Meant To Be Together ||Jikook...

By LostJams2

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# Modern A/B/O Dynamics # Mpreg # Mention of death # Angst # And more.... Alpha Jeon Jungkook,a famous busin... More



2.5K 262 53
By LostJams2


Now according to hyunsik's information it was clear why Haneul didn't try to find Jimin before. Maybe along with everyone else she must have thought that Jimin was also dead in the fire.

"We will see what the truth is soon! If we do your DNA test we will know if she really is your sister or not?" Jungkook assured Jimin scooping omega in his arms. Eunwoo also nodded cause that was the best option for now.

"Go and find out the other family members who adopted her and bring them to Jeon mansion. Take her with us we will go back now. " Jungkook said to Hyunsik who dragged Haneul back to one of their cars even though she wasn't willing to go.

Soon they reached Jeon mansion. The family who adopted Jimin was already there in the living room waiting for Jungkook to come back. There were 6 people including the couple who adopted Haneul. When Haneul's parents were alive they were the ones who used to pay all expenses for their survival as being pack alpha so the family was always grateful to them. Even though in modernization of the world the pack system didn't exist, there were many families who stayed as a pack providing all those relatives with one capable alpha who lead the pack as a pack alpha. Everyone respected him.

But when the Song family died they had nowhere to go. Loss of their pack alpha was unexpected for them. Even after they died there was another person who used to pay them monthly even though no one knew who he was since he always wore a mask whenever they met and they didn't even bother to get to know who it was as long as they were getting money. But from the past 4 years that help was also stopped and they were barely surviving. So when news of Jimin's marriage came out they were angry at him. They thought because of him they are in this phase of their life.

"Who was the one who adopted Haneul?" Jungkook asked in his stern voice. And a couple in their 50s came forward taking Haneul from bodyguards' hands saying they were the one who adopted her. All those family members along with Haneul were glaring at Jimin but due to Jungkook's angry and dominant pheromones they lowered their heads.

"Is it true that Jimin was in the Song family before?" Jungkook asked with his cold voice.

"Of course. Why would we lie? He is the reason why we are living such a pathetic life. If only he didn't burn down his own house everything would have been fine." One of the family members said showing a portrait of the Song family. It has a couple in their 40s and little Haneul standing besides her mother with little Jaemin was with Mr. Song who picked him up.

Jimin glanced towards Eunwoo cause he was the only one who knew anything about his past. Eunwoo nodded towards him after seeing the portrait after confirming that it was indeed Jimin's childhood pic. Then he suddenly remembered something.

"I think I remembered something. You were right Jimin, it was Haneul who used to come after you whenever you came to my house. But I clearly remember she used to call you the little master/ little prince. She never addressed you as her little brother. " Eunwoo said as he clearly remembered it.

"No way. Why will our Haneul say something like this. We also went to meet them many times in the past but she used to call him Jaemin. Don't lie mister." The couple who adopted Haneul said and Haneul also denied whatever Eunwoo said.

"If that's the truth then it's fine. We will do a DNA test and prove everything. " Jungkook said gesturing his assistant to take Haneul.

"NO STAY AWAY. DON'T TOUCH ME. I WON'T DO ANY TEST. " Haneul screamed before hyunsik could even touch her.

"Haneul-ah don't be afraid. We are all with you. Do the test and prove to them that he is the one who killed your parents." Her adopted mother assured her caressing her head.

"Why are you afraid? If you are really my sister then be ready for the DNA test. You shouldn't be having any problem with it. " Jimin said with confidence. He has decided that he won't let Haneul play with his emotions anymore. He will be strong and face everything with courage.

"It's true that you are not my biological brother. Dad adopted you when you were just 3. We even lived abroad for some days to not let anyone know you are not the real son of the Song family. But what did you do? You killed my parents even though they loved you like their own son." Haneul said shocking to everyone. Even her relatives were shocked cause they did not know about this adoption thing.

"You will never be able to pay back the kindness my family showed you." Haneul continued in anger.

"If I am not your biological brother then where are my real parents?" Jimin asked desperately. His head was hurting by thinking now. He thought that he finally found his parents but they were not the real ones!

"Who knows? Maybe you killed them also after your birth. " Haneul accused again.

"Enough. First you said that I am your brother and now you are saying that I am adopted. How will I believe that whatever you are saying is true then? You can't even stick up to your own statement then how can I believe that whatever you have made up is true? Just one family portrait can't explain anything." Jimin said in anger now. he was getting irritated cause he was not able to remember anything.

Jungkook told his bodyguards to take everyone out. After some time whole the living room was empty with only Jimin and Jungkook. Eunwoo also went back.

Jimin was shaking. He didn't know what to feel anymore. Jungkook hugged him tightly in his arms making Jimin crumble all his walls he built around. He started crying while Jungkook released calming pheromones to calm his omega.

"I don't believe whatever Haneul said but I am getting blurry images of my parents the one who adopted me according to Haneul. I remember them how much they loved me but then Haneul.. ? Alpha did I r-really kill them?" Jimin asked sobbing in his arms. Jungkook has seen how Jimin was always so strong and fierce. He has always seen him facing every situation in his life calmly. But now seeing him break down like this was making him want to kill the whole world for him.

"Baby I told you. You did nothing. And for those images of burning fire in your dreams. They must be from somewhere else. Don't think too much. Don't cry. Seeing your tears makes me want to kill all the members of the Song family. " Jungkook said wiping Jimin's tears.

Jimin calmed after some time and they saw Yeona has already come from her kindergarten.

"Dad look what I made? " Yeona said showing her new drawing to Jungkook. It was another family drawing. But it has an addition of Yeona's younger brother also.

"Appa look this is me, you, dad and this is my younger brother." Yeona said proudly making Jimin feel proud of his pup while Jungkook just scoffed.

"Like a father like a pup. Your father loved making big brothers and you love making younger ones." Jungkook whispered to himself but Jimin heard him. He remembered that Jungkook is still jealous of Eunwoo.

Jungkook left Jimin with Yeona and went to his study. He asked hyunsik about Jin. But his assistant informed him that Jin isn't in Korea. He went to France to attend another Medical conference. Now they have no other choice but to investigate on their own.

"Yahh.. what are you doing?" Jimin nearly screamed when alpha picked him up and went towards his room. Yeona was already asleep after playing with his appa and now Jungkook wanted to play with his fiance.

"I am trying to make you happy." Jungkook said innocently dropping Omega on his bed and hovering over him.

"Jungkook can't you see what I have been through the whole day? Shouldn't you try to make me happy?" Jimin asked in shock seeing what is his soon-to-be husband was going to do with him.

"That's what I am doing. Pleasing my fiance." Jungkook whispered the last part in his ear and the next moment alpha's thin lips were already on his plump ones. And Jimin knew no one could save him from this hungry wolf now.

Next day

Jungkook has called his family doctor to check up on Jimin's scar. After the whole check up what doctor was another shock for them.

"Mr. Jeon these burnt scars are from 4-5 years ago. I can't be sure much but it can't be from 10 years ago as you mentioned. And there are some pregnancy scars also. If I am not wrong Mr. Park gave birth to the pup after he went through this burning accident. So I am sure that these scars are recent which is 4 years ago. " The doctor concluded.

Now it was clear that Haneul was hiding something. Jimin didn't get hurt in the fire accident of Song family but it was some other accident which was just before he gave birth to Yeona.

"I told you baby. You did nothing. This is getting more and more embroiled but we will find out the truth as soon as possible." Jungkook said reassuring his fiance who nodded absent mindly still thinking about what the doctor said. He has already tried to call Jin but his call was unreachable.

"Boss many of the Jeon pack members have gathered in the Jeon mansion. They want to talk to you and also Mr.park." Jungkook's servant informed him. Pack gathering of all family members with every older member of Jeon family and relatives was a rare thing. So Jungkook was sure it must be some serious issue.

When they reached the living room with Jungkook holding Jimin's hand. Everyone gave them a weird look. Out of the whole crowd of elders ye-jin and minhyuk (Jungkook's father's useless step brother) were on the front. Ye-jin hated Jimin the most cause he was the reason she was excluded from even entering Jeon mansion. She didn't want Jimin to marry Jungkook and become head Omega of jeon's. So when the news of Jimin being the killer of his own parents came out she gathered every Jeon pack member and called them here to go against this marriage.

"Jungkook you can't marry someone like this Omega?"

"How can someone who killed his own parents be our head Omega?"

"We said nothing even when he has no family background because we know you love him but this is unexpected?"

" Yes. We will never accept him in the family. The real omega parent of Yeona is better than him who at least gave us an heir. "

"He has just enchanted you with his beauty. There is nothing special in him. You better reconsider your marriage. Even Jeon corporation shares are decreasing due to this deal."

"He is just using little princess's affection towards him as a shield to become Jeon Omega. "

"ENOUGH." Jungkook growled at everyone. Everyone stopped talking and took one step back seeing alpha mad. No one has seen Jungkook this mad before.

"Well you can shut our mouth from talking but what about the whole world. Everyone knew how unlucky and wretched he is! He will kill our whole household too." Ye-jin said glaring at Jimin who was still calm even after these words which were thrown towards him.

Jungkook was too enraged to stop now. His alpha and him wanted to kill everyone even though they were his own relatives. But Jimin stopped him.

"I know you all are disappointed but Haneul's blame on me haven't proved yet. If Jeon pack members decided to to believe on every rumour spread on news then Jeon corporation will definately be in loss, it doesn't matter if I stay here or not. " Jimin said calmly but in fact he was showing everyone how stupid they are to believe on ye-jin's words.

"What do you even know about our pack? You don't even belong here." One of the alpha who was standing besides Minhyuk said. There were many wolves who worked in Jeon cooperation so Jimin recognised them immediately.

"Well I know, I don't know much about your family and pack traditions. After all I am just a normal manager of the marketing department in Jeon cooperation who has completed some of the biggest 2-3 projects which got just a triple amount of profit to the company compared to past 2 years." Jimin said. He was actually showing them indirectly how capable he is! Cause everyone knew how much profit company got because of the projects he completed successfully.

But ye-jin was getting even more irritated when she saw how everyone was hesitant to say anything now.

"So what? You are still wretched wolf who can harm us. You are trying to be Yeona's step mother and taking advantage of an innocent pup." Ye-jin said.

"How can I be Yeona's step mother when I was the one who gave birth to her." Jimin said slightly smirking at ye-jin making her speechless. Now the whole living room got filled with confusion by jimin's revelation.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Did you tell the same thing to Jungkook also? Is that how you got him to marry you? We are not him. We will never believe your lies. " ye-jin said in anger she couldn't believe that Jimin is Yeona's real omega parent.

"I will kill myself if you prove that you're Yeona's real omega parent." Ye-jin continued.

"Servants bring a knife for Ye-jin." Mrs. Jeon's voice grabbed everyone's attention. Everyone turned their head towards entrance seeing Mrs. Jeon standing there with her cold face looking angry. Everyone bowed to her with respect when Mrs. Jeon went towards Jungkook and took a seat beside him on the couch.

"Servant, didn't I tell you to bring a knife from the kitchen? Ye-jin is too eager kill herself." Mrs. Jeon said in anger.

"W-what are you saying? I was just looking forward to Jungkook and Yeona. Don't tell me that just like Jungkook you are also ready to lie that Jimin is Yeona's real omega parent to save him. " Ye-jin said nervously trying to act like she isn't scared.

"Ohh really then what's this?" Mrs. Jeon said throwing DNA reports towards everyone. .

"Check clearly it is Yeona's and my Jimin's DNA report. I have already choosen him as Jeon head Omega the moment I saw him. I am proud that my grandson choose wisely and kept my wishes but if any one of you bullied my Jiminie then you will be removed from Jeon family tree. " Mrs. Jeon threatened.

"And you, now that it's already proven Jimin is Yeona's real omega parent be ready to kill yourself." Mrs. Jeon continued telling servant to give knife to Ye-jin.

"I-i am so sorry. I didn't know about it. I just said that in anger. Please forgive me." Ye-jin said pleading to Mrs. Jeon who just scoffed at her.

"Guards take her and his useless husband out of the Jeon mansion and they are not the members of Jeon pack from this moment. A wolf who can't keep their own words can't be called as Jeon. Our pack represents honesty. And the ones who can't keep their own words can't be a part of this pack anymore."Mrs. Jeon said making guards drag both Ye-jin and minhyuk forcefully out of the mansion.

"And from this moment onwards I am giving all the responsibility of Jeon head Omega to park Jimin as a future husband of my precious grandson. You all have to respect him and follow his words just the way you did mine. I need to rest now. I can't handle this responsibility anymore." Mrs. Jeon said and even though many were against this decision since this responsibility can only be given after marriage but they knew not to go against Mrs. Jeon. So they just nodded and went back after bowing to both Jungkook and Jimin.

"You didn't have to do that grandma." Jimin said after everyone went back. His eyes were already filled with tears of happiness. He couldn't believe that he got an family like this and grandmother like Mrs. Jeon. He must've saved a country in his past life to get such a supportive family.

"Don't cry my pup. I told you already untill and unless I am alive no one can bully my Jiminie not even my own grandson." Mrs. Jeon said glaring at Jungkook before hugging Jimin who hugged her back happily.

After chatting with Jimin for some time Mrs. Jeon went back. Jungkook told Jimin that he was the one who called his grandma cause he knew only she can handle his relatives.

"Boss we couldn't find any proof to prove Mr. Park's innocence. " Hyunsik informed Jungkook.

"How many members are there in Haneul's adopted family? I want to meet them personally again." Jimin said.

"No way you are not going anywhere." Jungkook said .

"Alpha it's fine. You will be with me so nothing will happen to me. I just want to go and ask them once again. I want to know why my adopted parents loved me more than their own pup. Isn't it strange that instead of saving their own pup they saved me from fire?" Jimin asked and Jungkook knew he was right. They need lots of answers. Mystery of Jimin's past wasn't over yet.

A/N :

Will Jimin be able to get answers of all his questions from Haneul's adopted family?

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