Sector 51

By AnimalX23

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In the not-too-distant-future, Earth has become a safe haven for a myriad of alien species that want to live... More

The Plot
The Characters part 1: The Heroes
The Characters Part 2: The Villains
The Characters Part 3: Miscellaneous Characters
Season 1 Opening and Ending
Episode 1: Things Change
Episode 2: I Want To Believe
Episode 3: Predators and Prey
Episode 4: School of Hard Rocks
Episode 5: Friends of Earth
Episode 6: Garden of Evil
Episode 7: Deathstalker
Episode 8: Powerless
Episode 9: Coming of the Zodiacs, part 1
Episode 10: Coming of the Zodiacs, part 2
Episode 11: Friend or Foe
Episode 12: Family Secrets, part 1
Episode 13: Family Secrets, part 2 (season finale)
Special Prequel Episode: Adventures in Starchild-sitting
Season 2 new characters
Season 2 Opening and Ending
S2 Episode 2: The Grey Agenda
S2 Episode 3: Freak-out Friday
S2 Episode 4: Weed-whacked
S2 Episode 5: The Cattle Conspiracy
S2 Episode 6: The Assassin
S2 Episode 7: Revenge of the Zodiacs
S2 Episode 8: Battle at Aquarius Base
S2 Episode 9: Settling the score

S2 Episode 1: Scorpion's Reign

21 0 0
By AnimalX23

Our episode opens up with a recap of the "Family Secrets" two-parter before we open up the story proper inside the wreckage of the Nibiru where we see Eterius/Sagittarius telling Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces "My children, as we speak Sector 51 is hunting us down. I must fake my death and go into hiding in order to prevent them from locking me up a second time, Taurus... leadership of the Zodiacs has fallen to you until the others arrive" Taurus kneeling saying "It is an honor, lord Sagittarius" as Eterius removes his white robe revealing a black sleeveless bodysuit underneath tossing his old robe on the ground. Pisces then asks "why Taurus of all people? he's just a big dumb brute" Cancer agreeing as he asks his boss "yeah, don't you trust us?" Eterius then tells the two "I don't, unlike both you treacherous ex-pirates Taurus is a loyal soldier to a fault, which is why I chose him. and one more thing, the scorpion kid lives... and he has turned against us, I can sense it" before teleporting away into parts unknown. we then see a Sector 51 soldier come across Eterius's robe and hands it to Commander Epsilon saying "look at what I found, Commander. seems like irrefutable evidence our oldest enemy has perished in the crash" Epsilon examines Eterius's robe, saying "I don't know soldier, there's something fishy about this. it wasn't here the first time we searched the crash. Eterius isn't the type that doesn't go down easy like that, in my field of work if there's no body they're probably not dead" only for Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces to attack prompting the Sector 51 troops to open fire on the trio who absolutely get trampled by Taurus who exclaims "sorry but our boss Eterius isn't here, you're just gonna have to deal with us" Epsilon saying "Fine by me, been meaning to test out the new personal weapon the LGMs built" as he pulls out a pair of futuristic tonfas (complete with built-in submachine guns) to do a fist-fight with Taurus managing to go toe-to-toe with the Zodiac brute however Taurus's body starts to overheat with the more rage he exerts causing him to collapse from exhaustion forcing Cancer and Pisces to carry him over their shoulders while his suit activates its cooldown feature, Taurus saying "we'll finish this later terran, once I'm done cooling down" while Epsilon tells the surviving troops to fall back as they leave they are being watched by Johnny and his uncle Aculeus atop a nearby rock formation. meanwhile we cut back to HQ where we see Delta come across Aculeus's cell to find it empty, all the while Poochie sniffs causing Delta to follow him and come across the Zodiac's shuttle pod in the vehicle hangar. Delta then remembers that Johnny escaped the ship aboard that same shuttle, realizing that Johnny must've been the one to break his uncle out of prison, but why. Epsilon then returns to base to toss Delta the robes of Eterius that he found, saying "me and and my men didn't find the big man himself but we did get jumped by his cronies inside the wreckage of the ship. Taurus said Eterius isn't here, not sure if that means he's alive or dead or what. I say we discuss this with Alpha" Delta then tells Epsilon "Agreed. not only that, but the hound and I discovered that Johnny broke his uncle out of prison" Epsilon then asks "so where's that kid of yours?" Delta then says "she's... having some down-time now. after everything she went through learning the truth of her parentage and nearly succumbing to Eterius's will, she's had a rough past couple days and deserves to rest" Epsilon says "I see" before leaving for the communication room where Epsilon talks with Alpha informing him that the Zodiacs survived the crash however Eterius is missing, saying that he suspects their leader has gone into hiding and faked his death to cover his tracks. Alpha says "this is troubling, Sector 51 must not stop until Eterius is found and brought to justice" we then cut to the fictional water park "Splash City" where we see a montage of Lena goofing off with her little half-brother Tyrone along with Alex the three kids going down the water slide, all the while Lena's mother Maria and stepfather Tyrone watch alongside Alex's parents Jack and Emily. Emily tells Maria "so you must be Lena's family, so glad to finally meet you" Darnell shaking hands with Jack who tells him "your daughter has brought so much joy to our son's life, he used to be the weird kid with no friends and now the two are practically inseparable" Darnell tells Jack "to tell you the truth we've only just gotten to know her ourselves" much to the confusion of Alex's parents followed by Maria comically elbowing her husband before telling them "what my husband means is that Lena herself was, uh... also lacking in social skills before she met Alex" Emily then says "aw, then I guess the two were made for each other. every child is a precious gift of life wouldn't you agree?" as the two couples watch Lena, Alex, and Tyrone playing together in the pool. Lena as she gets out of the pool gets a text from Agent Delta that says Johnny broke Aculeus out of prison. Lena looks at her family and says "sorry mom, dad, Tyrone, Alex... I gotta go" as she dashes off to change back into her casual clothes before we cut to Johnny's hideout in alien town where we see Johnny ask his uncle about what truly happened to his mother. Aculeus sits on the couch and snorts, telling Johnny "In order to understand the full story I must go back to the beginning" cutting to a flashback scene on the desert planet of Kalhara where we see a crashed space shuttle from Earth and inside a human Astronaut trapped under the wreckage of his own craft and with his helmet broken, only for him to be saved by a female Sasorian (scorpion people) named Buthida, who pulls him out of the wreckage the Astronaut shocked to see an actual alien lifeform the two blushing at each other. only for her brother a young Aculeus to butt in asking "Buthida, what are you doing mingling with this outsider? he is not of our world" only for Buthida to get all defensive telling Aculeus "he was in danger, brother. so I helped him" the narration continues, saying "your father was an Astronaut from Earth who crash-landed on our homeworld of Kalhara, us Sasorians being a proud warrior culture don't take kindly to outsiders and were pretty hostile towards the terran for trespassing on our homeworld, but Buthida, your mother, was different. she was more accepting than the rest of us, and welcomed him into our tribe with open arms" as we cut to a montage of Johnny's father spending time with the Sasorians and learning their ways. Aculeus's narration continues, saying "after living on Kalhara with us as an adopted member of our tribe, your father eventually got his spaceship back up and running. Buthida smitten with the earthling decided to go to Earth with him for a better life, the two getting married on the blue planet. and then they had you" as we see Buthida cradling a baby Johnny in her arms wrapped in a red blanket (that would eventually become his scarf) while her human husband kisses her on the cheek. Aculeus's narration continues, saying "but their happiness wouldn't last. your mother witnessed the unfair treatment of Earth's interstellar migrants and wanted to do something about it, which led to her joining the Zodiacs after Eterius promised her that they would tip the cosmic scale in favor of equality. there she became the first Scorpio" as we see her kneel before Sagittarius alongside Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces now brandishing the Scorpio symbol on her chest before cutting to a montage of Buthida fighting alongside the Zodiacs against the Friends of Earth killing several by attacking them with her stinging tail impressing Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, and Sagittarius who says "most impressive, Scorpio" Aculeus's narration continues, saying "That however was not meant to last, as Eterius discovered that she had a human husband and hybrid son. she was branded a traitor and dirty human sympathizer by the Zodiacs which lead to Eterius killing her in cold blood. her husband was hunted relentlessly by the Zodiacs which led to him giving you to Agent Delta to keep you safe, and the rest is history" we then cut back to present day where Johnny is brooding over this information as he places his hand on his scarf, pulling it over his face saying "Eterius is going to pay for taking the life of my mother" only for him to get a knock on the door which turns out to be Delta, Epsilon, a platoon of Sector 51 agents to show up and point their guns at Aculeus with Epsilon telling the two to surrender, Aculeus sprouting the claws from his back while Johnny uncurls his tail. Delta aims his twin laser pistols saying "Don't make me do this, Johnathan. breaking your uncle, a wanted alien criminal out of prison has already made you an enemy of Sector 51" Johnny tells Delta "I am not your enemy, and neither is my uncle" Aculeus then says "I don't think they'll listen to reason, nephew" Johnny hopping onto his uncle's back as Aculeus charges at the squad full-force, knocking over several soldiers standing in his way while Johnny whips the ones behind them with his stinging tail. Commander Epsilon whips out his tonfas to go toe-to-toe with Aculeus's claws followed by Johnny leaping off his uncle's shoulders to wrap his tail around Delta's arms. Delta asks Johnny "why are you helping him?" Johnny tells him "because he's gonna help me find Eterius and make him pay for killing my mother!" Epsilon turns his head after getting knocked over by Aculeus and asks "Is that what this is all about?" Delta tells Johnny "Revenge isn't good for you Johnny, it blackens the soul. if you continue to go down this road you'll be no better than the Zodiacs" Johnny then shouts "It's not revenge, it's justice!" as he tosses Delta into Epsilon before he and his uncle escape. we then cut to Lena arriving at the scene of the attack on her hoverboard to help Delta back on his feet asking what the heck happened here, saying that she came as soon as she could. Delta tells Lena that he and the troops tracked down Johnny and his uncle and that they're not working together, Lena cocking her head saying "that's weird, I thought Johnny hated his uncle" Epsilon gets back up and says "apparently the kid wants revenge on the Zodiacs" Lena then says "that's weird, I thought my father and his cronies perished when their giant dorito-ship crashed" Epsilon tells her "then you thought wrong. while Eterius has gone missing, Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces are still running around here on Earth" Lena then says "then I know just where to look" before teleporting away. we then cut to Johnny and Aculeus trekking across the Nevada desert until they come across the crash site of the Nibiru in the mountains only for Lena to teleport onto the scene activating her double-sword constructs upon seeing Aculeus who says "well if it isn't the starchild who put me behind bars. seems like you've learned some new tricks" however Johnny stands between the two uncurling his tail from his waist, Johnny telling both of them that they're on the same team. Lena is confused, saying "excuse me? your uncle tried to kill me just to get to you why should I trust him? I barely even trust you as is" Johnny then grabs Lena's hand and tells her "because he told me the truth behind what happened to my mother" Aculeus tells her "Listen to my nephew, girl. Eterius was the one responsible for murdering my sister, and I'm the only one who can help you take him down" Lena then looks at Johnny and asks him "so basically my father killed your mother and you want revenge" Johnny crosses his arms saying "exactly. but neither us nor Sector 51 know where he went so I was wondering if you could help us track him down" Lena then turns around and says "I think they found us" as Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces show up to confront our heroes. Johnny then says "hey you three, whatever happened to your boss? I wanna poison him with my venom and watch him die for what he did to my mother" Taurus crosses his arms and says "sorry kid but Sagittarius isn't here. I'm the leader of the Zodiacs for the time being so you're just gonna have to deal with me instead" Johnny cracks his neck and says "fine by me" what follows is a three-versus-three fight: Lena fights Pisces, Johnny fights Cancer, and Aculeus fights Taurus. Pisces pins Lena under her trident while Cancer strangles Johnny with his giant claw. meanwhile Taurus pummels Aculeus who tries to attack the muscular Minotaurosapien with his claws and stinger but they can't pierce his armor. but as established in the opening scene the angrier Taurus gets the hotter his body becomes, Taurus exclaiming "fool, you forget you are messing with the strongest gladiator on Minos-1!" as we get a flashback scene showing a young Taurus, real name Bos during his days fighting in the arenas on his home planet of Minos-1 slaying a large alien beast with his bare hands to a crowd of adoring fans, his large girthy arms stained with the beast's purple blood. meanwhile a young Eterius watches among the crowd before approaching Bos to become a member of the Zodiacs christening him with the name "Taurus" before we cut back to present day where we see an overheated Taurus go into full rage mode impaling Aculeus on his horns, Johnny exclaiming "Uncle!" as he watches Aculeus bleed green blood from his cracked exoskeleton, Cancer taunting Johnny telling him "it's too late to save your uncle Johnny, the angrier Taurus gets the hotter he becomes. and once he's in a burning rage there's no stopping him from destroying everything in his path" Lena and Johnny both shocked to see Taurus standing with Aculeus pinned underneath his foot, Taurus's skin tone changing from blue to red and with trails of steam coming off from his body. Johnny then says "don't hurt my FAMILY!" as his eyes glow bright green followed by a pair of claw arms sprouting from Johnny's back that pinch Cancer's big claw cracking his exoskeleton causing the crab alien to drop Johnny, Lena exclaiming "go get 'em Johnny!" as Johnny charges at Pisces and knocks her out with a swing of both of his claws saving Lena's life. Lena gets up and activates her fist constructs as she and Johnny both charge at Taurus. meanwhile Aculeus (who's still alive) manages to sting Taurus in the area between his leg armor pieces causing him to collapse onto one knee as he screams in pain making him even angrier, the steam on his body turning into fire as he stands back up and delivers a fire punch at Lena who teleports out of the way before punching him in the chest repeatedly which does no damage and causes her to scream in pain from punching something so hot her hands now being burned leading to her getting swatted away only for her to get caught by Johnny's scorpion tail for him to let her down gently. Taurus notices the claws on Johnny's back and tells him "nice trick kid, just like your mother and uncle. now die traitor!" as he raises his fist into the air ready to deliver another fire punch only for Aculeus's venom to start taking effect causing him to collapse on the ground with Aculeus getting back on his feet to tell his nephew "good job kid, now finish the job!" Taurus's suit of armor then activates its cooldown feature causing the now-weakened Taurus to go back to his normal blue-skinned self. Taurus tries to deliver a punch at Johnny who catches Taurus's arm with his claw that he uses to crack the left side of his armor leaving Taurus vulnerable. Taurus then sheds the rest of his armor saying "fine kid, we'll finish this man-to-man" only for Johnny to sting Taurus in the chest with his tail causing Taurus to collapse and die from the venom much to the shock of both Cancer and Pisces who can't believe Taurus just got killed by a starchild. Johnny retracts his claws and then rushes to his uncle's aid and helps Aculeus back up on his feet, Johnny telling his uncle that they have a medical facility in Alien town that can treat his injuries. however Aculeus tells him "leave me" as he collapses onto the ground. Johnny bursts into tears and says "No, I already lost one family member and I can't lose another! stay with me, uncle!" Aculeus then tells Johnny "you still have family on Kalhara, your people are waiting for you. I will be seeing your mother in the great beyond" before closing his eyes and dying from his injuries. Johnny then lets out a sorrowful scream "NOOOOO!!!!" that can be heard halfway across the desert just as Sector 51 vehicles arrive on the scene to arrest the zodiacs forcing Cancer and Pisces to both retreat while Epsilon is shocked to see the bodies of both Taurus and Aculeus lying dead on the ground. Lena then hugs the crying Johnny to comfort her fellow starchild, only for Delta and Poochie to step out of one of the vehicles with Poochie licking both Lena and Johnny in the face while Delta gets on his knees to hug both Lena and Johnny, telling them "you'll always be my starchildren to me, both of you" we then cut back to Sector 51 HQ where we see Johnny packing his things into the Zodiac's shuttle that he left behind in the vehicle hangar, Lena asking Johnny where he thinks he's going. Johnny tells Lena "I'm going to Kalhara, to meet my people. so you won't be seeing me for a while" Lena smiles, telling him "you can always send letters to us" Johnny chuckles, saying "space-mail? first time I've ever heard of that" Johnny then hugs Lena, telling her "I'm gonna miss you" Lena telling him "you too, as much as I hate to admit it" Delta then approaches Johnny and tells him "you know that your people won't automatically accept a half-breed like you as one of their own, Deathstalker" Johnny tells him "I know the risk, but I have to go. It's what my uncle would have wanted" Johnny then gives Lena a goodbye kiss saying "don't tell Alex" before boarding the shuttle to take off into the stars. we then cut to Delta in the communication room speaking to Alpha informing him that Taurus is dead, however Cancer and Pisces are still at large and Eterius still hasn't been found yet. Alpha then asks Delta "and what of the scorpion kid" Delta then tells him "he left the planet to go home to his mother's people" Alpha then says "I see. but good job on taking down one of the Zodiacs, we're one step closer to taking those fanatics down once and for all. until then, we must remain vigilant. over and out" ending the transmission and our episode.

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