convened at Grand Trianon. In times like these, we need to focus on practical solutions, not just put on a show. Seriously... this is ruining my peaceful time with Antoinette! I'll have to make it up to her later. For the sake of my beloved wife, I need to conduct a proper meeting first and then seek comfort later. First, I'll gather the key members of the Department of Land Administration and prioritize collecting the information currently available.

The establishment of a new nation is something that happens relatively frequently in Europe, which is prone to wars, every few years to several decades. However, Poland, which is already having issues with Russia, declaring independence was somewhat unexpected. Did the Department of Land Administration not anticipate this situation? Or perhaps the Austrian government took action.

Monsieur Hauser did mention last week that it would be wise to keep an eye on things, so they may have already collected a substantial amount of information and were planning to present it in an organized report... but Krakow declaring independence preemptively has overtaken that report. In any case, we need to organize the information and create a precise and accurate report. Rather than panicking like we did in Saint-Domingue, we need to first stay calm and think things through. Then, once Monsieur Hauser arrives at the Department of Land Administration, the meeting will begin.



"Krakow's Strongest in Common European History"


"I'm terribly sorry for so late..."

"Well, things have happened out of the blue. How much information have you gathered?"

"Yes, this information came in through Austria and Prussia a little while ago, brought by our regular liaison. It contains the decisions made by both the Austrian and Prussian governments regarding their treatment of the Republic of Krakow."

Hauser wiped his forehead with a handkerchief before handing over the information he had brought. If I had a stapler, I could bind dozens of documents at once, but since that era had not yet come, I read through them carefully in the order in which the pages were numbered. The officials from the Department of Land Administration had rushed here after grasping the contents thoroughly. If that's the case, it could mean that the declaration of independence by the Republic of Krakow this time had been planned in advance by those seeking independence from Poland. This has put us one step behind, but I'm sure we can still get back on track.

I looked at the results of the Austrian and Prussian governments' treatment. I heard that both governments moved as soon as the Republic of Krakow was created, and I'm curious to see how they did. It is possible that the heads of government of the Republic of Krakow and the Austrian and Prussian governments were aware of the situation, or that the three countries had a secret meeting excluding Russia.

Because even in this era, when they dealt with risky diplomacy involving alliances based on the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," it was not uncommon for allies in one war to become enemies in the next. So, they might have negotiated favorable terms. Thinking that way and examining the official treatment results of the Austrian and Prussian governments, it seemed that indeed, Austria and Prussia had talked to the Krakow side in advance and recognized the Republic of Krakow as an official state with conditions.

The Austrian government recognizes the independence of the Republic of Krakow. However, they require the establishment of a demilitarized zone in the border towns between the Republic of Krakow and Austria, and they agree to cede the mining rights in the resource-rich areas we have claimed in Poland.

The Prussian government recognizes the independence of the Republic of Krakow and guarantees the treatment of embassies. However, they also agreed to dispatch Russian military observers to the Republic of Krakow's border to ensure that the Republic of Krakow's army did not invade Prussia. They also pledge to ensure the safety and lives of Prussian Poles who have declared allegiance to Poland.

"Oooh... So they were indeed working behind the scenes... And did they get approval from Austria and Prussia, both of whom were participating in the partition of Poland, with extremely attractive conditions? Houser, how many intelligence agents do we have in Krakow's independent territory? And please report on the current situation in Krakow."

"Yes, we have four intelligence agents stationed mainly in their designated capital Krakow. In addition, there are several Polish nobles serving as external collaborators, but it's still unclear whether they are aligned with the Krakow side or the Polish side. We received the initial reports up until the announcements from Austria and Prussia, but we don't have detailed information about the current situation on the ground."

"Hmm, this information is from six days ago, right after their declaration of independence... We should receive more detailed information in the next day or two. By the way, how large is the territory that this Republic of Krakow is claiming?"

"Yes, we have a map. This shows the areas that Poland... I mean, the Republic of Krakow, has newly gained support for their independence, including major cities in southern Poland and Lwów."

The southern part of Poland, especially centered around Krakow, the former capital of the Kingdom of Poland, and the frontline city of Lwów with Russia, has achieved independence. Looking at these territories, it resembles a long, narrow country like Czechoslovakia. Near the borders with Austria and Prussia, they had already agreed to withdraw their forces and establish demilitarized zones, as it seems, in order to gain approval. With this, Russia will likely be able to take more territory from Poland than expected.

However, this independence might also be convenient for Austria and Prussia. If Russia advances southward, it's only a matter of time before they become enemies of Austria and Prussia as well. So, they might have thought it best to recognize a country that could serve as a 'barrier' against Russia. Especially now, the territory claimed by the newly independent Republic of Krakow is indeed land that Austria acquired in OTL, but the aim might be to predict and block the route of Russian invasion by establishing a neutral nation.

During this era, Russia and Prussia were in an alliance known as the Russo-Prussian Alliance, aimed at political interference in Poland. As a result, Poland disappeared as a nation in 1795, with its entire territory annexed by the three countries: Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

By the way, a similar situation occurred in 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and the Soviet Union also invaded under the pretext of "protecting Ukrainian residents in Poland." They amicably divided Poland in what's known as the 'Polish Campaign.' At that time as well, Poland disappeared as a homeland and the Polish People's Republic, established by the victorious Soviet Union in the future, became a puppet state, enduring communist rule until two years before the collapse of the Cold War.

What's concerning in this situation is Russia's actions. While they are already gaining control in northern Poland, it's still unclear whether they will invade the newly declared Republic of Krakow. Hauser is continuing his investigation, taking into account factors like military strength and the situation.

"Austria and Prussia have recognized the independence of the Republic of Krakow, but we haven't received an official response from Russia yet. Also, it's worth noting that the staff at the Polish embassy, which now serves as the Republic of Krakow's embassy, have already pledged allegiance to the Republic of Krakow. This could result in a significant reduction in Polish military strength."

"That's true... Poland won't last much longer either way, but I'm curious about Russia's reaction going forward... Knowing Russia, which has been through several ordeals with the Bar Confederation, they might take unilateral action and invade without recognizing their independence... Hauser, what's the situation regarding the conflicts between the Bar Confederation and Russia up to two weeks ago?"

"It can be said that the conflicts with Russia have been going quite well. Volunteer forces have joined the Bar Confederation, and they have successfully defeated Russian forces one after another. The Bar Confederation, which rose up in the northern regions, was defeated by the Russians, but the main forces in the south not only halted the fierce attacks by the Russian army but also had some fronts where they surrounded and annihilated Russian forces. This situation is from six days ago, but it aligns with the territory claimed by the newly independent Republic of Krakow."

Comparing the map, it seems that the current territory claimed by the Republic of Krakow was under the control of the Bar Confederation, and they are facing off against the advancing Russian forces coming from the northwest of Poland. While the Bar Confederation had established a foothold in some northern areas, they were surrounded and annihilated by the overwhelming Russian forces. However, in the south, where the main forces of the Bar Confederation were conserved, they inflicted significant losses on the Russian army. I received information from Caron de Beaumarchais regarding the situation in Russia, but the content of the battle results and reports left me incredulous.

"It seems that the northern region has been completely subdued, but the southern part is still in a stalemate. According to the report, since the start of the Polish-Russia War until one week ago, there have been 15.000 Polish military casualties compared to 27.000 Russian military casualties. Including wounded, captured, and defectors, the total casualties have exceeded 40.000."

"So many?! The Russians have suffered significant losses! They could win if they just press on... Why did the Republic of Krakow break away from Poland?"

"It's primarily because they couldn't reach an agreement with the Bar Confederation, and also because the current king is under Russian influence... Originally, our country had sent troops and supplies in response to support requests from the Bar Confederation."

"...I've never heard of that. Can you tell me more about it, Beaumarchais?"

"Yes, His Majesty King Louis XV had secretly made a pact with the leader of the Bar Confederation, Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł, promising various concessions to France as a supporting nation when they establish their government, in exchange for their assistance in forming an anti-Russian alliance. This was on April 12, 1770."

Upon hearing this, I was shocked to learn that such things were happening behind the scenes. It was still during the time when Louis XV was alive... it was right after I had reincarnated. I remembered vividly that I had reincarnated as Louis XVI on April 11, 1770. So, they made such an agreement the very next day. This revelation was quite shocking.

"So... how long did that secret pact remain in effect?"

"It continued until His Majesty King Louis XV's passing on December 22. At His Majesty's strict command, support was provided secretly, and after that, except for liaison officers, all personnel were evacuated from Poland..."

"But why did you keep it a secret from me all this time? Wasn't this carried out under the leadership of my grandfather's Secret du Roi?"

"Yes, we were ordered not to report to Your Majesty. This was to ensure that the responsibility wouldn't fall on you if blatant interference in internal affairs was exposed. To avoid that, if the situation in the Bar Confederation turned unfavorable, we were instructed to eliminate evidence. Furthermore, considering that King Stanisław August Poniatowski of Poland was cooperating with Russia, it was only a matter of time before suppression would occur... Therefore, we were ordered to cease strategic supplies and military support to the Bar Confederation, which had been carried out under His Majesty King Louis XV's directive, and to destroy related documents and enforce a strict silence on the matter until inquired by Your Majesty. I deeply apologize..."

Beaumarchais bowed his head in apology.

It turned out that France had supported the Bar Confederation (and to make it even more unexpected, it was done through a secret agency led by Louis XV). But if he had given the order to maintain silence, then the responsibility rested with Louis XV... That geezer! He's causing trouble even from beyond the grave!

Well, considering that Beaumarchais faithfully followed the orders given by the former king, I decided to let the matter slide. After all, it showed his loyalty.

"Beaumarchais, raise your head. If you were following the orders given by Louis XV, then you were carrying out your duties faithfully. I appreciate your capabilities, and I'd like to let this matter go. You are hereby forgiven. Please provide a report on this matter when you have the time. For now, I would like to hear about the current situation."

"Thank you for your graciousness, Your Majesty..."

Beaumarchais raised his head and continued his report.

After losing support from France, the Bar Confederation seemed on the verge of defeat, with the expected surrender of Krakow's fortresses and more. However, surprisingly, the Bar Confederation's cavalry and volunteer soldiers were making significant contributions to the war effort. As a result, both Kraków and Lwów remained intact and continued to fight while maintaining their independence. With Poland (the Republic of Krakow) strengthened, Europe would become even more chaotic. So, it was time to decide how to deal with the Republic of Krakow, and that would be determined in the upcoming meeting.



"A New History"


"Will Poland continue to experience a major division within the next few years... or will it be absorbed by a major power? We do not know for sure, but given the current situation, it is unlikely to be too long. The Republic of Krakow may make a ceasefire agreement with Russia, but... whether we should recognize the Polish embassy as the embassy of the Republic of Krakow and decide how to proceed with negotiations with them in the future... First, I would like to hear everyone's opinions after thoroughly examining the information currently available about the Republic of Krakow."

While I can make decisions unilaterally, it would be better to listen to everyone's opinions before making a decision. If I were to make a sudden decision and execute it immediately, it would likely result in shortcomings and haphazard policies later on. No matter how much power I hold as the king, I must not take actions that disrupt the lives of our citizens. As the leader of the nation, I have decided to make decisions about the future of Poland and Krakow, taking into account the opinions of various people.

"Then, let's start with Poland. Currently, about one-third of its territory is being invaded by Russia, and the Bar Confederation has occupied cities in the southern region, such as Krakow and Lwów, and declared independence. Poland no longer has the resources to establish a national system. What do you think we should do about the situation in that country? Does anyone have any opinions?"

"Your Majesty, may I speak?"

"Oh, Marquis de Condorcet... Very well, you have permission to speak."

The first to speak was Marquis de Condorcet. He has been teaching me and Antoinette various subjects, but his explanations on politics are truly remarkable. I believe that if he were to make explanatory videos on politics on a video streaming platform, the screen would be filled with donations. That's how knowledgeable he is in political science, so his advice is likely to be valuable.

"Yes, we believe that Poland is currently in a state of disarray. First, the newly founded Republic of Krakow... whose head of state is Michał Jerzy Poniatowski, the brother of the King of Poland and a highly regarded figure in the Polish parliament. His defection from Poland to this new nation may lead to more defections. If things continue as they are, Poland will either be swallowed by Russia or will reach a peace agreement with Russia on very favorable terms."

"So, Poland is facing a crisis of national extinction... If, hypothetically, we were to recognize the Republic of Krakow like Prussia or Austria, would there be any benefits for our country?"

"The benefits would include the ability to purchase mineral resources at lower prices and the advantage of becoming a geographical shield against Russia. Considering the possibility of Russia, our hypothetical adversary, launching attacks through Krakow or Austria and the Russo-Prussian Alliance, recognizing their independence might be a viable option for us."

"I see. Certainly, our neighboring Prussia has formed an alliance with Russia, and I've heard that they have been expanding their military. Recognizing the Republic of Krakow as a neutral nation could be seen as a measure to reduce risks. Nonetheless, caution is always advisable... So, Marquis de Condorcet, are you in favor of recognizing the Republic of Krakow as a nation?"

"Yes, at the moment, I am in favor. It might be prudent to prepare for the European political situation that could arise due to Poland's turmoil..."

As of now, there is no information suggesting that Prussia is interfering with the Republic of Krakow. Given that they have recognized its independence, there may have been some diplomatic negotiations. Otherwise, it's puzzling how the Bar Confederation, which is governing the Republic of Krakow, has held on for this long. France was supporting them until two years ago, but they withdrew their support and recalled their diplomatic agents by January last year, likely due to domestic instability and Poland's chaotic situation.

If there were sponsors supporting the Bar Confederation, which advocated anti-Russian sentiment during this time... it could be the Ottoman Empire. During this era, the Ottoman Empire, the largest power in the Middle East, frequently engaged in wars with Russia. In historical records, it seems that the Bar Confederation was negotiating with the Ottoman Empire to secure support, so it is likely that weapons and personnel were sent to the Bar Confederation through the Ottoman Empire.

Even if Poland continues to disintegrate and is annexed primarily by Russia and Prussia, if the Republic of Krakow survives, attention and potential threats are likely to shift toward it. Currently, the Republic of Krakow is an "eternal neutral state," so it may not enter into a military alliance with the Ottoman Empire, but if trade or other factors increase the threat to Russia, the situation could change. It may lead to war, given our experiences.

"May I speak as well?"

"Go ahead, Hauser."

"I believe that the recognition of the Republic of Krakow should be postponed for a week. At least a week is needed because we haven't received reports from the Polish side or the officials of the Department of Land Administration residing in Austria and Prussia yet. There is also a possibility that the Polish government may take action to suppress the Krakow side. It might be wise to delay recognition for risk avoidance."

"I see. Delaying recognition for risk avoidance... But Austria and Prussia have already recognized the establishment of the Republic of Krakow, haven't they?"

"Yes, Austria and Prussia have recognized it, but... we have not received a response from Russia, which is still in conflict with Poland. If Russia does not accept this, the situation may further escalate, potentially spilling over into Austria and other regions."

Hauser suggested postponing recognition from a risk avoidance perspective. First and foremost, he pointed out the limited amount of information available and suggested waiting to see what Russia does. As it stands, Russia has already invaded the northwest of Poland, effectively conquering one-third of the country. Given this situation, if the southern part of Poland declares independence, Russia might consider launching a further invasion. Alternatively, Poland and Russia might make peace and then jointly attack the Republic of Krakow, as Hauser pointed out.

"Right now we are still getting the first reports of the Republic of Krakow's independence. However, there is a risk that Poland may make a move to attack the Republic of Krakow after making peace with Russia. In such a case, unlike Austria and Prussia, which presumably had prior discussions, if it were rumored that we supported the Republic of Krakow, Russia might use the Russo-Prussian alliance to attack us. In fact, French-made weapons have been delivered to the Bar Confederation which forms the Republic of Krakow through a secret agreement... So, if Russia were to discover that these weapons were supplied by us, how would they react? They might use it as a pretext for war against us, along with Prussia."

Hauser's concern is that Russia might use the support given to the Republic of Krakow as a reason to launch an attack against France, potentially with Prussia as an ally. If you ask me, that's true. In a sense, it makes sense that Louis XV wanted to support the Bar Confederation, which had won several victories over Russia and was gaining strength in the country rather than the unreliable Polish government. Although the support has been cut off, it is said that they still receive considerable funds and military supplies.

While efforts have been made to erase evidence that these weapons are of French origin, if Russia were to find out that they were supplied by France, it could lead to dire consequences. France's support for the Republic of Krakow's independence caused interference in its internal affairs. Therefore, France should be defeated together with Prussia.

One would hope that such a grave situation would not occur, but during this era, many wars were triggered by trivial matters, territorial expansion, or religious conflicts. Even the Ōnin War, which laid the foundation for Japan's Sengoku period, began due to internal disputes among the shogunate's family over succession, stemming from a seemingly minor issue. Wars often started from seemingly insignificant factors during this time.

"I see, there's a possibility of a larger war... Russia is currently at war with both Poland and the Ottoman Empire. If the war continues to escalate, it will naturally spread to neighboring countries as well..."

"Yes, that's why I believe it's important to observe the situation for the next week until detailed information about the Republic of Krakow becomes available before making a decision. Marquis de Condorcet's opinion is also valid, but the greatest risk for our country is that our reforms may be interrupted by a war. Therefore, I believe it's best to act as soon as more accurate information is received."

Hauser bowed to Marquis de Condorcet before taking his seat. Both their opinions were valid and reasonable. It was crucial to proceed with caution. Making hasty decisions and failing was not an option. One only needed to recall the incident caused by a messenger error in Saint-Domingue. Such failures must not be repeated. Therefore, it was decided to consider Hauser's opinion while incorporating some aspects of Marquis de Condorcet's opinion.

"Now, I would like to hear the opinions of all the key members of the Department of Land Administration here, taking into account both Marquis de Condorcet's and Hauser's opinions. Of course, whether we follow Marquis de Condorcet's advice or adopt Hauser's suggestion and wait for about a week before approval... I'd like each of you to write down your thoughts on paper and place them in the box in front of me. I will review the submissions, so please leave once you've finished writing."

To ensure that all key members' opinions were taken into account, an opinion box was set up, and everyone was asked to write down their thoughts on paper and submit them. This method made it easier for those who found it difficult to speak in public to express themselves in writing.

Members left the meeting room one by one after completing their submissions. With the opinions of the key members taken into consideration, and after reviewing all submissions, the final decision would ultimately rest with me as the king. Having everything written down was convenient for reviewing. By evening that day, I would complete the tally and make a decision regarding the recognition of the Republic of Krakow.



"How About Austrian-made Pastries?"


Starting today, April 1, I will resume daily postings.


We finished the temporary meeting after 20:00. During this time of year, even on hot days, it becomes cooler in the evening. In an era untouched by the muggy tropical nights like in modern times, by late August, simply opening the windows and enjoying the breeze would serve as a natural air conditioner. The wind was passing through an atmosphere free from exhaust fumes. The scent of the lush trees around the Palace of Versailles entered one's nostrils.

"...The evening breeze is so refreshing~"

Since they had prohibited any act of relieving oneself outside designated toilets near the Palace of Versailles, the smell of feces and urine no longer lingered around the Palace. Honestly, I was troubled by this odor for a while after my reincarnation. I even experienced firsthand why perfumes became popular in France, as we burned herbs to eliminate the smell. Ironically, it can also be said that King Louis XV, who had not properly installed toilets before, was at fault for this.

While there are several toilets in the Palace of Versailles, most of them are splendid toilets designated for the use of the nobility and the royal family... Considering that there were over 3.000 servants working in the palace, their act of dumping feces and urine in the bushes had contributed to the foul odor. The addition of many toilets in the Palace of Versailles eliminated the need for such outdoor practices. Well, it's true that when your living environment improves, the impact is significant. I feel that this is the most visible improvement in my life since my reincarnation, but I'm not boasting.

"Now then... First, I need to prepare some sweets for Antoinette... She said it's okay since the event was suddenly canceled, but... she must be feeling sad deep down."

Furthermore, considering that the event was canceled today due to an emergency, I'm thinking of preparing Austrian sweets for Antoinette. It was something that required immediate attention, but the event was promised to Antoinette. As a king, it couldn't be helped, but as a husband who had become her spouse, it was my duty to provide her with some support or comfort. That's right... a woman's heart is delicate. If I leave without any follow-up on this, Antoinette might lose her trust in me, thinking that I'm not caring enough about her.

Even though Antoinette assured me that she was okay when I convened the ministers for the emergency meeting, the fact remains that the event she had been looking forward to for a long time was ruined. After all, it was Antoinette who proposed this social gathering in the first place. Especially the idea of setting up a conversation space while drinking tea with various people... It was suggested as a way for the royal family to show the citizens that they were approachable and friendly.

"Nowadays, even common people have more opportunities to drink tea, so how about we host a tea party for everyone regardless of their social status? Of course, I've already prepared a plan for it."

I was initially surprised that Antoinette came up with such an elaborate plan, but I had been watching her steadily prepare for it for the past two months. With the assistance of the Princesse de Lamballe and Madame Louise Marie, a grand tea party was in the works, and I was looking forward to it as well. However, due to this unexpected turn of events, the event had to be canceled. It was a significant project for Antoinette as the newly crowned queen. So, she might be quite upset about it.

'It's the worst thing to create mistrust in a relationship, so I must make sure to support Antoinette and bring her some sweets to apologize.'

She did say it couldn't be helped due to the emergency, but her first-ever project has still been canceled. She must be somewhat shocked.

In historical accounts, Louis XVI's introverted personality is often cited as a factor behind Antoinette's nightlife activities. Although he was a master locksmith, he was said to be inept in social relationships, especially with women. It is believed that he allowed Antoinette, who was two years his junior, to do as she pleased, and they had limited conversation, even during meals.

...So, rather than being the type to criticize his wife's actions in modern times, he allowed women to do as they pleased. From a woman's perspective, he would be an ideal husband, and indeed, Antoinette reduced her nightlife activities after giving birth to their children, so it's safe to say their marriage was not strained.

So, as for how things are now... It's like, if there were social media or forums, the comments would be filled with remarks like "relationship goals." I, too, have accepted Antoinette's personality and kindness and have started thinking two steps ahead about how to act. When I collapsed from overwork last year, Antoinette scolded me with teary eyes, saying that I was pushing myself too hard and that I should take a break.

That really struck a chord with me. When a woman pleads with tears in her eyes, it really touches a man's heart. Since then, I've made a vow.

...I will never do anything that makes Antoinette sad.

I banned work that was as taxing as a black company from my past life and established regulations for working hours, which greatly improved my physical condition. So now, I believe it's my turn to support Antoinette.

"It's important to provide proper support, but above all... the power of sweets is needed to facilitate such conversations."

I'm definitely not trying to win over women with sweets. There's a psychological aspect to this. When I became a working adult, I once went to a high-end department store with a box of sweets as an apology for troubles with a business partner. Demonstrating sincerity and a willingness to apologize through such actions is important. And if sweets can help alleviate even a bit of stress, that's a plus.

Antoinette, with the help of those around her, has been preparing to create a gathering where people of all social statuses can enjoy themselves. People like the Princesse de Lamballe and Madame Louise Marie have taken the lead in explaining the situation to the participants who have come to the Palace of Versailles. For those who came from afar, they arranged for travel expenses and accommodations to be reimbursed and planned to send invitations again at a later date. Antoinette, in her capacity as queen, also helped clean up the venue. The tea and sweets that were originally planned to be served were not discarded, as they would be wasteful, but were distributed to the palace servants.

"...What kind of sweets should I give Antoinette? Hot ones are a no-no... The sweets I asked the head chef to make should be ready by now. I left it to him to prepare famous Austrian sweets, but let's have them received at the palace."

I had asked the head chef to prepare famous Austrian sweets during a break in the meeting, so it should be about time they were ready. As I looked into the palace kitchen with anticipation of what kind of dish would be ready, the head chef was in the midst of decorating freshly baked pastries. I didn't want to disturb him, so I waited around for about 10 minutes before checking the kitchen again. The dessert had been completed. The shape of the dessert was something you could often find in Japanese bakeries in the 21st century.

"Your Majesty, the item you ordered is now complete. It's kifli."

"So, this is kifli... an Austrian pastry, is it not?"

"Yes, it's a pastry that Her Majesty received when she entered France. It's a well-known pastry in Austria and Prussia."

This kifli... looks exactly like a croissant.

In fact, it's the precursor to the croissant.

In Prussia and some other places, it's also called "Kipferl."

Explaining the history of how kifli came to be would take quite some time, so I'll simplify it: it was inspired by the flag of the Ottoman Empire, which had invaded as far as the outskirts of Vienna.

The shape of the croissant is a crescent, and the Ottoman Empire used a crescent motif in its flag, so it was created with the image of baking that flag. There are various theories about its exact origin, but it seems that because it symbolizes the victory over the Ottoman Empire, it is considered lucky and is often made in Austria and Prussia. The story of how the croissant came into being is a bit violent, but even so, it's said to be a typical Austrian pastry.

On the kifli's surface, there's maple syrup, and it's garnished with crushed nuts and such. They've even added a bit of mint. The sweet aroma is filling the air. I like croissants that are displayed in bakery windows, but in this era, I also appreciate kifli coated with natural syrup without excessive additives.

"I apologize for making you work overtime, Head Chef... I'm really sorry for today."

"Your Majesty! There's no need for Your Majesty to apologize! This is part of my job... Besides, I'm grateful for Her Majesty who distributed them to the palace servants to ensure that ingredients wouldn't go to waste, and for Your Majesty's consideration, even for someone like me, who comes from common origins. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you... Well then, would it be alright if I take this kifli and give it to Antoinette in person? I want to give it to her directly... Head Chef, you've worked hard enough for today. Take a well-deserved rest."

"Of course... Then, following Your Majesty's words, I'll clean up here and take my leave for today..."

"Ah, thank you..."

The head chef bowed and then began cleaning the kitchen. He had prepared a large quantity of sweets for the social gathering that was planned, but they were distributed to the servants today. Ultimately, he was grateful that the ingredients didn't go to waste. He, too, must be concerned about Antoinette. With this sweet and delicious treat in hand, I'll head back to my room. Antoinette is waiting for my return.

Carefully carrying the kifli to avoid dropping it, I made my way to the room.





This is my first post because I didn't realize I was posting in a hurry.

★ ☆ ★

The social gathering was canceled, and after finishing the cleanup, I read a book in my room. Going out to have fun isn't a bad idea, but it would be quite a scandal if it were discovered that I was playing despite the cancellation of the friendly gathering. I'm not that shameless, you know?

It's unfortunate that it had to be canceled, but I understand that it can't be helped. Lord Auguste is His Majesty the King, a central figure in the country. I've heard that he is devising emergency measures in response to Krakow's independence from Poland, and it's a significant event that will shape the future of France.

When I was informed of the cancellation, I couldn't help but feel some anger about why independence happened today of all days. However, it seems that the event will be rescheduled as a royal event for late next month, so there's some hope. If we can resume the gathering, it would be for the best. Besides, I ordered that the many sweets and tea we prepared be served to those who are diligently involved in the maintenance of the palace. It's such a waste to throw away what we've made! Especially the sweets, as they use somewhat expensive ingredients like sugar and honey. Rather than disposing of them, I thought it would be better for the staff to enjoy them.

The Princesse de Lamballe and Madame Louise Marie agreed with this idea, so I distributed them at my discretion. Furthermore, for those who were planning to attend, I explained the situation and provided reimbursement for travel expenses for those who came from afar, along with information about the next scheduled date, before kindly asking them to leave. Some people expressed disappointment, but not a single person complained or voiced any grievances. An elderly commoner from Lyon said this: "Your Majesty, if there is an urgent matter that has arisen, there is no choice but to attend to it. In fact, prioritizing urgent matters demonstrates your dedication to protecting the country. I am deeply moved by His Majesty's determination."

After saying this, he wiped away tears with his handkerchief.

Lord Auguste's actions are unavoidable, and I appreciate his prioritization of politically urgent matters. His grandfather, King Louis XV, was known to be somewhat laissez-faire when it came to politics and governance, and when Lord Auguste first arrived in France, he lamented King Louis XV's extravagance. He probably saw King Louis XV as a lesson. To this day, Lord Auguste has been committed to frugality and is determined to create a new France where every citizen can live comfortably.

"Oh, I apologize for showing you an unsightly side, Your Majesty... May I have the honor of speaking with you when I see His Majesty again next month?"

"Yes! Of course! Please feel free to approach me at that time, and I will make sure to convey your request."

"Your Majesty... Thank you so much! This is also a wish of my late wife, Clémentine, and a lifelong request from me!"

"Father, this is becoming a burden for the Queen. I'm sorry for my father's selfishness..."

"No, it's alright. I'll send you another invitation... Please come when the time comes."

With multiple bows, the man and his son and daughter-in-law left together. The son, dressed in military attire, was polite, and he seemed to get along well with his wife. After that, as I was cleaning up after the gathering, the Princesse de Lamballe approached me.

"Your Majesty... Who was that just now?"

"That was Arsené Durand. He claimed to be a commoner from Lyon and was looking forward to meeting Your Majesty..."

"Arsené Durand...? Your Majesty, he might possibly have a connection to King Louis XV."

"Eh, the person from earlier?"

"Yes... There used to be a brothel called the Parc-aux-Cerfs in Versailles. The late King had relationships with several mistresses there," the Princesse of Lamballe shared this information with trepidation.

Among the mistresses... there were several commoner women who secretly gave birth. Of course, in exchange for not publicly acknowledging that they had children with the King, they were promised a secure life, including a pension of 50.000 livres and basic necessities. One of them was a commoner woman from Lyon named Clémentine Durand, who was rumored to have had some dealings with Madame de Pompadour.

"Despite being from the commoner class, Madame de Pompadour, who possessed exceptional knowledge, is said to have had a friend. That friend was also from Lyon and from the commoner class, a person named Clémentine Durand. It is said that at Madame de Pompadour's request, she looked after the late King at the Parc-aux-Cerfs. It is said that she was expunged from the records..."

"...Come to think of it, he also mentioned someone named Clémentine... and she's from Lyon... If that's true, then his son..."

"It's possible that the son may be carrying the blood of the late King. However, this will likely never be publicly disclosed. If it were, considering the number of children born from the late King's mistresses, there would be quite a few..."

The Princesse de Lamballe didn't elaborate any further. If it turned out to be untrue, it would be a major issue, and even if it were true, perhaps it was better for this hidden truth not to be revealed to the world. Also, she mentioned that the person's participation in this recent gathering was a result of winning a lottery, so it might not be a coincidence that they were drawn to their roots.

'They say people are drawn together by destiny... Perhaps my parents were also drawn together by fate.'

My mother always referred to my father as "that man" and admired him. Despite having little status at the court, she was quite skilled in managing the empire's finances, enough to keep it in the black. If... the person I thought was my real father turned out to be someone else, I wouldn't be able to accept that truth. And I might find it difficult to believe in my mother as well, leading to a sense of distrust. With various plot threads converging, I felt like I was delving into the heart of a novel, much like Robinson Crusoe.

"Each person has their own life story."

"Outside of the story, the characters are constantly moving and enjoying their conversations."

"The story we see is always fluid, flowing like a river."

As I looked at the words on the page, I asked a servant for a cup of tea and immersed myself in the book. It was a book handed to me by my mother, titled "Encyclopedia," containing various information. Lord Auguste's return might take some time, so it might be better to talk about today's events later.

'I'm sure... there will be good things to come.'

"Antoinette, I'm sorry for coming home late. I'm back!"

As I was reading, there were three knocks on the door, and Lord Auguste returned.

My hunch seems to be more accurate these days. Lord Auguste came home with a higher tone of voice than usual, along with a sweet scent. He brought pastries, although it's not advisable to eat late at night... Occasionally, it should be fine!

I will continue to support Lord Auguste as his wife, as his queen. I welcomed my beloved husband with a smile, as always.

"Welcome back!"


Starting today, April 1, I will resume daily postings.



"Krakow's Ambition"

★ ★ ★

September 15, 1772

Paris, France

"The Republic of Krakow declares independence from Poland! Austria and Prussia recognize it as a sovereign state and initiate a ceasefire agreement with Russia, which is currently at war."

"The ailing Poland is in turmoil, and maintaining internal security is proving difficult."

"The Bar Confederation is formally incorporated into the Republic of Krakow's military."

Many newspapers had written articles about the independence of the Republic of Krakow. This country, a brand-new emerging nation in Europe, managed not only to halt the fierce Russian attacks but also to repel them and even encircle the Russian forces, sending shockwaves throughout European countries.

In particular, students studying abroad from Poland were so concerned about the southern part of Poland declaring independence that they were contacting universities to confirm which country they now belonged to. The French embassy supported the Republic of Krakow, and Polish nationals currently in France were put in a situation where they had to decide whether to belong to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or the Republic of Krakow by the end of October.

Especially for students who had come from Poland to acquire technical knowledge, this was a source of great distress since the embassy had threatened to invalidate their passports and other documents if they didn't make a choice. They didn't want to spend too much time on administrative procedures. Some people who had given up on Poland immediately expressed their support for the Republic of Krakow and offered their allegiance, but most students were from northern Poland or Warsaw, making the decision not an easy one. It couldn't be decided in just a few days. They came to a restaurant that was open at night and couldn't help but drown their sorrows in alcohol, drinking strong, acidic wine.

"Poland is done for... What are we going to do...? The southern part is declaring independence, and it looks grim."

"...It's over. My father is from Krakow... my mother is from Warsaw. So, I have to abandon one of their hometowns no matter what I choose."

"That's rough... I was also born in Warsaw... Is there any hope left for Poland, politically?"

"Yeah, the parliament is in a big dispute between the pro-Russia faction and the Bar Confederation supporters. Poland's political functionality is paralyzed. It won't be long before it gets divided among the major powers."

"Absolutely, Austria, Prussia, and even those Russians are doing whatever they want... Let's have a drink to take our minds off it. Waitress, more strong drinks, please."

"Gentlemen... drinking too much is harmful to your health, do you know?"

The waitress felt sorry for these Poles who were drinking as if they were drenched in alcohol, but she was also worried that they might get rowdy. Meanwhile, three French students approached the table next to where the Poles were sitting. Pierre Verginaud, a regular at the café and a future lawyer, had come to talk with his friends about the future of Europe while watching the Poles who were venting their frustrations.

"Did you hear? His Majesty is apparently going to recognize the independence of the Republic of Krakow."

"Krakow? Isn't that the country where the embassy defected, isn't it? What will happen to Poland?"

"At the very least, they're requesting not to harm the Polish people, and they plan to maintain the incorporation process into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth..."

"It's quite impressive that they managed to push back the mighty Russian army and bring them to a ceasefire agreement... Pierre, what do you think will happen from here on?"

"I don't know... but at the very least, we've heard that His Majesty responded quickly when the situation arose, so the higher-ups must be keeping a close eye on it. It's currently a well-known event throughout Europe..."

Pierre and his friends ordered Café au lait, summer vegetable salad, red wine for an evening drink, and sliced pork to complement their meal, all while praising the King's response. Stories about King Louis XV, for instance, not showing much interest in reports about the war's progress even when it was deteriorating, were well-known. He would delegate to his capable subordinates and spend his nights at the Parc-aux-Cerfs with his mistresses... so was the rumor among the common folk. Comparing the political systems of the late Louis XV, who passed away earlier, and the current Louis XVI, it was truly like night and day.

"I remember that as soon as the first news of the Republic of Krakow's independence came in, His Majesty suspended all events and took immediate action regarding the Republic of Krakow. It's not something you'd expect normally... Isn't this a matter that's usually delegated to the subordinates?"

"No, in the newspapers, His Majesty himself wrote something like this: 'If our response to the Republic of Krakow is even a day late, it could burden our subordinates. In a situation where prompt action is crucial, failure to understand the situation from above could lead to an inadequate response. Therefore, I suspended the social events and took action for information gathering.' ...like that."

"Indeed... His Majesty is quite active, isn't he, considering his youth?"

"He might be more hardworking than us."

Pierre and his friends appreciated King Louis XVI's prioritization of information gathering over grand social events and parties, and their classmates and professors who attended university shared similar sentiments. The young King had become a symbol of hope and a shining star for the French citizens. Perhaps feeling envious of the passion with which the French people spoke about this bright star, one of the Poles approached Pierre.

"Hey... You seem to think that the King is quite amazing, but can you tell us just how remarkable he is?"

"Ah, you're a Polish... Alright, let's sit at this table and have a drink while I tell you about His Majesty."

Pouring red wine, Pierre began to talk about the numerous achievements of Louis XVI, who had taken on the role of king at a mere 16 years of age, for the benefit of the nation. Not only the bourgeoisie but all French citizens had already started to reap the benefits brought about by these achievements. As they listened to the story, the Poles began to shed tears.

"...We wished we had... someone as energetic and courageous as the King of this country, too..." they sobbed.

They lamented that if their own king had just a fraction of this level of energy, their current dire situation might have been avoided. It was almost certain that Poland would be partitioned among Austria, Prussia, and Russia, and the Republic of Krakow had already declared its independence. Looking at a country on the verge of collapse, emotions that had been held back burst forth all at once. The surrounding Poles felt similarly. Their homeland was being torn apart, and on one side, there was hope, while on the other, there was no future, only being devoured by the major powers. They were now standing on the brink of their homeland's disappearance. Even Pierre and his friends, it seems, felt sympathy for their unfortunate situation. They continued to drink together until the restaurant closed.

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