The Life Of My Dreams

By __DollFace

126K 5.2K 346

Tyla is an 18 year old filthy rich girl, who wants so badly to know what it's like to be from the ghetto. & s... More

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter ten)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eleven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twelve)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter fourteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter fifteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter sixteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter seventeen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eighteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter nineteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-two)
Not An Update
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-four)
Author's Note
Sequal !

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-three)

2K 84 3
By __DollFace

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-three)


"Baby, I miss you." I whined into the phone making him chuckle.

"I miss you too baby, its only been three days. You'll be home before you know it." He said.

"Three days too long, I still have a week and four days. I cant fix my problems every night, it doesn't feel the same." I pouted. He laughed loudly.

"Aww, baby when yall get back you can have all the dick you want." He cooed.

"Really?" I asked grinning.

"Yep." He replied excitedly. I laughed and rolled over on the bed and looked out the window at the afternoon sky. It was going on one o'clock and I needed to get dressed because Mia and I were going shopping then out to eat.

"Where's Mia big head ass?" He asked.

"She's in her room, I should go over there. Im so bored in my room alone." I said getting up and walking towards the fridge to get an icecream sandwich and a bag of doritos.

"Babe, you're in Cali have some fun." He chuckled.


Profit and I walked down the halls of the hotel towards Mia and Tyla's rooms. I put my phone on mute so she wouldnt hear the echo of me knocking on her door. We left our bags in the car and would just have the bell hop people bring them up later.

"I cant its- hold on babe someone's knocking on the door." She said making me smirk and lean against the door.

"Who the hell on yo door?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Im about to find ou- BABY!!!!" She screamed dropping her phone and the food that was in her hands and jumped on me.

"Oh my God, what are you doing here?" She squealed kissing me all over my face after she attacked my lips.

"I just wanted to surprise you." I smiled leaning down to kiss her lips again. She snatched me in her room by my belt loops and pulled my shirt over my head.

"Wait baby-" I started to say before her manicured finger was placed over my lips.

"Hush." She demanded before she rushed me in kisses and pulled me out my joggies.

"You not gone take em off-"

"I said be quiet." She told me once again. I shut my eyes tightly when she took me into her mouth and swirled her tongue around.

When she finished she pulled my joggies off and hiked up my shirt she wearing, revealing that she wasnt wearing any underwear.

"Damn, so you just knew I was gonna be here huh?" I asked staring between her legs.

"No, all of my underwear shrunk." She said bending down to kiss my tattooed chest.

"So you aint been wearing no panties under them small ass leggings?" I asked raising my eyebrows and she shook her head no.

"Dont do that shit again." I groaned as she lowered herself on my manhood.

"Okay daddy." She moaned.


"I missed you baby." I said kissing Profit for the hundreth time.

"I missed yall too. Where's little man?" He asked looking around.

"In the room still asleep. His ass stayed up all night crying over you." I sighed. He smiled and started to walk towards the bedroom before I grabbed his arm.

"Damn can I have you first?" I asked standing from the couch and pulling him into the kitchen and hopping up on the counter.

"Hell yeah." He said dropping to his knees and kissing my inner thighs as he made his way to my pearl. He roughly ripped my panties off and licked his lips at the sight. I blushed and covered my eyes.

"Mmm." I moaned when he started moving his tongue in a circular motion.

"Fuck!" I yelled as he sped up and pushed one of his fingers inside me.

"Babe quiet down before you wake my son." He mumbled against my clit sending a vibration through my body.

"Mommy?" I heard Bray's soft voice call. I cursed under my breath and looked down at Profit expecting him to stop.

"Answer him." He demanded but only low enough for me to hear. He continued to flick his tongue against my clit as he used his finger to part my lips.

"Y-yes baby? Whats wrong?" I half way moaned.

"Im hungry." He said.

"J-just shit. Give me a-a second okay?" I said trying to contain myself.

"Where you go mommy?" He asked.

"Breon s-stop." I mumbled clawing at his arms.

"G-go back to bed Bray, I'll be in there in a little bittttt." I moaned.

"Are you okay?" He asked sounding worried. Damn this little boy is just not gonna stop.

"Fuck! Im fine baby, just go back to bed." I was gonna smack the shit out of Profit when he finished.

"Go feed my son and we'll get back to this later." He said kissing my lips as he slid down his jogging pants and slipped them on me. I giggled a little and shook my head, I dont understand why guys wear basketball shorts under all their pants.

"What you giggling for?" He asked helping me down from the counter.

"Why do you have basketball shorts on under these hot ass joggers?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck after he lifted me in arms and held me like a baby.

"Cause im free balling." He said wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed and shook my head, he walked into the bedroom Bray was in and Bray's face lit up.

"Daddy!" He grinned jumping up as Profit caught him.

"My two big babies." He said kissing my forehead and then Bray's.

"Mommy you're too big!" Bray laughed. I sniffled and began to fake cry as Profit gasped and played along with me.

"See what you did little man, you hurt mommy's feelings."

I peeked through my hands and looked at Bray and his mouth dropped.

"No no no, dont cry mommy. I didnt mean to hurt your feelings." He said wrapping his little arms around me and kissing my cheek repeatedly.

I wiped away my fake tears as Profit set me on my feet.

"Forgive me?" He asked puckering his lips. I laughed and leaned in and kissed his lips.

"I forgive you baby." I smiled he smiled back.

"Come on, what you want to eat babe?" I asked him as he grabbed my hand.

"Damn, you hear that?" Profit smirked as we walked into the kitchen. I covered my mouth and giggled when Profit put his ear up against the wall.

"I taught my nigga well, he in there pounding her shit." He laughed.


"Babe stop." I moaned out of breath. We were on our third round, to say that I was tired and sore was an understatement.

"Damn girl." Rich groaned rolling over onto the bed. He looked over at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and curled up against his chest.

"I'll wake you up in a few hours." He said kissing my lips gently.

"Baby get up." Rich said smacking my ass.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up.

"Six, Mia and Profit wanna go out at eight." I nodded and pulled the covers back over my body, only for it to be snatched off of me.

"I dont wanna go." I told him.

"We're going out to eat babe." He smirked. I stood up and walked my ass right to the dresser and got my clothes.

After I showered, I stood in front of Rich and he zipped up my dress. He turned me around to face him and rested his hands on both sides of my stomach pressing a kiss in the middle.

"My little princess." He smiled. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"How do you know if its gonna be a girl?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck. He shrugged and kissed my neck.

"I dont know but I hope its a girl. You know we can find out when we get home." He said, I nodded and grabbed his hand making him stand.

"Come on before we're late." I said bending over to grab my pumps.

"Can I have a taste before we leave?" He asked, I turned around and frowned.

"I like my dessert early." He said wiggling his tongue at me.

I couldnt say no. ;)

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