Ghostly Justice

By X-GIRL128

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Danny Fenton didn't get his powers from a lab accident, he was born with them. Once the Ghost Investigation W... More

Chapter 1: Accidental Rescue Pt. 1
Chapter 2: Accidental Rescue Pt. 2
Chapter 3: Non- Villainous Vlad!?
Chapter 4: Enter Zatanna
Chapter 5: TF for Too Fine
Chapter 6: Young Justice Interrogation
Chapter 7: Pandora's Goddaughter
Chapter 8: New Students
Chapter 9: You're a what?
Chapter 10: Mind Control Over Matter
Chapter 11: Circus Gothica
Chapter 12: Who Needs A Babysitter When You're Half-Dead
Chapter 13: Party Animals
Chapter 14: Dash and Harley
Chapter 15: Beach Party Crashers
Chapter 16: King Tucker vs King Tut Pt.1
Chapter 17: King Tucker Vs. King Tut Pt.2
Chapter 18: King Tucker Vs. King Tut Pt.3
Chapter 20: Distracting Danny
Chapter 21: Hot Heads
Chapter 22: A Worried Mother Can Make Bad Decisions
Chapter 23: Wally was Wrong
Chapter 24: What's Wrong with Me!?
Chapter 25: I'm a Clone but not Your Clone
Chapter 26: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 1
Chapter 27: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 3

Chapter 19: King Tucker Vs King Tut Pt.4

375 13 5
By X-GIRL128

The students of Gotham Academy were currently in their third period classes. Dick, Sam and Tucker were all studying for an exam when the intercom crackled to life. "Richard Grayson, Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley please report to the principal's office. I repeat, Richard Grayson, Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley please report to the principal's office."

The teens glanced confusedly at each other while ignoring the 'oos' and stares from the rest of the class. The teacher quickly shushed them. "Come straight back to class when you're finished at the front office, no skipping!" She stared directly at Sam as she said the last part, but immediately looked away when said girl glared in her direction.

Once in the hallway they each started questioning what was going on. Dick spoke first, "Do you guys have any idea why we were called to the principals office?"

Tucker shrugged, "Maybe it was something Sam did."

"Hey! I've only had one protest this week and it wasn't even at school."

"Then why did we get called up here?"

The three teens stood outside the front office, none of them wanting to be the one to knock. "I guess we should find out. So who wants to knock on the door?" Tucker turned around to find his friends on the other side of the hall. "Oh come on!" Sam gave a thumbs up while Dick made a go ahead motion. Tucker sighed and finally knocked on the door. Not even a second later the door was opened by the GCPD. Both boys turned to Sam. "Are you sure this isn't because of you?"

Outside Gotham Academy, Shirley, King Tut's fangirl and occasional henchgirl, was just arriving at school when she got a text saying to keep an eye out for someone that looked like the portrait at the museum. "I don't even know what they're talking about." Her phone dinged again. This time it was a picture of King Duulaman. "He looks familiar..." She started back making her way to the school entrance.

Back inside the principals office, Tucker was the only one feeling intimidated by the Gotham police being in the room as well. "Are- are we being accused of something?! Are we getting arrested?!"

The police officer was quick to reassure the panicking boy. "No, nothing like that. The museum recently noticed that a couple of their artifacts that were part of the Duulaman Empire and you three were the last people that were at the exhibit. The museum just wants to know if you noticed anything unusual."

Tucker sighed in relief while the others let out breaths they didn't know they were holding. Sam was the first to answer. "The only unusual thing that happened was Tucker passing out after looking in the mirror."

The principal and policeman both looked at the now embarrassed teen. "Your teacher mentioned someone had been injured but never said who or how. Are you alright?"

Tucker didn't meet anyone's gaze. "I'm fine now. Thanks for asking, I guess."

There was a moment of awkward silence before the officer cleared his throat. "Do you kids remember anything else before your friend passed out?" When the teens shook their heads he moved on. "Do you recognize any of these artifacts? They're what's missing from the museum. Sam was given a picture of Duulaman's giant portrait, Dick was given a picture of Duulaman's staff while Tucker was given a photo of a sarcophagus.

"Was this sarcophagus part of the Duulaman exhibit? I don't recognize it." Tucker let the others look at the photo before giving it back.

"I'll have to ask the curator about it. What about the others?"

"This is the portrait Dick called us over to see. It looks exactly like Tucker. Sam handed back her picture.

The officer held the picture up to compare with Tucker's face. "My God... they could be the same person!"

The principal snatched the photo away from the policeman. "Let me see that. You're right! This could be news worthy! I must make a copy of this, excuse me." He left the room, only thinking about the publicity he could get for telling the news. In the hallway, the principal ran into Shirley. "Late again Shirley, I'll speak with you in a moment."

Everyone still in the principals office just sat in awkward silence until the officer cleared his throat. "So um... what about the last one? Do you know recognize it?"

All three teens gasped at the photo for different reasons. Sam because saw that staff this morning, Dick because he suspected it was what King Tut was after, while Tucker knew that Hotep Ra kept saying he would need it to become 'the proper Pharaoh'. "That scepter was beside the portrait and the mirror."

"I see... I should head back to the museum and talk to the curator. My name's Fred Jones. Here's my card if you remember anything else." Officer Jones handed each of them a GCPD card with two different numbers. "The first one is the office number and the second calls the my personal work phone. You kids a have day." He gave a small nod before leaving.

"Should we wait until the principal comes back?" Dick looked out the open doorway and saw another student waiting outside. "Maybe we can tell her to tell the principal we went back to class."

"Do we really have to go back? Third period is almost over anyway. We all have the same lunch period,, why not find a place not a lot of people hang out and discuss what just happened because this was strange." Sam turned to the boys expectantly.

Tucker and Dick glanced at each other before nodding, the shorter male taking out his phone. "Can Artemis come too? She knows a lot about Egyptian artifacts."

"I don't see why not."

"Cool, I'll text her now. Where are we meeting?"

"How about the rooftop? It hasn't rained in a couple days and hardly anyone goes up there. Also we can eat our lunches up there as well."

"Sounds good, see you guys up there." Dick left the office and stopped to talk to Shirley. Once he was alone he called Artemis. "You know about Egyptian artifacts right?"

"A little bit why?"

"I told Sam and Tucker that you knew a lot about Egyptian artifacts so you would have a reason to come up to the roof with us."

"So if either of them see us talking on our own about this they won't get mad, smart. Send me the artifacts so I can actually know what I'm talking about."


Sam and Tucker were still in the principals office having a conversation of their own. "You agree that Dick wants Artemis there so we don't get suspicious about them talking about this entire thing, right?"

"It's very obvious, so are you coming to with me to the cafeteria?"

"Do they have actual vegan options or is it another vegetarian option they're trying to pass as vegan?"

"Do you have to ask?"

"Sam rolled her eyes. "Luckily I brought my own lunch. "I'll see you on the roof."

Ten minutes passed and everyone was hanging out and chatting on the roof. Sam glanced at her nonexistent watch and cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "We all mostly know why we're up on the roof. It's peaceful up here and you can eavesdrop on conversations at the teacher's smoke area." Sam paused and you could clearly hear the teen"s history teacher complaining about how scary a certain goth girl was. Said goth gave a small triumphant smirk and continued her impromptu speech. "Another more important reason we're all here is to discuss the missing museum artifacts."

Artemis used this moment to speak. "This might be unrelated but I saw the principal making that Shirley girl hang up pictures of Tucker and Pharoah Duulaman all over campus. She seemed really... excited? It was weird. Anyway Dick said a police officer questioned you guys. What happened?"

"Honestly I thought we'd been called to the office because of Sam."

"For the last time Tucker I've only had one protest this week and it wasn't even at school."

"Technically it started at school. You were trying to skip school to go to a protest about one of Gotham's parks getting turned into a strip mall. Tucker and I ended up skipping as well to try and stop you."

"We never got caught skipping, plus there's no reason for an officer to show up a week later. That was a mostly peaceful protest."

"Three people got tased, and one of them was an officer!"

"We're getting off topic. Artemis do you know anything about the missing sarcophagus from the museum?"

"Its not a lot. The owner of the tomb is Hotep Ra. He was King Duulaman's right hand and best friend until he betrayed him. How he died was unknown but I do know his spirit was sealed inside that sarcophagus. The only way for him to escape would've been by Duulaman's special mirror."

Tucker looked nervous all of a sudden. "You said his name was Hotep Ra?"

Artemis took a bite of her pizza. "Yeah, is something wrong Tucker? You look really pale."

Tucker stared at his food. It suddenly seemed more interesting than telling the truth, but the others would find out eventually. He took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the feeling that something bad would happen. "TUCKER!" The techno geek was startled out of his thoughts.

"We've been calling your name for five minutes. Are you okay?"

Tucker took another deep breath before answering. "I think the mirror at the museum was the same one used to seal away. I-" He was interrupted by everyone's phones going off. They were all confused by a breaking news alert.

"This is Summer Gleeson with a breaking news report. Several Egyptian artifacts were recently from the Gotham Museum. One of the stolen items happened to be a portrait of the late Pharoah Dulman- are you sure I'm pronouncing that correctly? Just make sure to edit this out. What do you mean this is live!" The news reporter cleared her throat. "The police think the artifacts were stolen by King Tut and his tutlings. In related news a local high-schooler named Tucker Foley looks exactly like the Pharoah Donnavon- okay Mark now you're just messing with me." The video after that.

Tucker groaned, "Great now everyone's gonna stare at me for the rest of the day."

"What were you saying before Tuck? It sounded important."

"Nevermind, forget I said anything. I'll see you guys later." Before anyone could stop him, Tucker was gone.

Sam glared at the gray sky before standing up. "I'm going to find out what he's hiding. Feel free to talk about hero work." She gave the other teens a smirk before leaving as well.

It was easy to find Tucker, he was inside the robotics lab tinkering with something. "I know about Hotep Ra. Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

Tucker couldn't bring himself to face his best friend. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he tell Sam what was going on? They always told each other everything! When did it get so hard to talk about things!? Finally turning to the goth, he was about to speak when he felt his chest suddenly tighten and any air in his lungs was suddenly gone.

"TUCKER!" As soon as the African American boy turned around, Sam knew something was wrong. Even if she couldn't see him, she knew Hotep Ra was here. Had he been around this entire time? Probably not since Tucker had been working on a ghost weapon. But when did he get here? That didn't matter now, a ghost was choking her friend.

"You should've listened when I told you to stay out of it girl. Now I have to do this the hard way." Not wasting any time, the mummy ghost faded into existence and used his bandages to wrap Tucker until only his eyes and nose showed. Now able to breath, the male teen immediately tried to yell.

Even though she didn't fully understand what Tucker was saying, Sam knew what he was trying to. She made a mad dash for the ghost weapon sitting on the desk.

Hotep Ra tried to grab the goth girl but she side rolled and ran towards the entrance. Luckily Tucker's backpack was there as well so Sam grabbed that as well. "GET BACK HERE WENCH!" The mummy ghost turned into a sand tornado, causing everything in the room to be thrown around, including Sam.

The force of the wind threw Sam across the room and into a filing cabinet, instantly knocking her out. When she finally awoke nothing made sense. The school alarms were going off, screams were heard over the alarms, worst of all Sam's whole body hurt and it felt like her head was underwater. It took a moment to realize, but there was someone standing over her.

Shirley was looking down at her and yelling across the room at two blobs Sam didn't recognize. Suddenly there was a hand in front of her face, Shirley was saying something but it was distorted. The schoolgirl rolled her eyes and told the two tutlings to grab the goth girl and the bag she was holding.

About ten minutes after Sam and Tucker left the roof, Dick and Artemis were going over what they had learned about the missing artifacts and what Sam had said before she left when the school's villain alarm started going off. "No doubt its King Tut, there's no way it isn't."

"Guess we should see how bad it is."

Soon Dick and Artemis were running through the halls trying to find either King Tut or Sam and Tucker. They hoped they would find the latter over the former first. Lady Luck was on their side because Artemis had stopped near a classroom door. "That's the robotics lab Tucker usually hangs out in." They heard a crash sound. "Someone's in there." They waited a moment to see who it was.

Not long Shirley and a couple of Tutlings exited the classroom carrying a half conscious Sam. "Tuck-"

"Shut it you Marilyn Manson wannabe." Sam stuck her tongue out before going limp.

"If they have Sam then where's Tucker?"

"I don't know but we should follow them."

The teens acted fast. Dick had slipped a tracking device onto both the techno geek and goth after they had found out about the missing artifacts. Something was interfering with Tucker's but Sam's seemed to be headed to the abandoned country club. Fifteen minutes of building hopping and the two vigilantes were looking for entryways. "Looks like we can get in through the roof. How long until Bats arrives to reprimand us for this impromptu mission?"

"Probably fifteen minutes, maybe less."

"Dibs on not giving the briefing to Batman!" Artemis touched her nose and smirked at Robin.

Robin groaned, he really didn't want to be the one to explain what was going on. "Cheater..."

Soon the two were sneaking inside the country club taking care to make sure they weren't spotted. It was very easy since it seemed the upper levels were being used for storage. After descending two flights, the two quickly hid behind some tarps as a couple voices could be heard approaching. Shirley walked by with Giza, complaining about how annoying Sam was. "Manson won't shut up about ghosts. I don't know what hit her but its made her very annoying."

"I'm sure we'll get some useful information soon. Just be happy you're not the one actually giving the interrogation."

"I guess you're right." The two continued on, unaware of the vigilantes listening to their conversation.

Once the coast was clear Artemis and Robin decided to split up to cover more ground. Artemis ended up in the room with all the stolen artifacts while Robin found an air vent in the room King Tut and Fuad Sphinx were attempting to interrogate a very concussed Sam. Bandages were wrapped around her head. She hardly paid attention to what was being said, instead she was looking around the room and struggling to stay awake, which seemed to be a difficult task. "I wonder what Cujo's doing outside the window..." Robin strained to look at the window Sam was looking out, and to the boy wonder's surprise the small green pup was actually out there. When Tut turned to look for himself Cujo disappeared. "Oh no he's gone..."


The goth girl let out a sinister giggle. "Even if I knew I wouldn't tell a weirdo like you. I clearly have a convulsion and instead of being taken to a um, a..." her head started to slump before she smacked herself... hard."

"You keep smacking yourself like that people are gonna think we hurt you ourselves."

"Just tryna stray awake... Don... wan... to... comma..." Sam's eyes had started closing fully and her body slumped onto the table. Robin decided now was a good time to make his presence known.

Robin kicked the rafter and quickly followed it to the floor. Standing up with a couple birdarangs, he smirked at thee shocked criminals. "Gentleman I believe you know kidnapping is illegal, but kidnapping someone who is clearly injured is even worse."

Fuad Sphinx immediately went to defend himself and his boss. "We haven't done anything to her! She did all this to herself!"

"You still kidnapped someone. That's another charge for your already extensive criminal records."

Fuad growled while charging at the thirteen year old. The fight didn't last long, of you could call it that. Robin quickly sidestepped the criminal and tripped him. He pulled out some GCPD approved Bat-cuffs (The Bird-cuffs were still a work in progress) and quickly cuffed the downed villain to a heavy armchair. The young vigilante turned his attention to King Tut only to see he was gone. He groaned in frustration. "Of course he's gone. Guess I'll check on Sam."

Sam was on the very edge of unconsciousness. It was probably her stubbornness that's gotten her this far. She just had to hold off until she knew Tucker would be rescued. Her body felt extremely heavy but she needed to move. "Wow you're more stubborn than Batman" It took some effort but Sam managed to raise her head long enough to see Robin smirking at her.

Rolling her eyes, Sam tried speaking. "I need... Tuck... Rrr... before..." The world was starting to grow darker. It was only a matter of seconds before she fully blacked out. "His bag..." Everything was completely numb, the concussion won. Hopefully she said something helpful.

"Did you get all of that Batman?" Batman dropped down form the high ceiling. "How long have you been here exactly?"

"Long enough."

"Did you run into Artemis?"

"I'm right here." Artemis was struggling to drag a completely limp King Tut into the room. "He ran into me trying to escape. Did you find out how to save Tucker?"

"I think so. Sam kinda mumbled something about a backpack. She seemed to think something in there could track him."

Batman silently searched the room as the teens double checked Tut was still unconscious and that Sam hadn't suffered any other injuries other than the concussion and slaps she'd given herself. There was a Gotham Academy bag stuffed in the corner of the room. Opening it revealed a bunch of tech. Unknown tech. Batman squinted at the bag, he's seen his fair share of advanced tech over the years, but nothing like this. The only thing each of these gadgets had were the eerie green glow that reminded him of Danny's eyes. In the distance police sirens could be heard. The dark knight muttered under his breath, "Finally." Turning to the only other conscious people in the room, he cleared his throat. "You two start searching through this to see what you're friend was talking about. I'll wait here to make sure Tut and his men are taken into custody. And Robin?" Said hero turned in the doorway, already suspecting what the older hero was about to say. "I expect a full report of this when we get back to the cave." Robin gulped and nodded before leaving the room.

Tucker had no idea where he was. His vision was a little hazy at the moment but it looked like either an antique store or the museum. But it didn't look like the museum he'd been to a couple weeks ago so maybe it was an antique store. Wherever he was, there was a heavy draft and a heavy leak that needed to be fixed. He tried moving before remembering Hotep Ra wrapped him like a mummy. Luckily Tucker only seemed to be wrapped tightly in the bandages and was just sitting against a wall. There wasn't enough room in the bindings to move his arms, but this was one of the rare moments he was as skinny as a toothpick. It took a moment but he managed to reach into his pocket and activate the tracker Dick had 'sneakily' slipped into his pocket. Tucker had immediately noticed the new piece of tech, and had made it to where it could be activated and deactivated remotely along with making the tracker ghost proof.

Once the tracker was activated, the techno geek took a better look at his surroundings. This place was definitely a museum, but it was different than the one he'd visited two weeks ago.

Hotep Ra phased through the ceiling and saw Tucker glaring at him. "Don't give me that look. Once you found out who I really was I knew you wouldn't come with me willingly." All he received was a muffled response. With a snap of his fingers the bandages wrapped around the boy's mouth moved apart. "What were you saying?"

"Those bandages smell and taste like BO," Tucker gagged dramatically," There's new technology called a shower. You should try it some time. Or better yet, you should try the washing machine." The bandages tightened as the mummy ghost scowled. "Pretty sure you need me alive for your plan to work." The only response was a grunt, but the bandages loosened slightly. "At the risk of you hating my charming personality as disrespect, but why did you trick me into thinking you were good? I mean you could have just kidnapped me as soon as you were free but instead you pretended to help me only for it to lead to this? Seriously why would you go through all that trouble? I'm not worth it."

There was a long awkward silence before Hotep Ra spoke. In all honesty, he hadn't thought about doing that at all. "If I had kidnapped you in the beginning you wouldn't have let your guard down and show me your many, many, many, mmmaaaaaaanny, weaknesses. For example you're weak enough that a small child could beat you up. In fact that very thing happened last week." The mummy ghost smirked at the expression on the African American teen's face.

"That little girl didn't beat me up! She just shoved me out of the way to get to the donut shop... and then I fell... that sounded better in my head."

"No it sounds worse. As I was saying, you don't have any physical strength or stamina. Instead of working hard to complete that training exercise you had me use my invisibility to make it seem like you barely passed so you're gloomy friend didn't have to help you train for a redo."

"Okay, okay I get it. So are you ever going to tell me your plan or are you going to keep insulting me."

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out on your own. You are the reincarnation of Pharoah Duulaman. Did you not notice you looked exactly like him. If you weren't his reincarnation I wouldn't have been freed."

Tucker was quiet for a moment. Everything made sense. He really should've realized it that morning in the principal's office.

"I've been trying to gain your trust so that you would accept the staff willingly and unlock its power but now you know everything. Time to try a new method." The bandages wrapped around Tucker's upper body moved so he looked similar to the mummy ghost. Unfortunately his legs were still bound so there was no moving around without some kind of help. Oh well, that's a problem for future Tucker.

Hotep Ra disappeared leaving the techno geek alone, trying to plan his escape. Help should be here soon, the tracker was still on. Hopefully Sam still had the new device he'd been working on. It was a mini portable storage unit that could shrink down some of the bigger ghost weapons, along with other stuff. He'd already filled it with some Fenton thermoses along with some ray guns and Fenton phones. Just when Tucker came up with a plan Hotep Ra came back holding a scepter. "So you did take the scepter!"

"Of course I did, my plan wouldn't work without it. Now for your part in all this." Tucker's body started moving of its own accord. He was dragged forward since his legs were still bound. One of his arms reached for the scepter. As soon as he touched it everything went dark.

Artemis and Robin were running across rooftops while talking about what all the gadgets in Tucker's bag could be. As soon as they had left Batman the tracker Robin planted had come to life. "Why is everywhere we go today on the complete opposite side of the part of Gotham we're in?"

"Hero's luck I guess, wish I had my motorcycle though. This is a great workout and all but I would rather not feel the burn at school tomorrow."


After another twenty minutes of rooftop running, grappling guns/ arrows, and parkour done by Robin. The two vigilantes found themselves on the roof of one of Gotham's older museums. It had been closed for the past month for repairs. It didn't look like much had gotten done. "There's so many holes up here that anything kept directly below is most likely ruined beyond recognition."

"At least there's plenty of entryways."

"A bunch of unstable ones." The two whirled around, weapons drawn. Behind them was a man taller than Batman. He wore a red and black skirt with matching cuffs and armor. His most noticeable feature was his entire body was wrapped in gauze, some of it covering his left eye. "If you're here to stop me you're too late." He smirked before yelling. "HUJOUM!" The two turned around again only to dodge a heavy swing of a spear.

The newcomer dressed similar to the larger man. The bandages around his face moved to reveal an African American teen male with glowing red eyes. "Leave now or regret crossing the Pharaoh Duulaman."

Artemis grabbed one of her arrows and took aim. "Sorry Tucker but we can't do that."

Tucker growled but before he could say anything Hotep Ra spoke. "Unleash the power within the scarab! Make the fleshbags pay for their insolence!"

Tucker nodded and smirked at the other teens. "Agreed, lets!"

The light breeze that had started when Hotep Ra arrived steadily picked up. The wind started forcefully pushing the heroes closer to one of the larger holes in the roof. "We can't forget about the dark knight lurking in the distance." Everyone turned to see Batman fighting the force of wind carrying him to the others.

Robin was shocked at the fact Tucker knew Batman was there. The older man had already been hiding on the other building when he and Artemis got to the museum. There wasn't anymore time to think as they were all shoved into different openings in the roof. Robin was dropped into a room with lots of water damage. "Someone really should've moved these artifacts."

Artemis wound up falling into a janitor's closet. "It smells like mold in here."

Batman found himself several floors down, the water damage causing the wooden floors to rot and give way to the sudden force they were hit with. His entire surroundings started to change until the entire world around him looked like ancient Egypt. His eyes narrowed at the clear skies and blazing sun.

A loud roar was heard from somewhere nearby and Tucker was no longer wrapped in bandages, a nemes adorned his head and a postiche on his chin. What was really amazing was the giant sphinx with the teens face on it. The sphinx charged a small green figure that was barely dodging the attacks.

Robin wasn't entirely sure what was going on today. The day started off mostly boring with only a small bit of stress from wanting to solve this case before Bats decided to take over. Now he knew almost everything, he just needed to question King Tut and the museum curator, and FIND A WAY OFF A FRIGGIN PYRAMID!? Robin had know idea how he ended up up here but it was up to scratch. (It's a real saying look it up) He did take an awesome selfie before starting the climb down.

Artemis felt like crap. The day started off great until she'd gotten to school, that's when it all went downhill. Her skirt got caught in some kid's locker and ripped, and then getting dress coded for it. The jocks in her science class decided to mess around and made a bunch of elephant paste that flooded the classroom and then all of this Egyptian themed madness happened and now the female archer was being chased by a giant Sphinx monster.

Hotep Ra was happy that his plan was finally put into motion. All of that time wasted on trying to get that brat to trust him when he could've just handed him the scepter. He watched as the boy chased one of the fleshbags with a sphinx, it was very impressive but now was the time to act or he was freed for nothing. Flying invisibly he waited a moment to make sure nothing would go wrong and grabbed the scepter from Tucker's outstretched hand. Once Hotep Ra had the scepter, he became visible. The Sphinx stopped and the techno geek fell to one knee. "Ugh my head, what's going on?"

"What's going on is I'm finally in control! You've been dethroned boy!" The mummy ghost gave a command to the sphinx and it tried shaking the teen off it's head.

Tucker tried his hardest not to be thrown off but his grip slowly loosened until he was forced to let go. Just as he thought he'd have a very painful fall, something caught him and he was launched back into the back of the Sphinx. Opening his eyes, Tucker saw black boots covered in sand. Looking up he saw the stern glare of Batman staring down at him. "Can you stand?"

"I think so... what's going on?"

"You tell me?"

Tucker tried avoiding the piercing gaze being thrown his way. It made him want to blurt out of his secrets. "Everything's kind of a blur. That floating mummy over there is a ghost that I accidentally freed at a museum field trip, he threw my friend into a bunch of lockers and then kidnapped me in order to make me unlock the power of creation locked in Duulaman's scepter." Batman just nodded.

Robin was finally on the sandy ground. Looking around he saw everyone was farther away fighting a giant... Sphinx! How did he get stuck on top of a pyramid while there was something that cool just running around! This was so unfair! He started running towards the others.

Artemis was running out of arrows. The Sphinx left her alone for now and was more focused on the people on its back. She noticed the floating mummy was just laughing at the whole thing. He had said something about dethroning the other pharaoh. Tucker was most likely the other pharaoh but there were three ways to become a ruler: be born into royalty, be married into it, or trial by combat and the archer highly doubted this guy did any of those, especially the last one. Luckily Artemis still had a grappling arrow left. She shot it and propelled herself onto its back. Once up there she saw Batman and Tucker trying to make their way to the Sphinx's head. "What are you guys doing? Also where's Robin?"

Batman had to stop Tucker from almost falling off the stone cat when he lost his footing. "That scepter is just a regular artifact now. All the power that was locked inside of it is inside me, I think. I just know its not there anymore."

Robin finally made it to the Sphinx. Wasting no time he took out his grapple gun and swung up to its back. "How come I got stuck on top of a pyramid while you guys get to ride a literal Egyptian monument!?"

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "You were on top of a pyramid?"

"Why do you think it took me so long to get here?"

"Focus. Both of you." The two teens instantly stopped their bickering. The Dark Knight turned to the only non teen vigilante. "Try calming the Sphinx now."

"Okay um... stop running?" He was surprised when the cat hybrid actually stopped. "Sit?" Everyone had to hold on for dear life as they almost slid off its back. "Lie down!" Tucker sighed a breath of relief as the living monument still listened to him.

Hotep Ra turned confusedly when the roaring stopped. "Hmmm? I should be in control! I'm holding the scepter!"

"Except it doesn't belong to you! That belonged to Pharaoh Duulaman and now it belongs in a museum!" Tucker didn't notice his eyes had started glowing red. The sky was darkening and dry lightning hit the pyramid Robin had been on. "Hotep Ra... in life we were friends until you betrayed me by trying to obtain a power that was not yours. Now even in death you betray my reincarnation! For this you shall pay!"

Sensing what was about to happen Batman yelled at the teens to get off the Sphinx. They got off just it stood back up and growled at the mummy ghost and charged at him. Tucker summoned the scepter back to himself and opened a swirling green portal. The living monument chased him into the portal. Once they were both through it closed. Tucker's eyes stopped glowing as the sandy desert and bright sky was slowly replaced with the insides of a water damaged museum. The techno geek looked around as his vision slowly went dark. "Wow this place is a mess..."

Tucker once again awoke to the sounds of a heart monitor somewhere nearby. It steadily got faster as he started panicking. "Why do I keep waking up in the hospital!" His panic stopped momentarily when a pillow was thrown onto his bed. Looking over to the other side of the room, Tucker finally noticed the only other occupant in the room. "Sam!?"

"Dang it I missed. I was aiming for your giant head. You woke me up with all the yelling."

"What happened to you?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Vlad burst into the room with a nurse tailing him. "Sir they haven't been checked out by the doctor yet. You can't be in here."

"I've told you several times I don't care. I'm these kids legal guardian and I should be there when they wake up!"

Sam attempted to sit up but her body hurt too much. "Sup Vlad, you look more scared than Tucker right now."

Vlad turned towards his wards. "I have every right to be! Your school was attacked and the teacher's called to say you were unaccounted for, then you end up in the hospital and I just found out Jasmine has been missing all day!"

The two teens yelled in unison. "JAZZ IS MISSING!"

A/N: This story arc is finally finished! Sorry for not updating for a while, I had writer's block with this chapter. I did however come up with a new story called Phantom Nightmares that will only be updated every couple chapters. Please comment your opinions, I have no idea if I'm doing well with my story.

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