From fantasy to reality a Pol...

By vicopinto92

91.8K 1K 82

Colin Bridgerton is part of one of the most important families of London aristocracy, that night at the Feath... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 18

1.5K 20 3
By vicopinto92

The friends got off the ship quite tired from the journey. They had planned to go to the port to buy two tickets to return to London, but it was already night, there were no ships that sailed long distances.

-Ladies, can you accompany me to the next boat, this is not our final stop- Charles demanded.
-excellency- said Penelope with a playful tone- Eloise and I are very tired from the trip, we must gain strength to continue, so we would like to rest in this area.

-Yes, maybe change our dresses and take a bath- Eloise added.

-It's good Miss Penelope realized what was best for you - he gently grabbed her by the jaw - Okay, let's look for a hostel around here.

He sent his servants to find one, and they returned after an hour. The duke invited them to get into the carriage, but this time the ladies refused. Pen sat with the driver and Eloise on a rented horse, paid by the duke.Upon arrival at the hostel, the girls went to their room, asked for two bathrooms, a large amount of food, and clothes to change. They arrived at the room and took a bath for several minutes. Olivia came with the food, they covered themselves with towels and approached the table in the room.

-Olivia, have you eaten yet? -Penelope asked.

-Don't worry, miss, when I finish helping you, I will go with the men and eat with them.

-We insist, dear- said Eloise- this is too much food.

The three ate until they burst, then one of the servants brought two dresses so the ladies could change.They dressed in bedclothes and had no plans to talk to Charles.

-Olivia, do you know if the duke is arranging our wedding? -Penelope asked.

-Miss- the girl whispered- I heard one of the servants say everything was arranged for this weekend.

-We have to escape tomorrow as soon as it dawns- said Eloise. Otherwise, we will go to that final stop and wonder if our money is enough.

Penelope scolded her with her eyes because they didn't know if Olivia would be her ally.

-I will help you, but is it possible to join you? The master was never mean to me, but it would never have occurred to me that he would do such an outrage to you. So I fear for my well-being.

Penelope smiled at her and took her hand
- of course - she said but didn't know how much money they would charge for the tickets.

The girls took turns to 😴 because they were tired and didn't want to fall asleep. Before entering the room, Olivia saw the guard sleeping in front of the ladies' door, so she told him to go to bed and if she needed help would wake him up.

When she entered the room, both girls were sleeping, Pen in bed and Eloise sitting looking at the window. Olivia woke them up quietly and helped them wear their new dresses, since the others smelled bad.
They left without their shoes on, to don't make noise, they got on two of the horses rented by the duke.When they arrived at the port thanks to Olivia's instructions, they tied up the horses, the workers had just arrived, there was a ship that left in thirty minutes to London.

They both got excited because it was still early in the morning.

-We can do it- Eloise said triumphantly.

-Good morning, to buy three tickets to London for the ship that leaves in half an hour.

The worker looked at her hand.

-It would be 3 shillings, one per person.

Penelope looked at her friend in horror among the pennies they had only 1 shilling.

- if we offer cleaning services, it is possible that they can upload two more- said Penelope.

The worker looked at the three of them.

-Miss, I can tell you are running away from home, the only one who seems to know how to do something is her -pointing to Olivia -go back home and apologize to your dad, no good-for-nothing stowaway will get on the boat.

-And if when our family arrives they pay the rest and with interest - Eloise added.

-who tells the captain they will stay put as soon as you arrive. This is not a negotiation now please move so that real clients can pass by.

Both friends looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

-You go- said Penelope -you have nothing to do with this madness. you tell the others where I am...

-When we come back for you, you will already be that man's wife and there will be nothing to do- El interrupted.

Penelope knew it, but she couldn't find any other way.

-Miss Penelope, what are you doing here?

Both girls froze, thinking the worst, they looked at the man, but neither recognized him

-Colin is with you -he looks at both sides - You must be the younger sister, Eloise right?

The ladies felt a glimmer of hope.

-I'm sorry, do we know each other?-Pen said.

-Not directly, but I must say that Mr. Bridgerton couldn't stop talking about you, I am his friend Mr. Brown.

Eloise still didn't know who he was, but Pen remembered him from Colin's log.

- you helped him find me in Scotland!

-The same, are you on the honeymoon? That Colin promised to invite me to the wedding - he shook his head - if you knew, miss, everything I had to put up with, I really feel like I know you.

Penelope smiled.

-No, Mr. Brown, we are here because a duke brought us by force - the man opened his eyes in surprise - he did not compromise the honor of either of us, but we want to return to London, and the ship leaves in 10 minutes, could you lend us "Two shillings," Penelope said hurriedly.

-My brother Anthony will repay you in spades- Eloise added.

- I am very sorry for what happened to you and would love to help you, but I don't have that much money. But I don't understand why you need so much.

-It's one shilling per person and the lady -Pen pointed to Olivia- helped us escape.

-what nonsense that is! One per person! Please give me the money - Eloise gave him - I'll be right back.

Both girls watched as Mr. Brown argued with the worker from before, they only looked at the boat they were finishing assembling. They saw Mr. Brown board the vessel.

-Would he buy a ticket for him? -said Eloise.

-He wouldn't dare, he knows who your brother and brother-in-law are- Penelope said.

After a few minutes, he returned.

-Here they are -he gave them the three tickets- that guy wanted to charge you more because are women, but don't worry, I already spoke with the captain and told him what family you come from, they are not going to treat you less than the ladies who are.

Both girls hugged that man.

-Thank you very much, Mr. Brown- said Penelope- if Colin doesn't invite you, rest assured that I will, in fact you will be my first formal guest.

-Colin is right, miss, your drawing did not capture all your beauty, now get on the boat, lest it leave without you.


Colin couldn't fall asleep, every time he closed his eyes he remembered all his nightmares, which were related to someone or something snatching Penelope from his hands.

-You have to sleep- Benedict growled- Tomorrow we will arrive at the port and we need you sane, you are the only one who knows this country.

The third brother knew he was right, he went back to bed and tried to sleep.When he woke up it was already morning, they were supposed to arrive at port in the afternoon, these five days without Pen and her sister felt highly long.When they finally reached port, they tried to rent a smaller boat to take them to the island where the duchess's property was, but no locals wanted to rent it, at least not at the average price, since that place was private.

Anthony paid a scandalous sum for the round trip of the five occupants.It was a thirty minute drive that Colin felt like two days. When they finally arrived, they left Benedict on the boat in case the captain decided to abandon them.

-Are you armed? -Colin asked.

-Of course- said Anthony,

-that duke messed with the wrong family.

They continued walking towards the cabin that could be seen in the distance.

-if she is already married to him? ¿How are we going to separate them? -Colin said tormented.

-If consummation has not been, the divorce can be proven and granted. Unless ...

-unless? -Colin asked worried.

-Have you taken "that" liberty with her? Because if you did, that option will be pointless.

-No, we were waiting for the Marriage -

Colin thanked the heavens that his brothers interrupted them that afternoon.They arrived at the cabin, knocked on the door and a servant opened it for them.

-Where is the duke? -said Anthony

-In the office, my lord at the back on the left, please give me your names so I can announce you- said the servant.

Both Bridgertons walked with significant steps, pushing the young man aside, Colin slammed the door open. The duke saw them and started laughing, the first Bridgerton grabbed him by the neck and pulled out his gun.

-where are they? - Colin said.

Charles couldn't stop laughing.

-What are you deaf? -Anthony said - where are my sisters? -he point to the head -I'm not playing.

-You know, I had given you a month Bridgerton, but it took you less than a week, you impress me- Charles said.

Anthony let go, Colin punched him in the face, then another, and another.

-they are not here! -he shout before receiving another fist.Colin stopped.

-Where did you leave them? -Anthony spat

-I don't know, that redhead took me for a fool, she made me believe that she would marry me and then they ran away, when I realized they were gone -Colin was going to hit him - I swear! I swear!

-Check the cabin- Anthony ordered.

Colin searched every room but there was nothing, not even the smell.He returned to his brother and denied. Anthony pointed to the face.

-Tell us what you know- he ordered.

-They told me that they wanted to rest, I rented the rooms at the hostel, I know that their valet helped them, I don't know what time they left or where they went. Believe me, gentlemen, my intention was never to hurt either of them, I just - he started to cry - I believed she loved me and my jealousy didn't let me think.

They both felt sorry for the duke.

-Let's go- Anthony said - but one last thing - the viscount pointed at a leg and shot - no one messed with my family.

The brothers left the cabin, ordered a servant who would accompany them to look for a doctor for the duke in the city, and returned to the ship.

-What happened? -Benedict didn't understand anything.

-They weren't there- Anthony responded.

The captain started the ship-what do we do? -Benedict said.

-I must write to Mr. Brown, he helped me find Penelope in Scotland, he also has several friends here- said Colin- Anthony, you must return to London, Benedict and I will continue.

When they arrived at the port there was a ship leaving for London. Anthony got on it.

-Let's ask about the hostels in the area.

They walked for hours until they found the right one, they didn't know much, except that the ladies had left with their valet with two horses rented by the duke.They arrived at the port but the horses' owner was no longer there.

-Let's go rest, we'll be back tomorrow- Benedict said.

They had been given the same room at the hostel that Pen and her sister had. They went down to eat, a girl came up to take their order, Colin recognized Eloise's dress.

-Excuse me, how did you get that dress? It belonged to my sister -said Colin.

- A couple of days ago two young ladies stayed here with Duke Williams, they both left their dresses and this one fit me, I didn't steal it - said the young woman.

-Do you know what happened to them? - Benedict said.

-I didn't even see them, they didn't come down to eat, they asked for the food to be brought up.

After eating they went up to the room, each one took a bath.

-Do you think they are okay? - Benedict asked.

-Yes, they are both brilliant- Colin said more for himself than for his brother.

The following day they went first thing in the morning, the horses' owner did not know anything, only that he found the animals tied in their stall.

-Let's go back to the hostel to write to Mr. Brown- said Colin.

-Mr. Bridgerton!Colin recognized the voice of his good friend, ran to his side and hugged him with emotion. Benedict followed him.

-friend! I was just talking about you, Colin said.

-Don't tell me you're looking for the ladies? said Mr. Brown.

Both brothers looked at each other.

-Yeah! Did you see them? -said Colin, for the first time in a week he was happy.

-Yes, the guy selling the tickets wanted to scam them, but I ensured they got on the boat.

-where to? -said Benedict

-London, of course, they should be arriving today.

Colin looked at Benedict who understood and ran to buy the tickets.

-How lucky that you were here when they needed you, you are an angel my friend, I don't know how I can repay you.

-Your girlfriend invited me to the wedding, I don't know if you mind, I would like to go.

-You are the guest of honor my friend. Benedict! -His brother came back-buys another one for Mr. Brown!

-Not is it necessary, I will travel as soon as you have the date, like in a month?

-Do you really think I will spend another minute without marrying that woman? -Colin smiled.Benedict returned with an evil face.-What happened? -Colin asked."

-I bought the tickets, but London departs until Monday,Benedict responded.

-Something good can happen to me for once! -Colin exclaimed.

-What are you talking about, dear friend- Mr. Brown told him- your fiancée is safe and sound in London, it's only three days to get on the ship to go with her.

-And three more to get to London,-Colin said sorrowfully.

-How about we go around the city and buy her the engagement ring-Benedict said.

-Shouldn't I use one from my mother's collection? -Colin said.

-You are the traveling Bridgerton and you will give her a ring that has been there for years, a ring that has not seen anything beyond a box? -Benedict said.

-Yes, I want her to feel part of the Bridgertons.

-There are other gems- Mr. Brown tried.Colin smiled.

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