Total Drama Island x Reader

By DInYoMomma

10.4K 150 136

[Name] is just like all of the other teenagers, thinking she signed up for a beautiful resort and getting stu... More

Total Drama Island!
The Not So Great Outdoors: Pt. 1
The Not So Great Outdoors: pt. 2
The Big Sleep
Dodge Brawl
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up The Creek
If You Can't Take The Heat

Paintball Deer Hunter

532 11 14
By DInYoMomma

We wake up to the noise of a helicopter flying over us, I watch Leshawna hit her head on the top bunk just like before. 

"Ooh! Okay. That dude is really starting to get on my last nerve." She complains, rubbing her head. 

"Oh, whatever. He just loves ruining our mornings. Beth, Lindsay, go warm up the shower for me." Heather orders and I raise a brow. She seems to catch it so she stammers for a second. 

"Now!... Please." She rolls her eyes and I smile. "And remember-" 

"Not too hot this time, I know." Beth yawns, still wearing her headgear. 

 I sigh, shaking my head.

Now we're all in front of the bathroom, waiting for the door to open so we can all use it. "What's the hold-up?" Bridgette asks. 

"Heather needs her private time." Lindsay answers in a simple tone. 

"How long is Quennie gonna take in there? I got urgent business." Leshawna impatiently speaks up, holding herself. "She could still be a while." Beth sighs. 

"Ugh, that's it I'm going lumberjack style." Gwen groans, walking away and then the loud speaker squeaks before Chris starts talking. 

"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast is in three minutes at the campfire pit." Chris tells us then Beth knocks. "Um, Heather?"

"Can one of you guys come in here and lotion my back? It's peeling." Heather responds and we all quickly rush away from the communal bathroom, Leshawna and I gripping each other's hands since we have to go to the bathroom so badly.

"Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?" Chris pumps up. "We are ready!" Owen of course hypes it up as usual.

 "Incoming!" The host throws a can of beans that go to hit Gwen but Trent catches it in time. Chris then hands the other ones out normally.

"This is breakfast." He tells us.

"No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even chef's crappy burnt eggs." Heather interjects angrily and I stare down at my can.

"Beans, beans, they're good for your heart. The more you eat the more you-" Before the big guy can finish his song, Chris knocks him out with one of the cans of beans.

"Today's challenge is about survival. We're going hunting." He lifts a paintball gun and I could feel Duncan's excitement radiating off of him from where I was standing. 

"Now that's more like it." The boy I was just talking about smiles softly. "Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold points at the green gun. "Why yes Harold, it is." The host points it at the auburn haired boy's stomach with a grin, then shoots it.

"So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette questions. 


She smiles at his response. 

"This is the first ever paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So finish breaky." As soon as Chris finishes his sentence Owen burps loudly, we look over to see he had finished twenty cans of beans. He sighs contently. "Got anymore?"

A thing of guns now sits in front of us, we stand in the front of the woods. Also accompanied with the guns and a box in front of them is Chris with a shit-eating grin laid upon his face.

"And now for the team breakdowns. The Killer Bass hunters are: Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette, locked and loaded with Bass blue paint." He throws green guns to the three. 

"And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters, Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay." Throwing them red guns.

"Waa-hoo! This is awesome, man." Owen cheers. "You also get these stylin' glasses and wicked camo caps. The rest of you are now deer." He points at us and we all just stare at him. 

"Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails." He chuckles, turning around to shake his hips showing off the tail. I go up and grab my stuff even though I know he's going to throw it I would rather just get it on now.

"Yeah, right. I'm not wearing that." Heather folds her arms. "There's no way I'm a deer." Duncan adds on to the complaining but Chris throws the costume on him anyways to his distaste. I snicker, wiggling my own hips as I look back to the tail.

We go into the woods after everyone puts their stuff on. I walk in front of my group happily. "Why are you so giddy?" Heather questions. "I love hide and seek, this is just different." I smile.

"Right, this may be the lamest thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen sighs out. "Oh, come on, it could be fun." Cody tries to be enthusiastic but the others stare him down so I stand up for him. "I mean he's right, there's no point to be such downers." I place my hands on my hips, but they don't move an inch so I sigh. "We'll see you later, Debbie downers." I wave them goodbye taking Cody by the arm with me.

"I was so psyched to be a deer. I'm small but quick. Lot's of practice from dodging spitballs in math class." Cody smiles but now he's in a wheelchair covered in bandages.

"Why'd you come with me?" Cody suddenly speaks up after we've been walking in silence for a few moments. "Don't think too much into it, love." I nudge him, starting to mess with the trees around me, jumping up to grab onto the leaves up high. 

"That's kinda hard to do." He mumbles, I then halt my movements, standing in front of him. "Here, Cody." I start with a sigh. 

"You obviously still like me right?" I ask in a hypothetical way, of course he nods vigorously. "If you don't flirt with me at all. I'll kiss you after the challenge. Win or lose." I cross my arms. Looking at him dead in the eyes. His eyes go wide as his face turns a bright red. 

"Only. If you don't flirt with me in any kind of way." I repeat myself to make sure I'm clear. He nods, now he's not letting out a peep.

"Start your paintballs! Game on!" Chris yells over the P.A. We make our way through the woods calmly, not seeing anybody so far. 

"I didn't know you were friends with Heather?" Cody finally says something.

 "I guess." I shrug, looking down at my light pink painted nails that Heather did last night.

He went quiet again then spoke up. "I'm gonna go on my own if that's okay?" He turns to me and I nod. "Yeah, I'll catch you later." I smile, both of us go our separate ways.

As I'm going down a path I spot Geoff coming towards my way so I rush behind a bush. I watched him start walking by, he was whistling, not really paying attention to anything around him. But of course I lose my balance as I lean forward and end up tripping from behind the bush falling onto Geoff who balances us out. I chuckle nervously as I look up at him. 

"Awe, you look so cute, dude!" He tells me and I raise a brow, letting go of him. "Um, thanks. But aren't you, y'know... gonna shoot me?" I glance around to see nobody else nearby. "Oh, right." He points the gun at me and I wince, waiting for the pain but it never comes. "I can't do it." He huffs. 

"You're just too adorable, like a real deer!" He exclaims, rubbing his face in a frustrated way. As he deals with that problem I take it as a chance to make a run for it. Running off a path and deeper into the woods. As I keep going I squint my eyes to see Heather sitting on a tree stump.

Carefully I maneuver over to her, then sneak up behind and poke her sides. 

"Boo!" I laugh as she jumps, hitting my arm. 

"Don't do that." She glares at me. "Ah, but it's so much fun." I chuckle, forcing her to scoot over so I can sit next to her. "What are you doing?" She quizzes me.

"Being friends, duh." I smile sweetly, kind of sarcastically too. "Would you want me to be on your lap instead?" I tease her, she scoffs, looking away from me.

We sit practically in silence until we spot Cody and Beth walking this way. She puts her hands on her hips. "What took you so long?" Heather questions in an irritated tone. 

"Here, I hope you know what I had to go through to get those." Beth says, handing a chip bag to Heather who snatches it from her. 

"There's like 11 chips left." She shakes the bag then sniffs it. "And they're barbeque." Heather scrunches her face in disgust, sticking her arm out from her body. "Go exchange them for dill pickle." She drops the bag on the ground, it looks like Beth goes to grab it but instead she stops herself, putting her foot down.


"What did you just say?" Heather looks shocked. I watch nervously but also proud of Beth. 

"I'm just gonna... Yeah." Cody reaches down and grabs the bag of chips then scurries off into the woods.

"Take it back." Heather demands. Beth takes a deep breath, 

"No." She repeats the same word as before. 

"Take. It. Back." Heather angrily says. 

"No, I'm tired of being your slave." Beth stands up for herself, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a challenge to complete." Beth storms off then orange splats onto Heather's arm next to me. "Ouch!" She whines.

"Whoever you are, this is so not cool!" I get up immediately as another shot gets her. I notice Bridgette and Harold high five and they might not be as caring as Geoff so I book it.

As I have to go on my own once again, I spot Gwen and Trent talking together. I furrow my eyes, hiding behind a tree to eavesdrop. Of course I shouldn't but I'm nosy and why not?

"So, do you still have that thing for [Name]?" Trent asks, I scrunch my nose, not expecting to hear my name so quickly into listening in. "Mm, I think I'm getting over it, she won't talk to me now after avoiding her. Which I get... I guess. So I don't see anything happening anyways." Gwen sighs. 

"Well you were hurting. Of course you weren't going to talk to her for a little bit." He feeds into her delusions about it being okay to avoid somebody who didn't even do anything wrong.

"Yeah, you're right. Y'know I think you're really helping me get over her." Gwen smiles at him and I gag silently then I just continue on my way to a different area.

"Attention human wildlife and hunters. Please report back to camp. It's time to show your hides and tally up the score." Chris's voice is heard over the woods.

We all slowly find each other, heading out of the forest. I see Leshawna, Beth, and Heather covered in paint as Lindsay walks besides them, seemingly not having a trace of paint on her.

They're covered in orange and blue.

"What happened?" I snort but Heather puts her hand up and then slaps it over my mouth. "Don't ask." She then storms away. I snicker, but follow right behind her.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Stealing from the chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by bears. Do you know what I see here?" Chris paces back and forth. I sadly stare at Cody's injuries. "I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint products. And I have to say... that was awesome!" Chris goes from looking disappointed and angry to now grinning ear to ear.

"When you guys opened fire on your own team, wicked t.v. guys." He complimented me. 

"Hey where are Duncan and Courtney?" Harold speaks up, then the two come up walking together, their antlers connected to each other. "Oh this is too much." Gwen taunts. Owen laughs as well. "You know you guys can take off the antlers now." I giggle behind my hand. "Duncan you sly dog, you." Owen comments.

"The girl can't keep her antlers off me," Duncan jokes but it backfires on him as Courtney kicks him in the crotch. 

"Can't even bend over." He cries out, one tear sliding down his cheek.

"Easy Courtney, our medical tents are really only equipped for one at a time. And Cody's pretty messed up." Chris tells the girl as his arm rests on Cody's wrapped head.

Then Bridgette and Geoff help the oh-so happy looking couple. Duncan now holding himself on the ground. 

"Well, since three of the Gophers are dripping in paint-" Lindsay turns around to show her blue backside, cutting off the host. "Make that four members and some of them aren't even deer. I think we have our winner." He turns to the killer Bass. "You're off to a hunting-camp shindig." He then looks at us. "Gophers. I'll see you at the campfire ceremony. Again." He says plainly.

I head over to Cody, bending down to his level. 

"Are you okay?" I question him and he laughs in pain. "No, not at all." His voice is muffled but I can make it out, he grunts though cause he moved the wrong way. "We should've stayed together." I told him.

"So we both could get mauled?" He jokes... kind of. I shake my head laughing. "We probably would've never bumped into Beth and got those chips." I say.

I ended up sticking with him until the campfire ceremony and even then I was still with him, his wheelchair in front of my tree stump, I kept him in place.

"I mean seriously, twice in a row? What is wrong with you people?" Heather goes off on us. I roll my eyes. "I can't wait to see Beth get kicked off. I just wish I could vote off two campers at once." Heather says, and Leshawna just gives her an amused look.

"Okay, I know I got mauled by a bear but I'm feeling good about this. I'm a quick healer. And besides Heather's as mean as a snake dude. Her own team shot her 18 times. They'll never kick me off." cody smiles, confident that he's right about what he's saying

"Who do I vote for? Well, Heathers have been a pain in my butt since day one. But I got to say, Cody." Leshawna sadly says.

"Yeah, that Cody. Not so useful in challenges anymore." Owen shrugs.

"I totally admire Belle for standing up to Heather, but she's so dead now." Lindsay holds her face.

"I don't want to do this but Cody... Only because he needs to heal at home. He won't be able to do that here." [Name] frowns.

"There are only eight marshmallows on this plate when I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper-" 

"Who doesn't receive the marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and leave. Can't we just get this over with?" Gwen cuts him off, speaking faster than he did. In response Chris looks unhappy. 

"Fine, whatever. Spoil the moment. Trent, Lindsay, Owen, Gwen, Leshawna, [Name], Beth." We all take our squishy fluff. "Campers this is the final marshmallow tonight." It's now between Heather and Cody. 


She gets up and snatches her marshmallow from the host's hands. "You are all lucky. Okay? Very lucky." She glares at us all.

"Cody, the dock of shame awaits, bro." The boy stares at the host, not being able to move. "I guess we can help you get there."

"I got it." I stand up, starting to push the wheelchair just as Beth tried to get up to offer. 

"Bye Cody." Gwen says, everyone sadly joins in and waves him goodbye. 

"See ya, buddy." Leshawna grins. 

"Take care, dude." Owen says.

We get to the dock and going down further. "I'm so sorry Cody about what happened. I'm gonna be honest. I voted for you." We come to a stop and I get in front of him. His eyes widened.

 "Before you get upset, I just want you to know I did it because I want you to heal properly, you're not going to do that here." I tell him, wanting to comfort him but he's covered in injuries, literally head to toe.

"Can I uncover your mouth?" I tilt my head, he hums a muffled "mhm." I gently do so, surprisingly his mouth is not scathed in any way.

"Remember what I said in the woods?" I smiled softly, he looked confused for a second then his eyes brightened. 

"Really? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"I keep to my word Cody, just shut up." I laugh, leaning down and placing a soft peck on his lips then standing up straight. The boat shows up and I turn to it then back at him. "Here's your ride." I clasp my hands together. 

"Thank you, [Name]. Even though I know you don't like me back." He weakly smiles.

"It's no problem, I hope you heal perfectly. Now you can say you kissed a rich girl when I win the money." I wink, helping him onto the boat and I hear him chuckle only before he winces in pain.

The boat leaves and I wave him off.

I take a deep breath then walk back to my cabin. 

Okay so, obviously in the poll Heather won, I deleted that last thing as well. This is now officially a Heather x Reader story. And I plan by tomorrow that I will have an X Cody story up, it will be you in World Tour!

Thank you everyone for reading so far! I really enjoy how it's going. I have a few things planned that people might be upset about but it will be great to me; )

Mwah Mwah! 

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