Sukuna's Psychopath (Sukuna X...

By rion_the_cat

120K 4.1K 1.9K

The power she possessed was a gift from Sukuna. She had the strength to finally eliminate all those who had h... More

Prologue - Starting Of The End
The Transfer
The Urge
The Introduction
The Entrance
I Choose to Live
First Target
The Plan
Execution Part I
Execution Part II
The Test
It's Your Fight
The Past
The Suspect
The Trap
The Hunt
The Trouble
The Accomplice
A New Beginning
The Mysterious Man
The Team
Half Truth
Welcome Back
The Temple
Mio's Adventure
The Calm before the Storm
Is That The End?

Epilogue - Without Her

1.4K 38 34
By rion_the_cat


"What's wrong, Satoru?" asked Mio. Out of the blue, Satoru Gojo invited her for lunch and he made it sound so important that she had to lie at work about her cat being sick. 

"Have something," Satoru said. "We've got something very important to discuss." He was dressed in casuals which gave Mio a hint that he was not at school but somewhere else. 


"Oh, you already decided? I haven't even looked at the menu." Satoru opened the menu when a man in black pants and white shirt, most of which was hidden under an apron, appeared. 

"Your order ma'am?" The waiter asked. 

"Two cheese sandwiches and get this man the best sweet dish you serve. That's all. Thank you!" 

Waiter gave the blindfolded man a strange stare before turning around and leaving. 

"What is it?" Mio asked again. 

"We'll discuss after we eat." 

Mio fumed and decided to wait as the man sitting across the table wanted. She knew that she had to agree to whatever he said until he told her what was going inside his head. 

The food arrived early. Mio made a smart choice ordering sandwiches. The sweet dish looked like some kind of soup. She wondered if they had given him sugar syrup. After gobbling up her sandwich, she asked again, "What was so urgent?" 

"I'm eating, madam." 

Mio took a deep breath and waited for the lazy sorcerer to finish eating. He took small bites and chewed slowly. Was he doing that on purpose or was she imagining it as she should have been sitting at her desk and sorting through the files to send to her boss for review and the files that were no longer needed. "Are you hiding something?" 

"You're acting like a detective again, Mio." 

How couldn't she? She had worked for the government and the justice system of the country. Her name was used as an inspiration until… she resigned. With her demeanor quiet and composed, she decided not to speak a word until Satoru began to speak. 

Satoru cleared his throat. "This sweet suspicious stew or whatever it is… tastes awesome… awesomely awful!" He gently pushed the bowl away. "We can't date anymore," he said. 

"Yeah, quit joking. Get to the point." 

"I'm not joking, Mio."

"Of course you are!" she yelled. Every single person in the restaurant turned to them. After politely apologizing, Mio turned her gaze back to the man she had had lunch with. "What is your problem?" 

He exhaled. "I can't see this relationship going anywhere, Mio."

"It's because you aren't even trying to discuss the problem." 

"Problem? The only problem is I can't do this anymore. Our relationship is hollow and I can't fix it." 

"Hollow, you say. Honestly, I have been giving my best to make you feel loved but you… you just run away from me. Let me ask you something…" 

Satoru sat straight, prepared for what she was about to throw at him. 

"Were you clinging to me for the last two years because you expected me to find her and now that you know I wouldn't do it, you don't need me anymore? Is that how it is?" 

"You are misunderstanding me."

"Nope. I'm seeing the clear picture. I'm being punished for the crime we committed together."

"Why are you bringing this up?" He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "It's not about her."

"I have seen it all, my dear. You were a different person when she was around even when she kept going on with her crimes, you defended her. You supported her. You smiled around her." Mio eyes were nearly moist. "And when she disappeared, you came to me, asking me to be your girlfriend. Shit! Why didn't I realize that I was being used all along?" 

"Mio, it's not like that. Keep her out of all this drama." 

"Why? Because it hurts? Well, let it hurt. She is fucking gone and she's never coming back." 

Satoru shook his head. "How can you be so sure? Did you ever find her body?" 

"You're asking me? Didn't you follow Yujji that day? Didn't you see her die?" 

Satoru's lips were sealed. 

Mio chuckled, fighting her tears. "I don't get it. This is so damn funny. What the fuck was so special about her? A demon loved her. Your strongest student loved her. And you, the strongest sorcerer, love her too." 

"Mio!!" Satoru stood up. "I came here to clear everything with respect. I don't why you are so obsessed with using Y/N's name in all of our conversations. Get this straight in your head, I was never in love with her. Never! I didn't want to lose her and I regret my decision of… forget it. I just wanted her to be happy and… alive." 

The waiter arrived with the bill. "Sir, can you please take your personal issues outside. You're disturbing other guests here."

Satoru paid the amount and left Mio sitting there in tears. 

Mio had her own regrets. After she shot Y/N, her life had been a constant chaos. There wasn't a single day that passed without the scene of Y/N's surprised face while she lay before her waiting for her death. 

If it had been for her duty as a protector of law, Mio would have been proud. However, her reason was completely different. She considered herself a failure when she couldn't gather any evidence against Y/N and when Satoru asked Mio to pull the trigger on her, she expected it to be a total win.

It didn't take her long to realize that her repulsive decision was not only lawfully wrong but also something that almost made her lose her mind. To punish herself, she resigned from the job she absolutely loved. What broke her heart was that she lost someone who cared for her. She cared for Mio even after Mio did everything in her power to put her behind the bars. 



While walking back home, his mind haunted him. There were so many thoughts and they had been there for more than two years now. He knew that leaving Mio wouldn't solve anything but he couldn't forgive himself for plotting Y/N's murder, nor could he forgive Mio for killing Y/N instead of slapping some sense into him. He was making a mistake, Mio could at least resist for once. 

Satoru had not had a day of peace ever since he had done the ordeal. He could kidnap her, he could tie her up until she gave up on her obsession of killing, rather he chose the most heinous thing to do. In return, he had been awarded with a guilt he would carry to his grave. 

When he walked past a café, he saw Y/N. That had become a part of his life. Illusions of her. It was as if she was deliberately haunting him. She wanted him to feel more guilty. 

Even in her last moments, Satoru could save her. He remembered how he followed Yujji while he was carrying the wounded girl in his arms but he could never see her lying still on the hard ground while his dear student cried, so he ran away. He ran so far away that he couldn't even hear Yujji's voice. More importantly, Satoru couldn't see her go like that. 

The years he spent with Mio reminded him more and more of his ordeal so he chose to end it all at once. 

Only if he was given one chance to relive that moment, he would reconsider his choice. He would save her as well as his students. But it was rather heartbreaking to realize that she might never come back. "Are you really gone?" he asked, gaining strange looks from the passerby. 

If you're really gone, if you're never coming back, at least give me a reason to keep on living. 

Things had changed drastically. Crimes increased but the curses… somehow, they nearly disappeared, which was too good to be believed. And then, there was Yujji telling him that Sukuna no longer lived inside him. 

How can I lose hope, Y/N. So much happened at once. I still believe that you will return. 



With Sukuna no longer being a part of him, he was free to do whatever he wanted with his life. First thing he did was leaving the academy. There was no need for him there. Although he could exorcise curses, he chose to quit. 

Like normal kids, he finished school and got enrolled in a college with an aim of making a good career. Megumi and Nobara were still his friends and they hang out every once in a while. In his college, he did make some friends but his main focus was his studies.

Apart from Megumi and Nobara, he tried all in his power to avoid Gojo but the man always found ways to talk to him. And their conversations would turn into arguments when Gojo would ask him to return to the life of sorcery. 

Yujji would never agree to be a part of that life again. The scene of Mio shooting at Y/N had never left his eyes. When Satoru told him that it was his plan, Yujji couldn't stand him and decided to leave the academy but he had witnessed the guilt Gojo carried and he had forgiven him. However, he didn't want to live a life where he had to kill some people and watch some die. Especially where he had to watch the woman he loved die. 

Two years ago, when it all happened. When Mio shot her and he took her away from them, he remembered that Sukuna took over his body and when he opened his eyes, he found himself outside the temple. There was no sign of Y/N and his body felt lighter. It didn't take him long to realize that Sukuna was gone and so was Y/N. But did he save her? Was he able to heal all her wounds and bring her back to life? 

There were no answers to the questions but one thing he knew was that no one found her dead. No one watched her die. 

Before going to bed he looked at the photo of himself posing with Y/N. He opened his journal, wrote 'Day 791' on the top. 

Not giving up on you. Not yet. I know you are here in my world. Somewhere far. Our paths will cross again and this time, I will not let you go.


Satoru sneaked into Yujji's college and found him sitting in the library. Yujji's welcoming expression was a sigh as his former teacher sat right next to him. 'What is it?' He wrote on the back of a notebook and passed it to Satoru. 

Satoru answered, "Something very important that is of your interest."

"This is a library, be quiet," Yujji whispered. 

"This is far more important than the silence in this library." Satoru carried an unusual smile which sparked Yujji's interest. 

"Let's go somewhere else."

As soon as they were out of the library, Satoru said, "Kura sensei died last night."

Yujji nodded. "Okay, that's sad. That old man could live at least five more years."

"Nah! His drive was still active. He was too young." 

"What's with your mood today? This is not the usual you."

"That's why I came here."

Yujji exhaled. "If you came to waste my time. Congratulations! Your mission is accomplished. Now, you can go back."

"Kura sensei was murdered." 

"Look! I don't give a fuck about Kura sensei. He was killed, wow! He was murdered, extremely wow! I hope someone murders him once again."

"Well, it was all that I wanted to tell you." 

Yujji shook his head and entered the library only to come back running. "Did you say someone murdered him? Did I hear that right?" 


"Oh my fucking fried fish in swimming pool." With wide eyes, he smiled at Satoru who returned his smile. "Where the hell is she? Did you see her? Has she gained weight? Has she colored her hair?" 

"Well, no. Unfortunately, no one saw her. But for now, it is confirmed that she is alive."

Yujji's smile dropped. "It may be a prank, sensei. Maybe someone is trying to fool us."

"There's a possibility. But… what does your heart say?" 

"It says that… it's her." 


A/N : And it ends here. I literally enjoyed writing this story. It was my first ever writing project. I am planning to write a Yujji x reader. I'm filled with ideas but my life is getting busier day by day. This sucks!

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