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" it was your decision to walk On the dark not mine I will break you then make you mine " More



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Y/n pov

After crying a lot and Nancy comforting me I decided to stop weeping and wash my face to only feel the cool droplets on my bare skin. I left the bathroom .

" feeling good now " Nancy pass me the glass of water and I gulped it down. 

" much better " I replied and lay down on her bed .

" I'm happy then " she lays down next to me and start tangling her fingers on my hair.

" do you think he was feeling guilty now after humiliating me or he doesn't care " I look at the ceiling and try my best not to sniff .

" honestly speaking I don't know y/n . He seemed to me a very tough person . You told me he was betrayed by her wife and I think he started to feel like all women are same.  In short, he hates woman ." She express her beliefs and I stayed silent .

" do you think I should give up Nancy?"

" look , let me be honest with you . There are many guys who display their stone hearted personality but inside they're just softy. I think you should try more y/ n . Its not like you bothers him by clinging onto him 24/7 . You just went there to meet yeji .

He's rich so maybe his thoughts are that middle class people like us are using yeji for our own benefits. " I cut her off .

" its not true.  I never ever lend money from her and use her for my own grades "

" you don't have to justify this to me y/n . I know you since we were in kindergarten " .

" I wish if he could read my feelings with my lens too . I like yeji and my mother likes her too . Its not like I met her one to two years ago . "

" he's cold as ice and won't melt easily. I think you should start working on your studies y/n then maybe he starts noticing you and cherry on too you have taehyung and namjoon too . They will help you "

" but if I do this don't you think he will hate me even more cause If I start being serious then maybe I will beat yeji too " I uttered feeling worse.

"Don't study just because you want to beat yeji do this cause you were insulted by professor jeon . Show him that you are not a weak girl and confront him with confidence . Now just you though I think you must include rose too . He insulted her as well . Make a strategy and give him a tight slap on his face. How can he say that you two don't have a bright future . Is he a palmist or a fortune teller ?
Give him a reason to get yeji Close to you and only see you everywhere  " she smirk at her words and I look at her emotionless. 

Her words swayed my crying away . Hate , anger , revenge , passion to beat him these all emotions were I am experiencing right now .

" you are dead right Nancy yet I can't do this alone. I know I should be more critical for my studies and beating yeji will be the good thing . Please help me I want to see you pass exams with flying colors too . Let me be your backbone too "

She smiled and hugged me .

" awww y/n now I don't want professor jeon to notice you . I want you all by myself " I giggled

" Nancy starting from tomorrow let's meet after school in public library or in cafe . You , rose , namjoon and I will do study "

" What about taehyung?" She innocently asked and I back away .

" not him !! Please. I will end up losing my v - card if I start Being closer to him.  He likes my body "

" cause you are thick your boobs and buttocks are larger and your walk is seductive too . I won't be surprise if I were him . I would've don't it long ago "
She lick her lips. 

" ewww Nancy!! You pervert "

" bo bo ain't my fault you are so hot " she cupped my breasts and start playing with them .

" by the way Nancy. How will I face yeji tomorrow ? " I Bite my nails feeling ashamed and overwhelmed.  She stopped her movements and sighed. 

" bo bo tell everything to namjoon. He will help you . He's the most intelligent guy in your group and always available to help you. "

" including my crush on professor jeon too "

" not this but everything that happened today. He has a right to know . He's your best friend after all. He will surely turn you into a  bookworm.  "

" yahhh !! He's not a bookworm.  He's pretty active in sports as well "

" then be his . He will accept you "
I glared at her.

" hehe !! Now call him."

" who ?" I asked being perplexed. God know what's going on her mind. 

" namjoon " she chirped .

" why ?"

" idiot bo bo !! Tell him but first fake your emotions " I sighed and remind myself the words he used for insulting me . Tears flows down and I dialled his number.  In no minute he attended the call and I start crying.  She shook her head and start playing with my parts.

" hello y/n what happened!! Why are you crying?"

" n- nam- namjoon !!! " I explained him everything .

" oh I got it . I always tell you to study y/n and now finally you are going to do what you should've Done earlier. Worry not I will help you. "

" not only me ! He insulted rose and Nancy as well . She is crying too " I gesture her and she start fake crying. I gave her the Phone .

" n- namjoon " I laugh silently watching her drama.

" yes Nancy "

" we are feeling like taking our Life" I look at her with what the duck face ? And she shush me. 

" ya- yah !! Don't you dare !!! I am here to help you all understand.  Please don't do something stupid" . I could hear his broken voice. Nancy and I look each other with awee face. He's tall and looks  stone Cold like professor jeon but he's a softie .

" p- please I will he- help you guys . I can't risk to lose you all by some  bullshits of professor jeon "

" t- thank you namjoon " we said together. He made us emotional and unknowingly we both shed tears .

He hang up and we both sit in silence for sometime.

" now call rose " its hard as a labyrinth to understand her .


I woke up early to start the first day of revenge and the mission of notice me jeon. I could see many text messages of yeji . She was asking for forgiveness behalf of her father.  I replied her that our friendship is nothing to do with her father and I won't behave cold towards her .

" mommy I'm leaving " I peck her cheeks and went away with sandwiches . Namjoon and taehyung never ever eat breakfast so my mum always packs Some extra for them.

" here " I feed them and we started gossiping.

"Namjoon told me about yesterday. Are you three really willing to study ?" Taehyung asked Me and I nodded .

" yes !!! I won't let him look down on us not anymore. "

" I'm feeling proud of you y/n. You can do this . You can beat yeji ." Namjoon said. 

" yes I know and i will"

" I wonder if you treat yeji differently from today " taehyung spoke.

" like I said it's not her fault and I'm not interested in giving her cold shoulder. Just don't tell her about our plan and forget about yesterday's incident guys. I don't want her to feel bad cause of his father deeds "

They nodded

" I badly wanna help you all but I have basketball practice and saxophone lessons on that time ." Taehyung pouted .

Thanks to God you are busy that time.  I don't want to become a mother at age sixteen.

I fake smiled at him " its fine taehyung. Let Namjoon take the lead. After all you two are not different " he smiled warmly at me.

Different my ass !! You two are north and south poles. He's an angel not a sex monster like you. Thank god I can finally stay away from all the lusty desires. I exhaled.

We reached our school and I met rose and Nancy inside.

" y/niee yeji texted me she will come bit late from her usual time ." Rose informed me and I nodded

" so y/n !!! Let's meet at my home for study . " namjoon advised and rose jumped .

" can we not study in cafe ?" Rose questioned and taehyung interrupt .

" babygirl !! If yeji see you three out then it will be a big problem. Don't you know how sensitive she is . She Will think because of her you are pressuring   yourselves to study "  taehyung remarked

Rose rolled her eyes at his statement knowing he is right on his place but she will never accept.

" Don't worry taehyung. I made sure this topic will never reach her ears . " Nancy assured and we smiled at her. 

" y/n !! Yeji is coming act normal " namjoom informed and I pull myself together.

Nancy started laughing and we look at her with questionable face .

" Don't see me like this guys . Start laughing like you usually do . Act normal remember. " She added

We did as suggested and yeji come forward to give me a big hug .

" y/n !! Are you okay ?"

" why? What happened to y/n?" Taehyung asked acting like dumb boy and I give him side eye .

" ahhm " yeji look at me and I assured her with my gaze. 

" nothing I was just asking like usual " she awkwardly smiled.

" ohhh ! Let's not waste time and go inside otherwise professor jeon will eat us alive " rose mocked and yeji glared at her. 

" hahaha true " Nancy give her a high five.

We six went inside and take our seats . My seat is usual with taehyung and namjoon.

The warm and playful air was suddenly  changed by the arrival of the man who is everyone's nightmare. Every chit chatters sealed their lips and took positions.
I could see every guy was fixing their ties and hair and girls were opening the text books. Recently the principal announced him as a dress code monitor. Its Not even two months of his arrival and he took the whole school on his hands like it's nothing new . Namjoon is right he is mysterious. 

" good morning professor " everyone bowed at him and he uttered only morning on his cold and harsh voice. 

" open the chapter number three of your chemistry book " he ordered and we did .

Gosh !! This guy is the death of me. Who allowed him to be this sexy . He only wears black pants and white shirt as his attire but how come he made my heart bada big bada boom everytime my gaze met his body. Gosh look at those tattooed arms . I can feel my mouth watering.

" y/n !! Start focusing on his lectures. Don't you wanna answer your Insults " taehyung voice yanked me out of my daydreaming and I shook my head to put my focus on his lectures.

He was explaining the formulas and all of a sudden the bell rang.  It was the lunch break . We all bowed to him and he made an eye contact with me. What the heck? This time I was the one who break it after five seconds.

" bo bo why his gaze was on you today?" Nancy nudged me.

" What are you talking about ?'" I  frowned

" I saw him looking at you two times , bo bo "

" maybe he was checking if I was staying away from his daughter or not "
He put my things on the locker.

" bo bo !!! I think he was guilty "

" stop day dreaming Nancy!! He will never be guilty. "

" how can you be so sure ?"

" I just know " I shrug my shoulders.

" y/n " a familiar voice stopped our conversation.

" professor park " Nancy bowed at him .

" y/n !! Could you please collect rose's lunchbox from my desk. My hands are full " he pleaded

" sure oppa !! " I nodded

" do you need help professor park?" Nancy asked him seeing him struggling with the copies on his hands.

  " uhm!!! It will be a great if you help miss Nancy." Nancy nodded and half of his burden and help him.

" y/n I will meet you straight in the cafeteria " she informed and I went away in the staff room. I step inside the staff room and saw professor jeon's inside , he was reviewing the papers.   My whole body shivered . Its okay y/n just take the lunch box and go . Fighting . I take a deep breath and walk towards his desk which was beside Mr jeon's .

I take her lunchbox and started going from there. I don't have a strength to meet his gaze .

" What are you doing here miss wang y/n ?" I shut my eyes tightly and cursed under my breath.  I turn around.

" I came here to collect the lunch box "
I said confidently.  My eyes meet his emotionless one . He look at my hand then my face.

" Don't you have your own lunchbox ?" He questioned.

" its my sister's " professor jimin come inside and put his hand on my shoulder .

" park rose is my younger sister and y/n is my family friend " he answered

"Am  i right , y/niee ?"

I smiled at him , " nae oppa "

I could see him rolling his tongue and nodded. God knows why he hates my existence so damn much.

" y/niee !! You may go now . I will meet you after school " he ruffled my hair and I giggled .


" here you lunchbox you ungrateful being " I give rose her lunch and received a kiss on my cheeks .

" aish !! Don't you dare to forget I am only bisexual being here and I can feel jealousy too " Nancy pouted and wipe the kiss.

" I.  Don't.  Care " rose showed her tongue and Nancy copied.

" aish these two ladies " taehyung siped his cold coffee being done with their behavior. 

" you alien !! Shut up !!! " rose shush him .

" you shorty's sister " he spat back .

" my brother is taller than you "

" huh , what a joke ? Hyung is shorter than namjoon ."

Namjoon shook his head being done with their childish behavior and I silently enjoy their bickering .

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