Death Kings

De RoseSugarAuthor

2.3K 153 20

Reverse Harem. Polyamory w/ MMM. 18+. Violence. Mentions of child abuse and sexual assault not done by harem... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 45 Continued
Chapter 46
Chapter 48

Chapter 24

43 3 1
De RoseSugarAuthor


Sitting in the backyard, the boys are barbecuing tonight. I love the smells wafting from the grill. It's Callum who is doing most of the cooking on the large outdoor grill. The area has its little kitchen, in which the boys have wine in the chiller and beer in the mini-fridge beside it. There is plenty of room for Dominic to prepare food while Callum cooks. There is even a sink handy. The outdoor cooking station only comprised of a grill when I was growing up here.

I'm sitting on the patio couch with Jaxson's head in my lap, stroking his red curls back from his handsome face. Ryder and Tee are on the couch across from us, holding hands and talking in hushed tones. They are too adorable together. It's like looking at a yin and yang symbol.

Dominic leaves and when he returns, there are five young junior high boys following him. One boy is blonde with Caribbean blue eyes that dart around suspiciously, avoiding our gazes. Jaxson sits up, his body tense and on high alert. The next kid has forest-green eyes and auburn hair that glows like fire in the sunshine. Another kid has chocolate hair and golden eyes that blaze in anger while scowling. The other kid has medium brown hair and cognac eyes that hold rebelliousness.

But it's the final one that I know is Jaxson's problem. A younger version of Gerhardt Fuchs with golden hair and baby blue eyes that are almost as pale as Ryder's but with more of a blue tint. He must be the kid that the man is trying to groom into the perfect puppet. This kid, though he isn't a puppet, his eyes are too defiant.

We all stand to greet these boys. "You look like the man who raised me," Ryder addressed the kid.

"I know," he says, "but I'm not him. I don't want to be anything like that man," the kids hiss out between clenched teeth. The kid's fists are clenched tight beside him as well.

Ryder smirks at the kid. "Good answer. I'm Ryder Fuchs-Jamison, but my family calls me Rye." He offers a hand to the kid, and he accepts.

"Ransom Oaks." He shakes Ryder's hand. "These are my... I guess... my closest friends." He says that as if he is unsure, but it's obvious to me these boys are close. He points to the blonde. "The blonde is Lachlan Hartley, and the brown-headed one is Carson Channing. The redhead is Jase Alto and the one with the permanent scowl is Arson Skaggs."

"Well, hello, Chaos Boys!" Jaxson shouts, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his legs and his fists holding up his head. There is too much glee in his eyes. He is all Sidhe currently. "I'm Jaxson O'Dwyer, or Jax and the gorgeous woman beside me is Natalie Jamison, aka Ali, our wife. The one cooking is Callum Moreau or Cal. You've met Dom and Rye. The handsome Cajun holding Ryder's hand is my other wife, Etienne O'Dwyer or Tee."

Etienne snorts. "I'm your husband. I didn't take your last name when we got married, you," he admonishes Jaxson. He addresses the boys. "It's St. Juste, not O'Dwyer," he clarifies.

"I'm glad you accepted my proposal," Dominic rumbles, changing the subject before Jaxson can argue again with Tee about changing his name. Ransom nods to him.

"So, how old are you boys?" I ask.

"Twelve," Jase says. "You guys can't be much older than us."

"We are six years older than you boys," I respond.

A thought crosses my head, something Dominic had said when he told us about Ransom. "Who is this girl you told Domi about?" They all tense at my words.

"Carly Channing," Jase says with reverence. He worships this goddess, Carly. He said her name just as my guys say my name. It's a dark passion that says they will make the entire world bleed out for the sake of their loved one.

We aren't the heroes. Heroes would give up all they love to save the world. We are the villains, for we would see everyone die for those we love.

"Jase and Ran follow my twin sister around like little lost puppies," Carson says, shaking his head. But he has a smile on his face that tells us he doesn't mind having friends who care for and protect his sister, at least as much as he does.

I exchange a look with my guys, and I know instantly these boys are about to become our family. Our first highly trained group of operatives. C.H.A.O.S.

"How would you boys like to earn money and the ability to always protect this girl?" Ryder asks the boys.

"What's the catch?" Ransom asks cautiously.

"You work for the Cards who are rebranding as the Death Kings. You will be trained directly under the new royalty as highly skilled mercenaries." Ryder is very matter-of-fact with his wording.

"I've heard the new Cards Royalty are nothing murderers," Arson snarls.

"Never said we didn't murder people, but they usually deserve it. We try very hard not to kill innocent people, but in a war it happens sometimes," Jaxson says, shrugging his shoulder and sitting back down on the iron couch with his feet kicked out over the cushion.

"You're a King?" Lachlan asks in shock. Jaxson gives him a shark grin. Not saying a word.

I kick his feet off to sit beside him. "Be nice Jaxi," I threaten with a double-sided knife against his throat so that his personality disorder ass knows I'm being serious. He leans into the knife, which knicks his throat. A deep, lustful moan leaves his lips. I place the knife back in its sheath at the small of my back. I lean into Jaxson to lick the blood from his throat, which causes him to moan again.

"Alright, you two, no more knife play while we have children present." Ryder's assertive voice snaps me out of my lustful haze. The tent in his pants says he was enjoying the show.

He sits beside me while Etienne perches his scrumptious rear end on the arm. The boys take up the two chairs and the couch across from us.

Callum and Dominic got back to cooking, but not before making sure there was beer, liquor, and sodas on the coffee table.

I snatch up the bottle of whiskey called Pooka. It's the name of Jaxson's whiskey company that he took over after we unalived his father and uncle.

"What's a Pooka?" Carson asks pointing at the shaggy pony on the label with gossamer wings upon his back and twisting demonic horns upon its head.

"It's a frisky, mischievous Irish shapeshifting goblin that can appear as a sturdy pony with shaggy black hide and red or golden eyes, who crouches in wait for a rider, usually a drunk. He batters the rider's body on his wild run, then dumps the rider just as the sun is rising. Sometimes the pooka will talk to you but suddenly it will disappear. The spirit never says goodbye," Jaxson explains.

"It's become Ali's favorite because she says it tastes like Jax. Mischief with a hint of strawberries," Ryder explains, and I nod.

"Yep, I love the taste of my naughty fairy." I shrug, taking a measure straight from the bottle. "This Jaxi's company's whiskey. I didn't even know this stuff existed until we all moved in together. Now it's my favorite," I say, licking my lips. Dominic sets another bottle of Pooka down along with lots of rocks and glasses.

Etienne pours the boys some soda and hands it to them, then pours everyone else whiskey. "To a future partnership, boys." We clink glasses and down our whiskey.

"Do you guys drink a lot, if so, I can so get behind this!" Arson pipes, finally dropping that angry persona. We all laugh, because, of course, we drink a lot. Drinking and killing isn't the healthiest way to cope with our trauma, but everyone has different coping mechanisms. Believe me when I say you're better off learning healthy coping skills and not following our unhealthy ones.

"Alright, I want to see what you boys know about fighting after food," Etienne suggests, and I couldn't agree more. I'm itching for a fight.

"Right. You boys will be busy starting this summer if this is something you desire. I want to see where your talents lie to build and expand on them," Ryder says, grabbing a beer from the table.

"Air, Jase, and I like to get in the cage," Ransom says, grabbing a soda can off the table as well. "Jase steals cars and goes on joy rides. More often than not, he crashes."

Etienne visibly flinches at those words. He loves old cars and loves to rebuild them. When Tee drives, a car extends to his very soul.

"You ever thought about maybe rebuilding cars?" Etienne asks Jase.

"Nope. Arson would be interested though," the kid shrugs.

Tee's eyes light up, turning to Arson. "I have a '71 Pantera that I'm trying to get running again. I have to lift parts from junkyards, and I don't have money for some of them," Arson mumbles that last part.

"I can help with that, me, and well as fightin' in the cage. Those two things are what I love." I smile because those things keep him sane.

"Do any of you have a weapons preference?" Ryder asks.

"Lock won't admit it, but he is very good with a rifle and Carson is a genius with computers," Jase supplies.

"Guns are right up my alley, and we have a guy that could give computer advice like he has been with Rydikins," Jaxson says, his legs bouncing up and down. Ryder and I both place our hands on his thighs to get him to stop vibrating us and the couch.

"Let's just test them over the weekend and see where they are at. We have most of the summer to train before we head to CU in the fall," Dominic rumbles, plating grilled chicken with sides.

"Dom's right, mes conjoints." Ryder cocks a brow at Callum's words.

"I'm confused. How are all of you his spouses?" Lachlan asks.

"Wait, a second! Do you guys live in a reverse harem? Has to be because there is only one girl," Jase says in awe. He must be well-read.

"Yes, Natalie is living in a reverse harem, but Jaxson, Etienne, and I are all three-way in a relationship with each other as well." Ryder is very matter-of-fact in his words. My heart sores at the fact he has accepted being public in his relationship with his other two husbands.

"Polyamory. Cool," Jase whispers in wonderment. He glances at Ransom with the same look that I often saw Jaxson give Ryder over the past two years. That hopeful wishing that the man he loves would look at him the same way. Ryder and Jaxson, of course, notice the same thing I have. They give each other a knowing brief smile, just a small tilt of one corner of their lips.

"So tell us about the girl you boys are so protective of," I say curiously. They are too young to be in love, but there is something that drives the need they have to protect her.

"She is my twin sister," Carson finally speaks up. "Lachlan and I have been looking out for her since kindergarten. Then Ransom came along in first grade, following my sister around like some creepy stalker. Then Jase, in third grade, kicked my ass for being mean to my sister. Then Arson was in sixth grade when he pulled her ponytail. Half the time I don't know if they are my friends, Carley's friends, or both," he grumbles that last sentence.

"We're both," Ransom says with an eye-roll. "Well, the others are I'm not," he deadpans. Zero emotions from this boy. He is more stoic than Ryder.

"Most of the time, we are more your friends than Carley's. She is turning into a spineless little twit," Arson snarls.

Jase throws himself on his friend, knocking him to the ground. "Don't you fucking talk about Carley that way," he gasps between punches to Arson's ribs. Arson isn't even trying to defend himself from Jase, which is very telling. He knows his words were false about the girl. He wants to be punished.

It isn't long before Etienne has Jase in a headlock, pulling him off and away from Arson. "Cool your head, or you get to get to step in the ring with me," he hisses into the boy's ear.

Jase doesn't stop struggling against Tee's hold, so he drags him over to the grass, throwing him away from him. Jase rolls on the ground before springing up to run straight at my cage fighter. This will not go well for the kid.

Etienne dodges Jase, but not before sticking his foot out, tripping the kid, and sending him sliding face-first into the grass. "I told you to chill," Etienne demands, but the kid just snarls, getting to his feet once again.

Jase and Etienne circle each other, crouched into fighting stances. Etienne's movements are oil slick while Jase doesn't quite have the practiced ease to his movements the older man possesses. "I think you have potential in the cage, me. However, you are too hot-headed. Think. Calculate the next move, you." Etienne is coaching Jase.

He would make a magnificent coach in the future. I can see him with teenagers, teaching them how to wrestle, or with a future MMA or UFC fighter. This is after he chases his dream of becoming an MMA champion himself, of course.

Just when Jase is about to kick Tee, Jaxson jumps into the fray. He knocks into Jase's legs and turns lightning-quick. Jase didn't have time to react properly before falling to the ground and landing on his back with a thud. Air rushes out of his lungs.

Jaxson holds onto one leg, twisting so that Jase has to turn on his stomach to keep his leg from coming out of the socket, the tendons in his knee from tearing, or his ankle from breaking. When Jase lets out a cry of pain from the pressure Jaxson is exerting on his leg, my fairy lets the kid go.

Tee is furious. His face is red with anger as he stalks silently toward his husband. One hand wraps around Jaxson's throat. Etienne grabs the front of Jaxson's jeans, picks him up, and slams him to the ground with his weight on top of him. This is the first time I've ever seen this man angry. As terrifying as it is to behold, I also find it hot as hell. A livid Tee is a damn sexy Tee.

I walk towards them, hoping I can keep our gator from plucking our fairy's wings off. "Don't you ever interrupt ma fight again," he hisses low at Jaxson. "I might love you, but dat don't mean I won't kick your ass." Jaxson is turning purple.

I don't touch him, just squat down in front of them. "Tee, he can't breathe. Relax your grip a little," I coax in an assertive tone.

He does as I ask, but still doesn't let Jaxson go. Instead, he slams his mouth against Jaxson in a punishing kiss. Tee bites Jaxson's lip hard enough to make it bleed. The kiss turns bloody with teeth scrapping. Etienne's kisses are usually torturously languid, but not right now. I squirm with need.

"As fucking sexy as this is my kings, let's save the punishing for later when we don't have children watching," I say in a hushed voice so only they can hear. I look around to find all eyes on us. All but Ransom and the rest of my other kings have shocked looks on their faces. I carefully touch Jaxson's and Etienne's cheeks. They stop kissing, riveting their heated gazes onto me.

Ryder clears his throat. "If that's settled, for now, we have food to eat." I turn my attention to him. He gestures to the food spread out on the large wooden patio table. My stomach growls.

Jaxson scoffs, and Etienne chuckles softly. Etienne looks down at Jaxson, giving his throat a gentle squeeze that draws a moan from Jaxson's throat. "Let's eat, then we will continue this later. Don't think you will get off easy, you. I will be punishing you tonight, me." With a quick peck to Jaxson's lips, Etienne releases him and stands above him.

Etienne offers a hand to me, and I take it, standing. I glance down to find Jaxson smirking. "You will help me with his punishment, Chaton." Etienne's dark voice draws my eyes to his.

The anger and lust in his gravestone eyes are a heady mix. This man is gorgeous in that purely alpha male way. I just realized all my guys are alpha males. Even Jaxson has his moments. He is only submissive to Etienne and Ryder. Here is the thing: I'm not a submissive female. In the bedroom, more often than not, I allow my kings to be in control, but there are occasions I'm in control instead. It's a give-and-take power struggle I'm more than happy with.

Jaxson moans beneath me at the anticipation of his upcoming punishment while looking at my butt above his face. "You two need to move now before I peel down Ali's jeans right now and make her squat on my face so I can taste all that sweet juice I know is soaking her panties right now," Jaxson groans painfully. I look down to find his swollen dick pressing tightly against his pants. He is probably not wearing underwear, so I'm sure the zipper of his jeans is uncomfortable.

Etienne scoffs at him. He's still unhappy with his husband. Tee steps over to Jaxson. So I do the same. We both look down at him. "If you're that horny, I can help with dat, me."

He hauls Jaxson up by his shirt then throws him over his shoulder in a firefighter carry. He turns their backs to the pool and launches Jaxson just half a foot from the edge into the chilly water. We haven't turned the heater on yet so that early May water is bound to still be freezing. 

Is Jaxson going to laugh it off when he comes up or he will be out for blood? I'm hoping for the former.

Jaxson comes up sputtering water with goosebumps peppering his arms and neck, which is all the skin exposed at the moment. Dominic helps pull Jaxson out of the pool with just their hands clasped and Dominic stands straight up from a bent angle. I'm not all that surprised Jaxson helps him very little to climb out. It's a good thing my demon king is pure muscle.

I watch with bated breath to witness Jaxson's reaction. Etienne standing beside me insouciantly.

"Why are you all so tense watching him? Is he psychotic or something?" Carson asks from behind Ryder and Callum.

Jaxson laughs. Full-on hyena, doubled over, then falling to roll on the cement laughing. There is a collective sigh as the tension leaves our bodies. He will not get a gun or pull a knife out, so no one is going to be stitched up tonight.

Etienne scoffs again at my reaction to his husband, walking over to plop down on the bench in front of the table. He makes his hamburger.

The boys all join unaware that their lives were in danger from the redhead laughing his head off on the ground. The rest of us join, minus Jaxson.

"To answer your question, Carson, yes, Jaxson is psychotic. We never know which of his personalities we are dealing with. We all could have ended up dead or bleeding, with the exclusion of Angel," Ryder says matter of fact.

"Angel?" Ransom questions before taking a bite out of his burger.

Oh, what a burger it is! The meat is well done with a smoke ring and the patties are still juicy. Perfection. Not to mention the mouth-watering flavor. I moan mentally with every bite. Callum is grilling more often from now on.

"Ali is the Card's Queen of Spades called Blood Angel," Ryder informs them. The Chaos Boys all go a little pale. They are going to kill over by the end of the night. "The reason we were so worried about Jaxson is..." Jaxson finally joins us, sitting between Ryder and me.

"I'm Sidhe, also the Kings of Diamonds. So yeah. I'm crazy as a bedbug," Jaxson interrupts Ryder, completely deadpan. That sudden emotional flip is not a good thing. Crap! Ryder will be stitching up Etienne by the end of the night. Le sigh.

"Please don't say the rest of you are Cards Royalty?" Arson gawps.

"That's exactly what we are," Ryder says while Arson chokes on his soda. Lachlan pats his friend's back to help him expel the liquid from his lungs. When he is done choking, Ryder continues. "I'm White Fox, the King of Clubs. Etienne is the King of Hearts, the former gang leader of Les Mangemorts of Blanche, Louisiana, known as Gator King."

"Oh, shit!" Jase exclaims, having heard of Etienne's reputation.

"Callum is our Ace called Shadow and Dominic is our number one called Italian Demon. Our Jack is Hellfire, the arsonist, and our number two is fairly new, called Texas Fae. Neither of them are here tonight," Ryder finishes.

We continue to eat while the boys process the bomb he just dropped on them. These boys for sure grew up in the Bay to know most of us by the names given to us for the unsavory jobs we've done.

Finally, Ransom speaks up after eating in silence. "So, you guys really can help us? You can get me out from under old man Fuchs's thumb."

"The man who raised me is on borrowed time as it is. He framed Ali for my death. He had me kidnapped, along with Tee. He blew up the Kings of Death's tour bus. He tried to come after Dom via his business. He hasn't made a move against Jaxson yet, but it's going to happen soon."

"We will take him out for what he has done to Ryder in the past and is continuing to do," Jaxson snarls. He is back to the jaded boy I first met. He is two sides of a coin. One side is fun and crazy, the other brooding and jaded. It doesn't change the fact that I love him and his various personalities.

"Good. How can we help?" Ransom looks at his friends, all of whom jerk at him. "We're in. We will work for you and do whatever you ask." I thought Jase was the leader, but it seems like Ransom might be the true leader. Leading their group from the middle.

Ryder nods slowly in acceptance. "We will start with training. Fighting first. Dom? Tee?"

"Sounds good, fratello. You boys meet us here in the morning. We have a gym in the basement, complete with a ring. Tee and I will do hand-to-hand combat," Dominic rumbles.

"When that progresses, Callum and I will add weapons such as knives to the mix. Then Ryder and I can teach throwing or handguns," I add.

"I'll take over long-range guns and gun safety classes. Safety first, then shooting," Jaxson says matter-of-factly.

"After that, we will run scenarios in our paintball field. When we think you are ready, we will then put you in the field. This is a crash course boys, so it will be quick, but every summer you come do a camp with us until graduation. After that, we expect you to be running jobs on your own but checking in with us. Agreed?"

"Agreed," the boys all say at once. "Okay, go home and sleep. You will be here at seven am sharp. Welcome to Death Kings, Chaos." Ryder stands heading into the house to his room. He will be up all night working on a plan to get rid of the man who raised him.

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