Dreams and Nightmares (Delila...

By awesomearmour2

681 12 15

After seeing her brother's body, Delilah accidentally tapped into her powers and sent herself into a differen... More

Delilah The Dream Watcher
Dreaming And Living
A Waking Nightmare
The Witches Dream Part 2
Walking And Waking
Dreaming In Class
The Nightmarish Beast
Dreaming Of A Convention
A Nightmarish Moving Problem

The Witches Dream Part 1

71 1 0
By awesomearmour2

A green haired witch flips onto the platform infront of a giant purple snake.

Gildersnake: "Foolish child! I could swallow you whole!"

The Gildersnake hisses towards a green haired witch.

Azura: "Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace!" She poses, the wind blows her hair, suddenly she crouches and holds her staff like a bazooka "Now eat this, sucka!" She fires her staff towards the Gildersnake.

The Gildersnake gets hit by the projectile.

Gildersnake: "No! My only weakness: dying!"

The creature collapses dramatically.

The fight scene was actually Luz's imagination, she is holding two action figures.

Luz: "And that's the end."

Camila: "The end of what?"

Luz: "My book report." The snake she was holding bites the Azura doll. "I think I knocked it out of the park.


Luz once again was in the principles office.

This was a usual occurence, after all she did alot of things which disturbed the other students, like making a 'Accurate Griffin Statue' which barfed spiders... live spiders...

For some reason Luz brought in snakes, specifically ones that can bite, when Delilah was called into the principals office she exited her class and saw people running around with snakes on their heads.

As Delilah walked pass a few people, she saw her friends watching the chaos from a far. Somehow without talking a group formed around Delilah and became friends with her within minutes. Her friends are, Chipp, Sin and Bridget.

Delilah waves without a change to her emotionless face and walks past, her friends also wave, she did not have time to stop and they knew that, they had grown quite close, to the point they could tell by how she walks if she's doing something important.

When Delilah arrives at the door of the principals office she notices Luz talking and gesturing, she opens the door.

Luz and Camila notice Delilah stood in the doorway.

Luz: "Hey sis!"

She runs up and hugs Delilah who still has a blank tired face, she looks at the snake and doll in Luz's hands.

Delilah: "I'm guessing the snakes were part of your book report?" Luz nods "I really need to talk to Dizzy about lending you animals..."

The Principal fake coughs into his closed fist.

Principal Hal: "Your book report is why you're in here."

He gestures towards the door, through the window they can see two students fighting the snakes off their heads, Sin is breaking down laughing, Chipp is helping the students, he eventually gets one off the arm of a students and passes it to Bridget who pets the now happy snake.

Luz: "Oh. That's where the backup snakes went."

Delilah: "How many snakes did Dizzy give you?"

Luz: "Not too many... they aren't even dangerous! I wasn't going to put anyone in danger."

Camila: "And what were you going to do with this?"

She holds up a bunch of firecrackers which were taped together.

Luz: "That was for the Act Three closer..."

Delilah: "Do you know what 'not putting anyone in danger' means?"

Camila: "Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?"

-Flashback to Luz auditioning for the role of Juliet-

Luz: "O happy dagger, give me death!"

Luz stabs the spork into her torso, she then rips down causing the dress to rip, revealing links of sausages, all students exept four run out of the theatre room, Delilah and her friends watches, they are sat on the back row of seats, her friends stand up and claps.

Delilah: "She has gotten better at projecting, maybe she could be a voice actor..."

Luz is sewing a pigeon head onto a squirrel's body, it is also placed on a platform labled 'Baby Griffin'.

Luz: "Now for the final anatomically correct touch, spider breath."

Luz opens the model's beak and hundreds of spiders crawl around on Luz and other students, everyone execpt Luz runs screaming.

During the cheerleader tryouts a girl does a successful backflip, all the other students applauds, Delilah and Chipp watch Sin teach the other students in flagbearer outfits how to do flag tricks, and Bridget practice yo-yo tricks for a talent show.

Luz: "You think that's an impressive trick?" She throws her pom-poms to the side. "Take a look at this." Luz turns around then looks at the other students, she has flipped her eyelids inside out. "Bleep, bloop, bleep!"

The students scream and run, Delilah has a slightly unsettled look, Chipp is quite impressed, Sin loudly giggles and Bridget just looks slightly green in the face.

Bridget: "P-please give me a warning next time you do that."

-Back to the present in the principals office-

Delilah: "Okay I can understand being upset at the play and spiders one, but the eyelid thing? Quite a lot of kids do that, heck even the ones who ran away do that in the hallways with their friends, maybe this school just doesn't care about kids enough to know they do stuff like that, and you haven't even noticed the amount of bullies that are-"

She finally notices the nervous side eye Camila is giving.

Delilah: "N-nevermind."

Everyone take a moment then Camila breaks the silence.

Camila: "We all love that you express yourself, but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality, you may need to spend the summer here."

She holds out a pamphlet for 'Reality Check Summer Camp' Luz reluctantly takes it.

Luz: "Don't worry, Mom. I won't let you down." She stands up triumphantly. "No more weirdness!"

The snake in Luz's hand somehow leaps out of her hand and bites into the principals face, he yells in pain while the snake hisses.

Luz: "That doesn't count, right?"

Suddenly Sin busts in the room with a huge smile on his face.

Sin: "Hey Delilah and Luz, wanna help with the snake situation-"

He notices the principal fighting off the snake on his face.

He slowly closes the door with a frozen smile on his face.


Luz is seen standing with Delilah, Luz's face shows dissapointment, Camila exits the house.

Camila: "Oh! Oh, my babies!" She gives Luz and Delilah a warm hug "Now, don't worry. Summer camp is only going to be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to... appreciate public radio, the time will fly by!"

Luz: "But I don't like any of that stuff. I like editing anime clips to music and-and reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories."

Camila: "Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends? Real ones, not imagined or drawn or reptilian or Delilah?"

Delilah: "I don't think this is a good idea, Luz being imaginative isn't bad it's actually very good, she could become one of the most famous book writers in the world, plus Manny gave her that book... I mean that book is one of the few physical memories we have of-"

Once again Delilah cuts herself off after noticing the hurt look on Camila's face.

Delilah: "... Go on."

Luz turns away and faces a bin, she holds her book tightly.

Camila: "Summer camp is a chance to make some friends, but you have to try. Can you do that?"

Luz: "Yes, Mom."

Luz gently places her book 'The Good Witch Azura' ontop of everything in the bin, Camila's phone vibrates in her purse.

Camila: "Oh. I gotta go to work." She kisses both Luz and Delilah's foreheads. "Your bus is coming soon. Text me when you get there. Cuídate mucho, mija. ¡Qué te vaya bien!"

Camila walks towards her car.

Luz: "Bye, Mom." Delilah turns to Luz and watches as she rummages through the bin. "Where is it? Where is it?"

Delilah: "Calm down it probably just under some stuff-" "Hoot"

Luz and Delilah turn to the owl on the floor holding a bag which has Luz's book in it, it takes off and flys away, for a moment they were in a stunned silence.

Luz: "Tiny trash thief!"

Luz chases the owl, Delilah follows after a moment of hesitation, they both end up infront of an abandoned house, the owl runs straight in, Luz and Delilah stand infront of the house staring at the door, she growls. Steeling her nerves she rushes into the house, Delilah follows after her quickly, holding on to her shoulders so she doesn't get left behind, the door slams shut behind them.

A door which is some how in the middle of a tent opens up, the theiving owl hops through and exits the tent, Luz and Delilah rush through the door and into the tent, Delilah stops as soon as they enter.

Luz: "Stop adorably hopping away, you-Huh?" She looks around the tent, which is full of strange objects. "Whoa. I thought I had a lot of weird stuff." She grabs a creepy-looking doll. "But this? This is impressive."

Delilah: "W-what? How are we in a tent? We just went into the house!"

Suddenly a voice is heard outside of the tent.

Middle-aged Woman: "Finally, you're back."

Luz drops to the ground after making a scared noise, Delilah ducks behind a collection of random metal scraps.

Middle-aged Woman: "Now let's see what we've got here."

The little owl lands on top of the woman's staff, the woman turns him around, and it becomes a wooden fixture of the staff.

Delilah's pupils shrink in shock, there was no way that just happend, it was impossible, she turned to Luz to see if she saw the same thing and noticed her shocked face.

The middle-aged Woman opens the bag and grabs a phone out from the bag.

Middle-aged Woman: "Garbage." She takes out a ring. "Garbage." She takes out a shining golden chalice. "Garbage." She notices something deep in the bag and gasps. "Now, this..." She takes out a pair of joke glasses with eyes that are attached to springs and puts them on. "This will make me rich." She takes out luz's book. "And this... Oh, this will make good kindling."
She holds the book over a candle.

Luz gasps and runs out of the tent, Delilah also rushes to grab Luz and stop her from being spotted, but she is able to grab the book from the womans hands.

Luz: "Excuse me, sorry, it's mine, thank you."

Delilah: "LUZ!"

She grabs Luz and runs back towards the door, but it folds up before they can walk through it, they turn around and see the woman holding a key with an strange eye which was on the door, the woman takes off her comedy glasses.

Middle-aged Woman: "You're not going anywhere."

Luz: "Wah-ah!"

She shoves her Azura book into her bag and notices Delilah holding up a flap of the tent.

Delilah: "RUN!"

Luz and Delilah scramble out of the tent, they run but Delikah notices where Luz is running and grabs her arm, she is pulled away from the ledge of the cliff she was about to run off, Luz turns to thank Delilah but notices her shocked expression she turns to see what her sister is looking at and is stopped by the view.

They stare out towards a town which is made of strange arms and teeth, a dragon flies by, they watch the dragon until it gets caught by one of the arms.

The townfolk go about their day as if nothing happened.

Delilah notices someone eating an ice cream, but the ice cream eats a person, she looks on with a dazed expression.

Delilah: "None of this should be possible..."

As she mumbles Luz backs away from the cliff.

Luz: "Oh, no, no, no, no! What's going on?"

A fairy flys up next to her causing her to shriek.

Luz: " AHH- Oh, hello, little fairy. Are you going to tell me this is all a fantastical dream?"

Fairy: "Give me your skin!"

Luz screams and slaps the fairy which lands next to Delilah who kicks it off the cliff.

Luz: "Where am I? Did I die? Am I in the bad place?"

Suddenly both of their shoulders are grabbed.

Middle-aged Woman: "You wish."

Both Luz and Delilah are now sat on stools back at the tent.

Luz: "I'm so sorry! I just wanted my book! If you're gonna eat my skin." She holds out her arm. "Just make it quick! Just do it now!"

Delilah: "Don't you dare touch her..."

The woman looks at both of them and smirks

Middle-aged Woman: "Eat you? Why would I eat... a potential customer?"

Delilah's eyes widen as Luz opens hers.

Middle-aged Woman: "Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes?" She holds up a green Croc, the puts it aside and grabs a stick of men's deodorant. "A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh! How about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness?"

She holds up an old portable Tv up to Luz and Delilah, both of which look at the women.

Luz: "That's not all it can do. Here, let me see it."

Luz takes the TV and passes it to Delilah who quickly pops the back open and takes the dead batteries and puts them in her pocket, then she grabs two batteries from a dish labelled "Human candy! (????)" She then puts the two batteries into the back of the TV and gently passes it to Luz who presses the power button, as the TV turns on they hear a fizzing noise and after a moment it shows a Jazzercise video with loud music.

Luz: "Voilà!"

A group of monsters and a samurai notice the sounds and walk over.

Monster #1: "Huh?"

Monster #2: "What's that?"

Monster #3: "The sound-it's so alluring."

Samurai: "Huh... strange fighting style..."

Several monsters surround the TV, a monsters holds up some coins.

Monster #1: "I'll pay 40 snails for the screaming box!"

Monster #2I: "I'll give you a hundred!"

Monster #3: "Can I eat the tiny person inside?"

The entire crowd starts bidding except for the samurai who is talking about how ineffective the "fighting style" is, the woman looks at Luz and Delilah in amazement.

Middle-aged Woman: "What did you say your names were?"

Luz: "I'm Luz. Luz Noceda."

Delilah: "...Delilah"

The woman looks back at them while taking the snails from the buyers.

Middle-aged Woman: "Well, Luz and Delilah, that was pretty clever... for two humans."

Luz: "That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say."

Delilah: "Wait are you saying-"

Middle-aged Woman: "Correct dear child." She takes off her bandana to reveal pointed ears. "I'm not like you." She climbs onto the table and stands above the crowd holding snails. "I'm Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!"

Luz: "A witch?"

Delilah: "A witch?! I-I though witches were-"

Eda: "respected? feared?-"

Guard #1: "Busted!"

The guard breaks the TV causing Delilah to yelp.

Monster: "Run! It's a guard!"

All of the customers run away screaming while the samurai calmly walks away, Eda hops down from the table, the guard holds up Eda's wanted poster.

Guard #1: "Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors."

Delilah's eyes widen, Luz peeks over the edge of the table.

Luz: "Whoa! Witch criminal!"

Delilah: "I knew something was off about her..."

The guard grabs Eda's arm.

Guard #1: "You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium."

Eda pulls her arm away from him.

Eda: "Would you guys quit following me around? I haven't done squat."

Delilah: "Luz I think we should... Luz?"

Delilah looks at the guard and notices him holding Luz by her hoodie.

Guard #1: "And you're coming too..."

Luz: "Aah!"

Guard #1: "...for fraternizing with a criminal."

Luz: "Wh-What? That's not cool!"

Delilah: "Fraternizing with a criminal? Are you dumb? We didn't know! She basically kidnapped us!"

Guard #1: "Shut it kid!"

Eda: "Oh, all right, all right, you win. Just let me get my stuff."

Eda was about the grab her staff and swing it but Delilah grabs a toolbox and throws it hard into the guards face, he stumble and crashes to the ground, letting go of Luz, Eda tries to hide a chuckle only letting out snorting sounds, she grabs her staff and taps the bottom of the table making all her items float in the air, Delilah grabs Luz's book and passes it to her, she is quite stunned from seeing Delilah attack someone.

Eda: "Whoops. Can't forget this."

Eda reaches into her hair and pulls out a key, she presses the key to summon the portal door, she closes her hand into a fist, making the tablecloth wrap itself around all of her stuff. She sticks her staff through the bundle and starts running.

Eda: "Follow me, humans."

Delilah is hesitant to follow but notices Luz going with her, she sighs and goes after them.

Luz: "This is crazy. If I die here, my mom's gonna kill me!"

Delilah: "Luz, you might need to re-think that sentance."

Eda: "Ha! I won't let 'em hurt you. Humans like you two are much more valuable to me alive than dead."

Luz: "Wait. What's that supposed to-"

Delilah: "You are becoming more and more untrust worthy with each word you say."

Eda: "Whoo-hoo!"

Eda jumps, pulling herself and the two sisters onto her staff. They take off into the sky as the guard runs into frame.

Guard #1: "You won't get away with this, Owl Lady!" He looks at his hands "Yeah, all right. You did. You got away with it. She got away with it, everybody! Typical."

Eda is flying with a panicking wide eyed Delilah and a crying Luz on her staff above the isles.

Eda: "You can open your eyes now, human."

Luz opens her eyes slowly and yells, she nearly falls off the staff when she sees the ground below them.

Luz: "Flying staffs, crazy monsters, you're a witch! What is this place?"

Eda picks up Luz which Delilah slowly crawls up the staff.

Eda: "This is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours."

Various winged creatures fly behind them as Eda talks. A griffin that looks similar to Luz's art project flies up next to them and screeches

Luz: "A griffin!"

The griffin barfs spiders.

Luz: "I knew it!"

Delilah: "How did you get that so right?"

Luz shrugs at the question.

Eda: "Yep. Griffins, vampires, giraffes...."

Luz: "Giraffes?"

Delilah: "Don't tell me-"

Eda: "Oh, yeah. We banished those guys. Bunch of freaks."

Eda lands the staff and hops off, though her hand stays behind. Luz and Delilah see it move on its own.

Luz: "Aaah!"

She jumps off the staff.

Delilah also jumps off but slowly gets closer to the hand.

Delilah: "How does it move..."

Eda: "Oops." She screws her hand back on. "That happens sometimes."

Delilah: "I know for a fact, that your hand shouldn't be able to do that."

Luz stands up from the ground.

Luz: "Well, I've had enough adventure for today. This is clearly not the PG fantasy world I always dreamed about. So, can you help me get back home?"

Eda levels her staff in front of Luz, startling her.

Eda: "Only if you help me first." She chuckles, lifts her staff, and walks away with the bag following her. "Ah, now, come along, humans."

Delilah talks while walking with Luz.

Delilah: "Why should we help you?"

Eda: "Cuz' you owe me, I helped you get away from the guards."

Delilah: "Actually neither of us owe eachother anything, we fixed your T.V and got you customers, then you helped us escape, so I think we're even."

Eda: "Touché, but still I won't send you back until you help."

Delilah goes to argue but they all walk into a clearing where a strange house with a tower sits.

Luz: "Whoa!"

On top of the tower, there is an owl with an uncanny human face, the owl cackles. Eda, Luz and Delilah walk in front of the house.

Luz: "Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?"

Eda: "Nope. My house has a state-of-the-art defense system."

Hooty: "Hoot-hoot! Password, please!"

Eda pokes both of the door owl's eyes.

Hooty: "Aah!"

Eda: "We got no time for this, Hooty. Let us in."

Hooty: "All right, all right! Geez! You never want to have any fun! Ow! Hoot!"

Hooty opens his mouth wide enough to completly cover the door. They all step through, though Eda's bag stays outside. Hooty closes his mouth then burps.

Eda: "Welcome to-" She snaps her fingers. "the Owl House..."


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