Scary Girl X Male Reader

By RealMemey

32.4K 702 984

You're a normal everyday guy who signed up to be apart of the reboot of the hit show Total Drama Island to wi... More

[Prologue] The Letter
[Chapter 1] New Screams, Old Ways
[Chapter 2] A Sinking Feeling
[Chapter 3] Leap Of Faith
[Chapter 5] Baby Wails & Dinosaur Tails
[Chapter 6] When Campers Fly
[Chapter 7] Horror On TDI
[Chapter 8] Bird Brained
[Chapter 9] Throwing (Up) The Game
[Chapter 10] Head Over Falls

[Chapter 4] Bone Head

3.9K 83 132
By RealMemey

[You're one of the last ones in the dining hall as everyone else is eating. You rub your eyes as you scan the area, Bowie has some of the slop on his face, Millie and Priya are eating together. Chase and Ripper are doing what looks to be a hot sauce chugging challenge, Zee is drinking his soda, and Scary Girl.. she was stabbing the table with her spoon and tearing the wood as she had this creepy look on her face. You sigh and go and sit across from her as she pokes her head up, her eyes lighting up at the sight of you.]

Scary Girl: "Hii (Y/N)!~"

(Y/N): "Hey Scary, what- what are you doing..?"

[You gesture at the table as she looks at it.]

Scary Girl: "I dunno!"

(Y/N): "I see.." [You sigh and shake your head as you look back up at her.]

(Y/N): "Scary- you, might need to tone down the creepyness..."

[You tense up as she looks at you, her face neutral.]

Scary Girl: "..Why?"

(Y/N): "I-it's because a lot of people are unnerved by you- and if we lose another challenge, I'm sorry to say but you might be the next one going home!" 

[She looks off to the side for a moment then looks at back at you with a smile.]

Scary Girl: "Aww (Y/N)!~ You don't want me to leave?" [She rests her head on her hand as she looks at you as your face flares up.]

(Y/N): "I- I mean..."

[You're saved as Priya comes over and sits next to Scary Girl.]

Priya: "Hey (Y/N)! Hey- Scary!"

(Y/N): "Hey Priya." [You breath a sigh of relief.]

[Scary Girl just tilts her head slightly as she looks at her as she smells the air.]

Scary Girl: "You smell nervous."

[Priya nervously starts to sweat as she looks at you like a deer in headlights as you shrug.]

*Confession Booth*

Priya: "I do not know what (Y/N) sees in her, he's either secretly as crazy as her, or he has a really good tolerance for people."


Priya: "W-well I was wondering if you two w-would like to be in an alliance! W-we can be like puffypals! It's what I call my stuffed animals, well not anymore, well it's still their name, we're just not friends currently, I mean we're not not friends, wasn't a fight- you know- life-"

[Scary Girl slams the spoon into the table causing you and Priya to recoil a bit as she looks at her.]

Scary Girl: "Why are you still talking..." 

[It was weird seeing her like this, she was visibly annoyed at the sight of Priya as she side eyed her, you just didn't know why.]

(Y/N): "L-look Scary, maybe just calm down-"

[She unfurrows her brows a bit as she looks back at Priya who's a bit shaken.]

Priya: "I just wanted to say that you amazed me at yesterdays challenge, you were so good!"

[Scary Girl shoots up with her usual smile.]

Scary Girl: "It surprised you that I was good because you thought I was bad?~"

[She full on bends the spoon in half as she points it at Priya as she leans back.]

(Y/N): "Scary! Stop!"

[You now stood as she looks at you a mix of worry and surprise on her face.]

(Y/N): "She's just trying to say that you were good in the last challenge, there's no hidden meaning behind it, at least I hope not."

[You look at Priya who shakes her head.]

Priya: "N-no, not at all!"

[You sigh and look at her.]

(Y/N): "So just, hand me the spoon, and everything will be fine."

[You reach out you hand as Scary Girl looks to the side in guilt as she hands you the spoon.]

[You set the spoon down and sit down.]

(Y/N): "And Priya, as for your alliance, sure!"

*Confessional Booth*

[The booth is oddly dark as Scary Girl sits in the middle rocking back and forth as she hums to herself, she then looks at the camera, a bit of a shadow covering her face.]

Scary Girl: "(Y/N) makes me feel.. special. He understands me, he's kind, and he's a silly!~"

[The space gets darker as she gets a more creepy look.]

Scary Girl: "And I don't want anyone to take him away from me."

[She pulls out another spoon.]

Scary Girl: "...Even if it means a few bodies need to fall..~"

[The lights come back on as she giggles.]

Scary Girl: "Okay maybe not that last part, but my point still stands!~"


[MK can be seen looking through the confessionals, when she comes across Scary Girls, her face goes a bit pale as her eyes shrink a bit.]

MK: "...(Y/N) is so screwed..."

[She shrugs and puts away the phone.]

MK: "Oh well, not my issue."


[Scary Girl pouts as Priya and Millie now sit next to you.]

Priya: "I'd say we should vote out Ripper next, he's been annoying since day one!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I agree, not to mention he stinks up the whole cabin when he sleeps.."

[The three of you shudder as Scary Girl looks off to the side with a neutral expression. You notice and stand up.]

(Y/N): "'scuse me for a sec."

[You go over to the door as you nod to Scary Girl to follow. She gets up and follows you outside to the front.]

(Y/N): "Are you okay? You've been acting odder than usual this morning."

[She scratches her arm as she looks away.]

Scary Girl: "Yeah, I'm fine.."

[You shake your head.]

(Y/N): "I won't pry, but I do want something."

[You outstretch your arms as she's surprised.]

(Y/N): "Come on, don't leave me open!"

[She smiles as she practically jumps into your arms and holds you, you're enveloped in her softness as you practically melt into her. You decide to be brave and caress the back of her head, which her hair is silky smooth. Eventually you both pull away as you're beet red as she has that usual bubbly smile.]

(Y/N): "...Better?"

Scary Girl: "Yup! And from the looks of it you enjoyed it more than me!~"

[You turn your head away as she giggles, suddenly Chris comes over the loud speakers once again.]

Chris: "Campers it's challenge time!"

*Scene Change*

[You're all gathered near the opening of the woods, each team on the left and right as a TV sits between them.]

Chris: "Trouts and Frogs, welcome to your next challenge!"

[A skull appears on the screen as Chris points to it with his stick.]

Chris: "Capture the skull!"

[Scary Girl jumps with joy and giggles as Chris just turns to her unnerved.]

Chris: "Settle down, they're not real!"

[She immidently gets sad as you just pat her on the back.]

Chris: "Chef built each team a.. fort! Here, and here!"

[Two icons with the teams logos appear on separate sides of the island.]

Chris: "Infront of each teams fort is a pedestal, where your teams skull must remain! The first team to steal the other teams skull and bring it back to me here, wins immunity!"

[Scary Girl raises her hand.]

Scary Girl: "Does it need to be one of the skulls you provided or would you accept any skull!"

[She gestures toward Damien's head.]

Damien: "Why's she looking at my head, tell her to stop looking at my head!"

Chris: "Scary Girl, it has to be the skull I provided, and you should always be this far away from me!"

[He pushes Scary Girl away as she gets that same annoyed expression she had in the dining hall, you gesture to Damien to switch places as he happily does so.]

Priya: "I think that was a smart question, not smart just for you- smart for anyone- just plain smart-!"

[Scary Girl looks like she's about to kill Priya as you quickly grab her waist and pull her away from Priya, causing her to blush a bit.]

(Y/N): "Not now Scary."

[She pouts as she glares at Priya who only nervously smiles and waves at her.]

Chris: "To defend your fort each team is equipped with.. let's call them weapons. Fire hoses, stink bombs, boulders, and harpoon launchers-!"

Wayne: "Those things look pointy, how do we finish the challenge if all the blood falls out of our body!"

Chris: "Don't worry, these only fire toilet plungers! Watch!"

[He pulls one out and aims it at your team, you quickly duck as he fires it at a crash dummy that was behind your team, it manages to cut a tree clean in half as it topples over in front of you all. Chef comes running over.]

Chef: "Hey! Did you turn up the air pressure on these?" [He snatches the gun off of Chris.]

Chris: "What!? Why would I- of course I did."

[Chef grumbles and walks away as Chris calls out to him.]

Chris: "For once in your life can you think of the ratings! Eugh, guess Mr. Safety will be making the harpoons less exciting! And you'll also have cover, each fort area has shields popping up and down and random intervals. Teams must decide who defends, and who tries to capture the other teams skull! As always, the losing team will be sending someone home!"

*Scene Change*

[Your team is yet again struggling to get itself together.]

Zee: "When do we even know when the game starts?"

[You all hear hooting, you turn and see Wayne and Raj running towards your fort.]

Damien: "Have they even heard an owl?"

Priya: "They're coming, we need a plan, who's on defense?"

Zee: "I'll take the fire hose."

Priya: "Great!"

Ripper: "I call plunger harpoons!"

Priya: "Awesome!"

(Y/N): "Guess I'll take the stink bombs." [You take a green grenade out of the box.]

Priya: "Sweet!"

Scary Girl: "I call jackhammer!~"

Priya: "Nice- wait what..?"

[Scary Girl rides off on the jackhammer.]

(Y/N): "I'll follow her to make sure she doesn't get in any trouble."

[You pocket the stink bomb and run off after her.]

*Scene Change*

Chris: "Chef, did you leave a jackhammer on the playing field?"

Chef: "I mean uh, I got distracted when you took down that tree with a plunger.."

[Chris pulls out his megaphone.]

Chris: "Everyone, Chef made a mistake, so obviously the jackhammer- is now part of the game!"

*Scene Change*

[Wayne, Raj, MK, and Bowie are running towards your fort, that is until they hear giggling, they look and see Scary Girl approaching's them, still on the jackhammer.]

Scary Girl: "Who wants to be my second crush!~"

Wayne: "Run away!"

[The four of them turn and run as Scary Girl chases after MK, you running after them.]

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "I need to make sure that she doesn't get herself booted off before I can confess! And she's not making that easy.." [You sigh in defeat.]


[You're panting as you approach a bush, you hear rustling from inside, you look inside and see Wayne, Raj, MK, and Bowie. They look back and see you.]


[You sigh and shake your head.]

(Y/N): "We're- not- dating.." [You say out of breath.]

Bowie: "Well you need to keep her on a leash."

(Y/N): "I'm trying- to make- sure that- she- doesn't- get herself- in trouble.."

MK: "Well you're doing a pretty sucky job at it!"

[You glare at her in annoyance, when suddenly you hear the jackhammer coming back.]

Scary Girl: "Hiii (Y/N)!~ Who are ya talking to?~"

[You quickly stand up.]

(Y/N): "N-no one.."

[They suddenly shove MK out of the bush as she looks at Scary Girl in fear. She looks at MK and you and gets that annoyed look yet again.]

Scary Girl: "MK! Get back here so I can turn you into mush!"

[MK books it as Scary Girl chases after her.]


[You groan and run after them yet again.]


[You're stumbling around, but you see Damien poking his head out from inside a tree stump as you approach him.]

(Y/N): "Where's- Lauren.."

[He yelps in surprise but turns to see you.]

Damien: "Don't scare me like that! And she just passed through here so get out of here before she-"

[He's suddenly launched into the air by a barricade as he falls next to you.]

[Scary Girl looks behind her and sees you and Damien, she smiles as she turns the jackhammer around.]

Scary Girl: "There you are!~"

[Damien screams in fear as you stand in front of him.]

(Y/N): "LAUREN, KNOCK IT OFF!" [You yell out in annoyance, stress, and tiredness.]

[A twinge of fear shoots through her as she gets off the jackhammer, letting it fall next to her.]

(Y/N): "What's gotten into you!? Here you are chasing around people and even our own team! Are you trying to get yourself voted off!?"

[She stands there in silence as she looks down, a sad look on her face.]

Scary Girl: "I'm sorry..."

[She starts to well up as you realize your mistake.]

(Y/N): "Crap.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell.."

Damien: "I'll leave you two alone."

[He walks off into the forest.]

[She looks up at you.]

(Y/N): "I just.. I just don't want you to get voted off.. Lauren, you need to control yourself. You could harm other people and then you'd seriously get in trouble!"

[She starts to tear up as you sigh.]

(Y/N): "Here, lets sit down.."

[The two of you sit on the ground near a tree as you look at her.]

(Y/N): "I want you to tell me what's going on, why have you been so hostile lately..?"

[She looks at you and sighs.]

Scary Girl: "I've.. never met someone like you before.. I've- never really had a close friend before.. and I don't want to lose you.."

[You start to understand what's going on.]

(Y/N): "Is that why you were so hostile toward Priya and MK."

[She hesitates for a moment but nods.]

[You chuckle and hug her.]

(Y/N): "Lauren, I'm not going anywhere. We'll always be friends, no matter what. I'd never think about abandoning you.."

[Her tension fades as she holds you as well.]

Scary Girl: "Thank you.."

[You release each other as you wipe a tear off her cheek.]

(Y/N): "Now, you gonna tone it down?"

[She nods.]

(Y/N): "Alright, let's get back to the fort."

[You help her up as you pick up the jackhammer.]

(Y/N): "And no more of th-ow!"

[You feel something hit you in the head, you turn and see the skull.]

Ripper: "Run to Chris! Run the skull to Chris!"

[Scary Girl picks up the skull.]

Scary Girl: "Let's go take you to Chris!~"

[She looks at you as you smile and nod.]

*Scene Change*

[The both of you almost make it to Chris, but your exhaustion from running so much causes you to fall over, the stink bomb rolls out of your pocket as the pin falls out and detonates. Leaving you and Scary Girl in a coughing fit.]

[You hear yelling and see Emma fall onto the mat as Chris pulls out his megaphone.]

Chris: "The Frogs of Death win!"

[You and Scary Girl come out of the cloud still coughing and beat up. The rest of your team comes up to you, mostly annoyed as Zee looks at you in worry and Millie and Priya are off somewhere.]

Ripper: "All you two had to do was deliver the skull, and you still managed to mess it up!"

(Y/N): "We were *cough* almost there, cut us some *cough* slack!"

[Ripper grabs you by the shirt collar and looks at you angrily, Scary Girl is about to knock him out but you gesture to her, calling her off.]

Ripper: "Oh you are so going home! Either you or your girlfriend!"

[Finally Millie and Priya appear, only Priya has a plunger on her face as Millie looks at Ripper, annoyed.]

Ripper: "See, even she agrees with me!"

Millie: "How could you do this to her! Hold on Priya."

[She tries to pull the plunger off her face as Ripper points at Millie.]

Ripper: "Hey, I made a call and almost won it for us!"

(Y/N): "Oh so you also messed up delivering it to him, and even worse you injured one of our own team members!"

[With the help of Scary Girl, Millie and her manage to get the plunger off Priya's face, though her face is kind of shaped like an oval and she has fish lips.]

Priya: "You are such a bad person!" [She points at Ripper.] "You're the next teammate to be off the team!"

Zee: "Yeah dude, you did go a little too far."

Chase: "Oh come on, who should get voted off? The guy who almost won it for the team, or the guy who almost lost it for the team."

(Y/N): "Oh and you're just gonna conveniently ignore the state the "winner" left Priya in!?"

Damien: "Hey, if we're talking elimination, I'd like to throw my name into the mix, please?"


[You, Scary Girl, Priya, Millie, Damien, and Zee are sitting in the dining hall together.]

(Y/N): "Ripper needs to go, he's a danger to pretty much all of us and only cares about himself!"

Scary Girl: "Agreed!"

[Priya's holding an icepack to her face.]

Priya: "As long as Rippers gone, I'm happy."

Damien: "Though, Scary did kinda chase people around on the jackhammer, including me."

[Everyone looks at her as you back her up.]

(Y/N): "Well, sure, that did cause a few hiccups."

[You glare at her as she looks away.]

(Y/N): "But I wouldn't discredit her either, I mean, she managed to keep their entire offence away from our fort for quite a long time! And in that time, Ripper should have gone and gotten the skull as soon as he could."

Millie: "Yeah, I guess when you put it like that, it's not that bad."

Priya: "So, we're all in agreeal that Rippers leaving?"

Damien: "And me, can I go home too!?"

Priya: "Well you didn't do anything wrong, or even nearly as bad as Ripper, so no."

Damien: "Dang it!"

*Scene Change*

[You're all walking to the campfire, Ripper being quite aways a head of you all with a worried look on his face while the rest of you hang back. You all reach the campfire and take your seats, you're sat between Scary Girl and Zee.]

Chris: "Greetings losers, some of you messed up, some of you got messed up, so now you need to decide who deserves to be sent home!"

Chef: "Damien."

Damien: "What did I do!?"

Chef: "You didn't defend your teams skull or try to capture the other teams skull, you just ran around screaming."

*Confessional Booth*

Damien: "Why's he saying that like I had a choice!?"


Chef: "Ripper and (Y/N)."

Ripper: "Here we go.." [He rolls his eyes in annoyance.]

(Y/N): "Aww don't lump me with him!"

Chef: "You both nearly won it for your team, but (Y/N), you fell before the finish line, you also chased around Scary Girl the whole time and did not once contribute anything to your team! And Ripper you used one of your own teammates as a shield!"

[Everyone but Chase and Zee look at Ripper in annoyance.]

*Confessional Booth*

Ripper: "Eugh, he's saying exactly what I did, but making it sound bad!"


Chris: "You all know the drill, you get a marshmallow, you're still in the game!"

Chris: "Chase."

Chris: "Millie."

Chris: "Priya."

Chris: "Zee."

Chris: "Scary Girl."

Chris: "You're all safe!"

Chris: "(Y/N), Ripper, Damien. One of you will be going home."

Chris: "Damien, I'm sorry, but-"

Damien: "Yes yes yes! I'm going home baby!"

Chris: "You're safe! You only got one vote and we all know it was yours."

[You start to go light headed as Chris holds up the last marshmallow. Your chance of a new future could end right here, all you hope is that everyone kept their word and voted for Ripper. You look over to Scary Girl who returns a worried glance.]

Chris: "The person going home tonight is.."












Chris: "Ripper!"

[You're tossed the last marshmallow as you practically feel your soul leave your body, you almost fall backward but Scary Girl reaches over and props you up.]

Ripper: "Aww come on! Why!?"

Chris: "Maybe don't use your teammates as human shields next time, go grab your stuff and walk the dock of shame."

Ripper: "Whatever, you all stink!"

[He bends over facing your team as you all quickly get up and move away from him.]

Chris: "Ugh, Chef!"

[Chef comes over and picks Ripper up as he holds his bags, the drone picks him up and carries him away.]

Ripper: "Wait, I forgot my stuff! Waiitt!"

Chris: "Who's sorry butt will be going home next, find out next chapter on Total, Drama, Island!"

*Scene Change*

[Your team is celebrating Rippers departure in the dining hall as you're sitting on one of the benches resting, you feel someone sit next to you, you look over and see none other then the crazy goth girl you have a crush on.]

Scary Girl: "Man, that was close huh?"

(Y/N): "Can say that again.. I never want to be that close to going home ever again."

Scary Girl: "I'm sure it won't, also I want to show you something!"

[She reaches next to her and pulls out the skull, though it's got makeup and a wig that looks exactly like her hair on it.]

Scary Girl: "It looked dead, so I decided to touch it up a little!~"

[You chuckle as you rest your head in your arms.]

(Y/N): *To Self* "Man you're cute.."




Scary Girl: "Huh?"

[You realize your mistake and quickly correct yourself.]

(Y/N): "I- I said, Man that's cool-!"

[You give a forced smile as you have a blush on your face. She scans you for a bit and giggles.]

Scary Girl: "You're funny!~"

[You sigh and stand up.]

(Y/N): "I think I'm gonna head to bed early, I'm exhausted... Love y-"

[You stop yourself again as you facepalm.]

(Y/N): "Byeseeyouinthemorning-!"

[You bolt out the door, Scary Girl watching with a soft smile.]

Scary Girl: *To Self* "I love you too~"

[To Be Continued...]

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