Too young to be this Wild (li...

By TrayceeStewart

40.1K 1K 693

How would the linked universe be if wild was younger and started guarding princess Zelda at age 8 and was in... More

Meeting the wild child
Meeting the gang
Introductions are something
First bath in 100 years
We found people!
Whats a Lynel?
Definitely a wild sick day
Awwwwww Legend <3
Let me out!!!
They still worry
Big brother instincts
Slow down what now?
Sidon is my wild childs Bestie
Your how old?
"Turn that frown" "upside down!"
It is my pleasure
Thank Hylia... oh thank Hylia
I can tell because I care
You Let A Eleven Year Old Cook?
Oh -- I Killed Him!
For How Many Days?
What do you know?
Ummm you didn't kniw?
Sidon, Sidon, And Sidon?
Massage From The Sky
You Will Be Known As "Champion"
Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey
Wandering Curiosity Crew! What Mask?
Catch You Guys Later... Right?
Why him!?
Papa and Momma
Halloween special 

You Dont Need To Be Punished

511 15 8
By TrayceeStewart

Warriors POV
We've been traveling for two days and Wild has been a ball of energy, which is good since he needs to be a kid, run around, and have fun but it's not his usual energy, it almost seems like he's running on fumes. Like one minute he will be running around doing something to keep his interest, but then the next he's leaning up against someone letting his eyes droop before shaking his head and running around some more.

He's also been sleeping alone at night. Which is 100% not normal. Wild doesn't like to sleep alone. We figured that one out from waking up so many times with him clinging to the front of our shirt crying from a nightmare, and in his mumbling he would almost always mention how scared he felt being alone.

Luckily we are a hour or away from stoping and setting up camp. Maybe I can talk to him then.

When we stop to camp for the night I notice that Wild has been at the front all day jumping around with false energy and I can see him sag with exhaustion, I sit on a log and call him over. Wild nods and sits next to me looking into the unlit fire. Sky gives me a look as if telling me to 'make sure he's ok.' I just nod and look back at him. Sky and Wind have been working on his speech to get it back to how it was but it still has a bit to go. "Heya how have you been feeling?" I ask Wild suddenly, he jumps at my voice as if he was about to doze off. "Good!.... Better then ever." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Wild can I ask you something?" I ask him looking down at him. "Sure..." Wild says looking up at me with his dreary eyes. "Why haven't you been sleeping?" I ask and Wild flinches a bit as he plays with the hem of his Tunic. "I-I umm" he stutters as he looks down with reddened cheeks. I pull him closer and rub his shoulder blades. "You've been tired recently, and you've been sleeping alone why is that?" I ask tilting my head down to meet his lowered eyes. Wild looks up and bites his lower lip. "It's cuz I was bad....." he says as he tries to shrink onto himself. "How were you bad?" I ask slowly moving my hand from his shoulder blades to the back of his head.

"I scared Time.... Like bad..." Wild says tilting his head forward and a piece of hair falls into his face. "Wild look at me." I say putting my hand on his cheek. Wilds head slowly moves upward so he's facing me. I tuck the piece of hair behind his ear. "You were not bad, you didn't know that the mask would scare him." I say pulling Wild into a hug, Wild melts into it as he leans his head on my shoulder, his face facing my neck. "Are you sure...?" He asks and I chuckle "yes I'm sure, now just relax I've got you."

I undo his ponytail and brush it out with my fingers. I look down to see Wild slowly closing his eyes, his lips are slightly parts the closer he gets to closing his eyes. I start to hum and if possible Wild relaxes even more into me. His hot breath against my neck evens out as he's snoozes with a occasional snore. Wilds arms that were wrapped around me slowly start to slide down my back and dangle by his side. I continue to brush my hand through hair as he gets sent to to dream land.

"Is he ok?" Time asks sitting next to me. I hum and look over at him. "He felt guilty." I say rocking my body back and forth and I grab his dangling arms and set them in his lap. "Guilty over what?" Time asks letting his eyebrows furrow. "It was over the mask thing wasn't it?" Champion asks walking up.

I nod and look over at Time. "He was punishing himself wasn't he?" Time asks as he rubs his face in frustration. "He didn't know, if you don't know you shouldn't of been punished." Time says letting his hand drop to his lap. "That's not how it was before the calamity." Champion says as he sits next to Time. "He may of gotten a memory of being punished for not being taught something, but instead of punishing the instructor he got punished, for not knowing, for not doing it right the first time." Champion says with a shrug and me and Time look at each other.

"Mem...ory...?" Me and Time ask and Champions head shoots up. "You guys know about the 4 champions, his ability's, his history, and the shrine but still don't about his memories?" Champion looks at me bewildered and I just clear my throat. "We know about his amnesia, but the memories are new." I say and Champion puts his head in his hands. "Goddess give me strength.... Ok listen up, if we see something that looks familiar to our past we will get a memory, our body's will freeze up and we can't move until it's done. I don't know how or why he hid it but there ya go." Champion says throwing his hand in the air. "That's happened once before... it was when we first met Wild. I was giving him a bath and he suddenly froze... I shook his shoulder and he flopped against my chest." Time says as he grabs Wilds little hand and rubs circles on the back of it.

"And you didn't question it?" Champion asks raising a eyebrow. "We did but we had so much to figure out that it got pushed back. He also didn't have one since." Time says and Champions eye widen. "He hid it for this long? I need to ask him about it later..." Champ says turning to me. "I'm going to start dinner, wake him when it's ready." He says standing up and going to light up the fire wood. Time leans forward towards Wild and puts his forehead against the back of his head before planting a kiss on the back of it. "I'm going to check on the others, tell me when he wakes up." Time says and I roll my eyes before nodding.

I sit on that log With Wild in my arms, his hot breath against my neck and his soft snores that fell my ears for as long as I can before Wind dashes over and swoops him out of my arms
before I could even say anything.

Hello I hope you have been enjoying the story so far, I want to bring this to y'all's attention so it won't come to a surprise but updates will probably be place's differently based on how busy I am. I would still like to update every week but things happen, the updates may also be shorter. Hope you enjoyed and continue to read

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